It’s Time to Share Your Story—Get Ready to Write!

serious young man sitting on the chair and writing in the notebook

There is power in the words of your story and testimony—Revelation 12:11. If God has done anything in your life, or spoken to you, then you might have a story that needs to be shared.

For years, I had every reason not to pursue my destiny as a writer. I did terribly in my English and speech classes in high school. I had learning disabilities and struggled a lot with communication and grammar, let alone the thought of writing a book.

Divine interruption

I had a spiritual experience in 2002 at 5 a.m., in which I heard the audible voice of an angel say, “Doug Addison, get up and write.” I got up, and over the next 2 weeks in the early hours before work, I wrote the outline for a book.

Then I spent the next 2 years feeling guilty about avoiding writing the rest of the manuscript.

I had a lot of good reasons to avoid finishing it:

1. I am not a writer.
2. I do not have time.
3. What if people do not like it?
4. What if I fail in front of the entire world?

God had given me a message during those early morning hours in 2002. I was more comfortable sharing it in smaller groups or in sermons and workshops. Then God spoke to me that I needed to get this message out to the world—as it was going to change many people.

“Then the LORD replied: ‘Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.’” Habakkuk 2:2 NIV

I am glad I broke through

In 2005, I finally got that first book published. I was one of the forerunners of the prophetic evangelism movement and the book I wrote truly did help many people. Now I write every day and have published a great many books, training material, blogs and online courses. If you think it is any easier to have an angel or the Lord give you a message to write—it is not. After that encounter, I was not given the divine impartation to be a writer.

Most people who get an encounter actually have more coming against them than those who do not have an encounter. There is a lot of spiritual warfare that can come against you and it is still hard work.

Remember that Noah got the revelation from God on how to build the ark, but he still had to swing the hammer and endure the ridicule of the people.

Get ready for more!

God is releasing so much new revelation from Heaven right now. Over the next year, there is going to be a lot of new—or potential—books coming out and being written. This is the time to get your story out there; position yourself for the future, to capture the new flow coming for books.

With the Internet and the ease of self-publishing, there has never been an opportunity like we have right now. This is an amazing, divine alignment that has happened. I believe it was designed by God to get new revelation and stories out to a hurting world, like never before.

Here are a few tips to help you (that I learned the hard way):

Give up on perfect. Let go of the idea of writing perfectly the first time. Just sit down at your computer and let it flow, as messy as it might seem. Do not worry about grammar and structure—as you can have an editor help fix all of that later.

Start with a summary first. Start by writing a draft of what your book will be about, who the target audience is, etc. Then write a page or so with a bunch of thoughts about what you want to say. Doing this helped me to clarify who I was speaking to, and what I was trying to communicate.

Take your summary and create a simple outline. The hardest part is to give up what we were taught in school or by professional writers in the past—this is not a formal book report and there are no rules.

Do not be discouraged by the size of your document. Go back through and add more over the next few weeks. Add personal stories, research and new things God shows you. It was amazing to me, that each pass-through seemed to trigger new ideas for my book. The key was not dwelling on it too long, and to keep moving.

With the use of new technology and the help of others, it is not all that difficult to get your story out to the world. The best thing I can recommend to you is—just do it!


Doug Addison

P.S. Do you feel called to write a book but don’t know where to start? In my online training, Write Your Book Now! I give you the strategies and steps God gave me to go from sitting on a book idea for 3 years to getting my manuscript written in 3 weeks! Find out more here.

If reading a book is more your style, you’ll love my fully update book, Write a Book Quickly. It includes 2 new chapters on writing fiction and how to publish on Kindle. Get your copy here.

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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  1. Reply

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    • Ruth
    • September 8, 2016

    Thanks for sharing this, Doug. I am yet another person who has been carrying a call for book-writing and not yet seen it manifest. The resistance is so very real!
    I pray for myself and any others in my position: Let every spiritual and natural writing block come down in Jesus name, and may God release a new flow, new routines and discipline, along with supporters, editors, helpers of every description. May we have all we need to see God’s word released through us for his glory.

  2. Reply

    Since march this year I receive words. Words in the english language. While I am living with my husband in France and originally come from the Netherlands. Being a visual artist, a painter, it’s so amazing.

    So, I give a reply once and a while on your writings, Doug. The words seem to resonate with the wonderful season we are in at the moment.

    Indeed the Holy Spirit is creative and inventive!

    Yes, words are important, but especially what you speak. Speak blessings, speak life. Angels act on God’s word that we speak out of our mouths. Out loud.

  3. Reply

    Doug, this resonates with me. About 4 years ago, God gave me what I thought was a very long prophetic word with about 16 points. Then He kept giving me more and more over the next few days, and it became a book outline.

    I told some folks about it at that time, but they weren’t very supportive. I put it away after that, thinking I must have been wrong. But the Lord kept convicting me. After awhile, I started to work more on it really slowly (like working only a couple times a year on it). But today … after finishing a formal book proposal and sample chapters … I’m talking with book agents about the book. 🙂 God is going to do this thing and it’s all Him.

    The Holy Spirit is a Writer, and He loves to create through us. I’m so grateful. 🙂

    Thank you for encouraging us today!

    • Jeannine Thompson
    • August 20, 2016

    Thanks for the great encouragement Doug! I have a published book that is also on Amazon, it is called: Thank You for Littering: Blowing Smoke for a Cleaner Planet Now. It is my story about the burden I have when I see disgusting cigarette litter. I simply ask smokers, in a friendly and funny way to please keep their butts to themselves! Everyone who read it says I went out of my way not to offend smokers. Of course it hasn’t taken off but you are so right to have a targeted market, I did my homework and learned how many smokers there are in the US and how many fires come from cigarettes…it is an interesting book, hope someone will get it! I have been unable to write out my revelations from the Lord as I live in poverty on welfare with a back child support of 19,000.00 and I think, who wants to hear from someone so poor. I too have been told by a prophet who saw my stacks of journals, get out your notebooks and WRITE! I receive your word from the Lord and I choose to get started AGAIN! I was also told by another prophet about CREATESPACE and you can self publish and Amazon puts it on their site! There are charges if you need assistance. When I got saved in 1977 I got every Christian book I found about topics and the writers back in that move of God did as you say, they just flowed and wrote as they would talk. We just have to tell our stories. Thank you Doug, my pen name is Jeannine Vassar Garton. Vassar is my Mother’s maiden name and Garton is my birth name, I did that to honor my parents.

    • Steve Wheeler
    • August 18, 2016

    I have two books that share my story that I would like to share with you. one book has a section on dreams. If you would email an address, i would like to share copies with you.

    • Reply

      We are sorry but Doug does not have time to read all the articles and books that people want to share with him, even though he wishes he could. We bless your book! Pam

    • Stephanie
    • August 18, 2016

    It’s the most exasperating emotion to have all of this spiritual revelation and insights on the”happenings” of third Heaven glimpses with all the awe surrounding it only to have it lodged somewhere between creativity and desperation. Writer’s block is miserable. Going on 6 years…and these prophetic messages pop up out of nowhere and everywhere. To know your passion for words, emotion, relevance, as it intersects eternity just spinning in place going nowhere. Ugh!!!!!!!!!?

    • Cristy Cubitt
    • August 18, 2016

    Thank you so much for this – I have had ‘words’ that I was an author and would write books that would change how people view certain topics. I am taking this as confirmation – and I will check out your resources. Many Blessings to you Doug.

    • Chris
    • August 18, 2016

    Writing is my passion. I love nothing more. I also know it’s my own personal gift from the Lord. However, I truly don’t know what to write. Usually the ideas come, flow and utterly consume me in a good way. But that hasn’t happened in a very long time. I don’t know what he wants me to write. I continue to pray about it.

    • Nancy Christensen
    • August 18, 2016

    Your article hit me right between the eyes today. I’ve known for a while I need to write and even have a topic I believe the Lord wants me to write about, a fairly intimidating one! I need courage and just need to start!

    • Kimberley Richardson
    • August 18, 2016

    Hi Doug,
    I heard God tell me years ago to start writing. I have my story and don’t know what to do with it. It is very powerful about God’s redemption and deliverance. Can you give me some ideas on how to get this out to help others? Thank you~ many blessings,

    • Freda
    • August 18, 2016

    Great tips I wrote a book called Diary of a lost soul/ Blessed beyond measure it is available on Amazon as an e-book and printed copies available. Not had much success at selling it. I co authored it with my twin sister about our lives and a testimony of how good My Lord is and continues to be. Thanks for all your insight. may God richly bless you and your family

    • Margerite Chapman
    • August 18, 2016

    Please pray for me I have had many Prophets that
    God spoke thru telling me to write the books God put
    In me, but I have had so much responsibility with family and friends, I only journal with the Lord every
    Morning, but my financial burdens seem to block me
    From writing the books, or even book God wants me to! Please agree with me for breakthrough! I want to
    Use the prophetic gift in me to bring God more glory!
    Your daily words have been encouraging to me, God Bless you!

  4. Reply

    Am Dr Tobias S.Wakhungu, from webuye, kenya. I was born on the eve of Kenya’s independence, 1963, and was raised a Catholic home. My parents separated when I was young. One would say that I grew up in a dysfunctional family. I surrendered my life to Christ on 28th February 1984, while on the verge of committing suicide because there was nobody to pay my high school fees. Since then my life changed. God opened up opportunities for me that saw me access education much like my peers. I sensed the call of God in my life way back before I got saved! In 1993, I started an interdenominational fellowship. I used to organize youths to visit schools for evangelistic work. This ministry continued until 1998, when most of my members joined bible colleges and later ended up becoming pastors. In 1996, while I was recovering from malaria bout, the Lord gave me the name of our current ministry (THE DISPENSATION OF GRACE OF GRACE MINISTRIES). He told that I will training ministers. By then I had never personally accessed theological training but was being told that I will be training ministers! In 2006, after I had completed my bachelors degree in theology, I started a bible college! In 2009, our College was fully registered in Kenya and to date I have trained over 60 pastors, 4 of whom are now teachers! Whenever we receive visions, we may feel inadequate because at that time the Lord will not show us how He will be providing for us but as we move forth in faith, He will begin honoring His word. Hallelujah! Currently, we a college complex well built,standing on 3 acres of land!

      • Anthony
      • August 27, 2016

      Hi I am reading your testimony and relate to my walk with our Lord Jesus
      I am going through a new birth channel at the moment, very different from secular world as I am now a disciple, training to be the evangelist.
      Please Pray for me
      My name is Anthony Butler from Bendigo Australia
      Thank you

    • Cindy Peplaw
    • August 18, 2016

    Thank you Doug! God gave me messages a few years ago back in my Youth Minnistry years and I started a blog and He had also given me visions. About 5 years ago the storms hit and I stopped writing. God started speaking to me about writing and writing a book and even gave me the title years ago and this was all confirmed by 3 people. I have started writing and most of it is from my old blog and some new stuff God has given me throughout the years. It is my testimony. I just want to thank you for your ministry and sharing this as it really spoke to me. I was once a youth pastor’s wife and lost my husband (he filed for divorce and resigned as youth pastor), prior to that just lost my mom to cancer, then my youth ministry. Within a year I had lost all that I was the most passionate about and was questioning God’s plan for my life but then during the process and healing God did some amazing things in my life and was moving all along. All glory to God! I really needed this! God bless your ministry!

    • Carter
    • August 18, 2016

    Doug, you have given me a personal prophesy in June 2011, when you were in Defiance, Oh. You told me I had 3-4 books in me to write, which I have done, but not published yet. Plus in your book, How to Write a Book Quickly, you wrote, Let It Flow, which has helped me tremendously. It was in 2004 when God woke me up and told me to write a book. He gave me book title and chapter titles. After several attacks and delays, I self-published that book in 2013. Besides you, I’ve received 3 or 4 other prophetic words about me writing books. I write everyday. I’m currently working with my cousin, who’s a writer, to tell me life story. God told me to ask her to write my Autobiography; that’s happened last month (July 2016)!
    Thank you for all the encouraging words over the years, and please pray for me as I’m looking to submit a manuscript to Destiny Image soon.

    • Princess Lina
    • August 18, 2016

    Thankyou for sharing this..i know i have been called to write but keep putting it off..thankyou for your encouragemet!:)

    • Princess Lina
    • August 18, 2016

    Thankyou for sharing this..i know i have been called to write but keep putting it off..thanks for your encouragement!!:)

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