What Is “Soul Healing” and Why Do I Need It? | Doug Addison with Katie Souza [Episode 20]

In this week’s Spirit Connection podcast episode, my special guest is Katie Souza. She was a career criminal most of her life and was sent to federal prison for almost 12 years. While in prison, Katie encountered Jesus in a way that radically changed her life. Now she travels the world helping others get free with cutting-edge revelation from God on “soul healing.”

Would you like to know how to release healing, strength, energy, finances and new authority in your life? In her new book Healing the Wounded Soul, Katie shares secrets of how to drive the hidden things out into the open.

She explains why so many believers can appear to do everything they’ve learned in church and still fail to receive breakthrough in their lives. Hear how this amazing insight can bring real freedom and restoration!

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How to deal with a demon most people don’t even know about
  • Why we need to clean up our bloodline
  • How trauma can leave wounds on our soul
  • What important part of the Great Commission is rarely taught
  • How your soul is connected to your healing
  • How to tap into dunamis power with your words and decrees
  • The keys to have “excellence of soul”

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Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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    • Camilla
    • April 28, 2020

    Lord said to me to ask for Him to open my eyes to the spiritual realm to cast out demons out of my family lines so I can see if I’m succeeding or not with it and I saw a snake in the family line. Interesting! :0

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 29, 2020

      Thanks for sharing Camilla!

    • Valerie
    • August 2, 2017

    Absolutely Amazing!!!! I have seen snakes in the spirit for years, here and there i would see them. I didnt fully have revelation on why!!!! I would pray and take authority over, deception, lying spirits. I have been afflicted by “something” for at least 7 years now. I had to get a divorce and alot of other traumatic things happened to me following that…my health namely for one has been severely attacked. Last year there were 5 things wrong in my body at once. I knew something was wrong! I thought it was a spirit of infirmity. I have spent countless dollars on chiropractors, massage therapists, essential oils, supplements, and now acupuncture (which is helping me greatly) to get well. I just AGAIN in the last couple of days commanded the Spirit of Mind Control, and confusion to leave! I look at my journals, and they are ridicuolous, they go back and forth trying to hear Gods voice! Its crazy and I knew it, but couldnt get it to stop or leave!!! I take communion almost daily, and finally today, I listen to Katies podcast and KNOW THIS IS MY WAY OF DELIVERANCE!!! God has been setting me up for this time…and I am going to decree what she said to do over my mind, emotions and soul!!! I recorded it so I would know how, Im gonna write it down and keep decreeing it over my life til its gone!!!! The devil will be sorry he ever attacked me, even in my severe woundedness and trauma i have endured and suffered for the last 7 years. And I decree over myself Gods PAYBACK WILL BE ABOVE AND BEYOND FOR ME! and I will help others BE FREE, IN JESUS NAME! GLORY TO GOD, IM FINALLY GOING TO BE COMPLETELY FREE!!!! Thank You Doug and Katie for being used of God to literally SAVE MY LIFE!!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 3, 2017

      Bless you Valerie! I am so pleased to hear that you are doing better and being delivered. You are a mighty woman of God! Keep standing strong, God is for you!

    • Karianna
    • July 27, 2017

    Praise Jesus, stuff is up!! 🙂 I prayed with Doug and Katie out of obedience to the Lord. I just finally finished Kris Vallotton’s book Spirit Wars yesterday and he shared some thoughts on Legion, and it has come up one or twice recently. I came here today because of Doug’s video on Elijah List.

    The Lord has been directing me to specific things to learn and and things to take care of in the last couple years. And Katie’s teachings have come up more than once as I google key things from dreams and words. She is such a blessing, I listened to her serpents and fire teaching and it changed things I didn’t even think of at the moment.

    I still have questions about some of the things the Lord is showing me, and I wonder if He is equipping me to help people with deliverance and freedom. And to start doing some work “regionally.” I am slow to pull the trigger on that one lol.

    I could go on, but bless you guys. Bless your ministries and bless your excellent souls :).

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 28, 2017

      That is awesome Karianna! You may already be doing this but Doug always encourages us to write in a journal. As you begin or continue to write down the things you are learning and processing, you may begin to hear God’s direction even more clearly. I pray now that God shows you the next steps to take with this journey you are on. Bless you.

    • Pamela Reilly
    • July 19, 2017

    Thank you so much for sharing this! God spoke so clearly through Katie. Even though this teaching was high level, it was profound. I’m now planning on seeing Katie in Chicago and am refining the inner healing God has and is walking me through. I’ve been asking God to reveal His answers to a few things, and He used this recording to provide them. Thanks so much!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 20, 2017

      That is awesome, Pamela! Yes, it is higher level teaching. I had to re-listen to some parts to fully grasp what she was saying. You will really enjoy seeing her in person in Chicago! Bless you!

    • Andrea H
    • July 17, 2017

    Thank you Doug and Katie!!! What a great podcast! Looking forward to applying the dunamus power and getting rid of any memorials in my soul. Wow!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 18, 2017

      Woohoo! That is awesome. You will see breakthrough doing that. Bless you Andrea.

    • Debra Scott
    • July 15, 2017

    I am one of your students. I consider this one of the most timely and powerful pieces of information you have given. I am going to make sure I am not spending time among the tombs.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 17, 2017

      Hey Debra! I hope your enjoying the Hearing God 365 course. Bless you as you move forward and way from the tombs and dwell with the new things God is doing!

    • Deborah Densmore
    • July 15, 2017

    I love this, thank you so much. I’m familiar with Katie’s ministry, but don’t recall hearing the tombstone revelation before ~ it really resonated with me. A light went on! 😀 Wow. That’s so cool & I know it is going to help me get totally free! Bless you guys so much. I love you! 👏👏👏😍👏🔥🔥🔥💖💕💖💕💖

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 17, 2017

      Yay! That is so wonderful, Deborah. Thank you for sharing. I felt the same way as you, like a light went on. We love and appreciate you!

    • Katherine
    • July 14, 2017

    Hi. I have been sick for a while. Before listening to this I have felt off. My mind is not working right. In listening to this I realized why the problem might be. As part of my Hearing 365 I was told to post. Thanks for this.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 14, 2017

      Wow, Praise God for Him giving you clarity. Thanks for posting! We love seeing Hearing God 365 students on here. Bless you friend.

    • Sarah
    • July 13, 2017

    This is powerful, I could feel the authority that Katie carries. Thank you for your prayer I feel that God has taken care of tombstones and things that I was completely unaware of! Thank you 😊

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 14, 2017

      So cool, Sarah! I love how powerful prayers can be even over a podcast. Thank you for sharing.

    • Gayle Wildman
    • July 13, 2017

    Thank you for sharing. I love Katie’s ministry (and her soaking CDs)! Lance Wallnau has a CD series, too, about Leviathan (How to Break Controlling Spirits in Your Life); all about the twisting serpent. Psalm 56:5 It is so important to drive out the enemy.Love the DUNAMIS power and being excellent of soul! Blessings to Doug and Katie.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 14, 2017

      We love Lance Wallnau. He is such a powerful guy. Thank you for sharing that and the Bible verse. The Dunamis power is amazing! Bless you, Gayle!

    • Carrie
    • July 13, 2017

    I felt the anointing over here, as well, through her prayer! Powerful.. Hallelujah!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 13, 2017

      Awesome! Thanks for sharing, Carrie!

    • Tammy
    • July 13, 2017

    Thank you so much for this! My hubby and I had to retire from pastoring after 30 years due to a stroke he had. He has done everything in the physical to bring complete healing for his high blood pressure, and is still fighting this and a few other ailments that have all come on in the last two years. Then we lost our home, and have not been able to get into another one, so we have had to stay in a tiny trailer on friend’s properties for the past year with our two older children. We also have very little finances, and have been struggling to pay what bills we have left, and even purchase Food! We have believed this has been a spiritual attack on our lives, and also that this is the first key for us to break what’s happening. Bless you guys for all you do!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 14, 2017

      Blessing you and your husband, Tammy. God loves you both so much. Thank you for all the years you both have put hard work into. God is not finished with you guys yet!

    • Shirley NUNDOO
    • July 13, 2017

    I am so so proud of u.you turned a life of shame to a life of joy righteousness and peace with love. And god must look at you like one admiring a great masterpiece and says there’s my girl,.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 13, 2017

      Shirley, God wants all those things for you too, He loves you so much. Doug has some awesome resources for both hearing God and breakthrough.

      1) Here is God’s course on hearing God. There is a section where Katie does into how she began to hear from God. This is an in-depth class with greatly enhance your ability to hear God. http://hearinggod365.com/.
      2) A blog post Doug wrote on breakthrough, http://dougaddison.com/2016/04/4-steps-to-unlock-your-breakthrough/

      Bless you Shirley!

  1. Reply

    Wow, great teaching; I am so thankful, I want to get more teaching and the book.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 13, 2017

      Yay! Yes, we love Katie Souza. She is such a powerhouse. Bless you!

    • LuAnn Modrow
    • July 13, 2017

    Wow!! The Lord ” highlighted Katie Souza to me 2 nights ago thru a post that had 2 of her videos. I inquired of my small group accountability counsel regarding seeing her in Tampa at legacy in August just yesterday . One of my small group relatives sent me this email this am!! I will be checking out the resources she has and signing up to go in August! Listening to dougs testimony is similar to mine!! I recently gained weight after much unexplained weight loss and testing . Very interesting andeye opening! I see the Father leading me. I hve been stating the prayers suggested by Katie since I saw the videos. I have ” tombs” the Lord has been healing. I have suffered from digestive issues, nerve pain, neck and back issues..goingto chiropractors and going back out, not staying strong BUT I am seeing that will change. AND my family..children will be set free. Thank you for sharing. I will ask the Lord what resource He wants me to get to be free. I agree for the regional ministry!! I know it has something to do with the youth…high schools!!! ( the enemy has tried to get me out!!!) and for those who grieve…my son Ryan died from being a passenger of a motorcycle ( 2010..he was almost 19). I am willing to let go of dwelling in tombs, I already have seen a great healing innme the Lord did regarding my sons departure. I do believe the nerve neck back and digestive issues are involved with soul healing( also tmj and teeth grinding down). Thank u

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 13, 2017

      I’m so sorry about your son LuAnn. I can only imagine how that must of been. God wants your soul to be fully healed and restored. I am so glad to hear you have been going through healing. You are a strong, mighty woman.

      Here is a free podcast Doug did on the healing connection between your mind, body, and soul, http://dougaddison.com/2017/03/how-your-body-soul-spirit-connection-impacts-your-life-podcast/.

      I pray it blesses you. Bless you LuAnn!

    • Karen McNamara
    • July 13, 2017

    Thank you mighty warriors for the kingdom

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 13, 2017

      Your welcome, it’s our pleasure. Bless you Karen!

    • Mieechie
    • July 13, 2017

    Man this is EXCELLENT!!! I am going to make a list of the tombs that I have been dwelling amongst all the way back to my chidhood.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 13, 2017

      Awesome Mieechie! That’s a great idea to do. God will bring healing as you let Him into those tombs and wipe them clean. Bless you as you go through this healing process.

  2. Reply

    Pls pray for my soul healing…thank you so much. I pray for the as anointing to be stirred up in my life.. pls pray for me and my job.. God bless you more…

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 13, 2017

      Blessing you Arelene. God loves you so much. As you draw even closer to Him, the anointing will stir up. He’s got you.

    • Sylvia P
    • July 12, 2017

    Wow I love this… I felt my ear pop like something left. Be gone and stay gone. In Jesus name, Amen. Thank you so much for this podcast. Blessings to you both.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 13, 2017

      Wow! How cool! I love when God touches people like that through Doug’s podcasts. Thank you for sharing, bless you Sylvia!

  3. Reply

    I am expecting to hear back from Katie Souza.

  4. Reply

    I’ve listen to you preach a lot through your cds.
    I often tell people about you. And your story! And how God turned it all around for you. Please do contact me back as I have lots of people to contact for you.

    • Teresa Jones
    • July 12, 2017

    WOW! I need to listen to this several more times!! It went by too quickly….I was so enthralled!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 12, 2017

      Awesome! That’s always a great idea to do so that you absorb it all. Your an awesome student Teresa, bless you!

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