2 Simple Steps to Change Your Life—Starting This Week


Have you felt stuck or ready for a change?

Many people are feeling this way because we have been in a major time of transition. I want to encourage you to not give up and to get ready for the new season that is upon us.

So many people have been in a time of being in a spiritual wilderness or dark night of the soul or spirit. It is time to break out.

I want to share a few steps with you that took me from breakdown to breakthrough! I have been sharing this with people over the years, and the stories and feedback I have gotten are amazing.

My breakthrough

Years ago I felt stuck in my 9 to 5 job. I knew I was called to do more, but I had no idea what that looked like—let alone how to get there. I took time away to pray, and came up with a few things I felt God speaking to me.

I knew I wanted to start a new style of church that would reach people who do not like churches. I wanted to get married, become a standup comedian—laughter is medicine to the soul, after all—and I wanted to help others who were dealing with many of the things that I had dealt with; I thought that might include writing a book as well.

Doing these things seemed impossible at the time. Although I have accomplished them all now, and more, it all started by taking a few steps to activate those goals.

So here are the 2 activation steps that I took to break through to new things:

1. What are the desires of your heart?
Take a moment to ask yourself some questions.

• Are there goals or desires you have given up on achieving or accomplishing in life?
• Are there things you would like to do but you are not sure how to get started or what steps to take next?

In Psalm 37:4 NIV, it says, “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” If you have not done so already, make a Desires of My Heart List.

Write down some of your heart’s desires, allow yourself to just write. And do not worry about what should or should not be on the list. Be honest with yourself.

2. Take 1 simple step
You can turn your frustration and dissatisfaction into action.

By human nature, we tend to avoid change because it is painful. Dissatisfaction can be painful to address. And we usually avoid what we need to do by gaining pleasure doing something else.
Look at your Desires of My Heart List and choose just 1 item.

Now, what is 1 simple step you can take, right now, towards making that 1 item a reality? Or what can you do now to find out more about it? Maybe you can find a book on the subject, do some research, sign up for a class, download an application or mend a relationship?

List out what you want to accomplish and what it will take for you to do it. It is amazing what will happen over time as you keep taking small steps. You will find that new creativity will flow and after a few months you will have accomplished a lot with a minimal amount of effort.

My steps

So what did “taking the next step” look like practically for me in my goals to start a new style of church, get married and become a stand-up comedian?

• I took a seminar on church planting and started reading books on the topic.
• I started going to the singles groups and outings at my church.
• I took a standup comedy workshop.

It did not all happen overnight, but clarity started to come to me.

If you make just 1 degree of change per week, think of the change you will see in 30 days, 60 days, 6 months or a year!

If you do this consistently, then 1 year from now you will see massive change in your life! And again, it is usually with a small amount of effort because you are learning to do small, baby steps, over time.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 NKJV

Your breakthrough starts now

Destiny is like a connect-the-dots drawing. Taking time to gain clarity, and moving just a few small steps towards your destiny—will help you begin to build your life. You will be amazed at what God can do through you.



Doug Addison

P.S. If you would like more help from me as you take your next steps, I have put all my best coaching resources for you into this affordable online coaching resource.

If you need more support unlocking your breakthrough, defining your life purpose, busting through obstacles like perfectionism and procrastination, or even creating a life plan from the season you are in right now, find out more here.

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • DAnielle
    • September 18, 2016

    Please pray for me rejection, feeling accepted by god and man and loved , trust God , walk in love,encounter God, insecurities, mind obsessing ADHD, confusion thanks Danielle

    • Valerie
    • September 17, 2016

    Thank you, Doug, for the simple yet profound
    steps to take! So encouraging and do-able! I want to learn piano chords so I can serve in our Harp & Bowl Worship team in Michigan. I also feel an urge to write a book. I’m in my 60’s and know God has much ahead for me still. God bless you & may your health & body be totally restored in Jesus’ name, because the world needs you, dear brother!

  1. Reply

    A rhyme i received on
    September 16, 2016

    Restoration: Bring Me Your Lowliness

    Nothing to prove, nothing to defend
    Nothing to show off, nothing to recommend
    Seeing yourself as the very least
    My high laws will let you sit at Wisdom’s feast

    Holy angels observe and rush to your side
    When you are in danger and need a shelter to hide
    On a humble and little soul they turn the tide
    All that is partial will cease, but in My Love you will abide

    To be the victor in every battle against the enemy
    Practice charity, brotherly love and humility
    Choose well what you view or hear
    and I will fill you with far more wonder, than with fear

    Open your heart with poverty in your being
    There My Glory will burst with healing
    I am looking for those who know they are nothing
    Oh, how sublime your littleness for Me, your King !

  2. Reply

    thank you, love the simplicity and practicality of this. Encouraged my heart, as i have been stepping out, but got discouraged in the midst of taking steps. Your words helped me get new focus and clarity. Love the way you talk about God from the heart, down to earth, honestly and authentically, from a place of love and trust.

  3. Reply

    thank you, love the simplicity and practicality of this. Encouraged my heart, as i have been stepping out, but got discouraged in the midst of taking steps. Your words got me helped me get new focus and clarity. Love the way you talk about God from the heart, down to earth, honestly and authentically, from a place of love and trust.

  4. Reply


    • colleen
    • September 16, 2016


    • colleen
    • September 16, 2016

    Please prayer that God will open up the doors over life. Desire to work towards the kingdom of God in China .
    I belief me giving the first baby step and trust God for my purpose .Next year God willing I have know back up plan, but I know God are my back up.Amen

    • colleen
    • September 16, 2016

    Greeting Prophet.
    I have a confession .I also feel stuck where I am today. I know there a calling on my life to go do more in bringing soul to the Kingdom. My heart desires and goal are to Chine to do missionary work I have no experience in that feel but I know God will do the great work what He has planned over life. I have no back up plan but if this is God calling than I will follow .Currently I work going to give put my full time work and that will be the only money I will have to live on in the strange country no family to support me but I trust in God to lead the way .I planned through the will of God to leave my country South Africa next year God willing to go. The sign are there if I see anything about China than it boils up inside of me. Please keep me in prayer regarding my desires and that God must open up more doors to help me.Amen

    • Barbara Tinsley
    • September 15, 2016

    What and where and Name of seminar on church planting
    I need that training


    • Sandra Rijnbeek
    • September 15, 2016

    Thanks Doug❣❣ your prophetic leading and encouragement has been a great help to us for a long time. I love fun and laughter and it’s so good to know our God as kind, loving and powerful and ALSO outrageous and fun!

    • Meechie
    • September 15, 2016

    Jesus! I know that I shouldn’t be shocked by this post but, every time I think that I am having a private conversation in my heart and in my head, God says to me “I heard you and you are in the right place at the right time. For some reason it blows me away every time. Thanks Doug!

    • Gerald Addis
    • September 15, 2016

    Thank you and I receive this in Jesus name! AMEN!

    • Jaime
    • September 15, 2016

    This is great advice. I’m encouraged to know how to proceed. Thank you!

    • Deborah
    • September 15, 2016

    I just want to say again that you have been one of the greatest blessings in my life, as a voice of encouragement when I have hung on with all I had and God would use you to whisper in my ear hang do not give up! Every time I watch your webcasts, I am prompted by the Lord to say many times and it comes with His unction, “Bless Him!!” and I do this to break off any curses that have been spoken by others on your life. Thanks for this word as I’m now at my turning point walking away from grief to life and I need the tools to do that. I have a calling on my life but the enemy has used great loss to keep me in a place of mourning but now my morning is here, and I’m taking back all that was stolen.

  5. Reply

    I am so grateful for your writings and videos which I have been joyfully partaking of since 2015 I believe when you made prophetic announcements about 24. I have been in a dark night of the soul for a very long time but have moved on in the midst of it and started my own business and I am writing my book. Once you said to go back to 2009 and see what the Lord has told you and it is coming to pass this year. I went back in my journals and He told me to write the book! Amazing! I Have struggled that the anointing is not on the book yet. I speak in tongues but I am hungry for more of the Lord and His Holy Spirit. I want the baptism with fire. I need more! I have been attacked in so many ways it’s unbelievable and like you have been doing all I know to do; they just keep coming. I am believing expectantly for your September prophecies starting today you said. I am staying before the Lord. He has blessed me so much with His living water through my troubling times. I am so grateful. He is ever present and He is allowing me to grow in the knowledge of His great love. I have been so encouraged by your testimony and I am praying for you. Thanks again for allowing the Lord to use you. You are blessing me and so many. God bless you!

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