Think You Blew Your Destiny? Not Too Late

not too late blog

Have you ever felt you missed your destiny with God? Well, take heart. You are not alone and in fact, it is not too late. Read on to see what you can do right now to jump back into your destiny in God and learn from someone in the Bible who blew it.

Jesus’ Offer

Let’s take a look at a great example of someone missing their destiny in the Bible. In Luke 18:18–25, Jesus was nearing the end of His ministry on Earth with only a few weeks left before He was to fulfill His destiny by dying on the cross. A rich young leader asked Him what he should do to inherit eternal life. Jesus answered him with the steps the young man needed to take and then went on to tell him that he lacked one thing—the young man needed to give his money to the poor and follow Him.

Missing His Big Chance

The young man went away discouraged because it would have cost him all his wealth.

Some people think that Jesus was saying we should not have wealth. I see it from a different angle.

I think this rich, young man had an opportunity to be close to Jesus and would most likely have been the replacement for Judas, who handled the finances for Jesus’s ministry. Jesus may very well have been trying to find a successor for Judas as one of the 12 disciples.


Since the young leader had not been following Jesus for 3 years like the rest, Jesus may have been trying to fast-track him into being a disciple. This would have required the man to quickly let go of the things that were holding him back—love of money and his earthly possessions. So, the rich young man missed his finest destiny of being very close to Jesus, when time was short.

God’s Many Chances

Although the rich, young leader chose not to give up everything as Jesus asked, he could still achieve his destiny of being a follower of Jesus like many others. But, he would not be fast-tracked and close to Jesus as a disciple.

If you feel like you blew your big chance to fast-track into your destiny, do not worry. God gives lots of chances, choices and help along the way.

How to Jump Back into Your Destiny in God

[Tweet “Believe that you can achieve what God destined for you! Half the battle is in our head.”]

Finding and fulfilling your destiny is not as hard as you might think. Building your life on a firm, spiritual foundation allows you to accomplish all that God has in mind for you.

Here are some very important steps to fast-track you into your destiny:

  • Believe that you can achieve what God destined for you! Half the battle is in our head.
  • Look for things that ignite passion within you.
  • Take small steps consistently.
  • Find someone who is doing what you want to do and study what they have learned.
  • Do something today in the area you would like to pursue. Read a book about it, do internet research, make a phone call, sign up for a class or get some practical training. It is never too late.

What Happened to the Rich Leader?

This young man may have suffered from what I call spiritual identity theft. He told Jesus that he had obeyed all the laws and felt he was doing what was right. He knew there was a higher purpose in his life. Satan used a strategy of greed to hold him back from a greater destiny.

More Help with Your Destiny

To help you find your destiny more quickly, I have written a book called Spiritual Identity Theft Exposed. And I have other resources on destiny that will help you by clicking here.

Was This Helpful?

Please let me know by leaving me a comment below. I am excited to see people go after their destiny in God and want you to get there too.



Doug Addison

P.S. It is so important for people to understand about the deceptive, spiritual identity theft happening throughout the world. Dive deeper into understanding this type of attack, and how to protect yourself from it, in my book Spiritual Identity Theft Exposed. 

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author, life coach and stand-up comedian. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His unique style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.


Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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    • Nicholas
    • May 25, 2020

    I blew multiple chances with a woman I love who I believe I’m destined to be with. However, everytime I confessed my feelings to her with my mouth she turned me down, but in those moments of opportunity she seemed very interested in me … did I miss my opportunities because I didn’t strike while the iron was hot? Should I wait for her to come around again if I truly believe in my heart that we are meant to be together or move on with my life with an act of faith that if we are destined to be together God will bring us together later on?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 26, 2020

      We all have free will so marriage can be a little less clear. Pray for God to show you and He will.

    • Naomi Richardson
    • October 4, 2018

    Thankyou, I feel God showed me I did miss one destiny promise(person I would marry) but he has another lined up for me of a different kind (ministry related). I never understood the warfare involved in contending for prayers and promises and destiny. I just had a underlying tension for my whole marriage to this point I now recognize being out of Gods will and heavenly hints to recognize. The spirit of religion was a part of my mind being closed and the spirit of religion in friends and family with all the same theology. Now I have massive grief because although the marriage was outside Gods will I stayed and many years of emptiness and various losses. 15 years on, in the last 2 years I’ve had huge revelations on actual events, feelings and ways God was talking to me I shut out. Also many traumatic memories surfacing. I now realised I may have PTSD. Gods given me promises about my marriage that he will enable us to stay together but I’m struggling to let go of the initial dream and feel right at all. Any advice? Prayers appreciated.

    • Morgan
    • June 23, 2016

    This page is one of countless that I’ve read over the past seven months. In 2015 God really showed up in my life and for that one year life was the best it had ever been for me. Unfortunately, that time was cut short by a really stupid mistake I made that caused me to pull away from God and I’ve been miserable and depressed ever since knowing what I could have possibly had. This whole situation has broken me so much that I’ve given up on life knowing that I’ll never be who I was before it happened again. I missed my chance to have a truly blessed life no matter how many people tell me I’m wrong and know that I’m living the rest of my life going without in comparison to my brothers and sisters who didn’t make as badly of a mistake as I did. 🙁

    • Muzala
    • March 1, 2015

    Thank you for this word Doug. I am going through this right now – I have blown it big time despite my pastor’s counsel on the situation. I am asking God to guide and restore me according to His Purpose.

      • trish
      • November 7, 2016

      Morgan! Don’t you see what you are doing? You are in agreement with the enemy. God says, I am the author and finisher of your faith, nothing is impossible with me, I will restore the years eaten by the locust, lean not on your own understanding, you can do ALL things through Christ… I can go on and on… God wasn’t surprised when you made the decision you’re speaking of; its probably more like He nudged you into making that choice because He has something better… You will have whatever your creating with your words, thats why the language in James is so strong when it tell us to control our speech. Now kill that crop and plant a new one! I’m praying for you.

    • jenni
    • October 25, 2014

    Thank you! I receive! I feel like I missed the boat completely. This word gives me a hope. I can’t begin to describe how this Word has encouraged me. I know God has placed promises in my life. I wait thinking I missed it.

    • Kat
    • October 10, 2014

    Thanks for the timely word, been following your teaching for the past five years. God gave me an idea for a book in 1997 and I have yet to finish it, in spite of being told to do so a few times. The book digs deep into my wounded soul, so I didn’t want to do it for a long time. With no job and no car, I sit in a chair all day and write, trying to finish before the end of the month. Your prophetic words for the day are also very insightful, encouraging and helpful!
    Thank you oh so much for your ministry, if I get rich from the book, I’ll be sure and share the wealth!

  1. Reply

    That’s a really profound thought. I was thinking about how the guy would have been able to sell everything so quickly. But who knows, maybe God would have worked it out, or maybe Jesus could have even had a word of knowledge that maybe the rich guy already had an offer for his stuff/home/whatever on the table that he was considering. Just a random thought.

    • john aremu
    • October 10, 2014

    I dreamt I was solving maths,that was long time ago.And i was enjoying it.Suddenl when I raised up my head to solve the next everything disapear and a new maths problem appeared on the board;I was struggling that I dont want the new maths problem but the old:I woke up.It was long time ago.What do u think?

    • Denise
    • October 9, 2014

    Amen!!!! It is never too late. I thought I missed an opportunity this summer in the state of Texas. I actually just started to pray and ask God to confirm His heart about this to me and show me in ways that I would see it! Wow! Everytime I turn around He shows me something about Texas! I could write a small pamplet about how He is showing me. He loves us! Timing is everything in the Kingdom!! You hit it again Doug! Thanks, and continued blessings to you and yours.

    • Kristin Kavanaugh
    • October 9, 2014

    This was very helpful. I love to dance and God has said to me “prophetically ” that I am a dancer. I had a trainer who was terrible to me. I kept thinking because a new door didn’t come for a new trainer that God just didn’t wang it for me somehow? I don’t have the money for classes right now. I’m praying for a miracle to have the “money” to go learn in NY.
    I’ve been waiting and waiting on The Lord and I don’t kind why I can’t hear Him… Or get revelation for my life. 🙁
    Pray for me?
    Kristin Kavanaugh

    • Debbie
    • October 9, 2014

    Thanks for your insight. I am really struggling right now in my job, want to be doing other things but wasn’t sure which way to turn.

    I always enjoy reading on your website and listening to you. Thank you!

    • Steve
    • October 9, 2014

    Very good info I’m getting going now

    • Dickson
    • October 9, 2014

    Amen.. Thank you Doug for this wonderful thought. It is really helpful for me at this time.

    • Jean
    • October 9, 2014

    Yes , this message was an insight and direction for me , and right on time message ; last night out Pastor spoke on don’t miss your destiny .

  2. Reply

    Wow! Really encouraging! I never thought of the situation with the rich young ruler being one where Jesus may have been testing him to see if he was an appropriate replacement for Judas. We think we know what God is doing much of the time, but this certainly suggests we do not or may not even think to consider beyond our near-term focus. Thanks for highlighting this and for the insights on destiny-walking! You are a wonderful encourager, teacher and friend to many who hunger to walk with God more closely. God bless you and your team!

    • Jackie
    • October 9, 2014

    Thanks Doug for this on time word! I was afraid I had missed the only opportunity I had to step into something. It has been nearly a year but I am consistently praying that God will bring around another opportunity.

    • Mando rodarte
    • October 9, 2014

    Doug, you so nailed it. I know a lot of folks that feel lethargic and even stuck in slumber and depression bcus they don’t know what to do. All want a quick miracle, but you provided simple wisdom on how to get back in saddle!

    • Marys Irina
    • October 9, 2014

    ¡Thanks! Gracias por esta palabra, una vez más confirmo que el gran amor de Dios, es infinito. Le escribo desde Colombia. Bendiciones Doug.

  3. Reply

    I am just waiting, trusting and believing God for my destiny. I have had words of knowledge back in 1997 when I first was saved. He has me in a waiting position as I am learning from life what he needs me to know or do, etc. In so doing I keep getting closer to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Some of these lessons have been frustrating and or painful. But now I feel better than I ever have, having learned these lessons. How ever once in a great while I may slip up. I just keep pressing on to the higher goal. It’s been 17 years. Has it been easy, no not all the time. I AM JUST TRUSTING HIM. It’ only been a year at the most that I can say I truly trust him. I said all that to say this never give up or never let discouragement get in the way of what the lord Jesus is doing in us. Doug thanks for the encouragement. We all need it.
    Let us all keep on loving, that’s the secret. Love, Joyce

    • Nicole
    • October 9, 2014

    Hi Doug, I appreciate you listening and obeying God. I needed to hear this Word, although at the time I didn’t know I needed to hear it. I’m back on track now because of God’s grace. God bless you!

    • Phillip A
    • October 9, 2014

    PS 139 NLT says, Every day of my life was recorded in your book, every moment laid out before a single day passed

    • Amber s
    • October 9, 2014

    Thanku for sharing about missed opportunities concerning destiny in Christ.
    This last season I had blundered, tantrumed, didn’t show up and thought…wow! I missed the wind of God.
    Only to BELEIVE in this new season and new year I didn’t miss a thing, I am being processed for the suddenly change God is doing in my life.
    Thanku for being an authentic , common ground representative of the kingdom of God in earth.
    Amber s.
    Erie, pa.

    • Carter
    • October 9, 2014

    We Decree this is our Quantum Year! God is putting us on the fast track for sure Prophet! Thnx for the encouraging words as usual, hope to see you Sat in Akron, Ohio.

    • Glynis Cozza
    • October 9, 2014

    Great perspective on an encounter that up until now we probably have reread over way too quickly. In particular, I appreciate the “important steps to Fast Track” that you outlined. Super helpful for people of all ages and stages!

    • priscilla park
    • October 9, 2014

    Thanks for your teachings . They were so healpful, I have read your book about dreams but I feel that I need more since I dream everynight. Do you still have classes ? I am in LA area .

    • Reply

      Hi Priscilla,

      I created the Dream Crash Course to take you deeper into understanding your dreams. It’s an online class that would very helpful if you want more insight into your dream life:


    • Rachael
    • October 9, 2014

    This resonates deeply with me and the circumstances in my life in the last 2 years. I have had more than one dream about these kinds of things and had yet another last night. I’m feeling scared that I am missing the chances meant for me to take because there are so many coming at me that it is overwhelming at times. I have a supernatural peace in it but I am still concerned that I am not taking action in the right places. I’m praying for God to correct my path and submitting my heart to Jesus daily.

    • Karen
    • October 9, 2014

    Thank you so much! I’m so encouraged by your words

    • Rex Kikala
    • October 9, 2014

    Hello Doug,
    Greetings in Jesus Name!
    Yes, this message has blessed me so much now. I thought I have missed my chance serving the Lord after so many waisted years.
    However, the Lord God showed hell to me in mid 1980s in a clear dream and told me to go and Preach the Gospel.He asked me to read Jude 23.
    I have a burning desire to Preach the Word in my country and elsewhere. Please pray for me today and keep up the good work.
    In His arms,
    Rex Kikala.
    Papua New Guinea.

    • martha taddese
    • October 9, 2014

    Well said its very encouraging.

    • Mary
    • October 9, 2014

    Great insight! Thanks for making this word applicable in given simple steps. Blessings

    • Rev.c.jayaseelan.
    • October 9, 2014

    Hi prophet, wonderful and timely article.

    • Mara
    • October 9, 2014

    I loved this insight into the rich young leader. It made me realize things that appear as “bad news” or delays, are actually God’s brilliance at work for good in our lives. Of course that’s how His nature is. To get caught up in a world view of ‘mine, don’t take it away’…vs. ‘God’s and His miraculous way of multiplication and blessing if we say “yes” to His “yes’s”. Anyway…this was compact and timely and a blessed word. Thank you!

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