Weekly and Monthly Prophetic Words released by Doug Addison.

The Essence of the Gospel

In this special excerpt, James Goll shares some of his hardships and gives insight into collective faith.  Below are some notes from our Partners-only Monthly Mentoring Session. These sessions have been recorded and you can access them by becoming a Partner today! Find out more at James Goll began the session by saying that he didn't want to share a typical prophetic message. His heart was on the essence of the gospel. He spoke about how important the Partners are to Doug and Linda … He said he was moved to tears because that is an example of how the body of Christ overcomes.  Next, James said he was going to be vulnerable, and he told the group about some of his difficulties. He’s gone through cancer three times, he’s had multiple back surgeries that have failed and he’s lost his wife. James spoke about how hard his wife fought. She is an overcomer, and she has a great testimony! James said that he believes God allowed these things…

The Essence of the Gospel | James Goll [Episode 349]

How do we actually become overcomers? In this episode of Spirit Connection, we have a special excerpt from James Goll who gets vulnerable and shares parts of his life that taught him to be an overcomer. James has gone through great difficulty in his life, and he touches on several familiar subjects—but in a deeper way. He shares about how faith works, God’s mysterious timing, fresh applications on how to testify what the blood of Jesus has done and overcoming the accuser of the brethren. Don’t miss this heartfelt episode.

How to Do Your Part in the Great Harvest

In this special excerpt, Bonnie Jones brings us insight about our daily ministry of living in holiness and being obedient to see God’s plan manifested in the earth.

How to Do Your Part in the Great Harvest | Bonnie Jones [Episode 348]

What is the role of the bride of Christ? In this episode of Spirit Connection, we have a special excerpt from Bonnie Jones who lays out who we are called to be and why it’s time for the bride to come forward in power and might for the harvest. Bonnie not only gives us the big picture of God’s plan for His bride and the part that we play in saving lost souls, but also shares the how-to of walking that out. She brings insight about our daily ministry of living in holiness, listening to Holy Spirit and being obedient to His direction for God’s plan to manifest on the earth.

The Special Call of God on Your Life

In this special excerpt, Carter Wood teaches on our purpose as believers and an urgent need right now. Below are some notes from our Partners-only Monthly Mentoring Session. These sessions have been recorded and you can access them by becoming a Partner today! Find out more at Carter started off the session by saying that there is something going on right now that is very powerful. If you've been paying attention to the news, there's a lot happening that is not okay. There really is a manifestation of the enemy and he is trying everything to disassemble morality in our generation. Carter emphasized that the enemy does not win. God wins! We need to realize that we are chosen, and our calling supersedes our vocation. You’ve been called by the Holy One, the Holy Spirit. You’ve been called to be wooed into a greater depth of understanding of who He is. You have a full-time calling on your life. Don’t leave it up to your pastors. Carter talked about…

The Special Call of God on Your Life | Carter Wood [Episode 347]

Do you ever wonder what your purpose is? In this episode of Spirit Connection, we have a special excerpt from Carter Wood who brings us into a deeper understanding of who God has called us to be for His Kingdom. Carter takes us beyond normal teaching about the call on our lives. He brings us the message of being chosen by God to be in His royal priesthood. We are being wooed into a greater depth of understanding of who God is. It’s a place of privilege to be called to look for God’s heart!

Get the Honey of Revelation from Past Pain | Brian Simmons [Episode 346]

Is there a benefit to going through pain? In this episode of Spirit Connection, we have a special excerpt from Brian Simmons who gives us a challenge to “find honey in the carcass of our lion” like Samson did. Brian brings us deep insight from a wild Bible story about Samson that illustrates the goodness of God—how He gives us something sweet out of our most painful traumas if we go back and look for it!

7 Awesome Benefits of Jesus’ Shed Blood

In this special excerpt, James Goll gives insight into what the sacrifice of Jesus means for us! Below are some notes from our Partners-only Monthly Mentoring Session. These sessions have been recorded and you can access them by becoming a Partner today! Find out more at James started out the session by giving an overview of the New Testament fulfillment of what Jesus, the Lamb of God, did for us. The first point was about forgiveness. We have been forgiven through the blood of Jesus! In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. Hebrews 9:22 NIV James then gave a second point: the cleansing power of forgiveness. Our conscience has been cleansed from dead works to be able to serve the living God. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.1 John…

7 Awesome Benefits of Jesus’ Shed Blood | James Goll [Episode 345]

How amazing is the blood of Jesus? In this episode of Spirit Connection, we have a special excerpt from James Goll who highlights seven stunning provisions God has made for us through the shed blood of Christ Jesus. James shares astounding truths—seven things Jesus paid for with His precious blood. We are reminded of the goodness of God and the ramifications for our lives that are absolutely mind-blowing. So, get ready to be encouraged! Watch Now   Listen Now Find Out The fulfillment of what the Lamb of God, Jesus, has done for us Seven reasons to be thankful for these astonishing gifts from our Lord Scriptures that beautifully illuminate each of these benefits Scriptures that beautifully illuminate each of these benefits Links Mentioned in This Episode Join Arms with Us—Sabbatical Giving

How to Have Good Character | Cindy Jacobs [Episode 344]

How good is your character? In this episode of Spirit Connection, we have a special excerpt from Cindy Jacobs who goes through a short list of things that commonly interfere with having good character. Cindy shares how to take inventory of things in our life that can hinder us from having strong character. She gives us food for thought about how our emotions, motivations, bad teaching, woundedness and things like religious spirits can negatively affect the quality of our character—and how we act toward others. Watch Now   Listen Now Find Out About casting down everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God How you can take account of your day—if you were kind and loving That your strength can become your stronghold Why being defensive is a sign of unforgiveness Links Mentioned in This Episode Join Arms with Us—Sabbatical Giving

You Have Been Chosen

In this special excerpt, Carter Wood reminds us that we are all ministers … and more!  Below are some notes from our Partners-only Monthly Mentoring Session. These sessions have been recorded and you can access them by becoming a Partner today! Find out more at  Carter began the session by saying that our spirit should be in charge of us all the time. This is not often preached in churches.  There is a call of God that's on the church that’s so profound. It’s not hard to preach to people because they’re hungry for more of God. They just don’t know how to experience more.   You are chosen! Your calling supersedes your vocation.  These signs will follow those who believe … they will heal the sick, they will raise the dead, and they will cast out demons.  Carter mentioned that his most-said statement is that every person who is born again is a minister on this Earth.  A lot of times when we go to church, we hear our…

You Have Been Chosen | Carter Wood [Episode 343]

Do you know what your purpose is? In this episode of Spirit Connection, we have a special excerpt from Carter Wood who presents us with many nuggets—realities of God’s Kingdom that are not often taught in churches. Carter releases key points about our core identity and what we’re called to—not what we do for a living. God has chosen us, and we in training to be part of His army. The five-fold ministry is to equip us to be ministers on the earth, which is our primary purpose. He says, “You are chosen, and your calling supersedes your vocation.” Watch Now Listen Now Find Out There is going to be a great women’s movement in our world In this reality, our spirit should be in charge of us all the time You can have as much of God as you want We are called to heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons Links Mentioned in This Episode Join Arms with Us—Sabbatical Giving


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