Prophetic Word: New Move of God Starts in Southern California

Skyscrapers in beautiful downtown Los Angeles California

Prophetic Word: New Move of God Starts in Southern California
Doug Addison
February 16, 2016

Book of Revivals
Since last Christmas I have been having encounters, encounters that are happening almost daily. In one, an angel gave me a Book of Revivals from Heaven. This is deeper revelation that is being opened up now regarding previous revivals of God.

This new revelation is about the moves of God over people and regions. I have been continuing to see the shift of Keys of Authority that were in the hands of those not using them, or who became judgmental, and used their authority to hold people down instead of building them up.

Judgments from those with authority to release and bless have been one of the major reasons why we have not seen a sustainable movement of God in North America in 22 years.

2016 will be a new move of God
I released my 2016 Prophetic Word last month. In it, I talk about “Why 2016 could be the start of something new.”

There has been a move of God every 11 years in North America, dating back to the Azusa Street Revival in 1906. The 11-year intervals fall on the 1950 Healing Movement, the 1961 Charismatic Renewal, the 1972 Jesus People Movement and the 1983 Third Wave Charismatic Movement.

1994 had the Toronto Blessing, and 11 years later there would have been a movement that actually did start around 2005—but it was cut short because it was judged and bound by those who carried Keys of Authority. The 2005 move started with unusual signs of God’s glory, such as gold fillings appearing in people’s mouths and gold dust and gemstones appearing supernaturally in meetings. But the move never went global as God intended, and was very limited.

Now 11 years later it is 2016, the year that we will indeed see something new start. Joshua Mills was one of the ministers who operated heavily in the 2005 gold and glory movement. I had a prophetic word for him and we talked on the phone the first of January this year. I told him that God is going to honor him because he honored God. Joshua told me that once again, gold dust and oil began appearing on his hands that very week.

Dream: new move of God
I had a dream that I was in a resort-like place in California. The new movement from God had come and the pool at the resort was all updated. People were swimming in God’s presence. The water represented the Holy Spirit and many people were swimming. As we swam in the pool, you could look down on the bottom of the pool and there were remains from previous moves of God.

The dream is showing that as God pours out a new move of the Holy Spirit, it will be refreshing to many. Also, it will be new and we will not need to operate in older ways of doing things. This new movement coming will be completely updated to fit and reach people in today’s culture.

February 2013 in San Diego
God told me to look up prophetic promises from 2013 that have not come to pass. I looked in my journal and found some major things. One entry that stood out was called The Sign of the Dolphins.

On Valentine’s weekend in February 2013, I was speaking at the Power and Love Prophetic Conference, at Bethel Church in Redding, California. God spoke to me that there was going to be a major prophetic sign in the news, on Valentine’s weekend 2013, to show that His love is coming to people in need.

Sure enough, on the news the next day, there was a story about a massive seven-mile stretch of over 100,000 dolphins gathered off the coast of Southern California. Previously there had been thousands, but on that weekend it was estimated to be over 100,000 dolphins. It was a sight that could not be explained scientifically. You can read one of the many news stories about this phenomenon here.

This was a prophetic sign of a move of God that would come to San Diego, in February, and bring refreshment. And it would be seen by the entire world.

Symbolically water represents the Spirit and dolphins are encouragers. Many people said that the dolphins had gathered for the food in the area. In the same way, God is preparing a great banquet or party that is coming to Southern California that will impact the entire world. I wrote this on my blog in February 2013.

San Diego Outpouring starting now
Joshua Mills, and Jerame and Miranda Nelson held their annual Decree Conference last month in San Diego, and indeed something new started. They began seeing a higher level of God’s presence, glory and miracles.

They extended their meetings and are now doing nightly The Fire and Glory Outpouring meetings in San Diego. You can join them live or watch the live stream online.

Linda and I visited these meetings and witnessed that, yes, this is the start of something new. It is in the early stages, but God spoke to me that by February 14, 2016 this will begin to spread and affect the world globally. This is the fulfillment of the 2013 Sign of the Dolphins!

Two moves of God coming
God showed me that there are two major movements coming. The first is a long overdue movement to revive and refresh the Church. This is what is beginning to happen in San Diego. The second one is much more radical and it is what I have been prophesying for a number of years.

God’s new agenda will be the spiritual outcasts, those who have been wounded and rejected by Christians. Sadly, many leaders will be tempted to reject this new movement at first because it will be so outside the box of our current understanding of what is possible. This is why God is saying to prepare to be stretched.

Get ready to cross over into a new season of God’s glory and presence. A new wave of God’s love and power is about to sweep the world!



Doug Addison

P.S. Did you know you can receive Daily Prophetic Words directly to your email for free each day? It’s simple and easy to sign up, click here to get started.

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.


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    • Israel Young
    • December 3, 2017

    it’s crazy because God has fulfilled this prophecy for me in the past year. I used to be a youth pastor but after slander and persecution, I left the ministry for 7 years. In the span of one year, God has destroyed the idolatry of greed in my life, humbled me, and I’m studying His Word and praying in tongues like never before. God is good.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 4, 2017

      How cool Israel! That is wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing. Bless you.

    • kevin
    • October 8, 2016

    come HOLY spirit, COME

    • kevin
    • October 8, 2016

    i was a jesus movement leader at the big wave in kansas city in the 1970s- the next wave will eclipse all the ones in this century- it will be as large as the early 1900s- all churchs will be filled to the brim- as in days of D.L. Moody . Dr Moody said ” He would contact other churchs becuase he was out of room” He found so were they- when this wave runs it will be huge- beyond all denominational lines- that means absolutley nothing to Him that sits on the throne :; )

    • patsy parsons
    • April 28, 2016

    I was astound by your vision;”People swimming in the Glory Presence of God”. Yesterday, had a vision or a dream while lying in my bed and “saw a woman swimming, I knew it had to be water but I did not see water”, she swimming above ground midair in a church service and it seem as though the service continue to praise God and for some reason, it was not unusual.

  1. Reply

    Ihave been really trying hard to send this. Thank God I did manage today. Please help me understand more

  2. Reply

    God bless for that . It was on 21st morn of jan 2015 when I heard the word California. Few days after my daughter by the spirit if the Lord was shown a coast amd told the coast of California.

    • Ross Thompson
    • February 25, 2016

    Hi Doug, recently I had an email from Joshua Mills about the San Diego revival that I hadn’t opened. After a few days I casually looked at it and checked the Time zones. I was surprised to find that the meeting started in 30mins of my Australia time. I went to it live online and have now become part of the ‘world’you said the revival would reach. I’m getting things from the Lord I have waited years for..Hallelujah

  3. Reply

    Thanks for sharing your vision. I have been painting a lots of waves since 2001. I now better understand why I have been doing that in reading your forecast for 2016.
    Last year after the Women on the Front lines conference in LA with Patricia King and all speakers, I came back home and finished one big canvas that is all about the new move of God to Heal and Restore the earth. I am excited to be part of the birthing of the new move of God to the Nations. All of us have a different role to play that is so important in such as time is this.

  4. Reply

    See His Kingdom Prophecy website article supporting this Word, “Wonderful things in San Diego County!”

    Blessings in Christ,

    • B.
    • February 17, 2016

    It’s happening in south Florida now too! Wow!

    • H
    • February 17, 2016

    This makes a lot of sense. Several years ago, during prayers, God revealed that the dolphin was a sign of the prophetic. Different dolphins represented various nuances of the overall prophet/seer gift.
    Good word.

    • Naomi
    • February 17, 2016

    Talking of keys, while in a prayer vigil on the second weekend of January, as the leader was making a concluding prayer,with my eyes closed, I found myself in a very short vision where I grabbed keys from someone, and that was it.My oh my, now I know it’s the keys of authority.Oh Lord Jess, here I am use me Lord.

    • Naomi
    • February 17, 2016

    After reading this post

    • Naomi
    • February 17, 2016

    Oh my, this is awesome, towards the end of 2015, while asleep, I heard the Lord sing a song to me which said,’You are gold, I love you and I care for you’ This touched my heart.After ring this post, I now begin to understand the meaning of gold.And for sure hungry to know more about the gold and glory movement.Being one of the rejected ones, I rejoice for God is doing a new thing in my life.

  5. Reply

    Doug, Thank you for your article.
    You might be interested to know that Father God is now giving to me 50 prophetic messages, of one a week, on church growth. I now have #23 of the 50.
    Father God said that if pastors will preach sermons on these 50 prophetic messages, that at the end of the 50 sermons, their church attendance will double,
    and their church financial income will double. After I receive the 50 messages from Father God,
    they will be put into book form, and will go worldwide. The name of the book is, “Church Growth My Father God’s Way.” The main theme of most of these prophecies is to warn people that Jesus is coming back soon, and He wants His people ready to go in a split second, to meet Jesus in the air. The Wedding supper of the Lamb is now ready in heaven, with Jesus awaiting His Father God’s signal to, “GO!”

    • RaeAnne
    • February 16, 2016

    My husband and I have been drawn to San Diego for about 2 1/2 years now. We currently live in Arizona and thought maybe we were supposed to move there. Maybe it is God prompting my heart to pray and intercede for what He is doing there instead of a physical move. I’m going to press into this more and see where God leads!

    • carlos ramirez
    • February 16, 2016

    Thank God for this new time, my heart rejoices to know that we will see once again an amazing move from its spirit worldwide. More than grateful.

    • Crystal
    • February 16, 2016

    Im truly in awe of how God uses you. Im encouraged every time I read.

    • Janie Gallagher
    • February 16, 2016

    I have bought 4 of your Understand your Dreams now book. I continue to bless people with them. Your an incredible instrument for our Father. I love your fresh insights & your vulnerability. We had the privilege of meeting you in Stockton Ca @ Matt Gonzales’s house. You were appreciated & savored. Such a intament time. Thank you for your love & examples you pour out.

    • Charles Gordon
    • February 16, 2016

    Doug, I am a 74 year old former pastor, and this really resonates with my spirit. I know that God is reaching the outcasts and those ridiculed by others. I myself am in need of a mentor and coach as I prepare to step into the Healing Center God has promised me. However, I have been betrayed by Christian leaders in the past – men that I thought I could trust – and am very cautious to share my dreams and passions with others.

    • Kim Harris
    • February 16, 2016

    I have been watching the live and/or recorded videos and am excited about what God is doing in San Diego; I’m so hungry for this move of God! But, I’m also curious why nobody is really talking about other revivals that I’ve heard are breaking out as well. For instance, Charlie Shamp has been preaching in Albany, Louisiana for quite a few days now and also had to extend the meetings due to an increased move of the Holy Spirit in great power. They’re seeing gold dust as well, and Charlie appeared to be so overwhelmed by the glory of God last night that he could hardly speak for a long time! Patricia King seems to also be experiencing a greater move of God in some recent meetings. I’ve heard of others as well.

  6. Reply

    Wonderful word from God about the new moves of God. For the last month I have been dreaming about movie stars that I am talking to them as if we are friends. At first I didn’t pay the dream any attention but then I had three more dreams about movie stars. Any insight?

    • Kimberly
    • February 16, 2016

    Amazing…had the dream about pool too, but at a resort in MI winter. The pool was surrounded by snow, didn’t see all that u saw at bottom but many other things. You and your Ministry have been such a blessing to me…unbelievable. Thank you…thank you,thank you!!!

    • dolly
    • February 16, 2016

    I need move of god in my life dolly +Dandrea Hardy she had a dream we were by Moverian falls + 3 BIG ANGELS were their grey feathers they were hovering over us-on a live in job Wanda is also seeing angels– I need them to visit me also I do call them in

    • Vicky Wydysh
    • February 16, 2016

    Thank you so much for your heart and obedience. My husband and I live in PEI, Canada, and are going on a sabbatical for the month of March. We are hungry, and seeking a touch from God, His presence. Our first destination is South Carolina, then Georgia. A few things we had planned for have fallen through as it relates to conferences etc. Is there anything on the east coast, particularly South Carolina or Geoargia areas that stand out for any outpourings or movements right now?

    • Israel Peniel
    • February 16, 2016

    Thank you Doug. I am one of those Outcast, that has been wounded by Christians. I am so glad to know that God has not forgotten my labor of love and the way that I honored him in my wait of this move of GOD to come. God showed me this move years ago back in the early eighties, of where the Holy Ghost would be poured out on his people, that would release my ministry, that also my wife’s ministry in a mighty way. My wife and I would go forth in the power of this anointing and new move of God together as a team.
    This new move of God, released everything that the devil has stole from me over the past, and I’ve been waiting on it seems like forever. Thank you for that word.. God bless!

      • Jacqueline
      • February 18, 2016

      I hope you made it to Columbia, SC and Atlanta, Ga in Feb for Decision America. Evangelist Reinhardt Bonnke is coming to Atlanta March 5 & 6. Perhaps, God has lined you up here for those events.

    • Lydia
    • February 16, 2016

    Oops.. See I misspelled several words in my post.. Sorry!! I am imperfect too.. But perfect in HIS sight!! ?

    • Lydia
    • February 16, 2016

    thank you LORD!! Thank you Doug for your faithful obedience to Receive & Release God’s WORD!! It will not return bound & you will receive your reward!! I BELIEVE & RECEIVE THIS WORD!! I am ssoo READY!! Come Holy Spirit!! Come Lord Jesus!! Breathe Upon ME!! Breathe Afresh & ANEW upon US!! Upon This Earth!! Pour Out Your Holy Spirit UPON ME!! Here I AM & Many like me!!! POUR OUT YIUR NEW WINE ON US!! Make ready THIS VESSEL to Believe & Receive!!! I AM ONE of Those Spiritual Outcastes that it seems NO ONE wants including my husband!!!! But I have NEVER been caste out by you!! I am one of the walking wounded.. Seemingly Fitting NO WHERE but With YOU because YOU GOD HAVE made me ssoo different!!! I love you God!! I honor you & I praise You!! I forgive & live those who have & do hurt me!! All because of you Father God!! Jesus Messiah-Holy One of ISREAL!! Beloved Holy Spirit Breathe on Me!! Blow on me!! BLOW ACROSS this Land that we WILL KNOW YOU AS the One TRUE LIVING LOVING GOD!! Yes & Amen!!

    • Edward John Dzmitrowicz
    • February 16, 2016

    For the last three weeks I’ve been seeing the number 11 every number on a clock 1-12 yesterday I saw11-11. What exactly does that mean? I know I have been going through a transition. Thank you Doug

      • Amelia
      • February 17, 2016

      There’s been lots of people seeing 11:11 here in Aus for quite a while now. The prophets here seem to agree that it’s John 11:11 -“After he had said this, he went on to tell them, ‘Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.'” God is telling us that he’s waking up the church.

      I hope that’s helpful, I don’t know if it’s applicable to your situation, He might be telling you something different.

        • Ruth Ann Kielman
        • February 20, 2016

        The number 11 can stand for Joseph, the 11. son of Jacob. The Josephs of our days are called for a time like this –prepared, to take the momentary overflow through Gods special stategies and use it when need will arise. 11 also stands for a time of imperfection, (there is one hour missing to the number 12, that stands for government,- when Jesus will take over the government over this world). It´s also about the workers in the eleventh hour, who are called to work in God´s vineyard.

        • Kevin
        • February 18, 2016

        Yes 11:11 and 9:11 everyday it seams. Psalms 91:1 is what I found.. Also 444 I see a lot lately, ever since Doug came to Colgate Wi in sept.

    • Joanne
    • February 16, 2016

    Good Morning. I am intrigued by the prophetic words and just wondering if they are solely for America or the Church as a whole.

    • wendy
    • February 16, 2016

    Thank you Doug, I have been a spiritual outcast all my teenage but especially my adult life.I have always been Gods. But the rejection has always been a struggle like many other hurting but sweet Christians. My sons are having dream visions’,visitation and I am also. We are three banded together in love, yet all receiving dreams,visions and some revelations of these gifts ,we seem rely on each other,as God brings things forth. We are a recently divorced family.Just having amazing breakthroughs yet we are not settled into regular church yet. These things are taking place. Is this unusual? Why are all three of us be confirming each others visions etc but we are no bodies, not trained. Don’t know what we are meant to do with all this .Please would you pray for us.You sister in Christ,Wendy Jefferson fb name,Lydia’s Art Page. God Bless.

    • Marte Blackmon
    • February 16, 2016

    Thank you for your sharing. I have been feeling as if I was “riding the waves”. I have a prophetic ministry to the wounded of the
    flock It would seem, at times, as if all would settle down, then, another wave would come
    and I would feel sea sick. Things would be
    changed, in my thoughts, and then a new
    ‘kind of revelation’ would come at me.
    I find it difficult to explain. It seems as it is
    like, one thing would be resolved, and a new
    situation, revolving mental and spiritual revelation would be with me.
    It’s difficult to explain. It’s so new to me. It
    would seem as if I was dreaming and there
    was a “case” like a judge would receive. It
    would turn around in me over and over until there would be like a brief settling, and then
    another would follow. At times I wondered
    if I was spiritually “sane”. Then a pause
    would come.
    I am not doing a very good job at explaining all of this. I
    I keep wondering if I am “ok” or what? I have found myself in deep moments of worship almost as it there was something
    I would have to wash away in me, that I had
    to get over.
    Has anyone EVER felt like this, or am I in
    need of medical help?

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