God Speaks through Dreaming of Teeth

One of the most common dreams people have are about teeth, which actually are significant. God is speaking to us through these dreams.

I have interpreted thousands and thousands of dreams and one of the most common dreams people ask me about is teeth. Let me explain what this common dream means.


This type of dream reveals you are in need of direction. Teeth chew food and make it useful for the body. Symbolically, teeth chew the word or teaching of God so it can be digested and made useful through application. Chewing or thinking about something brings deeper understanding. (You are “chewing on” this revelation even as you read.) That’s why teeth coming loose or falling out means you’re in need of direction, wisdom or advice.

Here are examples of various teeth dreams:

You bite into some food and your teeth break off. This indicates that there is something that you are having difficulty understanding at the moment.

You look in the mirror and suddenly your teeth are falling out. You are lacking wisdom in the area of your self-image or who you are and what you’re called to do.

Your incisor teeth come loose or fall out. These are also known as “eye teeth” and symbolically, loose incisors can indicate that you are lacking spiritual vision.

Your wisdom teeth come loose or fall out. Obviously, you’re lacking wisdom in some area of your life.

Your front teeth come out. This could indicate that you are too busy or “biting off more than you can chew.”


Now that you can understand what dreaming of teeth can mean, the thing that really matters is how you respond. God is trying to point out how to have a positive outcome. Responding in some way will make the dream come alive. In the case of these teeth dreams, pray and ask God to show you what He wants you to understand and pray for wisdom.

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5

Keep dreaming! It’s God speaking to you to help you on your life’s journey. Enjoy the ride!


Doug Addison

Doug Addison


P.S. For more on how to understand the meanings of your dreams, check out my book Understand Your Dreams Now: Spiritual Dream Interpretation — it also includes a dream symbols dictionary! 

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerful, positively funny teaching style and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

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Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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    • Grace
    • February 17, 2024

    Any thoughts about what losing an old tooth FILLING might mean??

      • Brandy, InLight Connection Team
      • March 13, 2024

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though. https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.
      Doug also has quite a few blog posts on dreams that you can browse through here.
      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.
      Please let me know if you have any further questions and I’d be happy to help you.

  1. Reply

    J which country are you from??

  2. Reply

    Interesting! I notice that anytime that I’ve had dreams of my teeth falling out, I literally had a “fall out” with someone close to me not too long afterwards! I noticed in every instance , that it was someone I needed to let go of, a situation, place or location also that I needed to get away from … but either of those things always ended up happening! But we must always seek and pray to the Lord for the interpretation because everything may not mean the same for everyone ! He speaks to us in different ways!

    • Barbara
    • March 6, 2023

    I had a weird dream and would like to ask for a little help interpret it.. I found myself in a bathroom just had given birth to a premature baby in caul. He/she was bleeding so I was holding onto a vein to stop it and with time it stopped. Then when I looked at the baby it had all the teeth but all wobbling out so I knew I have to pull then out, so I did.

    • Karol
    • July 10, 2022

    I have dreams teeth are falling and one time this is not a dream ashes well they look like coming out of my mouth

    • Miranda
    • April 24, 2021

    I didn’t actually have a dream of teeth but I can’t find anything online that tells me what it means when you find a tooth. I found a sharp, long fang looking tooth during my walk. It happened right after I was having a ptsd panic attack and it all felt very correlated and sign like and I just wondered if anyone knew the meaning of finding a tooth like that.

    • j
    • January 12, 2021

    I know what u went through. Its common in my country when people lose their teeth in their dream they lose family members. I came on here cause i had something like a dream about it too n its ok fam jus pray about it.

    • Brandon
    • January 6, 2021

    I had a dream I was eating everyones teeth that I knew even my own in the dream they where pretty much giving me there teeth to eat.

    • Preety
    • December 14, 2020

    Last night I dreamt a tooth growing and it was additional tooth …..is God trying to convey me a message ?

    • Grey_miles
    • December 13, 2020

    I had the same dream . I was losing my teeth . Then my sister came around and I was explaining to him . That I’m losing my teeth and I can’t do anything about it. Then she said “at least you have live”. I counted four of my tooth . Meanwhile four people have died in my family and it only been a day that she was buried.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 14, 2020

      I am so sorry you have lost family members. Teeth often represent wisdom. We are unable to interpret your dream for you. I would spend time with God asking Him to give you wisdom and insight. Bless you.

    • Elaine
    • November 7, 2020

    Hey Theresa!!! Omg I just had a dream like that, my ex’s father was teaching me how to disarm a bear trap and when he reset the trap so I could disarm it myself my canine felt loose. With my my tongue I pushed it and it came out and so it started with the rest of my teeth. No pain, just panicked for second and then thought “oh well gonna have to get fake ones then” and I woke up. Yeah girl, upwards and onwards!!!!

    • Cindy
    • October 1, 2020

    what if the dream was about my wisdom teeth growing in? They were not rotten or broken, they were healthy and strong..i had my wisdom teeth removed years ago

    • Angela Aloisi
    • September 16, 2020

    I had a dream about losing a crown and the other part was loose too. Whatever the case I know dreaming is the way my subconscious deals with stuff. This concept of God speaking through dreams is a totally novel thing to me though. I know dream interpretation was in the Bible, but historically, people who did prophetic or psychic stuff were not generally seen as Christians even, but psychics and witches to be burned!
    I believe in 6th senses, the clairs, and have claircognazence and clairsentience, but why bring God into all this, when it is all the “God within”, us? (Our soul.) Why cater to the belief that doesn’t even believe in psychics?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 18, 2020

      Hey Angela! The church has misunderstood the supernatural for a while now. When we read the Bible, the gifts of the Spirit and the supernatural (seeing angels, miracles, healing, etc) were common.

      Often psychics are people with a prophetic gift that is being misguided or misused.

      Today, not as many churches in the Western world understand this but many third-world countries do. Doug has some interesting podcasts that might help you understand this. Here is a podcast that might help you, https://dougaddison.com/2017/04/the-purpose-of-the-supernatural/.


    • Theresa Morey
    • August 16, 2020

    I’ve had this dream twice
    I’ll be in the middle of doing something or trying to get somewhere.. and my teeth will start to feel loose.. at first i try to be gentle with them… and then i just decide that i can get dentures and that it’ll be fine and one by one i pull out every tooth it’s not painful… they don’t bleed… there’s no hole after just smooth gums that i can glide my tongue over…
    Everywhere i look online it says stuff about facing change.. painful change… stepping out of a comfort zone etc… but in the dream im calm .. accepting … determined to be ok with it .. making a plan … does this mean I’ll embrace the change and do ok with it? …

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 17, 2020

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though. https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.

    • Mya
    • August 11, 2020

    Erm, I had a dream about TEETH growing out of my EYES, uh, help?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 14, 2020

      Ask God to show you! Teeth often represent wisdom :).

    • Regina
    • August 9, 2020

    Please i have a dream and pastor to me to start counting my teeth and after I should start greetings and he will pray for me

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 10, 2020

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though. https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/

    • Daborah
    • July 10, 2020

    I’ve been having reoccurring dreams of teeth and gum bleeding. At first I dreamt almost all my teeth falling out with bleeding. The second i saw i had shaky teeth and bleeding gum. The third I saw I had large extra gum tissues in my mouth with bleeding getting worse and worse in the dream, I was searching for help but didn’t get in that dream till the gums fell out with shaky teeth (almost all). Later in that dream I noticed not having the front teeth but my brother told me in that dream not to worry as it was going to grow back. This time I dreamt of extra tissues in my mouth around the gums in the inside part of the mouth bleeding black blood, I held the bleeding back with my hands and went to the toilet to spit them out. Another common thing with my dreams about bleeding gums and teeth shaking and falling out is that I’m always around family members.

    I’m getting more confused and worried by these dreams as they seem more serious each time.
    Pls help shine light on this.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 14, 2020

      Teeth often represent wisdom. Ask God to give you wisdom and understanding. Blessings!

    • anita
    • June 25, 2020

    Idk what’s going on but this looks bad and I’m so scared right now. I had an ultra sound t/v on Monday and everything looked fine, i heard my babies heartbeat and everything looked fine. the found a small cyst right next to my baby and i saw this in the morning around 5 am. My uterus felt a little sore but now no pain. i dont want to loose myself thinking the worse , but I can’t help it. I had a bleeding last week so I went to check it out and everything was fine now I’m 7 weeks today and this is just freaking me out. Help I don’t know what to do. i also had a dream. i was myself giving birth toa babyboy who was born with teeth with blue/purpleish eyes i hold him and i was so happy. i woke up and went to pee and saw brown discharge in the toilet paper and when i looked down i saw this.. fuzz browish dark red discharge. idk what this is i already called my doctor but they are closed. idk if this is the baby or the cyst that i had. also the bleeding i had last week was red red! and so i went to get an T/V ultra sound and they said they didn’t know where it came from since the baby was fine and all they found was a cyst. please pray for me i been crying my eyes out this morning and i can barely open my eyes. i dont know if maybe this is old blood but i dont know. im trying to stay positive but this is too hard. i never had a miscarriage so i dont know what to expect. i saw my baby 4 days ago and she/he was perfectly fine. <3 please help me

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 25, 2020

      Hey Anita, praying for you now. Find someone people around you if you can to be praying over you and your baby. Decreeing full healing in your body and a healthy baby!

    • Antoine Palmer
    • May 16, 2020

    I had a dream i was at the beach and i could smell i had a rotten tooth it was a moula i touched it and the rotten part fell away but the tooth was still there

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 19, 2020

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though. https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/

    • Jordon Mueller
    • May 7, 2020

    Wow, I used to dream of my teeth falling out all the time as a kid and haven’t had that in a very very very long time – close to 30 now and I have started praying to God this week….. Wobbly tooth dream – incisor

    • Christian Sanchez
    • April 28, 2020

    I had a dream that I was searching through the couch and when I stuck my right hand inside at the edge I gouged the inside of my pinky, so when I pulled out what cut me, it was some silver dentures with very sharp silver teeth. I immediately woke up.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 29, 2020

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though. https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.

    • Keysha
    • April 27, 2020

    I just had this very same dream last night 🤔 I’m wondering too.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 29, 2020

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though. https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.

    • DaVee
    • April 20, 2020

    I had a dream that my front teeth were hurting and I shook them and when I did they broke off and underneath were baby teeth growing into their place … any take on this? I would like to note that after the tooth broke, I was using my tongue to shave off the little pieces of old tooth covering the baby tooth (if that makes sense).

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 20, 2020

      We do not have a team in place to interpret dreams. You are welcome to look into purchasing Doug’s dream interpretation resources to grow further in understanding dreams if you’d like, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. Bless you!

    • William Watson
    • March 31, 2020

    Please answer.. My dream was very vivid kind of dark, my bottom teeth an several others fell out, I was spitting them into my hands, in which I had lost my hands 8 years ago.. I went to the mirror to look at what just happened, I could see empty sockets where my teeth used to be. Then I could see into my skull which was empty an dirty looking.. This kind of dream has never happened to me except on time maybe 30 year ago when I was a teen, an it was just a tooth or 2..

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 31, 2020

      As Doug wrote above, teeth often represent wisdom. Loosing teeth can often mean needing wisdom in your life. Do not fear but go to God and ask Him for the wisdom you need. Reading Proverbs and James is a great place to dive into wisdom. Blessings!

    • Angela
    • March 14, 2020

    In reality, I have no teeth but in my dream I had teeth and was smiling. There is never any interpretation for that. Only if teeth are missing, broken, falling out, or rotten. Any comments?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 16, 2020

      Great dream Angela! Having good teeth in a dream is often showing wisdom you have.

    • Agyei Twum Prince
    • February 1, 2020

    I had a dream and i saw my chewing teeth fallen out of my mouth. And again jumping in the hole of water with car cober with my wife to be.

    • Zoe Gavars
    • January 28, 2020

    What about if you dream that your teeth are getting repaired?? I dreamt this morning

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 28, 2020

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.
      Doug also has quite a few blog posts on dreams that you can browse through.

    • Felix
    • December 18, 2019

    I had a dream I saw a lady I was proposin long distance walking away immediately I surface she look back to me but I enter into my room I now discovered all my teeth were removed with instant replacement

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 19, 2019

      We do not have a team in place to interpret dreams. You are welcome to look into purchasing Doug’s dream interpretation resources to grow further in understanding dreams if you’d like, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. Bless you!

    • leratotfs
    • November 7, 2019

    my dream was about a premolar, it was so painful as if someone is was hammering it, then the top part fell out and the bottom part remained without pain but it was so dirty that strange things (sink dirt) were coming out from it.

    • leratotfs
    • November 7, 2019

    Good Morning
    i had dream where i had a terrible toothache and the teeth was cut half,other part fell out the remaining part was dirty.

    • Adi
    • October 8, 2019

    I dreamed that my teeth where in place when in reality i dont have straight teeth. Please i need to know what this means urgently!!.

    • Sandra Orr
    • September 28, 2019

    Dream of a dentist pulling trying to pull out my teeth but couldn’t, there’s no sick teeth there.please what it means.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 30, 2019

      We do not have a team in place to interpret dreams. You are welcome to look into purchasing Doug’s dream interpretation resources to grow further in understanding dreams if you’d like, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. Bless you!

    • Sukheet Kaur Bhatti
    • September 21, 2019

    I saw a dream that my teeth came out with the pink skin of mouth. The same tooth was inserted to its actual place by the dentist

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 23, 2019

      Thanks for sharing, God bless you!

    • Leticia
    • September 18, 2019

    I dreamed I had metal teeth that started fallen apart only my back teeth, then I tried to pull them out and I was in pain and struggling while people could clearly see me doing it .the back teeth had to long metals rooted in my gums before the actual tooth .really crazy but I final got it out full in tack ,but I was surprise that my tooth was actually metal though it looked like teeth from the outside🙊

    • Josue Martinez
    • September 16, 2019

    Just to make it short, I dream about two tooth losen i took both but one of them, there were alot of ants on it just trying to eat it . it was kind of wierd

    • Blessing E.
    • August 13, 2019

    I had a dream that one of my front teeth got broken gradually and fell off ,though not painfully . someone told me to get a new tooth which I held in my hand. The dream is also kind of mysterious too. Please,I need to understand this. Thanks for your response in advance

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 13, 2019

      Here is what Doug said in the blog post above that applies to what you are saying,” Your front teeth come out. This could indicate that you are too busy or “biting off more than you can chew. Now that you can understand what dreaming of teeth can mean, the thing that really matters is how you respond. God is trying to point out how to have a positive outcome. Responding in some way will make the dream come alive. In the case of these teeth dreams, pray and ask God to show you what He wants you to understand and pray for wisdom.”

      Hope that helps!

    • Dannah
    • August 3, 2019

    hey, so i normally have bunny teeth (quite big) as central incisor and the rest are normal. i dreamed that my central incisor and my canine teeth switched places. what does that mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 5, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.
      Doug also has quite a few blog posts on dreams that you can browse through here.
      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.
      Please let me know if you have any further questions and I’d be happy to help you.

    • Doctor
    • July 15, 2019

    Hi.. i dreamt having sexual intercourse with someone else i dont know and my sister in law caught us and told me to stop because it was not my girlfriend that i was having intimate with, the strange thing is that my sister in law was missing a tooth and i could see the gap in front of the canines teeth. i am asking for help with the meaning of this dream thank you.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 15, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.
      Doug also has quite a few blog posts on dreams that you can browse through.
      Bless you!

    • Shawan
    • July 14, 2019

    I had a dream, I was able to pull out about 5 of my front teeth, and I finally got to the one I didn’t want, pulled that one out too. That one tooth gave me a feeling of accomplishment in the dream. Then I started putting them back in my mouth a little while later. Don’t know if they ever tighten back up.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 15, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.
      Doug also has quite a few blog posts on dreams that you can browse through.
      Bless you!

  3. Reply

    I had a dream about someone else pulling out my teeth cause they were hurting in the back of my mouth and then he stopped and I started pulling them out but they kept growing back

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 24, 2019

      Hey Bella! Hey! As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though. Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams. Bless you!

    • Cassandra
    • May 31, 2019

    I had a dream that all my teeth felt out. (They were all shiny white and healthy)?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 10, 2019

      This type of dream reveals you are in need of direction. Teeth chew food and make it useful for the body. Symbolically, teeth chew the word or teaching of God so it can be digested and made useful through application. Chewing or thinking about something brings deeper understanding. (You are “chewing on” this revelation even as you read.) That’s why teeth coming loose or falling out means you’re in need of direction, wisdom or advice.

    • Kadi
    • May 29, 2019

    I dreamt that my bad wisdom tooth fell out yet it was white as snow

    • Shital
    • May 29, 2019

    I saw my all teeth are falling ,and my mouth is bleeding , but still I have teeth because they all falls teeth are my back twinnt teeth , what’s mean these dream ,

    • May 9, 2019

    I dreamt that one of my front teeth was extracted without any pain by someone whose face was invisible to me.
    What could it mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 15, 2019

      Often losing teeth means that God wants you to ask Him for wisdom. I would ask God to give you wisdom and discernment.

    • Mahalia Figueira
    • May 9, 2019

    I dream two teeth was pulled..and I was surprised that it didn’t hurt

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 9, 2019

      Thanks for sharing!

    • Lue
    • May 6, 2019

    Hi, I have this dream. One of my front teeth split in half. I’ve been trying searching up what it means but couldn’t find anything about it. It’s been bothering me ever since. And the day after, I left the house. Please, tell me what it means.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 6, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.

      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though. https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/

      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.

    • kiran
    • May 3, 2019

    I saw in my dream that
    My crush found a pair of gold teeth and he asked whether these are mine . when I replied with no he gave those to me and said to give them back to person who actually own it

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 6, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in. https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/

      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.
      Please let me know if you have any further questions and I’d be happy to help you.

    • Lamita
    • May 3, 2019

    pastor I saw a dream last year where a multitude of people marched towards a field and I too decided to check it out but a cloud stopped me the cloud was dark it had teeth. It was over head and it roared at me but it didn’t devour me.

    this dream disturbs me.
    please help me.
    thank you

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 6, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in. https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/

      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.
      Please let me know if you have any further questions and I’d be happy to help you.

    • KAT
    • April 30, 2019

    I continuously have a dream that I bite down on my teeth and they all start chattering and falling out, beginning with the back molars. I see myself grinding them until nothing is left but the roots. There is no pain and no blood just the chattering of teeth.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 6, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in. https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/

      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.
      Please let me know if you have any further questions and I’d be happy to help you.

    • Mandy
    • April 18, 2019

    I just woke up feeling as if my dream was so real,its scared me…I dreamt I worked for a dentist for 3 days on the 4th day I came to work the office was empty but he left and envelope with $300 for me and then suddenly my teeth started breaking and I began spitting out several chucks of different teeth in my mouth…could you help me understand what this means?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 18, 2019

      Hey Sidra! As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.

      As Doug said in the blog post, teeth often represent wisdom. If you are losing teeth in a dream, simply go to God and ask for more wisdom. He will gladly give you it! 🙂

      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.

      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.

    • Ash
    • April 9, 2019

    Hi there,
    I have dreamed several times in last 3 months about my teeth falling. The most scary one was “i saw almost all of my teeth become loose and then fell out of my mouth and then blood starts to flow from my gums and there are live insects(similar to big ants) coming out with blood and they are hundreds of them.”
    Other couple of times i just saw my teeth falling( cant remember the numbers).
    Can some one please through some light on it.
    Thank you

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 11, 2019

      Hey Ash! So loosing your teeth often means needing wisdom and understanding. Instead of being scared, spend time with God and ask Him for wisdom and to cleanse any false wisdom. God is so faithful and loves you so much, He will show you. God bless you Ash! You are precious!

    • Nalukenge nulu
    • April 8, 2019

    What doest it mean to dream when your husband has no upper front teeth (two of them), in this dream i didnt see them falling any where i just dreamed when he has no upper teeth

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 11, 2019

      Teeth often mean wisdom and understanding. So God could be wanting you to pray for wisdom for your husband or to pray for him to not be overwhelmed and not “bite off more than he can chew.” Ask God and God will show you! Bless you and your husband!

    • Avril
    • April 3, 2019

    Hi , I’m glad to have ran across this site I dreamed I lost a moler tooth while out on a date I’m a bit worried what could it mean I sat the tooth in clean water and laughed about it

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 3, 2019

      Hey Avril! We do not interpret dreams sent in. Doug has some great dream interpretation resources you can look into here that will be helpful for you in understanding dreams.

      Teeth are often symbolic for wisdom and understanding.

    • Anonymous
    • March 31, 2019

    Hi Doug, how are you? So last night I dreamed I had a painful wisdom tooth that was about to fall of, after a bit of pulling it came off and I actually felt a lot of relief,. What could it mean ?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 1, 2019

      I would pray and ask God if you need wisdom in a certain area. God bless you!

    • Nikki
    • January 29, 2019

    Hi! I’ved dream about my husband’s teeth. In the dream there is a occassion and he come to me saying that he was bumped into something then he show me his teeth and it almost removed to his gum. What does that mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 6, 2019

      Hey Nikki! Teeth often mean wisdom. So when they are missing or have an issue, it may mean God wants you to pray for wisdom or seek Him on something. God bless you!

  4. Reply

    One time I had a dream I was in school, and dental safari came to school. They were doing work in my school library and i was one of the first to go. The dentist instantly took out a teeth scraper, and my instincts kicked in and I ran. I escaped into a different dentist location, which my friend owns. I go to the room I was suppose to get my work done, and this time it was a different dentist. This dentist had short brown curly hair. She put sunglasses on me, but then she messed my teeth up with several different tools. When I exited the room, i told my friend [who was the owner] and she put the dentistry on lock down. I spent the rest of the day in my dream running and running from this same dentist, turning corners and running into dead ends, etc. What does this dream mean? Im a boy if you were wondering.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 29, 2019

      Hey Dakota! Teeth removal often has to do with not having wisdom. I would ask God for wisdom and spend time reading Proverbs. This is a book in the Bible that talks a lot about wisdom.

      Here is a list of Doug’s dream interpretation resources, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. One is a free ebook on dreams that would be a great first start. God bless you!

    • Liss
    • January 20, 2019

    Dear Doug,
    I wake up this morning sad and worried I had a dream that my teeth has been removed, I was holding some and some also fell in front of an open gate in the sand, I was looking for it in a sad mood when a kid around the ages of 6 it seems she want to pass I shout at her to leave with tears in my eye . When she left I found the rest of the teeth and rash inside put them in a water and try fixing them when I woke

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 22, 2019

      Hey Liss! I would pray and ask God for wisdom. See then how you dreams change. God bless you!

    • Tania
    • January 9, 2019

    I very often have very vivid dreams, but never seem to figure them out. I just had a dream that 3 of my molars fell out in 1 piece and I freaked out then suddenly I was laughing with family/friends and I realized that my front tooth had a crack and it started to open up until it was split in half and it became loose. Then I found myself in my car, I was going to the dentist and all of a sudden my car is backing up slowly and I was pressing the breaks but it kept going and there was a car behind me but I just couldn’t get the car to stop. And I decided to look at the pedals and realized there were 4 pedals and I was pressing the wrong 1. I ended up hitting the car it was just a scratch but somehow my car ended up parked backwards perfectly and the guy that I hit was at the passenger window starting to yell at me, but I looked confused I guess it’s cause I saw 4 pedals instead of 2 and I remember trying to explain to him everything that was going on and I kept trying to hold my teeth cuz they were falling out, kind of like dentures and then I went to talk to someone about my appointment and they tell me to stop my car and they hooked it to a machine that I would then guide with hand signals. As if the machine would detect my hand movements and it would know the direction I had to go meanwhile someone through a speaker would tell me where to go. I ended up in the office and began to explain what happened with my teeth at first it was a lady but then it was a man and he asked me to show him the kinds of dresses I wear to weddings so I walked to my room which was literally the room next to the office and I go in my closet and try on 2 dresses and show him. My closet was almost empty and then I showed him 1 pretty short light blue dress (last 1 I had) but I told him I couldn’t wear it cause I had gained weight and he asked when and I said a few months ago then an assistant came with me to my room and checked my closet and there were more dresses this time and he picked out this really pretty long white dress with very vibrant flowers and he said something to the effect of that being the dress that they thought was the best and as I went back to the office I woke up. I hope you can help me cause I always have these weird vivid dreams that never make sense at all. About 3 days ago I dreamt of centipedes. A couple of months ago about roaches. And I have noticed that most of my dreams are with specific numbers most often the #3…. Sorry so long. And thanks in advance.

    • Sophie
    • December 15, 2018

    I have dreamt of my molars falling out painlessly. The first time I did was back in 2013, my paternal grandfather died about a month later. The second time was a month ago and my grandfather’s only brother died as well, about two weeks later. Three days ago, I dreamt I was extracting 2 left molars. I don’t feel good this time round 🙁 Has anyone experienced something similar?

    • Esther
    • December 12, 2018

    Pls sir, I’m confused. In my dream I brushed my teeth for a very long time and kept bringing out milky thick first from my mouth and putting them in a black small bag. Never stopped brushing in dat dream. Pls help me with d interpretation sir. God bless u

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 13, 2018

      I’m so sorry but we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams. Doug has a variety of resources that will help train you to interpret your own dreams though. Here is a list of those, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/ . One is a free ebook on dreams that is a great start. Bless you!

    • Mel
    • December 6, 2018

    Hi I wanted to share a dream I never expieranced before like this. This dream is def called good and evil it began where I was having a laugh chasing after a old friend in a mall in seemed like but than the dream shifted it went back home to my laundry room. The room felt odd and not normal something to told me to back up and all a sudden a black hand appeared out of this brown blanket and I backed up shook to the core. Now usually I leave in real life my back door open and don’t care but something told me to keep the evil away and locked up. As I proceeded into my house I wanted to run and tell my uncle, my uncle is a huge part of who I am today he made me sees things that I can’t explain I am grateful for him every waking second I love him dearly. As I was approaching him I stopped and noticed my passing of my dog on the floor he laid there lifeless and no sign of movement I was all a sudden very overwhelmed and couldn’t underhand anything. Finally reached to my uncle side and begged him to wake up he was sleeping on the couch, I told him somethings wrong and he kept if ignoring me honestly must of the other parts are a blur but I remember very well the evil presence grabbing a hold of me and I’m trying so hard to break 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐞. My uncle now standing looked at me and was mute and I begged for help I said please help me uncle and he refused me and I began feeling the creature wrap his hands around my mouth and I couldn’t talk no more it was stripped away. Than I prayed to god please lord save me please give me a chance I’ll make it better and all a sudden my uncle looked down at and smiled and said hold on and we went through a door and he was glowing and there was that holy music and the demon holding on I screamed you will not have me today demon let me go and I kept following my uncle and than I woke up. This dream has made me see things that I’m dealing with in my life rn but I wanted to share it I’m not religious or crazy lmao I just had a dream I wanted to publish I hope someone replies or reaches out and gives there opinion have a great day. 🙂

    • Gina
    • November 22, 2018

    Does devil also gives us dreams?
    Or only God can? Even when i pray i keep having the same nightmare. And diff scenarios but same result. Ive asked to talk to me and explain to me. N there goes the same nightmare. Its confusing.

    • Fabiola
    • November 16, 2018

    Hi I keep having dreams that my teeth are loose , each dream is different, but last night I had a dream where one tooth was loose and I felt it and I could move it when my tongue touched it . What does this mean?? Please help …

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 19, 2018

      Teeth often mean wisdom and understanding. So the Lord may be showing you that you need wisdom in some area of your life. I would pray and ask the Lord. God bless you!

    • Mia
    • November 13, 2018

    I’m sorry but I just really don’t believe in god. I might get hate for this but I can’t just sit around and not”speak my truth”. I applaud people that believe in religion and I cannot judge, I have multiple religious friends. I just can’t seem to get my head around a superior power that has granted wishes for millions of people meanwhile I’ve been getting hit after hit and no miracle and none of my prayers have been answered. My friends say that God is testing my strength but I sat praying and crying by my bed while my parents fought downstairs for 10 years. You can’t tell me I don’t have a right to believe God isn’t truly there

    • Swiz
    • November 12, 2018

    I Dreamt that I pull out my central incisor but I felt no pain but my gum formed another teeth but just gum, den I had to give the teeth to someone please meaning

    • Genger White
    • November 1, 2018

    I have had a dream last night about a piece of floss sticking out of my gums. So I pull and pull it out and at the end is a bug in my gums then I realize I have several bugs in my gums and holes where some have come out.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 1, 2018

      Thanks for sharing Genger. I’d ask the Lord for wisdom and revelation for the new thing He is doing. God bless you!

    • Ericka Romo
    • October 19, 2018

    Hello, I just had a dream we’re I was at my grandmothers house with family and for some reason I was running from someone. I looked in the mirror because I felt something weird and front tooth was half gone(top portion), molar was loose, and I had another one gone. Just wondering what this means.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 22, 2018

      Hey Ericka! We do not interpret dreams in the blog post. Here is a list of Doug’s dream interpretation resources. One is a free ebook that is a great way to start if you are new to dream interpretation, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. God bless you!

    • ELLY
    • October 15, 2018


      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 15, 2018

      Hey Elly. In Doug’s blog post above he wrote that teeth often mean wisdom and understanding. So if you got new teeth on your dream, what would that then mean? Hope that helps!

    • Mama boy
    • October 14, 2018

    Hello, I had a dream where my teeth had fallen off. I looked into the mirrow and saw almost half of teethics gone and more were just hanging ready to fall off too..what can this really mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 15, 2018

      Hey. In Doug’s blog post he say’s the following that will help you,
      “Teeth chew food and make it useful for the body. Symbolically, teeth chew the word or teaching of God so it can be digested and made useful through application. Chewing or thinking about something brings deeper understanding. (You are “chewing on” this revelation even as you read.) That’s why teeth coming loose or falling out means you’re in need of direction, wisdom or advice.”

    • Prayer
    • October 1, 2018

    To scrub my teeth in a dream means?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 5, 2018

      If teeth mean understanding or wisdom, and you are cleaning your teeth, what would that mean to you?

    • profit peresei
    • September 17, 2018

    I had a dream last night where 3 of my teeth were shaking and I pulled them out myself. what does it mean

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 17, 2018

      Teeth often represent wisdom or understanding. If you are pulling them out, you might be in need of wisdom. God is trying to point out how to have a positive outcome. Pray and ask God to show you what He wants you to understand and pray for wisdom.

    • Adolfo Deschapell
    • September 4, 2018

    so what does it mean when there are so many teeth falling out like I have shark rows of teeth amounts coming out of my mouth

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 5, 2018

      Hey Adolfo! Losing teeth often represents needing wisdom. God bless you!

    • Rhonda
    • September 1, 2018

    Hello my dream was of my Daughter’s Father. His brother was at my house, who lives out of town. I f I recall right , the father was in a race he stopped by my house. He was going to give the brother some money. But when he sat down. I advised him his teeth where bleeding. He was wearing the invisaligners. He roved them and blood started streaming. I woke up

    • Gideon
    • August 16, 2018

    Could you please point me to any scriptures that back it up that teeth actually have anything to do with wisdom and that this interpretation did not just come from the English terminology of “wisdom teeth”?

    I can’t find any such scriptures.

    All I could locate was on “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”, “a gnashing of teeth”, plenty of references to the teeth of the enemy/teeth as weapons/devourers, and “to trust in an unreliable person is like chewing with a broken/rotten tooth” (Proverbs)

    Thank you!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 17, 2018

      Hey Gideon! In Ezekiel 3:3 Ezekiel eats the scroll to get revelation/understanding from the Lord to speak to Israel.

      God bless you!

    • Enniah
    • August 16, 2018

    Trying to figure out my dream on teeth I landed on this site. I dreamt pulling out my pastor’s 4 upper front teeth. They were sparkling white, just a touch they would come off out of the 4 one came out with the root and the root was black. after pulling them out he showed signs of pain and he collapsed.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 17, 2018

      Hey Enniah! We do not interpret dreams on the blog but teeth often represent wisdom and understanding. God bless you!

    • Amanda
    • July 25, 2018

    My highly intelligent daughter who has a vocabulary of a six-year-old and is extremely intuitive to anything spiritual had a dream that she pulled one of my teeth out. It had her very upset. What this dream name? Oh by the way she is three years old. She does not sleep well at night or at naptime she tossed and turns . I get upset sometimes because she cries out in her sleep and moans and groans she never fully seems surprised that there’s nothing medically wrong with her. So I don’t know if it’s because she is having this vivid dreams or what it is, but normally she doesn’t tell me about these dreams but this one really had her upset because she doesn’t want to hurt Mommy.
    So my question again is why would she dream that she pulled one of my teeth out? Thank you and God bless

    • Martins Carez
    • July 16, 2018

    I dreamt, I was brushing my teeth and all of a sudden the whole teeth changes into silver. I was scared I touches the incisors teeth it was peeling and later pull out. I touched the other side of incisor teeth it peel and pull out. I was scared so I woke up…

    • Phathu
    • July 13, 2018

    Hi Dough
    Last night I dreamt of someone telling me thank my breath smelt very bad, then they suddenly pointed at one of my tooth that was loose and said that was the reason I had bad breath.Then I went to the mirror and I realised that all my tooth were loose,looking like they might fall anytime and to my surprise they were extremely white.I panicked running to my mom and told her that my teeth were falling but she never took me seriously.Then after a while I saw an image of my cousin that just recently passed away and my uncle who is the deceased dad.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 16, 2018

      Thanks for sharing Phanthu! Teeth often represent wisdom/understanding. If teeth are in bad condition if often is symbolic for not good understanding. You can pray and ask God to reveal and remove any ungodly thoughts or ideas you have and to replace it with godly wisdom. You can also ask God to reveal any generational blessings or curses that might have contributed to this.

      God bless you!

    • Aish
    • July 2, 2018

    Hi Doug,
    Last night I dreamt that I have lots of really rotten teeth and all of my teeth’s are falling off I see maggots in some and as they fall a lot of new teeth grow in their places,some in doubles…one behind another. They are new and stronger teeth and when people asks what’s happening to me i told them Jesus has given Me new teeth he’s doing this for me.

    What does this mean Plse kindly explain

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 9, 2018

      That is a wonderful dream Aish! If teeth represent wisdom and understanding, and your teeth used to be bad, and now they are good, then the dream is showing you God has given you wisdom! Woohoo! You can look at Doug’s dream resources here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. God bless you!

    • Erika Jacott-Strum
    • July 2, 2018

    I dreamed that all my teeth were rotted and fell out. They were black and I Iwas holding them on my hand. I heard someone say they were not rotted and that they weren’t all my teeth. But I replied that they were. Then I saw one on my hand that was white. I started moving my hand around and thought to myself that maybe they weren’t my own teeth. I didn’t feel my mouth was missing any teeth but then I knew all the teeth in my hand were my t teeth and molars. What does this mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 9, 2018

      Hey Erika! We do not have a team in place to interpret dreams but you can look at Doug’s dream resources here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/.

      As Doug says in the blog post, teeth or symbolic usually for understanding or wisdom. If the teeth are not in good condition then that means it is not good wisdom.

      God bless you!

    • Nelly
    • April 19, 2018

    Hi, I had a dream that my fiance handed me this tool and I began to pull them out. there were several people trying to stop him and trying to convince him to not let me pull them out.. they would push him away from me..I ended up pulling out several which he caught several of them…what does it mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 27, 2018

      Teeth often meaning wisdom and understanding. So if you were pulling your teeth out, you may want to ask God for wisdom. Bless you Nelly. God loves you so much!

    • Usha s
    • March 28, 2018

    My right lower incisors had a black rotten spot. Just when I thought it was bad…another black rotten spot was seen on the same tooth much lower near the gum on the inside.
    I woke up after I saw the other rotten spot.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 3, 2018

      Usha, Doug says this in the above article, “Now that you can understand what dreaming of teeth can mean, the thing that really matters is how you respond. God is trying to point out how to have a positive outcome. Responding in some way will make the dream come alive. In the case of these teeth dreams, pray and ask God to show you what He wants you to understand and pray for wisdom.” Bless you!

        • Shitalala
        • April 5, 2018

        All my teeth are falling out at ones.. Everything.. I have had this dream about 5-6 times now… I really need help on intrepreting it.. Sometimes it looks as if i get drain spiritually after this dream.. And now i am quite scared because i keep dreaming the same dream of all the teeth in my month falling out.. Please help????

          • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
          • April 6, 2018

          Teeth represent wisdom. Loosing teeth often represents needing more wisdom. Now that you can understand what dreaming of teeth can mean, the thing that really matters is how you respond. God is trying to point out how to have a positive outcome. Responding in some way will make the dream come alive. In the case of these teeth dreams, pray and ask God to show you what He wants you to understand and pray for wisdom.

    • Lou Sanchez
    • March 22, 2018

    Hi Doug. I’ve been having more dreams than ever lately. Very vivid and I can remember most of them in full detail. Here’s one I just had:

    Had a dream that Nathan (my youngest son, 18) came home and he was just sitting on a chair. I got closer to him and noticed that his front teeth were cracked off. I got in his face and quietly asked three times “who knocked your teeth out?”…tears began to fall from his eyes and he had the saddest look on his face.

    I have a lot going on in my life at the moment. With all these strange dreams I’ve been having, I think someone is trying to tell me something.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 9, 2018

      Hey Lou! That is great you are paying attention to your dreams. Doug has some awesome teachings on understanding dreams. You can look into those here. The Dream Crash Course is one that really helps you understand how to interpret dreams and how to interpret other peoples dreams. Bless you and your son Lou!

    • Gold
    • March 20, 2018

    A thought to share this dream since there’s not a lot of talk/interpretation on braces: a rubber band attached to my braces tore. Realizing this when I felt it with my finger, I ripped the rest of it off which loosened the entire upper arch of braces, so I pulled it out as one piece. I’m able to put these in & take them out at my leisure, knowing I can go days without them if I so wanted.

    Interpretation: my understanding/wisdom needs aligning once in a while. Or, rather, the aligning of my understanding needs to be more frequent? And the breaking of the rubber band?

    Which one would it be? The more I think about it, the more interpretations I get that it could be this or it could be that… I’d appreciate any thoughts at all… mucho gracias! & blessings! 🙂

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 27, 2018

      Hey Gold! I love how to went ahead and gave interpreting the dream a try. It mind depend on if your teeth were then crooked or if they were then straight. If they were straight then you wouldn’t need them anymore right? If they were crooked you would still want the braces.

      In Doug’s Dream Crash Course he talks about how to interpret a dream in 4 quick steps. You can find out more about Doug’s dream interpretation resources here here. Bless you!

        • Gold
        • April 2, 2018

        Hey Nikki! They were STRAIGHT & pretty – woohoo!! Thank You Jesus!! And thank you for your response Nikki. Although at times a response may be only one or two sentences, it speaks VOLUMES, as yours just did for me & I’ll tell you why.

        The only other dream I’ve had (recently) of braces is of my putting the bottom arch braces onto the top arch of my teeth which obviously didn’t fit well & fell out, so I took them out of my mouth. Again, my teeth were STRAIGHT & pretty already. Upon waking, I was left wondering why I had braces?! The Lord is telling me that the wisdom I’ve been repeatedly asking for over the years is already in place! I must trust that it is indeed, & I need only learn how to properly apply it to my everyday life regarding the “nuggets” He gifts me in other dreams.

        Wow! How about that?! Your one thought of straight or not, got me pondering to the unraveling of Father’s message – so, so good! I’m in gratitude of your work for the Lord & everyone there at the ministry. I send a prayer of overflowing blessing & favor to overtake you this day in Jesus’ name! Love you guys! 🙂

          • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
          • April 3, 2018

          Wow, that is so cool! I am so glad I was able to offer some help by asking you that question. Thanks so much for sharing that with me. It warms my heart! 🙂 <3. Bless you!

    • Karen
    • March 12, 2018

    I had a very good feeling dream the other night about being at a dentist office and in real life I hate going to the dentist and I usually avoid it. But I had a woman dentist filling in one of my molar tooths. I knew she was fixing a tooth and there wasn’t any pain or any bad experience, it just felt like a very positive experience. Any interpretations? …thanks.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 13, 2018

      Very cool Karen. As Doug says teeth often represent wisdom. So you were getting your wisdom fixed. You may enjoy Doug’s webinar Destiny Dream Interpretation where he talks about how God can reveal our callings and destiny in our dreams.

  5. Reply

    what does it mean when you dream having a new different set of teeth whiles the old one is still there

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 9, 2018

      Teeth often mean wisdom and understanding. To have new teeth and old teeth shows new and old understanding. Doug has some great resources on dream interpretation that will help you gain greater understanding on dreams. Bless you!

    • Jessie G
    • February 17, 2018

    Hi Doug, I dreamed that one of my front bottom teeth became loose. I then lifted it up and it snapped on half. The front bottom tooth next to it became loose and it slid out with my tongue and I pulled it out. I’m very interested in to know what this means. There was no blood, just a clean space where they were gone.
    Thank you.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 9, 2018

      Loosing teeth often means a need for wisdom. Doug has some great resources on dream interpretation that will help you gain greater understanding on dreams. Bless you!

    • syeda
    • February 10, 2018

    I saw there id a gap formed between my front 2 teeth. then then left front tooth falls down , blood comes and then when I saw in mirror i cannot see the fallen toth but still it’s in mybhand and then after moment I saw it id again in my mouth where ur felled .

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 12, 2018

      Thanks for sharing your dream Syeda. As Doug says above, teeth often mean understanding and wisdom. When we dream about losing teeth, it always good to ask God to show you what He wants you to understand and pray for wisdom.

      If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5

      Bless you!

    • Laura
    • February 8, 2018

    I dreamed that I pulled out a front tooth and the next one by it came loose so I pulled it out too

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 12, 2018

      Pulling out your own teeth can indicate a need for wisdom. As Doug says above, teeth often mean understanding and wisdom. When we dream about losing teeth, it always good to ask God to show you what He wants you to understand and pray for wisdom.

      If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5

      Bless you!

    • Julie
    • January 22, 2018

    I had a dream I was at my moms house and went upstairs to my brothers room ( whom I’ve been ministering to in real life) and his room and bathroom were a huge mess. I went into his bathroom and looked in the mirror and started pulling my tooth out and more and more came out until there was only gum left.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 24, 2018

      Thanks for sharing your dream Julie. As Doug says, loosing teeth can often indicate needing wisdom. You can always ask God to give you wisdom, especially when dealing with your family. You are loved so much. Bless you for being such a light to your family.

    • Mosima
    • January 6, 2018

    Dear Doug

    I dreamt of a big green crocodile blocking the way where I was supposed to pass.everything around it was green,but eventually I managed to push it.what does it mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 9, 2018

      Hey Mosima. We offer a great dream interpretation training that you can take right now, https://dougaddison.store/product/dream-crash-course/. Unfortunately, we presently do not have the staff in place to interpret dreams sent in to us—please bear with us.

      The cool thing in your dream is you were able to push it. Take a moment and think, what could it mean for something big and vicious is blocking my way, but I eventually am able to move it?

    • Kelvin Kalu
    • December 15, 2017

    My name is Kelvin, I was in a dream when i noticed a tooth was shaking so I pulled it out myself and someone else tried to bury it but I asked the person to wait that I needed to look at it very well. Then I woke up

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 15, 2017

      Hey Kelvin. Teeth often mean understanding and wisdom. When we loose teeth, it can mean we need to gain wisdom and understanding. You can often replace the word wisdom for teeth. So your wisdom fell out and someone tried to bury it. You said wait, I need to look at this wisdom very well. Though you lost it, you were not ready to fully part from it yet. Ask God to show you what He wants you to understand and pray for wisdom. You are so loved by God, He will be more than happy to show you <3.

      • Reply

        I won’t go in to too much detail it would take to much time. I was 38 I’m now 45 and I Renner this dream like it was yesterday .the entire earth was covered in sand I was walking around trying to figure out what happened I fell then seen a dark presence behind me I was running but the harder I tried to run the slower I went and they were catching up to me grabbing at my clothes and then I woke up scared but fell back asleep then I was there again and seen almost relative who died from a drug over dose I told him this is a bad dream he told me I wasn’t dreaming and I was in hell I woke up imiedatly crying and scared ran to my mom’s room and she asked me what was wrong I told her about my dream she said it wasn’t a dream and opened her mouth her face extended outwards like a dog and her teeth looked like drill bits I ran back to the coach buried my face and gripped it with all my strength saying and respecting this is only a dream

          • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
          • January 2, 2018

          Hey Frank, thanks for sharing your dream with us. I can imagine that being really scary for you. Doug wrote a blog post on nightmares here, https://dougaddison.com/2015/08/what-to-do-when-you-have-a-nightmare/.

          We do not interpret dreams on the blog or through email, but I can say, God’s desire is for you to go to heaven not hell. So as you ask God what the dream means, know that He loves you so much and does not want to be separate from you.

    • Ajinomoh Justina
    • December 12, 2017

    My name is justina . I was in a dream and all my Teath was falling off gradually till everything came off. Blood everywere. I showed my dad he could not look at my face. He was shedding tears in the dream. Pls help me

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 13, 2017

      Hey Justina. Often dreaming about missing teeth is an indication of needing wisdom and understanding. I would spend some time with God asking Him to give you wisdom. God loves you so much and loves to pour out wisdom on his kids. After spending time with God asking for wisdom, pay attention to your dreams and see if they change after asking God. Bless you!

    • Sarah Naula
    • November 28, 2017

    A couple of months ago I dreamt that all my teeth were falling out at a terrific speed, even when I tried to hold them back, I couldn’t save any. So last night I dreamt that I was chewing gum, and all of a sudden my chewing gum turned black, like I had one of my molars really decayed and was generating black particles. What is the meaning of this?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 29, 2017

      Hey Sarah! Usually when we dream about teeth being lost, it has to do with needing more wisdom and understanding. I would ask God to give you more wisdom and spend some time in Proverbs, which contains tons of wisdom verses. You can ask God to show you how to apply those verses in your life and declare over yourself that you are growing in wisdom. Bless you!

    • BHEKI
    • November 21, 2017

    I dnt knw how many times ive been dreaming of my teeth coming out of my mouth my last dream was molars two of them being removed easly

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 24, 2017

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. We do not interpret dreams but Doug has awesome resources on understanding dreams here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. As Doug said, teeth often represent wisdom and understanding. It’s always good to pray that God gives you wisdom when you dream about your teeth falling out.

      Bless you!

    • Lucia
    • October 22, 2017

    Am a nurse, and I dreamt that I was at work and had an intense headache to the left side of my face and I also felt pressure in my teeth like they were being extracted on the same left side.the all the teeth on that side began falling out with blood but I caught the in my hand.and am saying to my colleges check my pressure but nobody is paying any attention to me,so I decided to run to the ER. I jump from the sleep scared and with an intense headache on my left side of my head.what does my dream mean

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 27, 2017

      Hey Lucia, We do not interpret dreams here at InLight Connection, we provide resources to help others interpret for themselves. Losing teeth often represent needing to gain more understanding or wisdom. I would ask God to give you more wisdom and see how your dreams shift as you grow in understanding.

      Here is a link to Doug’s dream resources, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/.

    • Sara
    • October 22, 2017

    I dreamed that my jaw was locked but finally I Could open my mouth after a while but at the first my incisor tooth became loose and then all my upper front teeth became loose, I was crying and I was deeply saddened.
    But a dentist fixed all of my tooth and after that I had a good sense and I Was so caring about them. all my friends were happy for me.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 23, 2017

      That is awesome Sara! Your wisdom is being restored! Bless you!

    • Hollu
    • October 21, 2017

    Thanks so much!
    What about if its cannine teeth falling off?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 23, 2017

      Canine teeth are known for chewing things that are tougher, like meat. God may be wanting you to grow in spiritual maturity so that you can “chew on”, or understand, things that require more maturity. He wants this for you out of love because God’s desire for us to is keep growing and growing. You can then always find verses that talk about greater understanding of spiritual things and meditate on them, asking God to give you understanding :-). Bless you!

    • Latisha Evans
    • October 15, 2017

    I dreamed that two of mt bottom teeth fall-out by the time I meet up with a group on people in my dream, I had two new bottom teeth. When I awoke I heard wisdom in my spirit, and a relief in my spirit.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 16, 2017

      How cool! You are gaining new, fresh wisdom for this new season. What an awesome dream! Thanks for sharing Latisha!

    • Amanda
    • September 20, 2017

    Hello! I am having trouble sorting out a tooth dream. Overall it was a good dream even was given a lovely shirt with gemstones on it. In The tooth part I was looking at a magazine and a pretty girl with nice teeth was smiling in an ad. for some reason I felt like I really like her teeth so I held the photo closer for a look and then the girl spoke and said in a friendly way that she didn’t mean for me to look so close!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 21, 2017

      If you are admiring someones teeth, you are admiring someones understanding or wisdom.

        • Amanda
        • September 24, 2017

        Okay! Thank you!

    • ME
    • August 12, 2017

    I had a dream I was at the dentist and they were going to take out my front 2 teeth. So they cut open my gum to take out my teeth n I leave and i can feel with my tongue there arent teeth there anymore but when I look in the mirror they are there and they just sanded my teeth to be even but again when i touch my teeth with my tongue they arent there. I wonder what that means?,

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 22, 2017

      Teeth usually mean wisdom and understanding. This dream may show that God is giving you new wisdom and understanding that is greater than before. Proverbs is an awesome place to focus on reading when having teeth dreams.

    • Cheny Chuks
    • July 31, 2017

    This is the 2nd time am having a dream of a shaking front tooth in the space of two weeks. The first time the tooth actually came off but this time I was woken by my alarm. Am just so confused I don’t know where or how to place the dream.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 3, 2017

      Hey Cheny. You might be at a really busy time in your life and God wants you to take time to slow down with Him. Often losing your front teeth symbolizes taking on too much at once.

    • Nicki
    • July 27, 2017

    Had a dream about brushing my teeth. What does this mean. What is God telling me. Can you help. Thank you.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 1, 2017

      Hi! Cool dream Nicki. It could mean couple things. Teeth mean wisdom or understanding, so you were taking care of your wisdom. God may be showing you you’re in a season of doing this now, or it’s something He wants you to do. Ask God and He will show you. You are loved!

    • Taliba Falaq-Lockhart
    • July 20, 2017

    Okay, thank you.

    • Taliba Falaq-Lockhart
    • July 19, 2017

    Thank you so much. Would it be okay to send one more dream for your interpretation? I don’t want to bore you.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 19, 2017

      We do not do dream interpretation but we offer symbol suggestions, as I did in the previous one. All of our material we get from Doug’s resources, http://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/.

      Check out his free e-book, as well as his dream interpretation course. The course will really help you get a grasp on understanding dreams. Bless you Taliba!

    • Taliba Falaq-Lockhart
    • July 15, 2017

    Dear Doug,
    This is the second dream I had about my teeth. Two months ago I dreamed I was eating and suddenly bit down on something hard. I discovered it was my tooth as I took it out of my mouth, then suddenly I begin spitting out all my teeth; I could feel them coming loose as I spit them all out. Just last night I dreamed I saw in my mouth and I took out a loose tooth. Then I saw I had another loose tooth, then I could feel the rest of my teeth were loose too. In my dream I remembered that this is the second time I dreamed about my teeth coming out; then I woke up. I feel God is trying to tell me something , but what? I prayer and asked God to revealed to me the meaning of such dreams. So I got up starting Googling the “meaning of teeth falling out” and I stumbled upon your site and I glad I did. Would you please help me understand. Taliba

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 18, 2017

      Is teeth mean understanding and wisdom, and they are falling out, then you may need to get more wisdom and understanding.

      The best thing to do is what you did, go to God. Then you can ask God for wisdom. James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” This is so awesome because God wants to give us wisdom and wants to give us lots of it. As you begin to ask and spend time with Him, see how the dreams will begin to change.

      Bless you!

    • kayleen
    • July 14, 2017

    hi, please what does it mean when someone tells you in a dream that after God is done with you, your back teeth will know wisdom

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 18, 2017

      It may be saying that as you grow in your walk with God He is giving you lots of wisdom.

    • Santha Dematera
    • July 12, 2017

    My teeth just didn’t fall off but I, myself pulled it off from my wisdom tooth unto the front teeth. I don’t know why i did that in my dream. It just happened

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 13, 2017

      Teeth often mean understanding and wisdom. So if you pulled out “wisdom/understanding” it may indicate you need more wisdom and counsel. Ask God if there is any wisdom you are disregarding and He will lovingly show you.

    • Francis
    • July 6, 2017

    I was in a dream, all I can see or feel is one of my tooth teeth is shaking as if it want to go out but it didn’t. pls, I really want to know the interpretation.


      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 6, 2017

      Teeth represent wisdom or understanding. So ask God if there is any wisdom or understanding in your life that may need to increase. He is so loving, He will show you if there is anything your needing. Bless you!

  6. Reply

    Hi Doug,
    I had a dream that my teeth came out, the roots were all still there it was my top and bottom teeth. My mother showed me she deters and said it would be okay. I had new fake teeth like that attached my magnets to hold them in place.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 1, 2017

      Teeth often represent wisdom and understanding. So if you apply that symbol what could that mean? Have you replaced a truth or wisdom with something that isn’t truth but appears to be? Ask God and He will show you. If you feel like you need more wisdom, (which we all do ha!), ask God for more wisdom.

    • Rose712
    • June 20, 2017

    Hi Doug, pls I need your help to interpret my dream. I had a dream that my bf kissing me he smiled me and saw he has rotten teeth in front . What’s the meaning of that???

    • Priscilla Roman
    • June 19, 2017

    I had a dream that one of my top tooth was loose and I pulled it and this long thin metal cable came out attached to my tooth which was connected to my brain??. I just couldn’t understand.

      • Admin Nikki
      • June 19, 2017

      Cool dream Priscilla! I would ask God about the details for this one. What we know is that teeth is mostly likely wisdom, so you pulled out a tooth connected to your brain (a mindset.) What you can ask God to reveal to you is, was this a mindset that needed to be taken out or was it something that should of stayed in? God is already speaking to you so expect him to answer you too. Bless you!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Stephanie
    • June 10, 2017

    I dreamt i was an undercover reporter trying to enter a cult, to find out how bad they where. I was getting nervous about the cult leader. She was mean and yelled alot. I began to tell the other followers in a whisper that I didn’t feel comfortable with what the leader wanted us to do. Suddenly I’m walking with the followers in a line wearing a cloak and my mouth was full of painful braces, I couldn’t close my lips over them because they would cut me. I don’t know what this dream ment but it sure seems symbolic. Can you help?

      • Admin Nikki
      • June 15, 2017

      Hey Stephanie! Well if wisdom is teeth, and braces are correcting teeth to be perfect, apply that to wisdom. “My wisdom was being corrected and it was painful.” Braces are a good thing, though can be painful, in the end they leave us with awesome teeth. Gaining wisdom can be painful, we sometimes have to go through hard times in life in order to gain wisdom by learning.

      I’d pray the verses about wisdom and declare them over you. Declare that God is giving you wisdom and let God know you receive His wisdom.

      Be encouraged friend, this is a good dream! I’m excited for your growth this season! <3

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Ty
    • June 9, 2017

    Weird,didnt see it till i posted the question.

    • Tynan
    • June 9, 2017

    IN my dream I was looking in the mirror, and I became aware I was in a dream. I then started to stare at myself to see if I could see anything interesting, and my face distorted first into a hideous, monstrous face with borwn reddish eyes, and then into a face that sprouted mouths with teeth all over my face. My actual mouth was also fixed in a screaming position, with angry eyes, even though my face was actually neutral.

      • Admin Nikki
      • June 12, 2017

      Thank you for sharing Tynan. I would pray and declare identify verses over yourself that you are God’s child and you are made in His image. God loves you so much and does not see you that way.

      Bless you!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Janene
    • May 24, 2017

    Hi doug it’s a bit of a confusing dream. 1 min im helping people escape from a terrible danger that cost them their lives and the next minute someone identifies me and im the 1 they wana hurt and as i flee a few people I don’t know, but in the dream the know me, as we running away my teeth is falling out and im spitting teeth and as we reach a safe place the evil peopl closing in and i manage to escape and one of the follow me. I try to explain to him he should leave me alone I open my mouth and teeth with alot ob blood is in my hands, the blood isnt running ithes just in my hands like blood clots. And I show this guy that is trying to kill me and he is not bothered his serious of killing me. I woke with all my teeth in my hands only my from teeth was left. Can you please interpret this weird dream please
    Thank you

    • Reply

      Hey Janene, that is a good dream. We don’t interpret dreams online but we can point you in the right direction and offer you our free and low cost training tools if you want to grow in understanding your dreams 🙂

      So the first thing you can do is substitute the word wisdom in your dream for the word teeth. Remember that dreams are like parables or metaphors. I will recap your dream for you to help you understand it more:
      I am helping people escape from a terrible danger that cost them their lives. Someone identifies me & wants to hurt me too. As I run away, my mouth loses almost all wisdom and understanding. I escape, but I am holding my wisdom and blood in my hands. I woke up with all of my wisdom in my hands, except for 2 pieces of wisdom.

      So it sounds like God is showing you that you are under some kind of attack in your life and you need to ask God for more wisdom in how you speak in that area so your hands will be clean / not under any judgement.

      Blessing you as you press in to God, Pam, InLight Connection

    • Shahrukh
    • May 23, 2017

    I had a dream last night in which I pulled out my canine. The canine was shortly replaced by 2 small teeths of uneven sizes. Kindly put some light on my dream.

    • Reply

      Hi Shahrukh,

      We do not interpret dreams online, but we can help point you in the right direction.

      Remember that dreams are like parables or metaphors. If you replace the word canine with the words wisdom & understanding, it may help you understand it more:

      In my dream which I pulled out my wisdom & understanding. I replaced the old wisdom with new wisdom & understanding that appeared smaller and not the same size.

      Here is the link is you are interested in learning more about how you can interpret your own dreams: https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/

      God bless you, Pam, InLight Connection

    • Anjil khadka
    • May 19, 2017

    hlw jj, i i’m in extermly feeling helpless now… last night i saw my teeth is pulled out of my mouth.. and i was showing it to my mom and she was smiling… but it’s been 7 months since my mom passed away… i dont know what to do… which psycastric to choose… i’m just worried about my family members… plz help me

    Anjil khadka

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 21, 2017

      Thanks for sharing Anjil. As Doug says, teeth often represent wisdom. I would encourage you to read Proverbs and look for verses on wisdom. God will be more than happy to grant you with more wisdom, He’s a good Father. As you ask Him, keep track of your dreams and and see if they change. You may no longer dreams about losing teeth.

      Bless you Anjil and your family.

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • JJ
    • May 18, 2017

    I am a young woman in her early 30’s. For the past two years, I’ve had a recurring dream about my teeth. In this specific dream, my front teeth are crowding together, being pushed and crammed, and it’s extremely painful. I often have other dreams as well about the teeth breaking apart of falling out, but these are not painful like the first one, which happens once a week. I prayed about the meaning, and in a dream, was told the meaning is that things are spiritually aligning in my life, which is painful. However, after more painful teeth dreams, and often, I am wondering if that was the real meaning, or my subconscious trying to find a meaning. It’s very distressing to feel this pain in my dreams. Please let me know if you have any insights into this.

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 19, 2017

      Hey JJ! Seems to me like God is drawing your attention to wisdom. If I were you I would focus on Proverbs and other Bible verses on wisdom and ask the Holy Spirit to help them apply to your life.

      That is so awesome that God is speaking to you in your dreams like that! Bless you!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Ok
    • April 24, 2017

    Please I had a dream last night in which I was pulling out the font teeth of my daughter. I am so scared i do not know what it means. Can you help please.

    • Reply

      Hi Ok, The dream is about you. If teeth represent wisdom, then God is showing you that something you believe in is removing wisdom from your family. You should ask God to reveal what they is to you.

      Doug has a great free e-book that may help you: https://dougaddison.store/nightdreams-free-ebook/

      Blessing you to hear God for your life,
      Pam, Inlight Connection

    • Brenda
    • April 13, 2017

    I dreamed last night that my daughter had lost all her upper teeth and her lower teeth were all broken in the front and her back teeth were rotted and very black looking. And my daughter is 25 and her face looked like a baby face and she looked at me and said sorry mom. In my dream I was crying in slow motion. And I woke up in my sleep crying. I’m very puzzled about my dream. Any suggestions?
    Thank you, Brenda

      • Admin Nikki
      • April 13, 2017

      Thanks for sharing Brenda. I know having dreams like that can be disturbing at first, but God always has a good plan and never one to harm! As it states in the blog, teeth often mean wisdom in a dream. In your dream her teeth were rotting and broke, this may be an indication she is in need of a wisdom because hers is lacking. I suggest to keep praying over her and asking God to grant her wisdom daily. Ask God how you can help your daughter with whatever it is she may be going through too. She may need godly counsel.

      Bless you and your daughter!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Nana Ama
    • April 8, 2017

    It’s been few minutes since i woke up from taking a nap. In the dream was my family and friends who were happy people. All of a sudden I felt two of my teeth in the middle of the down one coming off so I stepped out. In the dream I had gone to see a doctor to take them off and fixed new ones instantly. It felt good but I cant understand it. Please help me. Thank you so

      • Admin Nikki
      • April 12, 2017

      Wow what a cool dream. Let me show you how to understand the dream. Were going to replace the word “teeth” with what it represents which is wisdom. In your dream you were with family and and you felt wisdom leave or come off. So you went to the doctor to get it fixed and you got your wisdom fixed or restored. This is a good dream, showing you that you recognized a problem and it was resolved. This is something you can do and learn to grow in with Doug’s free e-book, https://dougaddison.com/free-ebook/.

      Bless you!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Michele
    • March 26, 2017

    I don’t see anyone asking about crumbling teeth, like seashells, never ending crumbling

    • Nicole D. Swanagan
    • March 14, 2017

    I had a dream in which my front tooth fell out and
    Upon it falling out, it was as if it was being pushed out
    I tried to keep it in, crying and in panic and all of a
    Sudden it fell into my hand, I cried and looked in mirror to see the damage and the place where the tooth fell out another tooth replaced the tooth that fell out? Please help..I dont understand this..

    • sharon
    • March 4, 2017

    when i looked into the mirror i saw my front tooth had fallen off already (i didn see it falling n it was already gone) but as i looked closer there was another tooth that had already grew behind it(behind the one that had fallen off already) and there were a few side by side too

    • Amber
    • February 25, 2017

    Hi my dream was about my baby cutting his first tooth. Could this mean anything ? He has been teething so I do t know if it could just be from the pain he’s in and me wishing he would get his tooth or if the dream has actual meaning

    • Gillian
    • February 22, 2017

    I have had lots of dreams about teeth but never are they falling or coming lose. Last night I dreamt I was wearing a mouth guard to keep my teeth straight and in particular for my eye tooth to stop it from moving. It was uncomfortable. I assume it has to do with where God is taking me and staying the course no matter how hard. I once had a dream a whale smiled at me and it had the most beautiful white straight teeth. I found the whale in amongst tall buildings in the city 🌃

    • jde
    • January 27, 2017

    Hello, I had a dream I had that I looked into my bathroom mirror and had two rows of bottom teeth and then I became extremely frightened.
    what do you think this dream represents?

    • Reply

      Let’s see. if looking into a mirror represents self-image, self-esteem, vision and teeth represent wisdom, understanding, strength, then your dream is showing you that you are lacking wisdom (no top teeth) in how you see yourself and in your self-esteem. 🙂

      God bless you,
      InLight Connection

    • Shining Star
    • January 11, 2017

    HI Doug,

    Could you please reveal this dream to me. I was on the verge of getting a divorce. I guess my husband knew the marriage was coming to an end and he put on a surprise vow renewal. Throughout the course of the dream, I saw an infant in a white dress not soaked in blood but had blood all on it and them my husband came around us and he had blood all on his teeth when he was speaking to me. What does this mean? One of the reasons that I am considering divorce because he is verbally abusive. He is verbally harsh at times then other times he is gentle. He tries, but he does not have temperance of the tongue. I want to make sure I have a clear meaning if he will get delivered and change, dont be fooled by what he says, it could be nothing, or something. We have two kids and unfortunately the baby was suppose to be my baby but I couldnt see her face. I do not want any harm to her or anyone. Please assist me in Jesus Name

    • Trinity
    • December 29, 2016

    Dear doug perviouly this month i had a dream about my teeth falling out, but it was neither of how you described at the top. The first i had one of these dreams i was in juvenile hall i told my staff randomly. She told me that is wasnt good that someone i know is either sick or going to pass and shortly later on that month my friend ryan had pass. Then i had another and my great grandfather passed, also had a few more then my greatgrandmother passed, and at the beginning of this month i had another one and my very dear friend desiree passed December 26 i found out on the 27th.

      • Trinity
      • December 29, 2016

      Everytime i have one i always end up spitting them out in my hand.

    • Sharmila
    • December 26, 2016

    Hello Doug. I want to share a dream i had last night. I saw that my new wisdom teeth on my right right side was evolving. I saw just a small white part of it when i looked into a mirror. Should this be something positive or negative for me? Would you please helo me on this? Thank you.

    • Reply

      Growing in new wisdom sounds like a positive thing for you 🙂 Keep asking God for more of his wisdom in your life.

      God bless you,
      InLight Connection

    • Christina
    • December 9, 2016

    Thank you for the interpretation. This morning i dreamt that i was with a group of people, we were talling and then all of a suddem one of my front tooth had fallen off, but there was a baby tooth already growing behind it. I don’t understand the dream. Will you please help interpret this dream, I’d appreciate it. Thank you.

    • Reply

      Christina, you can begin to understand your own dreams.

      Re-write your dream using the word wisdom instead of teeth and then say read it out loud to yourself. You should be able to grasp what God is saying to you.

      InLight Connection

    • Tamara
    • December 5, 2016

    I would like to share a dream that I need clarity on. Someone had a baby, I don’t know who, but I know that it was mentioned that the infant was two weeks old. I picked up the baby and as we stood in front of a mirror, I began to play with the infant and it smiled. What was strange about the smile was that the child already had about six or seven teeth in its mouth, and when I began to talk to the baby it tried to imitate in its baby voice the words that I was saying. I later found that every where that I went, I took the baby with me. Then I woke up out of the dream. Can someone shed some light on what this dream could have meant.

    • Reply


      Did you see Doug’s blog on Pregnancy & babies? https://dougaddison.com/2014/07/what-do-baby-and-pregnancy-dreams-mean/

      Dreaming of a baby usually usually means God has birthed something new such as a job, gifting, idea. Mirror can mean reflection or double. Teeth usually mean wisdom. So now you look at your dream and tell the story of your dream using the meanings of the two main symbols (baby, mirror, teeth).

      God is giving you something new (job, gifting, idea, opportunity) that will fit into who you are and you will have the wisdom and ability to grow it.

      Pretty easy, huh. Do you have Doug’s free ebook on how to understand your night dreams yet? https://dougaddison.com/free-ebook/

      InLight Connection

    • Mariam
    • November 3, 2016

    Hey, i need an interpretation of my dream cause i cant find any explanation, so may God gives you wisedom for this…
    I dreamed that my pastor is praying for to have an encounter with God ,so when he began to pray all my teeth beacame loose and fall except all the incisors kept in there place and he was saying as it is a good sign and thats what God wants for me, although he said that i will not able to eat easily after that …

  7. Reply

    I had a weird dream something or someone was banging my head over and over on the table causing my teeth to crack but not break and there was no pain but my teeth were damaged…what is my life trying to warn me.cause it didn’t feel pleasant Thank you

    • Reply

      Hey Avril, If teeth represent wisdom, then something in your life is trying to make you doubt what you believe or know to be true. So ask the spirit of truth to shine on your life and show you what is true and what is not.

      I hope this helps, Pam

    • Zion
    • October 25, 2016

    What does it mean when ALL your teeth fall out in your hand, but then you find they are actually still there? In fact even some of the teeth that were actually gone (a bridge over them), had also grown back. When all the teeth fell out, the bridge came out to, but revealed teeth, that didn’t used to be there, now there. In the dream I was telling someone all my teeth fell out, but they were still in my mouth. I didn’t understand how that was possible when I was holding them in my hand.

    • Reply


      The key to interpreting a dream is to try to see the dream as a story that God is trying to tell you about your life. If teeth represent wisdom in a dream, then retell your dream substituting the word teeth for wisdom. This will help you understand what God is sayting to you.

      Do you have Doug’s free e-book on understanding dreams yet? http://dougaddison.com/free-ebook/
      Doug has other great training resources too if you want to learn how to do this for yourself and for others.

      Blessing you, Pam

    • Michelle A.
    • October 24, 2016

    My 5 year old daughter prays almost every night with me, she woke me up vomiting at 3:15am, got her cleaned up then we went back to sleep. I then had a dream that my face, eyes and teeth were all black. Even the whites of my eyes were black and my hair was really long messy and very heavy. What does this mean?

    • heather
    • October 10, 2016

    I had a dream my bottom tooth was loose and there was a tooth behind it, what does that mean? I woke up moving my tooth like it was really loose

    • Reply


      Dreams are like a parable or a story with a meaning. So try to think of your dream like a story using teeth represent wisdom. So what do you think your dream means?


    • Darlene
    • October 4, 2016

    My dream is a bit different from other posts. I was standing in line at the grocery store and I look over at my 9 month old and he suddenly has his top 4 teeth. The only teeth he actually has are his bottom front two.

    • Reply


      Dreams are like parables or metaphors. A baby represent something new such as a job, gifting, idea. Teeth represent wisdom, understanding, strength. The number 4 usually represents creativity or worldwide impact. And most dreams are about the dreamer so the dream is about you. If we put all the symbols together to tell a story, it is God is birthing new wisdom inside of you that will bring an increase of creativity or world wide impact. How easy is that!

      Doug has very practical free and low cost training resources if you want to be able to do this for yourself and others. http://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/

      Blessing the new in you! Pam

    • onias dail
    • August 27, 2016

    my dream is like this: i saw my tooth falling and i removed it and i torched the place the was anew good tooth immediately and this one was rotten and other tooth did the same, i was so amused because i know tooth don’t grow immediately and my age above 30

    • James LaBrecque
    • August 21, 2016

    My dream was this: I was in a basketball game and I was running, then all of a sudden all my fillings came out and I had to spit them into a towel then I noticed that all my teeth were new. All accept my crown.
    What could this mean???

    • Tanisha McLeod
    • August 20, 2016

    Maybe you can help me with a dream I had this morning. I dreamed I was in the backseat of a car on the right, to my left there was a a little white boy maybe about 7 to 10 in age and there was a white older lady driving maybe middle 40’s to early 50’s. I was looking out the window in fear of where they was taking me. We ended up in a room and with me sitting and the lady standing in front of me, she opened her mouth for me to see her top teeth I reached to grab a tooth, then she pulled out one tooth an placed it in my left hand then asked for my right hand and started clipping my nails ( only one nail ). I wear fake acrylic nails..same in my dream.

      • Tanisha McLeod
      • August 20, 2016

      Oh and I am a 38 year old African American woman.

    • YesMe
    • August 13, 2016

    Hello, I had a terrible dream.I was dreaming that one of my front tooht was moving in all directions, very close to fall from my mouth.I was trying with all my powers to keep it in steady ( with my hand ) but the tooht was moving in my mouth and there was some blood too and the tooth was in a very bad shape, I think.Even more, in this dream, I saw that some people I know were fighting, a very powerful fighting, they were on street but somehow they entered in my house.

    • gunjan
    • July 14, 2016

    i have seen my grandmother giving me her fallen teeth to keep in my mouth…..its strange but i want to know what does this mean?????please reply?

    • Erica
    • July 7, 2016

    I had very a very bad dream that my brother (whos only 14) had a bad tooth infection and made his lip really big and black and blue. It was dripping blood. Then i went in the bathroom and his teeth were on the counter, he pulled them out. Then he had put wooden dentures in. Please decipher this for me.. It terrifies me.

      • Marcelle
      • April 13, 2017

      In my dream my husband had lost his front teeth without pain and when he showed me I wasn’t surprised.

        • Admin Nikki
        • April 14, 2017

        Thanks for sharing Marcelle. I wonder if he is taking on too much in life right now, often losing front teeth could mean that.

        -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Karen Bowser
    • July 4, 2016

    I had rotten/decayed teeth fall out but the significance of the dream was how my gums were fully healed right after. I thought that I would go through pain and experience other things from them falling out but, no, I didn’t and it also seemed as if the teeth that fell out didn’t belong there anyway(????)

    • Kayleigh
    • June 29, 2016

    Hey there, can you please help me?

    I had a dream last night about me taking out my teeth which appeared in dentures form , revealing a whole new set of perfect, white teeth. But in the dream I felt as if I needed to keep them covered with the dentures. The dentures seemed to be quite sore in my mouth and I couldn’t talk sometimes. I am a teen and my dreams are a significant part of me because I feel they direct me or they are signs of how to deal with the everyday life. Thank you for your time and reply.

    Much regards

    • Phumelele
    • June 26, 2016

    These interpretations are very strong,however in my dream,three of my teeth came out at the end of some session. I then took a bus wen I arrived at my place my teeth were back in my mouth…what does it mean ??

    • lynn
    • June 8, 2016

    What does it mean wend u dream of a woman that I did not know was missing a teeth in front 1 of them???

    • Thanuja
    • May 12, 2016

    Hi Doug, Last Night I dreamt of My spiritual guru was wearing an old robe and was climbing upstairs. No sooner I saw him I started to pray as “Oh God I’m so thankful to you for all what you have given. Not for what you have not given”. I touched my heart and was praying. Then he looked at me and smiled. It was beautiful and a loving smile but I noticed some of his teeth were missing.

    • Lydia
    • May 7, 2016

    Hi Doug last night I dreamt I pulled out my tooth, it was not paining me, after I pulled it out I said thank you father
    I took a close look at the tooth there was a big hole on the side of the tooth but the decay was clean

    • M. Serrano
    • April 21, 2016

    I had a dream that I was walking with my husband. I said to him now I know why my head hurts. He responded why? I said how is it possibly my molar shifted I have an absess and a new molar is coming in. At 40 years old and I am growing a new molar? It was so vivid.

    • Oluronke Racheal
    • March 18, 2016

    I dreamt about a new teeth growing at the last corner of my mouth
    What does it mean

    • Reply

      Hi I like your site and the gifts God has bless u with. I to has a little in common and sometimes don’t know the meanings like this one. I dream I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and the tub was full of clear clean water and I was spitting spots of blood in the tub of water and I was washing of my mouth from the clean water in the tub. Please help me understand this dream. Thanks and looking faword to hearing from you again God bless.

    • Jasmine
    • March 10, 2016

    Hello can anyone help me interpret my dream? I had a dream I was trying to run away from my husband, he was very angry in my dream. While I was running away from him in a store, I felt 2 of my molars come loose and I younger em out and held on to them. When he finally caught up to me I was so made with him, that I through my teeth at him as if I was expecting him to actually ask me if I was ok and stop being so angry. My Husband does have anger issues in real life. Please help.

    • rashmi
    • March 6, 2016

    hi i saw a dream at 4pm that one of my teeth faal suddenly in ma cousin’s marriage… after sometime 3-4. ore teeth falls and they were in black shining color while the first one was white in color… after some time some more falls……. wat does it means?

    • mary melendez
    • February 20, 2016

    What about falling tooth with immediate replacement. ?

    • Carmen
    • January 31, 2016

    Hi Doug,

    I dreamed my front teeth fell out into my hands, and when I spoke my words sounded funny, so I would put my teeth back into my mouth and held them there to say what I wanted to say clearly. Then they would fall out again. I just carried them around with me so when I had something to say I would put my teeth in just to speak clearly.

    • B
    • January 9, 2016

    Thanks Doug! I love your answer on teeth dreams.

    • Kavondrea
    • January 6, 2016

    I dreamed about running while I was running I was holding my mouth shut with my hands in fear that my teeth were going to fall out. I knew the whole time that my teeth were lose all of them were lose and I remembered one or two fell out of my mouth. I became scared that people will notice me with missing teeth as I ran into a building where I worked at. Then I woke up. Please help me with this dream

    • tasha
    • January 4, 2016

    i dreamed of a white taxi m husband is driving and we passed my dead aunts house where my dead niece were standing looking at us and i was sitting in the back row saying she can come with us on one condition that shes not going to sit next to me she must take some other seat . my niece died suddenly of cancer can you please give the meaning

    • karen
    • December 17, 2015

    I had dreamed of my top front teeth rotting and falling
    out. Then somehow had like sticky pads that had been sticking my teeth on, these disappeared. Finally in my dream a complete
    new set of baby teeth appeared. I know God is saying something to me!!! any insight would be appreciated.

    • Shanna
    • November 28, 2015

    Hi, i would love some help interpreting my dream please….

    I had a dream about my teeth aching was in so much pain the first tooth came out from the top left side but the pain continued.shortly after a few more fell out as well I can feel that my mouth was swollen I went outside for help someone tried speaking to me but I became angree and upset and went back inside and my other tooth started coming out as well with each one falling out I felt relief of pain but it was short lived. I helped two or three of my tooth out the very last one I pulled from the top left far in the back gave me full relief from the pain I was feeling I saw my grandmother she came and comfort me and was being loving and understanding very different from what I know her to be towards me she embraced me …I took one of my tooth and showed her and there was some form of growth on it like a plant it was on the root of all of my teeth that has fallen out.nwhat does this mean ?

    • Katherine
    • October 15, 2015

    I had a dream my front tooth was loose and there was a tooth coming in behind it. When I looked in my mouth I had a second row of teeth but in the middle was no teeth but 3 teeth were grown but scattered and when i looked at the front of my tooth again the tooth next to the loose one was also loose, then I woke up…..

    • Amita Chand
    • October 13, 2015

    Hi I had a dream this morning that one of my wisdom tooth came out. Im holding with my two fingers and saying how come its rotten but very clean no sign of rotten please explain

    • A
    • September 13, 2015

    Hi doug! This is long but i really hope you’ll find time reading this…
    These dreams happened in one night. First, i dreamed of getting an arranged marriage with a Muslim which i didn’t like. I was looking for my deceased granfather and wondered if if he was alive or dead at that time. (So i was conscious that he already passed away in real life). in the end i was like ‘i wanted to know the man i married’ even though we dont talk.
    Second dream: i was talking with my second cousin im a gathering then suddenly my two front teeth started to fall apart into pieces. I managed to catch aome pieces because in my dreams i was still wearing my braces. (I had braces before) . The next scene was inside the cockpit of the aircraft. While then captain and i were talking i learned that we have some common friends. Next scene was in a gathering again, i was about to throw up and ran towards the sink. But it wasn’t food or anything; all my upper teeth fall down with some three from my lower set of teeth. Then when i looked in the sink mirror it was all there again, growing up in an instant. Then i throw up again and the same thing happened. I even touched my gums if it was real and it was. Then it happened again. This time, i ran to our house. While running i realized that i was dreaming (dream within a dream) i found myself infront of my friend’s house and learned that our dogs were given away. So i went yo our house. There, i found the exact scene i dreamed when all of my teeth were falling apart. My father sleeping in bed and my mother. (My father also passed away in reality) the look of the house indicates that we were having financial troubles. And i was like wait, didn’t my father passed awat already? Disregarding the thought, I told them what i dreamed about. Then, i clarified if they really gave away our dogs and my mother said yes because we were having troubles financially. Then i woke up.
    Thank you for your patience.

      • Annmarie
      • November 14, 2017

      I dreamt that 4 of my friend top front teeth feel out. I don’t understand what that mean. thanks you for any help.

        • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
        • November 14, 2017

        Teeth often mean understanding. When our loose understanding, it’s best to ask God to help us by giving us understanding.

    • Maria Rosario
    • September 4, 2015

    Had a dream that I was brushing my teeth. I saw the collor white on th etoothpaste , teeth and foam.

    What does this mean?


    • Giselle
    • August 20, 2015

    My dream was me rearranging my room, when I was done I laid down and was enjoying the view and all of a sudden my tooth started to hurt . It seemed like my wisdom tooth or one next to it . I walked to my mirror and seen my tooth bleeding I pulled on the tooth and it was loose . Like almost ready to fall but it needs more time . Then I woke up .

  8. Reply

    i had a dream that i pulled out my teeth in front because it is too painful… what is the meaning of this? im so cinfused…and depressed

    • Dana
    • August 16, 2015

    And also when I asked my friend what she was going to do to have her daughters teeth fixed she said she’s not she can’t afford it she’s just hopping no one will notice them. I asked her how is she going to brush her teeth and that’s where it ended

    • Dana
    • August 16, 2015

    Doug, I had a dream that my freind and I were in a store with her kids both girls one was looking for something to tighten her braces with and the other I was carrying on my back she was about 2 yrs old. I remember feeling like I had loved this child and we knew each other well. She was telling me a story about something horrible happening to her in Kentucky , I live in Utah and figure we were home. When this little girl said I don’t know why this happened she said I pray and.. . .right then in my sub consiounce or what have you I stopped and asked myself how I had come up with that I’m not a re!igious person but am struggling with it right now because of all the things going on in the U.S. anyways I guess I fell back into my dream this little girl got up off my lap and I asked her too show me her teeth she had five rows of teeth on bottom they were fairly white and in neat rows and she went down the stairs we were sitting on. What does this !mean ? Also the friend I was dreaming about had been my best friend up intell a few years ago I found out this morning my son stayed the night there last night could this have anything to do with it. What’s my message here?

  9. Pingback: Girl Wisdom Teeth Gods In My Mouth - Wisdom Teeth Removal

    • eva
    • August 3, 2015

    I dreamed i was about 5 years old girl standing in that dress made out of flowers.. Someone pulled out those flowers one by one and i became naked. I was ashamed, Then magically i was dressed in the purple dress with golden strings on it. It was so beautiful. I was so amazed and happy. then another girl came up to me. then little prince a year or so younger came up to me.. I was speechless…. The most amazing felling of joy came over me.. i woke up… When i woke up i understood that that prince was Jesus.. July 27 2015 Eva R P.S. If God leads you to interpretation of a dream please let me know. Thank you

    • Anne
    • July 28, 2015

    Good day! I had this dream of loosing my entire upper teeth and had fixed them with a dentist. The result was my teeth were so aligned both upper and lower ,however I was shocked upon knowing my bill at a high price

    • Dolly
    • July 16, 2015

    I need to know the meaning of my dream. It’s about that I was sleeping and grinded my tooth so hard that I loss my front tooth and a little bloody.

    • Elzene C. Williams
    • July 14, 2015

    I had a dream that someone brought me a enormous amount of files

    • YoroKobi
    • July 12, 2015

    I would like to share something.

    A month ago, i had this dream that my front teeth are crooked and I panicked because in real life, i just got my braces off. In my dream, I tried to look at the mirror again and it is still getting more crooked. Is it significant?

    • Deana
    • June 10, 2015

    Can someone help me decifer my dream it was kind of the opposite I had my teeth fixed into a perfect smile I was so happy always wanted to have nice teeth ! And I’ve had dreams in the past where my teeth were falling out and I was embarresed but to have this dream ! Man it felt good to have my teeth fixed

    • hephzibah
    • June 3, 2015

    Thank you so much I just had a dream that all my teeth came out I can feel them in my mouth as I was swooshing then I spit them all out and was very concerned …. But the night of that dream I had prayer and bible study at my house and certain ppl wasn’t there who usually operate in the gift of prophecy I felt so insecure about praying for others and speaking a word of knowledge over them . (the lord does use me to give a word of knowledge at times ) but this specific time I felt afraid and was praying hard in my heart for God to move lol and he did . the whole point is I need to stand firm in my identity . please pray for me thanks ..

    • Edgar
    • June 3, 2015

    Thank You so much, Doug!!! God spoke to me through you. Thanks for being a true believer unlike these many websites who supposedly interpret dreams as Christians. They never mention God at all. Thank you for revealing I don’t need a dentist appointment, I need The Word Of GOD!!!

    • Chloe Anne
    • June 1, 2015

    In my dream my teeth were already out and i was laying in bed whilst someone was holding my head and putting my teeth back in my gums, this was very painful and when they went back in my gums they were falling out. If possible could you tell me the meaning to this 🙂

    • Robbi
    • May 29, 2015

    I had a dream that I was in a bathroom and my teeth started falling out starting with the side front teeth. I touched it and it fell out. Then the one next to it crumbled partially and I had it in my mouth. I went to my mother and she was showering and said nothing but had this smirk on her face. I got upset because she was not doing anything. I told her I would find a place (I do not live with her). I then tried to call my dentist as I wanted to save the teeth and the assistant hung up on me. I called back and it just rang. By then my mouth was full of crumbing teeth and I was trying to find a computer to research what to do and save them. I then received a call from a little girl and she mentioned my name when I was younger and said she was trying to reach me. She could not understand me with all of the teeth in my mouth. She said she contacted me through LinkedIn. I then resolved that I was going to move out of the house near a new job. I don’t recall ever being in the house i was in. I woke up and checked my teeth—-the dream was so real.

    • Miriam
    • May 20, 2015

    Thank you so much for sharing this. I’ve had a few dreams about my teeth falling out and was quite worried of losing my teeth! That was until I had a dream of growing a new canine tooth. This happened around a time when I had started praying and reading the word more so that got me thinking into perhaps there was a deeper meaning and this just confirmed it. Again, thanks!

    • Lizette Snyman
    • May 9, 2015

    When his teeth was done the food was ready for us to eat. My son included. Thanks. Lizette

    • Lizette Snyman
    • May 9, 2015

    Doug, I have a son of 16, and we have some dicipline and attitude problems with him. And I dreamed last night that we had to go to a nabouring town and a dr suggested that we repair all his teeth. I am not sure if it was pulling or fixing and repairing. But I knew that all his teeth would be fixed or replaced?
    We were camping out at this town waiting for him to come out of surgery or what ever was done to his teeth to make them new?

    • Carter
    • March 9, 2015

    I had a dream a couple of days ago that my left, top, front tooth had an intense, painful pressure. When the pressure built up to the max, my tooth pops loudly, and cracks in half vertically. It will happen about 4 to 5 times during my dream. I hate it! It hurts so bad. What can it mean?

  10. Pingback: Doug Addison – teeth dreams and various interpretations | Samuel Company Mark 2

    • Tanya
    • December 16, 2014

    I had a dream that I was wiggling my tooth with my hand and then woke up with my hand in my mouth. What does that mean do you know?

    • Sarah
    • October 23, 2014

    I need an answer if you could please guide me?
    Mt Dream! (i have seen that i was with the guy whom i am in love with and saw all me teeth a becoming loose and starting to shake and i felt a bit of pain as well and i got terrified but later they were alright and i was still with him) please i really need your view…does it has to do with that guy?

  11. Reply

    Hi I had a dream that I was sitting and this tooth of mine was loose and really bothering me so I loosened it even more and eventually it came out.This tooth didn’t look like my other teeth it was really big and sort of ugly looking as I came out of the bathroom after rinsing my mouth I saw a faris wheel of an amusement park what could this mean……

      • astershafqat
      • June 29, 2017

      Sir I saw ts dream several times that my one teeth fall then my all teeth falls .
      And today I saw my one teeth fall and 2 more fall.
      And from my childhood I was been dream that I walk out side my home without wearing anything on my foot.

        • Nikki, InLight Connection
        • July 3, 2017

        Teeth often means understand and wisdom, and feet represent foundation, daily life or “walk”, support. Bless you!

    • Reply

      I wrote a blog post on the meaning of teeth in dreams. It should help! http://dougaddison.com/2014/06/god-speaks-through-dreaming-of-teeth/

    • Rhonda Odom
    • October 7, 2014

    Question – my 10 year old daughter drempt she was at the dentist – then said “I was not the patient – I was the tooth – I was cracked and being repaired” – we read the Holy Bible every night – started at “In the Beginning” – also she goes to a Christian school – I never ask anyone but God about dreams – but this one is really interesting – what are your thoughts?


    • Reply

      Hi Rhonda,

      I really do wish I had time to interpret the thousands of dreams people send me. Honestly I am buried in them :O) but I did pour everything I possibly know on dreams into an online course that will help The Dream Crash Course. Take the Jump Start Course free. I also have a book Understand Your Dreams Now that may help. Go to my website http://dougaddison.com

        • Rhonda Odom
        • October 8, 2014

        Quite honestly Sir, with all due respect – I did not want interpretation – I never ask anyone by God about dreams – this one was exceptionally odd by a 10 year old – seemed quite interesting – just asked your thoughts, not interpretation – so I do apologize for wasting anyone’s time. Thank you

          • DJ
          • January 3, 2015

          Rhonda, I want to encourage you that Doug wasn’t saying you were wasting his time, He just can’t interpert everyone’s dreams because there aren’t enough hours in the day for him. I imagine its really not what God wants for him to do anyway, I believe Papa wants him to teach others how to hear and understand for themselves.
          I encourage you to sit up in Papa God’s lap and ask Him, I bet He’s just waiting to whisper it to you. 🙂 Its a great opportunity for you to teach your daughter to do the same thing. She is a part of the promise that our sons and daughters will dream dreams! Yahoo! So exciting for the both of you!

    • Theresa Jacobs
    • September 26, 2014

    Hi Doug..pls I need help with all my dreams..God is telling me things through my dreams some of it is simple and some not..this morning all my bottom teeth fell out apart from my wisdom teeth .I was not worried about my top teeth cause that was dentures and it felt heavy in my mouth..then me and my cousin that I have not seen in over fifteen years just went to their house but we were on roller skates .Pls help..

      • Sarah Mattapersad
      • May 10, 2015

      I dreamt top teeth fell I take in hands and show my sister I count 16 teeth no blood am worried but think world is ending so I must not worry

  12. Reply

    its important

  13. Reply

    its because

    • Michelle Coon
    • July 27, 2014

    Thank You! I Recently dreamt OfTeeth TwoNights In A Row. IHave BeenSeekingWisdom FOr AFamily Situation. GlaD To Have My ResponseConfirmed! I WillAsk And Keep On asking

    • Mander
    • July 3, 2014

    Amazing timing, Doug! I sense that your post is in response to so many more people having teeth dreams in this season – even I did last week for the first time!! It’s surely a time to seek wisdom, answers, revelation and hold onto God’s promises. The Lord has been saying to me “Think Outside The Box.” Thank you for your faithful service to the Lord and to his kingdom.

    • G
    • June 28, 2014

    The other day I read your article about 2014.
    After 2014( I mean from 2015), the economical situation will get worsen?
    From when will the economical situation be changed?
    How did God tell you?

    • Sarah Lozano
    • June 26, 2014

    I have couple of those dreams specially when I was walking with people and when I face them my teeth fall out and I catched them with my right hand other times I keep it in my mouth!
    Thanks for share.

    • Dena
    • June 26, 2014

    Thanks for posting – I had a dream on June 24th involving teeth and was not sure of the meaning then…Voila! Your post! Now to respond…

    • Tyler Lucas
    • June 26, 2014

    Hey Doug! Thanks for the Post. I have a teeth dream that is crazy and was definitely spiritual.

    I was chewing my teeth inside of my mouth, and they were falling out and I was chewing and gnawing them. It sounds frightening familiar to the ‘weeping and the gnashing of teeth’…. I was obviously bleeding and it was horribly disturbing. It had a texture similar to what you would expect…

    Please help.
    God Bless

    • Elizabeth Ranaldo
    • June 26, 2014

    I have dreams of brilliant white teeth over and over ..can you decipher? Thanks very much! 🙂

      • Karen
      • March 12, 2018

      Elizabeth it sounds to me like your future is very bright and that God’s glory will glow from you! I see that you posted a while back, but I just now saw this page and am visiting because I have had a good tooth dream myself. God bless you.

    • Beverly Anne
    • June 26, 2014

    Thank you for this insight Doug. However, conversely, is the fact that one has never dreamed about teeth in any way mean that they are seeking and receiving God’s wisdom and are on target. No pride intended, just wondering.
    Thank you

    • Jane
    • June 26, 2014

    Doug, I had a dream about my teeth. That I lost my braces and when I did my bottom teeth went instantly right back to bring crooked but my top teeth moved into all different crooked positions. My two front teeth lifted up. (Lol) in the same place but up pointing out horizontally. I remember thinking how csn this happen?? Can teeth move this way? How can I close my mouth? How csn I eat? Lol them I woke up..

    • Melanie
    • June 26, 2014

    I had a dream about teeth. I was sitting beside the man I am in love with. I was trying kiss him but couldn’t; our teeth were in the way. I had to take my teeth out in order to kiss him. There was a blonde haired child, a girl of about ten to 12 years old, sitting beside us. I do not know her in real life. She had braces. I had to help her breath with a breathing machine. My mother was across the room laying down on a couch.

    What is your interpretation of this? Thanks!!

    • Teri Ayala
    • June 26, 2014

    Speaking about teeth ,i had a dream,God was fixing mine..
    Since,im asking him to heal,my gums and give me fix,my teeth. .

  14. Reply

    Interestingly enough, the 21st letter “shin” in Paleo Hebrew is the picture of teeth and is known for exactly what you say here. Another meaning can also sometimes be “name”. (The hand sign also became known as the Vulcan greeting by Dr. Spock just in case you wanted to know.)

    • Crystal Arnold
    • June 26, 2014

    What does it mean if you pull out your eye teeth the one right under it and your front tooth then decide you try to put them bk

      • Daniel Chama
      • November 5, 2014

      Pulling thm out myb tht u are acting in a way that cozes u to lose spiritual vision, but put them back coz u realize where u’re going wrong

    • dolly Hearns
    • June 26, 2014

    Dear dough,thanks a million my dream is when I dream about teeth falling out ,coming loose some one is getting ready to leave us. And sometimes the lord will wake me up with the scripture that I am suppose to minister on at the funeral all relatives .

      • eva
      • August 3, 2015

      I dreamed i was about 5 years old girl standing in that dress made out of flowers.. Someone pulled out those flowers one by one and i became naked. I was ashamed, Then magically i was dressed in the purple dress with golden strings on it. It was so beautiful. I was so amazed and happy. then another girl came up to me. then little prince a year or so younger came up to me.. I was speechless…. The most amazing felling of joy came over me.. i woke up… When i woke up i understood that that prince was Jesus.. July 27 2015 Eva R P.S. If God leads you to interpretation of a dream please let me know. Thank you

        • Montrell
        • January 15, 2016

        I had vision an angel gave me a book from heaven so now anything people speak i say Wht i see the book in mysteries only i see it give me secret s of the heart i see bible pages word for word number by numbers the abilities of peophesies revelations word of wisdom words of knowledge whatsoever in the ❤ much i can tell u test the spirit to know he said unto me prophet many know who they are in flesh but not in Spirit the lord let me know i never been to school to speak thats education but i speak in Spirit and with power of his word in peace numbers12:6 amos 3:7 8 amos7:14 15 i pray your hearts shall rest with christ rest 2145866234 im very humble im just a messenger test the spirit to know it.i will only tell wht God speak nothing but prophecy the words of the book without it in my hands cause it in my spirit as open wide Jesus speak it the voice of one crying in the wildness jesus through the spirit of the the living water wisdom

          • Michelle
          • January 19, 2018

          What does it mean to see your self as a dentist and have a mouthful of white strong teeth. When I say white I mean white.

            • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
            • January 19, 2018

            Teeth often mean wisdom and understanding. So if the teeth are good and strong, your wisdom is good and strong :).

        • Marie
        • August 19, 2015

        This is what I get from your dream. I see the dress made of flowers as the beauty that has developed in your spiritual life as you have walked with the Lord. The flowers pulled off to the point of being naked speaks of the pruning necessary for new growth. God has pruned you and the second dress represents even greater beauty that will grow in your life . The girls in your dream could represent servants who God uses in your life to help with the pruning. Don’t be ashamed when God uncovers or exposes things in your life that need to go. He has plans to bring greater beauty in you so rejoice.

          • Ada
          • January 20, 2016

          Wow. I could not figure out in my dream it’s painful and I’m clinching my teeth and my jar is hurting my teeth breaks . Kinda scary and weird. So I get up and pray half asleep. It’s not the first time. What do you think it means?

          • This dream means that you are trying too hard in the flesh, striving, for what God has already provided. Your haw hurts,its your mouth, it also holds your teeth, which chew on Gods Word.
            Jesus wants to rest in Him, in His Identity for you, and just take in what He has already done.
            Read in Hebrews, especially chapter 5. Your promise comes by inheritance through receiving the blood of Jesus , not by striving.

            • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
            • November 5, 2018

            Thanks for sharing Rhonda!

      • Marie
      • January 14, 2015

      I understand what your saying and have had dreams with my teeth falling out. In this dream it was as if I woke up because i could feel and hear me chewing on my whole teeth. I felt them and heard them like the sound of marbles i awoke because it was so loud. Please help me understand this.

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