A Sudden Good Break

Sudden big breakWe will see a lot of positive changes this year, as 2013 marks the beginning of an entirely new way to function. God is releasing unlimited potential for those who are ready to move forward.

Sudden good breaks

“Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick, but a sudden good break can turn life around.” Proverbs 13:12 MSG

Get ready for “sudden good breaks” and the end of a season of disappointments. This is a time of “suddenness” and quick radical turnarounds. It will require changing the way we think and taking action.

Clean out the old ways and make room for the new. Don’t be surprised if you begin to see a new way to do what you do. Stepping back from your situation will help.


Prophetic Word
“You have sought me and now act on what I am telling you. Trust your spiritual instincts.” This is a time in which you will hear clamoring around you. But listen deep inside to the Holy Spirit speaking to you. This is a time to learn as you go, and you have to enter the race to win! Take practical steps and listen to peace in your heart.


“… but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 NIV


Joseph anointing increasing
This year we will see many people who have a “Joseph anointing” begin to come on the scene. This is similar to the Jewish patriarch Joseph (Genesis 37–41) who interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams and gave prophetic words that set up a huge financial blessing and far-reaching provision during a famine. These “Joseph people” (men and women) will release prophetic insight and financial blessing into the Kingdom of God.


In 2007 God spoke to me that we were entering into a new seven-year season. Similar to the life of Joseph, people who are called to move in this new anointing from God will go through rejection and turmoil. In 2012 the “Joseph people” started coming alive and began to be released from their prisons of rejection and being forgotten. In 2013 they will begin to rise up in various areas of influence in society.


First quarter prophetic forecast


Watch for subtle changes in how you think. God is drawing us to a new level of “all things are possible for those who believe” mentality. He is revealing areas where we limit not only ourselves but also God’s power from flowing through us.


This is a time to take action and move toward new things that God is revealing. Some old prophetic promises and dreams are now being updated. God will show you what is for now, what is for later and what is no longer valid. Watch as fogginess, wilderness and spiritual winter times begin to diminish. New strength and drive will come to you.


This will be when things start to spring into action with what God is revealing and calling you to. Take practical steps and stay steady. It will benefit you to create a plan of action “as faith without works is dead.” James 2:20 (NKJV)


Fear and cursing
Two dark forces of fear and cursing have come against people. These two demonic attacks will only lose their grip as we rise above with the opposite spirit from God. As we trust God instead of being fearful and bless people instead cursing them, we will see a great turnaround in our own lives and the lives of people around us.


Unforgiveness towards leaders
I had a prophetic dream last month that people are cursing leaders who struggle with addictions. Here’s the dream:


I was standing next to a beautiful large body of water and the atmosphere suddenly changed so you could see all the fish underneath. A group of people was on a small bridge praying and worshiping. As I got closer, I could hear them praying a prayer that turned into a worship song … the song rhymed, “leaders with addictions, have nothing to do with them.”


I knew they had been wounded by the shortcomings of pastors and leaders. There was smoke or some fragrance from their prayer song but as I walked through, it smelled foul. They thought they were doing the right thing by standing up for justice, but God’s heart is for restoration of these struggling leaders. They did not realize they were actually cursing. But as they prayed, you could no longer see deep into the water and the heavens began to close.


I got this prophetic word regarding the dream: the next move of God depends on all of us and it is important to pray, blessing people who struggle. Remember when a woman was caught in adultery Jesus said, Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” (John 8:7) Jesus is saying that now. It is time to give up our grievances against those who have hurt us. We don’t have to agree with what they did but forgiveness will open the heavens over our life.


Dream: I can list
I had a dream last month that I had so many things to do and I was feeling overwhelmed. I cried out to God saying “I can’t!” God spoke to me in the dream that I must create an “I CAN” list. So I have written down a new list of what I can do with God.  It is exciting!


“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2 (NIV)


This is a time to transform our thinking to line up with God’s unlimited power!  I can and so can you!


I am excited for God’s direction this year and am looking forward to see how our lives will be changed with unlimited thinking!  My prayer is that we would see where we are limiting ourselves and God so that we can take strong steps with a plan of action.


Watching for my sudden good break!


Doug Addison





Doug Addison
inLight Connection

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

  1. Pingback: January 22-23, 2013 – A Year of Sudden Changes | Captivating Freedom

    • Tracye Davis
    • August 28, 2013

    REALLY!?!? I can’t believe you all are buying into this! Can anyone here say FALSE PROPHET? Nothing that was said here is Biblical! Not in the least! Where Scripture is used, those Scriptures are NOT used in context and the meaning of them has been twisted and distorted! Oh My, People!! Run from this, as fast as you can!! LIES! HERESY!! Open up YAH’s Word for yourself and let HIM fill you up! “Let him who has ears to hear, hear!” RUN…your eternal life depends on it!

    • David Morrison
    • July 8, 2013

    God gave me a word for July 2013 saying that July 2013 shall be a month of Sudden Good Break, hence the word from Doug was a due season word for me.

    Many thanks

  2. Reply

    That word was for me again. I have been deeply hurt by those above me who have sinned and struggle in addictions. I have forgiven them but am afraid they will hurt me again because to me it is a very intimate issue and I take it personally. Maybe I should not but what they do makes me feel so unloved, devalued, and not cherished or chosen. So it is in Gods hands and timing to heal my heart and fear and to help me trust. I don’t see how I can trust man as he fails me so. I bet on God and only Him to keep my heart and love me. I just can not stand another round of such pain in my heart. But my relationship w the person is still not feeling right but it’s not in my control…I just cry to Abba to love me because it hurts my old rejection / abandonment wounds. I can’t heal myself!!!

    • Kerry Bouchard
    • January 31, 2013

    The word of the Lord is that we would stand with our brother, pastor, leader, friend and decree that the darkness would die. and tell our friends,pastor ,brother,leader that they are dark yet they are lovely! And I Love You!

    • Anna N.
    • January 25, 2013

    Hello Doug, I am so grateful for the goodness of God. The revelations you have shared, the words you have shared, have been instrumental in my heart. I have definitely been experiencing the attacks, the lost dreams, the deferred hope… But your words have been so encouraging to me to keep hanging in there. Keep looking to Him. I’m so grateful because just this week, things have really been lifting in my heart. I have hope again! I also had an amazing revelation of his love for me and all of his children. And even about his vengeance! I always assumed that vengeance was against people who were doing terrible things. But its against the devil, not his babies!!! He wants all his babies to know him. And when each person gives their heart to him, they are no longer in control of the devil and that is his vengeance!!! Wow! God is so amazing!!!! Anyways, thank you so much. You are a beloved man of God, being used mightily to encourage! Thank you for being you!

    • Terry M.
    • January 22, 2013

    Hey Doug, in light (no pun intended) of your previous word about the SF 49ers and the power outage at Candlestick Park last year, do you have any insight from Holy Spirit yet as to what He may be saying about their appearance in the Super Bowl? The Lord often uses football games to illustrate His intentions for His people with us. It was also very interesting that (former NFL quarterback) Kurt Warner did a taped interview (NFL.com) with Colin Kaepernick about his tattoos and his faith in Christ…thanks!

    • Brian Webb
    • January 22, 2013

    Thank you SO MUCH for posting this. I was flipping through some stuff and happened to find it, and January’s and March’s prophecies line up directly with how I’m feeling right now and what I’m planning. So I’ll be moving in and taking steps towards progress in February! 😀 And thanks for the prophetic advice about March. I totally agree that March is feeling like a month to need a plan to stick through – for me at least – having some extra money in my pockets will really be a temptation!

    • Carmilla Malgren
    • January 21, 2013

    I love your willingness to hear from God and then share it with us! Thank you!

    • Mark
    • January 21, 2013

    ACTS 8:9-25, II Peter 1:21, “Your money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money!” “Repent therefore of this your wickedness, and pray God if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven you.”

    • Hannah
    • January 19, 2013

    Your dream about forgiving pastors is a blessing to read. I’m reminded of a merciful, caring and loving Abba (father) who cares about us. I was reminded about King David, who did things he shouldn’t, but it says he had a “heart for God”! I make mistakes, but by the grace of God, I will learn from them and know that He is there with me to help me with a better way…He is hope…there was a time in my life that I didn’t know this. Thank you for your love for our Lord.

    • Bill Pavelich
    • January 18, 2013

    Great word Doug – thanks for sharing what the Lord is revealing to you!
    Your words are always incredibly inspiring and encouraging! It’s time my friend!!

    • Raphael Paradzayi
    • January 17, 2013

    Wonderful, amazing and encouraging prophetic stuff for all individuals and groups. Keep up this sharing spirit. Ihave been encouraged, believing also that some who wanted to throw the towel will innovate. Thank you.

  3. Reply

    Thanks Doug for these words of encouragment. We really needed to hear these. I finally got the courage to listen to John Paul Jacksons dvd- The coming storm. I purchased it @ the prophetic meetings 4-5 years ago in Castle Rock Co. @ church of the Rock. I met you there & you autographed your book for me . These last 10-11 years have been one trial after another. these last five years the attacks have been so intense that if we had not had the grace of God , we would not have made it. I listened to JPJ dvd & It was nearly more than I could handle, all very negative. The word hopeless comes to mind. God told me of a miricle that was mine, two years & eight months ago. He gave me the scripture 1 cor. 1:26-29 esp. the last part of 29. God chose the things that be not, to bring to naught the things that are. Thanks you again for these words of encouragment,God bless you & your family!!

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