It’s Time to Get New Strategies for Repayment

We are in a time of repayment right now and a time where things are changing so quickly that it can be easy to lose sight of what God is calling us to this year. I originally released parts of this prophetic word in my book, Prophetic Forecast, Volume 1 (2016), but I want to resurface it, as it is a prophetic word for now!

This is a time in which God is doing something totally new. We are coming out of a wilderness time and this year we will see new things spring up. It will require us to forget some of our former ways of thinking and doing things. This will be the most difficult part of entering into this new season.“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. Isaiah 43:18 NIV

Strategic new season started in 2015

In 2001, we saw a shift come with the tragedy of September 11 and the escalation of terrorism. Seven years later in 2008, we saw a major financial downturn in the housing market crash causing people to lose their investments and homes. Seven years later in 2015, we entered a new seven-year cycle and the Lord is going to provide a turnaround, though many people are not seeing this yet.

“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten … Joel 2:25 NIV

Don’t be alarmed

In order to cross over into the new season that is at hand you will need to get through some slightly choppy times. Embracing the “pain of change” will help right now. Things that are happening are only setbacks if you choose to view them that way. God will use what may seem like opposition. It is actually the wind of change that is here to bring strategic repositioning that will set you up for advancement.

The places and seasons that many have been in have been limiting you. You will need to get into a place of greater ability to stretch your spiritual wings. This will allow you to catch the new creative wave coming over the next year. You will look back later and be glad that you took the risks and paid the price.

Strategies of repayment

When there are great injustices in your life, it sets you up for greater blessings from God. We have seen this happen over the past 2 years. During this spiritual season that is ripe for repayment, the enemy is trying to get us distracted.

Isaac got a strategy from God that caused him to reap a hundredfold during a famine (Genesis 26:12). It was opposite of what his father Abraham did. Because he got his own strategy, he dug his own wells and not his fathers and was blessed and found room for his own heritage.

Right now, it is important that we do not focus on the strategies of our forefathers—spiritual or natural. God is calling us to something completely new. Learning to hear the voice of God is really important in this new season.

The next 4 years are going to be times of reaping for all the pain and loss you have experienced. But it is never automatic. You will need to make a claim with the Lord. Ask God to give you a strategy to recover it all.

If you’re ready to get more clarity and strategies on how to advance into what God has for you, I encourage you to check out my online coaching workshop this month, Accelerating You Into Your New Year.


Doug Addison

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerful, positively funny teaching style and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

Doug Addison

<strong>Doug Addison</strong> is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his and <em>Spirit Connection </em>podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Cally Girl
    • February 17, 2018

    Amen 🙏

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 19, 2018

      Yay! Bless you Cally girl!

    • Tim E
    • January 21, 2018

    I started to get repayment at the beginning of last year, but within a few days experienced major setback. It would take quite a few words to describe what happened and would raise the hair on the back of your neck. Here is my question: how do we keep this from happening again?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 26, 2018

      Hey Tim! Doug has a blog post on how things can get hard right before the breakthrough that might help you with that question. Bless you during this time!

    • Licinda Stevens
    • January 20, 2018

    It’s unfolding rapidly! Thank you, sir and team! God bless you!!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 23, 2018

      Yes! Bless you Licinda!

    • Mereoni sadria
    • January 19, 2018

    Can you elaborate

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 23, 2018

      Doug does further into this on his Spirit Connection for January. Bless you!

    • Mereoni sadria
    • January 19, 2018

    I am so excited to be part of these looking forward to Saturday so what time would that be in sacramento

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 23, 2018

      We are so glad to have you with us for the live webinar! Bless you Mereoni!

    • Seipati Sharon Langa
    • January 19, 2018

    Yes. I was working for a government agency from 2012 December – 2015 March. I had to leave due to contract expiration, but thing is on my birthday in 2014, I was promised a permanent position, me and some other colleagues of course, but is was on MY birthday. So the whole office had cake in a dual celebration.
    Last year since November, I’ve been having dreams of me Returning to the agency. I’m not sure what direction to pursue now. Do I keep looking for positions in other government agencies or will the Lord repay me regardless for the losses, just in another way? I say this because I hear Holy Spirit pulling me to Writing, not Admin. More to People affairs, not necessarily organization matters.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 6, 2018

      Agreeing with you Sepipati for guidance and clarity for God during this time. He loves you so much and has amazing plans for you.

    • Leah Thompson
    • January 18, 2018

    I did sign up for Accelerating You into Your New Year and haven’t seen anything yet.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 19, 2018

      Hey Leah! It shows that you have been receiving emails to the email you registered this comment to. If you are not seeing them, please email us at and I will further assist you :).

    • Bethel
    • January 18, 2018

    Thank you Doug for speaking out the word of the Father!! You’re a real blessing to me, and I receive that word over my life in Yeshua’s name amen!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 19, 2018

      Bless you! We are so glad you are encouraged by Doug’s words.

    • Raul Torres
    • January 18, 2018

    Amazing, I can’t wait to see the next 4 years of reaping for all the pain and losses I have experiened
    So Father, I am making a claim with you today Lord. And I am also asking you to give me a strategy to recover all in Jesus, Name. Amen

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 19, 2018

      Bless you Raul. God has been with you through all your troubles the past 4 years. You are deeply loved by God.

  1. Reply

    I receive this word In Jesus Name!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 19, 2018

      Amen! Bless you Rachel!

  2. Reply


      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 19, 2018


    • Cheryl
    • January 18, 2018

    I so bare witness to this word! Thank you for your obedience to hear & release!


      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 19, 2018

      Bless you Cheryl!

  3. Reply

    Thank you, Doug! These past 24 months have been some of the most pain filled in my life, as I was betrayed three times in the most painful way. I have walked in forgiveness and one relationship is restored, one is on hold, and one has ended. As well, my health took a huge hit, wasn’t able to work except a few months total, and now we are staring at losing everything. I will come before the Lord for full restoration, as you have said. I will take this seriously. The Lord has put a new business venture and one new minister in my heart. It is big, bold, will take money, and will help many. I also want to move to a large family home as part of the ministry. I believe the Lord is willing and able. I am weak, but HE is strong. Thank you for your encouraging prophetic words. God bless!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 1, 2018

      Wow, bless you Jenifer. Your faith and hope during this difficult season is so beautiful. I am agreeing with you for breakthrough and restoration in every aspect of your life. God loves you and your family so much. Keep dreaming with Him!

    • Sarajiki
    • January 18, 2018

    I have signed up for your class for this Saturday 1-20 and am looking forward to making significant changes in my life including major move, professional and personal changes aligning up with the next phase of my life. The ‘Acceleration You into Your New Year’ is right on time.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 18, 2018

      Woohoo! We are so excited you will be joining us! Bless you Sarajiki!

    • Jewels Niccum
    • January 18, 2018

    Good Morning, can you please confirm that I am registered for the class this saturday, Jan. 20th, accelerating the New You! I thought I registered already but I dont see any confirmation in my emails that I am or on my profile? Thank you I really do not want to miss this live time of learning and coaching. Jewels Niccum 🙂

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 19, 2018

      Hey Jewels! Yes you are registered the the Accelerate Into the New Year webinar. It shows the emails went to the email you registered this comment under. If you need further assistance, please email us as and we will further assist you. I am excited that you will joining us tomorrow :).

    • Mary Fronk
    • January 18, 2018

    Approaching 75 years in February…As I reflect back and see the absolute necessity of renewing my mind to the future, the changes are incredible. IT IS the newness we must embrace. Speak those things that are not— as though they are…unimaginable situations , miracles, signs and wonders. I’m seeing it happen. Thank You Doug, faithful servant. The prophecies push us towards the goal…

      • Licinda Stevens
      • January 20, 2018

      Beautifully said, ma’am!

        • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
        • January 23, 2018

        Yes! Bless you Licinda!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 19, 2018

      That is wonderful Mary! You are blessed to know that. Happy early birthday!

    • January 18, 2018

    Thank you so much!
    I’m so blessed by your ministry.
    I will be sending a financial gift in the very near fututr.
    God bless you for being His Voice.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 19, 2018

      We are so glad you have been blessed by InLight Connection. We thank you in advance for your generous heart. Bless you Esma!

    • Theresa McMillan
    • January 18, 2018

    I would love to take your class, but my work schedule will not allow it at this time. I have been feeling shifts in the atmosphere and feeling and hearing doors close as I walk through them spiritually. I am going to be ordained this year, which I have found that the attack are more prominent. I had got the word a while ago that women where going to step up to become a strong force for the Lord. More women in the pulpit and maybe a woman president. We are not done seeing this movement of women stepping into destination for the Lord. Watch and see.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 23, 2018

      Yes! Doug has recently talked about how God is moving on women and they are starting to step into amazing things. Also, the replay for Accelerate Into the New Year is available for purchase. You can email us if you have any questions :). Bless you!

    • Catherine Modeste
    • January 18, 2018

    Very encouraging
    God Bless You Prophet
    Help me Lord

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 18, 2018

      I’m so glad Doug’s word encouraged you! Bless you!

    • Barbara Naylor
    • January 18, 2018

    So fantastic,yes the devil has taken lots of me and I believe God is bringing it back to me

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 18, 2018

      Amen Barbara! God is so good! Bless you!

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