Your Invitation to the Edge of Adventure—Where Jesus Is | Doug Addison with Dr. Mark Chironna [Episode 33]

Need a little encouragement in this time of social unrest and division in the world? Do you wonder what to do in this challenging time of change, disruption and disillusionment? Well, be encouraged, because we’re on the verge of something new, something historical … something amazing!

We’re going to talk about what God is doing today–right now! In this Spirit Connection podcast episode, my special guest is Dr. Mark Chironna. He’s been equipping believers for over 40 years in what he calls the “people-helping business.” He has a strong anointing to guide people in their spiritual lives, as well as in business, releasing them into their destiny. His years of study in various areas has given him the unique ability to bring the academic into the spiritual … even integrating psychology to help people walk with God in a deeper way.

The greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind. For that reason, Mark encourages people to develop their critical thinking skills––to rightly divide the Word of truth and love; and to fully allow our minds to love God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • What is the “manifest presence” of God … biblically?
  • Why we should fellowship around Christ instead of doctrinal differences
  • What is the community of love and how can we share it?
  • How the Father and the Son glorify each other
  • What the Holy Spirit specializes in
  • What believers are doing that grieves the Holy Spirit
  • How God shows His Glory in the Earth through broken people
  • Mark’s keen insight into the nature of the Godhead––the triune God

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Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Sara mama mystic Place
    • November 13, 2017

    Great podcast!! Have many more! 2 of my favorite voices together! Wonderful! Bless you both. ❤

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 14, 2017

      So glad you enjoyed it Sara! Bless you!

    • Robert Tucker
    • November 9, 2017

    Doug and Mark,individually and together in this discussion have indeed put their fingers “ON THE PULSE”where the Church & Society is right now !!……..Amen & Amen

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 9, 2017

      Yes! Thanks so much for listening Robert! Bless you :).

    • Becky
    • November 9, 2017

    Doug, thank you for hosting this interveiew. Please do have many additional interviews with Dr. Mark Chirrona!! This was awesome!! I would love to hear about running a businesss as a Spirit-filled Spirit-led believer and it being a vehicle to impact the culture in redeeming, renovative, reforming ways. I’d also love more about using and developing intellectualism in one’s walk of faith but not falling to idolatry while doing so. A third topic of interest is psychology. I’d love to learn how he has found a way to study and utilize this field within the boundaries of Biblical truth. Thanks again for this awesome guest interview and all you have done, are doing, and will continue to do pouring into helping others learn, grow, and live out their faith in the full power of the resurrection of Christ. Blessings, blessings, and more blessings pour from Father to, in, and out of you all your days that He may be even more greatly magnified!!

    P.S. I am going through Hearing God’s Voice 365. Wow! I’m up to Module 4 and can hardly wait to dig in for more!! This course is connecting so many dots, confirming some things, and clarifying others. Father given you such a profound ability to communicate! He speaks through you to take concepts which I have found a bit challenging to put into easily understood wording and He just flows such things readily off your tongue. I will keep pressing on so I can grow to that place too.

    I already heard God’s voice a lot before I purchased this course, but Father directed me to do this anyway and I’m sooo glad I obeyed! I am a mentor in the woman’s ministry at my church and this teaching is going to really help me be better equipped to help my mentees and others He brings across my path to hear His voice, properly process it, and activate it and/or share it well with others. Thank you for being lovingly and joyously obedient in developing this course. It is absolutely wonderful! It is like the perfect combination of going deep but not overwhelming. And the setup is phenomenal and so organized and easy to follow! I absolutely love the transcripts for each module’s teaching! I print them before listening and highlight, underline, and add any thoughts Fatger gives me along the way. They are a tremendous boist for my learning. I hope transcripts can be added for the guest speaker interviews at some point. That would be wonderful!

    Everytime I listen to a module’s teaching or guest interview, it massively whets my hunger for more, more, more!! I just can’t get enough of this!!!

    Again, thank you for the tremendous amount of time and effort you poured into creating this course and in now maintaining its availability! I, for one, have already been tremendously blessed beyond words and I’m only up to module 4. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I so hope Father will lead you to continue with follow-up courses to go yet deeper and farther and on other related topics!!

    Thank you, Father, for the gift to the Bride of Christ you created in the human form of Doug Adisson!! Please bless this precious, humble, obedient, joyous, loving brother’s socks off!! In the name of Jesus, amen!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 9, 2017

      Woohoo! This is so awesome Becky! Thanks so much for sharing all that with us. We are so thrilled to have you as a Hearing God 365 student. Bless you and may God multiple all the blessings in your life.

    • cat
    • November 8, 2017

    thank you for any encouragement- can’t work or get in any of my email boxes….love Jesus with all my heart!
    as a village idiot empath non neurotypical autistic, rejection and be defellowshiped is a norm for our family-
    it’s a bummer, YET i realize folk mean no harm in this no response sorry can’t relate to your reality song and dance! They laugh at us for being different, we laugh at them for being all the same, SMILE… guys are different or understand and value Holy living-
    thank you thank you guys for your web page,
    we are hugging you all in our hearts!! .cat

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 24, 2017

      Bless you Cat. I am so sorry you are having a hard time right now finding a job. Praying God guides you to a wonderful job.

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