Prophetic Word for 2020: Strategies for Increase and Acceleration [Episode 109]

Welcome to 2020, a new decade and new era in your life!

In this Spirit Connection episode, I’ve got a word for the new year … and where we are right now.

God said He is releasing—this year—completeness over some things that have been unclear, including your life purpose. So, don’t be discouraged if things aren’t clear yet or if you don’t have the bigger picture. It’s going to open up in the next few weeks and months.

This is a time to see answered prayers, repayment for pain and suffering and prophetic strategies that are going to be coming to you to bring increase into your life. Things are shifting, accelerating and it’s time to reap with joy and gladness.

Get ready for positive changes that are going to come!

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Find Out

  • Another book in Heaven that is being opened over your life
  • What God is going to do to give you the full picture of your life purpose
  • A different kind of angel that God is sending to His people
  • One way you can receive increase and repayment
  • Some things I pray every day to get strategies for increase in my life
  • New authority, promotions, and financial turnarounds that are coming


Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Ruth Henderson
    • January 14, 2020

    You mentioned a verse that speaks of a sort of annual opening of our book of life. I would like to read about this, but you gave a reference: Psalm 106:50 and that verse does not exist. Could you send the correct reference please?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 14, 2020

      Hey Ruth, please check the transcript for what you are referring to. That is usually the best way to find the Bible verses and if Doug makes a mistake the transcript usually corrects that.

    • leonora prince
    • January 6, 2020

    would like your emails please

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 7, 2020

      Hey Leonora! I had added you receive our emails.

  1. Reply

    How can i get a Bible that you mentioned ar Jeremy Nelsons meeting this evening ? I believe you called it an Encounter Bible. Thanks so much :). Your messages are always a blessing. I appreciate the humility you walk in :). Sincerrly,Deborah Mcelvain at

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 8, 2020

      Hey Deborah. Doug has a specific Bible that he has more encounters with but that is not for purchase it is just a way God specifically speaks to him through that particular Bible.

        • deborah mcelvain
        • January 10, 2020

        Ok. Thank you for letting me know about his encounter Bible :).

          • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
          • January 10, 2020

          You bet! <3

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