Prophetic Word: A Breakout Power is Coming & There’s Power in Your Tears!

Prophetic Word for November: A Breakout Power is Coming & There’s Power in Your Tears!

Get ready to break out of the season you have been in and into something completely new. The Lord is gathering together those who have gone through difficult times and also the forerunners—those who have been set aside for this very time.

I will surely assemble all of you, O Jacob, I will surely gather the remnant of Israel; I will put them together like sheep of the fold, Like a flock in the midst of their pasture; They shall make a loud noise because of so many people. The one who breaks open will come up before them; They will break out, Pass through the gate, And go out by it; Their king will pass before them, With the Lord at their head.” Micah 2:12–13 NKJV

A new sound will come; the “loud noise” as they gather will break open the gates and restraints will fall off you. A “breakout” power and anointing is coming and the Lord is going to open a new gate in the spirit starting in November. Those who have felt they are in prison or being held back are going to have a sudden prison-break experience.

Tears that change

A major shift in the spiritual atmosphere, for the good, is here. Many people have been crying out for change, justice, healing and relief from the struggles happening all over the world.

This has been a difficult season and the Lord is now shifting the spiritual atmosphere as a result of your prayers and tears.

Record my misery; list my tears on your scroll—are they not in your record?
Psalm 56:8 NIV

The Lord has not forgotten your tears and all of your prayers have been placed in a scroll or book in Heaven. These books are now being reconciled and this will bring the changes that we all have been crying out for.

Jesus cried too

During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. Hebrews 5:7 NIV

The tears of people who were weeping for the loss of Lazarus moved Jesus to tears and ultimately raised His friend from the dead. Tears can change the spiritual atmosphere and bring amazing miracles.

When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit and troubled. … Jesus wept.
John 11:33, 35 NIV

God is anointing our tears with greater power. In the past season, we could cry buckets of tears but not see results. This is now changing and our weeping is turning into reaping. This is going to open up the heavens and bring God’s anointing to break open miracles in your life.

Outpouring of blessing

How enriched are they who find their strength in the Lord; within their hearts are the highways of holiness! Even when their paths wind through the dark valley of tears, they dig deep to find a pleasant pool where others find only pain. He gives to them a brook of blessing filled from the rain of an outpouring. Psalm 84:5–6 TPT

We are coming out of a season of the dark valley of tears and God is using it to bring a brook of blessing. Watch for a highway of holiness to open before you. The Lord is going to bring you strength to overcome the things that have held you back in the past.

You will suddenly have new power to overcome what used to overcome you. A release of deeper intimacy with the Lord will allow you to experience love in greater ways.

Be humble and repent

We are seeing a release of God’s justice and judgment that is now coming after Yom Kippur. God is revealing things that people have done against others. The books in Heaven are being reconciled for injustices and those who have been dishonest or mistreated people will be held accountable.

What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs. Luke 12:3 NIV

This is why we are seeing things like the Harvey Weinstein scandal and other injustices being exposed. This is a time to be humble and repent for anything in our own lives before we speak out in judgment against others.

Over the next few months, dishonest deeds will be exposed everywhere. God is calling us to a new level and it will require honesty. Be sure to repent and bring matters under the Blood of Jesus and things will be okay for you.

Call for unity in the Spirit

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
Ephesians 4:2-3 NIV

Changing the spiritual atmosphere will require us to let go of negativity and arguments. It is really important that we become one in the Spirit. Divisions are bringing disunity, which is allowing the enemy to attack us. A house divided against itself will not stand (Mark 3:25). Make every effort to restore the bond of peace and love for one another.

God is raising up peacemakers that are being sent out to bring healing in the land. As this happens, we will see a change in the weather patterns, a reduction of violent acts and the release of God’s blessings on the Earth.


Doug Addison

Want to hear more on these prophetic words for the month? Watch the replay of my November Spirit Connection webcast. Join me and my team for this FREE webcast on the first Wednesday of every month at 6 p.m. Pacific Time.

Also, I want to invite you to my new online workshop, Understanding the Courts of Heaven, this month! Find out more here.

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerful, positively funny teaching style and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

  1. Reply

    Thank you, Doug. How I needed this word of confirmation. I have been in divorce proceedings off and on since 2009. Twice I ran out of money and could not get it final. The Lord sent me a divinely appointed attorney. Who is spirit filled and committed to staying with me until the divorce was final this time. It has been almost two additional years. With delay after delay, requests for different judges, bankruptcy filings to delay things, and on and on. Finally, the judge decreed the divorce was final on 8.28.17 but now the process is being drawn out again over assets. I am not fighting, I just want to move on. We go to court yet again on December 12. Please pray for me. I could really use a word of encouragement. I have no anger or bitterness. I feel compassion and sadness for them. I just want this over so I can live my life free of this encumbrance. You are a blessing and well of fresh water!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 29, 2017

      Hey Stella. I am so sorry you are going through this hard time right now. Praying now that you are filled with joy and peace during this time. God has got you in His hand. Bless you!

    • Barbara
    • November 13, 2017

    Wow, thank you so much Doug! Twice within the last week I woke up from sleeping and I hear crying.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 14, 2017

      Bless you Barbara. God catches all of our tears.

    • Nicole
    • November 9, 2017

    I had to go back and re-read this! While I was in corporate prayer on Monday night, I was on the floor in tears and had the urge to hit the floor repeatedly. In the spirit I seen something like an earthquake and I seen something break open and light shine out. When Tuesday rolled around all day I felt this unexplainable courage come out of me and it’s been continuing so much that I remembered this word and had to come back to it. Exactly what’s Doug said is what’s happened to me and it was the night of Nov 6, the same day this word was released. God is so amazing! Thank you for your ministry and faithfulness to our father.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 13, 2017

      Wow Nicole, very cool! Thanks so much for sharing that with us.

    • Linda D
    • November 9, 2017

    Thank you Doug for this word. Waiting on Him to fulfill these promises in my life. I have many tears shed. Praise His name!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 9, 2017

      Bless you Linda. God is so faithful and loves you!

    • Deborah Brannaka
    • November 8, 2017

    You don’t know how much I needed to hear this word, I cry as I read it.. I’ve been crying out for justice in a situation for a while now. Our son took his life a month and a half ago. He had battled with addiction for 16 years. We prayed so hard for him. And his poor girlfriend (she and I are very close), it nearly destroyed her. And now she’s caught up in a DCS case with her ex because of something he did and he is very vengeful and hateful and manipulative and controlling. He couldn’t care less about how she feels after losing Aaron. Her ex and she were in a DCS meeting this evening and she said that she felt like he was trying to cripple her so she can’t get full custody of her girls back. I feel like he takes pleasure in trying to destroy her. She called me tonite crying because of the proceedings. I prayed with her and told her to calm down and have peaceful sleep, that God was going to take care of it. And then a couple hours later I read this word from Doug as I scroll through my emails. All I can say is…..Thank You, Thank You, Thank You GOD for Your Justice. Also, God has been working on bringing justice in a situation with our son’s ex as well. Thank You so much Doug for bringing this word. GOD BLESS YOU!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 9, 2017

      Deborah, I am so incredibly sorry. I can’t even imagine what you and her are going through. Praying you are filled with peace and comfort.

    • Emily
    • November 8, 2017

    Blessings Doug,
    I had a dream that every where I looked I going vas
    It was in books, in envelopes, people were giving money. I was in awe and very pleased.
    I must let you know we just went through two horrific Hurricanes.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 13, 2017

      Wow what a cool dream Emily. Thanks so much for sharing.

    • Doug Round
    • November 7, 2017

    Thanks Doug!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 7, 2017

      Bless you! Thanks for reading :).

    • juany rios
    • November 7, 2017

    I wept as I read this, about getting rid of negativity and arguments and disunity and a house divided against itself will not stand. may the GOD OF HEAVEN blow thru me and my husband to be in lockstep together, not just folks living together in one house but having their own agendas and cultures. if he is to live (literally) we MUST BE IN AGREEMENT before GOD in heaven. as I read, I confessed that I NEED YOU GOD before I am crushed. and GOD says: in the crushing there is a fragrance. You yourself know that crushing the mint leaf brings a fragrance, Crushing the lantana leaf brings a fragrance. OK GOD. BUT JUST PLEASE DONT WASTE THE CRUSHING, PLEEEEEEASE DONT WASTE THE CRUSHING!

    • Lynn Roberson
    • November 7, 2017

    Thank you for your words…

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 7, 2017

      You are welcome Lynn :). Bless you and all God is doing in your life.

  2. Reply

    Thank you. Just thank you

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 7, 2017

      You are so welcome Lynora! Bless you!

    • Jacqueline Carrero
    • November 7, 2017

    I needed this…thank you so much!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 7, 2017

      Yay! So glad the post was helpful for you Jacqueline. Bless you.

    • Patricia C. Greaf
    • November 7, 2017

    I am new to your ministry, my daughter sent me your prophecy power in tears. I haven’t cried in a long time. I want to become a softer person, open to the Holy Spirit. I will listen to your words of wisdom. Thanks for showing us God’s plan for our lives.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 7, 2017

      How wonderful Patricia. I am so glad your daughter sent you Doug’s prophetic word. I agree with you for you to hear God even greater and be open to the Holy Spirit. He loves you so much and is for you.

    • Rhonda
    • November 6, 2017

    Thank you for your message. It has been an extremely
    Difficult few years for me. The enemy has been on attack day in and day out. It has been difficult to stand strong but my faith and my love for God has helped me persevere. I ask for prayer. I ask that this time of struggle has come to an end and I will see the glory of God on this earth. That my hopes and dreams will come to pass. Your words are so encouraging and build our faith. Thank you so much and god bless you

      • Abrielle
      • November 7, 2017

      I may haven’t dealt with this for years but mine has been for a week or so. But God is helping me through. I feel you, girl!

        • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
        • November 8, 2017

        Bless you Abrielle <3.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 7, 2017

      Bless you Rhonda. Agreeing with you for your promises from God to come to pass and that you will enter into all He has for you. God is with you, He loves you, He is for you. Let God’s love for you wash over you as you get through this season.

    • Christina Ocasio
    • November 6, 2017

    What a blessing!..thank you for sharing!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 7, 2017

      You are welcome Christina! Bless you <3.

    • Diana Capanna
    • November 6, 2017

    I am ready!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 7, 2017

      Woohoo! God is on the move. Bless you!

    • Claire Hendricks
    • November 6, 2017

    I have read the word and I’m blessed to receive any information that will direct my life going further with my family members and friends

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 8, 2017

      Thank you for reading. Bless you and your family <3.

    • SOmeone
    • November 6, 2017


    With all due respect, could you provide a statistic of how many of the things you prophecy actually come to pass?

    I do not mean any disrespect, but, I am so sick and tired of all of these self-styled prophets creating social media frenzies only to raise people’s hopes up to no avail.

    It would be better if these people would stay silent instead of further bringing people pain through the vain hopes they spread, often aggressively marketing their product to them at the same time. Jesus never sold a sermon, did he now?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 14, 2017

      Doug spent the past 4 years very sick and battling for his health, so he totally understands what you are going through.

      Doug is a times and seasons prophet so he is hearing what God is doing and saying for today, each day, and then for the month, etc. Doug is very accurate and we have tons of people who write in to say that they hear the same thing from God too.

      However, every person is in a different stage of their life with different trials that they face. What Doug discovered is the closer you press in to God’s word and soak in worship music, the more in tune you become with what God is doing now. I would recommend doing a word search on Doug’s blog page with the word healing, and then go through all the blogs that come up.

      Yes, Jesus and the disciples worked. You can do an online internet search and you can get all the details.

      We bless you with finding the awe and faithfulness in your God again, and being filled with hope in a God who loves you.

    • Barbara Kuczinski
    • November 6, 2017

    WOW really needed this today. Thanks so much for sharing it with us

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 7, 2017

      Woohoo! Yes! Bless you Barbara!

    • Abrielle
    • November 6, 2017

    Dear Doug,
    This has been a blessing to me and my family. We have been going through some struggles and this has been an answer to prayers. Thank you for your incredible prophecy. It has been an answer to my prayers, my mom’s prayers, and the rest of my family’s prayers. Again thank you. You have no idea how much this means to us and to me.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 8, 2017

      I am so glad this word helped you Abrielle. Bless you and your family.

    • Chisom
    • November 6, 2017

    That’s great. I’ve been wronged so much and attacked by witches of L.A. and I’m glad I’m going to get repayment for the pain I’ve gone thru.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 7, 2017

      Bless you Chisom. God is with you. Keep standing on all God has promised you.

  3. Reply

    Thank you for your wisdom and teaching of Daily prof prophets words

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 7, 2017

      Your welcome Netta. Doug delights in being able to release prophetic words to help encourage people. Bless you!

    • Bad Boy Ministry Rev Al
    • November 6, 2017

    Amen for his Word. I believe that Blood of Jesus is now moving Us to stand up for the Truth. In all the World things are starting to be brought to the light.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 19, 2017

      Awesome! Bless you!

    • Elizabeth Joy
    • November 6, 2017


      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 7, 2017

      Haha bless you Elizabeth!

    • Donna
    • November 6, 2017

    A’ho and Amen it is so! Multilayered spot on confirmation and wonderful ember-stirring encouragement ! I receive it and agree in Yeshuas name and decree it over my family and sphere of influence and authority

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 8, 2017

      Woohoo! Bless you Donna!

    • Teri Sciara
    • November 6, 2017

    Thank you so much for your ministry . I️ am growing in God everyday because of it .

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 7, 2017

      Wow that is wonderful! Thanks for sharing with us. It is our joy to help amazing people like you grow and step into their callings.

    • Tim E
    • November 6, 2017

    Thank you, Doug, for posting this word. I could feel discouragement and despair break off me as I listened to this wonderful word from the LORD. I am looking forward to great things this year. Whoooooohoooohooooo!!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 7, 2017

      Amazing Tim! That is what we love to hear. Discouragement and despair leave when we encounter God’s love for us. Bless you :).

  4. Reply

    Thank you for your timely word…it spoke right to my heart. God forgive me for anything that does not glorify you. Turn my weeping into reaping!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 8, 2017

      Bless you Kristen! I am so glad the word spoke to you!

    • Margerite Bentley Chapman
    • November 6, 2017

    God Bless you and your family and Ministry, you are
    such a Blessing!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 7, 2017

      Thank you Margerite! We appreciate all your blessings :).

    • Pauline cording
    • November 6, 2017

    Doug your words always bring hope and comfort and are powerful and timely.thank you for wgat you are doing sorry i have no money to support you in your ministry may t

    he lord bless you and keep you .

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 7, 2017

      I am so glad Doug’s words have brought you encouragement and hope. We love to hear that :). Bless you during this season, may God multiple your finances.

    • Sylvia Loven Carter-Robertson
    • November 6, 2017

    Father God thank you for seeing every tear I’ve shed for every tear I’ve shed.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 7, 2017

      Bless you Sylvia. God see’s all the heart-ache and pain you have endured, and He’s been with you through it all. You are so loved.

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