Prophetic Word: No More Anxiety, Worry or Panic

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Prophetic Word: No More Anxiety, Worry or Panic
October 22, 2015
Doug Addison

Earlier this month, I released my Prophetic Word for October. But God has been speaking so much over the past month that I have not been able to release it all at once. I wanted to share this article with you to encourage you with a Part 2 this month.

Anxiety, worry and panic attack
There is an attack right now to get people to worry, panic or become anxious. This is to try to keep you from operating in peace. Old things are coming to the surface as God is bringing healing on a deeper level. Do not mistake this time of healing as regression.

Things are being brought to the surface for the purpose of strengthening you so that you can cross into the new season at hand. Take time to get healing and do not be alarmed or wonder why things that you have already dealt with in the past seem to resurface.

It is important to rise above this attack so that you can receive some of the things that I mention below.

Weeping turns to reaping
God spoke to me that many people who have gone through difficult times are going to see a change happen. We are entering into a time of answered prayers. God has heard your cry and this year will bring about the fulfillment of some promises that you may have given up on or forgotten.

Those of you who have been crying, and crying out for change, are going to start receiving repayment for all your pain.

“Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy.” Psalm 126:5 NIV

There is a time of change here for those who have “sown with tears.” Your turnaround is here as God has heard your cries and is answering your prayers. Your sowing and weeping is now turning into sowing and reaping. This means that God is repaying your pain!

[Tweet “Your “sowing and weeping” is now turning into “sowing and reaping.” “]

Watchman being restored
Many intercessors have grown tired and some were negatively influenced and began to judge others regarding the things they were seeing from God. This judgment caused them to lose their authority in prayer. When God reveals something to the intercessors, it is meant for prayer, not to bring judgment.

“I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.” Isaiah 62:6–7 NIV

God is restoring prophetic intercessors and He is also raising up new watchmen on the walls. God showed me it is the prophetic intercessors who have prevented many terrorist attacks, although they are not aware of this.

Just as terrorists often operate in sleeper cells in which they are not aware of the actions of the other small cells of terrorists, so it is with small prophetic intercession groups. Their efforts may go unnoticed and they often are not aware of the actions of other intercessors.

God is restoring the authority of the intercessors as they step away from using what they are praying to judge others. There is new power coming to reveal and stop the attacks of the enemy.

[Tweet “There is new power coming to reveal and stop the attacks of the enemy.”]

More is on the way
The key to getting the breakthroughs you need right now is to stop the attacks that take away your peace. As you do this, God is going to unleash a floodgate of revelation, creative ideas and blessings. Those who have sown in tears are going reap with joy.


Doug Addison

P.S. Want to connect with what God is doing on a daily basis? Sign up to receive my Daily Prophetic Word for free.

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.


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  1. Reply

    Plz help I’m suffering from an enxiety that makes me shake the whole body and more in hands for about 34 years I went to the doctors and hospital nothing helped it is too strong and I also got an accident long time ago my back and spine burned please I need your prayers I can’t even conceive for the second time.thanks I know you will help God bless

    • Me
    • November 10, 2015

    Wow, Doug. You have an amazing gift and ability to hear God. Unfortunately, you seem to have shared all of your insight without taking precautions. Now the enemy is using that knowledge against you. Good luck in the future as I won’t be using your words to make important life decisions. That’s truly disappointing. Please don’t assume you are helping to prevent terrorist attacks. You are also preventing corruption from being exposed. Be careful how far you go down that road– holding hands with the government. They might make you into something you’re not once they’re done using you.

    • Jisun Youn
    • October 27, 2015

    Thank you so much for your post. I have been suffering with worries, anxieties with my personal life and with work boundaries.
    This post really encouraged me to have more faith and hope in God.
    Two questions,
    1. You said God will fulfill some of promises this year. Is this year refer to 2015 Calendar year? Or Jewish year?
    2. You mentioned the key to breakthrough me is to stop the attacks. How I can stop the attacks? Do you have any detail advise for this?

    Thank you so much

    • Cheryl
    • October 26, 2015

    Thanks Doug! I receive this!!! I pray to God there is an immediate change for us that I have longed for – for many years!!!

    • Andrew
    • October 23, 2015

    Spot on again bro!



    • Magalie
    • October 23, 2015

    Love this word.

    • Alison
    • October 23, 2015

    i you think it will attack you it will have faith in yourself

    • Susanne
    • October 23, 2015

    I have recently been experiencing these attacks! Thank you Doug for this word of encouragement and hope. God bless you and protect you.

    • Laquanis Johnson
    • October 23, 2015

    Thank you and thank God for you!
    #ontimeGod #ontimeword #confirmationreceived

    • Heidi mckeehan
    • October 23, 2015

    Lord it is always good to hear your plan is not far away.we have labored with these emotional restraints long enough. Bring help now. Bring recovery now. Cut off the devil now. That we may live outside of these emotional restraints and feelings of defeat. This shall not overtake us. You live strong in us. We have you as you guide and our salvation! Who or what dare to stand again us. No weapon that is made can stand against us.
    Be gone!!!! BE Gone IN YOUR POWER FILLED name.

      • Jenny
      • October 24, 2015

      I am so grateful to see what Jesus has revealed to u. Obstacles R already trying to get in the way as I have a big opportunity to attend a healing service tomorrow by a very well known speaker. I would be so grateful for prayers to get there and to be touched and healed from a diagnosis of a terminal illness. This is in Orlando, FL- a city I live less then an hour from. Please pray my healing is manifested and Satan keeps his bag of tricks away from me and all who want to attend. I am a 49 yr old mother of 3. Husband left years ago, youngest almost grown but needs me. I still want to live here on earth. Muscles have been failing and now I am in a wheelchair. I do cry a lot and have been through depression time and time again. Now Diagnosed w/ advanced Lyme Disease giving me all the symptoms of ALS. Thank you so very much. Angels intercede and allow me to get there safely. Let this be my time for complete healing.
      Thank you so much, Jenny

  2. Reply

    I have been studying communion and the power in taking it daily and blogging on different aspects of communion for 31 days during October. This has been a powerful key for us. My sister who lives with us and has been having huge attacks of anxiety took communion twice yesterday and noticed a difference.

  3. Reply

    Doug, the prophetic intercessor in me has
    been almost too difficult at times. I KNOW
    I have been “under the gun” so to speak. I
    have even been “trying” my family silly. I
    believe they believe I have “slipped” a bit.
    However, it’s as I were glued to CNN and
    simply waiting for things to “bear down on”
    Does anyone else feel like I do, or have I
    just flipped a little. God Bless Y’all.

    • Jeri
    • October 22, 2015

    WOW, I can really relate to this in so many ways. I have recently made some major life changes and its been hell ever since. I have picked up an old habit that I hate and I keep telling myself that’s the reason for so much trouble. I can hear God telling me that its not true at the appointed time I will be restored. Coming from a church that preached works its hard to believe that i have no control over this. Stress can’t even be described. I know in Whom I have believed and I am fully persuaded that He that has begun a good work in me is able to perform it and bring it to pass. Blessing for those who carry the gifts and use them to glorify God.

    • Bernadine Wiley
    • October 22, 2015

    thank you, Doug Addison! I have been crying out to the Lord for breakthrough — and for deeper wisdom and discernment.

    • Makenna
    • October 22, 2015

    Doug, your messages are a source of strong encouragement to my husband and I. Your sharing kept us strong through a season of tough attacks, by keeping us focused on what God reveals. Thank you for sharing and may you receive the desires of your heart!

  4. Reply

    My wife and I both have been seeing things that need healing lately. We’ve been wondering just this very thing, like “Didn’t we already get healed of this?” It’s so confirming to hear what God is up to!

    • Karen
    • October 22, 2015

    Thanks for this message !! This was for me ! Such a timely word! I receive this word with the spirit over my mind because this word is life for me. God really loves me and he just keeps reminding me through prophets and people of God like you Doug . I’m so Grateful! Keep on doing what the lord has called and equipped you to do. Be blessed my brother .

    • Lynn Mattina
    • October 22, 2015

    Thank you Doug!
    This word (and last month along with it) is key! Its right on target and timely for this time. God is “re-setting” us and we have to allow Him to do it. Its imperative that we maintain God’s peace within us for whats coming next.

    • Brenda
    • October 22, 2015

    I went into a trance about a year ago and a voice said to go to Psalm 126. I had been crying out to God before I slipped into the trance. Never before had that Psalm spoken to me as it did that morning. Lately the spirit of God has been reminding me of the promise He gave me in Psalm 126. Your word is on point. Surely the Lord He has spoken.

    • Deandra
    • October 22, 2015

    ON time word Thank u Father God who loves us so dearly and thank u Holy Spirit!! Doug, How do we stop the attack? I am so blessed by your ministry may The Lord bless you and keep you and make his face to shine upon you brother.

  5. Reply

    May God’s richest blessings fall upon you and your ministry!!

    • Ann
    • October 22, 2015

    Thank you for the words from m God s been blessing

    • Bug
    • October 22, 2015

    1 Corinthians 14: 29 Let 2 or 3 prophets speak, and let the others pass judgement.
    From 1 Corinthians 14 we see that prophecies(and visions) are to be judged by others who know God and the truth of His Word.

    • Linda Lindner
    • October 22, 2015


    • Linda Lindner
    • October 22, 2015


    • Kelley Morris
    • October 22, 2015

    I am soooooooooooo ready for the reaping!

    • MARTHA Jane MacAdam
    • October 22, 2015

    Needed this word greatly. Son in law died in sleep one year ago. Left 3 little boys and our daughter in middle of termoil. Now settled in new job, new state and life. Heart attack at age 39. Take care of yourself! MJM

      • Jenny K.
      • October 22, 2015

      So sorry to hear that! I have had 2 really close friends die within the past few years – I don’t know but it seems like my 40’s are being fraught with grief. :/ ~ a good friend of ours just passed away last week from a long hard battle with brain cancer he (and his wife too) came down with while being missionaries in China. She recovered, but he went on. We miss him greatly but know he is free of all pain now and having a much better time having fun with Jesus in Heaven. 🙂 I have found much solace in Kat Kerr’s ministry, and reading her books “Revealing Heaven” 1 and 2 helped me lots with the grief and sadness we are left with down here on earth.

    • Rachael
    • October 22, 2015

    Thank you for this encouraging word and explanation of the negative, judgmental, and dark season I am going through. The word the Lord has given to you gives me hope that this season will soon be over. Praise Jesus!

    • Heather Sparks-Willick
    • October 22, 2015

    thank you for sharing this… I have been under attack for the last 4 months- battling fear, anxiety and depression. That is not me and has beat me down pretty hard but I stand in a place of hope. I speak against the lies from my past and I fight for life! God has already conquered my enemies. Thanks again for this word. Today is my birthday and I really needed this:)


    • Eileen
    • October 22, 2015

    This is so timely for me. I just opened up on a closed group of Kim Clement Den members and ask for pray to be delivered from just what you are talking about in this article you just posted. I NEED TO BE FREE IN JESUS. I NEED THE PERFECT LOVE OF GOD BECAUSE PERFECT LOVE CAST OUT ALL FEARS. I AM NOT THHERE YET…BUT IT IS COMING SOON. I WANT TO BE A TOOL GOD USES TO DELIVER OTHERS FROM THE TORMENT OF FEAR THAT IS STRAIGHT FROM THE PIT OF HELL. I have never opened up to others about my struggles on such a wide audience as I did last night. This gives me hope. Thank You and God Bless!!!

      • Heidi mckeehan
      • October 23, 2015

      You are not alone. I too have walked here and desire complete rescue from the lord.
      Lorduse our testimony for your call to stand strong. To not allow our hearts to get weakened. Lord cover us with your blood and send angels to surround us to protect us as we live life. This thing that is not us mist leave. It has no place and is given no place. We bind this set of emotional restraints and speak healing now. All fear anxiety and panic Iis gone now in Jesus name. Thank you father!!! We will walk in it.

    • N'Jema McIntyre
    • October 22, 2015

    Thank you for your prophetic daily word. There are times when you hit the nail right on the head. Other times it doesn’t apply right away. I try to keep up with your daily word and share it on my Facebook page. You are an inspiration to me and keep me motivated to stay hopeful. God is truly working through your words and encouragement for the body of Christ. I have been experiencing some difficult days but I know God is working to help me see what He is doing. Please keep my family lifted and my congregation at Cathedral of Praise in DeKalb, IL.

    Thank you again for your message of hope and fulfillment.


      • Heidi mckeehan
      • October 23, 2015

      How powerful to share. As I read your comment I see I’mnot alone in my walk for perfect love. It’s time for us to arrive and no longer tread water.
      Lord we stand taking back all that’sbeen stoken. Our opeace is our peace! In Jesus name fear is devoured and love and peace flood our minds and souls. We stand in the gate and declare we are free from this emotional issue and expect turnaaround now. Thank you Jesus.

    • Jeannine
    • October 22, 2015

    Glory To God! What an encouraging word!
    God will restore, heal and deliver His people.
    Thank You Doug. I got Psalm 111 today!

    • monica
    • October 22, 2015

    Doug thank you very much for this word from the Lord,I recieved. Will you please pray for me, i have a worship cd launch on tthe 7th November 2015 that will start at 18pm. My desire is for Lord to give us cloud that day and touche each one. I do it all for the Glory of God. Your suster in Christ Jesus Monica.

    • Kimberly
    • October 22, 2015

    A great word to encourage and keep Kingdom minded.The Bible says the place for our enemy is “under our heels”,yet his attacks come before our feet hit the floor in morning.Sounds like a great time in Christ is here. Thank you.

  6. Reply

    I needed this I was hired by the United States postal service as a carrier on September 22, 2015, and I have felt so much opposition from the enemy to the point where my manager is threating to let me go because I don’t work fast enough for them even though I am doing the job right. I started to worry Lord now what am I going to do? Then I remembered this prophetic word not to worry.

      • NP
      • October 22, 2015

      Just remember, the Lord is your source, not your job. If you lose your job the Lord will open up a better one. If you just keep doing an excellent job the Lord will reward you. Also, maybe someone is just envious. Just bless them and keep treating them with respect until you win them over.

    • Cynthia Derrick
    • October 22, 2015

    Wow prophet Doug Addison bless you I was in worship the other morning and I saw all of this rubish falling down like a building or wall crumbling down then I saw this beautiful flowing water type waterfall flowing down amen hallelujah Jesus indeed

    • Eileen
    • October 22, 2015

    This is so in my season. A great confirmation.
    Bless you brother.

    • Gloria Jeanne
    • October 22, 2015

    As I read your prophecies for October (although late in the reading of them), I see that they had been coming into fruition all the while. They are so right on! Spiritual quenching in lands where often ‘no water is’.

  7. Reply

    Thanks for sharing this. It is truly a confirmation! I have been in attack these past days and wondering why some old destructive habits had come into surface again. But as I entered into the secret place with the Lord, I found comfort, strength and even a deeper revelation of my identity as a child of God! My deliverence comes from knowing that I am a child of God (Romans 8:15, 1 John 1:3)

    • Esther
    • October 22, 2015

    Thank you brother Doug, for your timely word. I have attacked with anxiety, worry and panic for more than 1 year after going through a traumatic event last Aug. Much as I want to recover and move on, it’s been extremely tough because the attacks just came almost non-stop so much so that I was starting to entertain suicidal thoughts. Last night, I wept uncontrollably before the Lord, pouring forth all the hurts and frustrations telling the Lord to help me move on. I am so glad I received His confirmation today through your faithfulness. Thank you again and God bless!

    • Charlene
    • October 22, 2015

    Stay in the Joy, helps you to be calm, relaxed and focused, you hear the lord and are able to receive direction, strategy and vision. Stir up the joy everyday, separate the emotions and don’t function from them.

    • Veena Pillay
    • October 22, 2015

    thank you for your obedience Doug. Thank you for this word. this speaks right into my heart. This word is meant for me. I receive this word. I claim restoration in every aspect of my life. God continue to anoint you to bless others. Thank you for being a blessing.

      • Heidi mckeehan
      • October 23, 2015

      Your commentII’d so life giving.
      I’ve had emotional dfear attacks and my bp has been effected. I’m praying down the bp and speaking joy.

    • Munyaradzi Hlomani
    • October 22, 2015

    Hi Doug , thank you for all you doing , thank you

    • D Peterson
    • October 22, 2015

    God is confirming His word of repayment to me. I was given Jer31:16 ‘Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears; for your work shall be rewarded.’
    Thank you for the confirmation.

    • sereili walter
    • October 22, 2015

    Thank you Lord for the Great Time Listening To You all the Glory for all the LOVE AND LIFE i got Blessed to thank you.

    Blessed assurance

    SEREILI Walter

    Need more of your TEACHINGS

    • sue
    • October 22, 2015

    spot on!

    • Belle
    • October 22, 2015

    Thanks Doug! So encouraging and full of hope. Just what I needed to read right now! Miss you and Linda as always.

    Love, Belle

    • Nancy
    • October 22, 2015

    Hi Doug – this is a great word but how do we “stop the attacks of the enemy that take away peace”? Typically, declaring in the opposite spirit, declaring scripture, etc but nothing seems to be working right now for me. Is there a new strategy?

      • Cassie
      • October 27, 2015

      Doug – I would also like to understand. My husband (we are currently separated) deals with PTSD, insomnia, anxiety, physical pain due to failed carpal tunnel surgery (he is a programmer by trade, but that is gone now/because of the pain) etc. He has a hard time going before God because of how much pain he has been through since a child. He is in a place where he doesn’t believe God loves him because of how much extreme suffering he has experienced,. Including not being healed of the *many* sufferings he experiences on a daily basis. He took an extreme fall from grace recently. He was coping the best way he knew how just to not commit suicide, but it got him into some serious sin. He says he has repented, but is exhausted, angry, hopeless. Has major trust issues because of the ptsd and his continual sufferings and says he can’t trust God because he thinks God hates him. I so desperately want to understand how he can be healed of all of this – my marriage can’t afford a guess or trial and error. I’ve been praying for years..he is on death’s doorstep every day. What could possibly be standing in the way of his healing? He is awake for days at a time, barely gets by with pills and booze. He just can’t muster up the energy or drive to “work harder/do more” in his words. He doesn’t understand why God the comforter who helps us in time of need, healer/wont comfort/heal/help him. He used to hear God daily, but wonders why “God won’t speak to him anymore” in his words, especially during the worst time in his life. Does anyone have a definite answer on what needs to happen here? It’s such a delicate situation.

        • Joan
        • November 25, 2015

        I can relate to many of his feelings…not feeling God was going to help in any way… David cried out many times of being overwhelmed by the enemy… Where was his help and hope… When I was not in my right mind and death was on me God used prayer warriors to get it off of me so I could get a glance at His love for me… Rom 15:1…Little by little I could begin to praise using Psalms even though I didn’t feel it’s truth. As His body in the earth we who are stronger lift up the hurting ones. As your husband/brother in the Lord, Lk 10:19 givesyou the power to get darkness of the enemy off him. I agree for his restoration/healing and greater understanding of FATHER’S love. God bless you.

      • Reply

        I am so sorry that your husband is going through this. Bad things happen to good people all the time. Believing in Jesus is a faith/ heart issue and one that only the Holy Spirit can woo your husband back to believing again. You can pray for your husband’s eyes to be open and for him to see the different between darkness and light, and the kingdom of satan and the kingdom of God. You can declare bible promises over him even though you are separated. Find ones in Psalms, etc, and read the verse with your husband’s name it when you pray it over him.

        God may or may not heal your husband, but God can revive his heart with love and peace and be in relationship with him. I know this is not a perfect answer. I know so many people who love God and who are suffering mentally and physically, despite their relationship with Jesus. Maybe people who are going through this can post books or resources that have helped them understand and cope with their situations. Blessing you with strength and courage in this time.

      • Jen
      • October 22, 2015

      I have recently been finding success in closing my eyes and imagining a courtroom and then asking God to make right any wrongs done thru the accusing of the enemy, first agreeing with the accusations, if applicable (they usually are, knowingly or unknowingly:)) and then asking the courts of heaven to decree justice thru Jesus, who is always there to cover us with His blood, rendering me innocent and my accuser the guilty one. I then ask for policing angels to take care of the areas which have been being attacked in my life. I have so much more peace just imagining them fighting for me and my family, and something actually being DONE about the hardships in our lives. Hope this helps, as I feel your frustration and have total empathy for you!

        • Shellie
        • October 24, 2015

        This type of thing I have struggled with too. God has personally counselled me recently about ensuring my spiritual armour is on (Ephesians 6) I’ve made it my goal to find out more specifically about each piece and how it protects our mindset. The result is remarkable and speaks multitudes to me on how supreme his ways are. Keeping our eyes fixed on him and what he can do is so essential.

      • Will Kauffman
      • October 22, 2015

      I used to struggle big time with fear and anxiety as well as depression. Several things God used to bring me to freedom. Two of the things are, I worshiped God until I was in his presence. The revelation I experienced of who he is a Father while in his presence finally sunk in. Secondly perfected love cast out fear. God does not speak the language of fear. When I hear fear or anxiety speaking I do not listen to it anymore, because I know it is not God speaking to me.

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