God’s Creativity in You

A special note from Brian Simmons: 

Thank you so much for your financial support of Doug, Linda and InLight Connection! Keep them front and center on your prayer list over the next year. Just be praying for them and encourage them everywhere you can. I know it makes a huge difference! Our ministry has Partners as well, so I know what it means to connect on that level.  
You’re going to get downloads from Doug that you’ll get nowhere else. So, stay with them, encourage them and be those loving friends who are around them during this time. 

The message of creativity

God is a creator. He has a message of love that only you can bring. If you’re addicted to hope, God is going to pour through you with a message of creativity and glory that only you can bring!

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10 KJV

In Ephesians 2:10 in the King James Version, it says that we are His workmanship. The New Living Translation says we are His masterpiece. The Greek word there is “poiema” and it sounds like the English word “poem.”

We are God’s poetry! You are the poetic expression of a loving God!

You are the lyrics of love on two legs! You bring a message to the Earth that no one else can bring!

YOU are a message

Ephesians 1:4 says He chose you in love. The word “chose” in Greek is ἐκλέγομαι. The middle of that word is pronounced “logos.” So, you are a “logos” out from the mouth of God.

You’re a message from the mouth of God, and you will not return to Him void. You will accomplish what you have been sent to this Earth to fulfill.

There is a divine message and a mandate on your life. If you spark that creativity, it is going to launch you into the next phase of your life.

You reflect a part of God that nobody else can reflect. You’re the best YOU God ever made, and there’s not going to be another one—you’re it! Nobody else can fill your shoes, so don’t ever try to fill somebody else’s shoes! You have divine poetry inside of your heart. You just need that spark of creativity to release it through you.

I believe we’re in a season of unleashed creativity—a spiritual renaissance, a spiritual renewal that’s taking place that’s not limited to certain ministries. There’s creativity that’s going to come rolling through you that’s going to impact the world.

You are going to change the world! You’re not just going to make a dent … you’re going to make a difference! 

You’re the keepsake of God

You’re the divine Valentine. You’re the romance of His heart.

Jesus went to death for you! He’d rather go to hell for you than live in Heaven without you!

He gave every drop of sacred blood for you so that He could possess you, own you, live in you and flow through you.

This divine artist—the master artist—has not wasted even one brushstroke on your life. So, don’t judge the canvas before the art is finished!

You are a masterpiece and a creative genius; you just don’t know it yet.

Called to create 

You’re called to create—writing, music, art, poetry, etc.! You’re creating a family, you’re creating businesses, you’re creating with God and joining in the creatorship of God.

As you mingle yourself with Him (as you join the divine dance of the Trinity), you become that poetic expression of a loving, glorious God. 

Divine harvest

The enemy knows that we’re at the beginning of a divine harvest. Some of the most creative types on this planet are going to come streaming into the Kingdom of God and we’re going to have to partner with them, run with them, roll with them and let them be who God has called them to be! Tattoo artists, break dancers, rap artists—people coming from all kinds of backgrounds and ethnic groups! They will come into the Kingdom full of creative juice, ready to impact the world.

So, God’s about to show off! He’s rolling up his sleeves … He’s about to take a deep breath and roar into this planet with divine creativity!



Brian Simmons

P.S. Thank you to all of those who partner with InLight Connection and give on a regular basis. You are holding their arms up in the spirit right now, and they are truly grateful. For those who have not yet given or it’s been a while, please consider giving now (or partnering monthly) … to help, just click HERE. Becoming a Partner will give you access to the upcoming guest speaker events. These meetings are going to be POWERFUL!

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Spirit Connection podcast and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

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