Developing The Times and Seasons Gifting

You are in God’s hand

My times are in Your hand; deliver me from the hand of my enemies.
Psalm 31:15 NKJV

We are in a time that may feel out of control, but God still has things covered. He has not forgotten you and the promises of things to come still stand.

I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly. Isaiah 60:22 NIV

You are going to see a shift in your understanding and as this happens, things will  move more quickly.

A time for everything

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant and a time to harvest. Ecclesiastes 3:1–2 NLT

We move and interact with times and seasons throughout our lives. They can vary based on our personal situation like the birth of a baby or the death of a loved one.

We are now experiencing a global time of change, and challenges are affecting the entire Earth.

We need to hear the voice of the Lord, but the prophetic ministry and the gift of prophecy have taken a hit. In some cases, people have stopped trusting hearing the Lord.

Maybe the Lord did not answer a prayer or things did not work out the way you’d hoped, and you are disappointed or feel hurt by the Lord.

Maybe there were prophetic words that did not come to pass over the president or other things … Sometimes it is complicated to understand the ways of the Lord.  

The Lord’s ways are higher

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8–9 NIV

In many different places in the Bible, the Lord says that no matter how it turned out for you, it does not mean you should stop trying to hear His voice. 

As a prophet and longtime member of the prophetic community, I would like to officially apologize and ask forgiveness on behalf of the prophetic movement (or leaders) that may have hurt or disappointed you, especially regarding hearing the Lord.

Getting back to the purpose

The purpose of hearing God is to know Him better and help others do the same!

I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.
Ephesians 1:17 NIV

Prophecy and revelation are for encouragement and not judgment.

But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort. 1 Corinthians 14:3 NIV

We need to develop our ability to hear the voice of the Lord clearly and we need to properly interpret what is being communicated, especially when it comes to major decisions.

The gifts of interpretation

We are encouraged to operate in the gifts of interpretation through the Holy Spirit. We can interpret tongues, dreams and parables in the New Testament.

Interpreting the times and seasons is a form of the gift of discernment (1 Corinthians 12).

You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. Matthew 16:3 NIV

The times and seasons gifting is still available today.

Developing spiritual insight

Jesus encouraged people to interpret parables and understand the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 13:11).

But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear.
Matthew 13:16 NKJV

Throughout the Bible, people understood their dreams which indicates that they interpreted them.

Issachar anointing and gifting

In 1 Chronicles 12:32, the sons of Issachar understood the times … to know what Israel ought to do.

Issachar was one of the 12 sons of Jacob (Israel), and his sons were given the ability to discern the times and seasons and give insight from the Lord.

This is a form of prophetic gifting that combines wisdom, understanding and interpretation through the Holy Spirit.

Let the prophetic plan of the Holy One of Israel quickly come to pass so that we can see what it is! Isaiah 5:19 TPT

The Issachar gifting involves discerning the times and seasons and developing the plan for what to do. 

How to grow in the times and seasons gifting:

Recognize the source

  • Study the ways God has spoken to you in the past.
  • Write it down and record what God says. 
  • Study how it came.
  • Note if there is peace in your spirit or not.
  • You will recognize the counterfeit by studying the real.

Hear God every day

  • Spend time worshiping the Lord and reading the Bible.
  • Decree and pray Bible verses.
  • Agree with others in prayer.
  • Take communion daily.

Prayer to open your hearing

Lord, we ask for the eyes of our hearts to be open!
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.
Ephesians 1:18 NKJV
The mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints. Colossians 1:26 NKJV
In Jesus’ name. 


Doug Addison

P.S. It’s a great time to go deeper with understanding the ways God moves and speaks!  Registration is now open for the School of the Supernatural! This school is jam-packed with 25+ years of my supernatural experiences! Just one of the included keys can radically change your life, and there are too many bonuses to list here … Find out more!

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection podcast and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.


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