Got Questions about Love and Marriage? [Episode 43]

“How do I deal with loneliness?”

“I have waited for a spouse for 20 years, am I doing something wrong?”

“I’m fighting for my marriage, but it feels hopeless … any suggestions?”

“My spouse left me. How do I begin the healing process?”

In this Spirit Connection episode, I’m answering some of your questions and releasing this special message on Valentine’s Day because God is the God of Love.

At one of the lowest points in my life, the Lord came and revealed to me the strategy, not only for my healing, but for a total turnaround!

My body began to heal from some long-term afflictions and I stepped into a deeper love with the Lord, my wife and friends. Those who work closely with me now call me Doug 2.0!

Whether you need better health, love, relationships or finances, I’ve got good news for you because I want to see you get an upgrade, too!

Friends, love is something that will open up the heavens over us and change the spiritual atmosphere in our lives and over others. Love overcomes. Love never fails!

Listen and discover:

  • The one thing that can radically change your life!
  • The spirit of fear is not an emotional condition that can be treated with counseling and pills—love is the answer
  • The root cause of most relationship, emotional and health issues
  • How to shift the spiritual atmosphere over your ability to love
  • Steps you can take to build healthier relationships


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Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Laurence
    • February 15, 2018

    Thank you so much, Doug ! Your message is so relevant ans encouraging. I needed it. You bring hope. I am recently divorced and I’m now a leader of my church. It’s a good new that God wants to match men and women to be his servants. I live in France and it’s not easy to meet a man so engaged towards the Lord and bachelor But it’s my dream. I begin to travel for the mission, so… Let’s see God at work ! In my situation and through pain and struggles I understood that the key is to focus on Jesus doing what he wants me to do and let him take me and my needs on charge. Wait and see. God bless you so much.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 16, 2018

      Bless you Laurence. You are in good hands with God. Agreeing with you for you to find an awesome husband. I love your country France. God is doing such amazing things there. I am so glad France has a woman of God like you there sharing the love of Jesus!

    • Edith Evans
    • February 15, 2018

    Doug carries such an anointing of LOVE ! Listening to him brings an atmosphere of love, peace and joy, so very encouraging! I too have been touched by this message that’s so different of what we’re used to hear from so called Christians, sadly often the most hurtful people.. having been married twice I know how it feels. But I’ve learned to see myself with the eyes of my Father and I feel secure in Him.
    Doug talked about end time marriages and I’m in for that one lol! God told me he had someone very special just for me, showed me what would be our calling and confirmed it many times, so cool! First time he spoke to me about that was exactly 6 years ago.. at that time I wasn’t ready to begin a new relationship but after a few months I said “yes.. your will, your way, I trust you because I know you love me!” .. I feel ready now, joyfully expecting.. to be surprised!
    And I feel so blessed to be part of you all! Thank you InLight team and thank you Doug for sharing your heart with us! Much love everyone!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 19, 2018

      How cool Edith! Thank you for sharing that with us. We are blessed to have you be apart of InLight too. Bless you as you wait expectantly for that special person!

    • Amy
    • February 15, 2018

    This was so GREAT! Thank you so much for always brining such an eye-opening messages. I definitely needed to hear this for the next level of the things God is brining me too. Thank you so much for so being so faithful to what God speaks to you and always giving accurate revelations and time-sensitive prophecy

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 15, 2018

      I am so glad the podcast helped you move to the next level, Amy. God has amazing things in store for you :). Bless you during this season!

    • Renee G Heilmann
    • February 15, 2018

    Yes, Brenda I was also touched by Doug’s
    message. For the past 13 years i have been
    breaking out of the bondage of being raised
    in the “Bible Belt” surrounded by self-righteous
    religious judgement. The closer I get to the truth
    of the loving God, the crazier my life becomes.
    In a nut shell, I went out state for my dad’s funeral
    & returned to a empty damaged house. My husband
    left with girl half his age, lied, slandered, stole,
    sold my personal belongings, turned people against
    me,… Yet, in HIS strength I continue to walk in
    peace, love, & faith. I am now in my ” house rest”.
    Doug & his staff are a blessing.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 15, 2018

      Hello Renee, I am so sorry for the loss of your father and your marriage. You are so strong in the Lord. Doug wrote an article on house arrest that you may find helpful during this time. Even though a lot of it may not make sense right now, God is with you and loves you so much. Bless you Renee.

  1. Reply

    Thank u so much Doug for this testimony of yours about your past.Im sitting here on Valentine’s day estranged for 2 1/2 years from my spouse who is a Christian.I too have had multilpe marriages and am a Christian with a complex background.Your testimony gives me renewed hope in every area..even if my spouse and I don’t recover this marriage.Thank you so much again!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 14, 2018

      Bless you Brenda! Amen! There is hope in every situation. Praying for over-flowing joy in your heart. You are so precious to God!

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