House Arrest Now House of Rest

house with family symbols vector illustrationHouse Arrest Now House of Rest
Doug Addison

Do you feel spiritually unable to be free to do what you are called to do or unable to break free of limitations in the House of God? Here’s some good news: freedom and rest are here. Let me explain.

What is house arrest?
When someone is placed under house arrest, generally they are not allowed to leave their place of residence. Instead of going to jail, they are a prisoner in their own home. Spiritually, many have felt that they are under “house arrest” within the House of God. But God wants to change your house arrest into a house of rest.

Understanding limiting seasons
There are seasons we all go through in which it seems like we are not being acknowledged or released into our fullest potential. God uses these times to train and develop foundational character in us. Sometimes this can feel like “house arrest.”

The best way to get through these trying seasons is to rest in the fact that God has your best interest in mind. But God says that all things are becoming new.

“He who was sitting on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down. You can trust these words. They are true.Revelation 21:5 (NIRV emphasis mine)

Don’t run but rest
God is encouraging you to keep trusting Him and know that His prophetic promises and words are true. You are free from the chains that have kept you in a place of confinement and restriction. Your freedom, a new freedom, is yours!

Difficult times, being misunderstood and betrayal are being cut off from you. Instead of house arrest, God is giving you a place of peace. God is changing your house arrest into a house of rest.

New rest
We are entering into a new season of freedom, peace and rest. So what does that mean exactly for you?

Freedom: When you do something new that God is asking you to do, does it feel scary but refreshing at the same time? Good!
Peace: Notice what could be your spiritual prison bars or limiting mindsets. For example: what is keeping you from life’s goodness?
Rest: Where can I let go of my own control and watch God move?

Praise and gratefulness are key
Praise and gratefulness are wonderful outcomes of your release, even before you are fully out of your limiting season. Even if your situation doesn’t look like it really changed (house arrest looks like it’s still there), praising and showing gratitude while in the prison will bring you more freedom.

Focus on God’s goodness, beauty and awe. In His love, prison walls of any restricting house arrest will grow dim, to the point of being gone.

Entering into God’s rest
Notice that many people in the Bible all went through seasons of their lives that were limiting, including Moses, Joseph, David, Paul and Peter to name a few. God used these times to develop them for later accomplishments.

I went through several seasons in which I felt like I was under house arrest. Years later, I am now learning how to enter into God’s rest. I am praying you will find new freedom and peace even as you read these words.



Doug Addison

Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. Doug is an award-winning author of seven books. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

  1. Reply

    Hi Doug! I’m visiting here after hearing you speak on James Goll’s webinar today (which I loved, btw!). Your testimony of healing inspires me, since I’ve been contending a long time for my healing. I have a neurological condition that has kept me housebound far too long. Seeing you on the other side of your trial as you now speak and write about it, gives me a good picture of how things are going to turn around for me soon. In the meantime, Jesus is my peace, my rest. No matter where I am, I can raise my hands in gratitude of His presence.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 31, 2018

      Wow Cheryl, I am so glad!. Thank you for sharing this. I love what faith and peace you have during this time. You are so precious to God. Bless you friend.

  2. Pingback: March 26, 2015 – A Contract | Captivating Freedom

    • lusi
    • April 14, 2015

    Thank you so much for your writing.. I am blessed during my tough times.. and I believe these words for me.
    thank you Doug. May God bless you always

  3. Reply

    So prefect for this transition season. Blessings and thank you.

    • Sherapop
    • March 28, 2015

    I feel like my feet are concrete. Focusing is hard, the day goes by and hardly anything gets done again. Thank you for this word.

    • maria
    • March 27, 2015

    yes this is the way I filing ,thanks for the conform of you words ,keep me strong in the Lord .Prays God.

    • Mae
    • March 27, 2015

    Thank you for this encouraging word. We learn to stop striving and rest IN HIM. Grace and peace be multiplied to you Brother Doug. How us the allergy problem? I’ve been praying for your total healing.

    • Valerie Reid
    • March 26, 2015

    Thank you so much for that word Doug! Recently I’ve seen visions of myself as being locked in a birdcage suspended high above everyone & everything I liked. Your word is spot on & I receive it. Glad you’re feeling better -Bless your body & mind in Jesus name!

    • shirley
    • March 26, 2015

    am so encouraged by you…. I receive your prophetic word each morning…am so inspired to keep on keeping on…Gods blessings sent to you

  4. Reply

    This is so wonderful! Thank you.

    • Leslene Calder
    • March 26, 2015


  5. Reply

    Thank you!
    I’ve been asking God for a new word in due season…
    Needed this encouragement today!

    • Stephen Kolawole
    • March 26, 2015

    Hmmm. . .This, really is timely. I pray the good Lord strengthen you and make His face to shine upon you,your family and ministry in Jesus name.You are blessed ‘elephantly’.

    • HCO
    • March 26, 2015

    Only God!! Will have to give the short version here…but I literally just took a drive and was crying out to the Lord about these very things. Grabbed myself a coffee and as I walked to the car, satan boldly posed a question to me. I was going to sit and just dwell in the presence of the Lord…but felt a Holy Spirit nudge to turn my phone on…as I did, this post was staring me right in the face! It brings so much confirmation!! Recently, I have stepped up to the next levelt in obedience to Him….like, whoa…I’m walking on water, but freaked out, yet excited at the same time. This word will reach and speak to many, but to me it speaks directly to my spirit. Thank you Doug for your obedience to the Father, it comes at a price, this I know, but the rewards ate eternal.

  6. Reply

    Since November 2014, I’ve said I’ve been put into a lock-down situation. I thought it was the devil to keep me from moving around, but after your post above, it seems that maybe God did put me in this situation to protect me and prepare for the next season. Thank you, Doug.

    • Hubelorna Lobo
    • March 26, 2015

    I thoroughly enjoyed reading ‘ House arrest into House of rest ‘. Thank you and bless you Doug.

    • hada catricola
    • March 26, 2015

    This word is so comforting ! Brings refreshment to a thirsty ground. Thank you!

    • Darah Leonard
    • March 26, 2015

    This is RIGHT ON TIME! Thank you!

    • ag
    • March 26, 2015

    I’m not in my home but God is using it as a house of Favor, rest, prayer home your article makes so much sense tku Lord

    • Ian david
    • March 26, 2015

    I agree and thank God and Doug for this . Dougs style suits me i relate to it I am strange but God loves me! i have visions they are impossible in my strength and they are in other places geographically..I was saying to the Lord last night…how much more?Be blessed so good to read this and I pray God use you more and more as we need a alternative to the predictable.Ian.

    • jean doherty
    • March 26, 2015

    Thankyou for this word I have felt all these things for such a long time sometimes diapering even of ever getting free but thankyou as this word settles so much in my heart I know it’s a word in season for me

    • scottye saul
    • March 26, 2015

    Thank you Doug, for your word have really ministered to me at a time I have never been in before. It has been 18 months I was injured by a chiropractor and have not been able to walk and been on my back with so much pain. Then things have gone down hill fast, other things have started happening in my body, shingles broke out 3 times and then gallbladder surgery and so it has been one thing after another and I have really gotten down in my faith. I have the gift of healing and God has healed me so many time in the past but this season has been the worst I have ever gone through and I don’t want to said like a baby, I am very grateful it is not cancer are a life threatening disease. I just have not been able to do the ministry like I know I am to be doing! Your prophecy has really spoken to me about the sifting and now we are shifting into a new season! Thank you so much was very timely word! God Bless You!

    • Shirley
    • March 26, 2015

    Seems to be the word of the hour. Been in this place for a few years now and kept on with
    my calling but feeling confined. Then my husband died just in Dec. and I feel I don’t know what God wants me to do now.
    Keep going or give everything I worked for and kept doing OR change everything now.
    Just praying through this and asking for God’s divine plan of intervention in all these

  7. Reply

    Love your posts and your heart. You mirror the love of God. Blessed to be a blessing. Thanks Doug for always pressing through warfare to share with us. You are living Your Dream. Amen

    I love you brother. Your teachings in person are awesome.

    • Dee
    • March 26, 2015

    This is a true and timely Word. Just this morning I woke up and asked God what had caused such disarray in my life. I have felt as though I have been bound in chains for a year and a half. I can hardly move my body because of some joint situation I have been dealing with for 18 months now and my home is in great disorder because of this. Even when I make a little progress it feels like chains pull me back and take all my progress even before I can take another step and this word describes my situation. I am a writer and I have not even been able to do that for the past few months because of so much pain and immobility that has kept my mind in prison so to speak. I thank God for you. You never stop sharing. You are a great encourager and I so appreciate what you are doing. You seem to keep going against all odds and I know it is because you are dependent of God for your strength. I will use this Word to step forward today. I am inspired by you because you keep on going even when you have been under so much attack. You love God and you love people and it truly shows.
    Again, I want to thank you for allowing God to love people through you. I thank God for you because there are days when I have lost all hope of ever becoming what God wants me to be, I sometimes fear losing all and never being useful again, yet I know He has placed many books in me that could help others and that would be a blessing. On any given day, if I focus, I can write nonstop about His goodness without even getting tired. Wow, I see what just happened. Something just came alive in me. I am excited about writing. God has used this word and I thank you for giving. I pray God’s best blessings for you.
    P.S. Your books have really encouraged as well.

    • Gayle Hayes
    • March 26, 2015

    Well said. You are becoming the Voice of the Lord.

    • Timothy Beausoleil
    • March 26, 2015

    Again I am waking up to see the Word of God in this email. He speaks to me through other’s, as well as numbers, these are the two that I know of.
    The prison bars for me are 3 things, I asked Father God what they are and He revealed them to my heart. This alone is comforting bc it reminds me He Sees me even when I feel like an invisible unlovable person. He tells me the Truth, and I am Hoping and Trusting, His Truth will set me free! Blessings to My Savior Jesus Christ, I also speak to an Increase of His Word to penetrate the darkness of the people who are lost !

    • Debbie
    • March 26, 2015

    Thank you for these encouraging words. I enjoy reading your posts.

  8. Reply

    Wonderful word of hope. I think im in it. But praising Him ,
    and waiting.

    • Ric
    • March 26, 2015

    Thanks Doug a word in season, very timely

  9. Reply

    dear doug!

    thank you so much for this clear and encouraging word!
    god spoke directly to my heart through this inspiring words!
    god always knows the way out and keep us so wonderful and merciful right on track…even if we think, there is no solution…don’t we have a MAGNIFICENT savior?! 🙂

    i love your style…you have a wonderful way of
    speeking truth in a very deep way…and at the same time it makes me smile…

    be blessed, dear doug!
    Silvi (from germany)

    • Roshanda
    • March 26, 2015

    Doug, Thank you! This word came at a perfect time. Much needed encouragement right now. Bless you.

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