September Prophetic Word: God is Turning Setbacks into Setups

Surprise astonished woman. Closeup portrait woman looking surprised in full disbelief wide open mouth isolated grey wall background. Positive human emotion facial expression body language. Funny girl

God is taking setbacks and what was intended for evil and bringing blessings. Negative situations will have a good outcome as you keep your focus and trust in God. If you have gotten warfare and resistance over the past few months, then you can now expect big breakthroughs to start happening.

If you lost your house, your car broke down, you got hit with health setbacks, relationship troubles increased or old behaviors or addictions kicked up again—I have good news for you. God is going to do a sudden move to bring you out of your darkest time and use it to bless you.

Watch for September 15–17 to be a turning point with this. By the 25th of September a new understanding will come and you will gain deeper revelation and wisdom for your situation. A sudden shift in favor and finances will begin and flow to you over the next few months.

It has seemed like darkness and attacks have increased, but God is going to use this to promote you.

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.” Isaiah 60:1-2 NIV

June through August was a rough time for many people. Even our weather patterns changed and storms, disasters and violence increased. The enemy does not want what is coming and has unleashed everything he can to try to stop it.

September is the start of the turnaround. It will increase in October, increasing throughout December as well. God is moving in your midst—because 2017 is going to be a strategic time.

Jesus came in my darkest time

I got healed 3 months ago of things that have been holding me down for the past 3 years. Then I walked through 3 more months, May through August, of some of the hardest times of my life with my health.

I got hit with an unexplainable illness that put me in some of the worst pain and chronic fatigue I have experienced. But in the midst of that I had some of the most powerful heavenly encounters I have ever had as well.

I was in so much pain over the past few months, and particularly the past 30 days, I could not walk across the room or even leave my house. I did not talk much about it because I do not like to give glory to the enemy.

I trust in God in the midst of the storms and He always comes through.

In August, it was as if a dark cloud came and parked over me and no matter what I did, I had repeated attacks and was laid out in pain and extreme fatigue. I was in bed most of the day and could not sleep at night. I could still hear God and was still having some amazing experiences, but it was not an easy time.

Then on August 15, I had a spiritual encounter in which Jesus came to me and swept me out of the darkness and into a safe place. I felt the joy of the Lord return to me and my pain left. We talked and laughed and He explained things to me.

He assured me that I was going to get healed in August; He also shared plans to overthrow this attack—an attack not only on me but on many people, including many prophets who also have been sick. Then suddenly the encounter was over and I was back in my body in extreme pain and sickness again. Leaving His presence was even more painful than the physical pain.

I could not remember a lot of the details of what Jesus said except these 2 things: I would be healed and a new gate will open in the spirit by the end of August. I was thinking to myself, “Why not heal me now since You are here?” But I knew that like Job, there was a greater purpose in it all.

Jesus kept His word

The next 2 weeks after August 15 were really rough. Then, as sure as the Lord had said it, August 30th I woke up hearing in the spirit “The Lord is coming” repeated over and over. Within a few hours I could smell rain in the spirit; then a new gate in the spirit opened.

I got my strength back and the pain and fatigue left me. I got revelation into the source of the attack and pursued the enemy and cut things off. My strength is returning and each day God is restoring things that were lost during this horrific attack against me.

Books of Revival revealed

Later in the morning, after my encounter with Jesus on August 15, the presence of the Holy Spirit came into my room and explained what Jesus had spoken to me. It was more like an impartation of revelation than a conversation. I had forgotten or did not understand at the time most of what Jesus had said to me the night before, because I was so caught up in His awesome presence.

A Book of Revival from Heaven was revealed to me. I cannot explain this except it is spiritual and not physical. It is as if suddenly things made sense to me, the Holy Spirit began to reveal a series of Bible verses and prophetic insight to me. Many things I saw and heard seemed contrary to some of the popular end times and rapture theologies.

God is releasing new revelation into the times we are in.

Daniel 7:10 shows there are books or scrolls in Heaven that are opened and the Courts of Heaven review them. These books can be about us personally, as in Psalm 139:16, or about nations and global issues.

Hidden plans being revealed

Just as in Daniel 7, the books are being opened right now and the Lord Himself is now holding court sessions over us. This is to set things up for one of the greatest global revivals in history.

I heard the Lord say that He is hiding His strategies because He is planning surprise promotions for people who have been hidden or set aside for this very time.

These hidden people and books from Heaven are now being opened to us. My Book of Life was opened and my greater calling got revealed on August 12. Then just 3 days later I had an encounter with Jesus Himself—the 2nd one in my life.

You do not have to have an encounter and be taken into Heaven to receive these promotions. In fact, most people getting this new revelation will get it in the way they normally hear God. Some in dreams and visions, others will hear the Holy Spirit speak to their spirit, etc.

Keys to navigating through

God is not the one causing bad things to happen in your life and in the world. It is important to stay focused on the Lord and be grateful during these uncertain times. The enemy’s plan is to get you angry at God and others. It is this anger, which is not righteous anger, that will cause you to lose your authority in prayer.

There are things happening that might look totally opposite of what God has promised you. This is a time to trust the process as God is working things out. He has your best interest at heart, and has not forgotten you. Praising and worshiping God in the midst of adversity is a key for this month.

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”
James 1:2-3 NIV



Doug Addison

P.S. Have you ever received a prophetic word, but didn’t know what to do with it? My newest book, God Spoke, Now What? Activating Your Prophetic Word is now available in paperback, ebook download and Kindle formats! Order your book here today.

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Helen E
    • October 9, 2016

    Most seem to believe we just ended the year of Jubilee. But a few seems to think we just etered it (2nd of Oct). Which one is correct?

    • Reply


      The year we just ended was the year of Jubilee. The Jewish new year started on Oct 2-3, 2016. Yom Kippor will be Oct 11-12.

      You can do a search on the internet for a complete explanation. Blessings! Pam

        • Helen E
        • October 20, 2016

        Thank you Pam. Kind of sad that the year of Jubelee then didn’t bring any of the answers we needed. Lets hope this next year will bring some breakthroughs..! God bless. 🙂

        • Reply


          Working for Doug Addison, I have learned that the key to life is having and keeping the intimacy of Jesus every day. What helps is reading through the Psalms and finding the ones that echo your heart cry, and then reading/crying those to God on your behalf. God is still our God whether he saves us from the fire or he does not. I see your great faith and your joy in the Lord. We bless your joy to bubble up and flow out in every circumstances, good and bad. Sending love and hugs to you on Doug’s behalf! Pam

    • Pamela
    • October 8, 2016

    Pray against hurricane s Matthew in South Carolina power outage hight winds Jesus spoke to wind s peace be still we speak peace to storms and Matthew and Nichole has to go nowinYeshua name amen.I

    • Jane DiPaolo
    • October 6, 2016

    Thank you for this Word. My 38 yr old son has been in a nursing home for 14 +yrs. He doesn’t walk or talk. Much adversity has come against us. Just received a letter Saturday saying that he is being discharged to another facility for a 2nd time – common practice in for- profit nursing home.s Knowing that our Father will change what is intended for evil to good has sustained me all these years. He has been so Faithful;has given me the strength to work full time and care for my son 7 days a wk for 6 hrs a days after work. Time has come for a victory over this oppression. I will boldly declare God is for us.

    • September 18, 2016

    Doug, thanks for the encouragement. I am one of the ones that seems like the Lord has set aside. I really feel like I am invisible lol, if you can relate. This word helps me to keep marching on. I am bi-vocational, and it’s been a bit of a struggle so could use that breakthrough and/or promotion. Anyway thanks again!!

    • Reply

      Loren, blessing your heart to stay strong and filled with hope. You are being hidden because you are filled with new wine and the time hasn’t come yet for the new wine to be released. Keep speaking alignment with God’s timing over your life.

      Blessing you! Pam

    • Kgomotso
    • September 15, 2016

    From June through to the beginning of September it’s been set backs after setbacks I thank God for these prophetic words. I thank God because I never stopped praying I knew something big is coming the 9th month, month of giving birth I never focused on setback as they were going to make me miss my breakthroughs, thank you Lord this is the confirmation.I have faith and trust something huge is about to happen.

  1. Reply

    Hello Prophet Doug Addison! This is the day you said manifestations would present themselves as a turnaround in my situation. Well I got such a manifestation of the Spirit TODAY! A friend gave me a very big client (#2) for my business. She called me and asked me to come and speak to their staff. Long term implications for sure. This is God! And the day is early yet. A prophet is known by the truth his Word brings forth. You are a true prophet. I believed it already but God tests the Spirit. I am looking for even greater manifestation in the days ahead especially Holy Spirit fire to fall. Thank you! God bless you!

    • Jan Donaldson
    • September 13, 2016

    Thank you for your transparency to share such an amazing and personal testimony. I have never communicated with you before but I sense the urge to encourage you as well. Especially since I have been in trials since end of May 2013 which I believe may have been approx. the same start time of your trials. Before reading your testimony I felt the shift of dark forces loosening and breaking. Your words affirmed, stirred and encouraged me. Be fully healed brother Doug! Bless you.

    • Leslie
    • September 13, 2016

    I receive the promise and can see a breakthrough coming in September ’16. I have a lot of statutory dues to pay & just found out yesterday that there is an amnesty scheme by which my dues will be reduced drastically. This scheme is till 30th September ’16 and I believe that it was God:s hand that I came to know of this scheme. I believe that God will see me through and assist me in taking advantage of this scheme and help me in arranging finances to see me through.

    • Rose Ntuli
    • September 13, 2016

    Thank you ,for september prophetic word,.may the Lord God continue using you,and be his mouth piece.we thank God for your healing thank you God bless you.

    • julie
    • September 13, 2016

    THANK YOU Doug I Recieve that word for september.God continue to restore you. YOU arw are a blessing .

    • Cheryl
    • September 13, 2016

    I am still struggling but I am going to do like you said and keep praising and worshipping. There must be a reason the enemy is trying to take me out and I believe God will restore me and my household to serve Him. Amen.

    • Lisa
    • September 13, 2016

    I read this word today and went back and looked in my Journal for last month on some of the dates you posted here! Wow, is all i can say!!

  2. Reply

    Father gave me this on the noted date.
    AM Prayer

    General I am the Lord God who has created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. I have spoken My Word and set My Word into motion and it is so.

    I am establishing My children, building an army of true believers who know who I AM and believe and trust with all their heart. They will come to know that I am the Lord God and can do all that I say and will do it.

    This is the season for blessings, restoration and restitution. I am blessing My children as never before because of their faithfulness. I am restoring lost hopes and lost dreams. I am giving restitution for all those things which have been stolen from My children.

    I am doing all this so that My children will know that My love is everlasting and knows no limits. My children shall realize that a AM that I AM and can and will do all that I have said. Your faith shall be strengthened during this season and you shall live for Me with renewed strength, soaring upon the wings of eagles.

    My angels are especially with those who hear My voice and do – to give them the strength which they need to accomplish the task set before them. And yet, I am still and always with all who call upon My name.

    I am preparing My children in this season so when the next season comes, they all shall be ready to go forth in My power and in My strength to share My love with the world.

    Back in the fall of 2014 (Oct. I think) Father gave me two scriptures which reflect His calling on my life. One was Jeremiah chapter 1 (the calling of Jeremiah) and Ezekiel chapter 37 (the dry bones). In the dry bones, Father said He would revive the NT church so that His people will know that HE IS GOD and that we will act like we not only understand this but truly believe it,
    These seven years are a proving ground a preparation period for the greatest revival the world has ever seen and God’s children need to be ready to step out and do His work. Great spiritual revival also means great spiritual resistance, but Father will magnify and glorify Hs name during those next seven years bringing a whole bunch of souls into his kingdom – unchurched AND churched. Some goats will transition into sheep along with lost souls coming into His fold.
    What happens after that? I don’t know. We can only speculate and watch nature and the world around us.

    • A
    • September 13, 2016

    Thank God September is here. It felt as if I was stuck in August. Praise God for seeing me through August, if he hadn’t I would have been finished.
    I want to encourage those of you who have jobs and businesses to remember to support Doug and his ministry. Its not enough to claim his prophetic words and ask him to pray for you because he is human and has his own personal battles.
    Am wondering are there any dream interpreters who can help me make sense of my dream last night? 1) Saw many tiny birds. The ones behind were annoying me with their noise and I shouted they should shut up and added,if they were married they wont be making any noise . A bird in front said they are newly married. Then this bird and another turned to identical looking men that I call bird men. One of them wanted to be intimate with me and was trying to rub my body. I was politely trying to run away from him. I was a relative coming and I used the opportunity to run into the house. This relative now went into an old chicken house and packed a full bucket of sand.

    • Jeanette Sumar
    • September 13, 2016

    Thank you Doug for your transparency.Thank you are such a blessing to the body of Christ. I am praying and trust God for my breakthrough financial , healing and in career. God Blessed You and your family.

    • Carmen
    • September 13, 2016

    My better half sent this to me and I’m so happy he did because here lately I’ve been faced with a lot. GOD Is able. Thank you GOD!!

    • Maggie
    • September 13, 2016

    Thank You Doug, I have been under fire for 3 years and asking myself when is my turn coming, Thank you for this word and I believe that God is Turning my Setbacks into Setups. Thank You!

  3. Reply

    Wow, it’s like you where send to speak to me “personally” today through this message! I can relate to a lot….including physical trails my body is going through! But I must stand and be victorious through it all and not stop praising God. Thank you for encouraging me today, because some times one just feel like pulling the covers over ones face and hide away.

    • deborah
    • September 13, 2016

    Awesome word for September: the Lord spoke to me a few weeks ago that my contending is over and my breakthrough is here. There is a situation right now in my personal life that the Lord is starting to turn around. His promises are yes and amen.

    • valerie
    • September 12, 2016

    Thank you Doug. I am busy losing my home and everything in it. I have lost my peace. I am destitute and devastated. I do not know what is going to become of me. But I know that even if I become homeless, out on the streets I will still testify of God’s goodness amoung them. Please keep me in prayer. I am desperate for a place to stay.

    • Lenny
    • September 12, 2016

    Thank you Doug for sharing. This really strengthens me, and totally fit my current situations. I’ve been through really tough season since June to this very moment, slipped into depression and eventually had an emotional breakdown 2 days ago. I kept on asking God, “Why? Why?” but He said nothing. Just as you said, early this September God showed me a way out, a new door, and I do believe that He is going to deliver me. Now I know that no matter what He’s good. God is good all the time and I trust Him with all of my heart.

    • Wendy Soumas
    • September 12, 2016

    I have been experiencing spiritual warfare , but God is teaching me new strategies to overcome. I believe that this is leading to breakthrough. I can relate to so much that you write and say. A day of rejoicing in coming! I am so excited for all that God is about to do. How great and awesome is he! He has given us the victory! We will overcome! Many blessings to you.!

    • Jane
    • September 12, 2016

    Thanks for the encouragement, very timely. I’ve just come through a dark place, not really sure how I got through it but here I am on the other side, standing in the light, Isa.60:1,2. I await further instructions before moving forward.

    • Terrance
    • September 12, 2016

    Doug thank you for this prophetic word! It has greatly blessed and encouraged me. I have been under severe attacks from the enemy this year and it seems as if nothing is going right. Being very transparent, I have become weary from the onslaught. Your words have encouraged and strengthened me! Thank you for your service in the Kingdom and your obedience to the Father! I also look forward to reading your new book “GOD SPOKE, Now What?
    Many Blessings,

    • Victoria Mahar
    • September 12, 2016

    Thank you so much Doug for your timely words of encouragement. Especially while you were in so much pain and trials of your own. That just shows me and especially satan that you are a true heart and that he is picking on the wrong guy? keep up the good fight brother and know that you are being prayed for from a heart of love as you have been a great great blessing to me many times by your very uplifting words. Thanks

    • Walter Connor
    • September 12, 2016

    Thank you!

    • Laurie agnes
    • September 12, 2016

    Thank you Jesus for healing Doug . Glory be to you Lord. God bless you Doug and your family. May God protect you and your family where ever your feet go. In Jesus name Amen.

    • Dorcas Stalling
    • September 12, 2016

    Thank you for giving the WORD of the LORD!!! I am ENCOURAGED!!!

  4. Reply

    Doug your words and your honesty has and does help me in the many years of sickness I have gone through. The fact you speak so freely and you are such a man of God helps me more than you know. Thank you for that. God keeps giving me dreams where my vehicles keep getting stolen and I go searching for them. The last one I actually saw our RV being driven away. I have no idea what they mean and it keeps happening. Please help me understand this.

    • Sandy
    • September 12, 2016

    Thanks for your prophetic word Doug. Everyone in the oil and gas industry need the encouragement. We have lost and gone through so much. We are trusting and holding on to the promises of God to his children. In Jesus Name!

    • B. McKeon
    • September 12, 2016

    Amen. My daughter needs to stop drinking and be employable, but like me, felt God would do it. I had to make the choice though to be a willing vessel. After 6 months of horrendous financial strain and 6 deaths, (one a murdered niece) and struggling with my daughter’s problems. A week ago everything for me personally urned around. I am praising God for the strength I have had this week and look forward to a better life. Please deeply pray for my daughter’s recovery and for enriching full-time employment.

    • Brenda Onyutta
    • September 12, 2016

    For the past week, I have woken up with a worship song ringing in my spirit. As I have worshipped out loud, I have found myself in His presence experiencing a peace I have not had in months. This year has been really tough on me. My health, relationship, family, career all seemed to have drifted onto a rocky path and it was really hard finding my way again. But then God! speaking through you Doug cleared the pathway for me and I believe I am on my way to greater things. Thank you for your ministry. Oh how I am encouraged by you! Indeed God is using every setback for my setup.

    • agnes uzanda
    • September 12, 2016

    Glory be to God thanx Doug may God increase u mightily wow owesome Lord thankyou very I pray and believe this month of September GOD has answered all my prayers I wil move in supernatural unlimited favour my eyes will see it my mouth will testify a nd my hands wil handle it miracles are mine your worthy to be praised Lord

    • Faith Lubitz
    • September 12, 2016

    Thank you so much Doug…for your daily and monthly precious words of encouragement for all of us. I am sorry you and many..including myself..have had to endure attacks. I have been encouraged by my dreams recently…last night dreamed I was with others preparing for Thanksgiving dinner! It was to be in the next couple of days..

    • Marion Johnson
    • September 12, 2016

    Hi Doug. A voice spoke to me and told me to look at my gmail. I did and clicked on your email. Doug, the Lord has come to me through His Holy Spirit speaking to me regarding declutter. I started off with decluttering my closet which was a place I wanted to prepare for The Lord and I to have intimate time together. While I was cleaning out my closet, I also heard a voice say to give the shoes, clothes and purses to charity. Since I’ve given those things away, I’ve been hearing HIM speak to me about clearing my mind by Journaling and writing things on paper to release everyday things that come in my thoughts. There’s a lady who works with me who has come to me and prophesied the same things to me about a shift taking place in my life. I’m trusting GOD every second I breathe! No matter what the enemy tries to portray.

    Thank you for the encouraging and prophetic words spoken over my life. I touch and agree with you Doug.

  5. Reply

    Thank you so much! Such confirmation for what I have been going through! I thought I was the only one and that something may be wrong. Waiting with anticipation for the breakthrough and this season of intense warfare to be over. I sense the breakthrough coming!

  6. Reply

    I’m so blessed by this revelations of God.God is so amazing.I receive all that He has said to Dough.I pray that we encounter what he encounters.I need the baptism of the Holy spirit.I also pray to god to baptise my children and their father with the Holy Spirit.

    • Lashell
    • September 12, 2016

    Hi Doug,

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank You for being willing to share your story. I found you about 3 months ago and receive your Daily Prophetic Message which has encouraged me tremendously. All this time, I had no idea you were going through your own ordeal. Your testimony has been encouraging as I have been unable to find a job after being laid off October 2015 and unable to find employment. It’s good to know that God has come through for you and I look forward to sending you my testimony when He comes through for me. God bless you and your ministry.

    • Zaida Latorre
    • September 12, 2016

    THank you Doug…For this message…As I read it I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit , I had chills running from the top of head, down to my feet, and an explosive love bursting in my heart, as never before and I started to cry as I praised Him, for His love and compassion…I was able to relate with the attacks you have experienced, which come before a blessing…I’ve learned to pray about everything, and worry about nothing’…I put things in His hands and I let go and Let Him…God’s will, God’s time…He is never late…when things get bad, I repeat during the day….”All” things happen for good to those that love God and are called according to His purpose….Life is a school of learning….there are valleys and mountains as well…HIS WILL! NOT MY WILL…Doug, God bless you and Yours..May the Lord continue to bless you and use you as His vessel in bring His Word to His church…Prayers going up on your behalf, claiming all healing Scriptures over you and Psalm 91….In Jesus’s name, Amen…Have a blessed, happy, positive and safe day along with your loved ones…❤️????????????

    • Joan Dawson
    • September 12, 2016

    Thank you for persevering! I have been attacked for 3years now and started to get better but instead ended in the hospital with heart failure. The devil is such a liar isn’t he? He wanted to take me out with a stroke and paralysis but God didn’t allow it. I may have had a mini stroke. But now my muscles tighten up like they are paralyzed and its excruciating pain. So your word today keeps me going on. I have a destiny to fulfill. Pray my sister (twin) and I can start walking in it soon. No more delays in Jesus’ name. Thank you for your faithfulness. . Joan

    • Adeola Odutola
    • September 12, 2016

    Thank you for what I am experiencing is totally different to what He told me but after reading your words, I now can understand His words, “I will never leave you nor forsake you, do you believe me?” I am now learning that even in very difficult times He is still with me. I had naively thought in the beginning the words, “The name of My Son is your guardian ” meant not only will He protect but that His name , that attribute of it that fights against harm will prevent evil from harming me. But I know I can trust Him , bewildered though I am.

    • Marcia Savage
    • September 12, 2016

    Amen and Amen!

    • Maritza NigrinisHeg
    • September 12, 2016

    Thanks so much, Doug, for helping us to keep moving on, trusting Him ALWAYS, in the midst of anything !!! Thanks for your own testimony for understanding even more His great mercy ! We love you lots and we pray for you and your dear family ! SHALOM !!

    • celjeta
    • September 12, 2016

    Thank you from the heart.

    • Tolits
    • September 12, 2016

    My breakthroughs started in August. First, my broken relationships with my loved ones were restored. Second, I was set free of a stronghold that had been oppressing me for decades. Lately, someone mentioned “coming out” and “upgrade” concerning my situation. I’ve been expecting for another breakthroughs soon. Doug, your daily prophetic word has really inspired me and strengthened my faith in God. Glory to His name!

    • Hilary
    • September 12, 2016

    Thanks for the prophetic word,that I’m waiting for my life in sure this is my time and season may his plans in my life and family come to pass in Jesus name Amen

    • Kay Martin
    • September 12, 2016

    Needed this. All lines up exactly with what is going on in my life. Thank you for your clear manner of writing. Be blessed. I can only imagine the cost and war to pour out in this time. Be blessed. Carry on.

    • Marilyn
    • September 12, 2016

    What an encouraging word. I, also, am believing for a supernatural turnaround.

    • Lupita
    • September 12, 2016

    May God continue blessing u Man of God…indeed your prophecy for this month is inspiring and it encouraged me to continue more for since this year i began with fasting after fasting and the attavks have multiplied for me as well health issues that last month i recieved healing yesterday i saw anger i had wanting to come back but i keep praying God take away i dont want to ever go back to what i once had become trapped by the enemy…your daily prophetic words have been enncourahing…

  7. Reply

    Wow such a great word. This really hit me deep. Thank you!! Jesus bless you and heal you in His might!!

  8. Reply

    Amen! I receive this word. I saw an amazing turn-around this past weekend. I am now trusting it will continue and that my well health will be restored. God is up to something amazing. it is in the atmosphere!

    • Diane Sullivan
    • September 12, 2016

    Thanks for that word. It meant a great deal to me personally. I have been waiting all my life for “these days.” May the Lord work His purpose and show forth the glory of this name!

    • Debra Scott
    • September 12, 2016

    Last night, in church, an elderly man told a dream that he had. In the dream there were many small books and one huge one. He heard a voice say…the small books are the many smaller revivals that have come, but now I’m sending a HUGE one.

    • Brian Canniff
    • September 12, 2016

    God has shown me so much in the Spirit since July & I eagerly wait for manifestation of all this. I believe I’ve been called to be part of revival at a biker bar here in town, which seems like an impossibility, but with God all things are possible. I only need strength & courage to do what He has called me to do, as this is all new to me and of course the enemy has been attacking. Please pray for me. God bless you in the name of Jesus.

    • Goddey udoidung
    • September 12, 2016

    Hi Doug,I have been waiting for these words for the month of sept.Am strengthened and inspired . These have come to confirm some of the words the lord was showing me .May the Lord continue to strengthen you for this generation.What is the cost of this new book?

    • Brigiitte
    • September 12, 2016

    Awesome I needed this encouragement it seems like I have been so discouraged but this word has given me hope , very timely.

  9. Reply

    Thank you Doug for your transparency. So much of what I just read is confirmation that I’m in God’s will for my life. I just completed my first speaking engagement and I am now waiting on the Lord to open more doors so I can share my message of hope. I’m trusting God to fulfill my destiny in Him. Thank you again for your encouraging words. I will continue to stand strong and wait on the Lord. Blessings…

    • Desiree Smith
    • September 12, 2016

    This is good stuff Doug. We are like Indiana Jones hunting for the mother load. The glory train is us. He wants us to know the real vs. counterfeit. Not being deceived with lying signs and wonders. Going back to His womb to know His original intent for us personally. You are an encouragement and a deleight. I think the world needs healing through your comedy more than anything. We all need His joy.

    • Ken
    • September 12, 2016

    I love reading these! Each month has been a confirmation of the things God said to me. My wife and I were told by Holy Spirit to prepare ourselves for a visit from Father God on Sep 17th, and that heavenly encounters would become common. At the same time we have experienced attack after attack. But last night an angel came to us and put a hot coal on my chest, and put something on my eyes. Then he put something on my wife’s tongue and promoted her. Then he gave us a message to give to a ministry fire friend.

    • Bianca
    • September 12, 2016

    Mr Addison,if this is reaching you,it will bring clarity,I need help!!!

    • Maggie
    • September 12, 2016

    Thank you for this wonderful insight. I’m so very glad you are better and healed. Blessings to you on your continued work and writing for the a Lord’s glory

  10. Reply

    Doug, thanks for posting this! I have experienced all of the things you mentioned above, it has been like a deluge of loss over the last 3 years. Now a breakthrough is starting! Finances are changing, ministry is taking off! I HAVE felt hidden, but now things are breaking open! We are having our first pastors Confrence here in Costa Rica next week! We will be teaching on The Kingdom of Heaven here on earth and renewing the mind. I am new at speaking and now God has me speaking to Pastors! I feal like I am being thrown into the deep end, so here I go! Trusting God he will speak through me and praying for abundant fruit in Costa Rica!

  11. Reply

    Powerful word,this is confirmation for many of things I and my family have been experiencing

    • Norma Clark
    • September 12, 2016

    Father in the name of Jesus I stand in agreement with those trusting God I have had setback since 2009 longest test I have every walked through but My God is turning it into a setup, I ask God to give himself a testimony, Iam expecting the expected and the unexpected breakthrough, there I nothing that I impossible with God, I know the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the rightenous, Iam the rightenous of God, father I exalt you over every circumstances that the has throw at us, we will over come by the word of our testimony, Father Thank you for the devine Set up .

    • Carol Weld
    • September 12, 2016

    When my husband retired in 2010, the Lord told us that we would have more than enough! It seems like we have struggled ever since financially. We have struggled trying to be good stewards.
    I have struggled with weight gain, & my son & his wife have had problems in their marriage. Granted they have not really put God first in their marriage, but my daughter in law really has a problem with insecurity.
    I really need a word from God. Sometime I get depressed about the out comes on all these issues, & feel like God does not here our prayers! I know He does, we just need your prayers! I claim your prophetic messages for our lives. Thank you!

  12. Reply

    Same here !!! What a wonderful confirmation for me ! I have been experiencing the same difficulties with extreme pain and poverty and within them a certain peace that prevails! I assured deliverance, healing and that His mighty right arm is upholding me and my destiny that He has been showing me in visions.
    Pray for Israel and for the harvesters that will do all that the Lord has called them to do and be.
    Many blessings child of the Most High !

    • Winnie Ling
    • September 12, 2016

    Praying for breakthroughs and waiting for Gid to show through all levels. Thank you fr your encouraging words Doug. God bless you!

    • Shinika McQuarter
    • September 12, 2016

    Glory Hallellujah!!!! I receive this timely word in the mighty name of Jesus! The last few months have been hectic and I’m so ready for a breakthrough!

    • shitongeni Hellena
    • September 12, 2016

    In God I trust God is powerful

    • Cherry Harrison
    • September 12, 2016

    Doug, thank you for sharing. Praise God he made your body and knows exactly when and how to heal it. You are so right, I am overwhelmed at how God is moving in my life and shiftin things that have kept me down for years, but I have never had such contentment to rest in his beautiful peace. Blessings to you and your Family.

    • Pastor Pat Allen
    • September 12, 2016

    Great word. On point. Now Lord we are waiting for the setbacks to turn into setups. Please pray for me. Im So desperate for the turnaround. God bless you.

    • Dawn Arendsen.
    • September 12, 2016

    Thank you Doug you are such a blessing to the body of Christ.I pray complete healing over you inJesus name.your testimony blessed me& set me free because I was so low physically& healthwise & just not understanding the reason or cause of it ,we’ll I’m fine now & progressing daily.The prophetic word for September is blessed & a blessing I receive it I believe it &ii shall prosper in it because I believe the Prophet of God.yesterday morning God gave Isiah 60 so that’s confirmation.Thank you again& blessings to you your family&ministry.Shalom Dawn.

  13. Reply

    Doug, thank you so much for this wonderful, encouraging word! I will be pressing into these words in prayer. So glad to hear you are healed. Thanks for all you do to encourage the Body!

      • Nita Beauchamp
      • September 13, 2016

      Reading this as I sit in court (my husband is a lawyer) and I’m his assistant) we are here to deal with a “set back” in our case. I hear the Lord say check your email and then I hear Him say, yes, that one. And then at the end I see one of my favorite bloggers commenting.
      This whole morning heading in to court to deal with this situation The Lord has been showing us both that He is still on the throne and as He has his eye on the sparrow we can trust Him with everything even this little hiccup.

    • Glory
    • September 12, 2016

    Thank you Doug for sharing those encouraging words and being open about your personal challenges. I have been hearing words like “reset” and “reboot” in my spirit and it has stirred up hopes for me beyond the circumstances. There is grace for all to enter into this new season!

    • Dawn
    • September 12, 2016

    Amen..praying for my daughter return to thd issue where she has been hurt.
    Her responsiblty forgive.
    Prthankful she is journing back.
    Her return to being the amazing witness and evengelist she once was .
    Things stolen..the enemy never liked her..
    She belongs to the Lord…from before birth..been prayed for.
    THANKYOU for your ministry! !

      • kathy
      • September 13, 2016

      Wow Dawn!!–your letter could have been written by me–we wait, and trust God to turn this situation around! God bless you in your deeper walk with Him.

      • Stacey
      • September 12, 2016

      Thank you Doug for this encouraging word, I so needed to hear this. I have been under attack for months now in chronic pain and torment, cancelled surgery to fuse bones this week from degenerative bone disease. This summer was crazy and now it all makes sense. I am standing for complete healing and restoration of all things lost

      • Janice
      • September 12, 2016

      Thank you Doug I’m going some trails of my own with my marriage and finance right now I’m praying that God will restore my marriage bring my husband back to our family get the other woman and her family out of the picture and give us a blessing of a marriage better than before In Jesus Name

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