Prophetic Word for August: Embrace the Change—Help is on the Way!

Woman with arms outstretched towards the sunrise sky celebrating life. Jubilation triumph success spiritual exhilaration

August is here and I am really excited! Prophetically, it is the 8th month and 8 represents new beginnings. Quite often, we will see the start of new things in August. As this happens, expect to see the old things die away.

I have had heavenly encounters all month involving promotions and commissioning of new plans to continue to prepare us for this next powerful move of God that is coming.

The word I am hearing from God for August is the pain of change. Embracing changes will help you to transition from the old to the new.

I had an encounter last Sunday and a strong presence of the Lord came into my room. He spoke to me John 16 and 17, where Jesus helps His disciples get ready to transition to a new season as He was about to go back to Heaven.

“Very truly I tell you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world.” John 16:20-21 NIV

Many people have been mourning the loss of things that never took place or attacks of the enemy that have seemed to never end. In John 16 and 17, Jesus prayed for Himself, His disciples and then the people they were going to reach as a result of the disciples’ grief, loss and suffering.

The Lord is praying for you right now and sending blueprints, plans and strategies for you to be positioned into this new movement at hand. The pain of getting here will soon be forgotten as the new baby is born. The new baby represents new gifts, callings and blessings that are on their way.

The next 6 months

I have been seeing a chessboard coming down from Heaven in August. This represents new things that are going to be moved into place, a radical realignment. Your calling and assignment for the next 7 years is going to start to be revealed to you.
For many, there has been a missing piece or part that is going to suddenly appear. As this happens, there is going to be a huge transition and repositioning.

Transitional help from Heaven

I saw transitional teams of angels getting assigned to help many people who are being called to be part of this next move of God. Things are going to speed up and this will help with the pain of crossing over to this new season and time.

As the new wind from Heaven comes, it is going to kick up debris, but do not let it distract you from what God is revealing. Many root causes and covert attacks of the enemy are going to be revealed.

Things hidden now being revealed

We are in a time in which hidden revelation is being revealed to us for this new 7-year season of harvest we are about to enter into.

“I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.” Isaiah 45:3 NIV

God is positioning and summoning you by name. Invitations are going out in the Spirit for one of the greatest moves in history. He is inviting and commissioning people who have been crying out for changes. Something new is rumbling like a rocket about to take off into something new.

All things new

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV

[Tweet “You will not be able to pour the new wine into old wineskins without it making a mess.”]

God is beginning to release new strategies for this transitional time. The season we are entering into will require new strategies from Heaven. You will not be able to pour the new wine into old wineskins without it making a mess.

Watch for these strategies to come:
• New ways that are needed to reach people with God’s love
• New ministry techniques needed for this new revival
• New music, sound and language that will awaken a generation
• New art, writing and creative expressions
• How to finance new Kingdom projects, new radical churches and Kingdom

New wave of prophets commissioned

On July 29, I saw a major shifting happening in the Courts of Heaven regarding the callings of prophetic people.

I saw and heard a meeting happening and many prophetic men and women’s prophetic words and ministries were being evaluated. The purpose was to choose a new group of new wave—or new wineskin—prophets that will be used strongly over the next few years.

Then, the following morning on July 30, I heard an angel announce, “Get up because a decision has been made”. There were 200 new wave prophets commissioned in Heaven. These prophets varied in age, many young and some older. They all had been through the fiery furnace of testing. Most of them were among the hidden ones that are unknown and have been set aside to do a special assignment and work.

The time has come for the reason these people came to Earth. Some of them had prophetic keys and assignments from previous prophets that had gotten judgmental or had stepped away from their assignments.

There was a great deal of rejoicing by the angels over this occurrence. These newly commissioned prophets will begin to emerge over the next six months.

Watch for Iran to open

At the same time as the new prophets were being commissioned, I overheard a strategy meeting in the Courts of Heaven. There has been a peace treaty in the spiritual realm for Persia—this is Iran.

A battle has been raging and there is a shift in the spiritual realm. There will be a window of time for prophetic dreams as the Lord is visiting Persia from now, through November 11, 2016.

These dreams will be significant, but will continue to come after that as well. God was giving out prayer assignments to some key prophetic intercessors to open this divine window of time.

[Tweet “Rise above the storms and do not get caught in the outpour of negativity and fear. “]

This truly is an exciting season and I would encourage you to stay focused on what God is doing and not the negative rumblings that are happening on Earth. Rise above the storms and do not get caught in the outpour of negativity and fear. God’s ways are higher than these.



Doug Addison

P.S. Do you want to hear God better for yourself? Check out Hearing the Voice of God 365, our online prophetic activation school and “learn to discern” God’s voice and activate your spiritual gifts.

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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    • August Cannaday
    • June 2, 2017

    Wow! God is amazing! I am thankful for His grace and mercy. I know He does it for His Names’ Sake. He gets all the Glory! Thank You for your obedience!

      • Admin Nikki
      • June 5, 2017

      God’s mercy and grace are so amazing. Thank you for reading August, bless you! And I like your name!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Leana
    • August 29, 2016

    Last year I finally told God, that capacity of love that I had for this man is coming to an end, as he deliberately killing it, and I needed Gods help, as I didn’t know how long I can bear it. The hostility of last four month before August 1 this year was so great, that it became simply unbearable. He would not miss any little reason to unleash anger and madness at me, spiritual assault is horrible: I hate God, because I raise voice on my spiritual authority, I won’t enter the promised land, I don’t have friends because something is really wrong with me, I am unhealed, I am a baby etc. My friends tell me its not true, that I have more friends that I even know, that I’ve touched lives of many people. I told him how I will ever can be healed if you are doing this things to me? You remind me an abuser, who takes his victim, hits over cement wall, victim starts crying, sand he says, see, you cry, something is wrong with you, you need Jesus, you are unhealed…. It’s some sort of very sophisticated form of spiritual abuse wrapped in christianity. I finally came to my limits, I could not go on like this anymore, I ve been pushed over the edge. On August 1 I left with my two children. This is so not like me, it goes against everything what I believe, but my cup ran over. Even God’s patience has limits. It was very scary to leave everything behind and go into unknown. I have to start my life over and not under very easy sircumstances. I can’t even file for the divorce without obtaining Green Card first, and private lawyers are super expensive, the legal aid makes it so difficult for people like me to obtain legal status as I have to prove in the court the abuse, but they don’t really look at spiritual or mental abuse as important, it’s worse than physical abuse of course, it’s a spiritual matter, and our spirit and soul is more important to God than our physical body. I have to take care of so many things… feels like a huge mountain hanging over my shoulders, chidren’s custody, driver’s licence, payments, immigration,..divorce. But God is there with me, I feel his help, he sends into my life people who are praying for me. They pray that I would not feel shame that I left, that God would restore my identity on all levels, as a woman, as a believer, ..I need time to heal and rehabilitate. I feel so low spiritually that I don’t even know if God loves me anymore. I have to be strong to survive, to take care of my children,…

    I didn’t mention alot, but I think you have general idea. After 12 years of marriage I left, 12 represents the completed cycle of experience. I left on August 1, 8th month you said means new beginning, and you also said there is huge transition and repositioning happening in August in spiritual world. When I was reading your prophesy about end time marriages it ran in red letters to me, I don’t think it was coincidense that a friedn posted it yesterday, I was supposed to read it. This particular couple paragraphs:
    The events that will begin to happen will look quite strange to those who do not have eyes to see and ears to hear (spiritual discernment). Existing marriages will be strengthened. Some spouses will die and strategic remarriage will occur. Some couples will separate and even divorce? though this is not God’s will, and He will redeem and restore them. In some cases it will appear as if their ministries are finished, but God will bring great surprises as He brings justice and repays people for the years of suffering they have experienced from being outside of His greater purposes. Those who focus on God will not miss their destiny.

    *The Importance of Non-Abusive Relationships: Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. (Eph. 5:25) Many called and gifted men and women of God are currently being held back from their callings by abusive spouses and abusive marital relationships. ABUSE WILL NO LONGER BE TOLERATED.
    * The Importance of Synergy: Two are better than one?this is a spiritual principle. If one can put 1,000 to flight and two 10,000, how much more effective are two people serving the Lord together. (Deut. 32:30)
    * The Importance of Spiritual Covering: Many women have been suffering with strange and often untreatable sicknesses such as chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia. Many of these illnesses result from the lack of a spiritual covering. For a woman to operate in a higher level of authority, she needs a spiritual covering. (1Cor 11:8) This covering comes from a husband, a pastor, or in some cases the Lord Himself. Because of this requirement for a covering, God is about to move to provide marriages for a great number of single women in the church who are seeking His will for their life in Him.
    * The Importance of Sexual Intimacy: Being single and staying pure is not an easy thing to do, especially with the extra added warfare which comes with being in the ministry. The Apostle Paul encourages marriage if you burn with lust. Itis better to marry than to fall to sexual sin. (1 Cor. 7:9) Appropriate sexual intimacy within marriage can be a powerful form of spiritual warfare. When two are joined together as one, the enemy has less opportunity to bring temptation. Walking this close together also brings a greater prayer covering for each other. When you are one in the spirit, you know how to pray for your spouse.

    It was like God himself told me, Daughter it’s not your fault, it’s Me who is doing this, because it’s time to bring justice and repay for my suffering. It’s not God’s fault of course that my husband didn’t not fulfill His plan for our marriage, I became stronger, but he did not become gentler and more sensitive. I realised he never loved me or respected. He told me:”There is nothing there to respect”. When I was leaving I told him :you lost me. He said: There is nothing there to lose. If you will ever remarry, I pity that guy. Those all were very painful words for me. I was faithfully following him in all hardships, we lost house, land, car, police took it all, because of his beliefs, he does not believe in taxes or drivers licence or anything like that, I have not seen my Mom for 12 years, because I could not go to Ukraine, and he did not care. I was working like a horse, taking care of huge garden, children, cooking gourmet meals from scratch, buying groceries, children’s clothing, I even was admiring him for all his standings and beliefs, I would go with him to the moon and back, if he would love me and treat me right. I told him you will not find a woman like me who would faithfully you in everything and you still treat me as a doormat. I told him if you would be married with american woman you would be divorced in a year maximum, nobody would put up with this, he even agreed with me at one point. I was perfect object of abuse because I was putting up with everything. I have to start on my own, I will not survive without driving a car or obtaining documents, if drivers licence will help me to be free from his abuse its a proof to me that its not mark of the beast as he believes. Leaving was not my choice, but I had to do it. I have a feeling he sabotaged our marriage. People told him that I am a treasure and he should value me, but he would not listen. He pushed out the only person who loved and admired him.

    I want to thank you for your faithfulness in receiving words from the Lord. It was very important for me to hear that word from God. I feel like I came out of hell, and I need some reassurance from God.

    About a week ago I saw this dream: there was a man, I could not see his face, I knew we were friends and I think we were supposed to get married, but it was unclear. He took my wedding ring that I have right now, and he wanted to keep it. I thought how can I get married without a ring? I need a ring too. So I said to myself with such assurance : I will enter this room and I will find a ring for me there. I enter the room and I find a ring there. I put it on my finger and the size and form astonishes me. It was big, like to half of the finger with interesting design and I say to myself: This is a royal ring! That was the end of my dream. I think it signifies something good, I wanted wedding ring and I found it. Maybe God himself is saying: I put my royal ring on you, you are my daughter and I am going to take care of you..

    God’s blessings.

    P.S. Sorry for the long letter. I feel lot’s of pressure sometimes and I need to share.

    • Reply

      Hi Leana,

      Wow, you have had a difficult life and it sounds like you have take solid steps to improve your life. I think you should start writing your own blog. It is very simple to do and it would give you an outlet to share your thoughts and insights, especially as God begins to give your fresh insights for women, love and freedom.

      Blessing you to create a sacred space for you to share your words of freedom and hope that will set people free.

    • Leana
    • August 29, 2016

    Dear Doug,
    I honestly have to tell you that before yesterday I’ve never even heard about you. But a friend posted online your prophesy given to you by God in 1991 about end time marriages, and when I was reading it I KNEW God was speaking to me, I was weeping, it was extremely important for me.

    A little about what happened in my life. I am from Ukraine. I came to the USA 12 years ago with intentions to get married with my fiancee, who is an american and a christian. We’ve been blessed in my church in Ukraine and I knew without a shadow of a doubt that it was ordained by God, all of the prophetic dreams (I saw a dream that president of America came to Ukraine and presented me white wedding dress with golden pattern and golden epolets), prophesies, and signs…I was ready to go unto the end with him, love and cherish until the day we die.
    On our honey moon we met a pastor from Utah who has been a pastor in Ukraine for twelve years. He prophesided over me, he said God had a plan for our marriage, ukrainian humble and sensitive spirit and american bold spirit to mold together that I would become stronger amnd he would become gentler and more sensitive. He also took my hands and started to cry, it was shocking to see adult man weeping:”The gift of healing that you asked from the Lord is going to be granted unto you. It’s going to be so strong, that even people without faith are going to be healed. It’s going to increase in intensity the older I will become, after kids”
    Through all of this years I kept going on, enduring all things, there were lots of anger and control from my husband’s side. Even christians who did deliverance with him told him he had spirit of anger and control from his mother’s side. He repented, but he never really resisted it, it was there, and became simply unbearable. Because I loved him and divorce was not even an option for me, I just kept going on, suffering immensely. I was married but I had a feeling that I don’t have a husband. He never really allowed me into his life, kept mocking me, insulting, humiliating, disrespect, hostility, there was physical abuse too, but mostly mental abuse, verbal, spiritual, emotional abuse. And it’s all wrapped in christianity: he was always right, doesn’t matter what he says or does to me, because he represents Jesus himself, and I am always wrong because I represent church and I have to submit.
    Most of the time he ignores me as a woman, it’s been like that pretty much throughout the whole marriage, it can be months and months in a raw. One time he ignored me as a woman for 3.5 years, I felt so unloved and rejected, I don’t have a family here, I didn’t have many friends back then, I kept it to myself, all the sufferings. One time at a farmer’s market I was weeping at this old lady’s shoulder and told her what happened said she will bring it to her small church as a prayer request. After one week I met her and she told me when her pastor prayed for my husband whom he didn’t even knew he said that satan has such a control over this man.

    He told me many times: “You are nothing here”, I would tell him:””It hurts my feelings” He would say:”I don’t give a shit about your feelings!”.He never regarded me as his wife, he always told me to be quiet and shut up if I would want to minister to other people when he is present, because I don’t have wisdom or discernment, like he does.
    There is so much…to tell, the way he treated me few years ago when I was pregnant with our second child. When I told him I was pregnant, something weird occured, he started to hate me even more. The hostility was so great day after day, I thought I will die from pain, the only thing that kept me going was my child, I thought I would miscarry. I thought if he ever tell that he love this child it will be the biggest hypocrisy in the world by the way he treated me. He told me:”Leave.Go.” I said:”God made me your wife for a reason. I am going to stay. You are not going to toss me out. I am enduring to the end no matter what.” This is the way I was. People told me to leave. I was afraid to be wrong in the eyes of the Lord. I am a loyal and faithful person, I didn’t want to commit sin, as I thought divorce, except for sin of adultery, is a sin. I didn’t even have place to go, I am from different country, without means to survive, no Green Card (he didn’t take of that), no documents, no car, no bank account, pregnant… He told me then, if I am not going to leave myself, then he will make my life so miserable, that I will leave willingly….
    When I was few months pregnant, God gave me a dream: I saw two tiny worms circled on his bare back, I told him to get rid of those ugly things, but he would ignore me, I told him again, but he kept ignoring me. Suddenly one of the worms started to grow and increase in size and turned into a snake, I was standing by the wall naked (vulnerable, unprotected), snake rose it’s head, looked at me and jumped toward my feet to attack me. I woke up.
    Continue in the next post —->

    • Liesel Mortlock
    • August 22, 2016

    Thankyou Doug. You are a true blessing, even to those who are yet to see. For God is and always will remain our incredible source. Blessings.
    Liesel Mortlock.

    • Lianne
    • August 17, 2016

    I had a vision of America right now and I saw it as a huge big boil with all the toxins on their way to the surface and Papa said He was preparing America for cleansing. I also feel like Papa is using Trump like a poultice in this.

    • Ann
    • August 13, 2016

    Wow. this is a confirmation of my dream…. In my dream, I was compelled to go to the street John 16, Roman empire wants to imprison and stop me so that I could not go to that street. I have a hard time running from those roman soldiers and I wanted to give up. But all of a sudden Jesus appeared to my dream and helped me so that soldiers wouldn’t see me. When I am having a hard time running and walking, He is holding me and pulling me so that i could follow His pace. When I am Thirsty he turned solid food to a drink. He really helped me out so that i could go to that destination.
    I didn’t pay attention to that dream because I was discouraged,, but Its been 3 days and I kept remembering that dream….

  1. You’re a scam artist brainwashing and conning gullible and desperate people to make yourself rich. This “article” is something someone in a psych ward would scribble on a wall. Christianity is a schizophrenic money cult. Make the believers dumb and delusional enough to donate to whatever you tell them to. Anyone preaching this delusional garbage belongs in jail for fraud and anyone believing it belongs in a mental home. Nothing has held back humanity more than religion. It’s mind boggling that in 2016 we still have a world filled with mentally primitive mental cases. You do what you do in name of the almighty dollar because without money you would have no reason to keep spreading this mental disease. There is no “God”. Just adults with an imaginary friend and rich scam artists taking advantage of them.

    • Daniel Cox
    • August 12, 2016

    Thanks and blessings to you for the word. It hits home with me in many ways, and is more confirmation to what God is doing with me. My wife gave me the word “furnace of affliction” the other day. I had a word similar to it given by Kevin Drury a few years ago when he said I was going through a “refiners fire.” I truly believe that as our Father’s child it is all for my good and that he will receive all of the Glory that he is due as a result. Thanks again.

    • Daphne
    • August 11, 2016

    Thanks for this conformation especially about the birthing. That’s where I’m at.god is doing so many amazing things in me.I know its god but I just Dont know what to do with what he gives me.but I believe this word.

    • Patricia
    • August 11, 2016

    God Is Awesome!! I love it when he confirms his words spoken to me that shows me that I am hearing him clearly. Jesus you really know how to encourage me as I have been one of the ones who has been in the fire, Since 8/8/08. Now 8/8/16 is my fresh start, I am floored at this moment by his love. ??I love you forever and always. ??

    • Jaime Benitez
    • August 11, 2016

    I must say, between the new baby being born, to the calling and assignment for the next 7 years, to the debris that will kick up, and to the rumbling and the eventual launching of a rocket, you have summed up everything and have pretty much nailed it for my own spiritual journey I have been on.

    I feel like David of the Old Testament, on the verge of charging to the enemy, to the philistine giant. I am fired up by this prophecy. In this great year of 2016, this year of Jubilee and of renewed hopes and dreams, how can we lose. The book of Revelations records that we have already won because of Jesus. It says we win.

    Our Lord is able to do above and beyond all that we could ever ask for or imagine or dream of, not just in heaven, but in this lifetime too. Let us all press into His Holy Presence, each and every single day. As we study and meditate on His Word and the promises of His Word, let us stay committed to obeying His voice inside us. What an adventure! I am ready for His next assignment for me. Bring it on! I’ll take it! I believe it’s time to slay some giants in the land!

    • Thobeka mzenene
    • August 10, 2016

    It is done..thank you Doug???

    • Barbara
    • August 10, 2016

    August is the eighth month in a Gregorian calendar. A Biblical calendar is different. God said He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. The Biblical 8th month is closer to October.

    This season of embracing change may be true, but attributing it to the eighth month doesn’t sound Scriptural.

      • Suzansops
      • August 11, 2016

      @Barbara The issue of the month does not arise,what is important is the content of the prophecy, does this word bring you closer to God?that is where our concern should be, let’snot major on the minors. Regards

        • SARAH
        • August 27, 2016

        what i feel is that both the gregorian n Biblical 8th months may indicate/ bring new things. all things are possible w God. He is creative n surprising. He may just do that.

    • James Harris
    • August 10, 2016

    Thank you for these power words.

    • Rosa & Ritchie
    • August 10, 2016

    Thank you Doug for this word. Me and my husband are waiting to enter in a new season…to receive a new calling…to to exit from the hidden place. Our hope is in Him.

  2. Reply

    Wow! Last September God told me that my wife would give birth to a son named Elijah. Since then it was revealed this was both spiritual and physical. Last month God told us to step down from the young adults ministry we ran at our church and start a new thing that he would show us. We believe this would be a spiritual movement in the spirit of Elijah.

    Also, you mentioned keys being given. Last September God told me he gave me a key to unlock the gifts he placed in his children’s hearts. I’ve never fully understood that, but this word was a great confirmation of both of these words.

    • Kim B.
    • August 10, 2016

    Wow, Doug! Thank you for posting this! Such a powerful word that confirms so much, as many others have said. In May I had a dream of being pregnant with Jesus and I was so excited to get to see what He looked like, finally. I have been in Mongolia since July 22; on the 28th, the Lord gave me a long, 4-part dream, but each part centered around the ocean in some way! So excited about this coming move of God, including His move here, in Mongolia. It is harder here than before, as I am in a smaller town and don’t have running water; I am definitely going through “the pain of change”. Thank you for your encouragement and I pray God’s rich blessing over you and your wife as you minister in Jesus’ Name!

  3. Reply

    This was such an encouraging word and was confirmation to what God showed me in the Spirit. It was something new and different. As I looked at view of the countryside as I drove, it changed to the most beautiful sun rays which engulfed the whole sky. I looked up at the clouds and noticed the business of the movement of the 3 different layers of clouds. The lower layer was moving to the left, above that layer the second layer moved to the right and the third layer was moving to left. I commented, “That is amazing, something must be going on in Heaven right now, I have never seen that before.” After saying those words, a paper-thin cloud came out of the beautiful sun-rays, not like the beautiful fluffy ones at all. It looked like it was out of place, and it was black and white checkered. As I watched it, I thought what is that. As I drove and passed a couple of cars, I glanced over to the direction I thought it would still be and didn’t see it and then turned back looking up above me and then looking out the side window and there the cloud was right over me coming down on the van. It surprised me and I looked to the left and it was like I was viewing a static TV screen and then it was gone. I thought that had to be a God thing. Something just for me to view, but also wondered if the cars I had passed saw it and then I thought why didn’t i take a picture of it. While continuing to drive I asked the Holy Spirit the meaning of what just happened. When I got home I called my sister to let her know I made it home safe and sound and then told her what happened and that I thought God had given me something and I received it. Then I listened to your prophetic word for August and it filled in a lot of the pieces. Thank You and God Bless you!

  4. Reply

    I now have over 900 prophetic messages written
    out and typed up, with half of them from Father God and half from Lord Jesus, given to me with the help of God’s Holy Spirit. God has told me that they have been received word for word from God, and that there are hidden “Bible Code” complete sentences in them that tell the future of America and the world, that can be found with computer searches.

    • Malena Escudero
    • August 10, 2016

    Thank you, God bless you

    • Christina Hallock
    • August 9, 2016

    I wrote “His Kingdom Come” and “The Giving King” short booklets that are templates for what is established these seven years. I have sent them free as gifts to various ministries and wondered why I was not seeing some things. This word makes perfect sense. The release and push is now. The blockade keeping me from a trip to Hong Kong to release many things financially for many of the new wave church, God will put the help in motion. This is no revival, this is incredible earth moving, pouring, flooding establishment of Gods will, on earth as it is the same, in heaven. Physical, established, Spiritual born Kingdom here. Thank God, and thank you Mr. Addison for your obedience. God’s Elijah confidence now rises on earth for all the prophets. See, Soak and Surrender to this power granted to His temple. We are all God’s property, He paid for it in blood.

  5. Reply

    Doug thank you for on time word of the LORD.
    I myself have been having so many encunters.
    I just had one was taken to heaven and was in the mids of nothing but Angels they are very busy working on our behalf and so much more. But God is speaking to His Prophets getting us in line for this new Wave of His Glory amd manifestation .So Doug powerful, powerful
    Hope to meet you one day .

    • Craig
    • August 9, 2016

    Thank you, Doug. On July 6th I had a dream as if I was at a church service. In the dream a woman pointed to me and said, “You’re pregnant.” I’m currently working on a project that will change much of what I do at the ministry where I work. Thank you for the confirmation of what I’ve already heard.

    • polly
    • August 9, 2016

    Yes, this message has been an eye opener.

    However, the issue for me is how i have been seeking the Lord over a few issues for years now and has not been able to understand clearly God’s opinion on it. Yet, these issues are about my life and destiny. I am walking in faith and trying with everything in me to live in the word with much praying and fastings.

    Besides, its like almost impossible to find a true prophet for a personal prophetic word on my life which could shed some light on the matter and catapult me to the next level of my destiny..

    Can a true prophet out there who is gifted with the ‘Eye to See’ help me understand this please?

    For Example, married for almost 23 years now with no fruit of the womb, with no medical diagnostic reasons for not being able to bear children. Why such shame while the bible gives me that promise?.

    My heart and emotions suffer but i will trust in the Lord always. O God of Elijah, please do not leave me out, let your grace mercy and favor speak for me!

    I have been in hiding for a few years now, waiting the move of God in my life and ministry because i cannot deliver someone of a pain i am not delivered from. I wait in great anticipation to hear from the Lord in Jesus name.

    my contact is:

    • Blue Sky Woman
    • August 9, 2016

    What a beautiful affirmation…This resonates with us all. It is time to stand in the Truth of our “Be”-ing, on watch and waiting for the ‘Bridegroom’ (LOVE) to arrive!! Good news! All is well, whole, perfect and complete, right now. Let us all hold the vision we desire to manifest and be on purpose to the Healing we all are invited to partake of. Thank you!! So Be It! It is Done. Love and Light to you all

    • Blue Sky Woman
    • August 9, 2016

    What a beautiful affirmation…This resonates with us all. It is time to stand in the Truth of our “Be”-ing, on watch and waiting for the ‘Bridegroom’ (LOVE) to arrive!! Good news! All is well, whole, perfect and complete, right now. Let us all hold the vision we desire to manifest and be on purpose to the Healing we will all are invited to partake of. Thank you!! So Be It! It is Done. Love and Light to you all

    • Andy
    • August 9, 2016

    Spot on again!

    • Johnson vuti
    • August 9, 2016

    I appreciated very mush the word of season .it gives direction to decision making.

  6. Reply

    This message resonates in my heart as my son and I have been going through the fiery testing since 2000; this message filled me with relief and longing. Thank you, Doug, for being the messenger.

    • Paula Dykes
    • August 9, 2016

    For the last month, or so, I have been hearing “Out with the old! In with the new!” with the accompanying scripture being Isaiah 43:19. This Word that you released today is confirmation that I’ve been hearing correctly. Thank you for releasing it!

    • Val Galambus
    • August 9, 2016

    I thank the Father for these guiding & encouraging words, and I thank you , Doug, for your love & service to His Body in this hour. So grateful for this and your Daily Prophetic words! I’m praying for your total wellness & strength, body, soul, spirit & emotions. God bless you & keep on speaking through you!

    • Esther R.
    • August 9, 2016

    Thank you so much! Brought tears to my eyes! Confirmation that reassures me, I am not crazy!

    • Sandra Waboose
    • August 9, 2016

    Thank you Doug for this encouraging word!

    • Sandra
    • August 9, 2016

    Thank you Doug for this encouraging word…may the Lord continue to bless and strengthen you.

    • Terrance
    • August 9, 2016

    Blessings Doug! I have been going through a very difficult season since 2008, however this word gives me great encouragement! I sense that I am one of His “hidden ones” and prayerfully one of the 200 prophets. I enjoy and appreciate all of your prophetic words and trainings! Thank you so much for your service to the Kingdom. May He richly bless you for your labors of love!

    • Kathi
    • August 9, 2016

    thank you for encouragemnt. I am getting in line.

    • Sandie N
    • August 9, 2016

    Man of God thank you so much for confirmation. I was just sharing with my friends this week that the Lord gave me a revelatory word on transition that I will share on Periscope. Its part of a teaching I titled You Will Break Through. I will teach it on my Periscope this week. When I saw the word you posted on today, my heart was filled with excitement and joy because I knew the Lord had spoken this word to me. My friends also saw what you posted on today, and they new 100% that the Lord had spoken this word to me. Thank you so much for confirmation. I am excited and overjoyed as to what God is doing and has done. Continue to be a willing vessel. Thank you so much!

    • Shammrie Brown
    • August 9, 2016

    Amen, this is truly a divine word for this season. Thank you for your obedience! God bless you!

  7. Reply

    I have been ” following” you since before 2008 (I o my know because of the house I was in at that time). The reason being you have been a consistent, confirming voice the Lord has given to let me know I am hearing correctly. This word is packed full of confirmation for me concerning things I was hearing for myself even a number of years ago. Thank you for the price you have paid and sacrifice you continue to make to fulfill your call. July 29th was my last day on my current assignment in a particular marketplace. I knew I was to move on and have no real idea as of yet where He is sending me just that He is. But Abraham, when called to go to the place he would later inherit, obeyed and went though he knew not where he was going.

    • Ingrun
    • August 9, 2016

    Aweome, thank you Doug!
    I´d like to share what just happened to me on number 8 and it fits so much I think:
    I bought a brand new car (symbol for a new calling and transportation to places). I researched that it is the 8th car I am going to have in my life. It was delivered on 08.08.16 at about 16.00 hours. Three times 8 for new beginnings and two times 16 for established beginnings. Whow! The car will be officially registered on my name on the 12th (symbol for government).

    • Sandra
    • August 9, 2016

    Very encouraging and uplifting thank you and God bless you always.

    • Olga Cummings
    • August 9, 2016

    Thanks for this prophetic word for August, this is really a confirmation of what the Holy Spirit reveals to me. I know that I am one of the chosen one’s set aside, and prepared for this great change.
    God bless you as you continues to stand before God on behalf of the nations, people and God’s plans for all of us on earth in this new season of change.

    • sareeta
    • August 9, 2016

    I really felt something in my spirit.I m lifted up by this prophecy.may theGod of the universe.the living God contonue tp use you .The Lord bless you and give you thethe desires of your heart.

  8. Reply

    Thank you Doug,,this mkes me want to cry.I’ve been hidden away for so long,my music,prophetic and healing and exortation have literally had nowhere to be expressed..this give me hope..

      • Amy
      • August 9, 2016

      Come ride the bus with me in Houston. There are lots of people who need words of hope!

    • Christa
    • August 9, 2016

    Whoa! Good word! Lord, let me be one of the 200! Praise God, he is so good!

  9. Thank Jesus glory Halleujia God has used you to confirm was has been prophesied to my husband and I and what God has been speaking to us, as He have had us hidden for a while now. We know he has been preparing us for a new move physically as well as spiritually. He’s getting ready to move us into the heart of the city so the spiritual veins from heaven can pump the blood of Jesus through out to prepare the building of His kingdom for Greater Works! We’ve gone and going through a great test of our faith and we believing God for the impossible but we know He will make possible for us to receive what we Need to make this major move to transition into our new place home and church building is waiting for us to posess the land. Thank You Father In Jesus name cover this for your glory!

    • Addie Barnett
    • August 9, 2016

    Glory to God! The move is here! I am in awe at the word that has gone forth. May it accomplish its goal in Jesus’ name. Awesome word!

    • lisa berke
    • August 9, 2016

    Good morning doug from chesterton, indiana. I am so thankful and blessed by your prophetic words. They are such a encouragement to me. I look forward to them daily. Yes, God is bringing heaven to earth along with heaven culture. I, as well as many others, are praying to hear his voice in order to step into my drstiny. I will continue to pray for you and your ministry. I am happy to hear of your healing. Praise God. Be blessed.

    • The Browns
    • August 9, 2016

    Thank you for sharing!! This confirms so much! God bless you!

    • Randy
    • August 9, 2016

    Thank you and thank God for this wonderful word. My birthday is August 8 and I guess that means a double new beginning. Looking forward to all He has for all of us in the coming days.

    • Marthella Kisting
    • August 9, 2016

    Needed so to hear this…wow

    • Debbie
    • August 9, 2016

    Thank you SO much for the word of the Lord…
    Without a vision (prophetic word) the people perish.
    You are a huge blessing to me and I thank you that you share your gifts with the body.
    Many blessings to you and your family…

    • Mike Gross
    • August 9, 2016

    Oh WOW… Thank you for this encouraging word this morning. I needed to hear the changes which are about to take place.

    • Janie
    • August 9, 2016

    Thank-you for this word. A group of us in Pennsylvania have been seeing AMAZING things from the Lord. It is regular we see an open Heaven with the saints of Heaven standing around the opening. Three weeks ago I was given a vision of a man with no shirt on. As our group prayed, the Lord used each of us as we “see” in the Spirit Realm to send help to this missionarybin Africa. It was so amazing. Angels were sent and the darkness was lit up like day time as the angels entered. God bless you and your team.

    • Lin
    • August 9, 2016

    Morning Mr Addison…
    You mention Iran n Persia…this led me to take a step out n tell you of a dream awhile back of Israel …

    I heard the words .. ” Up periscope” BUT saw ithe image of a “Microscope” I drew a submarine under water n wrote down all the things about it like you taught
    Then also the microscope
    I believe Isreal is under the MS.. Locked into place n being scrutinized at the cellular level for weaknesses…

    • Ian
    • August 9, 2016

    Let this happen Lord…I’m available to be a part of this Lord. I don’t want to miss your next move Lord

    • Karie
    • August 9, 2016

    So exciting! I’ve been waiting anxiously for your word this month to see if God was showing you what He’s shown me is coming. His big movement is starting on Aug 21st in Redding, CA. Your words spoke directly into what’s to come quickly…..only 11 more days until this glorious reveal for the world to see! Bless you!

    • Anna La Tona
    • August 9, 2016

    Amazing word,
    Tell Doug hes changed my life and allowed me to hope again. Im in the class and getting a lot out of it.

    • Laura Serano
    • August 9, 2016

    I needed to hear this. I just left an abusive 6 year relationship and my children and I are bouncing house to house right now. Everything seems overwhelming right now, but this truly made me feel some peace. I need to trust God more, and know He has a plan for Elias, Luca and myself. He is HOLY. Thank you Doug!

      • polly
      • August 9, 2016

      My dear sis. Laura, i will be praying for you and family on your present situation.

      To hear you say you are bouncing from house to house with children, touches my heart; that could not be easy so obviously you are exercising great faith. Which i knew how to make things better for you and family.

      May the angel of God assign with your blessing locate you today in Jesus’ name amen.

    • Sue Tallchief
    • August 9, 2016

    Thank you for your prophetic words. I look forward every morning to read your words of wisdom for each day. Thank you for your obedience to you’re calling.

  10. Reply

    Brother Doug, thank you so much. Every word of this speaks hope and life and courage to my heart. I’ve been praying about so many of these things and what a relief it is to hear about how Papa is answering! Thank you so much for being faithful, and I have been joining with the saints to pray for your health. I pray you would be much strengthened and rewarded today for your faithful work for the King.

    • Donna Heath
    • August 9, 2016

    Wow! This really speaks to me. Sunday morning before I woke up I saw a sleeping baby. I felt like it was ok for me to share what I experienced in my soaking time with the Lord, this past Sunday morning. I went to heaven. It was amazing. I won’t go into all of it but I saw 2 rooms. One room had body parts and another room was a nursery of babies being attended to by angels.

    • Hada E Catricola
    • August 9, 2016

    Awesome word for August!! Is revolutionacíng me and in turn it will stir my group of intercessors. Thank you so much and may you continue to be one of God’s Trumpets!

  11. Reply

    Lord I Thank You for this Triple Double Confirmation! You’re worth O’ God!

  12. Reply

    On the 4th of August, I received this word

    Psalm 91

    Long before the storm comes, long before it breaks
    The eagle flies to a high spot and when the wind awakes
    It sets its wings to lift it up, high above the storm
    Eyes of Light, looks of Love, when the rain clouds form

    Anointed holy eagles of Me
    I have hidden you safely
    From this world’s eye
    and taught you how to fly

    Beware, the unholy vultures are trying to devour
    you as prey, but that will not be
    If you humble yourselves and seek Me
    I say, take back what the enemy has stolen, for Me to restore !

    You let me leave the eagle’s nest
    You’ve stirred it up and learned me to soar
    So that I might take refuge in Your Rest
    and see Your righteousness like never before

    Help one another, to soar high in the sky
    Psalm 91 is your secret nest to fly
    I will find thee, Heaven blesses who are around Me
    I am the Shepherd, I will keep thee, throughout eternity !

  13. Reply

    I Believe God , it has been a hard 2 Years in Bussiness and many other things. Bur I Believe God for his Love , Grace and Breakthroughs. Through his Grace God gives me 7 Dreams a night as clear as daylight , 4 to 5 nights out of a 7 day week. I Give God all the Glory Honour and Praise what he has stored for us , his Heavenly Blessings and Blessings for us on this earth. And his hidden treasures and riches for us on this earth. Praise his Name. Regards , Andre Heigan south Africa

    • Reply

      This rocked my day as we are preparing a gathering of the Eagles for women leaders on Rosh Hashana to get our new assignments! Sure wish I could contact this artist and share the vision, I too am an artist! Hugs ?

    • avril webster
    • August 9, 2016


    • Grace Christie
    • August 9, 2016

    Thankyou for this encouraging word!

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