What Can Cause Delayed Healing

In this special excerpt, Doug Addison is back from sabbatical and ministering to the Partners. He answers two important questions. Question 1: What may be causing my healing to be delayed? Doug’s answer: It’s complicated, but there is a solid word in the Bible that the Lord will indeed bring…

Back From Sabbatical—A Year Full of Hope!

In this special excerpt, Doug Addison is back from sabbatical and ministering to the Partners. He’s excited for this next season! Doug started off the session by telling the Partners how excited he was to see them. He thanked them, the InLight Connection Team and his wife, Linda. He mentioned…

Doug is Back and Ready!

We’re so grateful for your past support of InLight Connection. Your generosity has helped bring hope and transformation to countless lives. We’re excited to share that I am back and ready to lead us into an incredible new season of ministry in 2025! This is a year full of hope,…

Can a Prophetic Word Have an Expiration Date?

In this special excerpt, Sean Bolz answers three questions submitted by our Partners. First Question: Is there an expiration date on a prophetic word? Shawn’s answer: This is such a great question and there are a couple of ways to look at it...

Want a Deeper Relationship with God?

In this special excerpt, Patricia King answers a question submitted by one of our Partners. Question: What is one of your favorite prayers to launch believers into a deeper relationship with God?

Reconsider Your Thoughts with Your Heart

In this special excerpt, Ray Leight shares insights from counseling thousands of people. Some common lies are exposed, and Ray unpacks the keys for deliverance. Ray started the session by saying that he’s heard repentance described in different ways …  

The Greatest Time in Modern History

In this special excerpt, Shawn Bolz shares ways to shift our focus and why we are seeing certain attacks right now. You have important keys that need to be used! Shawn started out the session by saying that we're about to see a great deployment of Christians into culture and different…

Constantly Increase as You Dream with God!

In this special excerpt, Kirsten Larsen and Katherine Carter share insight into how we are created and what God is calling us into. Katherine started out the session telling the Partners that she is a native Southern California girl who loves In-N-Out Burger, Trader Joe's, palm trees and sunshine. She and…

Bilocation—Doing Everyday Life While Seated in Heavenly Places

In this special excerpt, Patricia King shares ways to stay connected to Heaven so we can see breakthroughs come on Earth! Patricia started out the session by saying that our natural bodies have limitations. We can’t be sitting in a chair in the States and be in Hawaii at the…

Live Free from Destructive Cycles & the Law

In this special excerpt, Ray Leight shares insight on things he’s learned from counseling thousands of people. He unpacks destructive patterns and cycles and gives keys for freedom. Ray started the session by talking about some law-to-lawlessness cycles, and how to break out. He’s noticed that these things don’t apply…

Insight on Dreams and Prayer

In this special excerpt, Bonnie Jones shares insight on her quiet time with God and some recent shifts in how she prays. Bonnie started the session talking about dreams. Sometimes we have perplexing dreams that leave us wondering. Her husband, Bob Jones, would say that when you have a mixture of…

God Has the Enemy in Checkmate

In this special excerpt, Shawn Bolz talks about some things we are currently seeing in culture and the Lord’s response. Shawn started off the session by saying that there are things manifesting in culture and in the world right now that are insidious and demonic.
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