O Canada! Prophetic Word for Canada

O Canada! Prophetic Word for Canada
By Doug Addison

On April 17–18 while ministering in Victoria, Canada, God spoke to me about something new coming to Canada. The day before I left for this trip, I was praying and the presence of God was intense. I had an experience in which God spoke several things to me over a three day period.

O Canada! With glowing hearts we see thee rise, the True North strong and free!

Your intercession has not gone unnoticed. God is preparing a special visitation on May 20, 2009 in Toronto. This will be the start of a major shift in Canada that will change the spiritual atmosphere. God will begin to give prophets in Canada strategies that will unlock blessing and start revival. Businessmen and women and government officials will begin to come to Jesus in an increasing measure. Intercession has played a big role in this shift.

God said that He is raising many people in Canada from the dead (spiritually) who have lost their vision and some who have lost their ministries. New fire, hope, and direction is coming as God said, “I WILL do this for them!” Ministers, leaders, musicians, artists, intercessors, and businesspeople are about to rise to a new level. Ministries from Canada will play a role to rekindle a fire for revival all over the earth. They will help restart forgotten moves of God in the UK that extend through Africa.

O Canada, God is making you a True North to many.

DOUG ADDISON is the founder of InLight Connection in Santa Maria, California. He travels worldwide helping people transform their lives and discover their purpose. Doug is a stand-up comedian and his training seminars include hearing God, understanding dreams and visions, and experiencing the supernatural.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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    • Rita Oliveira
    • January 13, 2010

    Deus continue levantando Seus profetas nesta geração… Aqui no Brasil estamos na torre de vigia pelo Avivamento onde a Glória do Senhor encherá TODA A TERRA, como as águas cobrem o mar. No amor de Yeshua*** translated: God keeps raising His prophets in this generation … Here in Brazil we are in the watchtower where the Revival Glory of the Lord filled the whole earth as the waters cover the sea. In the love of Yeshua ***

    • Rita Oliveira
    • January 13, 2010

    Deus continue levantando Seus profetas nesta geração… Aqui no Brasil estamos na torre de vigia pelo Avivamento onde a Glória do Senhor encherá TODA A TERRA, como as águas cobrem o mar. No amor de Yeshua*** translated: God keeps raising His prophets in this generation … Here in Brazil we are in the watchtower where the Revival Glory of the Lord filled the whole earth as the waters cover the sea. In the love of Yeshua ***

    • alexandria knight
    • August 1, 2009

    I have just read last night in the Aug addition of the philadephia trumpet… Aug 1 2009, top of cover page headlines reads. “MISSING LINK FOUND”, next to that, the headline “WHO WILL STOP NORTH KOREA”, next to that “BRITAIN’S FORGOTTEN VETERAN” with a picture of the Queen of England… She was a veteran in world war 2… It is a story that would bring one to tears, how different countries are not even giving her honour or respect for all that they(the royal family)especially our Queen Elizabath, did for the people… This is a wake up call…Canada we stand on guard for thee, as we stand with the one the Lord has given us as a foundation who is a faith believing Christian… Thank-you Father in Jesus name A Knight…

    • alexandria knight
    • August 1, 2009

    I have just read last night in the Aug addition of the philadephia trumpet… Aug 1 2009, top of cover page headlines reads. “MISSING LINK FOUND”, next to that, the headline “WHO WILL STOP NORTH KOREA”, next to that “BRITAIN’S FORGOTTEN VETERAN” with a picture of the Queen of England… She was a veteran in world war 2… It is a story that would bring one to tears, how different countries are not even giving her honour or respect for all that they(the royal family)especially our Queen Elizabath, did for the people… This is a wake up call…Canada we stand on guard for thee, as we stand with the one the Lord has given us as a foundation who is a faith believing Christian… Thank-you Father in Jesus name A Knight…

    • alexandria knight
    • July 31, 2009

    The whole team here in western B.C. that are christian that built this platform for the Queen was mislead, it was to be for Queen Elizabeth…They were lead to believe this platform was to be built for Her… Yet the one in charge of this team, who is christian, said He sold out to the devil… Then to our shock it was the Empire and Empress of Japan that came to the platform that was built for Queen Elizabeth… I asked the Lord, What is going on!!! He said the christians are not on guard and the enemy has got a foothold now in our country that had been handed to him by christians, even through deception… The Lord is going to take back what the enemy has set up as long as we are serious about our foundations, which is built on chirst and christ alone… Queen Elizabeth is the right foundation the Lord had in place and she still has her foundation here, Her name means rightouseness, But the Empire of Japan has set up next to hers a platform to also have input into this country, He walked the same route as our Queen, from Quebec to Vancouver in the steps of Queen Elizabeth settimg up his platforms next to hers, even by christains who were deceived… The Lord would have us wake up, and stand on guard for Canada, and pray for her… While our armed forces are in Afganistan fighting to deliver their people from terrorism, the armies of God are asleep… Press into God and ask Him what shall we do… The enemy is on the move… WAKE UP CANADA!!! Thank-you Father in Jesus name… A Knight on gaurd for you Lord and you alone in Jesus name, amen…P.S. Even pray for our Queen as she too has let down her guard because of the lack of (support) prayers going forth for her, The Lord says that our prayers for her will give her strength that is needed to take her rightful place, as we are to stand with her in Jesus name…

    • alexandria knight
    • July 31, 2009

    The whole team here in western B.C. that are christian that built this platform for the Queen was mislead, it was to be for Queen Elizabeth…They were lead to believe this platform was to be built for Her… Yet the one in charge of this team, who is christian, said He sold out to the devil… Then to our shock it was the Empire and Empress of Japan that came to the platform that was built for Queen Elizabeth… I asked the Lord, What is going on!!! He said the christians are not on guard and the enemy has got a foothold now in our country that had been handed to him by christians, even through deception… The Lord is going to take back what the enemy has set up as long as we are serious about our foundations, which is built on chirst and christ alone… Queen Elizabeth is the right foundation the Lord had in place and she still has her foundation here, Her name means rightouseness, But the Empire of Japan has set up next to hers a platform to also have input into this country, He walked the same route as our Queen, from Quebec to Vancouver in the steps of Queen Elizabeth settimg up his platforms next to hers, even by christains who were deceived… The Lord would have us wake up, and stand on guard for Canada, and pray for her… While our armed forces are in Afganistan fighting to deliver their people from terrorism, the armies of God are asleep… Press into God and ask Him what shall we do… The enemy is on the move… WAKE UP CANADA!!! Thank-you Father in Jesus name… A Knight on gaurd for you Lord and you alone in Jesus name, amen…P.S. Even pray for our Queen as she too has let down her guard because of the lack of (support) prayers going forth for her, The Lord says that our prayers for her will give her strength that is needed to take her rightful place, as we are to stand with her in Jesus name…

    • alexandria
    • June 12, 2009

    The Lord has been preparing me for this move too and He said; it’s time for the righteous to shine, The Queen is coming here in July to New Westminister B.C. As the foundation to her platform is being built now as we speak… The Lord said we need to stand for righteousness and kick out the enemy that Has set up his foundations platform next to hers…I too am waiting on the Lord as we are to be a light to the world in Jesus name… Thank-you Father in Jesus name A Knight, all glory be to God in Jesus name, amen

    • alexandria
    • June 12, 2009

    The Lord has been preparing me for this move too and He said; it’s time for the righteous to shine, The Queen is coming here in July to New Westminister B.C. As the foundation to her platform is being built now as we speak… The Lord said we need to stand for righteousness and kick out the enemy that Has set up his foundations platform next to hers…I too am waiting on the Lord as we are to be a light to the world in Jesus name… Thank-you Father in Jesus name A Knight, all glory be to God in Jesus name, amen

    • helen
    • May 20, 2009

    Blessings to you Doug! thank you for your prophetic word over Canada. I know people all over canada are praying for a move of God. I can speak personally that for the last 4-5 months I have had an increased tremendous burden / travil/ intercession for canada . 2 weeks ago as I was in prayer its like I was on top of Canada (birds eye view) and I was praying and declairing” fire, unity, purity, let Your Spirit move ,etc. I was speaking ” fire of God fall on N.F.L.D., Ontario, Alberta,etc. In my spirit I could see a very long line of preachers across the entire nation and I was interceeding over each of them and asking God for the fire of God to be on them and the most of my praying was in tongues. Also I am a dreamer, God gave me a dream about 4 mounths ago: In my dream I was in a very large building, they were doing some kind of a sunday school program. I saw a few very thin, hungry vines. I knew that nothing could grow there. I looked and saw a person kneeling down crying out to God for revival. A lady then came to me in my dream and said,” The lord told me in a dream last night that ‘you will preach the gospel to Canada'”. Immediately when she said this in my dream I began to travail and cry tremendously. then I woke up.

    • helen
    • May 20, 2009

    Blessings to you Doug! thank you for your prophetic word over Canada. I know people all over canada are praying for a move of God. I can speak personally that for the last 4-5 months I have had an increased tremendous burden / travil/ intercession for canada . 2 weeks ago as I was in prayer its like I was on top of Canada (birds eye view) and I was praying and declairing” fire, unity, purity, let Your Spirit move ,etc. I was speaking ” fire of God fall on N.F.L.D., Ontario, Alberta,etc. In my spirit I could see a very long line of preachers across the entire nation and I was interceeding over each of them and asking God for the fire of God to be on them and the most of my praying was in tongues. Also I am a dreamer, God gave me a dream about 4 mounths ago: In my dream I was in a very large building, they were doing some kind of a sunday school program. I saw a few very thin, hungry vines. I knew that nothing could grow there. I looked and saw a person kneeling down crying out to God for revival. A lady then came to me in my dream and said,” The lord told me in a dream last night that ‘you will preach the gospel to Canada'”. Immediately when she said this in my dream I began to travail and cry tremendously. then I woke up.

    • Marco
    • May 20, 2009

    Thank you Doug for being a good channel of God. My pray to god is that this Revival will sweep Toronto and the whole Canada and at the same time be a centre of blessing to the rest of the world

    • Marco
    • May 20, 2009

    Thank you Doug for being a good channel of God. My pray to god is that this Revival will sweep Toronto and the whole Canada and at the same time be a centre of blessing to the rest of the world

    • May 19, 2009

    Doug, i shall be calling some churches today, may 20th in Toronto in the morning to alert them to your “word of knowledge” about the start of a new wind here in Toronto and moving across the country. I will follow up later in the week with these same churches to verify any feedback.
    i will let you know and give contact email addy’s and phone numbers for you to confirm. Blessings to you and all in your ministry.

    • May 19, 2009

    Doug, i shall be calling some churches today, may 20th in Toronto in the morning to alert them to your “word of knowledge” about the start of a new wind here in Toronto and moving across the country. I will follow up later in the week with these same churches to verify any feedback.
    i will let you know and give contact email addy’s and phone numbers for you to confirm. Blessings to you and all in your ministry.

    • Wijke
    • May 19, 2009

    This morning, May 19th, I woke singing an old song in my head that I haven’t thought of for years…”it’s beginning to rain, rain, rain, hear the voice of the Father, saying whosoever will, come drink of this water. He says ‘I will pour my Spirit out on your sons and your daughters’. If you’re thirsty and dry, look up to the sky, it’s beginning to rain”. I suddenly wondered if I was prophesying to myself with this forgotten song, and now, I read Doug’s blog about Canada, and a special move of God on May 20th in Toronto. I live in the Greater Toronto Area….YES LORD!!!!!!!

    • Wijke
    • May 19, 2009

    This morning, May 19th, I woke singing an old song in my head that I haven’t thought of for years…”it’s beginning to rain, rain, rain, hear the voice of the Father, saying whosoever will, come drink of this water. He says ‘I will pour my Spirit out on your sons and your daughters’. If you’re thirsty and dry, look up to the sky, it’s beginning to rain”. I suddenly wondered if I was prophesying to myself with this forgotten song, and now, I read Doug’s blog about Canada, and a special move of God on May 20th in Toronto. I live in the Greater Toronto Area….YES LORD!!!!!!!

    • deborah
    • May 18, 2009

    Yes Lord Jesus, come.
    We desire for Your will, Father, to be fulfilled in Canada.
    Arise oh sleeper from the dead.
    Jesus blow a fresh wind of your Spirit.
    Lord awake your church.
    Let us not be apathetic about You.

    • deborah
    • May 18, 2009

    Yes Lord Jesus, come.
    We desire for Your will, Father, to be fulfilled in Canada.
    Arise oh sleeper from the dead.
    Jesus blow a fresh wind of your Spirit.
    Lord awake your church.
    Let us not be apathetic about You.

    • alana
    • May 18, 2009

    Many of us here in Canada (and all over the earth) are being prepared for this next wave of His Spirit. Before a visitation there is always preparation, the hidden ones are crossing over.

    • alana
    • May 18, 2009

    Many of us here in Canada (and all over the earth) are being prepared for this next wave of His Spirit. Before a visitation there is always preparation, the hidden ones are crossing over.

  1. Reply

    Yes Lord Do It In Jesus Name

  2. Reply

    Yes Lord Do It In Jesus Name

    • Rob
    • May 6, 2009


    Thanks for the affirmation. This prophetic word has been released several times over the last year and we know that a time of release will be shortly upon us. However, we are not praying for revival, but for transformation! As we have been standing in the gap for some years, God has placed on our hearts His desire there be permanently changed hearts for His Kingdom…He has revealed strategies for the lost will be found, the prodigals to return home, and how many will be called to go and harvest the ripe fields!

    • Rob
    • May 6, 2009


    Thanks for the affirmation. This prophetic word has been released several times over the last year and we know that a time of release will be shortly upon us. However, we are not praying for revival, but for transformation! As we have been standing in the gap for some years, God has placed on our hearts His desire there be permanently changed hearts for His Kingdom…He has revealed strategies for the lost will be found, the prodigals to return home, and how many will be called to go and harvest the ripe fields!

  3. Reply

    Duck, great doing Kingdom damage with you in Chile – hey your link about to your website is pooched.

    Right link, wrong site? Check on it.

    Big love, and cheers to no flu never touching you.

  4. Reply

    Duck, great doing Kingdom damage with you in Chile – hey your link about to your website is pooched.

    Right link, wrong site? Check on it.

    Big love, and cheers to no flu never touching you.

    • Maylane
    • May 5, 2009

    Yes, Lord! Let it be! Let us be found in You, alive in Christ and in the power of His might. Lord, help us to be faithful to keep on praying and keep on sharing Your love. Let the fire of revival spread from our Jerusalem to the ends of the earth.

    • Maylane
    • May 5, 2009

    Yes, Lord! Let it be! Let us be found in You, alive in Christ and in the power of His might. Lord, help us to be faithful to keep on praying and keep on sharing Your love. Let the fire of revival spread from our Jerusalem to the ends of the earth.

    • Clara
    • May 5, 2009

    As a Canadian who has been a part of contending for God’s purposes in our nation over the past number of years, I say a hearty “YES GOD!!!” in response to this awesome word!! Ihave no doubt in my mind that God is about to release Canada into the fullness of her destiny purpose for the healing of the nations, and I am both humbled and honored to be a part of His huge plan!!

    • Clara
    • May 5, 2009

    As a Canadian who has been a part of contending for God’s purposes in our nation over the past number of years, I say a hearty “YES GOD!!!” in response to this awesome word!! Ihave no doubt in my mind that God is about to release Canada into the fullness of her destiny purpose for the healing of the nations, and I am both humbled and honored to be a part of His huge plan!!

  5. Reply

    Please forward this to any intercessors you know!

  6. Reply

    Please forward this to any intercessors you know!

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