Prophetic Word: Opportunity is Knocking

Yellow Door HandleProphetic Word: Opportunity is Knocking
Doug Addison
April 7, 2015

Last January I released a prophetic word that April would be a time when new doors of opportunity would be opening. It will take “rising above” your current situation to gain higher levels of revelation. Well, opportunities are now knocking. Get ready to open the door and watch things begin to happen quickly.

It is a time of acceleration but it might appear to take you by surprise. Just as the enemy brings surprise attacks, God is opening surprise blessings. These open doors and the release of higher-level revelation will require you to rise above your situation and circumstances. In other words, it might not look like a blessing at first.

Then I looked, and there before me was an open door in heaven. And I heard the same voice that spoke to me before. It was the voice that sounded like a trumpet. It said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must happen after this.” Revelation 4:1 ERV

What stood out to me in Revelation 4:1 is that God is speaking things similarly to what we have heard in the past, but we have to ascend to a new level to understand it.

Don’t be alarmed
In order to cross over into the new season that is at hand you will need to get through some slightly choppy times. Embracing the “pain of change” will help right now. Things that are happening are only setbacks if you choose to view them that way. God will use what may seem like opposition. It is actually the wind of change that is here to bring strategic repositioning that will set you up for advancement.

The places and seasons that many have been in have been limiting you. You will need to get into a place of greater ability to stretch your spiritual wings. This will allow you to catch the new creative wave coming over the next few months. Come September, you will look back and be glad that you took the risks and paid the price.

Don’t panic dream
Last month I had a dream that my wife and I were in a big ocean and the waves were high. We started to panic until I realized that I could touch the bottom. Once I realized that I could stay “grounded” the panic left but things were still pretty choppy. Then I began to sing a spiritual song and the atmosphere suddenly shifted. It is important to find ways to stay grounded with an attitude of gratitude.

Wind blowing dream
I had a dream I was on a beach playing Frisbee with a prophetic leader I know. The wind increased and would blow my Frisbee tosses back into my own hands. Then he threw it to me and it caught the wind. I was able to catch it on my index finger, which represents gaining greater direction.

This is what things may feel like right now for many people. Your efforts to break through haven’t seemed to amount to much. Watch for the wind of the Spirit to shift to your favor and see direction come as the month progresses.

Stay focused
Don’t be distracted or get too busy. With this new wind of change here it will bring many “dry bones” and dead dreams to life. The natural tendency of this sudden burst of new life and energy will tempt you to try to start running too early. Pace yourself and let the refreshment of the Holy Spirit revive your vision first. As you do this it will allow you to pace yourself for greater things that are yet to come.

My Daily Prophetic Word for March 17, 2015!
“You will need to start tracking more clearly the things God is speaking to you because more is on the way. #DailyProphetic”

This has been happening to a lot of people including myself. I already get a lot of revelation, but God is bringing wisdom and understanding as well. On the morning of March 17th I woke up at 3:00 a.m. with the presence of an angel in my room. I got up for nearly two hours but did not get any revelation. I went back to bed and had several prophetic dreams right in a row. God is bringing revelation in dreams right now. It is important to track all that God is saying to you. Journal, draw or write out what you are hearing and dreaming. Clarity will increase as you consistently do this. Here are two of the dreams that may help you.

Key to energy
In the dream I was really tired and felt run down so I went to find a beverage to pick me up. I went on a journey and ended up at a convenience store. I was handed an ancient looking key and told where I would find a Pepsi.

The interpretation of the dream is that God is releasing new keys and strategy to help things “pep up” the pace in your life. Watch for revelation about your health. You will need more energy as we enter this new season.

Attack against writing
That same morning I had another dream in which I saw a white worm eating the words off my computer screen after I would type them. I knew this was an attack of the enemy to try to stop revelation and writing from coming about.

When I realized this was happening, I woke up, prayed and broke this attack over others and myself. Don’t back down from writing or releasing your message. It will help people and it is a major part of what God is calling us to do right now.

All the changes and advancement that are here will result in many new and amazing testimonies. Learning new ways of communicating your story is what will open the doors of opportunity that are knocking right now. Remember to rise above your circumstances and God will show you what is going to happen next!




Doug Addison

Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. Doug is an award-winning author of seven books. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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    • Tracy
    • October 9, 2020

    Rev 3:20
    When Jesus says that He stands at the door and knocks, it is immediately preceded by verse 19 which says: Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. … I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 9, 2020

      Thanks for sharing!

    • Randi
    • July 22, 2020

    What does it mean when you are awakened by 3 loud knocks on the door but no one is there? This has happened on two separate occasions and each time there is tremendous fear when waking up.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 28, 2020

      We do not interpret prophetic acts, visions or dreams because we get these requests so often and it’s usually best to discuss them with someone who can pray with you and listen to the Lord about the experience.

  1. Pingback: April 7, 2015 – See Yourself as a Winner | Captivating Freedom

    • Emmanuel Patrick Opio
    • April 23, 2015

    I had a dream that I went to visit my school called Blessed Hope Primary School and found teaching staff seated down but the head teacher was just standing and he had given some two letters to two teachers and he did not want me to see the content. I went to one of the teachers and just picked the letter to read the content but failed to see what was written but only to discover that there was some error in the letter. What does it mean?

    • Jody Glass
    • April 22, 2015

    This is a word of confirmation. Thank you for sharing! I write Miracle Mondays on fb and my blog. The past few weeks I would be so tired and weak on Mondays. I decided to take break. I am a pastor so Mondays are sometimes restful from the weekend. I feel refreshed and ready to resume. Thank you again!

    • Thandiwe
    • April 20, 2015

    Thank you for this confirmation. I’m already experiencing move of opportunities and open doors around me.

    • Gwendolyn Butler
    • April 10, 2015

    Yet more confirmation! !!!

  2. Reply

    Doug, I just wanted to comment about your April 1st webcast that the shipwrecked word spoke to me as specifically for me as well as seeing myself as a partner with God and not a dictator! It really resonated with me. I had a dream about you this morning in which I was with you in a large mobile house and there was many people inside praying. I was following you around as you were speaking to me as my mentor. My friend Tami was in the house also and her eyes were dilated and I was afraid something was really wrong with her so we started praying for her. Her head was not properly aligned to her body. I have had like 2-3 dreams with you in them and I find that rather interesting! Thanks-

    • Bea Balvin
    • April 9, 2015

    Almost 5 weeks ago, on a Sunday morning, the first thing God clearly told me was “it’s time”…very I said it’s been almost 5 weeks but, I keep this expectation new in my heart and look forward to His great timing!
    I have never had a word like that and I so felt that He was giving me a heads up as His friend and that so overjoyed my heart!

    • Jenny
    • April 9, 2015

    On the seventh, when I was going through a very trying and exhausting time and unable to continue with my writing in the usual way, I kept thinking to myself, this is expected, I need to simply hold fast during this time and stay focused and continue on writing as soon as I can. Then I wondered where on earth I was getting this feeling of encouragement, and remembered the word you had shared! (I had read them that morning, on His Kingdom Prophesy website). This is not the first time Jesus has used your words to greatly encourage and prepare me. I am so glad to know you as a brother in Christ! You have a powerful testimony and a beautiful gift from the Lord.

    • Camille Dunn
    • April 8, 2015

    I had a dream similar to yours Doug, I went to convenient store to buy meat and I had to wait a long time in line but after I got the meat, the owner of the convenient store came outside with me and began to hold my hand and begin to tell me intimate things, I was so happy from the words the owner of the convenient store told me.After words I had to catch a long train, but before I could get on the train, I went to b black box looking like a suitcase for directions and where to get off the train but as I open the box, I still couldn’t understand the directions, I got on the train and I was a little nervous because I didn’t know exactly where to get off.The train stop at a place with nice beaches, water and nice scenery, but that wasn’t my stop.I asked someone where I was and they said it was a military base but I didn’t get off because that wasn’t my stop.The train ride was so long and fast but I woke up before I reached my destination.please interpret thanks in advance

    • maria
    • April 8, 2015

    thanks this helps me a lot to understand GOD;s mauve in my life, GOD bless you and preserve you.

    • Joann
    • April 7, 2015

    Sorry the dream date was the morning of April 2nd.

    • Joann
    • April 7, 2015

    On April 1st, 2015 I too awoke at around 3am. I felt as if someone was in my bedroom also. I stood up for a bit and as I feel asleep I too had about five or more dreams back to back. I heard someone explaining how all the dreams connected. I believe it was God. The overall theme that connected them all was. The Devils plans. A few days later I woke up during the night feeling something dark and evil above my head. I placed a pillow over my head and shortly after said a prayer of protection. That morning I awoke to found mosquito bumps in the shape of a half circle, the shape was similar to tooth bites and directly below these bumps there was a row of bumps in a straight line on the back of the very hand I used to cover my head with my pillow that night. What is this all about?

    • amy
    • April 7, 2015


    • Trena Grace Puentes
    • April 7, 2015

    Awesome post Doug. Thank you for sharing it!

    • Bridget
    • April 7, 2015

    Prophet, this word is on time. I’ve been fighting tiredness for a couple of years and hadn’t written anything for almost four/five years. And the Holy Spirit is reminding me and you have confirmed, it is time. Thank you!

    • Paola
    • April 7, 2015

    This comes once again as a confirmation to my life. It is amazing the way God uses you to speak into my life not only new revelation but confirmation of what He tells me and what He is doing in my life. Thank you for allowing yourself to be used in such a mighty way. No effort goes unnoticed. You’re blessing me from CA, I’m in Guatemala =)

    • Yuvetta Pryor
    • April 7, 2015

    Praise be to God. Prophet thank you for this word. Truly I’ve been feeling the limitations in ministry and a ceiling over my release. This has explained a lot of my dreams lately. So of which I’m not quite clear on… I’ve been dreaming in colors, yellow, green-black, and blue. Then stairs going up. Looks like, they mean elevation and wealth. Two opportunities for marriage have come forth and I’m not sure which one to take. This is strange since this promise was made to me 40 years ago and God’s keeps speaking to this day. The first one was really preparing to wed me, then he just stopped and changed his mind, he’s still there but distant, the other came into the picture more recently but still has some personal issues to work out. So I’m still on hold. Been fasting and praying for God to make clear what he wants. Please pray with me for clear instructions. This is part of my destiny call that I need God to complete.

    • valinda young
    • April 7, 2015

    Your daily words are wonderful to receive each day. I am 57 a widow 3 grown children 2 boys 34 & 25 who are in prison they need deliverance my daughter 35 needs deliverance was molested by step dad who deceased now. I need direction. Where to live my 25 yr. Old gets out may. Please pray for me.

  3. Reply

    Thank you for All that you do!! You are truly a blessing! God Bless you and your family

    • carole
    • April 7, 2015

    My b-day on Mar. 17 too! I receive blessings in April… life has been attacks after attacks …in between. I have seen Yahwehs hand at work ….I am weary and need miracles….I am doing my best to keep my Hope and here and there because too many attacks…but know Yahweh is real and I pray will take care of all my worries and fears.

    • Barbara
    • April 7, 2015

    Prophet Doug,you are truly a real man of God. Earlier this morning i was writing in my journal because i felt led to do so. I said to myself that i have put it off long enough of writing my visions,making them plain and decided this is the day that i am going to do it. Everything you wrote in this post seem as if though you were writing it directly to/for me personally. I thank God for you and thank you so much for being obedient to the call of God on your life. I am still amazed at hw God used you to confirm what he had spoken to me and i thought about doing earlier today. God bless you Prophet. Continue to pray for me as i do the same for you,Barbara.

    • Mary
    • April 7, 2015

    Thank you for this confirmation. I have been seeking guidance since October of last year and God has been silent as to say, “stay still and know I am God”. I’ve known in my heart that he was closing doors left and right whenever I tried to pursue something that I felt would be financially lucrative. God kept closing doors. It felt very unnatural to me because I’ve been a successful entrepreneur all my life (Gods gift to me). This morning I actually felt a spiritual shift. I literally felt it. The words God gave me where “things will be different from now on. I will provide you financial blessings.” And “I will give you the desires of your heart”. It took me so by surprise that I asked: “God? The desires of my heart?” And he responded: “yes, the desires of your heart”. He also showed me that whatever is in my heart (sadness, unthankfulness, etc) if I dwell on it, that would be considered part of a desire and to stay thankful and guard my heart. Within an hour or so, I received a text that money is being deposited into my account, I have two new potential clients and I feel God directing my steps. Hard to put it into words but I can tell when God is directing my creative mind as it almost feels like angels singing “Hallelujah”! Funny, right? God bless you all and may He guide you as He is doing with me.

    • John CLAUDER
    • April 7, 2015

    Your daily words have really been speaking in to Me Doug with envouregement

    • Alex
    • April 7, 2015

    Wow Doug, thanks for sharing this. This resonates very much with my spirit. New opportunities have come since last Thursday (the first) and also the attacks and distractions keeping me from writing. My blog is beginning to get some traction and the enemy is stopping my ability to write by stealing my time to think and write. Anyway, thanks. Needed to hear that.

    • Manuel Dorado
    • April 7, 2015

    A few weeks ago God spoke to me through a dream:
    I was given a new pair of Nike running shoes and two silver boxes full of clear oil…next thing I knew I was on a baseball diamond about to run into a forest…when I woke up. I understood I was about to obtain victory as I would be moving into a new ministry. The two silver boxes represented a double-anointing of supernatural anointing of wisdom and knowledge. I was in a field of dreams about to run with giants in leadership.
    Doug, since then I’ve been invited to Mexico City to meet with leaders, apostles & prophets… However, I’ve also been asked to move out of my home in 2 months, due to the fact that it is going on the market. I must strive for this dream! Thank you, for being obedient to your calling. I am amazed at God’s revelation. I’ve been through the wilderness for the past four years. It’s about to end!

    • Maryann Guhl
    • April 7, 2015

    i don’t know much about you but, I thought I ‘d take this chance to write. I love God and I read the Bible and pray. I used to be excited to go to church but now that I am missing my girls so much and want to move closer to them I have been losing my urge to attend church. Is there anything you can tell me?

    • Nikki Jackson
    • April 7, 2015


    I have been writing my story via Facebook on a page called 2 Degrees*. It’s short excerpts of major events in my life after going through PTSD and other things in life. I have a small following but the attack on my writing has come through doubt, unbelief, and even comparison. Finally, the Lord showed me that it was an attack and your word has confirmed what I need to do.

    The 2 Degrees* comes from a book called The 2* Difference. Long story short, 2* is the difference between an Apollo flight being 11,121 miles off from it’s course. I even tattooed 2* on my right wrist as a reminder of the small changes it takes to reach the goal God has put within us.

    Thank you for your efforts and labors of love. Oh, and by the way, no need to be afraid of needles…just be sure to eat before you go and don’t get your first tattoo on your wrist =D

    • Heather
    • April 7, 2015

    Opportunity has come
    News of my health
    Dead and buried dreams
    Is this for me?

    • Denise
    • April 7, 2015

    Thanks once again for such a right on word! God uses you so much in my life! Wow! All I can say is Wow! Blessings!

    • Susanne
    • April 7, 2015

    Doug, once again God has spoken to my heart through you. God bless you as you bless others. I pray a hedge of protection over you and your ministry. Thank you for being such an obedient servant to the Lord!

    • Ellen George
    • April 7, 2015

    I look forward to your daily words. I have been struggling
    To hear Gods word for me. He is faithful to keep
    Me above the raging waters though I feel sometimes
    I’m going nowhere. Maybe He has me treading water
    Right now till a ship comes by to rescue me. I have a
    Friend stuck in Egypt whom I pray to come home
    Safely. So need to know if God wants him in my life.
    I am 71 yrs old and believe God will still use me.
    Bless you for your faithfulness to the Lord & His
    People. Ellen

    • Heaven Moorhouse
    • April 7, 2015

    I have followed your blog for at least a year and also receive your daily words. I don’t comment but I’m incredibly blessed by each one! You confirm what the Lord is speaking to me and doing n my life.

    Out of the blue, God birthed an adult coloring book/worship journal 10 days ago, using my art. it goes to print TODAY! 10 Days! And I have been drawing for years and years without any idea what God was going to do with it. Creativity is flowing like never before! Thank you for your encouragement along the way!

    • Meechie
    • April 7, 2015

    Just when you are wondering if God knows the way that you take, He steps in and says, yes I do…don’t you just love HIM. I am so excited about this word. Thank you Father God and thanks to you Doug.

    • Carter
    • April 7, 2015

    Blessings man of God! I tell others how much of a blessing you are to my wife and the ministry /business God has entrusted us with. There are days I question if I’m doing what God really wants me to do and in a immediately you post something to confirm what God has said to me. Thnk you for your obedience and friendship. God is with you and He is for you.

    • Christine York
    • April 7, 2015

    Dear Doug,
    I’ve only been receiving your messages for just over a week. God lead me to your page through another Sister who felt called to share. This particular Prophesy is at work in my life right now and started a week ago to show fruit and continues to do so. I will keep you abreast as it continues to unfold and manifest in the natural.
    Praise the lord for his encouraging, never ending love for us and bless you for your obedience and boldness to share all he does in you and though you.
    God bless kind regards

    • April 7, 2015


    • Emmarencia
    • April 7, 2015

    Dear Man of God I am from Namibia and have subscribe to your daily prophetic word. Thank you for your obedience to hear from Him and sharing it freely. May God enlarge you and give you the desires of your dream. Your revelations you had on the 17th of March I took very seriously because that was my birthday. I have been going through a very rough time in my life for the past almost 3 years lots of rejection, betrayals, pain, losses,business suffering but I receive my new season. Please pray for my business to rise to supernatural levels and pilot projects. I am a consultant and trainer. Please also praythat my daughter now grade 12 gets a bursary she wants to study medcine next yeari am a single mother. Please feel free to release what God shares about me Man of God. Be blessed.

      • Karen Cook
      • April 9, 2015

      God told me to add your name to my prayer list, so I have and am praying for you.

      • Manuel Dorado
      • April 7, 2015

      Wow, almost sounds like my story…I’m praying God will opens doors for you and your daughter. You are your Father’s beloved! He will not withhold any good gift from his children (Matthew 7:11).

        • Kathryn
        • April 9, 2015

        Emmarencia, I will pray for you and your daughter also. Your story is very touching. YOu are not alone.

    • Shelley Smitley
    • April 7, 2015

    I was reading about your dreams and how you knew what they meant. I had some that I cannot figure out, if I send them to you can you help me?

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