Daily, Weekly and Monthly Prophetic Words released by Doug Addison.

Prophetic Word: Spring Forward in the Spirit

Spring Forward in the Spirit Doug Addison Last January I released the prophetic insight God has spoken to me about 2010. The main thrust of it was about divine connections coming for those who are seeking God for their destinies. I heard the words resign, realign and reassign. I have been getting reports back from people about the big shift that is already starting to happen. It is beginning in my own life and ministry as my personal assistant is leaving this month. The best way to deal with it is to not fight it and let it happen. Another major part of what God showed me for 2010 was a shift that would occur at the time we set the clocks forward which, in the US, is Sunday, March 14. Here is what God showed me: Spring Forward and Fall into Place New beginnings will start happening in the spring of 2010. When we set the clocks forward this year, it will be a prophetic act in which we…

2010 Divine Connections: Resign, Realign and Reassign

Sometimes God can speak to us but we may forget what He has said. Later on, we experience what He revealed to us previously and then it starts to make sense. This happens to me all the time. That is why I use a computer journal to record my spiritual experiences, dreams, and prophetic words in detail. Last month I released the Prophetic Insight I received from God for 2010. In it, I talk about a huge realignment coming this year that will result in many people changing jobs, churches, and affiliations. I have received a lot of feedback about this portion of that prophetic word: Year of Divine Connections: Resign, Realign and Reassign It is a time of divine realignment that will result in many reassignments. A big shift will occur this year with many people changing jobs, moving, and changing churches or affiliations. Not everyone will do this, but there will be a large number of people shifting positions. God is strategically aligning people to maximize their Kingdom…

Prophetic Insights for 2010 from Doug Addison

Prophetic Insights for 2010 - A Year of Radical Change! Doug Addison Examine our Motives We are emerging from a time of transition in which the old ways of doing things have not been as effective as they once were, while the new things have not yet been totally revealed. This is evident in the U.S. economy with the collapse of the banking system, housing markets, and the auto industry, to name a few. People may blame the government or industry leaders, but the bottom line is that our economic collapse was driven by a spirit of pride and greed. We will need to examine our lives to be sure that we are not being influenced by these spirits as we move into the New Year. This is vital, because pride can cause us to speak against others and to be blind to our own faults. Matthew 7:1–2 (NIV) Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged,…

Prophetic Word: 1/11 is Your Turnaround

Prophetic Word: 1/11 is Your Turnaround Doug Addison I have been seeing 1:11 repeatedly for the past few weeks, and last weekend I had an experience in which God showed me a major plan of darkness that is being revealed this week. Starting on January 11th, 2010, the plans of the enemy are being exposed for what they are. There are things that are going to come to light that Satan does not want you to see. Things are not what they appear to be and there have been false reports given. The plan of the enemy to lie to you, bring confusion, and cause you to settle for less is being brought into the light of God. This is a strategic time for you to take action and get out of your comfort zone. When you do something to change your situation, you will find more clarity, favor, and energy than you had before. This is an opportunity to advance that you will not want to miss. You are being…

Getting the Most Out of 2010 – Prophetic Insight by Doug Addison

Getting the Most Out of 2010 Doug Addison This is a webcast from January 6, 2010 in which I share the prophetic insight I have gotten from God about the year 2010. I also go through an exercise on how to maximize what God is doing in your life and how to develop a plan to accomplish it. May God richly bless you on your journey with God. Doug Addison

Spiritual Identity Theft

Spiritual Identity Theft Doug Addison I woke up the day after Christmas after several dreams where I saw the enemy trying to steal people’s destinies. As I prayed about it I heard the words “identity theft.” Oftentimes, things that are happening in the natural realm reflect what is happening in the spiritual realm. The rise of identity theft in the world is symbolic of what is happening spiritually to people all around the world. I saw two covert strategies that Satan is trying to use against people to keep them from seeing, finding, and fulfilling their life purpose and destiny in God. Strategy 1: Getting us to Believe That we are our Behavior Bad experiences or painful pasts can negatively affect our present. There are forces of darkness that want us to believe that we are the only ones who suffer with these issues and that it is unchangeable. This is simply not true. Too often our sin and emotional baggage gets linked to what we believe about ourselves. In…

Preparing for 2010 by Doug Addison

Preparing for 2010 Doug Addison This year has been full of ups and downs and a major amount of transition. For me personally it has also held some of the most exciting encounters with God that I have ever experienced. During the biggest downturn economically and some of the absolute toughest times for us financially, God's presence and power has increased. Sometimes it may appear as if God's prophetic promises over our lives are always dangling just out of our reach. Right when we make some headway, there seems to be more warfare, obstacles and even setbacks. Reality is that God does not want to promote us prematurely because with every promotion and advancement comes more responsibility. He will often run us through a test season to see how well we will do with the new authority and anointing He has in mind for us. I went through one of these testing times this year and I got a taste of a new level of prophetic authority that I have…

God is Protecting all that He has Promised Us

God is Protecting all that He has Promised Us by Doug Addison Over the past few months I have received quite a bit of revelation about a new season coming to many people that was starting in September and October of 2009 and continuing through the New Year. I keep hearing over and over that this is the time of new beginnings and new opportunities. Similar to being pregnant When God begins something new in our lives sometimes it can be similar to a baby taking nine months to birth. It takes time to grow and develop the new thing from God in our lives. I can look back in my life and see many examples of when I heard God speak to me clearly about a change in my life. Then when the change actually takes place, it is oftentimes close to a nine month period. In April of 2008 I was living in Moravian Falls, North Carolina and I was speaking at several churches in the Central Coast…

Prophetic Word: The Last Move of God was the Wilderness!

The Last Move of God was the Wilderness! Doug Addison On September 8, 2009, I had a night vision in which I was taken to an aerial view of various parts of the world. I was shown vast landscapes of lush grasslands that were teeming with new life. I could see exotic plants and trees and I knew in my spirit that what I was seeing was a new move from God that had come upon the earth to bring about a radical revival. Suddenly, a massive wave of destruction came upon the greenery. The whole scene was consumed and only a barren wasteland was left in its place. I watched in shock and felt disappointed and distressed at what I had witnessed. Then the audible voice of God spoke to me in the vision and said, “I released something new from Heaven but my people were not ready for it, so I had to bring a wilderness time to purge things that were not of me.” As I woke…

Free Prophetic Words from Doug Addison

Free Prophetic Words! Doug Addison I have had a prophetic gifting from God all my life, though I have not always heard God clearly. Things would happen to me all the time that I thought were just coincidental, but now I realize it was God speaking to me. In 1991 I began to journal and track everything that I heard from God. To this day I journal daily in detail all the ways I hear God. I would really encourage you to do this as well. You get out of your spiritual life what you put into it. The most frequently asked question I get is, “How can I tell if what I am hearing is from God or myself, or from Satan?” It is easier to distinguish between Satan and God, but determining whether what you are hearing is from God or yourself will take practice. Hebrews 5:14 NIV But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. I…

Your Breakthrough is in Your Current Situation

Your Breakthrough is in Your Current Situation Doug Addison On 09/09/09 the presence of God came into my house and I was overwhelmed for over an hour with God’s euphoric love and joy. During the experience I received revelation about ministry and financial breakthrough that God wants to do in people’s lives right now. Many of us have prophetic promises from God about operating at a higher level of ministry but are currently in a job or situation that you have little passion for. There are also people who need a financial breakthrough that will allow you to freely do all the things that God is calling you to. God spoke to me that a key for this breakthrough may lie in your current situation. My breakthrough In 1988 God began speaking about being in full time ministry. A few years later I got serious about pursuing ministry training, but the problem was that I still needed to work my full time job to make a living. So I started…

Update on The New Sound from Heaven

Update on The New Sound from Heaven Doug Addison I have been getting some questions about the article I wrote called The New Sound from Heaven. First, if you have not read my article, start by *reading it before you comment. There is a link to it at the bottom of this posting. You don’t have to agree with me but what I do ask is that if you leave comments that you are nice about it. I want to be clear that what God spoke to me about the New Sound had one purpose, to awaken a revival in the young emerging generation. Question: “I'm part of a worship/recording ministry, and we would love to know more about any equipment or software that you see as being key to the new sound. Is there any way you can break down the makeup of the music you're hearing? Are there any particular sounds or samples that stand out? Is it drum-heavy? More ambient? High energy? Does it tend to be…


  • August 2023

    Note: Doug will not be doing Daily Prophetic Words until further notice. We thank you for your understanding.

You can read the Daily Prophetic Word Archive on the Doug Addison App.

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