Divine Connections Starting Now!

 Divine Connections Starting Now and a Word About Earthquakes
April 15, 2011
Doug Addison

Last January I released a prophetic word for 2011 and said that the entire year will be strategic. We will begin moving into more clarity about our destinies as God has been shifting our assignments. Similar to 2010, we will see a major increase and thrust in March of 2011 at the beginning of Spring. During April our time of waiting will be turned into a time of action. New life will come in June and by September of 2011 things that many have longed for will take more shape.

It is time to spring into action. One of my guiding bible verses is Matthew 7:7, “Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.” Notice that ask, seek, and knock are all proactive steps and the door will not be open “for you” but “to you.” This is a time right now to take initiative and watch and see what new opportunities begin to open.

Watch out for Distractions
As you begin to take action, watch out for distractions in communications and technology. I have not seen such a fierce attack on communications in a very long time. The enemy is trying to cause disruption and miscommunications with people right now. The reason for this is that God is releasing divine connections that will be strategic for the coming years. While preparing to deliver this message on my webcast on April 5, the company who hosts our live web stream went down and we are having trouble with the recording. My new Macbook Pro has been in the shop for 3 weeks and Apple still cannot figure out what is wrong. While preparing to place this article on my Blog, I accidently nuked my custom Blog design. If you experience technological distractions and breakdowns don’t misunderstand this to be a block. We must breakthrough right now.

Divine Connections starting now
Many people are being called to something new right now. This is why things have slowed down on your current situation. The new has not fully come yet. Starting in April through June be careful to make choices that will open new opportunities and not repeat old ones. Obviously you need to pray about this but if you are given the choice to do something new versus something that you are comfortable with doing, try to stretch yourself to do the new. From this will come new connections you will need for future advancement.

The power of a “Spiritual Passover”
Passover is a Jewish festival that reminds us of God’s greatness when He gave instructions to the Israelites in Egypt that would cause the spirit of death to “pass over” their houses (Exodus 11–12). The spiritual aspect of “Passover” is still available to us today. When bad things happen and it appears to be judgment or tragedy in any form—whether economic, spiritual, environmental, or whatever—God will most often let His people know how to avoid it or at least how to suffer minimal damage. In some cases God will even show His people how to profit during a downturn (Genesis 41). The key is to listen to God’s voice as He speaks to us and follow the instructions that He gives.

My dream of a bad storm
I had a dream earlier last year that a fierce storm (maybe the worst ever) was coming to the west coast of the US. It appeared that we were going to suffer great losses and maybe even die. Everyone was panicking and running to take cover. Faith rose up in me and I felt an anointing from God to stand and watch this storm. I saw a consuming fire in the storm and, just as it approached my house, it passed over and immediately it was a bright sunny day with a rainbow in the sky. I was amazed that there was no damage at all to my property or my loved ones.

I awoke from the dream realizing that we need to stand in the midst of the storms coming against us personally and as a nation. God will give us instructions on what to do and when to do it. The key is to remain at peace and do not be afraid. We need to understand that the principle of disaster passing over is still available to us today.

It is a great time to be alive!
Doug Addison

Bio: Doug Addison is a prominent international conference speaker, author and has been a featured guest on television and radio for a number of years. His events are fun and high-energy as he uses media and stand-up comedy as a means of communicating deep insights. He is an experienced prophetic dream interpreter, and a professional stand-up comedian. Visit www.dougaddison.com for more information.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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    • Judi Gordon
    • April 25, 2011

    This is great and so right on…..especially about the communication part. In the past few months, communication with family and friends have seemed more twisted and mixed up. BUT God has also revealed truth more quickly and “the messes” and misunderstanding have been cleared up quicker……

    Blessings always!!

    • Keri
    • April 18, 2011

    I really appreciate your blog posts and look forward to them. Knowing they will be exactly what we need to hear for the present time.

    • Christiane
    • April 18, 2011

    Dear Doug, thank you so much for passing this word forward. It experience what you discribe and it totally matches with the situation in my life. I am encouraged to not give up but run after God. God wanted people and wanted me to get this word. Be blessed from Switzerland

    • Loretta McCutchen
    • April 16, 2011

    Thanks Doug, for reals. God is so good, to show us how to take a stand against the tragedies that come through storms of every nature. When I read your post, I couldn’t help but think of Jonah hiding out snoozing in this ship and those ship men realizing that the storm was brought on by disobedience. It’s time for children of God to rise up and not be afraid to do what God calls them to do. You can’t hide like Adam and Eve did in the garden when they were embarrassed because they had screwed up. God fills heaven and earth and the angel of the Lord will chase anyone out of their hiding spot. Much blessings for sharing the revelation.

    • Tisa Yonts
    • April 16, 2011

    Awesome directive word Doug!!!! It is an awesome time to be alive and seizing destiny; life has never been richer in my fellowship with God, ministry and standing in my destiny. It is a time to plant your feet in prayer, action and faith and be on the ride of your life for God’s incredible purpose. 🙂 Love to you and Linda!!!!

    • Trish Marchant
    • April 15, 2011

    I so appreciate your dream and view of the coming storm(s) to the west coast. I honor the voices that are saying doom is coming but yet I am resolved inside that the time is to stand and take ground. I believe with all my heart that we are called in this season to be prepared so that in “that day” we can enter into His rest. We are preparing both physically and spiritually and have resolved to stand! I know the Lord will hear our crys and direct our path. He is a very present help in times of trouble. Thanks for sharing your insight and encouragement. Blessings from the central coast of California!

    • Frank stegall
    • April 15, 2011

    Doug, I am impressed with your words unlike some “important” ones from some “famous” old friends. You words were right on for me. My business has died since 2008 &9 and have been looking for a job for two years. The money was gone and the blade was on my neck when God stoped the blade. He likes to wait until the last minte and I heard “the just will live my faith”. The week after the time change I got a contract job offer and starting work the first week in april. I am looking forward to June through Sept for things spoken to me 25 years ago to take place. It has been a strange last few years but I pray the He allows us to “see” enough to take the right steps for His will in our life.

    • Diane Frank
    • April 15, 2011

    Wow, talk about a timely word, Amen! To God be the glory in all we do and ever say!
    I was so amazed how this word lines up with the word God is imparting to me through my own journaling with Him and other prophets God has placed in my path. I have been waiting to fulfill the plans God has placed upon my heart to fulfill. He’s blessed me with visions and plans to fullfill, talents and now He’s downloading His presence greater in my life, helping me to learn to obey Him more, to discern His voice and to walk with Him everyday, crucifying my fleshly desires so more of Him will be seen in me and less of this world. I no longer want to be tossed to and fro, double minded in my ways and thoughts. My plans are to open a store front selling home decor it will be used quality refurbished items, show casing them in beautiful vignettes and designs. Please anyone reading this if you feel lead to pray, please do and Doug if you read this, please confirm anything God may reveal to you. God bless you Doug and your entire ministry for sharing what God has spoken to you, may He richly bless you in all you do and say, in Jesus name I declare and decree no weapon formed against you shall ever prosper and God blessing upon your ministry a 1000 fold, in Jesus holy name, Amen. Hugs to everyone, love your Sister in Christ, Diane

    • Kathy Thill
    • April 15, 2011

    THANKS for sharing this, Doug. This resonates in my spirit and feels right to me. Something new coming, new Divine connections, facing storms in PEACE and assurance… be aware of distractions, stay focused, and “simplify”.

    Praying for you and Linda, love your hearts for seekers, for Hollywood and the media industry.
    Blessings to you and yours.

    • Dave Recker
    • April 15, 2011

    I had a idea for a tv program and partnered with some freinds from church that run a production company. So far we have connected with and the show excepted by the national network. God has been divinely connecting us with folks along the way. Now we are praying for divine connections with sponsors and working towards a Sept. launch for the show. Thanks for what you do. Your prophetic gifting has been very encouraging.
    Dave Recker, Columbia, Mo

    • Janet Conway
    • April 15, 2011

    Thank you for obeying God with your ministry. It has definitely encouraged me. I will be stepping out of my comfort zone in the next few months to serve with a Christian missions group that ministers to the persecuted church in other nations. I am sure that there is more to this than what meets the eye. When light steps into darkness, darkness must flee! Satan has no part in what Jesus is doing! To God be the glory for the lives that will be saved for eternity!

Reply to Diane Frank. cancel

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