Prophetic Word: Major Reforming Happening

Sunlight in the green forest spring timeProphetic Word: Major Reforming Happening June 2015 Doug Addison

If you are reading this, then congratulations, you have made it through some very uncertain times. The good news is that things are going to start getting progressively better after this month.

This is from my prophetic word for 2015 that I released last January: There will be another major spiritual shift in June (the first one was in May of this year) and June gloom will lift and the fog of forgetfulness will be removed. God will begin to bring to your memory promises you have forgotten. This will set the pace for the rest of the year. Watch for things to fall into place in the fall.

Take Cover
When I say, Take cover, most people think of something negative coming. But God is saying that if you stay under His covering, things will work out great. Do not be distracted by things that are in disarray right now. Things are going to smooth out in July.

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’ Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” Psalm 91:1-4 NIV

The enemy wants you to think that you missed something or messed up.
Take cover in God and you will not have to worry.

Major reformation
Watch for big things from small beginnings. If you have ever heard God say to you, “Don’t despise humble beginnings,” understand that God is gathering small groups together to do something great. It is important to be aligned in the right place, at the right time and with the right people for the second half of the year.

We will see a shift come as we get aligned with God’s purposes for our lives. There is a major reformation at hand!

• Repositioning
• Regrouping
• Reshaping

I keep seeing 2:22 on the clock. God spoke to me about this through Daniel 2:22:

“During the night the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision. Then Daniel praised the God of heaven and said: Praise be to the name of God forever and ever; wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him.” Daniel 2:19-22 NIV

Watch for these things starting in June:

God is speaking through dreams and visions. The season is changing. Expect to see changes coming as God raises up new leaders for this next movement coming. God is revealing deep mysteries that have not been revealed. Expect to have hidden things revealed and a strategy on how to respond.

How to move in what God is doing right now

Develop this foundation:

• Agree that all things are possible for those who believe.

• “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 NKJV

•“ … but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 NIV

• Understand that God is not angry and is not out to harm you.

• God is the giver of good gifts.

• God is a loving Father who wants to give us good things.

• God is for you and not against you or mad at you.

• God is not causing the bad things that we see happening in the world.

• God wants to give us the desires of our heart and wants to do this as our heart becomes more like His. Psalm 37:4

• God wants to give you hope, a future, and not harm you. He longs to see you prosper and succeed. Jeremiah 29:11

• You are truly a new creation in Christ, and old things no longer have power over you unless you allow them to.

God showed me that many people are suffering from cloudy vision and confusion because of a critical spirit. When we judge others we can block blessings from flowing to us. Consider these verses that have to do with giving …

“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.Luke 6:37-38 NIV

People are suffering from spiritual logjams. For the most part it is from holding judgments against others.

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?” Matthew 7:3-4 NIV

Overall it is a time of major transition. Things are going to start to flow more freely. God is going to reveal a strategy that you need to flow in His will and timing for the remainder of the year.

Can you sense the transition? Ask God if you have any areas of blindness due to a log of judgment in your eye. God is gracious and is preparing you for increase! Remember to rise above your current circumstance and do not let anything stop you!



Doug Addison

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

  1. Reply

    Having read this I think it is really enlightening.
    I appreciate you spending a little while and energy to place this
    content together. I remember when i again find myself spending plenty of time both reading and leaving comments.
    But so what on earth, it was actually still worth the cost!

    • Peter
    • June 16, 2015

    This is so timely! Thanks for sharing

    • nkechi
    • June 15, 2015

    I desperately want to believe, Lord. Help my unbelief.

    • Mark Beanland
    • June 15, 2015

    I enjoyed what I read and would like to receive your weekly and monthly words.
    God Bless

    • Darla Iles
    • June 11, 2015

    Thank you! This is spot on in what I have been witnessing in my life and new things and gifts God has given to me and has been showing me. I was reading something else yesterday that pointed out that verse in Daniel. I’m extremely excited and encouraged by this!!

    • Josephine
    • June 10, 2015

    So enjoy your daily prophetic insights…always encouraging,comforting and makes me feel that God is still in control….

  2. Reply

    What an amazing confirming word. I am so encouraged. I have been in so much transition since 2013. I just moved to a beautiful home and area in Ojai. I believe this will be my resting place for a good long season until God gives me my dream home on the beaches of Oxnard. Papa is so good to me all the time 🙂

    • Gida Darling
    • June 10, 2015

    Hi Doug,
    Spot on, as usual! Thanks so much for standing up and speaking out. God bless you and prosper all that you do.

  3. Reply

    Any time just when it seems that I am drowning in despair and hopelessness because I am looking at the situation and not on God Doug’s words remind me to correct my view and to trust. Now I know again that God is still with me and I am on the right path. Thank you so much ! The right word for the right time 🙂

    • Cheryl Olear
    • June 10, 2015

    Many of your Daily Prophetic Words and your Monthly Prophetic Words have spoken directly to me and been confirmation that what the Lord has been speaking to me through dreams is going to happen and happen very soon. Thank you for for all the awesome words! God bless you and your ministry!

    • Cindy
    • June 9, 2015

    222 is what I’ve seen for years & still do. For me it’s how God is going to send us out in 2’s….couples in kingdom purpose…. Which He also confirmed again thru your book Divine Alliances. Bless you brother & thank-you soooooo much for all you do!!!!!

    • Rhonda Yeager Acker
    • June 9, 2015

    Thank you Doug for this wonderful word from GOD that you shared♥I love these daily and monthly prophetic words you give they make my day and are always right on time♥I attended several seminars you were at many years ago at the Advocate Ministries with Bro. Bill French in Birmingham AL♥Doug, you gave me a prophetic word at one or two of these and right now I can’t remember them but, I do have them written down and if GOD doesn’t reveal them to me I WILL find them as my husband Gary and I saved all our notes♥You may even remember my husband Gary, really tall with a beard and glassses and you and he spoke often at these seminars♥And a note on Gary, we were soul mates and served the LORD together, He passed away to OUR HEAVENLY FATHER April9,2007 I miss him so much and I’m still single and if GOD wants me to marry again I’ll know♥I just put GOD first and I still do my calling of INTERCESSION♥Sooo anyway, just wanted to tell you I Love You My Brother and Your Wife My Sister, and I’m thankful for you and what you do by allowing us to enjoy your prophetic words from GOD♥Have a Blessed Day♥

    • Patrick
    • June 9, 2015

    Thank you Doug. I needed to hear this message at this time in my life. God bless you!

    • Sarah
    • June 9, 2015

    So encouraging, thanks Doug

    • Cheri
    • June 9, 2015

    Woohoo, its was 100 degree temps here yesterday down 25 degrees in 24 hours and rain is on its way. Major shift yes! Thanks Doug.

    • Wendy
    • June 9, 2015

    Joel 2:25- restoration of the years- Since 2008. With what I sense God is speaking to me, what you have been prophesying , I am moving in faith. A major shift. A change. I am making plans but God is directing my steps. Something drastic happened to my family in 2008 and we have been protected by God, yet having to fight every inch of the way . It has been a challenge- through what God has you saying and I agree , I am stepping out in faith and making some serious changes finally “feel” it it time, and things are coming together. God is restoring and changes times and seasons. Continued BLESSINGS To You and your family!

    • mary mcabee
    • June 9, 2015

    I’m blown away

  4. Pingback: Prophetic Word: Major Reforming Happening | Doug Addison | gotta LOBIT! …even more

    • Linda Sommers
    • June 9, 2015

    This is highly encouraging! I so needed this today. I’m on the verge of 5 new opportunities…a new era! But it feels stuck! i will contend, and relax! Ha. love you, brother.

    • Lena
    • June 9, 2015

    Thank you

    • Kifra
    • June 9, 2015

    Great and timely word.

    • Stacy
    • June 9, 2015

    I love the encouragement I get EVERYTIME I read one of your updates and prophetic daily words. Look so forward to them… STILL!

    • Cynthia Duke
    • June 9, 2015

    Thank you so much for continuing to pray for our home in Mocksville sell. Since you’ve been praying we’ve had showings. We need to move by July 21,2015 to Birmingham Alabama for my husbands job that he’s been in for two months now. Thank you God for the harvest angels bringing our buyer! Thank you Doug for being the encouragement needed to sustain during this time of transition…you are a gift to the body and greatly appreciated!!

    • Cynthia Duke
    • June 9, 2015


    • E.Clark
    • June 9, 2015

    God Bless you Doug!

    • Jabdin cancel
    • June 9, 2015

    Hi Doug for about the last 2 years i keep seeing the numbers 1213 seems like everytime i look at the clock its always 12:13 it was even the license plate # on a car i rented any idea what it could mean?

    • Monica Downes
    • June 9, 2015

    I’m glad I found your page.

    • Sandi Whiteis
    • June 9, 2015

    In May 2015, I was able to sell my house. That had been a huge saga. What a blessing!!!
    Also in May I adopted a kitten from a rescue and 8 days later, I was notified of a returned dog, I had put in for 3 years ago. The prior owner had returned him as their circumstances had drastically changed and we’re not able to care for him.
    Seems like minor stuff but it is very significant to me.

    • Bobbi
    • June 9, 2015

    This is so encouraging , God has been revealing deep things to me. He has also revealed a major stronghold in this area we live in!! I have taken refuge in Him the safest place to be in the midst of these storms. My hope is in You God !!!!

    • Cindy Schrock
    • June 9, 2015

    Thank you for your ministry of supernatural love and obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ.

    My husband Jeff and I are very encouraged and built up in your daily word, monthly messages and seminar/classes you offer.

    We are believing for children from The Lord, that we would give back to Him as Hannah did for His glory. This message helped me refocus on Jesus the author and perfector of my faith!

    Thank you! – Cindy

    • Kathy A Dowling
    • June 9, 2015

    AS i was reading this a thought came back to me from a few years ago about the very fondations of Governments falling and being shaken up–nations and leaderships in disarray, i did not understand then what it all meant but as things progress and explanations are given -it becomes clearer–our focus is on not being afraid but trust in Jesus for it has to be this way. I have been waiting many years for confirmation and so from me to you Thank-you for listening to His voice and passing it onward . we are standing on the threshold of a new move of Divine Grace and i so want to be a part of the new begining for Mankind.

    • Rachel
    • June 9, 2015


    Increase of everything good and perfect from the Lord to you and yours. No decrease in those things that are yours just as you speak into our lives.

    I plan, on giving to the ministry because it is certianly worthy, just give me some getting it together time.

    Thank you for sharing His heart and yours with the world who is so desparate.

    • Jennifer matty
    • June 9, 2015

    Thank you! That was an awesome word! I’m so blessed by it- right on for what the lord is showing me.
    God bless!
    Jen matty

    • Judith
    • June 9, 2015

    Thanks for reminding me of Gods love and mercy in my life. I have been going through a very different faith journey over the past 9 months and hope that in rebuilding my friendship with God he will redirect me to follow his next compass bearing.

    • Ashleigh
    • June 9, 2015

    Hi Doug thank you-all your posts have been so relevant in my life! Bless you!

    • Christina
    • June 9, 2015

    This word is fresh air. Mom stepping out looking for a place for my daughter,mother and myself. I know God will supply! Thank you!

    • Ranell
    • June 9, 2015

    I felt my spirit soar as I read this. It has seemed as if I was drowning without hope yet know there is something about to breakthrough as I continue to cry out to my God…my help!!

    • Jamie D. from Canada
    • June 9, 2015

    Doug, you’re awesome! Your words today have sparked some life into my weary spirit today. Thank you so much. I really appreciate you and your ministry. I’m so encouraged,(daily). God bless 🙂

    • Gary Severson
    • June 9, 2015

    I’m always encouraged by Doug Addison’s words. Though they don’t always apply to me at the time, often they apply at some time, The above word is no different. In fact, I’m getting excited as I write this note. Yes, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD.

  5. Reply

    LORD, help me to grab on to this word and apply it to my life. I want to believe, please help my unbelief! I feel like I am in a fog right now, just going through the motions, I do want to feel alive again and flowing in your spirit. In Jesus Name Amen

    • Laura
    • June 9, 2015

    Thank you Doug! This is very uplifting and I feel in my heart that God speaks to me through this text! Thank you so much Doug and Be Blessed!

    • Ankie Stuut
    • June 9, 2015

    sorry wrote must be read

    • Ankie Stuut
    • June 9, 2015

    Dear Doug Addison,

    I prease the Lord on High for using you to bring His message. My parents are 54 years married and my dad had a dementia and a serious back pain. I´ve prayed tomorrow that God would heal him completly. When i came home i wrote your prophecy, i was so enjoy and thankfull for what you said about forgetfullness i know my father will be health and his healing will be a testimony for the village they´re living in. God is so good!

    The whole prophecy is a encourage for me, for God is going to do a great thing. I lost my job and it was hard, but God had promoted me: Great things are going to happening!

    Thank you for your daily prophecy, it is every day so true.

      • Rhonda Yeager Acker
      • June 9, 2015

      Ankie IPRAY inAGREEMENT for your Dads HEALING♥
      I claim this by the BLOOD OF JESUS AND BY HIS STRIPES WE ARE HEALED and I’ll stand on it with you AMEN and AMEN♥Luv you my sister in Christ♥

    • Cynthia Reed
    • June 9, 2015

    I had a dream years ago but it stays with me. Here it is in the dream I was praying, cring out to GOD really! In the dream I looked up into the sky it was blue and had clouds. I looked up and I saw an elephants trunk then I heard the LORD say I’ve sounded the alarm! I’ve sounded the alarm! I’ve sounded the alarm! I looked up again and looked down there was two round pools of water I looked back up and GOD threw down 3 dolphins in one of the pools! I looked up again and GOD threw down 3 Dolphins agian in the other pool! I looked up again and GOD threw 3 dolphins again! That was the dream! Would you please give an interpretation of this! I know some of it but not all! Sincerely Cnthia GOD BLESS!

    • Karen Mashak
    • June 9, 2015

    I just talked to my son (we don’t talk often). He said he was gay (he had posted a long discourse on fb) so I already knew + his sister’s had told me years ago.
    He wants to bring home his partner and go around to induce him to family. He said he’s getting older (30)
    and wants to be treated like he has a family.
    We love him and I’m sure I love his partner,
    But I don’t want them sleeping together in our house.
    He was part of the worship team at church…
    I’m not judging but how should respond?
    Thank you Doug
    I’m encouraged by your blog and monthly

      • Debbie
      • June 10, 2015

      A standing rule at my house is no sleeping together unless you are married. This causes some discomfort with my son, stepson and others….but my accountability isn’t to them. Additionally, if I relent on my conviction then my witness loses credibility.

      • Maria
      • June 9, 2015

      God doesn’t have a sex. He is a spirit of light and love. That is the way you should see your son. Other ways of thinkng are full of misconceptions and lack of love.

    • Dolly Hearns
    • June 9, 2015

    what a power ful word__I receive every thing the word+ lord said– thank U JESUS–i receive it–I receive it–I receive it1

    • Inem Ikpidungise
    • June 9, 2015

    This is a true word from God. I can relate with everything Dough has said.
    I just ended a thirty days fasting and prayers and have been for ears to hear and eyes to see what the Spirit is saying and showing.
    I have neglected major dealings and visitations from God in time past and am currently praying for enablement and grace to pick up those things that had fallen off my hands and full restoration to my divine calling and assignment. Bless you Dough

    • Michelle Jacobsen
    • June 9, 2015

    This is SO what my husband Larry and I need. It has been a long time…..and we have been waiting for direction….. This prophecy gives me hope…. Thank-you….

    • Faye
    • June 9, 2015

    Thanks for clarification. I wrote in my journal on 5/27/15 when I was awakened “watch for the wall cloud” was all I heard. Also something about “222”-have seen several times! I searched several passages but not Daniel.

    • Karen Hitchings
    • June 9, 2015

    Your daily prophetic words have ministered to me so much. I have changed my email address and would appreciate you changing it at your end as I do not want to loose this. It is
    Thank you

    • Stewart McGregor
    • June 9, 2015

    You are a blessing, a blessing to many that you do not even know and will most probably never meet, see or speak too.

    • Austin
    • June 9, 2015

    Great word! Thank you for sharing.

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