Spirit Connection January 2012

Spirit Connection January 2012
Doug Addison

Here’s the video of my latest Spirit Connection Live webcast from January 4, 2012, in which I share prophetic words and insight I have received for 2012. I did this live at the Apostolic Resource Center at Global Awakening in Mechanicsburgh, PA. A big thanks to Randy Clark’s ministry for hosting my webcast. Feel free to share this on your social networks and leave some comments below.


Bio: Doug Addison is a prominent international conference speaker, author and has been a featured guest on television and radio for a number of years. His events are fun and high-energy as he uses media and stand-up comedy as a means of communicating deep insights. He is an experienced prophetic dream interpreter, and a professional stand-up comedian. Visit www.dougaddison.com for more information.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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    • wdzzz
    • February 11, 2012

    I had a vision of the Temple of Moses before the first sacrifice was made. Jesus was talking to me about the Temple how each member of the body was individually like all the items in the Temple, but also how corporately we each rally (according to our calling) around individual items in the Temple: worshippers/prayerers=incense altar, teachers= table of bread, intercessors=altar of sacrifice. Then he said, when the blood of the first animal hit those items, did they not become holy (sacred) forever? How much more so does the blood of Jesus do this when applied to a person’s life?

    Then the vision went to the present day of Christianity and he showed me the sacrificial altar accusing/grumpling against the table of bread because it wasn’t on fire, and the table of bread accusing the candle stick for not nurishing other souls, and etcetera. He was giving me into Christianity today.

    Then I was lifted up and saw the whole Temple of Moses from the air, so it looked like a small 8″ w x 20″ L x 1″ h square on the floor, and behind it was a massive Tree about 6′ to 7′ high. So it would have been about 600′ or so feet high compared to the Temple. Its branches covered way past the length of the Temple by almost twice. I knew it was the Tree of Life. I found out later the type of tree I saw looked similiar to an acacia tree. I knew the Tree was a representation of the Father. He wanted us to see each other as holy and to quit accusing one another. For he wanted the Shekinah Glory of the Holy Spirit to so evade the Temple in Holiness, and us to see each other as so sacred, that when non-believers came into the Temple, they would be overwhelmed (in a good way) by the sacred presence of Holiness. By the way, the Tree was glorious. It was full, full of life, and so nurturing and protective. The trunk of the Tree reminded me of the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night.

    I just felt led to share. As my pasor says, “Chew the meat and spit out the bones” in other words, “what part of this nurishes you, eat; what doesn’t, discard.”


    • marlene Cleghorn
    • January 11, 2012

    awesome encouraging messages,,,thank you for sharing!!!



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