Prophetic Word for the U.S. (and Us) on the New President

Diversity People Huddle Teamwork Union Concept

I want to help bring a balance to the feelings and questions many people have had about the Presidential elections that took place in the U.S. this week. God is not surprised or displeased with the outcome of the elections.

God is still the God of all, still in charge and He has a plan that is going to unfold that will open some of the greatest revivals we have ever seen.

As I share this it is important to understand that God still gives you freedom to vote for whomever you wish. If you voted differently or felt you heard the Lord say that someone else would be President, it does not mean you are wrong.

Trump or Clinton?

Over the past year, I have been part of and overheard many counsel meetings in Heaven about the next President. For the first time in my prophetic experiences, I heard the name of the next President change on several occasions, as it was contingent on their character.

Last year I heard that Donald Trump was being called to be President, but pride was blinding his heart. In August, some other prophets and I heard that the presidency had fallen on Clinton because of Trump’s pride.

It is important to understand that God always has a plan to use anyone who takes this office. He showed me the plan for using the Clintons had Hillary been elected. Unknown to many people, during the two terms of President Bill Clinton, he sought prophetic counsel from prophets like Paul Cain. President Clinton also met every month for spiritual advice and prayer with Pastor Bill Hybels. Had Hillary Clinton been elected, God had a plan to use them to hear His voice.

During the past year, God gave me the assignment of praying for and prophesying over the Clintons and I received prophetic words and dreams for them. I am sharing this with you so you might understand why some people hear God differently than others, because we might have different assignments from the Lord.

Election Day

On November 8, the morning of the elections, I was visited by a strong presence of the Lord at 5:00 AM and I received these prophetic words. I heard …

Prophetic word for U.S.

”O America, I still love you and see your zeal for Me. Satan has asked to sift you like wheat and the enemy has been waging war against you. But a remnant is going to arise to possess the land. Your sons and daughters are going to awaken from a sleep and rise up like a mighty army. They will be like David’s mighty men (and women). Yes, women! I am moving on women in this hour. I Am going to do this and it will bring about great changes that are needed for this time.

There is a shifting of power and the worldly political religious spirit is falling. From this will rise a fresh new move of My Holy Spirit that can not be contained. What I am going to do will confound the wise and not be understood through the current beliefs and thinking that many of My people have been holding to. I am going to bring the new wine of My power and presence and a new wineskin that will not look like or fit into the old.”

“However, as it is written: ‘What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived’— the things God has prepared for those who love him—these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us.” 1 Corinthians 2:9–12 NIV

How to respond

The apostle Paul urged us to pray for leaders. He did this during a time when the world leaders were not godly. God wants us to pray for leaders no matter what their political party or beliefs happen to be. We need to pray that God’s will be done and not our own desires.

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:1–4 NIV

God wants all people to be saved. This includes those who have different beliefs and political views. Be at peace and expect God our Father to bring about good things for us. This is part of getting us ready for a new worldwide revival.

My desire is to bring peace to you during a time of turmoil and uncertainty. It is important for us to respond with maturity and trust the Lord in the midst of these trying times.

The best is yet to come! Check out my prophetic word for November to get excited about the new assignments coming.



Doug Addison

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.


Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Tim Shey
    • May 5, 2017

    Here are a couple of dreams about Donald Trump:

    Dreams from the LORD 2011-2016
    25 May 2016

    Last night I had a dream where I was driving this tractor-trailer. Sitting in the cab of the truck with me was Donald Trump. We were hauling heavy equipment. We couldn’t find a place to park the tractor-trailer, so I drove to this lot next to this job site and parked it there. I told Donald Trump that I had parked trucks there before. The owner of the lot walked up to our truck and I asked him if I could park our tractor-trailer there for a short while. He said it would be all right to park it there for a few days.

    Another dream about Donald Trump:

    Dreams from the LORD 2011-2016
    20 September 2016

    Last night I had a dream where I saw Donald Trump dressed in a business suit sitting comfortably on top of this bed. He was surrounded by many people—they looked like reporters. Trump was casually talking to the reporters.

    I believe this dream means that Trump will easily win the election in November.

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 8, 2017

      Awesome thanks for sharing!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Trisha
    • November 17, 2016

    G K Chesterton said – ” When Paul was being beheaded and Peter was being crucified at the command of The Caesars, nobody would have guessed that in the future people would name their son’s Peter and Paul and their dogs Caesar and Nero.”
    Our King is King of Kings and President of Presidents – it is only His Kingdom that lasts…

    • Trisha
    • November 17, 2016

    This is the most sensible word on the election I have read.
    Actually God’s government is so far above the all earthly governments – that he just needs us to pray for whoever is in power.
    If the concern is the appointment of the Supreme Court Judge – we do not have to rely on Donald Trump’s decision. If all the prayer and fasting that went on re Trump – was to be directed at the present Supreme Court Judges –
    blessing them and asking for Wisdom and Revelation for them – as Paul told us to do – we have the power and authority to change their hearts and minds – with forgiveness and blessing.
    I believe that the new move of The Spirit is going to show us who we really are. One Child of God moving in FULL authority on this earth – able to do greater things than Jesus did – as he told us will be the case – will be more powerful than any American President.

    • Jaretta
    • November 16, 2016

    Doug i was actually with you and felt Clinton was the right choice. I wouldn’t go so far and put Gods name on any candidate but I felt that through Clinton there would be mercy and the church would awaken and rush on the city with the gospel of peace. But instead I believe, again I won’t put Gods name on it just what I sense in my own heart, that the church has chosen judgment instead. Mercy triumphs over judgment but mercy involves an abundance of grace in the midst of great sin. But the church voted for judgment and a strong hand and thus we must reap the coming fruits.

    • Jaretta
    • November 16, 2016

    Cyrus or Saul? A world leader or a golden calf? A church united or divided still? A prepared bride or a political church? Kingdom citizenship or pledging allegiance to the American way? It’s time to let go of the entanglements of this world and if it’s patterns and systems and embrace the coming of the Lord.

    • gary falk
    • November 16, 2016

    I get a Uh-uh when I hear you here Doug. I have gotten that same check in my spirit with other stuff that frankly I just don’t see as being truly scriptural. Somethings seems off with you, especially when lined up with others I KNOW have a proven track record. They didn’t waffle or waver at all. God showed them CLEARLY often a good year ago. Isn’t Paul Cain the “prophet” who had so many problems with sexual sin. There IS a thing called sexual sin. That is another area you seem quite confused in also. “Scripture says”, ….JESUS!

    • Gary
    • November 14, 2016

    People don’t realize that in scripture God actually did change His mind. Think of the time that God was so angry with His people because of their idolatry and actually wanted to wipe them out the very people that He brought out of Egypt. Then when Moses interceded if you read that story in Exodus God actually changed His mind and did not wipe them out. Then on another occasion when Isaiah was sent to King Hezakiah and told him “Get your house in order you’re about to die.” Now Isaiah had the word of the Lord but then King Hezakiah prayed and then notice God changed his mind and gave him the King 15 more years. I mean it is in the scriptures of God changing His mind. Just read your Bible.

    • November 12, 2016

    The shifting between Clinton and Trump was confusing. I read the Boble code about it also. The jewish rabbis have studing it for years and there it was predicted that Trump will be next president I knew it since last wendsday 2 november. And it was not mistaken, also in Bible code was Orlando shooting predicted and Daesh killing in Paris, France and they all come true. I am glad that Bible code was accurate, I see that God shows that that He controls all the events of the world and they believe that That Bible code contains all people lif events. May God bless you all.

    • L Boles
    • November 12, 2016

    The only thing I keep hearing in my spirit when reading the above comments is to not limit God. When I picture the amazing spiritual Realm and all that God has put in order and has created, I realize that even though we live and such a great and blessed country our political race issues become a minut spec. I never question the outcome of things because I know that God is in charge of every outcome. Do I believe our prayers influence the outcome? Yes I do. The Bible does show the influence of our prayers can make a difference an outcome. In the end I truly believe that my part as a Christian is to pray for everyone. because everyone has a soul and everyone needs God’s mercy and compassion.
    God’s message to me the morning after the election was, mercy and compassion are not things to be taken for granted. This message has given me strength to be loving, understanding, and compassionate to all people I encountered who felt really let down by the race. I’m reminded that in life it isn’t about the race, it’s about the journey.

    • November 12, 2016

    I read you recent messages, Doug A. and I receive it! May God bless you!

    • Vic
    • November 11, 2016

    Thanks so much Doug. Relief to hear a balanced word. God will do as He pleases and many who say this doesn’t sit well should contemplate their own egos. God is not political. He is for all of us. He chooses whom He will work thru for His purpose. Making America Great or Stronger again is not His main intention. We don’t know what is coming. A week ago no one knew that China has now aligned itself with Russia and Assad in Syria. Obama and Clinton have always taken what media called a soft stance. They want to have the legacy of bringing everyone to the table, that We get along with everyone. Trump doesn’t and we may need that hard stance if China and Russia decide to push wrong. That is WHY Jesus removed as many as possible from Syria to give them a chance to live and maybe hear the gospel if the church will reach out. Trump said he will blow everyone up. Trump and Clintons sin is the same just opposite sides of a mountain but the Lord deeply loves them both. We must believe that otherwise you are saying Jesus didn’t do enough on the cross. Thank you again Doug. We must open our hearts and doors to this nation and those who already feel rejected! We must be different.

    • Vic
    • November 11, 2016

    Thanks so much Doug. Relief to hear a balance word. God will do as He pleases and many who say this doesn’t sit well should contemplate their own egos. God is not political. He is for all of us. He chooses whom He will work thru for His purpose. Making America Great again was not His intention. We don’t know what is coming. A week ago no one knew that China has now aligned itself with Russia and Assad in Syria. Obama and Clinton have always taken what is called a soft stance (that’s why Obama bowed in respect to Saudi King!). They want to have the legacy of bringing everyone to the table, that We get along with everyone. Trump doesn’t and we may need that hard stance if China and Russia decide to push wrong. That is WHY Jesus removed as many as possible from Syria to give them a chance to live and maybe hear the gospel if the church will reach out. Trump said he will blow everyone up. Trump and Clinton sin is the same just opposite sides of a mountain but the Lord deeply loves them both. We must believe that otherwise you are saying Jesus didn’t do enough on the cross. Thank you again Doug. We must open our hearts and doors to this nation and those who already feel rejected!

  1. Reply

    Did I hear right?
    God chose an arrogant and self -centered man, Trump and told His children “this is My Cyrus… etc.” backed by several prophecies
    So we prayed for Trump (which I dislike) fasted, repented and spoke God’s word
    But…. “God changed His mind” because of Trump’s pride (which was there to start with!)
    He chose Clinton (a witch with a Muslim right hand who advocated killing innocents) because her husband (not her) has, about a decade ago, prayed with a pastor.
    By then we have two groups of Christians praying “the will of GOD opposing each other? That doesn’t bother anyone?
    Trump got elected. We thanked and praised God for HIS answer and for His will to have come through……but it was NOT the will of God anymore! No one told us He had changed His will.
    The group praying for the “new” will of God did not receive what they prayed for.
    They prayed as sincerely as the Trump group.
    Yes God gives us what we want even if it is against His will. We were NOT praying our will but HIS…..or though we thought
    What is this? Balaam story? We are going to face an angel with a sword trying to kill us and will be rebuked by a donkey?
    I am a little nobody. I do not get invited to heaven and see the things happening there, I depend on the prophetic voices to guide me
    All through my life the only thing that helped me make it though horrendous trials, losses, death…was the knowledge that I could STAND ON the Word of GOD.
    Today I found out the He can “change HIS mind” and leave me there not knowing
    I have a lot of respect for prophetic words (as God says I should) but now every time I read a word I think “for how long till He changes his mind?”
    How many prophetic words in my life are dead because “He changed His mind?”

    • Vic
    • November 11, 2016

    Thanks so much Doug. Relief to hear a balance word. God will do as He pleases and many who say this doesn’t sit well should contemplate their own egos. God is not political. He is for all of us. He chooses whom He will work thru for His purpose. Making America Great again was not His intention. We don’t know what is coming. A week ago no one knew that China has now aligned itself with Russia in Syria. Obama and Clinton has always taken what is called a soft stance (that’s why Obama bowed in respect to Saudi King!). They want to have the legacy of bringing everyone to the table. We get along with everyone. Trump doesn’t and we may need that hard stance if China and Russia decide to kill everyone. That is WHY Jesus removed as many as possible from Syria to give them a chance to live and maybe hear the gospel if the church will reach out. Trump said he will blow everyone up. Trump and Clinton sin is the same just opposite sides of a mountain but the Lord deeply loves them both. We must believe that otherwise you are saying Jesus didn’t do enough on the cross. Thank you again Doug. We must open our hearts and doors to this nation and those who already feel rejected!

    • Toryn
    • November 11, 2016

    I do trust God and everything but the results of the election still bother me, with Trump being the president-elect. I’m not sure he’s smart enough for the job. I really do think he might be a puppet.

    • jo-anne carstens
    • November 11, 2016

    Then Samuel took a flask of oil and poured it on his head, and kissed him and said: “ Is it not because the Concerning Donald Trump, I received this scripture. “Lord has anointed you commander over His inheritance? And Saul also went home to Gibeah; and valiant men went with him, whose hearts God had touched. But some rebels said, “How can this man save us?” So they despised him, and brought him no presents. But he held his peace.
    1Sa 10:1‭, ‬26‭-‬27 NKJV

    • Carol Straw
    • November 11, 2016

    I am grieved by the unloving, unmerciful spirit coming out of evangelicals, prophets, pastors and otherwise. They meaning the demographic of “white evangelicals” voted their conscience. I will not argue with a man’s conscience. But, what is pouring out of their spirits is not Jesus. And, I am glad that I am no longer confused by a legalistic, religious spirit that deceives itself that they are ok. Doug’s maturity as a prophet is a balm.

    • Darla
    • November 11, 2016

    So thankful for everyone’s comments and prayers for this nation!

    His mercy triumphs over judgment- Jesus has triumphed over ALL sin and death. Jesus is Abba’s mercy for ALL – it is time for one and ALL to embrace Jesus as the lover and mercy of our soul. As we do we are able to have mercy on ourselves and love ourselves the way He has called us to so that we can love our neighbors as He has called us to. If we focus on Majesty – the resurrected King- all sin,death and judgement is dispelled and His Glory shines through the humility and mercy we genuinely display. It is His kindness that leads us to repentance.

    His Blessings to all,

    • BG
    • November 11, 2016

    I believe God is giving us another chance when we don’t deserve it. Sooo thankful for His mercy and grave. Now it’s time to Teshuvah! Hebrew for – Turn back to God. To His ways, His authority, His laws.

    Isaiah 33:22
    “For the Lord is our judge,
    the Lord is our law giver,
    the Lord is our King;
    it is he who will save us”.

    “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
    2Ch 7:14 NKJV

      • BG
      • November 11, 2016

      Meant grace

    • Kari
    • November 10, 2016

    Thank You so much Doug Addison for your spiritual encouragement, perfectly balanced & wise about this election outcome; I appreciate. You reminded me of how God will work with whomever is chosen & maybe one is more better than the other, but God works His purposes nevertheless. I did vote for Trump, but i am not gloating, I am sad for the disappointment of the other parties. May God unite us all & keep America strong & blessed.

    • Rick Dalbey
    • November 10, 2016

    Doug, you are a breath of fresh air. Although I am quite capable of receiving and giving out prophetic words, the Lord never told me (to my knowledge) who would be elected or why. I made my decision based on my conscience, the candidates qualifications and temperament. Needless to say I voted for none of the above. I believe all who sought the Lord, did their homework and voted according to their conscience did the right thing, no matter who their candidate was. I am so on board with what you are hearing in the Spirit. Lets get on the Bullet Train! Amen!

    • Marc Carter
    • November 10, 2016

    “If you voted differently or felt you heard the Lord say that someone else would be President, it does not mean you are wrong.”

    Sorry but that’s gobbledygook to me. God knew it would be Trump, if you heard otherwise then you heard wrong.

    I’ve known Trump was God’s choice for a while now and that he would win comfortably, I agree God would’ve tried His best to work through Hillary though (like King Saul), as hard as that would’ve been.

    For me it was a black and white difference, as obvious as Jesus and satan. Trump is pro-life, pro-Israel, loves the poor and afflicted, understands the economy, believes in having borders and many many other great policies and Hillary is the opposite, that alone is enough to choose Trump 1000%.

    That’s not all though, the list of reasons that Trump should be president and Hillary should be in jail is very long indeed.

    I agree with loving and praying for those that have different views than us but I choose who I associate with and I would never call a lover of evil a friend.

    One of the main resons I like Trump is because he is against the current elite establishment that is trying to take over America and the rest of the world (George Soros et al).

    You referenced it in your word, it’s the political and religious spirit that is behind it (Babylon and anti-christ system is one and the same), the problem is and I’m sure most are not willing to accept this, but the Church itself has been infiltrated by this spirit, most Christian’s are more influenced by the religious/political spirit than the Holy Spirit.

    I could go on but I’m very happy Trump is the new president, America is very divided because of Obama, Hillary and her kin, it’s going to take a fighter to make America great again and in Trump that’s what we’ve got, thank you Lord for the outcome and may you protect him and his family and government.

    • Evangelina Sosa
    • November 10, 2016

    The shaken is happening,the sword of the Lord is here thanks always for the word ,what you said Nov 6,2016 was all aligned with a message that I receive Nov,8 2016 was not aware of what you have said Nov6 . I m of origin Mexican and I know that the Lord have good things for all and this need to happen and Order for the Mexicans come and obedience .And been American Citizen I aligned my self with God Agenda and not my own.

    • Candace
    • November 10, 2016

    One of the most distressing aspects of this election has been the tremendous flood of condemnation shown by Christians to Christians. People who were genuinely struggling with legitimate concerns about a Trump presidency (while not at all wanting a Hillary presidency) were openly told by some of the big names in Christian circles that their genuine concerns were all just based on self-righteousness and/or pride and that they were bad Christians who didn’t understand God could use anybody (except Hillary!) and were defying God’s will. And the people listening to the many prophecies out there took things to the extreme in declaring that Christians who didn’t support Trump were going to be punished or cursed by God.

    Thanks for speaking up–and risking the wrath of those promoting the above ideas (which, I think, were at least partly driven by fear…understandable, but it definitely led them to some dark places). Things have been so ugly out there, I had reached a point of not wanting to hear anything said by any prophetic person for a good long time. Glad I decided to risk reading this. 🙂

    At one point when I was praying about the election, I felt like God pointed me to Isaiah 9:6 and said that the government (our government) would be on His shoulders–the shoulders of the Prince of Peace. Think that was a “don’t stress” word. 🙂

    So…to all…wishing you peace. And grace. Lots of grace. 🙂

    • Lou M
    • November 10, 2016

    I don’t know how to take any of this with it being that I have consulted in numerous prophets about my life and future and not one of these prophets has never gotten anything right concerning my life. They don’t have a problem taking my money though, and if prophecying for one person is too difficult then how can I believe what is stated about a whole nation of people.

    • November 10, 2016

    Dear Prophet Addison
    Since I have sign-up for daily word it has been a true blessing and encouragement, your truly a blessing to the body of Christ

    • Todd Chambers
    • November 10, 2016

    This is awesome. Ha, ha. I thought something was going on with you and some other prophetic vessels!!!! ☺☺☺
    You guys.
    Personally I had been hoping against hope that Donald Trump was going to become the next president.
    Truthfully I have believed both Donald Trump and evem prayed for Sen. Hillary Clinton.
    Now, I’m not perfect….
    And I did get angry, hurt, and upset…
    But this makes sense on why even though on the night of the election while asking God and hoping for Donald Trump I get this sense to once again bless Sen. Hillary Clinton.
    This happened to me during the months prior…
    Now, I’m not claiming to have known what Doug has shared but just to bless and honor Hillary during the rwce.
    It got me outed by some in the prophetic who as many of us were earnestly wanting to believe that Donald Trump was going to become the next President.
    Really appreciate you sharing this.
    That’s why I was believing for Hillary if somehow things went differently.
    I just had this sense like God’s plans needed to override any desires of wickedness to operate through Hillary.
    Everyone, and even me, were banking on Trump.
    So, I get this sense to pray God’s blessing, favor, love over Hillary.
    Even the next day I sort of felt sad as though there was nothing to rejoice about over her concession speech.
    Actually as with most of the election I didn’t pay any attention to most of the speeches.
    People kept saying yesterday that she wasn’t the right woman.
    I kept telling my mom, who knows my views on Trump (everyone in my family knows about it!!!☺😅☺)
    But there was this sense of defending her.
    It was like she almost became the President (so to defend her even though she wasn’t put in office, to honor authority)
    The media kept saying that somehow maybe she wasn’t the one….this is the next day after Donald Trump had become the President-elect…and there’s a sense of protecting the nomination of her to run…
    On the night of the election my family was talking about how there were certain concerns about how other nations were seeing Donald Trump become the President….the philosophy was well they might get offended…of course, I’m boldly confronting the lies and accusations against the United States. The fear based decision making against Donald Trump becoming President because nations may not agree.
    So, I’m just rebuking this thinking, you know…and then I go.. hey, if Hillary gets in I’ll personally be the first one to defend her against the same nations who are against America. Right out loud man, in front of everyone…
    Fear does not determine who American votes for nor any other decision we make….I had this sense of tying our shoes…not even something so simple or basic will be done because of fear of the nations reaction to any American President.
    Even on the very night of the election in my heart I’m quietly praying….when Hillary gets in every assignment gets broken…the assignments before her almost getting elected immediately are cancelled the moment she takes that office!!!
    And I was hoping for Trump!!!! ☺☺😅
    Love ya, man.

    • con
    • November 10, 2016

    Ok… here goes. I know personally a lady who experienced first hand, hillary involved in satanic rituals, lesbianism and pedophilia .
    hillary was also the part of the decision in murdering by fire the men and 27 children at Waco… part of their satanic sacrifice by fire. The list continues and is now being exposed publicly by God which is no accident.
    ritual. hilary was never destined to be prez nor was she ever considered by God. She is apart of the “elite” that is stamping out whites , white males and Christians everywhere.
    This “word” is not from the Lord imo.
    I like Doug but I stopped listening to him when he visited my church and played the song: Love Shack. A songs that condones premarital sex.

    • Virginia Clegg
    • November 10, 2016

    Hi, Doug, maybe back in 1993 The Clintons asked for prayer from the one and only GOD. But since then, they have become consumed with PRIDE of money, selling parts and favors of USA to enemies for personal gain (Clinton Foundation) and consoling in satanic worship. How does anyone account for wanting to kill babies up to the 9 month term of pregnancy. The Obama/Clinton administration wanted One World Order and to remove freedom of religion, Amendment 2, & so forth. The concerts Clinton brought were nothing but satanic rituals. Hillary’s health is very bad and she wouldn’t be running the country anyway, it would be like Obama’s third term. What I hear you saying is that Trump was the wrong choice. I believe in the constitution the way my forefathers created it and with Obama’s, changes and power for one world order; to name a few; same sex marriages, giving gays more rights than any other human, more abortion promotions, and HIGH taxes causing many to be forced to go on welfare medical because they can no longer afford health care insurance premiums is pretty sad. The Clintons and Obamas would be continuing the Obama legacy. With Trump the Christians have a chance to continue God’s work to bring many to Christ, until HE comes for us within the next 10 years. My belief that if the Clintons would have won, that tells me the bible is false. God allowed Obama to force Christians to work harder on prayer and bringing God back in American, when Obama brought his Muslim faith to counter act the Christian faith forcing schools to teach Muslim and condemn Christianity. Obama is Nebuchadnezzar example. I have prayed for Obama so many times, but things seem to have worsen and he is NOT for Israel and it clearly states in the bible , ” who goes against Israel goes against GOD.” I am a little confused about your message here. I had studied your books and listened to your sermons, and so forth. Thanks

      • Marie
      • November 12, 2016

      Amen Virginia!! I agree with so much you wrote! This is the first of Doug’s words I just felt a heaviness in my spirit in that ‘it doesn’t matter who you vote for’…. ‘vote for whoever you want’ …… ‘Whoever you vote for you can not be wrong’
      Like there are no real consequences to voting for those who are clearly less in line with the gospel.
      I’m deeply disturbed. I hope Doug has dug deep into Wikileaks and seen the grave negative impact such a liberal backing President has done to our culture over the last 8 yrs. Gosh you can’t even talk traditional values anymore for abortion or marriage, without being called a biggot, etc. They have an agenda that is not Godly. Love to Doug anyway!

    • Dale Nacinovich
    • November 10, 2016

    Doug, I have always known Trump was God’s choice. Heaven would never put in a full blown abortion candidate. Mr. Trump is pro life, Pro Israel. Mrs. Clinton is part of mind slave control program, has lesbian affairs and the likes. God’s choice for true change was Trump.

  2. Reply

    Dear pastor,
    This is SO uplifting and a joyful word.. THANK YOU PASTOR DOUG!

    • Karen
    • November 10, 2016

    Awesome word Doug!!! Believing God is going to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.. according to the power in us !!!!

    • Johann Arocho
    • November 10, 2016

    After the election I found myself praying forHillary Clinton. We are not to point the finger at anyone or accuse. Mercy over judgment. We have to pray and remember what God did for Saul of Tarsas he can do to anyone.

    • Debbie Smith
    • November 10, 2016

    God has our backs and we as a nation must join hands and work together. Love is the answer.
    We have an amazing year ahead of us!

    • Charissa C
    • November 10, 2016

    I had a dream the day before the election, and was in the president’s house. When I went in the master bedroom, I saw the closet was absolutely filled with fish tanks- and they were full of goldfish!

    • Sheila Heneise
    • November 10, 2016

    Thank you for listening to the Spirit. I needed encouragement.

    • Shannon
    • November 10, 2016

    Eze 37:9 NKJV
    9 Also He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.

    Ezekiel 37:22-24
    22 and I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king over them all; they shall no longer be two nations, nor shall they ever be divided into two kingdoms again. 23 They shall not defile themselves anymore with their idols, nor with their detestable things, nor with any of their transgressions; but I will deliver them from all their dwelling places in which they have sinned, and will cleanse them. Then they shall be My people, and I will be their God.

    24 “David My servant shall be king over them, and they shall all have one shepherd; they shall also walk in My judgments and observe My statutes, and do them.

    Hebrews 11:3
    By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.

    • Mrs. Marianne Hertel
    • November 10, 2016

    I believe that Donald Trump is the one God has chosen for such a time as this. Also,Donald Trump has received Jesus as his Lord and Savior. So,as a new Christian and as President we need to be praying that he would have wise counsel around him and God’s wisdom for decisions he’ll need to make.

    • Emily Harris
    • November 10, 2016

    Doug, I say amen. May we never forget that God has a wonderful plan, and His ways and thoughts are higher than ours.
    God bless and keep you is my prayer.

  3. Reply

    I agree. I will keep praying for all in authority over America. I am believing for new assignments for our lives and a new move of the Spirit of God to refresh us.

    • E.
    • November 10, 2016

    Dear American Christians,
    Most prophets of Europe are in great grieve because of the election. We thought the american christians would plead their allegiance to Jesus and resist the american dream which has destroyed your country. Now, you go another round. So please, next time please, stand up against this stronghold, which enslaves your country and wote against it, no matter what.
    We bless you and suffer together with you.
    Your Sister E. from Europe

      • Jaretta
      • November 16, 2016

      I so agree with you! From the beginning of this election I sensed it was a test for the church. It was the spirits of the prophets choosing and raising this man to power. But instead of Cyrus, we have Saul. The church worked really hard to elect this man but must work even harder if/when he actually takes office. This election was a referendum upon the American church that shows us which church in Revelation we are.

      • Marc Carter
      • November 10, 2016

      The American dream is a Jesus thing, what are you talking about?

      • Susan
      • November 10, 2016

      Dear Sister E.,

      Would you elaborate on what you mean by “american Christians would plead their allegiance to Jesus and resist the american dream which has destroyed your country” and “please stand up against this stronghold”? I’m not sure I understand.

      Thank you.

    • Winnie Childs
    • November 10, 2016

    This has blessed me and helped me to understand. This is what the people need to hear instead of the fear tactic coming from some of God’s notable people.

    • Kimberly
    • November 10, 2016

    Thank you, spot on. As this shows, God will have to start with His Church. We are still judging…only God can change the character flaws…let’s not forget how He cleaned us up for his good. Let’s not put limits and timing on how he changes the character of an other. I’m glad our Heavenly Father is in charge and loves us and is for us.

    • Michael Pollina
    • November 10, 2016

    Wow, heaven is the new Las vagas, meaning it’s a cap shot up there.

    • Hope M. Lawrence
    • November 10, 2016

    Powerful word. Confirms something that God recently shared with me – that we will begin to see the greatest outpouring of the Spirit of God. We are not to be shaken nor dismayed, for God is our ever present help. God stands and rules in our midst and His ultimate plans shall be done. His kingdom rules over all.

    • Amy
    • November 10, 2016

    The humbling that the President Elect demonstrated and walked in was a turn in this campaign. When he apologized, that proud self-sufficient powerhouse became a different person.

    Remember Nebuchadnezzar’s walk before the Lord? When he repented, he was blessed.

    May we all do likewise when faced with our iniquities.

    In the meantime, where the rubber meets the road is that he will be our next president. I concur, let us pray for him.

    And remember, over half of America voted for him. We are not devasted. We are tired of liberal rule. Babies right to live? And Hilary would have been a good candidate? The genocide of our nation, of our times. That blood cries out.

    If the Clintons had truly sought God, they would have heard him: “thou shalt not murder.”

    • Richel
    • November 10, 2016


    Very well written and I am not good with words however reading your prophesy gave me chills only because this is what I truly believe in my heart and God speaks through all of us we just need to take the time to listen to him.
    Thank you.

    • Jeff Kirschbaum
    • November 10, 2016

    Great word Doug!

    Miss you my friend..

    J & K Kirschbaum

    • Nigel Rennie
    • November 10, 2016

    Interesting. I had this on Sunday, 06-Nov

    Don’t underestimate your Lord!

    Leaders who make bad decisions are not a new phenomenon.

    “Then the herald loudly proclaimed, ‘Nations and peoples of every language, this is what you are commanded to do: as soon as you hear the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipe and all kinds of music, you must fall down and worship the image of gold that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up. Whoever does not fall down and worship will immediately be thrown into a blazing furnace.’”
    ‭‭Daniel‬ ‭3:4-6‬ ‭NIVUK‬‬

    Daniel’s friends show us a great example of faithfulness in the face of dire threat.
    – Stay close to god and maintain your prayer life.

    The three men were delivered. The king saw a fourth man – a son of the gods – with them.

    Later Daniel makes a direct challenge, set up by a dream:

    ‭‬‬“Therefore, Your Majesty, be pleased to accept my advice: renounce your sins by doing what is right, and your wickedness by being kind to the oppressed. It may be that then your prosperity will continue.’”
    ‭‭Daniel‬ ‭4:27‬ ‭NIVUK‬‬

    The lord god humbled a great king:

    “At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes towards heaven, and my sanity was restored. Then I praised the Most High; I honoured and glorified him who lives for ever.
    His dominion is an eternal dominion; his kingdom endures from generation to generation. All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing.
    He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: ‘What have you done?’”
    ‭‭Daniel‬ ‭4:34-35‬ ‭NIVUK‬‬

    Don’t underestimate your Lord!

    • Catherine Collins
    • November 10, 2016

    Wow, what a word! I am in agreement, God is going to change Mr. Trump while he is in office, we forget that it is all about souls as well, he come off as this hard conceited person but he is not, I read his spirit he is scared, but God will lead and guide him, I feel a lot better after reading this prophetic word of prophecy thank God for you Prophet Doug for being obedient to the spirit of God, may He add a blessing to you and your beautiful family

    • Kristine
    • November 10, 2016

    Thank you, Doug. We all appreciate the timely words that God gives you and the wisdom they contain which helps peace and joy to settle in our hearts because we know God is in control and we’ve read the end of the Book! Thank you for your faithful hearing and sharing what you hear as God leads 🙂

    • Renee Silver
    • November 10, 2016

    Thanks for sharing Doug. This brought clarity to what.I what I was already hearing.

    • Pam
    • November 10, 2016

    I woke up this morning so needing to hear this. I am relieved Trump won. However, I sense the incredible fear of those who are minorities. And then I easily take responsibility He never intended. Pray? Absolutely! But also rejoice and worship because He is Who He is and He is trustworthy. Beyond reproach. And He cares deeply for each of His children. Again, guard our heats regarding the media. He alone is Truth.

    • Laurie
    • November 10, 2016

    I for myself was voting party platform, I didn’t really like either person & @ 1 time thinking of not voting @ all, but changed my mind & went w the 1 that was the closest of what I feel is closest 2 biblical standards.

    • Pamela
    • November 10, 2016

    Shalom Shalom.Psalms 911-16 amen.

    • Carolina Salinas
    • November 10, 2016

    Wow !! Doug, Like always what a Tremendous word!
    I humble myself to receive it.
    If I may, I would like to say this is probably the first time we get a different assignment!, but as the word says “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”Rom8:28
    I strongly believe in what God put in your heart.
    It is all about the purpose of God for us evangelicals to come to ONE IN HIM!
    What an amazing experience that was! We were head to head day by day fasting and praying from different parts of the world for this Nation. We came together with His Scroll in our hand and His assignment in our Spirits fighting and pressing through to accomplish His assignment! This is really a Massive Prophetic Revival!
    I just would like to add that I also FEEL STRONGLY IN MY SPIRIT, THIS A JONAH SEASON!!
    after having this vision and dream towards the end of the 40 day fast for the President MR Trump (that was my assignment )here is the dream
    Dream Nov 3/2016
    I saw Ocean’s strong waters taking me out towards the beach.
    Like being rescued! The crazy thing was that while I was seeing myself in the dream, I was having the vision of the water right in my face laying against the sand of the beach.
    I continue to see that right after being rescued
    I started building my restoration house!! In the dream, my father and my mother were there helping me..
    My father was building the kitchen. I heard him say” see this lamp?
    You like it? I say yes!
    Then he turned the light ON!
    My alarm woke me up out the dream/vision
    Thanks Doug for your obedience! I always look up to you for confirmation on His assignments and words He puts in my Spirit.
    I truly LOVE YOU and RESPECT YOU!!


    • November 10, 2016


    • November 10, 2016


    • Anna Latona
    • November 10, 2016

    I agree
    Anna from Nj

  4. Reply

    Thank you for this awesome word

  5. Reply

    November 6, all during the day

    Be Teachable: Receive The Grace To Listen To Wisdom

    The eye of the child to teach you of the Light
    The river of life transforms experience into wisdom
    Are you thirsty enough for it to fight ?
    To endure in My strength for My Kingdom ?

    To resist the evil, to set prisoners free
    From a little stream, arise of the great river
    Bringing life to all flowing to the sea
    Baptised drops, drawn together to deliver

    Peace and joy for those who drink of this water
    Courage, wisdom and power to them who pray
    in the will of the Great Giver to stay
    Fulfillment of their souls who sought her

    A vision of unity, a focus on harmony
    A double-flamin’ Torch, My Gift, My Presence
    True warriors joined to release My Victory
    From the lowest depths to the Heavens !

    • LaTonya Adams
    • November 10, 2016

    Brother Doug
    My main issue with the way some Christians are handling this election outcome is how they are comparing and weighing sin. I for one don’t believe either candidate was in God’s perfect will. God wants to be our King/President/Leader. I believe He loves both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump but to say one is better than the other based on how differently they sin isn’t scriptural and ignorant. Sin is sin.

    • Reply

      You are right LaTonya. People are being mean and critical about this election. I think God chose the person to be our president and that is who we need to pray for and support for the next 4 years. Thank you for being willing to pray for our president 🙂

      InLight Connection

  6. Reply

    Not sure why God would go back and forth on His calling on one or the other of the two candidates, based on their character or lack thereof. He already knew all about both of them. I believe in the prophetic gifts and know by experience how powerfully God can use them. However, to say that God changed His mind over which candidate He favored to win seems a little off to me. One problem I often see in the prophetic movement is the tendency to state things in a way that avoids accountability or testing. Easier to see “God changed His mind” than to say “my imperfect discernment apparently gets it wrong sometimes.”

      • Nancy
      • December 7, 2016

      God is never wrong. But prophets can. Why can prophets come out and admit they missed it and move on. Why do men always always put in on God.Some prophets will never admit they missed God.

      • Reply


        You are right. God is never wrong but God does give us opportunities to change his mind through prayer and repentance.

        I think the hardest part about being prophetic and hearing God for others is knowing the timing of the word and when to share it. Sometimes God tells us things so we can give him glory when they happen. Sometimes He tells us things so we can share them with others for encouragement and instruction. And most of the time He tells us in part, so we don’t have the whole picture. And you are right, being humble and teachable is important in being a follower of Jesus and a prophetic leader. I really appreciate Doug’s humility and willingness to be transparent in his walk with God.

        Blessing your spirit of truth 🙂
        InLight Connection

      • kara scheer
      • November 24, 2016

      makes so much sense as i heard both names in prayer. . and felt an overwhelming love for hillary during the first debate tho i was staunchly pro trump. great insight doug👍🙏💕

      • Carla
      • November 10, 2016

      Actually, God CAN (and sometimes HAS) “change His mind” – the bible proves this in 2 Kings 20:1-6.

      So a prophet must be transparent about this just as much as they must be about getting it wrong sometimes – even if telling the truth means others falsely accuse them.

      • Ischmah
      • November 10, 2016

      I will have to say I agree with your assessment. God sure did have a difficult time making up his mind. I know prayer changes things, but this one does not seem to make sense to me. It’s so easy to say what we heard after the fact.

      • kristina
      • November 10, 2016

      I agree. Something doesn’t seem right about God changing his mind.

      • Terri
      • November 10, 2016

      Mr. Clayton Ford, thank you for your comment…”One problem I often see in the prophetic movement is the tendency to state things in a way that avoids accountability or testing. Easier to see “God changed His mind” than to say “my imperfect discernment apparently gets it wrong sometimes.”

      I too have noticed this at times. And there is so much confusion and even hurt that can be caused by many prophets.

      As a “babe” just having the gift of prophecy unveiled in me and yielding to the development and teaching of the Holy Spirit to KNOW Jesus more intimately, HEAR Him with clarity (removing the layers of my own intellect, shutting down my own judgment of what makes sense to me) and to ACCURATELY ARTICULATE (through song, prayer, exhortation and declaration) His heart/His voice…it is my desperate cry that Abba sharpens my discernment. I never want to cause ultimate hurt, confusion or discouragement by misspeaking His heart or purposes. At the same time, i don’t want to be hindered or afraid to walk in His calling on my life. This keeps my heart bowed before Him – needing Him in every moment to keep my heart cleansed and my mind renewed and my tongue surrendered.

      May our Heavenly Father keep us all in His tender mercy and great love as He draws us closer. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    • Trieste Reed
    • November 10, 2016

    This is the most sensible and encouraging word I have heard regarding the election and God’s plans for us. No tongue lashing harsh words. This a word I can believe as genuine and not divisive. Several years ago while in prayer I heard the Lord say I will use the foolishness of this world to confound the wise and I have heard and seen a lot of foolishness go on. Bless you for your Godly prospective and sincerity

      • kristina
      • November 10, 2016

      I agree. Something doesn’t seem right about God changing his mind.

  7. Reply

    Thank you for sharing that. I too believe that there is going to be such a great enormous move of God that is about to take place.

    • Jerome
    • November 10, 2016

    Can I just say thank you so much for posting this article this has encourage my heart! As I have tears running down my cheek at 2:36 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. I really really needed to hear this thank you so much God bless you guys and your Team!

    Jerome & Michelle and our 3 girls.15, 10, 8.
    The MCCULLUM Family Biracial Family

    • Nikki V
    • November 10, 2016

    Just shows you should never listen to “prophets”. God has know this election result since the beginning of time!

      • ACraft
      • November 10, 2016

      Yes, God knows. But there is Biblical precedent for God “changing his mind” so to speak. God sent Isaiah to King Hezekiah to tell him that he was going to die. Hezekiah cried out to God to let him live and before Isaiah could leave the palace, God sent him back to tell Hezekiah he would give him 15 more years. (2 Kings 20:1-6) God knows what will happen in the end, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have us take the journey.

  8. Reply

    Thank you for this Prophetic insight. I heard God say, Donald Trump because there is going to be change brought about in the spiritual and physical worlds.
    God wants everyone to be saved and to be united.

      • Nancy
      • November 11, 2016

      Choosing to ‘never listen to prophets’ is neither Biblical or Christian. The Word tells us to earnestly seek the gifts of the Spirit, especially that we would all prophesy. Prophecy is not about ‘predicting’ the future as much as it is about knowing God’s heart and seeing the future from His perspective. God never changed His mind about putting Trump in office, but over the course of the campaign He has surely humbled him and is continuing to mold him into a man after His heart. Prophecy is sometimes a call to intercede, sometimes a warning, sometimes an edification and ALWAYS a blessing if it truly from the heart of God.

  9. Reply

    Dear Rev. Prophet Doug,

    Your message regarding your new President was encouraging and enlightening. I am always looking forward to your spirit filled messages. Bless you and your ministry, in JESUS name I pray.

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