2012: Year of Restoration and Reformation

2012: Year of Restoration and Reformation
Doug Addison
January 12, 2012


This year will be one of restoration and reformation. New revelation and strategies are now available to discover how to do things outside the box. Please don’t think of this as a “blanket blessing” in which everyone will receive automatically. You will need to press in and ask God for specific steps, and continue to clear any accusations you are holding against other people. Our own judgments against others will block the blessings from God.


Restoration: God is revealing the plans of the enemy
The winds of change are blowing away the clouds and smoke that the enemy has placed in front of our eyes. This year we will see how Satan has been lying, cheating, and stealing. This will become more evident as dishonest practices that have robbed people will continue to be revealed in business and government.


The cries of Justice have been heard
A backlog of promotions, repayment, and blessings are now being released from Heaven. In some cases it will start slow and increase steadily. In others, it will be like a deluge of blessings. Continue to ask God to repay you for any losses you have experienced.


Medical and business breakthroughs
We are going to see new medical breakthroughs this year. With the onslaught of diseases and viruses, God is offsetting this by initiating radical medical discoveries and cures.


There will be new inventions and business strategies released from Heaven. Some people will be shown how to make a million dollars overnight. Business partnerships will be formed to release finances for Kingdom projects.


God is giving Key people keys to each city
I heard God say that He is giving key people unique understanding on how to reach a city or a region. Each city needs to receive a specific strategy to turn the city around economically and spiritually.


Vault of Heaven unlocked
In December I had a spiritual experience in which I heard a “tumbler lock” of a big bank-type of vault click into place. I heard God say that the vault door of Heaven is now unlocked and finances for Kingdom projects are now available, including finances for new media and creative business projects.


Reformation: Dying will bring new life
Letting old ways go and dying to broken dreams will be a key to succeeding this year. Death always brings new life in the spiritual sense of things. It is a time to embrace our losses and look to God for new plans.


Awakening begins
God has heard the cries of people who are longing for a new outpouring of His love and power. What is coming this year will be not the big revival we have been waiting for, but it is a precursor and the year of preparation for greater things to happen in 2013–14. It is a year of preparation and realignment from the old to the new.


The wait has been worth it
We have been in a time in which there has been an abundance of prophetic words and revelation but the fulfillment of them has been quite scarce. The result of not seeing prophecy fulfilled has brought prophetic disappointments. This time has come to an end, as God will begin to answer prayer and fulfill prophetic words much more quickly.
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12


This is a year of longings fulfilled: new marriages, babies, healings, emotional and financial turnarounds.


We must operate in high levels of God’s love and grace
A new understanding of God’s love and grace is being released. It’s a time to love people who are different than we are. Jesus said to bless those who curse you and love your enemies. God is rich with love. This is a year to grasp the depth of God’s love and grace for ourselves and for the people around us. (Ephesians 3:16–19)


New operating system
On January, 1st I had a dream that Microsoft had released a totally new and updated version of their network operating system. In the dream you had to pay $5000 and get a special certification to use it. The software was being offered for sale at churches. When I went to buy it, all I could find were imitations re-packaging the old operating system called “Windows 98 Enhanced.”


God is releasing a new way to operate and it will have a higher cost and lots of grace. Five is the number of grace and 5,000 means grace at a high level. We will need to be retrained to move in the greater things of God this year. Beware of people trying to dress up the old way and say that it is new.


A move of God is coming to San Francisco that will impact the world
I have had numerous dreams, visions, spiritual experiences and angelic visitations about a wave of the Spirit hitting San Francisco. Because there have been people praying and crying out to Him, just as God said that He would spare a city if He found one righteous person, He has found many who have literally been crying over San Francisco. Watch the Bay Area begin to be much more open to God this year.


Move of God among spiritual outcasts
This year will mark the start of a new movement from God among people who have long been considered spiritual outcasts among Christians. I saw three groups begin to awaken to Jesus in a new and unusual way. This will involve people involved in New Age spirituality, the tattooed and pierced, and gays and lesbians. Like many revivals in past history, Christians will be tempted to judge this movement as not being from God. Ask God to give you “eyes to see” what He is doing in the lives of people around you.


Healing hot buttons
New insight will come from God on how to deal with some major political and social “hot buttons” that have separated people in the past. God is releasing the Spirit of Reconciliation that will bring healing of differences between people groups and nations. It will be important to engage issues from a “Kingdom mindset” and not simply a political one.


President Obama the Peacemaker
There was a reason that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize when he came into office. This was designed by God and after the President leaves office he will be used by God to bring peace in the Middle East and in strategic dealings with China.


Let disasters pass over you
This will be a fun yet challenging year in many ways. It will be important to keep our eyes focused on God’s purposes for our lives. Pray that you hear the voice of God and know the steps to take to be blessed through any downturn. Do your best to not focus on negative reports as God is going to allow disasters to pass over people who are looking to Him for solutions.


It is an amazing time to be alive.


Doug Addison

Bio: Doug Addison is a prominent international conference speaker, author and has been a featured guest on television and radio for a number of years. His events are fun and high-energy as he uses media and stand-up comedy as a means of communicating deep insights. He is an experienced prophetic dream interpreter, and a professional stand-up comedian. Visit www.dougaddison.com for more information.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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  1. Reply

    THANK YOU Doug for the prophecy regarding the next 4 years. I am one who has lost everything over the last 4 years due to the enemy’s lies & deciet.I was part of the spiritual move in the mid 60’s (they called us Jesus freaks back then) In the past 45 years, I’ve seen the various churches & movements wax & wain – some with horrible ends. I keep in mind always “that he that endureth to the end shall be saved. I’ve looked forward my whole life to this coming time.May Our Lord Jesus Christ bring MANY new souls into the fold. May “we the people” become a part of the Body of Christ….BLESSINGS,Ron Farnsworth

  2. Pingback: 2012: Year of Restoration and Reformation | Doug Addison | 25 ELUL

    • Karen Thomas
    • January 19, 2012

    Was so encouraged by your word about San Francisco. I was at a church called Reality Church on Sunday evening (1/15) and it was packed out. I heard that there are 800 people in this church. It was so encouraging to me as one who has prayed for and ministered in SF for years. God is definitely doing this.

      • Doug Addison
      • January 20, 2012

      Karen that is so encouraging…800 people in a by area church is considered a mega-church :O)

    • Michael Seabolt
    • January 14, 2012

    Doug, You are a very good man. A true mans man. God works great things through you. Your inspired words bless me and many others. You bring joy to the world through your obedience to God. Thank You for all you do. Mike

    • Sandra
    • January 13, 2012

    Thanks Doug.. This was very encouraging to me also. The part about the “spiritual outcast” really stood out for me, as we are foster parents who take in high risk teens. One of the girls that we took in ran and then ended up in juvenile hall and lives with a family member now.. she wants to come back with us as she feels more loved and accepted. I struggle with it somewhat as she is bi-sexual.. but we feel that God is showing us to have her back.. A friend of mine said that she saw us doing that in the Spirit..and then when I read your blog and the part about the spiritual outcast, which includes the gays and lesbians it really bore witness even more.. Not all foster homes would take these kind of kids in.. I am honored and humbled that God is using us in this arena. I pray that she be delivered and on fire for God by knowing His love for her..Any more insight for us would be appreciated.. Blessings to you and your ministry..

    • betsy
    • January 13, 2012

    Doug Thanks once again for the encouragement. We attended the Starting the Year off Right in Denton. These words confirm what was taught there. You give fresh hope to us. Bless you and yours. By the way how are your sister and brother in law?

    • Karen
    • January 13, 2012

    Thank you for sharing what God is saying, also teaching us that we have to act on what is prophecied.
    I’ve been blessed by your postings. Be encouraged! The pod/cast from California was a blessing thanks for posting it. Wow! Is all that I can say… It is a renewable resource I can always have more words strom where that came from. Well I am not able to correct misspelled words, so I’m just going to send my comment. Blessings!

    • Kelly Arthur
    • January 13, 2012

    Thank you for this Word of hope and confirmation Doug! Can’t wait to see how 2012 unfolds!

    • LuAnn VanBuskirk
    • January 13, 2012

    Awesome! Going higher… riding above the tsunami wave!

Reply to LuAnn VanBuskirk. cancel

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