September 24: From this Day On I Will Bless You

Forward blue arrowSeptember 24: From this Day On I Will Bless You

Doug Addison

Joey LeTourneau

Doug: Over the next few weeks it is a great time to hear from God. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is a two-day celebration starting on Wednesday night, September 24th. God spoke to me that a significant turnaround and a huge breakthrough for blessing will occur at Rosh Hashanah.

My friend Joey LeTourneau contacted me with a prophetic word from Haggai that totally rocked me. Immediately when I read the verses in Haggai something activated in me. I got a prophetic download and clarity came to me on several things.

From this day on, from this twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, give careful thought to the day when the foundation of the Lord’s temple was laid. Give careful thought:  Is there yet any seed left in the barn? Until now, the vine and the fig tree, the pomegranate and the olive tree have not borne fruit.

“‘From this day on I will bless you.’” Haggai 2:18-19 NIV

Joey: This word from Haggai with a specific date according to our traditional, modern calendar of the 24th day of the 9th month aligns perfectly this year with the celebration of Rosh Hashanah 2014.

This is a powerful Kingdom alignment with what God is doing right now! The verses talk about how all the seeds have already been sown, as the barn is empty, and yet the vine, fig, pomegranate and olive tree still have not produced. But, that is all about to change!

Doug: Empty barns, vines, along with fig, pomegranate and olive trees that have not borne fruit represent our provision that has dried up over the past few years. Even though we have sown seeds and worked hard, we have not seen a return on all we have done. We are witnessing a divine turnaround with losses repaid this year and it is starting on September 24th.

Joey: We declare Heaven’s timing over the harvest and His bountiful provision in your life! God’s nature is the same today as it was during the context of this verse. There is an alignment happening right now during this Jewish feast between Heaven and Earth.

Many have grown discouraged as we have watched our barns empty from sowing, and yet our fields still seem barren. Let your hope be renewed, keep believing and apply your faith to every seed you have sown with Him already, and let your love be revived to give life to many, many more in the coming seasons!

He is bringing forth a divine harvest to empower your unique purpose and calling as part of the worldwide harvest we are now entering in.

Doug: Let’s agree together for this divine alignment in our lives, churches, businesses, cities and nations. From this day forward, let us receive the full blessing and unending flow from Heaven. You can respond to this by getting ready for radical changes. Ask God to repay you for any losses you have received. Also, trust that this time things are different.

Let the fun begin!!


Doug and Joey


Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. Doug is an award-winning author of seven books. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.


Jerusalem family bio pic

Joey LeTourneau, his wife, Destiny, and their five kids work across the nations to see the Father’s heart and blessing revealed, and His kids empowered to dream and live out their unique purpose and calling. Joey has authored six books and together they have founded Imagi-Nations LLC, a movement to: “Imagine nations changed because you lived your purpose and

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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  1. Pingback: September 24, 2014 – From This Day On, I Will Bless You | Captivating Freedom

    • Quixote
    • October 18, 2014

    I had the exact same rhema regarding a relationship issue I’d been praying about. Sept 24th came and went with no change. The other day I asked Him to speak to me a word of hope concerning his plans for the two of us prior to Christmas (I’ve been praying for something to happen prior to Christmas). He directed me to a rhema that called a footnote to my attention (same date in 1Maccabees4), “The twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, that is, 14 December 164 BC”

    The 24th day of the 9th month is NOT September, but December (24 Kislev in the Jewish calendar). In the year of Haggai’s prophesy, that was 10 September. This year, it will be the 16th (I think). 24 Kislev is Chanukah Eve, and is a really important date for prophetic fulfillment:

    …still waiting in hope…

    • Kate
    • October 18, 2014

    I tried to reply to response post – for Sept 24 blog – by Michele near top of the posts, but the type runs off the screen, sideways. Is there a fix for this?
    Thank you. Kate

    • Absalom Mbayi Amimo Tadayo.
    • October 10, 2014

    Praise the lord.He is an awesome God revealing secretes to His servants.

    • Ashley
    • October 3, 2014

    On the morning of Sept 22, I read this same scripture and then told my sister about this very day being Rosh Hashanah! Confirmation from God that He speaks to us through his word! Awesome! Thank you!

  2. Reply

    When the blessing is less important than our willingness to stand in the pain of circumstance UNTIL the “time set by the Father,” a level of maturity has arrived. Mature sons and daughters have stood in the wilderness place for many years without complaint, allowing the Father to ‘work’ in them trust, patience, faith, and love. Watch now, as these hidden ones begin to emerge. The whole creation is groaning for their manifestation, as a move of God ‘without Ebb’ is being released into the earth.

      • gabriella
      • October 5, 2014

      clay, your comment is a prophetic word. it confirms beautifully what the lord has been speaking for a long time. — by the way, i got the rhema FROM THIS DAY ON I WILL BLESS YOU from haggai 2.19 twice on the same day, sept. 24 when doug posted it. one was dougs post, another a totally unrelated source, an old pdf where a page popped up randomly with that very same scripture shouting to me. when i read on from haggai 2.19 the lord highlighted the words I WILL OVERTHROW THE THRONE OF KINGDOMS, I WILL DESTROY THE STRENGTH OF GENTILE KINGDOMS (vs. 22) etc. the kingdoms of the world will be totally shaken. we will be blessed and remain blessed if we do what the whole book of haggai teaches, which is to ALWAYS put the lord first place, not matter what it costs or what it may look like in the natural. yes, this may require standing through times and painful circumstances. blessing is not just hurrah, lets go shopping, but it’s standing and keep standing close to his heart until the lord says, NOW GO and do this or that for ME. thats the real blessing. to know him. this is life that they may know you, the only true god (john 17.3) shalom!

    • flo williams
    • September 28, 2014

    Am blessed

    • Dave DeMunn
    • September 26, 2014

    At 7PM on September 24th I went to a small church group where we will study “Sacred Pathways”, a book on different ways to connect to God. For one year and seven months I’ve been asking God to let me have a divine, supernatural connection with my future wife. That night I met Rebecca and she looked exactly just the way I had prayed about what my preordained wife will look like. It seems we hit it off very well when she had to leave I extended my hand and said, “Rebecca, it was nice to meet you.” She said it was nice to meet me and instead of shaking my hand she pulled me towards her and gave me a hug instead! Wow! If everyone would please pray that if this is God’s will that Rebecca and I get married; that He will show us both signs and wonders for our relationship. Thank you and God bless! Dave

    • Kaylene
    • September 26, 2014

    Amen. Thank You Lord. I receive it in the mighty name of Jesus

    • Shirl
    • September 26, 2014

    The day before this message I found out that my ex was getting married in a few weeks. This is just the icing on the cake of things that has been going wrong for me for a long time. I am so tired of life. I will see if God truly have favor towards me. I don’t feel it right now at all.

    • Celani (Swaziland)
    • September 26, 2014

    Amen and Amen, let it be to my life, my family and Church.

    • Sam
    • September 25, 2014

    Doug this word is spot on. Last night I got a text for a deposit of unpaid chid support!! Praise God this is just the beginning. I claim this word for me and my family. We serve a mighty and just God!

    • James E
    • September 25, 2014

    ITHX Father God for such Words of promise and power, I take it wholeheartedly… yet I pray this is so… not only are my barns empty from sowing and working as is the land that they stood on… but my barns have been dismantled and sold and what wasn’t sold is dried up burned… I have been out of rope to hang on to the end of for years now… would to Father God for a something BIG [ barns and lands restored rebuilt, rents paid, new lap tops, a new or like new vehicle SUV jeep Grnd Cherokee or some such thing and stuff recovered and walking around cash and bus pass home, my back and neck and teeth restored and made whole so I can function free of constant pain and injury] to happen now today to emphatically proclaim just how in earnest the Word is over my crops and barns and supplies and resources which have also dried up… I can be homeless any moment and I have $5 to my name far from rich and have yet to buy my Katie Kat any food [pray for my cat as she is being very finicky and she is drooling excessively and I have no idea whats wrong or how to fix it -no means for a vet visit]… Only the Lord… as all my efforts are apparently insufficient…

    • Deborah
    • September 25, 2014

    My house has been on the market for 5 years, The house is in perfect condition, priced right, and in a desirable location but every time we almost had a offer, it was stolen. However 2 days ago my house has just been bought by a pastor and his wife. My house has been owned by all Christians. This will be the 3rd family. We are thrilled. There has been so much prayer and worship in this house and I just know that the reason it took some time is that God had someone specific for this house. Now Im praying to know where I belong. My children are all grown and Im off to the big world, just me and God. I have worship music that God gave me over 30 years of living. And God told me to send it to a specific producer, just a couple weeks ago. The gentleman wrote me and told me he wants to collaborate with me on one of them. I have waited years and years for these breakthroughs. God also promised me a husband. Ive been single for 10 years by no choice of my own. My husband had an affair. But, God told me Hes bringing a New man; a man of honor, integrity. My new life is already beginning! Thank you Jesus!

      • Jeri
      • September 25, 2014

      Praise God for this most timely word! I am believing salvation for son! He was prophesied over at birth and I am waiting for if to come to pass !! Thank u Lord and faithful promises ! Also all that has been stolen from me concerning my Grandkids !!amen

    • Steph C.
    • September 25, 2014

    I receive this word in Jesus’ Mighty & Holy Name!! I stand in agreement & I claim it. Thank you Jesus!!

    • Mable Waldrop
    • September 25, 2014

    Thank you for this timely word. I am expecting it to happen just as the prophets have spoken.

    • Cletis Reaves
    • September 25, 2014

    That was my Birthday and I witnessed two people get saved

    • Colleen
    • September 25, 2014

    Amen (So be it)

    • Catherine Esi Dapilma
    • September 25, 2014

    God bless you for the appointed Word of God to give us hope for the future. Reading from verses 20-23 makes me know that God is about something more than me alone . Seeing He will shake heaven and earth, overthrow kingdoms,destroy the strength of the Gentiles etc I mean I can see murderous atrocities of ISIS brought to a sudden end and we His chosen ones ruling with Him on this very earth. What a timely Word. Let the

    • Heslei Fomin
    • September 24, 2014

    I have seen some doors opening starting at the end of last May, but nothing like in the last weeks. After 7 very difficult years, I am diving into this prophetic word and receiving all that is in store for this Rosh Hashanah and coming weeks. I declare for me and for all who read this post: open doors for brilliance, destiny, creativity, connections, restoration, restitution and redemption in all areas, in relationships, family, businesses, ministry and influence. Open the doors and let the King of Glory come in!

    • Tina
    • September 24, 2014

    Thank you Doug! Thank you for your ministry! What an amazing confirmation! JUST TODAY I had an interview for a job in a field God has been leading me to. I have been seeking God for my purpose and what I am created to do. This job will change the course of my life and take my family out of debt (what we have been working towards) and into prosperity! I have another interview on Friday in the same field. I believe and declare my breakthrough is HERE!!!!

    • Renee
    • September 24, 2014

    This Word has just knocked me backwards! Thanks for being obedient, i lost my husband December 2013…then lost my job. I have two teens to raise, but God has been more than providing for all of us, and HE is Faithful, always. We are moving FORWARD, and this Word is a confirmation of HIS divine direction for us. Your prophecies and words of encouragement keep me will never know how greatful we are for those daily emails we receive, and how the Lord speaks so clearly through them….thanks so much.

    • Doriane
    • September 24, 2014

    Thank you Doug & Joey. Blessings to you all and your family as well. And I say yes to this prophetic word !!! I receive it for me, my mother, my sister, my aunts, my two nations! In Jesus Name !!! Amen !!!

    • Vickie
    • September 24, 2014

    The same verses God presented to me when I asked Him for a word when you were speaking at the phophetic conference in Colorado. I was watching via the web. Apparently I wasn’t the only one! Both chapters are very relevant to 2014.

    • Adrienne
    • September 24, 2014

    Today is my BIRTHDAY. I am excited and anticipating what God is about to do in my life, my loved ones and the body of Christ at large. God bless you all. Hallelujahhhh !!

    • September 24, 2014

    This is an awesome word. My son, age 29 died unexpectedly May 10th, 2014. My husband died with in 24 hours from a year long struggle with cancer. To say I have been in grief is putting very lightly. I have a son 46 that lives witn me, that has a learning disability, I have another son that lives 30 miles from here. He is in the business world and travels most weeks. I have a daughter ,that is 3 months pregnant. The house beside her came on ht emarket and i purchased it, she & her husband encouraged me to. The Lord has blessed me. There was some insurance money that I needed, that had not paid that I had on my son. The letter came TODAY, SEPTEMBER,24TH, 2014, SAYING i WILL RECIEVE THE CHECK IN A FEW DAYS. IT IS TIME FOR THE HOLD UPS TO END, THIS IS A MIGHTY WORD FROM HEAVEN! PRAISE GOD. I LOOK FORWARD TO THE NEW YEAR, STARTING TODAY!

    • Carol Humphrey
    • September 24, 2014

    I claim this for myself and all of my family.Thank You Father for all your blessing.

    • Debra
    • September 24, 2014

    Amen and Praise the name of Jesus Christ! I received this word last month as I was reading the book of Haggai, God brought me to this verse and it changed my life. My faith is stirred and I am praying with boldness and confidence that God can do ANYTHING we ask or think, only let it be for HIS will and HIS glory! From the time I read that verse, God removed the spirit of fear and doubt from my heart, along with the spirit of sickness and wrong thinking. God does not make old things. He makes all things new! Just ask God to renew you and give you a right heart towards Him. But, put HIM first in your life! Don’t skip reading the rest of Haggai and ask to receive the blessing without knowing why the people in Haggai received it. Don’t leave God’s house desolate, and sow into your own life! Over and over again, it will come to nothing, but PUT GOD FIRST, sow into HIS WILL for your life, and YOU will be the one to reap the benefit. God will do EXCEEDINGLY above all you ask or think in His name when you ask with the right heart in alignment with His awesome will for your life. I can’t say enough about the truth of this, but know that God is doing something amazing now, and His purpose is for you to be a part of it. Stir up your faith, resist the devil and he will flee from you. FYI, be ready for opposition when God does something amazing with your life!

    • Maria Akridge
    • September 24, 2014

    Amen! Answers many prayers!

    • Laura Uwera Mutumba
    • September 24, 2014

    Woooow!!! Powerful message!! Definitely I receive it 100%. I believe that this month I will receive TRIPLE PORTION OF WHAT the devil stole from me and my family IN YESHUA’s name!!! God bless both of you for sharing THIS TRUTH!!!

    • Patricia Owens
    • September 24, 2014

    Believe, Received & Take Ownership ***

    • Deb
    • September 24, 2014

    Hi Doug, Wow! I have not landed since Sept.10-12,2014 Loveland, CO. I received so much healing and prophecy. Today, my attorney called to say that after a year n half; we may have a settlement to my horrific car crash! Praise HIM! Blessings to you and may favor pour out into your life.

    • Jackie Caldwell
    • September 24, 2014

    Yes and Amen. Thank Jesus for restoring all that the enemy has stolen. It’s going to be an awesome time to fulfill assignments in our destiny with you Lord. You are my Joy Jesus.You are my source for all things. Thank you Jesus for loving me first!!

    • Melissa
    • September 24, 2014

    Oh my Lord Jesus Christ this is such a confirmation of the visions and dreams and word I have been getting. I had been struggling for almost a year with the situation with my son going to prison and the grandsons spread all over between America and Canada and they are in different homes now all in Canada situation regarding my sister with dementia, and a decision of letting go of all and making a decision to a blessing opportunity to move from Michigan to florida. I let go of all and now it is going to be a brand new season in Florida with caring for a disabled person and a place to live…Wow a brand new door is opening and I will be starting my writings of books that I have put off due to all the stuff I was going through…Thank you my Lord for confirmation and transformation into the next season…Yes…Love you all and keep it up…

    • Stacy
    • September 24, 2014

    Wow…God is awesome…and will keep His promise. Thanks so much for being so sensitive in the spirit

    • Esther
    • September 24, 2014

    Amen and I receive all God has for me!

    • Alicia Griffin
    • September 24, 2014

    I receive this Mighty Word in JESUS matchless name ! This is My season for a Quick Turn around , Every seed that has been sown, I am proclaiming a harvest like never before ! Blessings to You !

    • Tonia
    • September 24, 2014

    Yes and amen, I receive! Thank you for sharing this with us.

    • Kari
    • September 24, 2014

    Feeling truly blessed by this word!! Thank you!

    • Bobbie
    • September 24, 2014

    I claim this for my family…we have gone through so many difficilties and need jousehold.salvation and my.marriage to be restored…claim this victory! Amen

    • Elizabeth
    • September 24, 2014

    WOW!!!!… I got the EXACT same word from God. Many years ago, during a very trying season of my life, I was having an intimate time with the Lord and He told me to look up and out of my window… It was cloudy, except for a small patch of blue sky… He told me to keep my eye on the patch of blue always… I have been doing that. This morning during my prayer time… He said look up … the whole sky was completely cloudless. He said this is your new patch of blue. Going forward, I am going to bless you!!! It has been a season of SOOOOOO many losses, but I know that God has something AMAZING and wonderful for my children and I. We wait in anticipation of His goodness. We are blessed to be a blessing!!! THANK YOU for sharing.

    • Sandra
    • September 24, 2014

    i recieve it in Jesus mighty name ? Amen thank you

    • lily
    • September 24, 2014

    absolutely blessed by this wonderful so kairos word! bless you!

    • cynthia
    • September 24, 2014

    These have been rough times but by praying and keeping the faith I knew everything that was stolen would be repaid Our Father is wonderful and loves his children Thanks to the both of you and your obedience to the Lord

    • kevin harbert
    • September 24, 2014

    Wow,that it an incredible word. Yes God

    • Annetta Marie Vicckies
    • September 24, 2014

    Ready for radical change. God repay me for losses ive had..AMEN

    • Beth
    • September 24, 2014

    We agree. This morning God had me read the blessings in Deut. 28 first thing. I love the they way they aline with this word. …Thanks be to God who gives generously to all and without reproach…

    • Denise
    • September 24, 2014

    What an awesome word to wake up to! I have been preparing for this season and am believing for my destiny, provision, divine connections,and everything that has been stolen from me to be returned to me a 1000 fold! Thanks again for speaking life! All of God`s best to you both! Blessings!

    • Claudia Hayden
    • September 24, 2014

    I RECIEVE and align my spirit with this word and release this promise over me, my husband my children and grandchildren. Today is my son Chads 34 birthday all the enemy has stolen from you son is being restored . You have an excellent spirit you will recover all and be fully restored in Yeshuas blessed name!

    • Denise
    • September 24, 2014

    What an awesome word to wake up to!!! I have been preparing for this season and believe for many changes, provision, divine connections, and destiny to line up to what God has prepared for me when HE spoke to my members before I was put in my mothers womb. Thank you once again! Wow! Forward March! Many blessings to both of you!

    • Mary
    • September 24, 2014

    My 21 year old daughter, Erin, and I have been estranged. I talked to her yesterday and we are having dinner tonight. She sounds like a different person and has love in her heart for me again. Praise God. He is awesome and most powerful!!!

    • Kelly
    • September 24, 2014

    Whoa! I am soooo excited to receive God’s full blessing and unending flow from heaven! Let the prosperity begin!

    • Jeannie Kuhlman
    • September 24, 2014

    Our Pastor Jason Hooper gave the same word last Sunday at Kings Way Church.Confirmed word.

    • Valerie
    • September 24, 2014

    Awesome Word. Let’s go FOWARD! Big blessings on you both!

      • shirley
      • September 24, 2014

      I am so excited. Awesome bless you both.

    • bob forney
    • September 24, 2014

    So needed this… and believing it….Today is my Birthday…. a Great Day to have Restoration begin! Amen

    • Rachel
    • September 24, 2014

    AMEN. God is awesome and indeed times and seasons are in His hand! Everything aligning itself to His purposes including the Jewish and Gregorian calender on this day. Thank You Lord.

      • susie evans
      • September 24, 2014

      I receive. This word and in believing for my marriage. to be restored and better than it was before

    • manoj
    • September 24, 2014

    Thank you for the Word Doug and Joey, Blessed
    Manoj from Dubai

    • mychelle
    • September 24, 2014

    I receive this!!!! Thank u Father!!!!

    • Greg
    • September 24, 2014

    I believe, Lord. May it be done unto me according to this word. Amen.

    • Rosita Barbosa
    • September 24, 2014

    God is so Awesome. A few weeks ago I was at the supermarket and to my right there was a display. It had the word GO, which stuck out go me. I see this word add I confirmation and goes hand in hand with the word FORWARD. I RECEIVE this in JESUS name!!!!!!

    • Jacqui Lewis
    • September 24, 2014

    Sept. 24, 1996 I happened to be reading this scripture and the date was quickened to me as being the same date I was reading it! My heart leaped when I saw this again!

  3. Reply

    Thrusting in the Lord with all of our heart believing for a powerful and big harvest. Amen

    • sherri sims
    • September 24, 2014

    God you are faithful! You are the restorer. I recv’ the full blessing you have for me & my family!

    • gretchen
    • September 24, 2014

    Receive believe God will restore Love n finances all stolen from me when my husband passed away 4years ago in Nov Thank you Lord

    • Laurel Domokos
    • September 24, 2014

    My spirit resonates with this word. I live in the Midwest where we are readying for natural harvest. My sense is that spiritual harvest is also at hand. I have seen the color orange (tested, proven for promotion, harvest) in several dreams in last month. I am expectant! Glory to God!!

  4. Reply

    Awesome word! Thank you! I received it all and am so excited about this new year!

      • Debra
      • September 24, 2014

      Amen! Amen! Amen!

    • September 24, 2014


    • Debbie
    • September 24, 2014

    On Sept. 13th I had a dream that someone wanted me to watch a movie called “Forward” and the word jumped out at me. I wrote it in my journal and circled it. I loaded your website this morning to see this huge “Forward” arrow and I began to cry. God is doing something great!!

    • September 24, 2014

    I receive this word in Jesus name,,,Thank You so much for this encouraging and hopeful word,,,,,,Blessings from Marlene from CANADA

    • Martha chappell
    • September 24, 2014

    Thank You! We have waited and waited for our promises!I receive this in Jesus Name!!So excited to see Gods plans and promises to unfold upon his people!!!

    • Katherine Thompson
    • September 24, 2014

    It’s my birthday today and this word is the best present I could ever have!

    • Georgia
    • September 24, 2014

    I truly believe and receive this. This is the foundation day of all that is starting in our lives. That we stood and believed for. I have been already seeing God moving in restoring. I receive for the kingdom and Gods people today all that Heaven is pouring out for us today. Unity and his kingdom builders being filled with every good and perfect gift from above. I see so much coming. Almost like the angels and those in heaven shoving it out and it falling to earth all that has been stolen and held back. Like there is no struggle its just falling into place where it belongs. Glory….

    • Karla Schneeberger
    • September 24, 2014

    So true! Last November, I took advantage of a program to make some energy upgrades to my house, with the understanding that it would be primarily paid for through government rebates once the city inspection was complete. There would be no interest charged if the $5,000 loan was paid off within 12 months; otherwise, it would carry a fixed interest rate of 18 percent.

    The work was completed last November, which started the clock. I have been running into delays of all kinds since MARCH of this year, trying to get the inspection done so the rebates can be released and the loan paid to avoid that 18 percent interest rate! There are only eight weeks left. I’ve been in regular contact with the company that did the work and which financed the loan since June, and have been praying over this situation for the last several weeks.

    This week: MOVEMENT. The permit has been pulled and as of yesterday, we are on track for an inspection to take place next week. Moreover, should the rebate not be released in time, the financing company said it is willing to give extensions, since none of this is my fault. Praising God NOW for having this all taken care of with no need for extensions of any kind!!! Woo hoo!

      • Marissa
      • October 4, 2014

      That’s awesome – we have been in a remodel too…..and felt like it had stalled. And all of a sudden movement too! So praise God. We will be praying for you all too 🙂

    • Angie Flack
    • September 24, 2014

    Whewwwww! What a powerful word, I receive it! Thank you Lord!!

  5. Pingback: 3 Amazing Prophetic Words For the Jewish New Year 5775

    • chelliahjayaseelan
    • September 24, 2014

    This is a true word .My son’s struggle with a court case for two years came to an end to day according to Prophecy.Praise God and thanks to prophet Dough Addison..

      • Kate
      • September 27, 2014

      Many months ago my spouse went overseas on a three day business trip. He has never come back home. Nearly killed in black ice car accident on way to the airport to come home. Insurance has not paid a penny. Thinking he would die, his CFO business partner forged his name and emptied the bank accts. As a result I lost my home by paying all the medical and biz costs. Truly need angels to go get him and bring him home.

      I turned on the tv yesterday and advertising came on the screen with music playing:”I’m coming home I’m coming home Tell the world I’m coming home…” I don’t know what they were advertising. I couldn’t stop crying. Is that the answer word I was asking God to show me? I am claiming your Sept Oct prophecy. I need him to come home. He is not a citizen there so nothing is paid except what I paid by refinancing the house. Then they discovered 4 lumps in my breast. This is too much for one person to bear. The church is no help. I had tithed for years. Need to call in my harvest. I need instant $ to appear to get the house back and Christian lawyer won’t help without cash to pay him too. Where to turn. I am a senior. I need him to come home. Thank you for sharing this prophecy. Kate

        • Michele Prtn
        • October 1, 2014

        Kate, please keep us posted on the progress of the situation. Praying there would be a complete turnaround for you. Praying God will show you where His hand has been at work all this time; praying & declaring He will provide, and you will “yet praise Him in the land of the living.”

          • Kate
          • October 17, 2014

          Thank you Michele. Current status: if I can raise 12k USD in the next 24 hrs I might be able to get the house back. It’s a real horror story but praying God will make a way where there seems to be no way. AMEN. I will share more later.Kate

      • Hayley Abbe
      • September 24, 2014

      Thank you Doug and Joey! This is great encouragement and confirmation.

    • Valerie Bagarozza
    • September 24, 2014

    I am so ready. To recieve the Blessing of The Lord . For the seeds I have sown to get back what the enemy has stolen. Thank you for this word I accept it. Send the harvest Lord. Especially for all the souls I have been praying for. Now is the time set them on fire with our Precious Holy Spirit. Bless Doug and Joey in such a way as never before. 100 fold for their faithfulness thank you. Valerie

    • Lois Rush
    • September 24, 2014

    Thank you for this powerful word! I am so expecting this to happen! God bless you both.

      • dolly Hearns
      • September 24, 2014

      I have been waiting for such a time as this. THANK YOU JESUS my trust is in you lord, my hope is in you thank you for this now word. amen

    • Gail Stoddard
    • September 24, 2014

    I receive this word implanted in my heart bringing God’ fulfillment in my life and household Amen. Alleluia!

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