Daily, Weekly and Monthly Prophetic Words released by Doug Addison.

O Canada! Prophetic Word for Canada

O Canada! Prophetic Word for Canada By Doug Addison On April 17–18 while ministering in Victoria, Canada, God spoke to me about something new coming to Canada. The day before I left for this trip, I was praying and the presence of God was intense. I had an experience in which God spoke several things to me over a three day period. O Canada! With glowing hearts we see thee rise, the True North strong and free! Your intercession has not gone unnoticed. God is preparing a special visitation on May 20, 2009 in Toronto. This will be the start of a major shift in Canada that will change the spiritual atmosphere. God will begin to give prophets in Canada strategies that will unlock blessing and start revival. Businessmen and women and government officials will begin to come to Jesus in an increasing measure. Intercession has played a big role in this shift. God said that He is raising many people in Canada from the dead (spiritually) who have lost…

A Plan of Darkness to Bring Financial Ruin

On January 15, 2007 I had an encounter with God while living in Moravian Falls, North Carolina. I was gathering firewood in my backyard when a strong wind began to blow from the south. At first it sounded sweet and seductive, but as it increased in intensity it became deafening. In this spiritual experience the Holy Spirit allowed me to witness a plan of Satan designed to derail Christians in the area of finances. When the wind stopped I stood shaken from the experience. Then another wind began to blow but this time it was the Holy Spirit speaking to me the meaning of what had just happened. I immediately ran to my office and wrote down what I heard. The False Wind The Holy Spirit showed me that in 2005 a deceptive spirit from darkness disguised as an “angel of light” was released like a wind that blew throughout the world, particularly in the USA. The plan of the enemy was to deceive Christians into listening to this deceptive…

Sleepiness During the Day Could be God Trying to Speak to You!

Sleepiness During the Day Could be God Trying to Speak to You! By Doug Addison I recently read Acts 10:10 and I noticed that Peter fell asleep during prayer and went into a trance and received revelation from God. Last week when I was speaking at a conference in South Africa the presence of angels came in the room and the crowd all got real sleepy. I am not really one to take naps during the day. A few years ago I was at a conference sitting on the front row and suddenly a wave of sleepiness hit me hard. I leaned my head back and drifted for just a few moments, and it lifted. I looked over at my friend sitting next to me and the same thing had happened to him. We concluded that when a woman sat down next to us who had been personally mentored by and ministered for years with Corrie ten Boom, (a minister who survived the Holocaust), the presence of God and ministering…

Accelerating into radical juice changing open heaven portals of anointed angelic experiences

We just did our first FULLY LIVE Accelerating Into Your Life's Purpose weekend in Moravian Falls. A small intimate group of 40 people came together for 2.5 days and great things happened. Everyone was so juiced for life and made plans to for radical changes. Including a 90 year old woman! ?It is never too late to change?, she said. Okay, speaking of change and juice, we are moving in our new office this week in Wilkesboro. After researching what would be required for us to do the Juice Bar and expand our offices we decided that the Juice is on the back burner for now. It would be too much to do all at once. However we are looking at teaming up with an internet training company and expand our online training capabilities. I am convinced this is the wave of the future. (more…)


  • August 2023

    Note: Doug will not be doing Daily Prophetic Words until further notice. We thank you for your understanding.

You can read the Daily Prophetic Word Archive on the Doug Addison App.

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