Why Personal Revival Makes Breakthrough Easy

Many people have been crying out to God and praying for revival! Did you know that revival comes when we first experience God in our own lives? As we experience our own personal revival, it will overflow and change those around us. When they see our lives filled with hearing…
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How to Quickly Change Your World through Love

God is bringing a new movement to the Earth and many prophets, including myself, are saying this is going to be the biggest revival in history! But before we can see a revival of this magnitude in the world, we need to experience a personal revival in our own lives.…
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What Happens When You Let God Transform You? Revival!

The word “revival” often carries some baggage. It can bring to mind an old-fashioned religious church service or tent meeting. But there is so much more to revival than a church meeting! Revival is a completely renewed and transformed way of life! Once you experience personal revival in your own…
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The 3 Types of Love That Change Your Life—And the World

I turned on the news and heard about another mass shooting in a club, followed by a story of what appeared to be brutal retaliation of police officers on an unarmed person. I had mixed emotions of hopelessness and anger. I cried out to God, asking for a solution and…
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Why is There So Much Killing and Injustice?

Have you ever wondered what is going on with the world and why there is a sudden surge in violence, murder and senseless killing? I was very surprised with God’s response to me when I asked this question. I heard, “All you need is love!” I know this sounds cliché…
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Why Are Zombies, Vampires, Tattoos & Piercings so Wildly Popular? [Episode 17]

Do you ever wonder why Hollywood produces so many zombie and vampire movies––or why more people are getting tattoos and piercings? Well, even if you don’t understand why some people are drawn to these things, it’s actually a goldmine of evangelistic opportunity! God is bringing a new movement to an…
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How to Love People and Not Compromise

  Two common questions that I often get asked are: “How can I love and be around people who are not Christians without compromising my own faith?” and “How can I interact with people who have lifestyles I do not agree with, without them thinking I support their behaviors?” What…
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Redefining a Woman’s Place—Beyond Church Cliché | Doug Addison with Amber Picota [Episode 10]

There’s an old joke: If you want to get something done … find a woman. Well, God is doing just that. We are now in a new season where God is promoting many people—including women—in the Kingdom to do amazing things for Jesus. I have released several prophetic words about…
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Another Prophetic Sign in the Super Bowl

If you’ve been following my prophetic words about the upcoming revival, you may have seen this prophetic sign in the 2017 Super Bowl, too. If not, then let me bring you up to speed really quickly. Strange-looking revival coming If you could walk in my shoes, see what I have…
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Simple Ways to Have a Peaceful Thanksgiving & Holiday Season

Today we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with our friends in the United States and this is a time for everyone around the world to be grateful. In spite of how things look or feel, God is still in charge of things and He has not forgotten us. We can shift…
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It’s Time to Share Your Story—Get Ready to Write!

There is power in the words of your story and testimony—Revelation 12:11. If God has done anything in your life, or spoken to you, then you might have a story that needs to be shared. For years, I had every reason not to pursue my destiny as a writer. I…
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5 Things That Block You From Hearing God (And The Solutions)

Do you want to hear God’s voice more clearly in your life? We are in a time and season where God is speaking to us through prophetic words, dreams and visions. The main purpose for the prophetic and hearing God can be found in this Bible verse: ”I keep asking…
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