What These 9 Dreams Can Reveal About Your Destiny

french bull dog asleeping on black sofa desk use for multipurpose
What These 9 Dreams Can Reveal About Your Destiny

March 17, 2016
Doug Addison

Did you know that a great way to hear God can be through your dreams at night?

Though not all dreams are from God, once you understand how God speaks through symbolic language, then you can trust to be guided this way.

Over one-third of the Bible is made up of dreams and visions. Jesus often spoke in parables, and dreams are very similar to “night parables.”

Destiny dreams
There are several types of night dreams that actually reveal clues about your life dreams or your destiny.

After interpreting thousands of dreams for people, I began to notice a common pattern. Some dreams that people have seem to indicate that there is something more for them to fulfill in their lives.

Here are a few dreams that you can watch for and I have offered some tips on how you can respond:

1. Recurring dreams: A recurring dream can be an indicator that God wants to either do something new in your life or that He is drawing your attention to change something. Once you either establish the new behavior or take care of the issues, these recurring dreams will stop.

2. Flying without an airplane: These dreams indicate higher destinies for you to fulfill. You have creativity and the ability to rise above situations. You also have great flexibility.

3. Running or being chased: Is something evil trying to get you in your dream? It is showing you that the enemy wants to stop you from something good. The positive part of this is that you have a destiny to help people. Why else would something try to stop you? The key is to not be afraid and begin to ask God to show you what it is you are destined to do.

4. Negative dreams or nightmares: Nightmares are similar to the running or being chased dreams. Negative and fearful things are never God’s will for your life. Because these types of dreams show Satan’s plans and not God’s will, you need to flip them around and begin to pray for the opposite to happen. The only true reality for you is God’s intentions.

5. Showing up late: This dream is showing you that there is something that you are called or destined to do, but you are currently lagging in the process of accomplishing it. It is a heads-up to be more diligent in your pursuit.

6. Being naked: Dreaming of having no clothes on in public is a common dream and it is actually positive. It shows that you are open and transparent with others. This could be an indicator of the type of vocation or gifting you have. Most likely people feel safe around you and they may even talk to you about their problems, meaning you have the ability to help people through counsel or advice.

7. Being in school: These dreams indicate that you are in a time of learning new things. This is valuable time in developing yourself for your life purpose.

8. Having a baby or being pregnant: Babies are symbolic of new life. They are usually not literal, but instead symbolic of something new coming. A new job, ministry, gift, idea or something creative is coming to you.

9. Teeth coming loose or falling out: This indicates the need to get wisdom or advice about your situation.

How to respond
• First, write your dreams down and pray for the interpretation.

• Begin to notice these dreams and other patterns in your life as our destiny is often like a connect-the-dots drawing and things tend to unfold more over time.

• Hold on to your dreams and be open to them being fulfilled in ways that may surprise you.

Take the next step: Do you want to better understand what God is saying to you through your dreams? Check out my Dream Crash Course online workshop.

In this extended dream intensive online workshop, I’ll teach you everything you need to know to get started on becoming your own dream interpreter.



Doug Addison

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.


    • Joseph
    • January 6, 2021

    Hello, I’ve just read your question and found I can offer some help. I have learnt that dogs and wolves and foxes most times represent something to with the spirits of lust/sexual impropriety/sexual sin… I have so far had about 3 dreams in this line, all featuring dogs, but it was only last year I learnt that they actually have something to do with lust/sexual sin/sexual battles, and looking back I see that indeed I got these dreams at times when I was particularly facing serious battles re sexual uprightness/cleanliness. (I’m from Uganda, Africa, and pray at a church that God has really anointed in regard to teaching believers spiritual warfare/the path of holiness/deliverance. My name is Joseph, you can seek me out on Facebook as Gyozef Kitaka Ssemutooke if you need us to discuss this more. The Lord Christ Jesus bless you!).

    • Anne
    • December 20, 2020

    I’d like your thoughts regarding my late, great, dog Nika. Almost every night, I dream she’s jumping on the bed or she’s trying to make her chosen spot comfy. The thing is that it happens all night.

    I’ve started to force myself to end it because I really think it’s happening until I wake up.

    Thanks in advance.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 22, 2020

      We do not interpret dreams but we encourage you to ask God what the dream means.

    • Lee-Anne
    • October 19, 2020

    I dreamt I was wearing white I think I was in a place of worship with my hands in the air and while praying my pants tore between my legs there was blood

    • Khulani
    • September 21, 2020

    Hi there please explain my dream as I healed a blind pastor as he was praying for me, when I approached him through prayer line. When he saw me he can see everything and everyone through me, mind you he is blind pastor but when touched he sees. Please explain the dream

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 22, 2020

      Awesome dream! We are not interpreting dreams on the blog post but that is a wonderful dream!

    • Quenette
    • July 14, 2020

    What does house squatting mean in a dream? These dreams always occur in the house I grew up in and I’m living there as a squatter. Asking the Holy Spirit for revelation.

    • Kate
    • May 18, 2020

    Hi Jessy J

    I’m not a dream interpreter but just my thoughts… Are you and your boyfriend equally yoked in that you both believe in the Lord Jesus Christ? The Pastor that he dreamt of could represent people of high influence in your boyfriend’s life or even an instruction from the Lord to come away for a season and grow in Him.

    I don’t know if you guys were literally staying together as an unmarried couple, but I’d assume that if that was the case the dream was an indication that you cannot continue anymore as Christians are expected to marry first before moving in together. But I also believe that if you guys loved each other and there weren’t any major issues in your relationship God can restore you back together if you just fix your eyes on Him. Keep well😊

    • Dumisani Ndlovu
    • May 15, 2020

    Many times I have dreamed talking the late Dr Oral Roberts, Kenneth Copeland and other great men and women of God. What could this mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 19, 2020

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though. https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/.

    • Jessy b
    • April 24, 2020

    My boyfriend had a dream of a senior pastor and his wife telling him to leave my house and actually he went away with him and when he woke up he decided to break our relationship.what does this dream mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 25, 2020

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though. https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/

    • natasha zore
    • March 28, 2020

    I truly hope you contacted Dough! Its definitely a dream from God! You need to pray and ask God to show you the meaning. Remember, trust in the Power of God and not the wordly wisdom of men! Pray and wait until God shows you! He will.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 30, 2020

      Bless you Natasha!

    • Wendy bartholomew
    • March 11, 2020

    I had a dream. There were children at a playing at a beach. One kid seen barely this big thing fall into the beach. But this thing was bathing in the ocean. When the thing looked around he spotted the boy who was looking straight at him. The boy realized it was he. Satan. As the boy yelled out to the others..IT IS HE IT IS HE. The Devil stood up the children started running to the safety of The Lords House. As the children ran inside. There The King waited for him but the devil was still coming. The Lord used His golden field of force & he could not get in. But i were however. I was there it felt so rwal. I seen inside The offerings of His palace. EVERYTHING AS SAID….IS GOLDEN IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL. BEAUTIFUL. I SEEN PILLARS OF IMAGES. I SEEN CHILDREN ABOUT. BUT I ONLY GOT TO SEE THE LORD IN ALL GOLD. It was a beautiful dream. I dont no if it were just a dream. Or does it mean something. I am batteling an illness in my kidneys right now and was close to death. Can someone please help me with an answer? What does this mean!? Thank you. Sincerely
    Wendy Bartholomew

    • Joy
    • March 11, 2020

    What dose it mean to see an elderly woman preaching and prophcying in dream

    • Jana
    • January 19, 2020

    I just woke up from a weird scary dream. what is it mean to dream about man made out of clay moving/ walking? i saw a big hole in my workplace. someone is digging a hole . i wanted to go and see what’s going on over there and then i saw a clay man under ground. he started at me but did do anything but he was walking . i got scared and ran but my co workers didn’t seem to be bothered by it.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 20, 2020

      Hey Jana, we do not interpret dreams sent in. You can check out Doug’s resources at DougAddison.com for dream interpretation resources.

    • Nomsa
    • December 14, 2019

    About 8 months ago i dreamt of getting married the dream repeated itself in three different ways, the first time it happened, I dreamt that I just came from the home affairs to get my marriage license I had a ring on my finger in that dream, second time I dreamt about that I wearing a traditional attire of a bride to be, third time I dreamt of two rings his and hers on my pillow. Now 8 to 9 months later I dreamt of cows in a kraal in because in my culture the groom’s family pays the bride price. Last night I dreamt of my boyfriend saying that he will send his elders to my family. I don’t know what this means my relationship is only about a month old now. Please interpret it for me.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 19, 2019

      We do not have a team in place to interpret dreams. You are welcome to look into purchasing Doug’s dream interpretation resources to grow further in understanding dreams if you’d like, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. Bless you!

    • Tanecie
    • December 12, 2019

    I had a dream about alligators in my house but they didn’t scare me what does that mean

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 19, 2019

      We do not have a team in place to interpret dreams. You are welcome to look into purchasing Doug’s dream interpretation resources to grow further in understanding dreams if you’d like, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. Bless you!

  1. Reply

    I had a dream of me going out with my friends in the city im particular of and everything is different in the city it was like in the future were there’s new things there were bubbles that took people from building to building and when we got to the place we where going to hang out I met a guy and I’ve never seen him in my life but i felt like i new him and i’ve seen him before then everything around us stopped the bubbles that were floating in the sky stopped and people inside were trapped inside the water of the river stopped then the guy grab my hand and he started running and I started running with him and we started to running on water and I have had this dream catch before it was crazy what does these mean

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 4, 2019

      Hey Miguely! We do not have a team in place to interpret dreams. You are welcome to look into purchasing Doug’s dream interpretation resources to grow further in understanding dreams if you’d like, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. Bless you!

    • Kassidee
    • October 10, 2019

    I just woke up from a dream and I am trying not to forget it. So sorry if there are some mistakes in this paragraph. Just woke up from this dream, where this woman helped me. I had a dream before, another night a few weeks ago. This dream is a continuation of that dream. This man had put hands on this woman that helped me (the woman helped me in the other dream). She was specifically a cop. I came in between the two and kept pushing him back. I told him that she didn’t need an instructor of when to eat, how much to eat. She didn’t need someone to tell her how to live her life. Etc, I can’t remember the rest. I do remember telling him that she can live her own life, without someone physically ruining it, that she is a strong and independent woman that can handle herself. I then locked him in a cage behind me and left him there. Minutes later I started to cry. I looked at him in sorrow, and tried to wave at him, because everyone else that had passed by waved at him. Once he saw that I was waving, he covered his face in a towel. Minutes later, he took the towel off his face and waved back at me. He was on a ground of dirt. It started raining, so I brought him inside. We had dinner, and I instructed everyone to kiss his forehead before we ate. I think I did this, because he was a better man now. What does this dream mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 10, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.
      Doug also has quite a few blog posts on dreams that you can browse through.
      Bless you!

    • Kian
    • October 6, 2019

    Hello. I have a pretty disturbing dream that I can’t find any interpretation on.

    I had a dream that I was stabbing my younger brother, but I was saying “i’m killing God.” My brother didn’t die but he was laughing with a knife on his chest. What does this mean?

    I believe in God. I pray every night. I prayed for a message. That’s what I remember I dreamed about. Please help. Thank you.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 7, 2019

      Hey Kian! We do not have a team in place to interpret dreams. I would ask Jesus to show you what this dream means. You do not need to be in fear, God will show you. Praying for you and your family to walk in the fullness that Jesus has for you all.

    • Randle Blue
    • October 5, 2019

    I just had a dream that I was preaching and every man came up and got saved. Can someone please explain to me.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 7, 2019

      Great dream Randle!

    • Thato
    • October 3, 2019

    Hi, I always dream of an Orange tree sometimes I would eat this oranges & sometimes I’d climb the tree and put them in a sack, another reccuring dream is of mountains I always see mountains in my dreams and when i wake up I’d find that it’s 3am sometimes 3:15, basically my day starts at those times as i struggle to fall asleep afterwards.

    • Grace
    • September 6, 2019

    I have an recurring dream happening in the same place and the dream is almost the same. It happened in my workplace. First dream I tried to climb the stairs while am almost on top am struggling stumbling but our Chief Director who in really life is dispised by everyone accussed of being rude and arrogant he saved and pull me from falling. Our relationship in real life is non existent. We dont talk at all while others are complaining that he is cheeky and rude to them. Second dream in same stairs i heard a meeting in the 1st floor but I could climb the stairs every attempt i failed till i gave up. Then collegues calmed and reminded me the meeting has convened i told i gave up i cant climb the stairs

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 9, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.
      Doug also has quite a few blog posts on dreams that you can browse through.
      Bless you!

    • Alisha khakha
    • September 2, 2019

    I am a student of bachelor science in nursing from Nepal. i am from Christian family. last night i dreamed of the angel. it was destroying other angles. That angle was in search of her book. i was in hostel. everyone were talking about that lost book. the warden was telling us about that book that whoever has that book is surely going to be destroyed by that angel. i was not known about that. the stranger had given me that book and i was now afraid of what that book was about. so i hide that book in my bible. it was small shining blue book that when i put it inside my bible it seemed invisible only the blue sparkling light
    of that book. i was so afraid that i went to tell about it my mom. and at the very time my mom turned out to be that angel who was searching for the lost book.
    i immediately went to my mom and shared all about what i had seen. she told me better i wouldn’t have told her. again when i slept in day time i saw the same dream.
    i don’t know what is the meaning of the dream. please help to understand.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 3, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.
      Doug also has quite a few blog posts on dreams that you can browse through.
      Bless you!

    • Prince810
    • August 24, 2019

    Last night I saw a dream, in which world was going to be destroyed by monsters and Satan. I was on the GODs side as a small solider; I was happy because GOD has given me such a responsibility that time. I know it will all happen one day but happy that GOD choosen me to protect holy books and people around me. What is exact meaning of that dream ???

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 26, 2019

      We do not have a team in place to interpret dreams. You are welcome to look into purchasing Doug’s dream interpretation resources to grow further in understanding dreams if you’d like, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. Bless you!

    • Onyinyechi john
    • August 8, 2019

    I dream when i was injected on a crusade ground by someone i don’t know and i urinate myself. Pls, what is the meaning

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 9, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.
      Doug also has quite a few blog posts on dreams that you can browse through.
      Bless you!

  2. Reply

    Hello Guys!
    I hope you all having a great time.
    I was searching for the interpetation of dream that i see last night and i come across this site. This site is really
    amazing and have so much helpfull content for the people like me that are woried about their dreams.
    Thanks Alot.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 10, 2019

      Awesome Jessi! Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.
      Doug also has quite a few blog posts on dreams that you can browse through.
      Bless you!

    • Veronica
    • July 6, 2019

    I am confused on a dream I had last night. It started in a bed and breakfast that my husband and I go to get away and rest. In this dream, we were at this bed and breakfast and the owner (a Christian) gave me a very large dog (I love dogs). In the dream I came home with this large dog that I didn’t want. I’ve read several explanations for dogs in dreams, but interpretations are conflicting. Any thoughts?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 10, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.
      Doug also has quite a few blog posts on dreams that you can browse through.
      Bless you!

    • Ella Wagner
    • June 27, 2019

    what does it mean when you dream and you are in church and your pastor is talking to you and your are so happy

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 28, 2019

      We do not have a team to interpret dreams. You can look into Doug’s dream interpretation products at DougAddison.com/store. Bless you!

    • Linda
    • June 25, 2019

    I Heard a loud bang in when I woke up God was sitting there in my room floor next to me

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 26, 2019

      Cool! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Reply

    My dream is a weird one it happens at night in my dream I’m walking past a girl the same name as my sister a bit older and a yellow old car drives slowly past me to her and kills her as I walked he spotted me to and was chasing me down in the dark in the first dream he succeeded killing me then I thought I woke up but I didn’t the dream was excact the same as my room just a few things different I end up out side and again see the yellow car I think it’s the 60s with the models of the cars the people drove I don’t know if it’s my past life coming in or something else

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 24, 2019

      Hey Ashlee! Hey! As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though. Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams. Bless you!

    • Isaa
    • June 15, 2019

    I had a dream my step brother was served with soup in a bowl and rice bowl served on my palm.he started to eat from me palm. The day before this dream I also dreamt my step mum was instructing me to do something but did not do it because was not OK with it. My step brother whom I saw in the above dream got furious and before he could open his mouth I slap him. He started to chase me to retaliate but was been prevented by two unknown guys

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 17, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/.

    • Valerie M Grice
    • June 11, 2019

    My dream was I sitting on bench in meeting and the speaker told me to get down on the floor and look under the bench and he was giving me money and no one was to see it. When I got back to the bench my purse was open and empty I noticed on the floor people were looking

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 12, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.

      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though. https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/

      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.

      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.

    • Brenda Colbert
    • May 30, 2019

    I love the dreams I don’t go to church neither but I pray all the time and I’ll Trust in the most high Elohim I see things before it happen they already have come to pass some of it

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 10, 2019

      God bless you Brenda!

  4. Reply

    after i climbed a tree in my dream, my friend climbed the same tree but immediately after he climbed, the tree just fell down with us. pls what does this mean in my dream

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 30, 2019

      Thanks for sharing your dream with us. We do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in. Doug has some great courses on interpreting dreams that you can look into here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. God bless you!

    • Yahaya Emmanuel packson
    • April 23, 2019

    Pls i need help when I was 10 to 13 years I use dream like this I will something like light from heaven will be Ponting in my direction and i will be following that light that has ben my dream any time I sleep.and in that time I can remember particular one again that i use to head again I will see something like zinc.the zinc is coming from heaven down to earth like funnel and in that zinc I see sand fine sand I mean very fine sand no denty on the sand.and the place I was standing their was noting like gras I mean no plans in that place..the place was very nice.and nw i am 23 I use to dream like this to see my preaching the word of GOD

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 24, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.

      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.

      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.

    • Crownfits ayomide
    • April 21, 2019

    I fought a mad man and ran away but before i ran away the mad man try to punch me but i guide it with my wrist. Please what does this dream mean

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 23, 2019

      As Doug said, running or being chased by something evil trying to get you in your dream is showing you that the enemy wants to stop you from something good. The positive part of this is that you have a destiny to help people. Why else would something try to stop you? The key is to not be afraid and begin to ask God to show you what it is you are destined to do.

    • feez
    • April 7, 2019

    I’m scared of what i dream, in my dream i saw planet neptune, so what does it really mean…doesnt make sense at all

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 7, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.

      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.

      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.

    • Simon Ohm
    • April 4, 2019

    I had a dream last night when my principal tutor who had endorsed me to stand for leadership was now telling me to stand down

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 5, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.

      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.

      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.

      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.

    • Simon Ohm
    • April 4, 2019

    I had a dream when my principal tutor who had at first endorsed me to stand for leadership was telling me to stand down

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 5, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.

      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.

      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.

      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.

    • Myra Amigo
    • March 31, 2019

    My fiance had a dream last night of us travelling to Thailand which we had a planned vacation this coming mid of May. On his dream, he got a nice travel promotion even without enough money, he still insisted for us to go so his Mom got angry of him. We ended up on a very weird island with a swimming pool near the mountains.Along the way I met people I knew their and they gave us food. My fiance met a guy who gave him cash. We stayed in a room with very bad condition which is made of wood and then that night drunk men came and try to hold me and dragged me into their room. My fiance stopped them. We ran away fast somewhere in the field near to the place of our residency. Then a bus full of airport staff saw us in a mess and helped and picked us up.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 1, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.

      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.

      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now. Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams. God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.

  5. Reply

    Hello I always have dreams of someone trying to shoot
    me or kill me !! ALWAYS…. its scary.. I have had 3 dreams
    3 days in a row of the world ending and terrorists taking over… I was told I had the prophetic power by a pastor to speak to people on a prophetic level.. I also kept seeing the numbers 420 for like 2 months would look at the clock and it would say 420 or I would randomly see 420
    I thought it was weird my cousin told me to look everything up so I did and the meaning of 420 archangels
    Is astonishing everything I read about Angel’s showing you 420 pertained to everything in my life at the moment
    Trust issues In relationships from being hurt.. to my career will be helping people of some sort and now I’m looking at why I’m having these dreams and it said the same thing I will be a helper of some sort to people I wish I knew more about the world and its higher powers because I’m very curious now that I saw that 420 and read about it.. call me crazy lol but I couldnt believe it…

    • Cong Nelson
    • March 24, 2019

    I had a dream that we met in a bank, my self and my Dad who is alive and my late elder brother/. my elder brother who is now dead had four millions shillings and he was withdrawing . our Dad had three million shillings and he withdrew and gave us equally the sum of five hundred thousand each. but we didn’t want him to know we were withdrawing money. he also did the transaction quietly. i woke up only to realize it was a dream. what is the meaning of this dream

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 25, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.

      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/.

      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.
      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.

    • phosia
    • March 21, 2019

    I dreamt that am seeing myself in a romantic horror movie which I have never seen before I still remember each and everything…. am in it and the same time am watching it ..I don’t understand

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 21, 2019

      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation.

      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.

  6. Reply

    I had this dream where me and everyone in a school were naked. And it was about a weird bathroom only people constantly going in and out of the bathroom no door you would just walk right in see people sitting on the toilets..in this weird bathroom with no walls for the toilets to get privacy …tons of toilets like facing so people are back to back some facing each and some all over the place not even lined up..only little slabs no doors to get privacy …we could see each other… I had that dream a few days ago I think it happened for 7 years now not constant but separated throughout the years.. I met someone who had a similar dream but I have nooo.clue what it means or why it even happened. But everyone could see eacher from the chest up. I hope someone understands and tell me what’s going on or what it means because I’m lost and uncomfortable lol.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 21, 2019

      Being naked is often being open/transparent and bathroom dreams are often about cleansing/flushing/healing.

      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation.

      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.

    • Alana
    • March 8, 2019

    I have noticed that the setting of almost all my dreams is in my grandma’s house. I mean it’s like always if im dreaming of even having sex it would be in a bedroom of her house. I never any family member in my dreams but that room is always as a background setting..

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 12, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams. God bless you!

    • Murendeni mudau
    • February 24, 2019

    The one of being pregnant answered my dream that people were interpreating it wrong

  7. Reply

    I am a right handed person but someone had a vision of me writing using my left hand. please what does this meaning.

    • Muskan sena
    • February 16, 2019

    Actually few days ago i saw a dream in which i was in temple and then i entered and going upward there was a holy water we were going to see that but when i reached i saw myself at very high height there the holy water was down very deep and at that place there was no safety like there was no fencing nd all i came there running and i was about to fall i also saw 1 animal i dont remember exactly it was a tiger or monkey or dog after few days we were going to attend a reception some place where i havent gone before in my life and guess what i saw sample exact that temple which was in my dream same designed same colour that is orange and i told my mother and she told this temple is of bhairav god . And it was not first time many time also a saw my future in my dreams. I want to know m i special or just a coincidence or something like that.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 18, 2019

      Hey Muskan! I am sorry but we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in. You can learn how to interpret dreams through taking one of Doug’s dream training. You can learn more about those here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. God bless you!

    • Nwankwo Gloria
    • February 15, 2019

    I had a dream where I found favour in what looked like a man god he was a lion..he killed mostly everyone who hurt him in the past but spared me because I stood by him when no one else did…people got angry and kinda jealous.. remember I didn’t say God but a god in the form of man and lion.. please help me interpret this

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 18, 2019

      Hey Nwankwo! I am sorry but we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in. You can learn how to interpret dreams through taking one of Doug’s dream training. You can learn more about those here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. God bless you!

    • Darshana lama
    • February 13, 2019

    I just dteamt of my granny and me ..we were going some where but onthe way we went to a programme like some sort of rutiles organised by one sadhu and after a rutile was over some women had given me a Prasad but while i was collecting some the entire prasad was not there so i went inside the other room and started collecting them one by one and later when i came out the sadhu called me by the other name akriti.and said me that why im still there and again he called me near him and told me to show the flashlight of my mobile in order to arrange the leafs that had brought for the rutiles so as i light my mobile on as i have a guru padhmasambawa image on my phone the eyes of the god from my mobile grew wider and angry and a big blow came to that shadu’ S face from my mobile after that i went on screaming and crying but everyone caught my arms by both the side but still i was screaming in my reality too i prayed a lot calling gods name at last i was realised..

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 18, 2019

      Hey Darshana! You may want to Pray (or decree) these verses each day for a few days or however long you feel then write down what God speaks to you when you do.

      Invite the Spirt of Truth
      But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not
      speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to
      come. John 16:13 NIV1

      Reveal Mysteries to Me
      The mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been
      revealed to His saints. Colossians 1:26

      Show Me What Satan Does Not Want Me To See
      Then the LORD told me about the plots my enemies were making against me.
      Jeremiah 11:18 NLT

      Jesus loves you and will show you. God bless you!

    • Osmo Tanninen
    • February 9, 2019

    I am a batized believer but I unfortunately fell into my old sin but have long time ago repented and absolutely stopped sinning. I have also confessed my sins to God as well as to my wife. Also I am nearly every day praying God for forgiveness. Nevertheless, for a some time ago when I was sleeping a very laud voice sed: “All your sins are once been forgiven but you are back slidden into world and your sins will not be forgiven any more again”. Since that time this has bothered me very much. Was that dream announcement from God and am I now thus condemned into hell?
    God`s peace to you
    Osmo Tanninen

    • Grace
    • January 31, 2019

    I always have dreams of former places, which i dont like

    • Zingrin
    • January 4, 2019

    me and my friend saw a German shepherd dog eating slowly a living cat, then the big dog chased us, entered the house of where I was hiding, then i climb to a tower and relaxed. The tower seem to get very high and i was in the highest part and many people came and tried to pulled me down but they couldnt, instead i threw them off. Then after a while I was just swinging up down the tower by myself.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 22, 2019

      Thanks for sharing your dream with us. We do not do dream interpretation but Doug has some great resources on dreams you can look into here. God bless you!

    • Kalvin
    • December 28, 2018


    In dream im going to be a king of my nation soon but 5 types of disaster caused to my house (castle) then with my family,friends and people from the nations helped to stop the disasters like pouring water on fire which burning my castle and I am thinking my upcoming marriage will get rid of this issues in that same dream… Please tell me this dream meanings

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 1, 2019

      Hey Kalvin! Thank you for sharing your dream with us. We do have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in but Doug has some great resources that train you to interpret dreams yourself. Here is a list of those, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. God bless you!

    • Moonlight
    • December 14, 2018

    Hi,my dad saw his deceased father with one ear ,his another ear was bandaged .he saw him from back wearing a coat .couldnt see his face..i hope i recieve a answer .i really need to know this thanks …

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 14, 2018

      I’m so sorry but we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams. Doug has a variety of resources that will help train you to interpret your own dreams though. Here is a list of those, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/ . One is a free ebook on dreams that is a great start. Bless you!

    • Ganesh Padhyaya
    • December 9, 2018

    I hve seen indra(king of pancha bhootas)advising me not to do one thing(the thing i cannot explain). What does it mean indra coming in my dream and advising. I never think about indra.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 13, 2018

      I’m so sorry but we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams. Doug has a variety of resources that will help train you to interpret your own dreams though. Here is a list of those, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/ . One is a free ebook on dreams that is a great start. Bless you!

    • Zabron
    • November 11, 2018

    Great experiences.
    I have dreamed I am with many people around standing outside church. I asked people aroud to sing a song which I introduce and they should take off their clothes. I found people singing with confidence and not wondering on me but i am the only one naked. We walked abit ahead while singing. After fish I had to collect my cloth quickly. Both men an women some holding candles. I dont know what it means.

    • Ronnie Ngandwe
    • October 26, 2018

    dreamt a powerful preacher/prophet I know from TV , when I dialled a number on phone trying to call someone then he tapped into my network and answered saying the things I keep in the phone will harm me, then he went on and rested the phone by praying and then he delivered me. Then the following day (still in the dream) I approached him to ask if I was dreaming or not, then he told me that actually you came and I prayed for u. then he went on and gave me k45 kwacha which at first I said I have money but then I realized it was coming from the prophet and I got the money-kindly assist me with the interpretation

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 28, 2018

      Hey Ronnie! We love dreams and dream interpretation but we do not have a team to interpret dreams sent into us. We do have quite a few resources that will help you understand dreams that you can look into here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. One is a free ebook that is a great start if you are new to dream interpretation. God bless you!

    • Ronnie Ngandwe
    • October 26, 2018

    I dreamt a powerful preacher/prophet I know from TV , when I dialled a number on phone trying to call someone then he tapped into my network and answered saying the things I keep in the phone will harm me, then he went on and rested the phone by praying and then he delivered me. Then the following day (still in the dream) I approached him to ask if I was dreaming or not, then he told me that actually you came and I prayed for u. then he went on and gave me k45 kwacha which at first I said I have money but then I realized it was coming from the prophet and I got the money-kindly assist me with the interpretation

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 28, 2018

      Hey Ronnie! We love dreams and dream interpretation but we do not have a team to interpret dreams sent into us. We do have quite a few resources that will help you understand dreams that you can look into here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. One is a free ebook that is a great start if you are new to dream interpretation. God bless you!

    • October 24, 2018

    dreamt an old woman asking me direction I was sleeping but not deep, wanted to help her but I was powerless I prayed God to give me strength sundenly woke up. means what please?

    • Prasad
    • October 14, 2018

    I had a dream that I was praying in a temple and it was for asking God to find me a life partner soon. When the priest got to know about this he actually offered me to marry his daughter itself.

    What does this mean ?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 15, 2018

      Hey Prasad! We do not interpret dreams on the blog but Doug has some great dream interpretation resources you can look into here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. One is a great free ebook that is awesome to start with. God bless you!

    • Vickie rRivera
    • October 13, 2018

    Hi I had a dream the other night I was standing at what seemed to be the edge of the earth and there in front of me was a huge planet it was orange. I woke up after wards. It’s not uncommon for me to dream about planets being close. However, this was quite different and the feel was different as well the colors were brilliant. Thank you for your time.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 15, 2018

      Hey Vickie! We do not interpret dreams on the blog but Doug has some great dream interpretation resources you can look into here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. One is a great free ebook that is awesome to start with. God bless you!

    • Aa Moi
    • October 5, 2018

    I don’t exactly remember it but I clearly remember that in my dream, me and my sister were looking at the creation of the world and God is showing to us. And I can’t recall what happened. And me and my family were in a building and the devils are knocking the doors and they got in. As soon as they got in, we begin to sing Praise and Worship songs. I don’t remember the songs, or song. And then I wake up.

    • Joshua Schroeder
    • September 26, 2018

    I had a dream that I was given a pastoral position, and along with it came a golden ring, but instead of taking the position and the ring, I gave it to a friend.

    • lany
    • September 13, 2018

    Do you have a blog post regarding dreams of being in heights and fearful to get down. In those dreams the other people can go down easily but I can’t. Thank you.

    • Mary
    • August 18, 2018

    How about recurring dream of exposed bathroom and being half naked. Can you help me with that.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 20, 2018

      Hey Mary! We do not interpret dreams on the blog but you can look into Doug’s dream resources here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. One he has is a free eBook that might be a great start to understanding dreams. God bless you!

    • TresorMukadi
    • August 17, 2018

    Hi Doug,
    I am a pastor in the DR Congo (Africa). I been following you for some times now. I have 2 types of recurring dreams and I would like to get some help in interpreting them.
    1st Type: My Rich Uncle’s House
    I saw twice now, that my wife and I have moved in one of my rich uncle’s house. The first time we moved there, there was 2 swimming pools overflowing and there was water everywhere. the second time, it was a Christian event/meeting that was taking in a venue that evolved to become the house of that uncle, and the same water phenomenon happened, but this time the water was flowing in a room full of musical instruments.

    2nd Type of dreams: Dreams with Presidents
    I keep seeing the President of our country in dreams.
    First he came to visit us at my house. Another time I was part of the delegation accompanying him. Then 2 ladies on different occasion, one saw my wife with the president holding her CV, the other saw in dreams that I was related to Joseph Kabila (the president). In the latest I was from buying 2 speedboats for my sons and planning to cruise by the Atlantic Sea, and on our way home (my wife & I) we saw president Kabila and his brother seated on a street. my wife suggested that I go home and bring him a traditional tailored shirt as a gift. I ran home to get it and packed it in my guitare’s bag, my wife came to tell me to rush. But when I got there they were already leaving and the car was manoeuvring as I stood by. I had to give the shirt/gift to his people that stayed behind to give to him.
    And lastly, I had two encounters where I was with President Trump. in the first one it was a dream where he was asking me for my jacket. in the second, it was an open vision while praying with family, I was standing with him in a place that looked like a landing track for aircraft, we were heading toward an airplane….


    Ps Tresor Mukadi

    • Siami
    • August 16, 2018

    Last night, i dreamt about something very weird. There is full of teeth in my left ear. What is that mean? Please ignore if my question is stupid or unnecessary to answer.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 17, 2018

      Hey Siami! No that is not a stupid question at all! We do not interpret dreams but we love teaching people how to interpret dreams. Ears can often mean prophetic gifting, perception, listener. And teeth are often wisdom.

      Did you ever read Doug’s free eBook on dreams? If not, here is the link to it, https://dougaddison.com/free-ebook/.

      God bless you!

    • larisha
    • August 15, 2018

    hello. last night i dreamed of my ex boyfriend and we were having sexual intercourse. i woke up feeling dissapointed and sad i don’t know why. i did pray on this. help me figure out what it means please

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 17, 2018

      Hey Iarisha!
      We do not not interpret dreams on the blog but I’d love to point you to some of Doug’s dream resources that can help you. First, here is Doug’s free eBook on dreams, https://dougaddison.com/free-ebook/. And here is a list of all of Doug’s dream resources, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/.

      You can ask the Lord to remove any connection you and your ex-boyfriend might have if you feel lead to.

      God bless you!

    • Indrani
    • August 8, 2018

    Yesterday night i.e on Aug 8th 2018, i had a dream. In which, something was written on the sky (may be in some language resembles like urdu or arabic). I was unable to read it, & i called my nephew to see that word on the sky. While he is trying to read it, it was disappearing slowly by hiding inside the sky.

    Again one small word was appeared to me but this time i didn’t call any, instead trying to read but was unable.

    Am very eager to know about this dream meaning, please help me.

    • Irene
    • August 8, 2018

    i had a dream loosing my teeth, please help me and interpret for me. am so scared
    And another one some one saw me in her reams when i’ve fallen into a pit latrine and no one was willing to help.

    • Irene
    • August 8, 2018

    My friend had a dream when i had fallen into a toilet and no one was willing to help and another time i dreamt when i had lost my tooth, 2 of them. am so scared, is something wrong going to happen to me?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 9, 2018

      Toilet can often mean cleansing. Teeth represent wisdom. Ask the Lord for wisdom in how to cleanse from anything you need help with. The Lord loves you so much and delights in helping us. God bless you

    • Unknown
    • August 1, 2018


    I’m getting dreams of idols.What does it mean???
    One more I got a dream about dead body .what does it mean???
    Can anybody help me out this???


    • Rethabile
    • July 30, 2018

    Morning!it really helps to read your blog…

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 31, 2018

      Awesome! God bless you!

    • Brigael korir
    • July 24, 2018

    I had a dream almost everyday someone i dont know asking me to pray……what does it mean?

  8. Reply

    Hi I see in my dreams God everyday as a friend or directly God in my dreams what does it mean?

  9. Reply

    I have 3 dreams over and
    over and the same
    Happens all the time.
    1. It’s me leading a donkey down a
    gravel road

    But then it stops and the next dream stars.
    2. Always 4peopel sitting in front
    of a stadium
    And thay make all the decisions for
    the people
    (the world).

    And then I stand up and talk
    against them and
    It always ends up in war.
    Then I come to a big
    Bunker next to a river but this
    bunker is so big
    That everyone that decided
    to follow me stays
    There including all kinds of
    animals but I insist that
    Thay should not fight this battle
    that I was the only
    One that could stop this war and help the
    People. But then I run out
    to fight this battle and
    It stops… but I never return.

    And the last dream is seppret
    from the other 2
    And little more sad and scary

    3.I dream that we had a massive
    earth quake
    And then me and my family scrabels for
    Hiding places and I tell my mom to
    hide in their
    It looked like a big boks of some
    kind and I tell her
    I will find a Nother place to hide
    and as a run a
    View feet away from the house
    a big explosion
    Happens but I do not die
    but everyone I know and
    On the old planed dies but… I don’t
    a magical
    Fors serounds me and puts me
    in the new world
    Like nothing ever happened
    but then something
    Tells me that it’s my job to
    teach the new
    People write from wrong
    (like the same in the first
    Tow dreams write from wrong again)
    and teach
    Them that we are all the
    same no black no white
    But the same and also
    teach them how to look after
    The plant but teaching them
    ways without harming
    The planet.

    Thees are the same but
    different ways of showing
    Me something I don’t know.
    I lead people
    I don’t die I disappear 🤔

    What does this dreams mean ??????
    And every time I ask God to give me a sign
    What I should do?

    I get this dreams
    Please help if you can.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 6, 2018

      Thank you for sharing your dreams with us Annabell. We do not interpret dreams sent into us but we do provide resources you can look into purchasing that equip you to interpret dreams. You can look into those here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. The Dream Crash Course would be a great one to do because it goes into detail how to break dreams apart to interpret them. God bless you!

    • Mkhokheli Gandarry
    • May 13, 2018

    Dream of myself trying to get my father changed off his peered pants

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 14, 2018

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. We do not have a team in place right now to interpret dreams sent in but you can learn how to interpret dreams through Doug’s dream resources. Bless you!

    • Ron
    • May 13, 2018

    Hello good day, i have a dream last month about Cooking with golden broth soap, after 2 weeks i have a dream of winning in lottery and this month of May i have a dream about queue people and im in the front. Can you please interprent it to me? Thank you

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 14, 2018

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. We do not have a team in place right now to interpret dreams sent in but you can learn how to interpret dreams through Doug’s dream resources. Bless you!

    • seyi
    • May 13, 2018

    pls I had a dream about someone telling me to have a day fasting and praying to take over or Bring back my ISRAEL. pls I don’t understand it. especially the word Israel… is it a proverb or what

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 14, 2018

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. We do not have a team in place right now to interpret dreams sent in but you can learn how to interpret dreams through Doug’s dream resources.

      You can ask God is this is something He literally wants you to do (fast and pray for Israel) or if there is something else He wants you to do.
      Bless you!

    • Shantel wyne
    • April 27, 2018

    I had a dream and that was happen a year ago I saw Jesus in my Dreamed He is very tall and He stooped and He touch my head and He said God bless You…..and I had a dream also that dreaming about the baby and how many times I have a dream about it. in my dream that baby is mine and sometimes I adopted a baby..and I have also a dream that I get married but I do not see the face of a person that I marry..
    Sometimes my Dreams become real..

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 27, 2018

      Wonderful Shantel! What a beautiful dream about Jesus. God bless you!

    • Sarafina Ndungu
    • April 23, 2018

    I had a dream where I saw owning a land in Europe while my home is Africa. The land was good and fertile .what is the meaning of that dream.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 27, 2018

      What does good and fertile soil mean in the Bible? God could be showing you to be praying and declaring things over that land. Try that and see where God takes you next. 🙂

    • Pranali
    • April 3, 2018

    before a year ago,I clearly remembered that day when I excepted Jesus as my personal savior. from that day I have had lot of dreams and visions.really sometimes I could not understand that what GOD wants to talk to me.but I want to share my one of dream. I sat down beside the area of crematorium. and there were lot of uncleaned vesseles and dishes around me and I washing those all uncleaned vesseles with my hands talking with two girls about the word of JESUS over there. and I saw this dream second time.
    would you please help me to understand the meaning of this repeated dream.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 3, 2018

      Hey Pranali! What a beautiful dream to have! You were helping clean dirty dishes while talking about Jesus. If you think about that for a moment, what does that make you think of?

      Doug has a great Dream Crash Course. This course shows you 4 simple steps to interpret a dream.

      Bless you!

    • Felistus
    • March 15, 2018

    I had a dream: I was with other people and as I was talking to an old woman, I saw a rainbow, when I stood up, I saw something forming on the sky like writings in a gold white colour, I could not read it all but I saw the word Peace. And all of knelt down and prayed.
    Kindly interpret.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 16, 2018

      Hey Felistus! What a beautiful dream to have. Seems like God is bringing you into a season of peace. Doug has great dream interpretation resources that equip you to understand dreams here. One of the most popular is the Dream Crash Course. This will help you understand how to know if a dream is from God and what it may mean. Bless you!

    • Mutara rina
    • February 18, 2018

    Wow … Thanx so much …. I was about to run crazy … all these weird dreams … I live in uganda.. I be live God is calling me for something I am certain now even more than be4 …. a while wen I was 20 am now 22 … a dreamt a recarrying dream that on about 3 days .. something was chasing me … I seemed not be to afraid… I also leading it some where … I think it’s the ryt place I had to kill it from … Am now twenty two …. my life has changed … lost bad friends .. lost a lot of weight I reached 40kgs … trying so hard to get to make my frist cloth show case.( I keep dreaming of these desgins .. colours to use ) …. it keeps failing every time .. I plan something .. or a way to get money .. no bad has allowed to help me … . .. but its oky . ..bcoz I don’t actually feel bad wen it happens .. I kinda feel relived … I don’t why … well I have dreamt almost everything u have written down … just last nyt…. I dreamt bob Marley asking me to his sister .. but blood was coming if his parts ( of late u have planning for my brithday which will be March 3rd.. to do outfits to honour some of our young musicians that have deid two were my friends ) Am Ugandan but I belived in bob maryels words !!! at the same time….. preparing to go to school …. and I wasn’t mad to be back there …. a while go i dream my moral tooth come out …. wen i had the dream i knew ut was message .. it was werid … so checked and it meant i collect more knowledge…. a while ago i dreamt some many ppl … running I wasn’t why they were running …. cos I wasn’t scared I saw every one so scared ….. not sure if they were running from it … or it … I keep telling to it make way his trying to tell me … could you throw some light …. Thanx

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 28, 2018

      Hey Mutara! First off, God loves you so much and is speaking to you because He wants to show you the wonderful plans He has for your life. You may want to take some time out each day to read the Bible and listen for God’s voice. Doug has a free e-book on God’s voice you can download here. Doug also have a free e-book on how dreams in the night can help you understand your destiny. You can find that here. I am agreeing with you for you to gain clarity and hear God’s voice clearly! Bless you!

    • Amarielias
    • January 13, 2018

    Alright, so I’m going to try to explain this as best as I possibly could, as I really don’t remember much about the dream other than one specific thing. So, here goes…
    I’ve always wrestled with my belief of God, the higher power, if you will. I know something greater than man does exist, I mean it has to right, given the fibernoci sequence of all creation.
    To make a long story short, prior to falling asleep last night, I asked God, well I demanded that God reveal himself to me in my dream. Yeah, I know, who am I to demand anything of the creator of everything? Well, I believe if I’m God’s child, such a request shouldn’t be too hard to fulfill, as I believe my purpose here on this earth isn’t to be a slave to man’s laws, rules and regulations, or that of a mindless consumer. Plus, when I’ve read my Bible it does nothing only but piss me off to no end, leaving me with a plethora of endless questions of which I’ve found no answer for. I just can’t swallow that pill, no matter how hard I try or force myself to. Blind faith is not my thing.
    Anyway, I then fell asleep, and it was a dream I never experienced in my entire life, it was evil to say the least. As if the devil revealed himself to me. Bloody hell! I can’t even describe it. It was the most ominous, dreaded thing imaginable. A force of darkness that showed itself to me. Now, I don’t consider myself a bad person, though, I’m diagnosed a sociopath, but that of a self aware, actualising one. A label given to me because I choose to live my life, my way, of course without causing harm to others.
    I guess if I could remember the details of all that transpired then it may lend credence for better interpretation. But as I said, what I experienced was the presence of evil, perhaps, demonic. Is this to say that God showed me the truth of what man has always searched for while being in this physical world, or was it deception from dark forces who seek to continuously lead astray? The purpose of my existence has always been to know the purpose for my being here.
    If one chooses to respond, perhaps, it may shed light on knowledge I’ve yet to acquire. So, I thank you, anyone in advance for reading this. I believe there’s a battle for our souls and that all answers are limited to man’s understanding, as I may need to go to the source, whatever or whoever that may be. Perhaps, it’s found within. Because, as Jesus said, the kingdom of God is within. Who bloody well knows.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 26, 2018

      Hey Amarielias! Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I cannot give you an interpretation of what you saw and experienced. I can saw God loves you so much and He loves that you want to know what your purpose for being here is. Here is an awesome article on purpose. And here is a podcast Doug did on finding your purpose. God loves you so much and has amazing plans for you. Bless you Amarielias!

    • Troy
    • September 12, 2017

    I’ve had dreams of flying with Jesus, I’ve dreamed about flying and having fun and the more I used my brain and focused I felt I’d fly better and the more I’d lose control I’d fall. Well one night I had one of many spiritual dreams but this was my all time favorite by far. I believe Jesus speaks to people in different ways well I remember a lot of dreams and I also have a big imagination with a great photographic memory. In my dream I was at a country house on a hill with a lot of land and the clouds where dark it was obvious something was wrong I felt fear was running from evil people trying to get me. The sky opened up as the clouds faded I seen a light shine and Jesus Christ himself came out of the sky and held his hand out and smiled at me. I grabbed his hand with so much joy and he took me and we flew together to another place over the earth. In another encounter similar to this one I dreamed what felt like a very long dream in a short amount of time. I seemed to all of a sudden transfer in another place which was Heaven obviously and was walking with Jesus he told me that he loved me unconditionally and had plans for me and to not live in fear of death anymore and showed me my place in heaven where time felt as if it was at a stand still. Really beautiful most joyful and amazing joy running through my mind body and soul in pure joy. I seen a hill top house Chinese style with an opened up type of dojo style house over looking amazing scenery. Beautiful hills with purple and yellow trees that where pure beauty in every way the sky’s where different but pretty. We continued to walk with me and told me no more fear your one of my strongest sons you will be here one day but I need you on earth for now your very important. After finding the lord my father passed away I felt fear of death and I was really upset and in panic thinking about dying leaving my newborn son behind went through my head a lot and this dream happened to me. The Lord our Father communicates with us all in different ways and I believe the end days are soon as the spirit in my heart tells me so. Please get rite with GOD because one day you may never have the option and what better option is their when it comes to knowing the Lord? He is the greatest and loves us all because we are all his children. Thanks for reading!!! GOD bless!!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 13, 2017

      Thanks for sharing. What a cool dream. God is so good! Bless you!

        • Sharon
        • May 30, 2018

        Hi pls I had a dream about playing with my friends at the river side and suddenly a black bear came out and I was just trying to put my fishing hook inside the water when it came out

          • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
          • May 31, 2018

          Hey Sharon! Doug has some awesome dream resources that will help you grow in dream interpretation.

          When you think of fishing in the Bible, what comes to your mind? And for a bear to come out when your about to put your hook in that water, what could that then symbolize?

          Bless you!

    • certified Lilia
    • June 29, 2017


      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • June 29, 2017

      Bless you!

    • brenda Taylor
    • June 3, 2017

    Hi its not about a dream but about the fact that I HAVEN,T received my modules. thanks

      • Admin Nikki
      • June 5, 2017

      Hey Brenda, please email customerservice@dougaddison so we can further assist you via email.


      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Teresa Smith
    • May 12, 2017

    I had a dream last night. But before my dream I had woke up around 4am. I normally sleep like a log but I was up. My mind started it’s typical “wheels turning” but all of sudden I found myself praying to God which I do frequently. I’ve never read the bible nor do I have much knowledge about the details. But I know I love God and he’s in my heart. In my dream, I was standing in a screened in porch by a river and it was raining so hard it was raining sideways due to the wind. It was so real that I actually could feel the spray from the wind pushing the rain in, and against my face. As I approached the screen I realized and had a sense that everything had flooded outside but I knew it would not take me. All of sudden the scene changes and I’m now looking down at shell from the ocean and there’s dirt and something that looks like a large coin; it’s in the shell and it looks old. I look down at it and it read 1212 A.D. It then floated slowing away from me and turned so I could I see the back. On the back it looked like a scroll from long ago; like a short note. I immediately thought, is this Islamic? I have no idea or even a clue. Then again the scene changed and I was in the basement of the home with the screened in porch and I saw myself packing items. Then I woke up today. I’ve never had a dream like this nor do I normally remember my dreams. It felt like I had company with me all day and I had a major sense of love in me, and through me. I don’t understand the number nor could I obviously read the scroll embedded on the back. I’ve been reading all day looking for something.

    • Grace
    • February 22, 2017

    I had a dream last night which seemed so real. I was seated behind someone I dont know who said ” I will keep you in the cycle”. I sponteneously responded emphatically “No! I want the ladder” I woke up
    To me it was more than a mere dream. Pse help me interprete this dream

      • Terica S Marcellus
      • July 2, 2018

      Teresa, have you started reading the Bible since having this dream? Your answer could be there,
      if you haven’t received it already.

        • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
        • July 2, 2018

        Thanks for sharing!

  10. Reply

    I just lost my job 2 weeks ago., no notice, nothing

    I had a dream #1
    A white polar bear was coming over the fence as if to get me, I was with others and we were running

    Had a dream of my old boss and co-workers and I did not want to be late getting to the office where they were having food. I fixed a salad, mixed, like fruit salad with greens, on the way I was trying to get across broken stairs like on the outside of a deck..I was high up so I must have already been half way or more up. Then a black snake who seemed nice came to have me step on it’s head to help me get across.
    THen there was a car that I was trying to get to that would transport me to the office. When I got there, my boss tried to put more stuff in the salad mix as she said it was not enough.?

    • Reply

      I am sorry you lost your job.

      − Polar bear: Usually represents a demonic attack of usual strength that appears holy and righteous
      – Snake: usually represents lies and deception

      It sound like God is showing you that it was not his will for you to lose your job, which means it was unjust and you have the right to ask God to bring you justice and open the doors to a better job. Ask God to show you what lies and deceptions that you stepped on so you can repent and throw them out of your thoughts and beliefs. https://dougaddison.com/2017/01/get-your-breakthrough-today-podcast/

      Blessing you!
      InLight Connection

    • Joy
    • May 11, 2016

    All dreams

    Thank you for your blog/ website I was really blesses by it.

    Please I will appreciate your kind assistance in unlocking some of these dreams to know what God is saying regarding my life.

    I had so many dreams from Novermber 2015 till date that got me pondering could it be a call from God?

    1) At the age of 30yrs, in April 2007 Easter night Jesus Christ the son of God Almighty
    Appeared to me by the road side of a market in my dream, he was on white raiment and a simple
    He said to me look up and I looked up and I saw great mansions , and he said to
    Me,he is the one who built those mansions for those people, and he said look down
    And looked down and I saw an old drum that I recognised very well, I used that drum in Our family house for my every day chores many years before I got married ,i would fetch and fill this old drum with water each day because there were no water systems around the house ,
    It was amazing I saw that same drum in front of both of us, then Jesus asked me who kept this drum here? And I said I do not know,without saying a word Jesus just touched the very old drum and the drum became a brand new DRUM in front of me.
    Then he turned around and began to walk away, I was surprised and happy for the miracle I witnessed in front of me, suddenly he disappeared .
    Whiled still in that dream I began to regret why I did not tell him to build my own mansion
    Too then I woke up. When I work up the Holy Spirit then ministered to me now kneel down and ask him
    To build your own mansion for you.
    Since after that transformation my entire life and financial situation changed.

    2) In 2015 I dreamed that My husband gave me a large dark green metal seal in my dream, The word EMERALD was engulfed beneath it, in that if I stamp on any paper the word EMERALD will appear.

    3) I dreamed that I saw a woman who was siting down with the whole of her hair coloured Gold.

    4) I that same week I dreamed again I saw a woman who was preaching to some group of people that where in a crusade ground, immediately she noticed me she walked up to me
    And began to look at me in the eye after a while her head began to transform into a gold image including
    The eye and the nose region but the mouth was still human then
    clean water started flowing from the mouth, but her body was still
    Human specifically woman body.it was really terrifying to me then I began to run.

    5) I also dreamed that I was in a desert stand in all alone where there were no trees, grasses or plants
    All that I saw was a single little growing maize beside my feet.
    Then i began to wonder why only one maize grow in such a verse land,in there words all that I saw was
    only sand and a single little growing maize in that desert.

    6) I dreamed that I was in a carpenter’s work shop but I did not participate in any craft work , I just sat and
    Watched the carpenter work.

    7) I also dreamed that there were two separate queues of white and black people in front of me,it happens that each persons had a number on their hands and that number has to tally with the number at which your going to stand .
    My number in that dream was 27,shortly my number was called and it tallied on the number 27 queue were there were only white people and the name of that queue was written in Spanish on a banner behind me,
    and so I stood right there.


    VISION OF FLYING SCROLL in a dream approximately 15 by 30 feet size ,
    I dreamed an elderly man took I and a very young girl to his clay house while we were there a lady came in and requested for something to eat and the man offered her snacks from the refrigerator, and after a while I left. I went to another house hold and I told them i was preparing to go for a sport training and a lady offered me
    a sport trouser to support my body for the training because I was wearing a short black and white drafted gown,and while in this dream I saw a Day Vision like I was in South African airport sitting down all of sudden I saw scroll on the air flying upward there where write up beside each of these numbers but
    I could not remember all the numbers but I still remember;
    127 –
    27 –
    30 –

    Immediately after this terrifying vision I began to look around for people who could help me interpret this vision for me in this dream no one could interpret this vision. While still in search of an interpreter I saw one of my church female pastor’s caressing a man but I still walked in and asked her if she could interpret my vision and she said no no no, instead she told me to look around for some one else to help me with the interpret,Then I woke up.

    All of these dreams and visions seem to happen within 6 months.

    So, I went to God in prayer and fasting for interpretation,then I dreamed were my aunt who is in Germany
    Visited me passing through my back gate, were I never expected any visitor to pass through,and then she asked me to show her in side my house, then we went in together.

    But it was so amazing to know that same house was a mansion in side,the rooms were very large and beautiful different and the out side was not as beautiful as the in side.

    Then immediately I came out of the house I entered a very long bus in front of the mansion with only white people in it and was filled up to it’s capacity.

    Thank you so much for your time and God bless you.

    • Reply

      Joy..you are clearly having very spiritually oriented dreams.I have them sometimes too..and feel very blessed. Thanks for sharing with us.

    • Joyness
    • April 15, 2016

    When my husband was telling me about the dream he had the other day where he was soaked in the rains and the other one where he was eating fat meat. What does that mean.

    • Kristen Ising
    • April 13, 2016

    I had a dream of giving birth, to twins (boy and girl)

    When one smells leather occasionally what does that mean?

    • Ash
    • March 29, 2016

    An orange snake enters through my kitchen window
    My husband grabs it ,its large but he has a firm
    Hold on it,the snake opens its mouth& it’s
    Larger than normal, he kinda folds the snakes
    Mouth then let’s it out the same window. I was
    Scared it may enter again as a closer window
    Was opened, my dream ended

    • Joy
    • March 19, 2016

    I have had continued dreams that my husband is leaving me somewhere and I am trying to find my way home.

    • Tina Marie Salazar
    • March 18, 2016

    I keep dreaming of the same people for the past 9 years. My former boss and a coworker, on the art/design team. (in real life, I was let go after working on the team for 9 years.) In the dream I am working again on the team, painting. Almost like I just picked up from where I left off, and they welcome me back. For 9 years i keep dreaming this, full color and even my emotions feel real.
    What does all this mean???

    • Grandma Beth
    • March 18, 2016

    I keep having dreams where im out shopping or out having fun,sometimes with friends,sometimes its family.each dream i get left and they leave me.I,m born again,but i have these abandonment issues in dreams.

    • Natasha
    • March 18, 2016

    Had a dream that lasted for 2 years progressing every time I had this dream. I owned a house that was 3 houses, first house on the bottom, middle house and finally third house on the top. I had to fight and clean the second home, got to the third home and there were 3 Italian men there, when they saw me I knew they were demons and they leaped at me, I had to fight all 3 of them, they chased me. These 3 houses had their own parking structure, finally I stopped running faced them and spoke with authority to be gone, leave me alone in Jesus name. I got back to the second house and I heard giggling so I went to the room and their were 2 little girls there and they instantly froze. I asked them why they were there and they pointed to the door and a older Jewish man was standing there, look like he had just finished shaving and he said “please do not kick us out’ the Lord God sent us here and said you would take care of us! I asked how long have you been here, he said we have all been here a while. Who else is here I asked, he beckoned me to look out the door, and I saw many heads from many nations peeking out their doors. I asked them to please come out, you are welcome! Everyone started cheering, so I ran up to the third house and the same happened all over. This was the short version, but this all came to me over 2 years. Thank You.

    • Nancy Clark
    • March 18, 2016

    I had a dream last night that a prominent and well-respected friend of mine spoke out. There was no vision only Audible part of a dream. This friend was a man and he said this “I gave her those.” It seemed he was being challenged by someone and he was standing up for himself. The ” I ” was emphasized. It seemed I was overhearing as opposed to being personally told this. In the dream I knew he would say that but I didn’t have any control in the situation. Don’t know if it’s ok to share short dreams. If not then no problem. 🙂

  11. Reply

    I’ve had 2 dreams about babies, the first one, I was walking up stairs and just gave birth to a baby. The second dream was weird, I was in a group of people that I didn’t know, something hit me, it was an orange light. I became pregnant.
    I’ve had 3 dreams the same so they are recurring dreams. I’m on an Indian reservation , rescuing wolves and wildlife and just loving the people. It’s my dream to rescue wolves, always has been. I love Native Americans, they need to know the love of our father. I feel that I could be a good missionary to them. I just don’t know how to get started. In my dreams I was near the Rockie mountains.

    • Lisa
    • March 17, 2016

    I recently had a dream about alot of my teeth looseng and me spitting them out in my hands in disbelief. I have prayed for God to show me what this means, and I definitely crying out for wisdom about steps to take to get the ministry dream God gave me off the ground. I feel like a lot has happened recently that has given me release to move forward, like now is the right time, but need specific instructions about how to move forward. Thank you.

    • Moriah
    • March 17, 2016

    I dream about water a lot. Either I’m falling into it and I don’t want to, or there’s an ocean full of sharks…sometimes dolphins.

    • Gail Cody
    • March 17, 2016

    I ordered your dream card set, my CC was charged but I haven’t received them as yet?? Anxiously awaiting their arrival.

    • Reply

      Hi Gail, check your email, as a member of our team has reached out to you to try to help. THanks! -Amber for Doug

    • pk franssen
    • March 17, 2016

    What about a dream that shows a table of abundant food . No matter how much You eat it never gets empty . And what about dteams in which You fly and sing . Above everyone . Or dreams in which You fly reallu fast and surpass the person flying with You ?

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