Breaking Through Your Old Ceiling


Breaking Through Your Old Ceiling

Doug Addison

October 14, 2013


Prophetic Word for October

October has come in with a swirl but will go out with smoother waters. The enemy has been trying to stir things up inside your mind with attacks against your relationships, family and ultimate calling and destiny. This is a time to trust that God is at work beneath the surface and it will take a just a short time to see results and breakthrough work out on your behalf.

I keep hearing the word “Roc(k)tober” because that is what October is all about. Things are rocking right now. This rocking will begin to break open the enemy’s hidden plans that were placed there to conceal hidden treasures from God being held in reserve for you. This is the time to stand firm on the Rock and not be rocked by the shaking around you.

Psalm 62:2 “Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.”

There have been demonic attacks on people’s minds with anxiety, panic, and fears that you have missed it or even messed up. God says, “Rest in Me and my prophetic promises right now and watch as I work it out in the midst of adversity.”

October 17th

God showed me that October 17th is the day that things begin to turn in a new direction. Watch for God to confirm and release new revelation about the coming year. I realize that this is the day of the “Debt Ceiling Deadline” in the U.S. government. This prophetic word is not necessarily about that but it is a prophetic sign that God wants us all to break through to something new. God is releasing revelation and Heavenly resources for you to set a new course in your life, business, and ministry.

Your previous ceiling is now your new floor

There has been so much breakthrough in the spiritual realm over the past month. Quite often when we are promoted to a new level we may almost feel like we have gone backwards. Most of us were operating underneath a “glass ceiling” with regard to our spiritual gifts, which can feel limiting. We may even unknowingly become comfortable there. I had a vision of people breaking through their old ceilings and you are now standing at a new ground level. When you get there, your gifts may not operate the same way they did before but there are also new angels to help you fight the demons that also occupy this new level.

Year of the greatest promotions!

In the Jewish calendar we began a New Year during Rosh Hashanah. Though we are no longer under the Jewish Law, God still operates on the Jewish calendar. Ten days after Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, which was on September 14th is the most holy Jewish holiday as God examines our lives for possible promotions in your spiritual life.

God spoke to me that on this past Yom Kippur there were the most promotions made in the spiritual realm than in decades. These promotions caused a tipping point so now the prayers and injustices for years past are being reconciled. Watch as new favor and unexpected opportunities begin to arise.

Dividing point

God’s love is for everyone. He will love and bless anyone who cries out to Him. A change has just started to happen and those who have been oppressed and held back will begin to rise up. We will also see those who have not shown love and grace begin to lose their influence. This is a time of adjustment from Heaven so that the new strategies will be released on earth.

What you sow is what you reap (Galatians 6:7), so those who have loved will receive more love. Those who have shown grace will be promoted into new levels of authority. There is a dividing point now where those who are called to be “new wineskins” will be set apart from the old. It is interesting to note that God values the old and the new. However, we need a new move of God to renew the old.

Matthew 9:17 (Jesus said) “Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.”

Plans of the enemy

Because there is so much being released from Heaven right now, the enemy is scrambling to keep people from seeing and taking hold of the new. A few things to watch for are getting overwhelmed or too busy to catch subtle things being released. Worry, fear, panic, and anxiety are on the move but God wants you to rise above them and be at peace. Watch as God works things out.

Look for the enemy to try to distract you and blind you to what God is doing. The enemy is trying to get you to think the problem lies in a different area than it actually does. In some cases you will need to drill through several layers to get to the root. This will result in a greater release than ever before.

Restoration of robbed inheritances

I had a dream this month that I was standing on a portion of land that I should have inherited from my grandfather of Cherokee descent. It was a small strip of my favorite place on his farm where I played as a child. Someone wanted to buy the small strip of land for $1000 and tried to run the transition by me quickly. I felt rushed but I decided to take a closer look and when I did I noticed a brand new speedboat parked just out of sight on the land. I knew it meant that there are ministries, and spiritual and literal inheritances that the enemy wants to rob from us.

It is time to ask God to reveal and bring forward our generational callings and gifts that we may or may not have been aware of. After this dream I began to pray with a greater authority, calling out all that the Father has for us from our generational backgrounds. This is the time to take greater authority. Ask God to reveal and bring to you generational blessings, gifts and ministries that have been held back or stolen.

My staff and I have been praying a powerful prayer I learned from Arthur Burke: “God, show me what the enemy does not want me to see.” I want to encourage you to pray this simple prayer and watch as God will indeed reveal things right now that will set you free and allow you to move forward.

Ask God to fight your battle

I have always been a lover of all people and have operated with the mentality of “bless those who curse you.” Because of the reaping and sowing principle, those of us who have been doing this now have a full spiritual bank account of grace that we can draw upon.

Just after Rosh Hashanah this year I was finding myself in some of the most fierce spiritual battles and negative warfare that I have ever experienced in my life. God spoke to me that the season is changing, and it is time to take up the Sword of the Lord, and take greater authority against the enemy (not people but demonic forces). Ask God to fight your battles for you.

This is a time of rapid changes. Watch as God rocks things open to a new level by November!!!



Doug Addison

Doug Addison

<strong>Doug Addison</strong> is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his <em>Daily Prophetic Words</em> and <em>Spirit Connection </em>podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Blessings
    • January 5, 2017

    Wow!!! mighty vessel of the Most High God, Doug. Your blog is SO relevant to me. I have taken and learned soooo much from it, glory to God. What I need to remind the children of God is that indeed, before a major breakthrough, there is a major storm. Remember when the enemy comes against us as a flood, the Spirit of God will lift up the standard against him. Don’t give up, just wait upon the Lord, it doesn’t matter how hopeless your situation appears, He who promised is faithful. Indeed, we need to give our battles to God, our victory will be guaranteed as nothing is impossible with him.

    I have been in a marriage of storms for the past 11 years-betrayal, cheating, name calling is just a few I can mention. The worst is my husband is a Pastor and is cheating with my prayer partner. After I prayed to God to help me forgive them, I began to experience the PEACE OF GOD THAT SURPASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING. By the grace of God, I learned to wait upon the Lord and I know and feel that MY OLD CEILING IS SURELY BECOMING MY NEW FLOOR!!!

    I would have lost heart, unless, I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!!! Thank you Jesus…

    • Emmanuel
    • October 29, 2013

    this prophetic word is really timely and i am blessed by it,as i read through it,i heard it in my spirit this is for you,i would like you to pray and seek the Lord on my behalf cause i know He would say something important concerning my future and destiny to you am 100%s sure i just know it thanks

    • david gorsuch
    • October 29, 2013

    Good word Doug!! I know from your email updates and such of what you’ve been through with this word coming out for this month (now almost over) it was the enemy trying to stop the prophetic voice from encouraging and lifting up as this word is doing and more!! thanks Doug for your obedience and sacrifices that only God knows about blessings upon blessings for you and your family!! P.S you have been to our church before Bethel Valparaiso Indiana at least once a few yrs ago! 🙂

    • Wes Jeffs
    • October 25, 2013

    Horoscope=counterfeit. This article= REAL!

    • Adam Luckey
    • October 23, 2013

    Thanks Doug! I am very encouraged by your words of wisdom. You are truly a gift to the body of Christ, and the world!

  1. Pingback: What the devil doesn’t want you to see | Common Unity

    • M
    • October 21, 2013

    Thanks you for sharing. What a time of desperate longing for hope and assurance that God has not forgotten or turned his head from circumstances that seem to be never ending. It appears each prophetic word leads to another without the former word coming to pass. Thanking God this word will break discouragement in my life.

    • Deborah Harrison
    • October 20, 2013

    Amen! This message is anointed and has resonated deep within me. The gates of hell shall not prevail and in Christ we have the keys to heaven. Earlier today worship I saw a big sword ready for victory. I sensed that Father God had his hand overlayef upon my my small and that in His strdnght there is breakthrough. I now am encouraged from your message Doug to push on thuough my glass ceiling. Bless you in Jesus name and I believe that Fathet God is also about to equip you with new gifts and there is going to be an outpouring from His storehouse.

    • Tom
    • October 20, 2013

    your prophetic word has reached accross the Atlantic to the UK. And i’ll be taking back to Africa in January. Here’s to seeing all that the enemy doesn’t want us to see…..

    • Lauren
    • October 17, 2013

    I don’t usually comment on forums, but I want to thank you for this word, and thank you for continuing to release messages of hope! My husband and I have been following your words closely and resonate often with them. We are waiting, praying and hoping for our break through to come – soon! Blessings from Australia 🙂

    • Mark Geier
    • October 17, 2013

    Thank you so much for what you do. For several days before the 17th I was nauseated and as soon as I woke up on the 17th it was gone and felt an enlarged peace and presence of the Father in my room. The Father is definitely giving out new promotions and he gave me one I did not expect.

  2. Reply

    Doug, I wanted to say one more thing. When I read the articles you have been so faithful to bring every month, I get so excited. I agree with what the Lord has shown you, & what you have been so kind and faithful to share each month. I hope you know what an encouragment it has been to me & (by the looks of all the comments )many others.This last season(will be 6 years Dec. 15) has been the hardest me & my family have ever gone through, there were times I knew if God didn’t help ,I was not going to make it. Thank God he never leaves us or forsakes us, nor leaves us in the hands of our enemy’s. Thank you Doug for all the words, they have been such a help, & a strong tower, for me & my family!

    • James Emmerick
    • October 16, 2013

    RokTober is a word I can sink my teeth into…

    • James Emmerick
    • October 16, 2013

    how does these words work in the face of lose of little and the threat of homelessness -landlord wants me out… I have no means to do anything been out of work over 7 years, lost my business and lost much of my inheritance from my dad due to 2008 business lose and credit lose… I am just a little bit better off than I was when I began college years ago… want a miracle of sudden-lies including the impossible promise of incomes and gifts grants of funds promised… been taken to court over debts and even more perplexed as to how to manage and now also face the lose of foodshare benefits too… God help me…

    • David Bernstein
    • October 16, 2013

    This is shocking: nothing but a “christian” horoscope. Same language, same content.
    All you need to do is to spread some encouraging phrases and everyone buys it.

    • Luis Eider
    • October 16, 2013

    para que soy nuevo estoy sorprendido .es como si me esubiera diciendo ami

    • Bethany
    • October 16, 2013

    I had the dream where I went through the floor, like your picture. But I had to flip the dream because I went down instead of up, and the enemy was waiting for me. That picture though–brought the dream back. Now I get it!

    Messy process, but worth it. Seeing the breakthroughs come, even though the enemy is yelling “squirrel!” and trying to make me focus on what I DON’T have yet.

    • Kathie
    • October 16, 2013

    Love the ceiling becoming the floor! Also like the resolve to quieten ourselves and watch God work… I want to see a whole lot of devil rearend whipping going on!!! And I’m being conservative there

    • Ulla
    • October 16, 2013

    Finland has had the same struggles! Thank you for sharing this – it really comforts and strengthens our faith. And it also helps us to lift our heads and to remember, who our Father, the King, is and that we are His love-children… 🙂
    So, up and forward trusting in His LOVE!!!

    • Anna
    • October 16, 2013

    Thanks for this word, is exactly what I am living, the anxiety, fears, that voice on my mind telling me the mistakes in my life…

    I don´t have words for this…God is working as He told you.

    God bless you and your ministry

    • Tonia Gaston
    • October 16, 2013

    Thank you so much for this encouraging word; I receive and I am so encouraged by it. Bless y’all!

    • David Bernstein
    • October 16, 2013

    As a scholar in religious studies I always wondered when Christianity would mix up with neognosticism and end up entertaining some sort of Christian horoscope. Here I have finally found it. I can read the horoscope in any newspaper and compare its terminology and content with what I have found here – the similiarities are stunning!
    This will be splendid research project for the winter season! Thank you!

    • Rachel
    • October 15, 2013

    Geez lots of comments! i guess we all need this word! Rocktober commercial just came on tv lol. I live in st louis (not from here) but the commercial was for the st. Louis cardinals. Anyway, heard rocktober on tv and was reminded of this word(read it last night). Thought i would comment 🙂

  3. Reply

    WOW – such an “on time” word…thank you Doug!! That October 17th word hit me right in the chest! We appreciate you and miss you in Birmingham!

    • Duane Alan
    • October 15, 2013

    Would be a lot easier just to take the ‘stairs tho…. ; )

  4. Reply

    Doug your prophecies have really inspired me in this season. I have been challenged by them and have entered into new things as a result of them. Thanks.

  5. Reply

    What a blessing you are Brother! Thank you for making things so clear. What a blessing!

  6. Reply

    God spoke to me that this prophetic word (article) would have the greatest impact than anything I have released. My team has been praying together daily and we are all experiencing breakthrough but we have had to get it layer by layer…as God reveals something we breakthrough, find something more, breakthrough again and again.

    Dont give up!

      • DaLauna Wagner
      • October 15, 2013

      Wow! What a confirmation of what I and others close to me are experiencing! Thank you for the encouragement to not give up! I appreciate your ministry so much! Thank you Lord for speaking through Doug!

    • Sheila Horn
    • October 15, 2013

    Ha! I had a bout with shingles at the end of August and I quit my job the eve of Rosh Hashanah . The LORD had been leading me out of that job for a year. I was still recovering from the shingles when I gave my wonderful boss my notice that I would not be back and it was very difficult for me to quit because of fear. But with prayer and several confirmations in the form of a prophetic word (yours being one of them) I knew it was time to break free. Now I’m waiting on Him. I know there is Kingdom business that I’m to be involved in and it’s teaching me to let go of fear..

    • Amberly Breja
    • October 15, 2013

    I don’t know why I am doing this- almost feel like my inner man is driving me to write, like the Lord wanted me to do something I would be embarrassed to do ( writing on a public forum) in order to break me through my ceiling.
    I have nothing to say, though my heart has walked several things you’ve written… and am so thankful for yoursight of what ourBeloved is doing.
    Thanks for being faithful-

    • Reply

      Amberly, you are breaking through and what you felt to post is the Holy Spirit nudging you… that is how the prophetic works. Glad you did

    • LULU
    • October 14, 2013

    The word of God is very accurate, thanks….One word that is echoing a loud is NEW. I am not satisfied with where I am so Lord do a new thing!!!!Let me climb higher for I know no one has fully fathom your wisdom and love,,,,so take me and show me!!!

    • Annetta
    • October 14, 2013

    This is a prophetic timely word. Thanks.

    • Annetta
    • October 14, 2013

    This is a prophetic timely word. Thanks.

    • Andrea
    • October 14, 2013

    This word was confirmation for in many ways. It also encouraged me. Thank you and I thank the Father!

  7. Pingback: Breaking Through Your Old Ceiling | Doug Addison | Adventures In Glory

    • Daniel
    • October 14, 2013

    My spirit gel with this great vision

    • Grace
    • October 14, 2013

    I never expected breakthrough to be so messy!

    • Carter
    • October 14, 2013

    I Believe & Expect to receive the Great! Thnx Doug, ur words having been truly Encouraging, Timely & on point for me!

    • Mia
    • October 14, 2013

    Thank you!
    Back in 2007 the Lord woke me up by calling my name and it sounded like He was in the room with me and gave me Isaiah 45:2-3.
    Your blog lines up with this passage!
    Thank you for your faithfulness!!!

    • Laura
    • October 14, 2013

    Amen,,,we receive it Doug. We are all in need of a breakthrough, the enemy has gone way to far. Glory be to God. We are more than conquerors through Him.

    • Denise in Colorado
    • October 14, 2013

    Wow! Right on target for my life. God often uses things happening to me in the natural to teach me spiritual lessons. I read the part about needing to drill through several layers to get to the root just as I was waiting to the to the Dr. For an emergency root canal. I have had a ton of generational/family dreams in the last month.

    • Maa
    • October 14, 2013

    Hey we sure love you and Linda.

    • Sydney
    • October 14, 2013

    I have been praying your prayer for god to show me what the enemy does not want me to see … Thank you so much for this word simple yet so powerful my entire life has changed ! Amen!

    • Lorna
    • October 14, 2013

    This is an encouraging Word Doug. I see things moving with my writing, blogging and podcasting…so it’s all in line with your WOrd. My husband however is having a really hard time…emotionally and with his job. He was demoted a month ago and he thinks he’ll soon be laid off…it’s got so bad that he told me he prays and asks God to die. Anyway, if you think of us would appreciate your prayers. Thanks.

    • Nicole
    • October 14, 2013

    This was very timely. I feel like if was written just for me. Thank you!

    • Debbie Coffman
    • October 14, 2013

    Thank you for this encouraging word. My Buffalo and have had several prophecies that we will be traveling on the mission field together. She was recently told that she has stage 4 colon cancer and it doesn’t look good in the natural realm. We believe the enemy is trying to stop our calling but God prevail & heal her. God bless you, your ministry and your family

    • Carolina Salinas
    • October 14, 2013

    Awesome man of God.
    Thank you for bring so open to God’s voice
    You truly touch every part of my life in this prophetic word.
    (Como no decirte que te amo.). How can i not tell you that i love you in Chist Jesus If the reflection of the heart of of our father is in your tongue and your tongue is like a pen of a ready writer.
    I declare over you much love much peace more supernatural blessings.

    • sue
    • October 14, 2013

    Feels like a personal message to me….just what I needed to hear as fear and anxiety and worry have all been heavier on me these past 2 months than ever………loss of so many things and struggling to hold on. Each time I get up I get knocked back down and not only knocked but BEATEN back down by the enemy. Feels like he has a cricket bat in his hand. Praise God for HIS plan, HIS breakthrough and HIS love……………Blessinhgs on your for your prophetic word and delivering hope just when it was needed. I had been CRYING OUT TO GOD TO HEAR HIS VOICE.

    • Christy
    • October 14, 2013

    So so so good and timely as I’ve been feeling as though I’ve recently fallen into some quicksand thanks for the rope of hope Doug!!

    • Kelly
    • October 14, 2013

    WOW! Praise God for this word and timing! $100,000 of income from work and ministry has been stolen over the past 10 years from my husband, Kids, and I! We are agreeing and claiming it back and for breakthrough and the new areas God has LITERALLY moved us into with ministry to do ministry! YAY God!

    • Susanne Molina
    • October 14, 2013

    You are always so encouraging in what you are sharing Doug, thank you! Praying that your lost journaling will be restored to you right now! May your ministry and resources be blessed 7-fold as this happens! 🙂 You are awesome Doug! Much love from the UK to you!

    • Louis Gallucci
    • October 14, 2013

    I started the month by launching a ministry to unite the body of Christ in Colorado and shortly after lost my job. I am claiming your word for October and believing God is going to do great things as we trust and serve him! God is doing great things in our area and “the water level is rising”

    • Anita
    • October 14, 2013

    Totally bares witness with my spirit, & my son-in-law just knocked out their ceiling to add an additional room for a new baby on the way! 🙂

  8. Reply

    So timely and insightful my friend – thank you!

  9. Reply

    Praise God for you, Prophet Doug, and for confirmation and encouragement in that word!

    • Jen Antoniou
    • October 14, 2013

    What a blessing, and such incredible timing. Wow… thanks so much. Praise God… He’s so good!!!!!

    The dreams have been revealing and exciting, but I’ve totally been hit with overwhelm and a deep sadness I can’t identify or really define. Something exciting is about to happen… Yay!

    • Patty Williams
    • October 14, 2013

    Family being restored for the Glory of God….enemy will give ball ALL that he has stolen…
    Prodigals coming home….kids returning to their rightful parents when unjustice was done…

    • barbara
    • October 14, 2013

    I receive this word Doug, the Lord has been showing me for a long time now that He was going to restore everything that has been stolen from me. There has been material things, relationships and spiritual things that have been stolen and I stand on His word that He is going to restore them. I see already in the natural some of the restoration and I thank God that He loves me enough to think about giving it all back so I can use it for His glory. !

  10. Reply

    What an awesome and timely word! Thank you for your ministry!

    Angie Stolba

  11. Reply

    What an awesome and timely word. So thankful for your ministry! Bless you!

    • Jen Faith
    • October 14, 2013

    This is exactly what I have been going through since October, fighting against the attack to the mind every day! Thanks for such timely word… It gives me some direction and a sense of hope. Bless u Doug!

    • Cataluna
    • October 14, 2013

    Amazing word, received and in agreement.

    • kell
    • October 14, 2013

    I receive it!

    • Cheryl Aldridge
    • October 14, 2013


    This was a very timely and specific word from God. Thank you, it really became life to me. Helped me to see a purpose in the battles I’ve faced lately. I believe things are changing in the spirit realm.

    Thank you again,
    Cheryl Aldridge

    • Crystle
    • October 14, 2013

    Aaaaaammmmmeeeeennnnnn! Praise The Lord, Glory hallelujah. I receive this.

  12. Reply

    BRING IT ON GOD!!!!!!!! 🙂 May it be so!!!

    • Georgia
    • October 14, 2013

    Thank you for the word .Just what I needed

    • Karen
    • October 14, 2013

    Thank you! While I know through those around me that it is applicable to many, every line of this feels like my own personal word. So accurate and encouraging! Bless you!

    • Ose
    • October 14, 2013

    So many confirmations! Amazing! I am very thankful to you for letting God use you!
    Excited for what God is doing for his people!

    • Michael Cameron
    • October 14, 2013

    THANK YOU!! I’ve been following your daily prophetic since finding out about you on Father of Lights. It has greatly encouraged me during a very hard season of life & ministry. I lead a youth outreach called the Rock & this speaks so much to where I am personally & in ministry, in fact our 5yr anniversary is Oct 17th which you reference in the post. Thank you avian for your heart & ministry. May God continue to bless you in everything & pray for us as we transition into the next season.

    • Esther Bautista
    • October 14, 2013

    Haha Doug funny about The Rocktober thing. Look what God helped me with! or I helped him with. lol

    • Al Jones
    • October 14, 2013

    Wonderful word Doug on many levels!

      • Kofi P Hemmingway
      • October 21, 2013

      Wow, to God be ALL THE GLORY for this ON TIME WORD……. EVERYTHING in this WORD is for me and my Family….. BLESS YOU

      • Favored
      • October 14, 2013


      Thank you for I felt everything that you spoke about on regards to missing out on things or feeling like I’ve gone backwards but have not!.. was true.

      What caught my attention & shocked me extremely was seeing your picture displayed immediately dropped a dream in my spirit that I had two days ago.

      Talk about that being too coincidental. I thank the Lord for speaking through you for confirmation for I didn’t understand the dream now. This has given me hope.

      God Bless you!


      • Dorett D
      • October 14, 2013

      Amen, I am waiting eagerly for the manifestations of God’s promises in my life. I can feel that it is near. Thank you Lord!

      • Robin Young
      • October 14, 2013

      Awesome word!!!! Means alot to me in so many ways on so many levels!!!!

      • Doug Addison
      • October 14, 2013

      Al – looking forward to reconnecting and rescheduling our event. Things are turning around!

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