A Season of Harvest, Multiplication and Fruitfulness

In this special excerpt, Tony Kim shares some insight on the end-times harvest and the year of the open door.  

Below are some notes from our Partners-only Monthly Mentoring Session. These sessions have been recorded and you can access them by becoming a Partner today! Find out more at DougAddison.com/TimeOff 

Tony started out the session by saying that we are in the new Hebrew calendar year 5784, which is the year of the open door based on the meaning of the 4th letter of the Hebrew alphabet (alef-bet).

This is a season for the great harvest. The 4th miracle of Jesus is Him feeding the 5000, so the 4th letter of the Hebrew number system also represents multiplication.

The Church in the Book of Acts experienced addition first, and then after chapter 5 they went into multiplication. So Tony believes we’re moving from addition into multiplication.

He went on to say that he believes—this year—we’re going to see God multiply the works of our hands and the seeds we’ve sown.

Multiplication will come through thanksgiving. 

Tony also believes we’re stepping into a season of God’s fullness. It’s a “fullness of time” time … in terms of what’s happening within God’s timetable. In that kind of season, thanksgiving and gratitude are key.

One of the sins that kept the Israelites out of the Promised Land was their grumbling. Let’s shift from grumbling into gratitude!

When Jesus received the fish and the bread, He looked up and broke it. Many people feel broken in this season, but remember that after Jesus gave thanks, there was multiplication. 

Remember the 4th miracle of Jesus and be encouraged.

In Genesis chapter 2, there is a mention that out of Eden flowed 4 rivers.

Eden means “his desire.” So out of His desire, there are 4 rivers. The 1st river was called Pishon and that means “increase.” The 2ndd river, Gihon, means “to burst forth” or “break through.” Tigris, the 3rd river, means “rapid or “acceleration.” Euphrates, the 4th river, means “fruitfulness.”

So, get ready because the places where you thought you were breaking, Tony believes you are going to bear much fruit! 

You’re going from barrenness to fruitfulness … because of your faithfulness!

Perhaps you thought that no one has seen your faithfulness. Tony mentioned that he felt like the Lord is saying, “Get ready because we are in the 4th river of Euphrates, and you are going to step into it by His grace … by His Spirit … not by might nor by power, but by His Spirit … into a great season of fruitfulness!”

Tony mentioned that this word personally encouraged him, and he has seen this happen in his own life. Their church attendance has quadrupled! And if it’s happened for him (the multiplication), it will happen for you too!

InLight Connection thanks Tony Kim for sharing his heart with us.

P.S. Thank you to all of those who partner with InLight Connection and give on a regular basis. You are holding their arms up in the spirit right now, and they are truly grateful. For those who have not yet given or it’s been a while, please consider giving now (or partnering monthly) … to help, just click HERE. Becoming a Partner will give you access to the upcoming guest speaker events. These meetings are going to be POWERFUL!

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection podcast and blog. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

    • Sduduzo
    • April 22, 2024

    Glory be to our Mighty God,I believe this prophecy and I receive In Jesus Christ Name

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