Daily, Weekly and Monthly Prophetic Words released by Doug Addison.

Ready or Not Here It Comes

I hear the train a comin’ While in Calgary, Alberta, Canada last week I began to hear what sounded like a stampede approaching in the spirit. Calgary is best known for the “Calgary Stampede” celebration. As I listened more closely I realized that it was the rumble of a train barreling towards us. God spoke to me that He is moving quickly and “ready or not here it comes.” As I was praying about it I immediately received a text message from one of my intercessors who did not know what I had just experienced. She was seeing a light coming through a window at me and told me that it was important to press in right and respond quickly to the plans that God has spoken to me. That was a major confirmation of what God is speaking to all of us right now. Don’t get distracted One of the major ways that God speaks to me is through things that happen in my life. These events are often…

O Canada Something New is Coming

I just returned home from ministry outside Toronto, Canada and I felt the need to update a prophetic word I received last year for Canada. Something is happening there for sure! O Canada! With glowing hearts we see thee rise, the True North strong and free! Your intercession has not gone unnoticed. God visited you in May 2009 with a major shift that started a new unity and reconciliation with First Nations people that is changing the spiritual atmosphere. God is giving prophets in Canada strategies that will unlock blessings and start revival. Business people and government officials will begin to come to Jesus in an increasing measure. Intercession has and will continue to play a big role in this shift. God said that He is raising many people in Canada from the dead (spiritually) who have lost their vision and some who have lost their ministries. New fire, hope, and direction is coming as God said, “I WILL do this for them!” Ministers, leaders, musicians, artists, intercessors, and businesspeople are about to rise to a new…

Get Ready for Things to Fall into Place

Get Ready for Things to Fall into Place Doug Addison October 27, 2010 Last January I released my 2010 prophetic forecast about it being a year of radical change. “Resign, reassign, and realign,” was how I heard it from God. This has been a year of shifting and changing. Another part of what I received was that when we set the clocks forward (Daylight Savings Time) in the US, things will begin to “spring forward” in the spiritual realm. And when we set the clocks back in the fall, things will begin to “fall into place.” Fall into place We got a lot of positive feedback about the “spring forward” word. In my life and ministry we saw things dramatically increase just after March. We are approaching the time change on November 7th and I am totally expecting that the rest of this prophetic word will be accurate for me and many others. We have been in a time of transition where the old ways of doing things are not…

A New Time of Revelation and the Return of Deep Intimacy

A New Time of Revelation and the Return of Deep Intimacy Doug Addison September 1, 2010 God often uses things in the natural realm to prophesy what is happening in the supernatural. Earlier this year, the Sudden Acceleration Syndrome of cars and the Deep Water Horizon oil spill were good examples of prophetic words to us that God is speeding things up and releasing something very deep in the Spirit that will take time to get a handle on. Fall into place Last January I released a prophetic word that when we set the clocks forward in the spring things will begin to “spring forward” in the spiritual realm. When we set the clocks back in the fall we will see things begin to “fall into place.” I experienced the spring forward word myself and I have heard many stories from other people who have experienced the same. We can anticipate that when we set the clocks back in the US on November 7th, there will be a lot more…

Prophetically Interpreting Body Art

Interpreting body art prophetically Doug Addison July 10, 2012   Nearly ten years ago I was one of the forerunners for Prophetic Evangelism. I went all around the world training people to use dream interpretation and prophecy as a means of sharing God’s love. This style has now caught on and people everywhere are finding fun and creative ways to speak personal prophetic words of encouragement to people who need direction for their lives.   I am “forerunning” once again! Helping people find their destiny and life purpose is one of the most helpful and powerful things we can do for them. Over the next 5–10 years destiny-based evangelism will become more and more prevalent. It encompasses all aspects of what a person needs to move forward. This includes, but is not limited to healing, dream interpretation, prophecy, spirit-filled life coaching, and explaining the supernatural in practical ways.     Tattoos and more An example of this is that over the past few years I have been having success with…

Prophetic Sign: Deepwater Horizon

The oil spill in the Gulf and Sudden Acceleration are both prophetic signs that God is doing something new!

Day of Pentecost: New Release from Heaven

Day of Pentecost: New Release from Heaven Doug Addison The night before Jesus was arrested, He celebrated a Passover meal with His disciples in the legendary “Last Supper.” Fifty days later, God initiated a major turning point in the story of His people with the birth of the Christian Church that occurred on the Jewish festival of Pentecost. God spoke to me that this year will be a significant time for the Church on the Day of Pentecost and the weeks to follow. It may not have the impact that the original day of Pentecost did in Acts 2, but there is definitely a significant change coming and a release of new power and creative anointing from Heaven. He also revealed deeper insight into the power of “Passover” and “Pentecost” that is still available to us today. The power of a “Spiritual Passover” Passover is a Jewish festival that reminds us of God’s greatness when He gave instructions to the Israelites in Egypt that would cause the spirit of death…

Prophetic Insight: Sudden Acceleration

Sudden Acceleration Doug Addison While watching the news last night, Isaw a story about an unexplainable phenomenon called “Sudden Acceleration” that has even scientists baffled. Because cars today are highly technical and omputerized, they are not able to explain why Toyotas and other cars are experiencing this “Sudden Acceleration.” They have actually gotten NASA and other rocket scientists involved as they study the problem. If this were a dream what would it mean? Sudden Acceleration is a symbolic representation of what is happening in the spiritual realm right now. Quite often things that happen in the natural realm are symbolic of what God is doing in the supernatural. In dream symbolism cars often represent aspects of our life such as our jobs, spiritual gifts, ministries, etc. We are in a season right now of what I called in my previous articles "Spring Forward.” God is accelerating our destinies and we are about to see things begin to happen at a much greater pace. My sudden acceleration last weekend For years God…

Four Prophetic Words Being Fulfilled Right Now!

Four Prophetic Words Being Fulfilled Right Now! Doug Addison I want to give an update on four prophetic words that I released over the past few months as we are seeing them begin to unfold. Last year I prophesied that God had brought us all into a wilderness time beginning in 2006. I also saw that in the spring of 2010 something new was going to be released that would begin to catapult people into a new season. I saw a great realignment of people within the Kingdom of God and an attack coming in the area of identity theft. Here are the original words and my thoughts regarding them: The Wilderness started in 2006 Several years ago God spoke to me and others about something new from Heaven that was going to be released on the earth in 2005. I was telling people everywhere I went and was helping to prepare for a revival that we knew was and is still to come. Then 2005 came and went with…

Prophetic Word: Spring Forward in the Spirit

Spring Forward in the Spirit Doug Addison Last January I released the prophetic insight God has spoken to me about 2010. The main thrust of it was about divine connections coming for those who are seeking God for their destinies. I heard the words resign, realign and reassign. I have been getting reports back from people about the big shift that is already starting to happen. It is beginning in my own life and ministry as my personal assistant is leaving this month. The best way to deal with it is to not fight it and let it happen. Another major part of what God showed me for 2010 was a shift that would occur at the time we set the clocks forward which, in the US, is Sunday, March 14. Here is what God showed me: Spring Forward and Fall into Place New beginnings will start happening in the spring of 2010. When we set the clocks forward this year, it will be a prophetic act in which we…

2010 Divine Connections: Resign, Realign and Reassign

Sometimes God can speak to us but we may forget what He has said. Later on, we experience what He revealed to us previously and then it starts to make sense. This happens to me all the time. That is why I use a computer journal to record my spiritual experiences, dreams, and prophetic words in detail. Last month I released the Prophetic Insight I received from God for 2010. In it, I talk about a huge realignment coming this year that will result in many people changing jobs, churches, and affiliations. I have received a lot of feedback about this portion of that prophetic word: Year of Divine Connections: Resign, Realign and Reassign It is a time of divine realignment that will result in many reassignments. A big shift will occur this year with many people changing jobs, moving, and changing churches or affiliations. Not everyone will do this, but there will be a large number of people shifting positions. God is strategically aligning people to maximize their Kingdom…

Prophetic Insights for 2010 from Doug Addison

Prophetic Insights for 2010 - A Year of Radical Change! Doug Addison Examine our Motives We are emerging from a time of transition in which the old ways of doing things have not been as effective as they once were, while the new things have not yet been totally revealed. This is evident in the U.S. economy with the collapse of the banking system, housing markets, and the auto industry, to name a few. People may blame the government or industry leaders, but the bottom line is that our economic collapse was driven by a spirit of pride and greed. We will need to examine our lives to be sure that we are not being influenced by these spirits as we move into the New Year. This is vital, because pride can cause us to speak against others and to be blind to our own faults. Matthew 7:1–2 (NIV) Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged,…


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