25 Questions To Stop the ‘Dream Thief’ & End Procrastination

Thinking Ideas Innovation Thoughts People Concept

We are in a divine season of God releasing new revelation and understanding into our life callings.

This happens each year around the Jewish holidays, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. These holidays are both coming in October—so I want to help you prepare to move forward hand-in-hand with God during this season.

The dream thief

God is releasing revelation and insight into your greater calling in life.

But have you ever felt like something is holding you back from moving to the next level or from going after your life dreams? There is a dream thief that can try to take away your passion for life.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10 NIV

Life is meant to be lived with purpose and we were all designed to have passion for living. Ultimately, receiving God’s love and power into your life is what will change you the most. But even still, there are many people who have done this yet still feel unfulfilled and adrift.

Easy steps

This is a time, like no other, to find and fulfill your greater purpose in life. You were destined to do great things and it does not have to be difficult. It is as easy as doing one small thing each day—or week—that moves you closer to God, or your destiny.

Mother Teresa is known to have said, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”

I have developed a lifestyle of doing small things, every day, which do not seem like much at the time, but add up over time.

You can change the spiritual atmosphere around yourself and others when you catch on to this powerful practice. I have helped thousands of people develop this lifestyle.

My story

I needed to write a book, but I did not have the time or energy. I kept putting it off and procrastinating, but then I decided to do one small thing a day towards my writing goal. I would do some research, then write a small section. I did this consistently and I was able to get my first book written.

Ultimately it did not take a lot of effort, as I was just doing one small thing at a time. Now, I write a small amount every day and then once a year I pull it together for a book or a new online course.

This same practice works for losing weight and getting healthy too. Years ago, I needed to lose 30 pounds. I started doing one small thing each day, like research a diet, find an easy way to exercise, get an accountability partner, throw out my junk food, etc. Within a few months, I was well on my way to getting back in shape. The hardest part of this was overcoming the procrastination by getting started.

Get started now

What does this have to do with God speaking to you about your destiny? Well, if you can do small things—then you will be ready when the bigger ones come your way.

I have listed a few ideas to help get you started—by asking yourself these questions:

1. What is one thing I want to change and what is the one step I can take to get started?
2. What is one prayer that if God would answer it right now—would change my life?
3. What is one thing I can do this week?
4. What is one thing I can do today?
5. Who is one person I can encourage?
6. Who is one person I can reach out to for advice?
7. Where is one place I can go where I often hear God more clearly?
8. Where is one place I would like to visit before I die?
9. What is one gift, talent or skill I have that I could use to contribute to the world?
10. Who is one person I can forgive?
11. What is the one biggest hurdle I overcame?
12. What is the one fear I need to overcome?
13. What is the one thing I am putting up with?
14. What is the one thing I want more of?
15. What is one fear that is holding me back?
16. What is my one biggest obstacle?
17. Who is the one person I can trust?
18. Who is the one person who can agree with me in prayer?
19. Who is the one person I would consider a mentor?
20. What is the one way I can step up my prayer life?
21. What is one idea that I have that I think would make extra money?
22. What is one item I can give?
23. What is one item I can donate?
24. What is one healthy habit I can start today?
25. What is one story I can write down today?

Do you get the idea on how to take your next step? You really can change your life with relatively little effort if you develop a lifestyle of breakthrough and not avoidance.

Get ready now for what is coming your way! Now, share this with someone who may be encouraged by it.



Doug Addison

P.S. Wish you had a coach to help you move forward? I’ve put the best of my prophetic life coaching experience and training materials into this online self-coaching toolkit for you so you can unlock your breakthrough. Click the link to learn more.

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

  1. Pingback: 25 вопросов, чтобы остановить «вора мечты» и прекратить промедление | Доверяй Богу

  2. Reply

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    ⅼater on.

    • Pauline Pope
    • October 6, 2016

    love your e-mail to inbox everyday they really really really speak to me

    • Reply

      Doug is so glad. He hears God so much that he wanted to release the daily words he gets to help people hear the prophetic flow that he is in.

      Bless you! Pam

  3. Reply

    I needed this.

  4. Reply

    Great ideas!

    • Maria
    • September 30, 2016

    Love to read your steps to Breakthrough, Love most of your posts on Face Book especially taking small steps.
    A lot of my friends quote you so today I looked myself
    and I am impressed!!!

    • Reply


      One of the things I love about Doug is that he is practical and easy to understand. The biblical principles are deep but God has given Doug a supernatural gift of activation and acceleration that impart knowledge and understanding spirit to spirit. Blessing you to hear God more clearly and do that 1 thing today that will move you closer to your destiny. Pam

  5. Reply

    Doug, you have encouraged me for yrs now, knowing at least somewhat the onslaught of the enemies attacks against your health & ministry. I remember reading a blog or one of your books i have about taking small steps in late 2014. So i have dreamed since youth of being in a rock band but it wasnt for Gods glory back in the hippiy era. Im 53 yrs young & that dream and all of my dreams for that matter including those God gave in 2001-02 and 2007-08 have been derailed and lying scattered in the Valley of dry bones. But God had conceived in me i will have a Metal band with a New sound in 07-08 and i called it Anathoth from Jer. 32 story. I knew i needed to take steps so i started buying a music instrument every month in 2015 even when i was nearly broke and have at least a dozen now. I was also praying to meet the right people and as crazy as it sounds i met 2 Metal sounds. One who is a Native American religion and one an atheist, But i know God is sending me into the demonic metal scene in USA, Germany and Scandanavia which actually scares me. ive become friends with these guys and one has taught me on guitars & ive been able to help him in a very bad situation hes in to show Christs love. But for many yrs ive had a relentless onslaught of chaos from the enemy with insane work schedules, a severe disease, financial problems and old car problems & I lose motivation or passion everything always thrown off kilter & just trying to stand on prophetic promises,,, but I press on for the goal of the prize of the high calling. Thanks again for your encouragement Doug.
    Michael Parks

      • Marleen Molenaar
      • October 6, 2016

      Thank you for sharing Michael, it inspires and encourages me a lot!!

    • Joanne
    • September 29, 2016

    Thank you Doug. Such an inspiring and helpful message. I got a prophetic word some years ago that I have to write a book. Then confirmation came from someone else with the name and deadline. Honestly though, I cannot say that I have made a concerted effort because it has been one thing after the next since then. Death in the family and illness however this is probably the turning point I needed. God bless.

    • Carlton
    • September 29, 2016

    This is so good and very doable!

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