“The Heavenly Courts Are in Session” | Spirit Connection Webcast: February 2018

The heavenly Courts of Inheritance are in session now! Spiritual inheritances are being released on a new level—and will suddenly awaken within you.

Heavenly books of The Greater Purposes of the Lord are being opened and balanced, lies are being exposed and injustices removed quickly, and a Spirit of Justice is being released on the Earth.

Repayment for injustices and losses are coming in many ways, and the untimely death of leaders and loved ones who left before their time are being reconciled and avenged, and are producing more seeds for the kingdom of God.

Doug prayed for those of you who have fallen under the curse of Esau and lost everything (word from Obadiah).  He opened cases in the Courts of Heaven for the Lord to break this curse off of them and to bring restoration and repayment for losses. PLUS: Q & A with questions from the live chat room.

Bible verses in this episode:

Matthew 18:23; Isaiah 28:16–18 (NIV); Isaiah 43:26–27 (NLT); John 12:24; Zechariah 3; Zechariah 2:5; Obadiah 1–21; Hebrews 12:16-17, 23; Proverbs 16:18 (NIV); Jeremiah 29:11

Links in this episode:

  1. Sign up for Doug’s new Understanding the Courts of Heaven—Part 2(Currently Unavailable) LIVE online workshop February 24, 2018
  2. Doug’s new book is now available to order: Prophetic Forecast, Volume 3. You have 3 more days to pre-order your copy and get automatically entered into the drawing to win a FREE Breakthrough Call with Doug this year. Order by February 10th to be eligible.
  3. We have a job opening for a Visual Designer. Visit http://dougaddison.com/jobs to learn more!
  4. Donate online today to InLight Connection, the ministry of Doug Addison. Consider becoming a Partner with InLight Connection, or make one-time gift online or via PayPal, Check or Text (text LOVE to 45888),.

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Doug Addison

<strong>Doug Addison</strong> is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his and <em>Spirit Connection </em>podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Aurora Ramirez
    • March 3, 2018

    I have been you going through a turmoil, I could not point out, but thank God for my mentors. I found my answer t hrought a tweet from her.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 6, 2018

      That is wonderful Aurora! Having mentors is such a gift. Bless you!

    • Kate
    • February 23, 2018

    Hello. It’s Kate here. I need to raise £62k to pay Hong Kong bank in London UK by Feb. 26, coming Monday. My husband died of cancer a few weeks ago, and two weeks later I got a heart attack. They froze the bank accounts and took his name off the accounts. They need to have only my name on all related documents and they will not take the £62k from the money within the account. It has to be paid separately. Please pray someone will let me have a ten-day loan or that the bank will arrive take the fee from the existing balance. I need this handled in the courts of heaven. Such injustice! Thank you. Amen.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 15, 2018

      Kate, I am so sorry about your husband passing. I can only imagine what you are feeling and going through right now. I am agreeing with you for breakthrough in your finances. Bless you Kate.

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