How I Became a ‘Wounded Healer’ After Christians Rejected Me

Upset Depressive Adult Man Wearing Yellow Jacket is Crying with his Face Covered.

How I Became a Wounded Healer After Christians Rejected Me
Doug Addison
February 18, 2016

My story
I had a radical encounter with Jesus in 1979, when I was 20 years old. I was living in a drug house at the time and was into various occult practices.

I was so rocked by the encounter that I knew Jesus was real, but I did not know how to respond or even what church to go to.

So, I went to the church up the street.

They were really nice people, but I could tell they were not used to people like me. I was still struggling with drugs, had long hair–it was the 1970s; I told them about my recurring nightmare, demons in my basement, and a witch who came to my house and told me I needed Jesus.

I can see now that it was outside of their comfort zone, as they were a family-style church that did not teach the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

When hard times hit me again, they sent me a letter saying that they were going to “turn me over to Satan in hopes that my soul would be saved,” based on 1 Corinthians 5:5. I was so hurt and rejected that it sent me back into darkness for the next 7 years.

When I first came to Jesus … for the third time
I had another encounter with Jesus in 1987 that was too radical to even tell you, and similarly, I went to church and they did not understand it. I have always had the gift of prophecy and during some of the darker times of my life, my gift was pointed in the wrong direction.

But, in 1991, I found a group of people who loved and accepted me. I went through several years of counseling and a lot of inner healing prayers.

God answered my prayers and I started getting prophetic words, dreams and visions, but I was not permitted by my church to share them publicly. Because I was different, I received a lot of rejection; it reached a point where I needed to find a place that celebrated me and did not simply tolerate me.

Favor outside of church
I had a computer networking business in San Francisco throughout the 1990s. I began giving prophetic words to people as I sat in their office cubicles. I found that when we use the prophetic, and dream interpretation along with communicating in a non-religious style, it actually opens people up to God instead of closing them off.

As a result, I became an outreach specialist, but I had to learn a new way of doing things. Years ago I was trained in apologetics and I knew how to give an answer to those who were asking if God is real.

But I quickly found that the #1 question people had was not about God’s existence, but about God’s people.

Nearly everyone we encountered in the streets, at coffee shops and at booths we rented for major events, actually believed in God to some degree. Many of them could not understand why most of the Christians they knew were unloving or judgmental towards them–this included their closest family members.

So my apologetics quickly turned to apologizing and asking for forgiveness from people everywhere on behalf of their negative experiences. We would give them prophetic words, interpret their dreams or tattoos, and show them that God, indeed, loves them.

How deep does this go?
As I have spoken at many church services, conferences, and led outreaches for two decades now, I have noticed a pattern that many people, even those still attending church, have been wounded as well.

We are surrounded by so many people in need of God’s love. We have our work cut out, to begin healing the wounds of the countless people around us who may have been wounded by well-meaning Christians. Many, like me, were trained and told to stand for the truth no matter what.

But God is releasing a new wave of love and extra grace, needed to reach people today.

And if someone had not reached out to me in love—back when I was wounded by my bad experiences with church and Christianity—I may have never stepped into my calling as a wounded healer, helping people hear the voice of God, understand their dreams and discover their destiny.

So, I want to show you how you can also become a wounded healer and help others, and yourself, step into the freedom and destiny you are meant to live in!

If you want to get ready to be a part of this next move of God, then join me on my Detoxing From Toxic Christianity online workshop this Saturday, February 20.

I hope to see you there!


Doug Addison

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.


    • Alicia
    • April 24, 2020

    Ross I really enjoyed reading your thoughts. I love you and hope you are well my brother. I was so into to it and found it so interesting. You are a true Christian! While reading I actually forgot it was a comment lol

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 25, 2020

      Awesome Alicia! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

    • Tiff
    • September 17, 2019

    Who are you? I’ve experienced the same thing. I have a really deep testimony.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 18, 2019

      He is Doug Addsion! Feel free to check out our website to learn more about him!

    • Ross
    • July 17, 2019

    I’m up earlier than usual, my mind burdened some, rambling on about what people have said, various instances of rejection, loneliness, and at a time where I’m job hunting again, and looking for a new congregation to meet with. So I looked up online for some encouragement from believers facing similar circumstances. It can feel like too much, even paralyzing/complacent, if I let it all get to me. This moment will pass, it may even pass while Im writing this. I’m always asking myself, and Jesus, in prayer, Is it me, others, or, what am I misunderstanding here? Why is life so difficult, where is the open window when a door shuts, where is the breeze when I feel like I’m suffocating?

    What I feel led to say, after reading this article, and some of the posts here, is this.. We cannot put the hope and joy we have in Jesus in the hands of men, or else we’ll find disappointment. I have heard that plenty before, Someone says they left a congregation because of what someone else, maybe a whole gaggle of church geese, did or said was wrong or unloving. Maybe it’s time to leave, and I try not to be too hasty, and rather wait on God to give the okay. But in any case, that isn’t a cause to leave the Church, as if there’s anything that could be, as some I’ve talked with say they have. My faith in God is not diminished by the lack of faith or love or acceptance in some Christians.

    I have not apologized for other Christians, I don’t think that’s my place – but I show as best i may, what a Christian ought to be. And I say, We all miss the mark, we’re all sinners. The sooner you accept that, the wiser you’ll be. Apologies from the whole human race, all around. I do miss the mark too, but I try.

    Perhaps in these moments of strife, and we all have some at times, the clear message we should grasp is that we have to press more into God, into His Word, into prayer, into His will, and not be so reliant on what others may do or say, or did not do or did not say.

    That’s where difficulties, not unlike some of these posts, have led me, to learn even more intentionally to forgive, to show grace dispite unkindness, shake the dust off my sandals when need be, and cry, Lord, where will you have me go now? How and where can I serve you, or how will you prepare me to? Lead me, please. And lead me He does, and I’ve also come to accept (more and more) that the pace is in His hands as well, not mine. I don’t think Ive ever been more bold in some respects, and yet I still feel fragile. I am powerless, I can’t make things go my way, I cant make people like or accept me, but God can do all things, and I remember the great things He’s done, countless times for me, and occasionally through me. Particularly, I am to seek Him to teach me by His Spirit, personally, which I found in His Word to be so.

    I started to write out some of my more difficult experiences as examples. Boy, that started to bum me out. I dont think that’s helpful, either for you or myself. What’s done is done, its in the past, let’s look forward. That’s hard to do, I know, as we can forgive in time, but we don’t altogether forget. Let troublesome experiences make you wiser, but watch that it doesn’t make your heart harder.

    It’s tough, feeling like people are holding you back, or pushing you away, not willing to help you find your place in God’s Church/Body, none may be interested in your gifts, or helping you understand where you fit in, and we’re all given something by His Spirit to offer the Body. It may be to you like the hand saying to a middle toe, I don’t need you. But pay no attention, ignore them, don’t let them upset you. Their rejection may be from pride, or short sightedness, or forgetful that they were once young in the faith, hungry for the Word and family, and perhaps wanting relationships, mentoring, teaching, encouragement, building up, etc. Maybe they also didn’t get that, and don’t know to offer it or how. But to say to you, You’re not needed here, that’s a lie, all the parts of the Body are loved, desired and under the same head, Christ Jesus.

    What I find lacking so often in congregations is solid, biblical discipleship, which goes beyond group discussion/bible studies and even home groups into mentoring individuals and raising up people to fullness, which is necessary. Bodies in the pews, numbers, programs, tithes, that’s all fine, but it’s not the mission – the mission is loving, living relationship in the Lord, together. Great commandment 1 meets great commandment 2. Otherwise we’re just like helicopters flying around, proclaiming brotherly love and yet never landing for so much as hugs. We have to keep our eyes on the Lord, and our feet on the ground.

    My answer to someone who asks me, typically a church leader, Where do you see yourself serving in the Church? And they typically ask very particularly, but the answer I give is not particular. I have repeated verses from the Bible. I aspire to serve as a deacon, and perhaps as an elder, someday, if it’s God’s will. I want to reach the lost for Christ. The mission field isnt just afar, it starts right here. I want to lift up my brothers and sisters in the knowledge and will of the Lord. I want to know the Word and be filled, mature, of good reputation, thoroughly equipped, able to teach, capable and ready and willing for all the good work God has for me to walk in. And yet that’s not what they want to hear. They correct me saying, Hmm.. Normally people have a certain post or office in the church in mind. What else can I say? I have the will and love, gentle, ernest, and am not after personal gain. I find that I have discernment and some prophetic gift, but how do I go about measuring it for you? And yet, twice now, two assoc pastors have said at different congregations, You’re not annointed. Did I say or do something wrong? They never articulate their assertion, no clarification whatsoever. When I’ve asked them to cite scripture to qualifying their opinions, they never do. Add that to not calling or writing me back when they say they will, I chalk it up to… I dont know, lack of care. Perhaps it is job security not to raise men up in the church? Lot of churches never do raise men up. When there’s need for a pastor or teacher or worship leader, they hit job boards and hire someone who was taught somewhere else by someone else. Meanwhile, while I was not allowed to help with Bible studies under their watchful eye in full accountability and eagerness to do well, I read recently on social media that my ex girlfriend, still at that church, is now leading a co-ed study in the Book of James. Call me thoroughly…bewildered. But what can I do, feel jealous, angry, raise a stink, make trouble? I will not.

    Im always asking men in the Church for permission to learn more, and serve more. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m barking up the wrong tree. Instead, Im seeking God more. Even so, what do people think? – that Ive left the church and gone astray. How asinine. The Church is not a building. I still meet with Christian friends, somw of whom are also between churches or just stay home cause they’re fed up with some people, and when we meet, we pray, we study, we encourage, we sharpen one another. Isn’t that the Church. What are pastors and elders to do, or missionaries for that matter, but point you toward God, to His Word, exemplify in their example, encourage, teach, correct, discipline in truth and love. But if you don’t find that where you are right now, don’t fret. Jesus will never leave nor forsake us. I haven’t left the Church at all, and I have certainly not gone astray.

    God himself may be pointing you, through and despite the callous attitudes of some, towards Himself. And not all Christians will be lacking in hospitality and passion for guilding their fellows closer to Jesus. That’s what I got from all these experiences, that God is God no matter that man is but man. I can love where there is not love. I can lead by showing grace to those that wont. I can learn God’s word and will, and He himself is willing and capable and wants to be the one teaching me. I still yearn to meet with the body of believers, and find those people that really know, live, and practice the love of God in truth I read about in the Word. Brotherly love that’s thicker than blood. Leaders that lead, spiritually minded on Kingdom matters, eternal things – not earthly offices and seats, peculiarities of traditions of men and jealousy and noncommittal to brothers. Where iron sharpens iron, joyfully, that’s the house I want to worship in. I’m going to keep looking, I trust and love God. He’ll keep on leading me. I hope you’ll keep looking too. Don’t weary of doing good. Don’t let anybody steal your joy. Keep seeking closeness with our friend, brother, high priest, Savior, Lord and God. Love one another, as He has loved us..C’mon

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 17, 2019

      Thanks for sharing your heart with us! Bless you!

    • Prefer to be Anonymous
    • October 28, 2018

    So this is going to be a tough topic. For the past 14 years I’ve considered myself a Christian/believer in Jesus. My story is probably unlike any other story you’ve ever heard. But the problem is it’s also exactly like every other story you’ve ever heard. I want to be careful what I say here, because the truth is, there are some Christians out there who are extremely loving unconditionally. But the vast majority are just people who hurt people, don’t accept that they are in fact hurting and harming people.
    From the first week I walked into a church this has been true.
    The very first week I walked into a church, my only Christian friend told me there was nothing in the Bible that said we have to be friends (which actually isn’t true: Do not forsake your friend or a friend of your family, and do not go to your relative’s house when disaster strikes you– better a neighbor nearby than a relative far away. Proverbs 28:10; “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, 24 leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift. – Matthew 5:23). I asked this person if I had done anything wrong, and she said no, I was just being myself. So I have done nothing wrong but must be excluded.
    A lot of people quote Romans 12:8 saying as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone, in order to justify ending friendships, for whatever minor or major reason they have, no matter how small or big. but notice the difference in context. In Matthew, Jesus is speaking to believers. In Romans, Paul is talking about non-christian Roman soldiers trying to kill Christians. Very big difference.
    So I took a hit, somehow I still kept going. This was the first week, and already experienced the hate, I tried the whole “forgiving without reconciling thing” because apparently that’s the Christlike thing to do.
    I’ll be honest…college was probably one of the better times when it came to church and church events. I’m not really sure why. But I did see one thing that made an incredible difference and did give me hope. Our campus crusade on some nights would contain catholics, mormons, presbyterians, pentecostals, all different denominations. The division that so many people raged against was just gone.
    But when I went back home, things weren’t so crystal clear. I began trying out other churches. The first church I went to in this period, I was met by a former coworker, who came up to me and said I should leave and find a different church. I asked if I had done anything wrong. Still no answers.
    So I did, I found another church. I had been dating a girl and found out she cheated on me, so I yelled at her. And even then I tried blaming myself and apologizing and reconciling. In this case it was even brought to the pastor and apparently she said she would leave if I continued going there, and the pastor said even though he agreed with me, asked me to leave until she left and then I could come back.
    So I left and found another church. This church quite frankly seemed fantastic. Everybody was loving caring. They encouraged me to get involved, serve, and I did, and this all went on for years, without a hint of negativity. When it all came crashing down. When in fact the pastor’s own family came to me, called me barely tolerable, and when I tried to work things out was told my feelings are not their “responsibility.” Well actually…let’s think of an example. If someone is driving recklessly, and damages your property, whose responsible? The owner, or the reckless driver? The driver is the one who is LIABLE, right? So when you leave emotional scars on someone, it actually is entirely your responsibility to fix it. I tried reaching out to both pastors to get an explanation for some biblical support for their boundaries belief, genuinely wanting to give them a chance. I was ignored. I asked them this because I discovered articles proving the authors of boundaries encouraged people to get divorced within 5 minutes of talking to one person, and making fun of less fortunate people.
    And this was the final straw for me. If you can’t love the emotional person whose only issue is he wants to be loved and accepted, then you sure as heck you can’t love the atheist, the drunk, the drug addict, or anyone else. Because here’s the harsh truth: That person might be transformed, and stop drinking let’s say. But the minute you reject him from your life, guess where he’s right back to? Drinking. If someone’s issue is they want to be loved by the church, and the church can’t love that person, then what are you even doing?
    So this is my way of saying I no longer wish to be associated with Christians. I’m still on the fence about whether or not I believe in God/Jesus, but the pain and damage caused to me by the church over the years has been more than enough reason to stop going. Maybe my boundary needs to be the church itself.
    And please understand, there are a few of you who have been incredible, please understand that, like anything else, there are exceptions to this, and you probably know who you are and please know that this is not really directed at you. I do love the people who genuinely loved me, but what’s hard is knowing that I love the people who don’t love me, but I can’t put myself in a position knowing you’re actively telling people God loves them while still hating someone who genuinely loved you.

    • Sue
    • September 16, 2018

    I saw your comment written in 2016 just today.
    I’m hoping she’s come to the Lord since then.
    But either way I will stop what I’m doing and pray for her.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 17, 2018

      Bless you Sue!

    • Writer
    • September 30, 2017

    Having been demoted from eldership and all church positions some 4 years ago, I expected that maybe someone in my church would care enough to contact me. None did. I apologised to the Pastor but he has made no approach in all that time. What is wrong with the church seeking the lost os it no longer popular?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 2, 2017

      I am sorry on behalf of those who wounded you. Press into Jesus, He is after seeking the lost. We must look to Him and His standard. Praying now for you to be filled with joy and peace, you are SO loved and accepted by God. You are loved and accepted by us <3.

  1. Reply

    I have been a Christian for 40 years and had a radical experience with Jesus!! I fell head over heals in love with him!! I too have suffered rejection after rejection!! You see, the enemy wants to tell us we’re wrong because he wants us to believe that Jesus is wrong!! He is the accuser of the brethren!! I have been listening so much recently about how various leaders are being maligned and persecuted. Please read about the Apostle Paul. It could be that his thorn in the flesh is very much to do with what we are talking about!! Let us seek God because I’m sure that those of us who are constantly being put down and rejected have something big to do for Him!! I don’t mean this in a proud way but if we read testimonies of those saints who did great things for God then invariably they suffered at the hands of both the world and believers in particular!! Please let us keep our heads up because our redemption draws nigh!! If we draw on Jesus’s faithfulness and continue in His love through the hard times then I just know there is a great reward awaiting us in Heaven!!
    Love in Christ to all of you, Carole U.K.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 11, 2017

      Yes Carole! Thanks so much for sharing this encouraging message. Bless you!

        • Sue
        • September 16, 2018

        I heard of the same thing happening to someone very well known in Christian circles, a true woman of God, being removed by a decision of the board and not even being told beforehand. When she finally left there after further abuse and rejection, they did nothing but brand her a Jezebel
        even though just weeks before they couldn’t say enough good things about her to the congregation. No telling what really happened.
        All it takes is one jealous or competitive person to start a rumor about someone, and the church is supposed to discuss the matter with the accused. Biblically, they are not to believe everything they hear without FIRST hearing both sides. I am sorry that happened to you.

          • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
          • September 17, 2018

          Thanks for sharing Sue. Bless you!

    • Anne
    • January 22, 2017

    I was also wounded by Christians after 20 years in three different churches. I wasn’t on drugs or an alcoholic. I am educated and cultured, but living with some kind of chronic fatigue illness which caused fibromyalgia and which had made me low income. I was rejected, marginalized, literally insulted at times and three times screamed at in wierd hatred for absolutely no reason. It was worse than I can even relate. After a woman studying to become a Christiam counselor came to my church and repeatedly refused to acknowledge my presence, while being nice to e everyone standing near me, I finally left for church good in a severely traumatized state. Toward the end, I tried to tell parishioners how I felt and it made them push me away harder. None of them want to know. None of them. I tried one more time somewhere else, and the minister was so rude to me the first day, when I shared my privately in order to receive prayer. He said he didn’t believe anything I said. I had fulilled out a form asking for counseling before he said that-but he never even bothered to call me. After that, I turned away from Christian churches and I will NEVER go back. Unless I come back either married or wealthy or preferably both-I will never be good enough for these across -the-board horrible people.. The ecperience was not Ever go back I think I have ptsd from my experiences.

    • james
    • December 22, 2016

    interpreting tattoos is genius! I have children with tattoos and what they choose to have done is deeply personal. it can tell you a lot about the state of their heart. I would like to know more about it.

    • Melinda
    • February 24, 2016

    I should add: The cool thing is that God will redeem your mess and turn it into a message. My husband is just now beginning to believe what they actually did to me. He is more wounded than I am now. My calling seems to be to encourage wounded pastors now. They look to me though I did not want this – men and women pastors. They recognize something on me. I just have good boundaries now and am dependent on God alone for my affirmation. I also am not surprised by anything anyone might do as we are all saved by grace alone.

    • Melinda
    • February 24, 2016

    I was in a “full Gospel” church that supposedly accepted everyone. If you played their game that was fine. I was desparate for mentoring in the prophetic though I did not know what it even was. One of the male lay pastors took an interest in helping me. What I did not know was that he was a sex addict. They knew it in the upper leadership but still appointed him to this position and looked the other way when he “mentored” the women. I loved this man but discerned (though such a baby Christian) that there was something not right. I tried to point it out to the senior pastors and suddenly the showed their true colors. I was called a liar. They sat me down with my husband and told him I was mentally ill and causing problems. I wanted to leave but was taken aside and told if I did my daughter would leave the church and never be saved. I would not give the church name because it is a large movement. We finally left. The man who abused me sent a message through my best friend that I had “read” everything about him correctly. That did more to heal me than anything. I still experience PTSS in most churches. I finally found a tiny prophetic church that is into inner healing. God is healing me in layers. My daughter indeed walked away and is a self proclaimed athiest 16 years later. Please pray for her: Leah – blessings

    • Lisa
    • February 23, 2016

    I’m writing this after listening to the webinar. I am so happy this is happening?. My son was off on a suicide mission, tried twice and couldn’t this month. Guess where he is getting help? A homeless mission? Get this…he turns 24 March 11…..there is so much more I could write….guess I’m going to have to get the “book writing” material. Im starting to see love for the homeless. I taught my children as they were growing up, not to look at them because they weren’t deserving of our time. God, please forgive me and thank you for the real Christian people at the mission my son is….because for the first time in his life he is finding You?

      • Sue
      • September 16, 2018

      I saw your comment written in 2016 just today.
      I’m hoping she’s come to the Lord since then.
      But either way I will stop what I’m doing and pray for her, Leah I believe her name is, and your entire family right now.

    • Jackie
    • February 22, 2016

    Awesome testimony!!!

    • Marcia Muaetako
    • February 22, 2016

    It is true.I used to go to church,love God but have so much been rejected by church people that I hate going to church or associating with church people.I used to dream dreams and interpret them and sing but my pastor always had a negative word to say about my singing and i was told not to speak about my dreams anymore in church because they were mostly about the elders,deacons,pastors etc and I was told to sit in silence when it came to that matter.Now I am leaving without God but yearn to be in His presence again.

    • Bill Erickson
    • February 21, 2016

    Are sinners originally all victims, or are they originally all rebels?
    I realize that there are many true victims of ill treatment by judgmental Christians, but, in reference to our situation before God, prior to our being born from above, were we misunderstood victims deserving of reprieve, or were we rebels well deserving of wrath?

    • Ann C Jackson
    • February 21, 2016

    Wow, I wish I’d seen this sooner! Will you be doing it again?

    • Munea Standingstone
    • February 20, 2016

    Many Native Americans are deeply wounded in Church. I have had my name made fun of, my offerings refused. Told to sit in the back of the church and keep quiet. I have been working in the prophets role since 1989. Even today I get “Are you saved dear?”

    • weiluna
    • February 19, 2016

    Hi Doug, I could understand a little bit of what you went through, maybe not all, but a little because I was gradually accepted by the church, who do not move supernaturally but do acknowledge the supernatural. I attend two churches now, the other one moves supernaturally but are full of hurt people and it was hard to form a community, and the one that do not move supernatural yet has a loving community.
    God is so good, I get the best of both worlds yet I am contending for reconciliation between this two symbolic entities – the new move of God and the old move of God. Because we are one body in Christ. And the old move cannot contradict the new move because God is the same ytd, todayannd Tml. Just a few days ago, I had a dream of myself in.the throne room, I was talking to this man sitting on the throne, I was ignorant of who he was at that time, I know now it’s God, I was telling him excitedly about the greatest revival in history coming, He laughed good naturedly and said, “how about the old church and the new church?” That moment I saw Billy Graham walked into the room, I woke up with the words ringing in my head, those who are given more if they would humble themselves will be given more.
    It struck me right then, the enemy has been stopping the people (new church) who moves supernaturally with the existing old church. But focussing on.what was done to us by these Christians supernatural unbelievers does not glorify God, we have forgotten we do not wrestle with flesh and blood but principalites and powers of which only 75% are worldly mindsets. When we who have more will humble ourselves, more will be given, the ones who have been moving supernaturally has been given more, yet we have to humble ourselves, because God loves all his children, it’s not who is wrong and who is right, it is now we know we are stopped by principalities and powers in people, among friends and family who are Christians, but we choose to embrace them even if they reject us, because we are one body, and when the body is United, we will see the greatest revival the world has yet seen.

    • Debbie Stevens
    • February 19, 2016

    I hope to join you in the workshop tomorrow on Detoxing from Toxic Christianity. I also hope to become a wounded healer after being rejected by other Charismatic Catholics in the early 1990’s and bullied and rejected by other nurses at work at a Catholic hospital. My heart is always set on doing the Lord’s work His way, but this isn’t acceptable to some of my peers who have the power to suppress my growth on the job. This is very timely for me! I feel I have some prophetic gifts, including some prophetic dreams, but no one to help me grow in this area also.

  2. Reply

    Doug one of the wounds I also experienced coming from a similar background as yours, was Christian ministries who had a reaching out cut off point when it came to purchasing their resources…as you do. I’m still perusing Christ being led by the Holy Spirit. I cation you that your “Healing” is reaching no further than the wallet… what I want, what everyone wants is Real Love of Christ ministries… not the profit-ic. Wanted to believe you were since until I found I couldn’t obtain your resources also because money matters…

    • Anita
    • February 19, 2016

    Thank you Doug for teaching this much needed subject. I too have been rejected by the church and other christians, experiencing their judgements against me. I have had to forgive each and every one. I love and accept people where they are. I know that God has called me to a healing and deliverance ministry. I am now in a church full of love, honor, and respect of all people. Everyone is loved and accepted there. Praise His Name forever! I had to wait a long time, but it was worth it. I am so happy there!!!

    • Raul
    • February 19, 2016

    Hey man thanks a lot for sharing, I’m finish with Christian people I’m going to the streets and bars, at least I won’t get broken heart there, those people have more sincerely than christians. But I know who I am, I am a mature spiritual brother of christ.

  3. Reply

    Hey Doug, Wow, I did not know you went through such a trying experience. I’m so sorry- but happy to hear that you had such amazing encounters with God! – and that He set you up finally with some great people. As you know, I work with the chronically ill and they are among the most rejected people in the church, which is sad, as they often have the most desperate needs. Glad to see you are doing this! May God continue to bless and protect you in all that you do. Hugs

    • Brenda
    • February 18, 2016

    Last Suday the pastor said “we shouldn’t be angry & be on social media. All of us need to get off social media. My heart breaks because God has called me as a prophetic revealer. He has showed me many things & I shared them in women’s Bible study. Some were excited & the pastor now goes & doesn’t allow it. Talks philosophy.

    • Becky
    • February 18, 2016

    Thank you for sharing your testimony. I would love to be part of this class, but I have a birthday party to attend. I often feel marginalized at church for a variety of reasons, and I know that God will heal that. I don’t know what my role is in His healing. What actions should I take to line up with His will and healing? Surrender…

  4. Reply

    You can minimize the persecution but you can not totally run from it. This persecution is inherent as a Christian. It is a law. We are suppose to learn to rejoice about persecution for sharing the gospel and persecution for knowing Jesus because there is great reward in this the bible tells us. The more you take it less personally and expunge this the more you HAVE to learn to release your own hate, resentment, judgements. Yes there was a lot of judgement in all those groups you spoke about and some of it might even be true but that is exactly the tough space God wants us in and to learn to thrive there. I have experience a lot of judgement and with the calling on my life there won’t be a special group that won’t reject me. I’m the Shulamite Bride returned. This is the design of God. Why? because you did this kind of stuff before you knew God in the secular world. Always looking around for acceptance and who could tolerate you. For example all the groups, clicks, sects you can partake in in the secular experience. Watch the movie Clueless for an education of all the different types of clicks in high school. This doesn’t change when you enter into the Christian world. It’s always been in your soul to find the kinder, nicer people or those that can relate to you more, have more in common with.. God says, we are not to to just love the ones that can love you back. Where is the good in this Christ says. We all have this hurts and judgements from the secular world still simmering in our souls. We all have old spirits of old , anger, resentment in your own soul. The more you just be the love of Christ to anyone, the more free you are and more holy. This is how people like Paul receive the gifts if just walking by people and have them fall out in the spirit. Even Paul gave up on the Jewish people but they are really a different example. God called them stiff necked people but He had harden their heart just as he did Pharaoh’s for a reason, for the glory of God. Their extra sufferings are going to reap them a greater reward and the bible tells this also. We are persecuted for his sake Doug and he has told me this directly.

    • Tessera Moreno
    • February 18, 2016

    I can tell a similar storyin my life and I thinks is awe inspiring and amazing how God shows up in a way you may never have believed possible. I love His faithfulness
    And what He’s doing in this time if life. … there is nothing I love more than living others which is sorry of funny since I grew up not liking people at all. … the hurts were so great I’d have rather lived my life with any sort of pet than a person. …. now I’m ready to let go of the pets and seek healing for His precious ones.

      • Sue
      • September 16, 2018

      It’s true persecution is inherent as a Christian. And I certainly agree with every word the bible says about it because GOD said it. I believe every word in the bible end to end. I know God can and does heal. But what happens when the persecution from the people that should love you most never ends no matter how long you’ve attended a certain church. I overlooked it for over two decades. In the beginning it was mild and so easy to overlook. As time went on it got worse and worse and then I found out the pastor was in on it too. I thought, and hoped, I was imagining it but when a friend asked me what was going on I realized others saw it too. I really hoped it was just wild imagination but sadly it wasn’t. I won’t go into details, but I left after over 20 years of this, reluctantly since some members were closer to me than some of my family members. God told me to leave because it was causing me to stumble spiritually. I did. Now the pastor and his wife are retiring at a relatively young age…his father retired from the ministry at a much older age. The church will remain open but will have another name and be non denominational. I’m wanting to return but not sure I’m ready. I can’t even say the things that were done to me, and the unfair situations. I don’t think I’m any more special than anyone else in the body of Christ, but I was attacked, I believe, because of certain spiritual gifts the Lord gave me. When I started using them they tried to shut me down even though those gifts are scriptural. It’s almost impossible to win that kind of war if the pastor himself is not listening to God. God won’t even override the pastors authority, but in this case, I think it’s God that removed him from that authority early because I wasn’t the only one
      he did that to. I would have had to override the pastors authority myself to use those gifts and I would not have done that so it was best for me to leave.

        • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
        • September 17, 2018

        I’m sorry that happened to you Sue, bless you!

  5. Reply

    what is involved? If i may ask…
    a missionary kid at 67, I still struggle the effects of being raised in the missionary kid world, in a realm of terrorism in the spiritual realm, same thing in the physical.
    hard to describe..
    I know God works things out for good but often the memories erupt ; I know with my head that God saved my life tho some of us did not.I battle with “serving God” and what it means..I struggle with that the folks did what the mission ordered.. sent us to boarding school to be raised …
    Churches don’t want to hear what really happened
    YES.. the only thing that keeps me sane is forgiveness..very often, daily and nightly.
    God bless you, wrap His arms around and carry you in “those moments”..

    • Joy Suarez
    • February 18, 2016

    Just good stuff….so true
    Thanks for sharing Doug! I enjoy all your insights!!!
    Blessings on you!

  6. Reply

    So many hurt by churches run as a business and corporation but a pastor is to look after the flock and see that they are fed not to feed upon the flock. Church has become a big ‘ol competition of the giftings and so on. I can’t stand most churches.

    • Mary Ann Adams
    • February 18, 2016

    Hi Doug, you have been used in my life to bring healing. You and Linda are so precious to God. One of the most profound messages that has brought me healing also, is found on the pages of The Final Quest by Rick Joyner, pages 92 -97. It is an astonishing account of meeting a spiritual leader who rejected him as a disciple. Very revealing of the heart of God, and instructional on how to understand this rejection and how to not do it to others. Many blessings to you.

    • Dennis Preston
    • February 18, 2016

    Doug, after seeing your video of interpreting tattoo’s, it opened my eyes to that as a possible outreach avenue. There have been a couple of incidents where I’ve been able to do that. In one, a girl had a very cool compass tattoo on her arm. I felt like God was saying to her, “people get tattoos for spiritual reason, and God wants you to know that as detailed as that tattoo is, that’s how detailed he wants to give you direction for your life.” She said she had gotten that tattoo at a very difficult time in her life and that it meant a lot to her. So cool to be open to that as a way God might show his love to someone. Thanks for doing what you do!

    • Barb
    • February 18, 2016

    I understand, Lord found me in 1975. I was not from a christian home. When I met this young man this could of love came all over me that I just said I want what you have. I got baptized that week and a light came inside my whole soul. When I came up out of the water I was cleaner then snow and saw the face of Jesus and a dove. I walked this way for two years. Then a voice said to me, you should go to church and join all these loving christians that have what you have. I thought rejection from my mom was hard, this was over the top. I have such ptsd from that whole church thing, that my body would just shake from fear to enter another church. I had no protection in me from the abuse and bulling. This is what I got from home, why His love stood out.

    • Lisbeth Faldetta
    • February 18, 2016

    This is always an issue among believers. It is a serious matter: God loves through his body here on earth = you and me who are believers in Christ.
    So: God help us to meet people in love!!!
    Unfortunately we are not always ready, mature, healed ourselves.
    In spite of all I send you my love 🙂

    • Carolina Salinas
    • February 18, 2016

    Same story
    Same pain
    Same rejection
    Thank you for your Honesty
    I FELT THE PRESENCE OF GOD WHILE HAVING THE VISION THIS MORNING.. Then, HE directed me to read your story ..
    I couldn’t contain my tears ..
    Much respect and love for you Doug ..
    Te amo mucho!! Thank you!!

    • Ken Mullis
    • February 18, 2016

    Great word Doug. It’s time to qualify the disqualified!

    • Ledra Bigelow
    • February 18, 2016

    I’m a victim of church hurt recently. This was very encouraging to me. I’ve been praying to forgive them and not be bitter. I’m in the process of looking for another church home and asking God for His guidance there and those I am to connect with. I want to be a blessing to the body and use my gifts to uplift, encourage and edify. Thank you so much for sharing.

    • Carol Hill
    • February 18, 2016

    I too have been very rejected by the church. God took me into the heavenlies and showed me his heart and then provided others to come along side me and help me be set free of so many wounds. That was 26 years ago moving forward always until of late and now i have been challenged in areas that i thought i was free. I want to be a healed healer. Please pray for me as i move forward not backward. Will try to participate on February 20 as my internet isn’t to good. Thank you for your testimony. Gods abundant blessings

    • Sharmina
    • February 18, 2016


    Thank you and God bless you. I really needed to hear and read thus. It has blessed me. God blesss you. I will try to be there saturday 20.



    • Joe collins
    • February 18, 2016

    Doug. Cant do now. Maybe a redo another time. Definitely interested in your approach.

    • Jim Pierce
    • February 18, 2016

    That’s a powerful testimony, it breaks my heart and heals my soul, people pray to “reach the lost sheep” , but its a messy job, the lost sheep are dirty, confused, injured, broken, and don’t fit into “churchianity” , we are all vulnerable to the religious spirit of the pharasees, or the un believing “Christians” of the saducees, even those radically saved by the LORD, are tempted to loose their first love, and become cold. May the LORD raise up his people from dead dry bones, and restore us to be his people of love.

    • Kimberly
    • February 18, 2016

    Also,have only had internet less than a year. A few years back someone gave me a dream book by,Barbara Claassen, The 1st thing I looked up was her site. Well I found Doug. A. name because you had made a trip to S. Africa. So I read about Angel encounters. I then looked up your site and this supernatural life opened up to me and all makes sense. Only God was able to bring this about. AMAZING, GOD.He is good!!!!

    • Cindy
    • February 18, 2016

    I would like to join in on February 20th for the workshop. I have reached a point that frightens me because of isolation from The Church. Praying early this morning for help to figure out WHERE I belong in the body. This may be an answer to prayer!! I so hope! Regardless, Jesus IS LORD of my life!

    • Rhonda Carter
    • February 18, 2016

    I have been wounded by Churches, and I haven’t been in a while. I read my Bible and pray. I know there’s more but when your not accepted for different reasons. Sometimes you just give up and create your own little Church.

    • Kimberly
    • February 18, 2016

    I absolutely preregisterd. One day as I cried out to God because of rejection of Authorities in church,God has been developing these same things in me..they said it was from the enemy.As I cried out…Jesus came toward me and lifted me and slammed into me,He was bent over my back,holding me by my waist,with His head on my back waist heavily,heaving sobbing. I was then taken up and we sat on a bench,He took my right hand to hold and I had the overwhelming LOVE open up…this was to come in His Kingdom..only lasted 1-2 minutes…will never forget it. So, I know my heaving cries and the Lord’s were some of ones that reached you.Wow,wow,wow.

    • Renee Huffman
    • February 18, 2016

    I was seating and talking to a woman God and she said you have wounded heart, and now this word is showing me an example of someone who conquered this wounded heart.I thank God for this WORD!!!!

    • Deloris Cole
    • February 18, 2016

    One night I had a dream of wounded hearts upon the altar. The hearts represented those who had been wounded by the church or in some cases just plain religion.

    Until recently, I thought it was about one church in general and maybe it was but it was also about the church as a whole. I can’t relate to the drugs but I can relate to the woundedness because my heart was on that altar.

  7. Reply

    I too have been wounded like many. When my gifts flowed profusely I got many rejections. My brother helped me through the pain with encouragement and we would use our gifts on each other. And ,Jesus was my only friend.Thank you for sharing.

    • Tracy Murray
    • February 18, 2016

    I understand rejection but, the word tells us that Christ
    was rejected of men. Why is it that we can not know
    that He was rejected for us the same way HE bore all
    our sins and iniquities.
    Many hurts and pains can be worked out through
    HOLY SPIRIT if you truly love the LORD and want to
    be pleasing to HIM. I love that you are helping others
    to recover from woundeness in the Body. Love love love

    • Hope Martin
    • February 18, 2016

    Like you I came out of the drug/hippie culture of the ’70’s. I met Jesus and went to a new type of church (charismatic) which taught Triune GOD! Hallelujah! When I moved (2 yrs later) I found out how much the church hates believers! That continued for about 30 yrs. Then I started to find a few churches (around the world) which celebrated Holy Spirit filled, bible believing, moving in GOD christians. I am in a VERY small church now which reaches out to addicts. I am celebrated for being who I am and encouraged to reach out to whomever GOD says for me to. I am turned loose in Christ in my church and I am blessed. I am given the freedom to teach and say exactly what GOD has taught and is saying to me.

    • Tammy
    • February 18, 2016

    Wow. So much of what I’m walking through now.
    How does someone hurt so bad. So angry, heal? Nothing
    Seems to be working

    • Dee Cunniffe
    • February 18, 2016

    My story is very similar I am a recovered alcoholic with a new age background, and I run retreats for people with addictions today where we speak to people where they are at. We use the 12 step programme without legalism showing that Jesus is grace. Many have been wounded by the church and peoples attitudes and the God they have been introduced to is punishing and condemning.
    If they are still in their addiction churches often don’t know what to do. There is a great fear of the demonic and very loud dramatic deliverances are encouraged which seems to feed the problem. LGBTQ people are rejected or told very difficult things which wound. I read your prophesy about LGBTQ, tattooed, pierced, new age it have me hope. I am joining your webinar. I have great hope.

  8. Reply

    Hi Doug,
    Its an amazing Testimony,and I am so sorry,that the Church couldn’t handle you and I am sorry they only added to your pain..above all,thank you for your forgiving Spirit and Gods love that would not let go…people everywhere have the potential to hurt others…I am so glad that because of God something good can come out of our mistakes..!!! Its a privilege to learn how to really love one another..#butfortheGraceofGod….Thank you !!!

    • Lilian
    • February 18, 2016

    Your workshop sounds amazing, but is there anyway that you do something not on video? because I don’t have sound on my pc and am from South Africa so I can’t even go to a live workshop.

    Greetings in Christ

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