Daily, Weekly and Monthly Prophetic Words released by Doug Addison.

A New Sound from Heaven Awakens a Young Generation

A New Sound from Heaven Awakens a Young Generation by Doug Addison New sound from Heaven I keep hearing God speaking over and over to me that there is a new sound that has already been released from Heaven. I have heard prophecies about a new sound coming and many musicians and worship leaders are searching for it. I have not yet heard this new Heavenly sound in any church but I can’t stop hearing it in the spirit. Music sets the pace for everything. Since God is doing something new in the earth right now, it is only appropriate that it would flow through music as well. Anointed music communicates God’s desire and intention for each of us individually, for our church, our region and our generation. Worship music is not just leading songs that prepare our hearts to hear the Word of God, though there is great value in this. Worship is the cry of the Holy Spirit to lead us into His paths and higher purposes. The…

Three Demonic Attacks: The Fly, Crab, and Eyeball

Three Demonic Attacks: The Fly, Crab, and Eyeball Doug Addison On August 18, 2009 I had a dream which was more of a “night vision” in which God showed me three demonic attacks and how these specific demons are able to work covertly in the life of Christians. I was shown three different types of demons and I was able to observe how they operated. These are three attacks coming against people right now. How demons work The insight I received in the dream was that demons were actually created by God and were once in Heaven until they rebelled and were cast to earth along with Satan. What we may not realize is that since they were originally angels in Heaven, they operate similarly to angels and God’s principle. Since they have been cut off from the life source of God, they attempt to gain power back through the connection with God through His people. Since it is not easy for a demon to inhabit a Christian, they have…

The Lost Art of Revelation: Secrets to Spiritual Growth

Hour of God’s Power Over the past year, I have had a radical turn around in my spiritual life. Amazingly, it came by going back to the basics of the things I believe, and finding ways to make them a daily lifestyle. Several years ago, while living in Los Angeles, I discovered that my day would flow much better if I spent 30-45 minutes a day doing a focused prayer walk and 15 minutes or so reading and meditating on the Bible. The results were so amazing that I was able to reduce my daily work hours because I knew what I needed to focus on at any given time. When we moved to North Carolina - in a rural area with snakes, bugs, humidity and four seasons - I tried so hard to keep my “Hour of God’s Power” going, but was not able to be consistent. Eventually I sank back into the tyranny of the urgent and lost the edge I once had. It was pretty ironic that…

Decrees are Falling from Heaven

Decrees are Falling from Heaven Doug Addison July 21, 2009 Last April I was talking on the telephone with Bob Jones who told me that he was in Heaven and saw that books were being reconciled regarding people’s destinies. A short while later I was talking with Larry Randolph who said that he saw the court of Heaven in session and there are things about our future that have not been determined as of yet. This explains why so many people feel frustrated and uncertain right now. In my life, I know the direction that God wants me to go, but the specific steps for this new season have not been clarified. We are in a time of transition in which the way we used to do things is not working as effectively as it once did. We are living in a paradox of the old not working and the new having not yet been fully revealed. Understanding God’s will for our lives is sometimes easier than knowing His timing.…

Divine Alliances: Prophetic Insight About Marriage, Ministry, and Business Partnerships

This is the account of the angelic visitation I had in 1991 that led to my book Divine Alliances: Prophetic Insight About Marriage, Ministry, and Business Partnerships.  The following is an excerpt from the book and the former name of this message was End Times Marriages. This prophetic message is starting to be fulfilled now. Couples are beginning to come together for the purposes of ministry and strategic business partnerships.  I was at a Friday night service at a church in Vacaville, California in the summer of 1991 when during worship I saw a picture in my mind of a beautiful stream of water flowing through a wooded area. It was so vivid that I knew it had to be a vision from God. Whenever I would close my eyes, even to this day, I can still see the stream of water and feel supernatural peace. After praying about how to respond to the vision, I felt that God was directing me to go camping and spend some time alone with Him in…

Radical New Changes Coming in the Fall

Radical New Changes Coming in the Fall Prophetic word by Doug Addison God spoke to me on Rosh Hashanah Many of my prophetic friends receive revelation on the Jewish holiday Rosh Hashanah, which is the Jewish New Year. I have not really gotten anything significant on this day until last year. On September 30, 2008, while living in Moravian Falls, North Carolina I went to bed and before going to sleep God began to speak to me about a new seven year cycle that began at Rosh Hashanah 2008. Later I began to research this and was amazed at the amount of information on it. I found that this is the year of Jubilee in which all things become new. The year of Jubilee occurs every fifty years. This is seven, seven year cycles and on the 50th there was a time of celebration, debt cancelation and rest. It is interesting that this Year of Jubilee began in 2008 during one of the worst economic down turns in quite a…

How to Write a Book

I had an experience in 2002 at 5:00 am in which I heard an audible voice (that I knew was an angel) tell me to “get up and write.” I got up and over the next two weeks in the early hours before work I wrote an outline for the book that became Prophecy, Dreams, and Visions: Revealing God’s Love through Divine Encounters. After writing the outline, I spent the next two years feeling guilty about avoiding writing the rest of the manuscript. I had a lot of good "reasons": I am not a writer I don’t have time What if people don’t like it? What if I fail in front of the entire world? ... etc., etc. My problem? I was trying to write it perfectly, so I would spend hours rewriting, then I would get discouraged. Then one day I experienced a major breakthrough and got my initial manuscript finished in three weeks. Here’s how I did it. For me, finding the time to write was the toughest…

Life Changing Financial Principles from the Bible

Life Changing Financial Principles From the Bible Doug Addison On March 21, 2009, I arrived in Cape Town, South Africa, to speak at a conference on hearing the voice of God. While there, God began to speak to me about new strategies for finances to support the work of the Kingdom of God. As I prayed, God’s presence filled my hotel room and I wrote most of a new message on Kingdom Financial Strategies. I updated the message and recorded it in May. There is an anointing on the message to release new ideas and strategies. Every time I listen to it myself, I get new ideas! Since the economic downturn, I am hearing reports from pastors and church leaders that tithing and giving is down dramatically. In some cases people have lost their jobs and their income has decreased. In other cases, Christians are becoming fearful and are beginning to save their money instead of giving to the work of God. Giving is a spiritual principle that opens the…

New Strategies from Heaven in 2009

New Strategies from Heaven in 2009 by Addison From September 2008 through January 2009 God began to speak to me about some strategies that will help us to grow and mature into all that He is calling us to accomplish. I am outlining four of them but I am sure it goes much deeper than this. This is divine time to be alive. Learn from the past and be strengthened in the present Looking back at 2008, several major events happened that I believe God wants to use to help us grow and mature spiritually. We had an outpouring from God that got stopped abruptly because of the sin of the man who was leading it. The economy began to take a downturn and we had a shake up in the leadership of the government of the US, to name just a few. I don’t want to argue about Todd Bentley’s divorce, or President Obama’s support of laws that allow abortion, or anything about the economic bail-out plan in the…

Dream: Almonds from Heaven and the Next Move of God

Dream: Almonds from Heaven and the Next Move of God by Doug Addison I had a dream last week that I was observing a very large group of people worshiping God. They began to sing in the spirit and suddenly they were all singing the words, “almonds ... almonds.” I watched as almonds mixed with drops of water began to fall from heaven onto a group of teenagers and young adults. They were filled with joy as they caught the almonds and ate them. They laughed and raised their hands as the drops of water bounced off their faces. I had mixed feelings as I watched this. I was really glad to see the young people being touched by God, but I was uncomfortable with the people singing “to the almonds to fall” instead of asking God to drop the almonds. When I woke up I felt that God wants to touch people in ways that may not line up with our current understanding, yet in ways that are not…

O Canada! Prophetic Word for Canada

O Canada! Prophetic Word for Canada By Doug Addison On April 17–18 while ministering in Victoria, Canada, God spoke to me about something new coming to Canada. The day before I left for this trip, I was praying and the presence of God was intense. I had an experience in which God spoke several things to me over a three day period. O Canada! With glowing hearts we see thee rise, the True North strong and free! Your intercession has not gone unnoticed. God is preparing a special visitation on May 20, 2009 in Toronto. This will be the start of a major shift in Canada that will change the spiritual atmosphere. God will begin to give prophets in Canada strategies that will unlock blessing and start revival. Businessmen and women and government officials will begin to come to Jesus in an increasing measure. Intercession has played a big role in this shift. God said that He is raising many people in Canada from the dead (spiritually) who have lost…

A Plan of Darkness to Bring Financial Ruin

On January 15, 2007 I had an encounter with God while living in Moravian Falls, North Carolina. I was gathering firewood in my backyard when a strong wind began to blow from the south. At first it sounded sweet and seductive, but as it increased in intensity it became deafening. In this spiritual experience the Holy Spirit allowed me to witness a plan of Satan designed to derail Christians in the area of finances. When the wind stopped I stood shaken from the experience. Then another wind began to blow but this time it was the Holy Spirit speaking to me the meaning of what had just happened. I immediately ran to my office and wrote down what I heard. The False Wind The Holy Spirit showed me that in 2005 a deceptive spirit from darkness disguised as an “angel of light” was released like a wind that blew throughout the world, particularly in the USA. The plan of the enemy was to deceive Christians into listening to this deceptive…


  • August 2023

    Note: Doug will not be doing Daily Prophetic Words until further notice. We thank you for your understanding.

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