God is Protecting all that He has Promised Us

God is Protecting all that He has Promised Us
by Doug Addison

Over the past few months I have received quite a bit of revelation about a new season coming to many people that was starting in September and October of 2009 and continuing through the New Year. I keep hearing over and over that this is the time of new beginnings and new opportunities.

Similar to being pregnant
When God begins something new in our lives sometimes it can be similar to a baby taking nine months to birth. It takes time to grow and develop the new thing from God in our lives.
I can look back in my life and see many examples of when I heard God speak to me clearly about a change in my life. Then when the change actually takes place, it is oftentimes close to a nine month period. In April of 2008 I was living in Moravian Falls, North Carolina and I was speaking at several churches in the Central Coast of California. God spoke to me clearly that we would be moving to that area and be part of something new He was going to do. Through a series of events and without making it happen on my own, we relocated to Santa Maria, California nine months later in January 2009. After arriving in Santa Maria, nothing really seemed to be happening. Then after nine months, in September, I had two major angelic visitations and God spoke to me more clearly about our next steps and plans for why we moved. Just as a baby is hidden during the nine month pregnancy period, quite often God will hide us for a season.

Satan comes before a new move of God
A principle that most people miss in the Bible is that most times that God does something new in our lives; Satan will come just prior to it to get us discouraged and to cause us to give up before the break through. David gets anointed by Samuel to be king of Israel, and then he is pursued and nearly killed by Saul. Jesus receives the Holy Spirit to begin His ministry on earth, and immediately He is taken into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. Saul (Apostle Paul) has a dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus, and then he is greatly opposed to the point that he has to run for his life. These are just a few cases of a theme that runs throughout the entire Bible.

God will often call us to something new; then it seems that all hell breaks loose and it appears that the opposite of what we heard from God begins to happen. The fact is that the reason God spoke to us to begin with was to strengthen us to be able to walk through the storm and know that He is still with us no matter what it looks like. God spoke to me that something radically new was coming to me and many people after September of this year. During the month of September I received some incredible revelation and visitations from God, then in October things began to look the completely opposite. I have been watching this pattern for some time now, so I was not thrown for a loop. The best way to handle this is to continue to move forward with the last thing that you heard from God and pay little attention to the distractions from Satan.

New plans, strategies, ministries, gifts, anointing, miracles, businesses and relationships are on their way. The key is to not give up. Satan and the forces of darkness really don’t want you to get what is coming. You will receive what you are looking for. If you are looking to God for the new things and you endure the storm, it will transpire in your life. If you begin to doubt and give up on what God has promised you, then there is a good chance that it will not come to you at the level that God had intended or it may be delayed.

Jesus is protecting our promises
I had a dream on November 17 that the enemy was coming to steal away the promises God had made to me and many others. I ran to the ocean and when I got there the ocean appeared to be dried up, even though there was still plant life and animals. As I stood wondering what to do, Jesus himself, clothed in a purple and crimson robe, walked up to me. I told him that the enemy was trying to steal away what had been promised to us. Without saying a word, He used His right hand to take something from deep inside of me and placed it in what looked like an ancient iron cage in the shape of a sphere (the size of a basketball). He locked it, kept the key and tossed it a few feet away onto the floor of the ocean. I was thinking to myself that he could have at least hidden it a little better. As I looked there were many of these ball-shaped cages lying all over the place, and I knew they were the promises of others that Jesus was now protecting and placing them where they needed to be.

This dream is a confirmation that what God has promised to us will come. The fact that the ocean “appeared” to be dry but still had life is symbolic of a coming move from God that is nearing but not here yet. It was not like a wilderness that had no life. Our promises from God are being placed in a safe place so that they will be picked up by the next wave of the Holy Spirit. It is similar to a chessboard; God is strategically placing us where we need to be for this next season.

Isaiah 41:10 NIV
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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  1. Reply

    Couldn’t agree more,Doug.My wife and I needed this

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 25, 2017

      I’m so glad to hear it came at a timely manner. Bless you and your family.

  2. Reply

    I had no idea how to apropcah this before-now I’m locked and loaded.

    • john carvey
    • December 16, 2009

    Wow Doug thanks! I was at the Prophetic conference in Colorado last month and through your sessions I am understanding more of my dreams. I am still laughing as I listen to your messages this week. I almost feel guilty to be learning when I am laughing so much. I am saying “Bless their hearts” with much more freedom these days. The religious spirit I grew up with is really upset with me–but I am kicking it to the curb. Serioulsly, life is to short to be to serious, “I’m just saying…”.

    I can’t wait to read through the rest of your entries. This one is prompting me to go back on my calander and track the initial revelation about some things that were prophesied over me and what month I am in now. March 24th I got a clear word from a prophet concerning financing and job provision for my company.

    In September I did not bid on a large project that came accross my desk because I was nervous and unsure about being able to do it. I have been tracking the company that is doing that project and I now see I could have certainly done it better than they are doing the job.

    Just today I found another project accross the street from the one I turned down. One of the board members “just happened” to come into the unit I was working in to ask me a question. We talked. I am putting my bid together over the next couple of days and the project should be about the same size as the other one. Nine months…I am praying for a healthy, profitable, on time contract.

    John Carvey

    • john carvey
    • December 16, 2009

    Wow Doug thanks! I was at the Prophetic conference in Colorado last month and through your sessions I am understanding more of my dreams. I am still laughing as I listen to your messages this week. I almost feel guilty to be learning when I am laughing so much. I am saying “Bless their hearts” with much more freedom these days. The religious spirit I grew up with is really upset with me–but I am kicking it to the curb. Serioulsly, life is to short to be to serious, “I’m just saying…”.

    I can’t wait to read through the rest of your entries. This one is prompting me to go back on my calander and track the initial revelation about some things that were prophesied over me and what month I am in now. March 24th I got a clear word from a prophet concerning financing and job provision for my company.

    In September I did not bid on a large project that came accross my desk because I was nervous and unsure about being able to do it. I have been tracking the company that is doing that project and I now see I could have certainly done it better than they are doing the job.

    Just today I found another project accross the street from the one I turned down. One of the board members “just happened” to come into the unit I was working in to ask me a question. We talked. I am putting my bid together over the next couple of days and the project should be about the same size as the other one. Nine months…I am praying for a healthy, profitable, on time contract.

    John Carvey

    • Dennis Wood
    • December 1, 2009

    Thank you for sharing this word. I’m slowly learning more about timing, and what is or is not my part in what I believe I hear. I recently went through a very tough time (understated) but breakthrough came, not by my efforts but by Jesus’ love, and with it came a virtual flood of His presence and His purpose in my life, my marriage, and our ministry. If not for Him, I would have quit, perhaps mere inches from receiving the Promise I’m now living daily.

    I’m including something I heard Oct. 2, about 1 week after breakthrough. I’m excited because I’m already seeing fruit relating to this, and pray it blesses you as well.

    “A flood of God’s presence is at hand. Banks will overflow and pools of stagnation are being stirred and given New Life, gone forevermore. Washed downstream. The river is widening, what has settled is moving again, a new depth, a new speed. This river is full of “stuff”. Purposes, plans, petitions, prayers, partnerships, each adds a weight to the inertia, and propels the river into new directions, new channels are being cut. Look for second and third waves or more. Call down the rain! Ride the waves! Get soaked! Step Out!”

    • Dennis Wood
    • December 1, 2009

    Thank you for sharing this word. I’m slowly learning more about timing, and what is or is not my part in what I believe I hear. I recently went through a very tough time (understated) but breakthrough came, not by my efforts but by Jesus’ love, and with it came a virtual flood of His presence and His purpose in my life, my marriage, and our ministry. If not for Him, I would have quit, perhaps mere inches from receiving the Promise I’m now living daily.

    I’m including something I heard Oct. 2, about 1 week after breakthrough. I’m excited because I’m already seeing fruit relating to this, and pray it blesses you as well.

    “A flood of God’s presence is at hand. Banks will overflow and pools of stagnation are being stirred and given New Life, gone forevermore. Washed downstream. The river is widening, what has settled is moving again, a new depth, a new speed. This river is full of “stuff”. Purposes, plans, petitions, prayers, partnerships, each adds a weight to the inertia, and propels the river into new directions, new channels are being cut. Look for second and third waves or more. Call down the rain! Ride the waves! Get soaked! Step Out!”

  3. Reply


    I have to thank you for your article. As I consider it, I am recalling what God is calling me, to do. Though I have had some false starts, God has been faithful to see me through.

    The above article seems to remind me of Jesus’ faithfulness in protecting those promises of God.

  4. Reply


    I have to thank you for your article. As I consider it, I am recalling what God is calling me, to do. Though I have had some false starts, God has been faithful to see me through.

    The above article seems to remind me of Jesus’ faithfulness in protecting those promises of God.

    • Tami Shaffer
    • December 1, 2009

    Your word jumped at me as I read it came to your dream with the spheres. Without going into my long story.. (lol..Yes the stuff books are made of) I found myself last February in a new place and wondering if God was through with me. I was in a whole new territory that I or anyone who knew me would have imagined.

    Leading to the point of my dream last February.

    I was in my new apartment and sitting at my kitchen table with a friend I hadn’t seen in a few years across from me. In front of us where my kitchen cabinets would be was this cabinet I just bought but it was larger and it is like a square wooden bird cage. The prophecies weren’t to be remembered but I started prophesying and was surprised at the new levels and dimensions it had after all I went through in life over the last two years as opposed to the fifteen doing prophetic evangelism and where I came through with intense losses that eventually affected me. Anyway in the dream feeling overwhelmed tha he still wanted to use me again.

    Suddenly a Holy Hush comes over the dream and as I sense it my chair I am in is gently tipped and I am supernaturally and gently placed on the floor beside my friend who is also on the floor and this cabinet is in front of us. It is a definate Holy Ground atmosphere. Suddenly from behind and right over our heads just skimming is this fireball travelling at a high rate of speed and it explodes inside the cabinet in the flames in all appears God he is an all white form with substance yet defined supernaturally as I am overwhelmed with the sight of him and still amazed he would appear to me in the state of not being what others would consider worthy. He lifted his right arm up in the flames to ascend up and an angels right hand lifted out of the flames right behind him as if to usher his presence out thru my ceiling.

    In the awe of it all in the dream I was given a vision of what was going on behind me. I saw a stir at my frontdoor in the vision and in the holy silence I saw this caged ancient metal type of sphere roll down my floor I could see it had things in it and I sensed he was leaving me a gift that the things that I thought were lost or stolen were in it. I remember seeing a wedding ring the other things werent in focus to me. It rolled down my floor and when it got to the place I was on the floor it made a sharp rit=ght like a homing missile and somehow attached to my heel.

    I just had to share that as your spheres were exactly what I saw in my dream.

    • Tami Shaffer
    • December 1, 2009

    Your word jumped at me as I read it came to your dream with the spheres. Without going into my long story.. (lol..Yes the stuff books are made of) I found myself last February in a new place and wondering if God was through with me. I was in a whole new territory that I or anyone who knew me would have imagined.

    Leading to the point of my dream last February.

    I was in my new apartment and sitting at my kitchen table with a friend I hadn’t seen in a few years across from me. In front of us where my kitchen cabinets would be was this cabinet I just bought but it was larger and it is like a square wooden bird cage. The prophecies weren’t to be remembered but I started prophesying and was surprised at the new levels and dimensions it had after all I went through in life over the last two years as opposed to the fifteen doing prophetic evangelism and where I came through with intense losses that eventually affected me. Anyway in the dream feeling overwhelmed tha he still wanted to use me again.

    Suddenly a Holy Hush comes over the dream and as I sense it my chair I am in is gently tipped and I am supernaturally and gently placed on the floor beside my friend who is also on the floor and this cabinet is in front of us. It is a definate Holy Ground atmosphere. Suddenly from behind and right over our heads just skimming is this fireball travelling at a high rate of speed and it explodes inside the cabinet in the flames in all appears God he is an all white form with substance yet defined supernaturally as I am overwhelmed with the sight of him and still amazed he would appear to me in the state of not being what others would consider worthy. He lifted his right arm up in the flames to ascend up and an angels right hand lifted out of the flames right behind him as if to usher his presence out thru my ceiling.

    In the awe of it all in the dream I was given a vision of what was going on behind me. I saw a stir at my frontdoor in the vision and in the holy silence I saw this caged ancient metal type of sphere roll down my floor I could see it had things in it and I sensed he was leaving me a gift that the things that I thought were lost or stolen were in it. I remember seeing a wedding ring the other things werent in focus to me. It rolled down my floor and when it got to the place I was on the floor it made a sharp rit=ght like a homing missile and somehow attached to my heel.

    I just had to share that as your spheres were exactly what I saw in my dream.

    • ieasha hudson
    • November 29, 2009

    awesome word

    • ieasha hudson
    • November 29, 2009

    awesome word

  5. Reply

    Thank you! We all need encouragement to never never give up.

  6. Reply

    Thank you! We all need encouragement to never never give up.

    • DreamGirl
    • November 22, 2009

    wow, once again an on time word for me. One word I have heard of alot lately is birthing! and it hurts, but oh the joy it will be when that baby is born, thank you for your posts and Happy Thanksgiving.

    • DreamGirl
    • November 22, 2009

    wow, once again an on time word for me. One word I have heard of alot lately is birthing! and it hurts, but oh the joy it will be when that baby is born, thank you for your posts and Happy Thanksgiving.

    • Karissa
    • November 22, 2009

    Great Doug!! Thanks for sharing 🙂 DEFINITELY a word in season.

    • Karissa
    • November 22, 2009

    Great Doug!! Thanks for sharing 🙂 DEFINITELY a word in season.

    • Lubka
    • November 22, 2009

    Dear Doug, thank you for the word, it is exatctly what I experience, I had promises, that I believed, and completly opposite is happening, It encouraged me to to stay focused on God in times, when also my brothers and sisters are facing the same trials… lets get strong in LORD and see His victory .

    • Lubka
    • November 22, 2009

    Dear Doug, thank you for the word, it is exatctly what I experience, I had promises, that I believed, and completly opposite is happening, It encouraged me to to stay focused on God in times, when also my brothers and sisters are facing the same trials… lets get strong in LORD and see His victory .

    • Mary
    • November 21, 2009

    Wow! Just realized that I am now in the ninth month of a promise from God! This has brought such encouragement!
    Thank you

    • Mary
    • November 21, 2009

    Wow! Just realized that I am now in the ninth month of a promise from God! This has brought such encouragement!
    Thank you

    • Claire
    • November 21, 2009

    I’ve been pondering further what it’s like to be pregnant. First there’s the wondering, then there’s the excitement of finding out, then there’s several weeks of feeling sick and tired out and pretty fed up – and all before anyone really knows about it and there’s any evidence of what you know to be true. You just have to hang on in there! Then you feel the first stirrings of life as the baby develops within you. Now I’m excited about how I’ve been feeling!! Thanks again Doug.

    • Claire
    • November 21, 2009

    I’ve been pondering further what it’s like to be pregnant. First there’s the wondering, then there’s the excitement of finding out, then there’s several weeks of feeling sick and tired out and pretty fed up – and all before anyone really knows about it and there’s any evidence of what you know to be true. You just have to hang on in there! Then you feel the first stirrings of life as the baby develops within you. Now I’m excited about how I’ve been feeling!! Thanks again Doug.

    • Claire
    • November 21, 2009

    Thank you so much, Doug. I’ve been enveloped in peace as I read this.

    • Claire
    • November 21, 2009

    Thank you so much, Doug. I’ve been enveloped in peace as I read this.

    • Cheri
    • November 20, 2009

    Thanks for sharing your dream. I had a similiar one the night before last. We were in the ocean,it was dry also,but there were bursts of mist coming at us. Then we could see some waves building up until a good size wave came at us and we rode the wave in. I knew the wave was a good thing and it was exciting.
    Also,while in prayer on November the 5th,I journaled about November 17th. My entry was.. “seeds of Harvest ripening, even now – November 17th remember -Good days ahead, treats in store.” Thanks for the encouragement!

    • Cheri
    • November 20, 2009

    Thanks for sharing your dream. I had a similiar one the night before last. We were in the ocean,it was dry also,but there were bursts of mist coming at us. Then we could see some waves building up until a good size wave came at us and we rode the wave in. I knew the wave was a good thing and it was exciting.
    Also,while in prayer on November the 5th,I journaled about November 17th. My entry was.. “seeds of Harvest ripening, even now – November 17th remember -Good days ahead, treats in store.” Thanks for the encouragement!

    • Joanne Behl
    • November 20, 2009

    That is a good word! Really good! Thanks for posting it, it was very encouraging. Timely!

    • Joanne Behl
    • November 20, 2009

    That is a good word! Really good! Thanks for posting it, it was very encouraging. Timely!

    • Heather Celoria
    • November 20, 2009

    Awesome, right on!

    • Heather Celoria
    • November 20, 2009

    Awesome, right on!

  7. Reply

    What a great word! Now you have me couting backwards 9 months to get clarity. The dream was awesome. I pray you keep having encouraging dreams. Blessings double!

  8. Reply

    What a great word! Now you have me couting backwards 9 months to get clarity. The dream was awesome. I pray you keep having encouraging dreams. Blessings double!

    • Jay Reynolds
    • November 20, 2009

    Hey Doug, many thanks for sharing this truth. The Lord led me back to isaiah 41:10 yesterday (the 19th) as we at church meditated and worshipped. This has been the foundational verse the Lord has used to sustain me through many struggles.
    I have been praying for breakthrough too and have also been told 9 months.. a third of the way there so far.
    Having done all else, we need to just ‘stand’. Bless you.

    • Jay Reynolds
    • November 20, 2009

    Hey Doug, many thanks for sharing this truth. The Lord led me back to isaiah 41:10 yesterday (the 19th) as we at church meditated and worshipped. This has been the foundational verse the Lord has used to sustain me through many struggles.
    I have been praying for breakthrough too and have also been told 9 months.. a third of the way there so far.
    Having done all else, we need to just ‘stand’. Bless you.

    • Ronda
    • November 19, 2009

    Thanks, this is marrow to the bones!!!!

    • Ronda
    • November 19, 2009

    Thanks, this is marrow to the bones!!!!

    • Ann Troutman
    • November 19, 2009

    Hi Doug, I always look forward to your teachings. Thanks so much. When are you coming back up here to Kennewick, Washington? We miss you up here!!!

    • Ann Troutman
    • November 19, 2009

    Hi Doug, I always look forward to your teachings. Thanks so much. When are you coming back up here to Kennewick, Washington? We miss you up here!!!

    • Tracy Russ
    • November 19, 2009

    Thanks for posting this for us, Doug. It was a HUGE encouragement and confirmation to my husband and I!

    • Tracy Russ
    • November 19, 2009

    Thanks for posting this for us, Doug. It was a HUGE encouragement and confirmation to my husband and I!

  9. Reply

    This was exactly what I needed to hear. God Bless you.

  10. Reply

    This was exactly what I needed to hear. God Bless you.

    • Doreen
    • November 19, 2009

    This was very encouraging. We are having a hard time, but keeping our eyes on Jesus. It’s good to hear we’re not alone. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving Doug and Family.

    • Doreen
    • November 19, 2009

    This was very encouraging. We are having a hard time, but keeping our eyes on Jesus. It’s good to hear we’re not alone. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving Doug and Family.

    • Kelly W.
    • November 19, 2009

    I had the thought that when the next wave of God comes and replaces the dried up ocean water, it’s going to require us to really “swim deep” to recover those promises!

    • Kelly W.
    • November 19, 2009

    I had the thought that when the next wave of God comes and replaces the dried up ocean water, it’s going to require us to really “swim deep” to recover those promises!

    • Misty
    • November 19, 2009

    This is a great message and conformation for me. I am making huge changes in my life and really trying to become the person God has designed me to be. I just had a dream last night that I had a baby and was in a fire..WOW..what a trip – Thanks for your message Doug your awesome.

    • Misty
    • November 19, 2009

    This is a great message and conformation for me. I am making huge changes in my life and really trying to become the person God has designed me to be. I just had a dream last night that I had a baby and was in a fire..WOW..what a trip – Thanks for your message Doug your awesome.

    • Bev Kolesar
    • November 19, 2009

    Dear Doug,
    Thanks for the article. I was just thinking today, Dear Lord what is going on, I don’t feel like I’m here or there, where do I belong, under attack to get me discouraged and the Lord led me to read I Sam 17. The taunting of the philistine. and I just felt there is a giant coming down in the name of the Lord and major breakthrough for a greater anointing. A real transitional time. Bev

    • Bev Kolesar
    • November 19, 2009

    Dear Doug,
    Thanks for the article. I was just thinking today, Dear Lord what is going on, I don’t feel like I’m here or there, where do I belong, under attack to get me discouraged and the Lord led me to read I Sam 17. The taunting of the philistine. and I just felt there is a giant coming down in the name of the Lord and major breakthrough for a greater anointing. A real transitional time. Bev

    • Corina Hall
    • November 19, 2009

    This is all so confirming. Everything happens to me in nine month periods of time…I’ve noticed that for years now. If feels like a shift just happened last week, and is continuing to happen right now. I’m so encouraged by your words. I feel like I was placed in hiding and am now just being allowed to peek out. Its really great to know that we are not being ‘forgotten’ but ‘hidden’ in Him. Excited to see God’s promises for you, and for our family too!

    • Corina Hall
    • November 19, 2009

    This is all so confirming. Everything happens to me in nine month periods of time…I’ve noticed that for years now. If feels like a shift just happened last week, and is continuing to happen right now. I’m so encouraged by your words. I feel like I was placed in hiding and am now just being allowed to peek out. Its really great to know that we are not being ‘forgotten’ but ‘hidden’ in Him. Excited to see God’s promises for you, and for our family too!

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