Prophetic Word: Breaking Through … Out of the Box

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Prophetic Word: Breaking Through…Out of the Box

Doug Addison
March 4, 2016

March is a breakthrough month and it will be the start of God releasing new “marching orders.” There will be a lot of shifting and changing happening. We will see a sudden acceleration of favor and rapid advancements.

Expect to see a lot of movement as God is realigning you to operate at higher levels than you have in the past. The saying, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb” is going to be reversed. We are going to go out like a lion. We will see the start of new things. They might look small, but the result will be a greater impact.

[Tweet “Expect 2 see movement as God is realigning u 2 operate @ higher levels than u have in the past.”]

March breakthrough
Last September I received two major prophetic words that are being fulfilled in our lives starting this month. God spoke to me that we are all walking through a season of pruning similar to John 15. Pruning is when God reveals and removes things that might have worked in the past but are no longer effective for the present time. The result will bring us greater spiritual authority, allow us to operate in greater anointing, and most of all, bring the deeper intimacy that many have longed for. You can read that full prophetic word here.

The second prophetic word is exciting as we are in a countdown to liftoff in March. Last year on Yom Kippur (September 23, 2015) I got a prophetic timetable based on the number 24. Many people are going to see a major change in their lives 24 weeks after Yom Kippur, which is the week of March 9, 2016.

God also spoke to me that when we (in the U.S.) set the clocks forward in the spring, things will begin to “spring forward” in the spiritual realm. The date for this is March 13, 2016. Watch for the first two weeks of March to bring some radical changes. We are going to see many sudden 24-hour turnarounds over the next 24 months. You can read more here.

Hooks and limitations are being revealed
As part of the pruning process we are all in, God is revealing the places that the enemy has gotten hooks in us. Some of these attacks have been hidden or covert but they are coming to light right now. It is important to respond and tend to these as they are revealed.

Begin asking God to show you what the enemy does not want you to see. In order to operate effectively in the new season we are in, we will need to fix a few things. One is our understanding of what is possible. We tend to limit God to our own understanding or experiences. It is time to let God out of the box of our understanding and prepare to be stretched!

[Tweet “It is time to let God out of the box of our understanding and prepare to be stretched!”]

One thing that God is doing right now is sending out invitations and God is beginning to move in the lives of people everywhere. God is interested particularly in those who have lost hope, or have been in a hidden season and those who have been rejected or wounded by Christianity. In order to do this God is releasing new keys to help us cross over to this new season.

Fishing story
In Luke 5, Jesus entered the boat of Peter and told him to put out to deep water. He instructed them where to let down their nets and they caught so many fish that their nets broke. They had to signal for help from another boat and they caught so many fish that both boats nearly sank.

Fish can often be symbolic of people and water can represent the Spirit or the Kingdom of God. Indeed the early church, in the Book of Acts, experienced this as many began to follow them. To them it was equivalent to being in deep water and the disciples were stretched as God opened salvation to people groups that were outside of the disciples’ comforts or belief systems (Acts 10).

Luke 5 was a prophetic parable of what Jesus is now calling us to. But there was also another fishing encounter that Peter and a few disciples had with Jesus in John 21. During a time when things looked discouraging, Jesus stood on the shore and called out to them to let down their nets. But this time He told them to cast them on the other side of the boat. Again, they caught a large number of fish, but this time the nets did not break.

The prophetic message in the John 21 experience is that they had to cast their nets on the opposite side of the boat. God is drawing people but they are not where we might think. Also in John 21, Peter had previously denied the Lord three times and felt like he had messed up. But it was in this encounter that Peter was restored to his Kingdom calling. Many people who have felt that they either messed up or have been hidden or forgotten are suddenly going to have an encounter with the Lord.

God’s call to us now
Look again at Luke 5 where God is calling us to mend the holes we have in our nets. The holes represent gaps in our understanding that have kept us from drawing in people that need His love and acceptance. He is also calling us to network just as they had to call over other boats to help with such a large harvest. Immediately after the large fish encounter, Jesus asked them to lay down their nets and follow Him. This is a sacrifice that God is calling people to right now.

This year many people are being called to lay down their own ministries and businesses for a time and help those who are starting to experience greater favor. The result will expand the Kingdom much more quickly and it will bring a blessing to those who make the sacrifice. It is time to share Kingdom resources with churches and ministries that are about to emerge.

[Tweet “It is time to share Kingdom resources with churches and ministries that are about to emerge.”]

Watch for these things to happen:

• Hooks that the enemy has placed in us are being revealed.
• We need to mend the holes in our nets, which are the things that have prevented people from experiencing God’s love through us.
• God is calling us into “deep water” experiences, which are experiences outside of our comfort zones.
• We will need to try doing things differently than we have in the past (cast our nets on the other side of the boat).

Many people will be called to lay down what they are doing to help others for a season, and as a result, they will also share in the blessing.



Doug Addison

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.


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    • Stella Maris Mbabazi
    • March 10, 2016

    Grateful to God 4 the word. Now I begin putting together things that have puzzled me. I know He is at work so that I may be part of this team. Glory to God. Thank you.

    • Hanna Claesson
    • March 8, 2016

    Happy Birthday Doug! ????? God Bless you! ⚓️⚓️⚓️⚓️⚓️ Its your year! ?✌️ Have a wonderful day! // Hanna

  1. Reply

    “This year many people are being called to lay down their own ministries and businesses for a time and help those who are starting to experience greater favor. The result will expand the Kingdom much more quickly and it will bring a blessing to those who make the sacrifice. It is time to share Kingdom resources with churches and ministries that are about to emerge.”

    I just arrived back in the US, last week, after two and a half years on the mission field in foreign nations. I had a dream last fall that the Lord would take me out of Japan before I had accomplished what He had asked of me. That exit happened as suddenly as it did in the dream. As I sought the Lord about the next season, He told me to return to work with the prophetic ministry that sent me out. The work there is “emerging” in new ways and at a rapid pace, with intense power.

    It was a heart wrenching time with the Lord. Could He trust me to lay down the vision He has given me and submit to the vision of this house again? As I lay my dreams at His feet, He revealed, once again, that the vision of the house is kingdom~a vision I share with my whole heart.

    This word touched me in a special way. Thank you.

    • gilberto
    • March 7, 2016

    Two scriptural comments about March period(Luke 5) and 24 months timetable.
    1) In Luke 5, “the other boat” that happened Peter’s is really another type. As in greek we have the words allos and heteros that translted to English means another from the same type(allos) and another or other, but a different type(heteros) – like in heterosexual. The beauty of God’s word through you is enhanced thru this grammar argument, but above all I thank and honor you for listeni g from God and bring such a beautiful and powerful word for this season. Actually, I was called into the word ministry several years ago through this portion of scripture. It meant much to me and I see God renewing its meaning again in a season that I was hidden. It is awesomely glorious. I am getting ready for har e s ting with different partners, but Ask you all to pray a bout who these are suppoed to be.

    Detail about 24 months in Joseph’s story – He also waited 24 months before being promoted – Genesis 40:23 n 41:01. It is amazing to observe, be able to built upon and share these things with you all, including you Doug and your ministry team.

    I am a missionary in Japan discerning that God is about breaking through and change Japan spiritual landscape forever. What we need now is to receive prayer from you all as we also are praying for your breakthrough as well.

    Blessings to you all in His awesome name,


    If you want to learn or share more – keep in touch.

  2. Reply

    God is realigning His church into the Greek New Testament concept of ekklesia.–Ekklesia-ebook/dp/B0192D9PRY/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8

    • Teresa
    • March 7, 2016

    Great word! I love the encouragement!

    God Bless!

    • Barbara
    • March 6, 2016

    I had a dream I was going into a church service or meeting and I was wearing a gold suit. There was a couple I perceived to be a minister and his wife watching me. As I continue to walk in my hair began to turn good also. A large dog started growling at me and a friend step beside me and said don’t worry about him he want bite and I woke up. I’m not clear as to what it mean. I would love to hear your feedback. Blessing!

    • Mary Lyons
    • March 5, 2016

    Regarding the number 24: My birthday adds to 24 so I am expected a surprise move of God!
    I did inherit a house and land this year but it has some of my hooks and I am asking the Lord who is the Fisher of Men to reveal and remove these obstacles and personal issues for me.

    • Nancy Bateson
    • March 4, 2016

    After I read this I looked back at some dreams that the LORD gave me 7 months ago that had yet to be interpreted. God is beginning to reveal to me through that dream the hooks that the enemy has placed in me. I’m just starting to get revelation and I thank you for the words that God has spoken through his Prophet. You are a blessing from God especially to me Doug. Thank you for teaching me to interpret dreams and thank you for your prophetic guidance through these words. God bless you mightily.

    • Hattie Booker
    • March 4, 2016

    Fantastic word. We receive it and we are expecting to go to new levels in this year of the leaping and jumping and movement,
    Thanks for the encouragement. You always have in time right on word. keep it up.

    • Barb
    • March 4, 2016

    Another comment: breakthrough out of the box I guess I had a breakthrough…I actually left a comment which I’m not crazy about communicating on line which I don’t trust! Barb. (B.B.)

    • Barb
    • March 4, 2016

    I Thank my God for every Rememberence of you! God Bless Doug Addison’s Ministry in every way including Health & Finance which always seems to be a need in Ministry. Now to the comment! Thank-You for sharing this message which I felt compelled to read today. I sence the spirit of The Lord has tied in with other thoughts that God could be moving me in New Way or Direction…I guess the key is to mend the holes in the net so the fish don’t fall out! Trust the Holy Spirit & Not the mind will & emotions! Thank-You So Much for your messages from God! Barb. (B.B.)

    • Kimberly
    • March 4, 2016

    It’s so nice to have an other reason to give God praise and that’s for Doug and his ministry. Because of your transparency,love and being so humble,God is able to trust you to give to us. The things He gave u for this month r crazy good,wow…amazing how u can “see”,WOW…thank you!!!

    • Patty Stark
    • March 4, 2016

    I always love reading these after watching Spirit Connection. It’s like a bullet point recap of the webcast and helps to put a framework around what can sometimes be confusing or overwhelming to take in the first time.
    In the Webcast you spoke on LA being prophesied to be “under water” by a certain time, which could be now. You spoke of the fear many had from this prophecy. You are not afraid, but many others are. As you spoke, I felt that there was no need to fear, I thought that the water was not a physical water that would destroy, but a spiritual “water” covering the LA basin, that would bring abundant life! A deep water of the presence of the Holy Spirit surrounding everything and every one. Then reading this today you shared that one of the meanings of water can be the Spirit or Kingdom of God. I was so excited to see the confirmation of what God had placed on my heart and pray for The Spirit and Kingdom of God to rain down on the Los Angeles basin until it is overflowing to the north, south, east and west!
    I’m so excited to see all that God is going to do this month in the lives of the believers who are “seeking Him with all their hearts”! I’m so excited to walk out the promises that have been on hold for the last seven years in my life and in my family. But mostly I’m so excited that Christ is glorified and lifted high, that Who He really is will shine forth with a brilliance that will change lives!
    Thank you for your willingness and sacrifice to listen and obey. Thank you for sharing so that others have The hope that is promised that will never disappoint or put us to shame! Thank you for being a beacon of that hope despite the trials you have endured! Thank you for pouring into my life in ways you will never know, but have contributed to setting me on a course to walk in the fullness of the calling He has placed on me! Thank you seems so small and insignificant, but it comes to you from the depths of my heart. Thank you!

  3. Reply

    Hi Doug: You are not only a gift to all of us, but, you are a gift to the kingdom. Your ministry is very powerful and so very connected to my own heart.

    I had a dream in Nov 2013, I was in an all glass high rise building here in Portland. The Willamette River had over-flowed and was now up to the 18 floor, about a foot up my window. Then, I was down in the parking Lot some time later, the water was gone, back to normal. I was about to give birth to a baby. I could feel every movement and the pain. My husband was with me, and my step son was looking for the car, then I woke up. I know deep in my heart that I was about to give birth to something New! Bobby Connor told me at Bethel, that I was a Super-Overcomer! You have mentioned both of these in the last month! I feel hope, thank you!

    • Greg
    • March 4, 2016

    Saw this box in a dream last night. I didn’t know what was in it or what to do with it. I thought to open it to see what it was. Then I saw this this morning. Good stuff. Thanks!

    • March 4, 2016

    On the evening of March 2nd. a bright lighted aura engulfed me thereby momentarily transferring me into my future. In that wordless vision came a wordless picturesque prophecy of my upcoming rescue and freedom from the suffocating entanglement of the past four years. Now after reading this March 2016 prophecy from Doug, I am more confident as I in obedience continue to cast my net in more challenging waters, ‘the other side of the boat’. As I step by step follow His guidance, it is this prophetic vision’s complete joyfully-freeing unfolding fulfillment for which I now await.
    Thankyou ?

  4. Reply

    This is so incredible as here in my area I have been experiencing some of the points you have brought in this teaching. So exciting.
    Especially sharing about liftoff; the Lord had just shown this to us in our prayer time on Tues
    Blessings, sc

    • Renee
    • March 4, 2016

    Yes, God is removing hooks. 51 years ago the enemy did something that has been blocking me from embracing the Blood of Jesus. It has always been a hindrance. Sometimes I would have to leave places where people talked about it. Last week however God dismantled that old structure inside of me. He washed me off and set me free. What was once very disturbing has now become something of gratitude and awe. I’m even choosing to listen to people talk about the Blood of Jesus. It is awesome!

      • Tonya
      • March 7, 2016


    • Dorcas Stalling
    • March 4, 2016

    Awesome WORD and some much needed confirmation. Thank you JESUS!!!

      • Tonya
      • March 7, 2016


  5. Reply

    I am afraid of beauty, success and reach…ironically I am called to serve on a mountain that is propped up by these things…the arts and entertainment mountain. God has been challenging me in these areas…I find it hard to receive goodness because I have had a season of great losses and a lifetime of great pain. While I know God has made me whole internally, living (practically) in a whole place is SO far from my realm of experience that it is terrifying… I know things are turning around in a big way and that is sooo exciting …now I’m plugging in deeper into Him so that I can live out all that He is saying and showing me…entering a season of rapid changes and favor…your prophetic word is a confirmation of this for me. Bless you!!!?

    • Robertsine Israel
    • March 4, 2016

    Awesome word,I receive !

    • maureen earnshaw
    • March 4, 2016

    i had a dream thursady 3rd march , 2016. I was in a small boat as a passenger . The boat was travelling fast out into the deep of the ocean . I was afraid . GOD said, dont be afraid , trust me . As i trusted GOD i could see down into the depths of the sea bed and the Lord said, I even have communities down there . I could see lots of housing communities layed out into estates. I believe God is taking me deeper to look at communities of people out side of my normal sphere , as I relax and trust in Him.

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