How To Know God’s Timing For Your Destiny

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When we talk about destiny, a question that often comes up is knowing the timing for walking out your destiny in God. I have found that one thing that can limit the pursuit of our destiny is what we think we can actually accomplish and when.

I realize that this can be a dangerous message. On one hand, you need to be careful not to focus on your own strength to force the changes into your life. God must be your source of strength and energy. On the other hand, you must take action, be proactive and move forward, or you will run the risk of becoming stagnant and getting stuck.

A difficult part of finding your destiny is knowing what to focus on at any given time.

Learning Time

First, there may be periods of time in your life when God is teaching you lessons to help you grow deeper in spiritual maturity. It may seem as though He is holding you back, but in reality He is training you. It is important to recognize these times so that you can work with God and not strive to accomplish something that is not time for you to do yet.

Testing Time

Second, it helps to be aware of times when God is testing you and wants you to move forward. God brings situations around where you have to take proactive steps.

Strength-Training Time

Third is the aspect of spiritual warfare—the times when you are pursuing the next steps God has for you and you are on target, but dark forces try to hold you back. You have direction from God but obstacles surface, figuring out the proper timing is very crucial.


The point I am trying to make is that you cannot just go all-out trying to get whatever you want and assume it is God’s will and the right time in your life. Your destiny will unfold over time, and it will happen in God’s timing. However, the balance here is to be sure that you are holding up your end of the deal by pursuing it.

One Major Setback

I meet people all the time who are afraid to move forward because they do not want to make a mistake or get out of God’s timing. If you are afraid to move forward, then be aware that a negative force may be trying to hold you back by scaring you into believing that you are not in God’s timing.

Getting out of these negative patterns will require change. It is similar to training for a sport or learning to play an instrument. You would not be able to do it well if you tried just a few times. It will require conditioning yourself and practice. Soon it will become automatic and much easier.


Knowing God’s timing does take some figuring out, but the important part is allowing God to help you walk it out. Your destiny in God is an exciting journey! Keep on moving closer!

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Doug Addison

P.S. Are you ready to hear 7 strategies of the enemy that are possibly stopping you from living the life that you were created for? In my book, Spiritual Identity Theft Exposed, I describe 7 remedies to combat those attacks that will radically change your life forever.

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author, life coach and stand-up comedian. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His unique style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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    • Peter Adarikpen Ajor
    • January 24, 2019

    Very interesting acticule, is inspiring, but how can one understand what God has designed you to become in life ?

  1. Pingback: Time | My Shalom Peace

    • November 21, 2014

    I know surly this word speaking to my answer THANK YOU LORD JESUS

    • Jane
    • November 21, 2014

    Thank you Doug. This is where I am at currently. I’ve also learned that I must listen to God clearly so I know what to do and when and not do things my way. I have to believe and have faith that God will do what is the absolute best for me. I don’t focus too much on the future as that is the Lord’s, and just concentrate on today. I actively spend time with the Lord and have become closer while I wait, and lastly, I must be patient which is an area the Lord has strengthened greatly. I can honestly say, instead of dwelling on the future and getting frustrated, I have God’s joy and Peace for today. What a journey with Him! I love it.
    Thank you again Doug. You are a real blessing to many. I pray good health over and in you, in Jesus name.

    • Mark
    • November 20, 2014

    I challenge us to a time of blessing. Jesus Christ commanded up to bless and not curse. Let us go on a blessing feast, bless all those you have a hard time with. Let us start tonight with blessing the Present tonight as he gives his speech.

    • TJwhite
    • November 20, 2014

    How do you fight if you feel the enemy has set up constant blocks to prevent this? I wish you had addressed this.

    I am so discouraged as this has been a never ending battle. I may be wrong, but life should not have to be this hard, and you should not always have to fight. I wish giving up was an option, because I am worn out. Every area of my life has been attacked.

      • gabriella
      • November 26, 2014

      the enemy only attacks when big things are ahead. the bigger the promise, the heavier the attacks. satan does not waste his energy. so, the lord has big things in store for you and they are beyond this desert season. to look at the “beyond” helped me greatly during the “hard and silent” times. i realise that when you give up, the enemy wins. not an option!! keep going!!

      • Pamela
      • November 21, 2014

      Am going through the same thing.But I keep hanging on and holding on to the Lord’s word. Prayers… going up for you.

    • TJwhite
    • November 20, 2014

    How do you fight if you feel the enemy has set up constant blocks to prevent this? I wish you had addressed this.

    I am so discouraged as this has been a never ending battle. I may be wrong, but life should not have to be this hard, and you should not always have to fight. I wish giving up was an option, because I am worn out. Every area of my life has been attacked.

    • TJwhite
    • November 20, 2014

    How do you fight if you feel the enemy has set up constant blocks to prevent this? I wish you had addressed this.

    I am so discouraged as this has been a never ending battle. I may be wrong, but life should not have to be this hard, and you should not always have to fight. I wish giving up was an option, because I am worn out. Every area of my life has been attacked.

    • BT
    • November 20, 2014

    Thank you so very much – This is a very relevant and on point message!!

    I really needed this today. I was just singing a prayer song to the Lord for direction and timing. Bless you MAN OF GOD!!!!!!!!

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