3 Ways to Dream Bigger in 2013 – Elizabeth Nixon

I love Elizabeth Nixon’s book Decree Inspired by the Psalms and her article here on how to dream bigger for 2013!



Doug Addison





Elizabeth Nixon3 WAYS TO “DREAM BIGGER” IN 2013

Elizabeth A. Nixon, Esq.


I’ve always been encouraged by people who have believed in me enough to push me to Dream Big and Dream Bigger.  That’s why I am proud to say that I am both (i) a high school drop out and (ii) an attorney licensed to argue before the United States Supreme Court.


25 years ago, someone believed in me enough to encourage me to get my GED.  As my journey through Community College and University continued, I began to believe in myself enough to apply to law school.  In 2007, I found myself standing in the highest court of the land, right hand raised, taking an oath before the 9 Judge Panel known as the United States Supreme Court.


But I haven’t stopped dreaming!


I have, however, begun to ask myself, “What does it really mean to dream big?”  More often than not I hear people talk about dreaming big and in the same breath talk about making more money, living in a bigger house or driving a better car.  But is that what dreaming big is really all about?


Last year, as I watched the London Olympics, I was floored by the nature of the sports on display.  The routines we see now are so far and away different from what they were 20 years ago—more complicated, more demanding with higher degrees of difficulty—it’s hard to believe that we are watching the same sports!  The speed at which the track and swimming events are competed is astounding-with margins of less than hundredths of seconds betweens those who are on the podium and those who are not.


As I watch the new nature of sports, I think to myself, “This is what it means to dream bigger.”


Dreaming big is not just about making more money

or having bigger, better or more stuff. 

Dreaming big is about new things, new dynamics and new dimensions.

Bill Gates didn’t have a vision of how to make more money in the computer business.  He had a vision of an entirely new computer platform.  That’s dreaming bigger.  It’s not about taking something that already is and making more money from it than anyone else.  It’s about discovering an entirely new thing!


Here are 3 ways you can begin to dream bigger dreams in 2013:-


1.  ASK:

Ask and it shall be given.” Matthew 7:7, Luke 9:45 and Luke 11:9

Whatsoever you ask in my name, that I will do that the Father may be glorifiedIf you shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.” John 14:13-14


There are dozens of other verses that tell us the same thing.  Ask what ever it is that you want and He will do it.


Ask the Lord to show you the nature of what it means in your life, in your calling, in your Destiny, to dream bigger.  Then, ask for it!



Mark 9:23 confronts us with this truth, “To him who believes, all things are possible.”


I love the example of Neo in the movie “The Matrix.”  He begins the movie knowing something but ends the movie believing.  And there is a big difference between knowing and believing.


We may know something, and that knowledge can move us to action.  But only when we begin believing, and living as if what we believe is true, will our circumstances change.


Believe that God will give you what you have asked for. Believe that with Him you can actually do it!


3.  SOW

To sow, or to give is like planting a seed.  You can sow time and resources, sure, but I encourage you to sow into your dreams!


Find someone who is already doing, or trying to do, what it is you have a similar vision for, and give to them.  Support them.  If you want to adopt or foster children, then give to someone else who is already doing it.  If you want to work in media, support someone who has the same dream.  Sow intentionally.


A farmer who wants to harvest a wheat crop is specific and intentional about what and where he sows his seed.  First he finds good soil, then he plants wheat seeds, he nurtures the soil and the seed, and lives with expectancy for his crop to grow and then harvests it in the right season.


If you are not yet walking in the fullness of your dreams, but you see others who are either (i) feeding you with encouragement, inspiration or needed knowledge, or who are (ii) doing something similar to what your dream is, then sow into them specifically and intentionally.  Find good soil: don’t throw your time or resources out on just anyone, be sure they are full of integrity.  Plant the kind of seed you want to harvest: if you want to be a missionary worker, then invest in other missionaries; if you want to be an accountant, then invest and support other accountants.  Be simple and practical.  Then wait with expectancy looking, waiting, watching and ready to harvest.


When you harvest, that’s when you step into your own Destiny!






Then Dream Big. Outside the box.  New Dimensions. New Platforms.


For more resources from Elizabeth A. Nixon, Esq., and White Quill Media, including the life-changing DVD set The Destiny Series, visit:


Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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    • richard harting
    • May 9, 2013

    Great advice with the dynamics of simplicity, personal, vulnerable and resilient.
    Just one problem for me: how to sow in many many fragmented dreams that comprise of large fields, too large for the little energy of seeds I’ve got?

  1. Reply

    Great advice for a 3 step program to life, calling and destiny.,
    But what if dreams are fragmented into many many pieces that comprise fields that are too big to sow in without running out of seed?

    • Jonathan
    • February 18, 2013


  2. Pingback: Dare to Dream « livinginobscurity

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