How to Reclaim What’s Yours in the Courts of Heaven [Episode 61] | Doug Addison with Elizabeth Nixon

How to Reclaim What’s Yours in the Courts of Heaven

If you’re feeling oppressed, I’ve got good news for you. God is releasing something new—a high-level revelation of what’s coming in the Earth right now and … His plan to bring you hope and new freedom!

You know, people ask me all the time, “Why do we need all this talk about the Courts of Heaven?” “Why don’t we just use the Blood of Jesus, the Bible and the name of Jesus? Isn’t that enough?”

Well, yes, it’s enough. I mean, that’s everything you need right there … but if it’s not working for you, then you may need a deeper revelation to get a breakthrough.

The Courts of Heaven is best described as the place of prayer and petition where we can obtain justice from the Lord. So, the reason that God is releasing this new revelation is because Satan is over-attacking us right now with tragedies, mass shootings, violence, earthquakes, fires and floods. The enemy wants to get your eyes off God, but the Lord is unleashing a strategy for you to experience His goodness and justice through prayer … and we need to be healed and walking in our God-given authority because there’s a revival coming!

In this Spirit Connection podcast, my special guest is a person who has been on before—Elizabeth Nixon. Everyone loves her. She’s a renowned attorney, who has practiced law in California under the U.S. Supreme Court, has served with the IRS, she’s been featured in Vanity Fair magazine and was awarded Business Woman of the Year at one time. She is also an author and speaker. Elizabeth, her husband John and son Joshua are good friends of ours, and she has something that is going to shift the heavens over you right now!

Here’s a sneak peek into our conversation:

  • “… but when the Lord spoke to me this ‘Squatters Rights,’ He showed me that sin is not the only way that the enemy gets access to our life.”
  • “So, in the law (in the natural) … Squatters Rights are simply when someone occupies territory that does not belong to them.”
  • “Where we see oppression, torment, mental illness, bipolar disorders—he is squatting on spiritual territories because of bloodline family issues, addiction, abuse and genetic illness.”
  • “Philippians 4:7 says that, ‘The peace of God will guard our hearts and our minds,’ but we don’t have peace. We actually suffer from trauma, we suffer from panic attacks and anxiety.”
  • “I mean, this is where I get excited and start doing little dances around because I see how little authority the enemy has.”
  • “So, I’m going to read through it now and activate it over everybody.”
  • “Wow! This is, I mean … it’s incredible! Sometimes it might feel like it might be over your head. Don’t even think that. Just receive it by faith!”

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You can hear more from Doug Addison and Elizabeth Nixon in the brand-new online workshop, Gateway to Your Destiny: Getting Results in the Courts of Heaven—Register here for only $37 (Currently Unavailable)!

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Laura M.
    • December 17, 2018

    Thank you for this teaching. Doug, would you explain about your comment at the end of the teaching about how you had a squatter & didn’t know it, but God revealed it. That it wasn’t a sin but that you had come into agreement with darkness to see a healing in 2015.
    Would you explain what that was so those of us would know that could be a squatter in our lives. Was it agreeing with the illness or ect?

    • Stacy Cottman
    • November 11, 2018

    Wow my God thank you Jesus!! God bless you Doug and Beth for your OBEDIENCE to HOLY SPIRIT! How this will set the captives free! I got a word from a prophet this past May! That HOLY SPIRIT was interceding on my behalf and that the matter of the court was settled! Well at the time I was living with my Grandmom who was going through the process of her home being foreclosed because of back taxes on a reversed mortgage! I’m laughing out loud now as I’m writing this. Now I know this was in the spirit and not physically in court on EARTH! We moved out the house June 30 2018 foreclosed! I’ve been battling spiritually going after God’s heart and now I understand the meaning of the word by the prophet spoken to me in May by the revelation of this entire broadcast! My mind is completely blown! Talking about alignment and perfect timing! This word had to be released for such a time as this! Divine connections my God the ANOINTING is so heavy on me this morning! I had already been in worship weeping all morning long crying out to God and then HOLY SPIRIT leads me to this broadcast NO WAY THIS WAS TOTALLY A DATE WITH DESTINY! THIS IS A LIFE CHANGER AND I’VE ALREADY SHARED THIS WITH OTHERS PEOPLE NEED GO HEAR THIS! KEEPING YOU GUYS LIFTED UP IN PRAYER MAY GOD BLESS YOU WITH THE DESIRES OF YOUR HEARTS FOR YOUR OBEDIENCE! PEACE AND LOVE

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 19, 2018

      Woohoo! Awesome! I am so glad that you were so encouraged by Doug’s word. God bless you Stacy!

    • Rob Korpela
    • August 29, 2018

    Things are being exposed, ecknowledged…things are dealt with…the blood of Jesus is our authority…There is authority and power to legally claim ownership and title over our lives spiritually, mentally and physically through Jesus!!! Jesus is our victory!!! Thanks for this message!!! I need to listen or read this again to take more in.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 29, 2018

      Glad you enjoyed it Rob! God bless you!

    • Lynn Hall
    • August 20, 2018

    Hi! I loved this. I have a question. In the past year, I had a dream that I encountered a squatter living in a property that (in the dream) is purchased by my sister, for the extended family to use. She is not a believer.
    In the dream I encounter several things. First, a white rat in the basement, which I kill, when she (my sister) looks away and heads upstairs. She was sympathetic with the rat and wanted me to be, too. Then, my husband and I continue to follow her and her friend upstairs, to tour the rest of her recent purchase. She then leaves tahead of us, to see another property she is purchasing. I go into a large old upstairs bathroom and encounter the squatter. He is living there and has a desk. He says he doess secret work. He has legal rights to be there and shows me the paperwork!! He says he comes and stays there to do business throughout the year. With permission. Seriously.
    I go on downstairs but have a very bad feeling about him snd doubt his “rights” to be there. (This dream is after learning about COH and praying for my sister, the owner of the new property.)
    I am then in a room near front of property and suddenly he appears, to be leaving through the front door, but he sees me and comes over. He is trying to convince me he has rights but sees in my eyes, that I obviously don’t agree–can see I am on to him. So, He attacks me! Grabs my throat to choke me and to keep me from crying out to my husband (Jesus!?) He means to molest and then kill me. I woke during the attack!!

    All that to say–I want to know your legal opinion for a squatter to have rights established through a property that is a vacation property given to my family, and purchased by a person who has had so much control thru financial giving, and at times, attempting manipulate in our lives. However, there is some freely given gifts.
    The reality is that there really is a family cabin we use and it is owned by this person. Do you think that the dream represents a revelation that the real property might be giving a squatter right to the enemy?
    Also, can I evict a squatter legally from a property that owned by her but offered to be for family use?
    I would love to hear your thoughts and Beth’s thoughts on all the variables regarding any legal or illegal rights in peaying for myself, my family and real properties, also, and the dream.
    I believe I was housecleaning in the Spirit realm and literally encountered the squatter in this dream! I want to know if I am within my legal jurisdiction to clean the property associated with her, and to what pat extent can I pray for my family.

    Also, there is a literal family cabin purchased by her for family use. Do you think this is giving the enemy squatter’s rights in the family at large?
    Thank you for any insight.

    Sincerely, Lynn

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 28, 2018

      Awesome! Thank you for sharing Lynn! We are unable to interpret your dream or give you advice on the cabin. I encourage you to continue to pray about it and see what else God reveals. God bless you!

    • Jessi
    • August 20, 2018

    God’s word is so much clearer when we look at in context. 💗

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 20, 2018

      Thanks for sharing. Bless you Jessi!

    • Dahne Watson
    • August 13, 2018

    How long [an hour?] is the podcast on the Courts on the August 18th?

    • Linda Everline
    • August 12, 2018

    I am registered although I will be unable to attend when live due to my work schedule. Will I still be able to get online after you have started? Is it correct that I can access this later … after recorded? Thank you!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 13, 2018

      Yes, every live workshop is recorded so you always will receive the replay if you purchase any of Doug’s workshops. God bless you!

  1. Reply

    Such beautiful equipping, as usual! I thank God for both of you.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 13, 2018

      Glad you enjoyed Heath! God bless you!

    • Clyde Owen
    • August 12, 2018

    Squatters, claim jumpers and blockers. Great podcast, Clyde.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 13, 2018

      Awesome! Thanks for listening!

    • Julee Resendez
    • August 10, 2018

    I love the message, I prayed and receive that prayer. Wow, I really really needed this.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 13, 2018

      Wonderful! Bless you Julee!

    • Brenda Johnson
    • August 10, 2018

    I downloaded the Podcast Transcript (PDF) and prayed through the prayer guide at the end for activation in the Courts of Heaven. Because it is a Legal Petition, I looked up all the Scriptures to study and make sure that I was in agreement (Luke 4:18,19). Please note the following recommended corrections, as the enemy (Zech.3:2) is a legalist looking for loopholes to stand against this Petition in Heaven:
    1.) Pg.15, 2nd paragraph should include v.19 to 1Peter1:18 so that you don’t leave off the blood of Jesus Scripture.
    2.) Pg.15, 5th paragraph should read Rev.3:14 where you have Rev. 3:15.
    3.) Pg.16, paragraph 2 should be Heb.1:14 where Heb.1:4 is.
    Thank you so much for this teaching as I wait in expectation for every squatter to be evicted and made to return seven-fold plus back recompenses, In Jesus’ Mighty Name, El Gemulot!
    God Bless You Abundantly (John 10:10)!
    In Christ’s Love,
    Brenda Johnson.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 13, 2018

      Awesome! Thanks for sharing Brenda!

    • J
    • August 10, 2018

    I prayed along this prayer yesterday afternoon, I have to tell you during the night specifically the wee hours of the morning I had a dream where I saw an ex-boyfriend with his crew (kids and wife) coming from the back of my house and say “we are leaving”..!!! My my to God be the glory..Thank you Jesus….Thank Doug and Elizabeth for this prayer…I will continue to pray it until I feel all squatters that have been occupying my territories completely are removed.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 10, 2018

      Thanks for sharing about your dream. That is so cool to see how God can show us answers to our prayers in our dreams. Bless you J!

    • Debbie Kurth
    • August 9, 2018

    Stunning…OMG Stunning

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 10, 2018

      So glad you enjoyed Debbie! God bless you!

    • Elizabeth Montufar
    • August 9, 2018

    Wow!!! I never would have thought about the possibility of an illegal “squatter” on my territory had Doug and Elizabeth not brought the issue to light. I have recognized that there may be sqatter(s) on some of my land and have asked that they be thrown out because Jesus already paid the price! I’m excited to see changes in my life in the coming weeks/months! 😊

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 9, 2018

      Awesome Elizabeth! God bless you!

  2. Reply

    WOW Doug it is AWSOME Thank U ELIZABETH I have to listen to it over+ Let Dandrea listen to it dolly please Doug do not remove it

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 9, 2018

      Glad you enjoyed Dolly! God bless you!

    • Stephen Lacher
    • August 9, 2018

    POWERFUL, will use this. Is a confirmation of what I have been hearing and seeing in prayer.


      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 9, 2018

      Wonderful Stephen! God bless you!

    • Lolo B
    • August 9, 2018

    I took what was said to heart and I received the revelation of the squatter rights. I’ve had left shoulder pain for a while now and I’ve been prayed for but the pain and stiffness in my shoulder was still there. I couldn’t lift my left arm upward without pain and stiffness. So today after I listened to the prayer, I put my hand on my left shoulder and told the squatter that any legal rights it had to stay has been revoked by the blood of Jesus. Pain has left…. stiffness is gone and I can lift my hands up and down. Hallelujah!
    And now I’m taking authority over me and my family because the blood of Jesus did it all. Thanks so much for this podcast. I can’t wait to see more results today and in the weeks to come.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 9, 2018

      Wow Lolo! That is amazing! Woohooo!

    • Stephen Lacher
    • August 9, 2018

    I’m sorry Doug, but I don’t believe the enemy can come in like a flood. When he does come in, …like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord raises up a standard against him. HS is referred to in terms of water or a flood. Not meaning to be argumentative, just don’t want to attribute God’s glory to the enemy.

      • Bunmi Binitie
      • September 14, 2018

      You may be right there. I once heard Pastor Benny Hinn teach that the comma was.placed in the wrong place during translation, that it should have been after the word ‘in’.

      So that passage should read thus…

      “…when the enemy comes in, like a flood the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him”

        • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
        • September 14, 2018

        Thanks for sharing!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 20, 2018

      Hey Stephen! Doug said, “The Bible says when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord will raise up a new standard.” He is quoting Isaiah 59:19. Bless you!

    • Sandra
    • August 9, 2018

    This blesses me so much. Crying out all the pain and I’m oberwhelmed about the open heaven over me, my family and our free god given territory now after the prayer. I know breakthrough is now here. All praise to God. Thank you for this lesson and prayer.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 9, 2018

      Bless you Sandra!

    • Rob Adams
    • August 8, 2018

    Wow! Thank you so, so much. Wow! I will let you know when the results of this petition come through. Can’t wait!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 9, 2018

      Awesome Rob! God bless you!

    • Linda P.
    • August 8, 2018

    Wow!!! LOVED Beth’s approach, as an attorney, in the courtroom of Heaven! Profoundly effective prayer strategy —I feel HUGE RELEASE from previously unrecognized “squatters”… I had been “looking” for them for years… and I am experiencing the beautiful weightiness of God’s PRESENCE instead! Praise God! Thank you!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 9, 2018

      Awesome Linda! God bless you!

    • Barb ward
    • August 8, 2018

    Amazing!!! These truths are revolutionary!!! Thank you Doug and Beth!!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 9, 2018

      Wonderful! I am so glad you enjoyed Barb! God bless you!

    • Norma
    • August 8, 2018

    Well I think that the language that says “if is not working for you” reveals our motivation , that we are in this for ourselves. The Gospel is not a method to make our lives work, and then when we apply this “methods” and does not work we just choose another method. In my oppinion, that is a very self centered western Christianity.
    The Gospel is the Good news of Jesus and all He ccomplished for us even in the midsts of difficulties.
    And the main objective is to transform us into the likeness of Jesus. This is Eternity, that we make know Him (John 17:3) is not that everything goes smooth and we get our way.
    Tribulations and hardships are promised, but also is deliverance. And blessing and the restoration of all things, but we tend to focus in one of the extremes.
    I understand God Spirit might take us to the Courts of Heaven from a place of intimacy, but not to get certain “result” we need. God already brought breakthrough 2018 years ago, His name is Jesus and He is enough. And it is finished. The enemy is defeated. No matter what happens, how we feel etc, we are called to live by faith, in alignment w truth, not our feelings. Our feelings lie, most of the times the give us a fragmented lense of God ourselves and the world around us. We need to know Truth. Because is not just truth that sets us free, is KNOWING Truth, which is Jesus. And like every other relationship, it takes time. Im sure if most of us will cut the time we spend on Netflix and Social Media to be with Him, the Truth, we will know Him and we will receive the freedom and revelation that is there waiting for us since the day we received Him. And Im preaching to myself 🥊

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 13, 2018

      Thanks for sharing your perspective. Bless you!

  3. Reply

    Thank you Doug and thank your guest!!I have waited so long for this!! I haven’t had the money to take your courses yet so the has really been an answer to prayer!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 9, 2018

      Awesome Brenda! I am so glad you enjoyed the podcast with Elizabeth! God bless you!

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