By Lou Engle 

In the early part of last year, I had a dream that I can’t shake…

I was walking through a city filled with darkness, occultism, false religions, deception and lies. I was carrying a heavy burden as I moved through the streets. Then, I lifted up my eyes and saw in the distance a Calvary Chapel Church (a wonderful fellowship of churches that spread rapidly during the Jesus Movement). In the dream, the most intense wave of the love of God exploded out of this church and burst into my heart. I began to weep with deep convulsions under the experience of God’s manifested love towards me. All I could say was, “Forgive me of my sins! Forgive me of my sins!”. The love of God was cleansing me.

I woke from the dream and the Lord spoke to my heart, “I’m sending another Jesus Movement to California. Once again, the love song will be heard and thousands will be saved!”

Soon afterwards, I received another dream from a young man I know in Southern California. In the dream he saw the L.A. Times coming down out of heaven and the headlines read:  “Lou Engle and Twin Sister are Seeing Another Jesus People Movement in California, Could This Be the Beginning of an Outpouring?” In the middle of the article he saw a picture of my sister and I weeping for the rebellion that took place in the 60’s.

In real life, my twin sister Lucy and her husband Paul Berry pastor a Calvary Chapel church in Santa Maria, California. They have loved and served the Lord for many years. However, in recent months they’ve been gripped by God in a new and unusual way. My brother-in-law Paul has found himself often overcome with weeping and travail for California and a vision for another Jesus Movement.

In another dream that I had recently, I was in a town in California when suddenly people began dancing in the streets covered with gold! I was reminded of a prophetic word I gave several years ago in the northern part of the state: “When California seeks for God as she has sought for gold, the glory will return!”

Recently, Ed Silvosa prophesied over my friend Che Ahn, the apostolic leader of Harvest International Ministries, with a word to turn his heart focus back to California for the fulfillment of the dream that initially brought him here. In 1982, a black man was calling to Che in a dream saying, “Come to Los Angeles. There is going to be a great revival and harvest!” Che is now working on an evangelistic church planting strategy to sweep California into Christ ( Watch Che’s message here regarding California Dreamin’ ). Jesus the Evangelist is arising over the Golden State! 

I believe that God is capturing our imaginations with anticipation of another Jesus Movement where thousands will be saved. In so doing, He is also calling California to seek Him with all of our hearts.

Recently I wrote a book called The Jesus Fast to help fuel this 40-day fasting movement that is extending throughout the world. Countless  people are going on water fasts, juice fasts, and Daniel fasts. There is a growing expectancy that soon, as it was after Jesus’ original fast, those who sit in darkness will see a great light and many will return from the fast in the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Doug, Keith & I are calling California to a 40-day “Jesus Fast” for the birthing of a new Jesus Movement, March 1st – April 9th. Let California seize her divine moment!

Lou Engle

To learn more about the fast or to sign up, click here.
Below are the three prophetic calls from Keith Ferrante, Doug Addison and Lou Engle:


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