Weekly and Monthly Prophetic Words released by Doug Addison.

The Lord Is Restoring Hope

In this special excerpt, Doug Addison is back from sabbatical and ministering to the Partners. He releases what the Lord is showing him in this season. Prayer: Lord, we thank You for Your goodness. We thank You that Your Holy Spirit is moving, even though it may not appear to be so. I have this powerful word of encouragement right now. The Lord is commanding things in place for you and He is with you.

The Lord Is Restoring Hope [Episode 382]

Does anyone need encouragement? In this episode of Spirit Connection, we have a special excerpt from a recent Monthly Mentoring Session. Doug shares what the Lord showed him about this season and how to pray.

Seeing 11:11, 2:22 and 4:44 on Clocks

In this special excerpt, Doug Addison is back from sabbatical and ministering to the Partners. He answers three questions. First Partner question: My life is difficult due to complications in my family. Do you have insight on how to navigate family conflict?

Seeing 11:11, 2:22 and 4:44 on Clocks [Episode 381]

Do you see repeating numbers on clocks? In this episode of Spirit Connection, we have a special excerpt from a Q&A session in a recent Monthly Mentoring Session. Doug shares prophetic insight on three questions from our Partners ...

Gaining Wisdom for Total Breakthrough

In this special excerpt, Doug Addison is back from sabbatical and ministering to the Partners. He answers three questions. First Partner question: Two days ago, I got breakthrough on attacks in my heart and lungs. But then I got attacked in other areas. How can I gain wisdom for total breakthrough?

Gaining Wisdom for Total Breakthrough [Episode 380]

In this episode of Spirit Connection, we have a special excerpt from a Q&A session in a recent Monthly Mentoring Session. Doug shares prophetic insight on three questions from our Partners ... First Question: Two days ago, I got breakthrough on attacks in my heart and lungs. But then I got attacked in other areas. How can I gain wisdom for total breakthrough?

A New Wineskin Is Coming

In this special excerpt, Doug Addison is back from sabbatical and ministering to the Partners. He answers three questions. Below are some notes from our Partners-only Monthly Mentoring Session. These sessions have been recorded and you can access them in full by becoming a Partner today! Find out more at   Partner question: Is there an update on the new wineskin you mentioned previously? Doug’s answer: The new wineskin is a new way to operate, and I haven’t seen it yet. In fact, we’re continuing to pray. The Lord is doing something new right now. The new wineskin is a new strategy, and we need to seek it. Sometimes you have to lay things down in the way you do things … don’t just assume. For example, I’m not assuming that I can just come back to the Daily Prophetic or something like that after being on sabbatical. We are seeking the Lord right now for the new wineskin or the new strategy. Lord, we come into agreement for…

A New Wineskin Is Coming [Episode 379]

In this episode of Spirit Connection, we have a special excerpt from a Q&A session in a recent Monthly Mentoring Session. Doug shares prophetic insight on three questions from our Partners ... First Question: Is there any update on the new wineskin you mentioned previously?

Ringing in the Ears & the Gift of Hearing

In this special excerpt, Doug Addison is back from sabbatical and ministering to the Partners. He answers three questions. First partner question: Is tinnitus [ringing in the ears] related to the gift of hearing? ...

Ringing in the Ears & the Gift of Hearing [Episode 378]

In this episode of Spirit Connection, we have a special excerpt from a Q&A session in a recent Monthly Mentoring Session. Doug shares prophetic insight on three questions from our Partners ... Question 1: Is tinnitus (ringing in the ears) related to the gift of hearing?

In the Midst of Your Storm, Be Grateful

In this special excerpt, Doug Addison is back from sabbatical and ministering to the Partners. He gives three key verses for this transitional time. Below are some notes from our Partners-only Monthly Mentoring Session. These sessions have been recorded and you can access them in full by becoming a Partner today! Find out more at Doug started off the session by sharing some Bible verses with the Partners. He said that the Lord speaks powerfully through the Bible, and all you need is right there … You just need to know where to turn. Lord, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief. Psalm 143:1 NIV Doug emphasized, “Lord, hear my prayer. And listen to my cry for mercy, and in Your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief.” He really believes that this is a powerful verse for now. Cry out to the Lord and ask for mercy. This is a cry of our hearts for right now—for…

In the Midst of Your Storm, Be Grateful [Episode 377]

In this episode of Spirit Connection, we have a special excerpt from a recent Monthly Mentoring Session. Doug releases timely wisdom for this challenging season. He shares some themes He is hearing from the Lord about how to navigate our current situations according to God’s faithfulness to meet all our needs. Doug concludes by leading us in a prayer to call in peace to our storms.


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