Three Demonic Attacks: The Fly, Crab, and Eyeball

Three Demonic Attacks: The Fly, Crab, and Eyeball
Doug Addison

On August 18, 2009 I had a dream which was more of a “night vision” in which God showed me three demonic attacks and how these specific demons are able to work covertly in the life of Christians. I was shown three different types of demons and I was able to observe how they operated. These are three attacks coming against people right now.

How demons work
The insight I received in the dream was that demons were actually created by God and were once in Heaven until they rebelled and were cast to earth along with Satan. What we may not realize is that since they were originally angels in Heaven, they operate similarly to angels and God’s principle. Since they have been cut off from the life source of God, they attempt to gain power back through the connection with God through His people. Since it is not easy for a demon to inhabit a Christian, they have found ways to cling to them and try their best to remain unnoticed. Then when God’s power or anointing comes upon the person, the demon “cling-ons” begin to get empowered in an evil way through the anointing of God. Remember, this anointing was once their life flow and now they love to tap it off and distort it for evil.

Three demonic attacks

The Fly – This demon is so small and seemingly insignificant that most people are not even aware that it is present. Flies are drawn to garbage, so they are attracted to Christians who have sin that is not repented and is not under the Blood of Christ. This sin does not usually appear to be big or may not seem all that bad in the eyes of the Christian, and they may not even realize that they have it. It is things like gossip, unforgiveness, pride, unbelief, self-promotion, to name a few. The Fly demons are persistent and attach themselves to the sin of the Christian and wait.  Then as a Christian gets anointed with God’s power in any way, the Fly demon begins to slowly tap off small amounts of the anointing to empower the sin even more. If they remain unnoticed long enough, they can cause the sin to become much more serious and will spread to other areas of the person’s life.

The Crab – This demon tries to get people in a pinch or into stressful situations. I saw it hanging around a person’s feet and trying to get them tripped up into feeling stressed out or overwhelmed. Once the stress increases, the person loses their peace and is less likely to demonstrate the Fruit of the Spirit in their life. The minor irritations this demon causes will eventually develop into anger and even rage. Like the Fly, the Crab demon will light up with false power when the Christian gets anointed. If this demon is not dealt with, the person will experience stressful feelings all the time for no apparent reason. They will also begin to get angry but excuse their anger on just being frustrated. The result is that their anger remains unrepented and can eventually blind the person to their own condition.

The Eyeball – This was the trickiest of all three demons. The eye represents vision and prophetic destiny.  This demon, unlike the other two, was never really attached the person but stayed close enough as if it was part of them. The demonic Eyeball carries with it false vision and the ability to get people sidetracked. I saw the Eyeball bounce in front of a person as if to lead them to something new. When the person got closer, it went a different direction, causing them to zig-zag and get frustrated. This frustration would turn to anger and was being blamed on God.  In the dream I smashed the Eyeball and it went into hundreds of pieces that scattered and appeared to still be alive. This was a second phase of the attack to continue to get people to be distracted instead of looking to what God has for them.

The remedy
These three attacks primarily are to get Christians to talk against others, be angry, stressed, and feel directionless. Most of the people under the influence of these attacks are blaming God or other people for their conditions. The way to overcome these demons is to pray and ask God to reveal to you if you have any of these conditions. Ask God to open your eyes to any sin you have that you have not repented of. It will require repenting and changing any behaviors that the demons have been inflicting. If you have been angry, then you will need to slow down and take a time-out. If you have been blaming God for your lack of direction, you will need to ask forgiveness and focus your eyes back on Him. If you are stressed out, remember to seek first the Kingdom of God. Try taking a short prayer walk or drive and rise above your current situation. This is not intended to inflict fear but instead, shed light on how the enemy can get us tripped up. Remember that you have authority over these demons and they must flee once you expose them.

Psalm 139:23-24 NIV
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

Doug Addison

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Kash
    • April 28, 2024

    I’ve recently had a dream about a black crab, and stumbled across your website after looking for a proper interpretation for 2 days.
    Your explanation hit the nail right on the head, I’ve been so angry for so long with God and with others in my life.

    Being new to the faith is Challenging, but with the proper resources at hand, this too can be overcome.

    I thank the Lord for you and for your work. May you be blessed as you touch the lives of others.

    • Nancy
    • July 17, 2021

    I had two very strange dreams back-to-back which I think mean the same thing: The first one had to do with being around another grandparent like myself who had two daughters and – I think – two grandchildren. We were by a pool but other people drove cars into the water so that was no place to swim. The second dream was about my oldest daughters’s missionary friends whom I was staying with. I don’t know who they were. I wanted to know who the father of the family was. The father me asked “Who are you?” then proceeded to explain his troubles: how his house was destroyed by a flood. This was in the mountains. His wife also complained about how hard it was for her to homeschool, which brought to mind my own frustrations 20-some years ago trying to homeschool. As I was trying to relate to the mother’s difficulties, someone brought in a bucket with water that had two rats in it: a big one and a small one. I wanted to get rid of them, but couldn’t bring myself to do it because I thought they were the family pets. As they were swimming in the water, with their mouths just above the surface, I saw their young son dropping little white things in their mouths. I think it was fly larvae. The next thing I knew, the rats were out of the tub and had grown huge. The mom was holding up a big bug that I thought must be a fly. But after reading this post, I’m thinking it might have been a bee. I’m not sure what all the ins and outs of this dream are, but when I prayed about it, “interference” came to mind. (outside interference in the form of gossip – which starts out “mild” but can grow to be wild and cause much damage to a family). I have been praying about guarding my tongue, and that dream was helpful. So is this post. Lots to think about!

    • karen
    • October 19, 2020

    My spouse and i have just moved. we was having our first prayer meeting in our new prayer room. i had a vision of a very very large crab like plant coming up out of the ground underneath the house, the crab was sreeching and fighting to come from under the ground i had a feeling it was there many years and its legs were long almost to the end of the street, but what got to me was that it was a plant that looked like a hige crab, in the same place was a large looking creachure like a mole and large body and long snout, also coming up and walking to another part of the yard into a

    • Kristie
    • May 12, 2020

    I received a dream of looking over a house that I lived in. A man, who I believe was the Holy Spirit, said the house looked strong, made of bricks, but look more closely and I could see areas of wood near the back porch that had peeling paint. I also noticed insects on a wall. The Holy Spirit asked me what they were, and after discussing for some time, I said “Flies”. He said that is correct. I was told the flies turn into demons, and I saw two small demon pets. After I awoke, and fell back to sleep, the small sins were shown to me, such as eating fast food when I was shown not to, unless I’m away from home, or it’s a special occasion, or selfish thoughts…For The Bible says we are dead to self and alive to Christ. I awoke and looked this up and discovered your article. Praise God.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 13, 2020

      Thanks for sharing Kristie! I am glad you found us too! Blessings!

    • PB
    • April 12, 2020

    Since December I have bern feeling ‘invisible’ fruit flies. Those very tiny flies one can barely see. Every evening as the sun starts to warm down around 5-6 I start to feel them against my nostrils, sometimes flying into my nose. I rub my nose until it drives me wild! It started shortly after I let me mind and some “believers” convince led to engage in what was called a Mass, sort of like a seance 😣😢😞. I heard years ago when this happens it’s black magic. Help!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 14, 2020

      Hey PB! If you did something like that then bring it before the Lord and repent, renounce and break it off. Let the Blood of Jesus wash over it, and move forward. Hope that helps!

    • Tunde
    • March 11, 2020

    I have been see flies around me for the past two years now. They would fish me out in a crowd, they peck on me in the dark, they still come after me even if I just had my bath and freshen up. I have seen cases where it peck on me right there in the bathroom where I am taking my bath

    • Ellie
    • February 10, 2020

    Greetings in the name of our Lord. Ask God in sincere prayer, for Him to reveal to you precisely what the flies are following. Just like in our waking hours, if a fly lands on you, you “shoo” the fly away. If it comes back, it most often is because there is something attracting it back. Once the ” attraction” is removed, the fly has nothing to attract it back. Vultures do the same thing. Allow God to “scan” your heart & reveal what you may not be consciously aware of.

    • Praise
    • January 10, 2020

    I’ve heard this problem for close to 2 years. I’ve prayed non-stop against flies that seem to follow me for no reason. I’m trying to let go of debilitating habits and I hope someday God will hear me. Do you have thing I could do to be delivered from flies because it’s embarrassing

    • Tamara N Swan
    • December 24, 2019

    Very insightful information, many need to be aware of these……I thank you for sharing..God Bless You

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 27, 2019

      Glad you enjoyed it, Tamara!

    • Preshy
    • December 19, 2019

    Read the Bible with understand especially apostle Paul,I think you will find your answer there

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 23, 2019

      Thanks for sharing Preshy!

  1. Reply

    This morning, i was doing house chores when i saw a swarm of flies on my wall. within me i was so afraid. And for a very long time i have back slided a hundred times, lost my spiritual life and praying or fasting was hard for me. When i saw these flies, i prayed and pour oil at it, but it refuse to fly, i now use something to kill it. after that, i now search to know why flies appear like that. then i now came across your post. I really need God to forgive and strengthen me. Amen

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 11, 2019

      I’m so glad this blog post was helpful for you. Blessings!

    • Anonymous
    • November 8, 2019

    I have been comparing fear itself to a crab in my dreams lately and this gave me some clarity.

    • Robert
    • August 7, 2019

    Yesterday I had 2 instances where a fly would fall sloppily after hitting me and I immediately would pick them and crush it dead and throw outside the home.First instance happened when I was preparing for prayer and Bible study with my son …and another event just before going to bed,as I was lying down… something hit around my ear and dropped.. immediately when I switched on the light,it was a fly…I again crushed it and throwed it outside and washes my hands.In both instances I remembered this verse , I will crush the head of the serpent under my foot(Gen 3:15 and Tom 16:20).I felt God is fighting the battle for me.. Please pray for me and explain what the Spirit says to you regarding this.Praise the Lord.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 8, 2019

      Thanks for sharing Robert!

    • Myles
    • June 26, 2019

    I have this same problem.. but they follow me everywhere I go, outside and only inside if they get in. They can hear you, so expose them. Look @ what it says, and the demon will go away. It is pathetic and a very puny demon indeed… Peace, Love, and Prosperity

    • jane
    • June 26, 2019

    Blessings…There are so many flies flying around my front door and side porch. I can’t find anything that would draw them. I even see tiny baby flies. They seem to come every summer…only at my home. This year is worse though. I have prayed but couldn’t understand why they are here, why so many, and why my home.

    • Angela
    • June 2, 2019

    Wow this blessed me so much thank you! A couple days ago I went to get prayer from a Christian Healing group for God to direct me where to move. Long story. Recently I’ve been getting insanely angry at the smallest things, totally on edge, as if my nervous system is raw. But I’m seeking God harder now for my answer. So today my head started itching like crazy and I had some kind of strange allergic reaction. Oh no, it just dawned on me that maybe it was some strange oil I sampled at this store today, it had things in there from the occult and I bought a small rug there and brought it into my house. After I got home I had the allergy itch attack. Then a fly appeared in my bathroom that I could not catch. I went to another room and it appeared again. My mom said, “it followed you in here”. She’s not a Christian but something struck me in my spirit when she said that. I started to realized that I may be under spiritual attack. The fly disappeared and I finally got into bed exhausted. Then it appeared again by my bed, and even buzzed around my head and flew down and hit my foot at one point; it actually made contact with me. So I tried again to kill it and I am still not sure if I did but I have to try to go to sleep. I have started to pray and rebuke it in Jesus name. That is when I looked up “fly and spiritual attack” on the web and was lead to this. Thank you God! Yes I do need to search the scriptures and make a sin list and really repent of anger, gossip, unbelief and worry, among others. I have asked God to show me my sin. Thank you again. This is truly Holy Spirit inspired!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 10, 2019

      Awesome Angela! I am glad this post helped you!

    • Joyfulspirit
    • January 10, 2019

    Thank you for this. I once dated a guy that I saw (spiritually speaking) had a large crab on his back. I kept witnessing God’s word to him and giving him instruction on how to walk in the spirit according to the scriptures. He struggled with rage and at times would become so stressed out, he was physically paralyzed. I dont know if he got the help he needed. He moved out of state shortly after I warned him about the crab spirit I saw on his back. I hope the words of life given to him have been used by God to fuel healing and deliverance in his life. The words in this article make sense to what my spirit witnessed.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 22, 2019

      Agreeing with you for your friend to walk in complete freedom in the Lord. God bless you!

    • Charles Ngumbau
    • October 3, 2018

    I’m freed & blessed.
    Thank you Mr.Addison

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 3, 2018

      Wonderful, God bless you!

    • Kristy
    • July 29, 2018

    I just had a dream I was in a huge swimming pool. The water was dark blue, kind of opaque and thick and the waters started rising. The water was very dense and was pulling me down and sinking me. I was at the bottom and fighting to swim up. Finally able to swim back up to the the surface. There was a huge pink-crystal rock at the edge of the pool. I grabbed it and it started moving. Suddenly a big crab hatched out of it and it quickly dove to the bottom of the pool. I went after it underwater. At this point the water was more clear. But I could not catch it. I just watched it as it scurried about. Then I woke up. Any insight on what this means?

    • Rhe
    • July 26, 2018

    Just had a dream of a giant crab this morning latching onto my toe! Lol! Glad I decided to search the web for Christian interpretation because I found this article! Very helpful and bless you for sharing! Amen!

    • Nicola Williams
    • March 28, 2018

    My God. I came here because yesterday the Lord showed me a single fly flying towards a door that was half open. Then I heard the Lord say don’t let the fly get in. It weighed on me. I had to look it up.
    Bless u Doug

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 28, 2018

      That is so cool how you heard the Lord speak to you about the fly. Bless you Nicola!

        • Nicola Williams
        • March 29, 2018

        Hello Nikki, in light. I never knew of a demon called fly. But it makes sense. Three years ago I had a situation that I had in my bathroom where flies were coming in from under the bath and under the face basin. My landlord said the gutters were sealed and I disinfected everywhere. I couldn’t understand where these flies were coming from or what was the cause. The more I killed them, the more they appeared and my son was just 1 yrs of age. I shut the bathroom door and was killing them. To be honest I counted more than two hundred flies. It happened for about 3 days. Even as I plugged potential holes or breach where they could come in. I always said to my husband that it did not seem normal.
        I haven’t seen them since.
        But day before yesterday God showed me that vision with that single fly. It weighed on me so much. I had to look it up. God bless you.

          • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
          • April 3, 2018

          God bless you Nicola. God loves you so much.

    • georgia gadsen
    • March 24, 2018

    Greetings, i have been demonically influenced for 18 yrs. I have tried many ways to be delivered! This entity has many powers, healing, prphecy., almost like the 5fold amointing but also has monotoring and famliar spirits character. It does’nt promote church attendance but ties to imitate the powers of God! This spirit that entered my body is very abusive and violent to me and brings along stagnation and frustration. Pls help me identify this cruel and and abusive spirit. I lnow its not the Holy Spirit but its totally controlling and manipulative. It causess and transfer all of my personal thoughts and business to other people. Im attacked constantly with voices and sickness and poverty. Its always some kind of an attack in my life. I have 2 grown children… my daugh i see often but somehow it doesn’t allow me to visit my son who has 4 children. I feel like some type of witchcraft or some controlling spirit runs my life. I have a sister that seems to know and can hear everything i do and say along with my ex husband to be and his mother. This sister doesn’t really care for me that much and lives very close to me. Please. Help me determine what this spirit is and where its coming from…. thank you and God bless you….

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 9, 2018

      Hello Georgia. InLight Connection does not provide direct inner healing or personal deliverance/ prayer ministry. We have provided this list of recommended resources so you can contact the ministries who specialize in direct inner healing, deliverance and prayer ministry.

      Aslan’s Place has a list of prayers you can pray over yourself to get you started on your healing journey. But scheduling a session with one of these ministries will be incredibly beneficial for you.

      God loves you so much. Agreeing for complete healing for you Georgia!

    • Michelle Eisenbarth
    • March 12, 2018

    I just recently had a dream that a fly flew into my inner part of my eye, near my nose. I looked in the mirror to see how I could get it out, and I could see the tiny fly crawling around. I was freaking out cuz i wanted it out. I tried opening my eye wider to try to get it out and then I woke up.
    What could this mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 13, 2018

      This could be an attack of the enemy that God is showing you. In Doug’s webinar Destiny Dream Interpretation, Doug discusses uncovering the plans of the enemy through your dreams so you can break off the attack in real life. Listening to that may help you gain greater understanding on your dream and how to grow from it. Bless you Michelle!

    • toph
    • January 22, 2018

    the other night i dreamed of the crab – human like creature. i pulled it out of the closet by the arms in my old house. i smashed his arms breaking the shells with my fists. i ripped his chest open with my hands and rammed a sai from his heart to his brain killing it with please. i then awoke

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 23, 2018

      Wow! That is awesome! I love smashing evil things in dreams! Bless you!

    • Diane G
    • October 31, 2017

    I see spirit flies flying around occasionally its usually just one and it flies up wards and disappears. I see birds appear in the sky, usually white ones or with a red belly, its like the just squeezed through a hole in the sky,

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 4, 2017

      Thanks for sharing Diane!

    • Sharon Olivia
    • September 27, 2017

    So I dreamt that I was vomitting flies. Hence my search. What can that mean? They were seperated by a clear covering so that they looked like seeds. Kind of how pomegranate seeds look only they were flies

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 29, 2017

      Words can be described as seeds in the Bible. If we are having something negative come out of our mouth in a dream, like flies that look like seeds, it could be God trying to get our attention to change the way we use our words to speak life.

        • Sharon Olivia
        • September 29, 2017

        Okk thank you. This is confirmation. I have been feeling convicted about the words I use when discussingba situation in my life. I have felt that my words and hopes dont line up and does not display true faith. I have felt that my negative words have been a hindrance to my break through. This will change.

          • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
          • October 2, 2017

          Amen Sharon. That is awesome you realize it as many do not. I applaud you for being humble and realizing a change should be made. Proverbs has awesome verses to declare over your mouth to keep you from saying bad things. Bless you!

    • Jean
    • September 14, 2017

    I was upstairs praying and trying to listen to the Lord when I saw in the spirit that a fly flew in front of me and disappeared. I prayed about it realising that it was a demon and applied the blood of Jesus in the room. I never thought further about it. However today I was in the kitchen reading and it happened again a fly flew in front of me.
    I read your article about flies, crabs and eyes. Please pray. Do you have any further insights.

    • Deric Barner
    • September 6, 2017

    you truly are gifted with the ‘Holy Spirit’ – reading this gave me the answers and direction i was looking for — thank you! and keep teaching us.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 6, 2017

      Wonderful Deric, I am so glad you got some direction reading this. Bless you as you continue to grow and learn!

    • Oosterda
    • July 1, 2017

    Hi, A couple of years we went on a vacation and when we got back home, there where death flies all over the place. In cocoons an not in cocoons. Big green flies. I always leave the house very clean. The first thing I thought about was spiritual warfar, but still I don’t understand what happened. And still, after years it keeps me thinking about. Could this have been spiritual warfar? And did the good, God, win? Where the flies demons?. When we moved over here we prayed in every room. My prayer frequently is that all our visitors may be blessed by God

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 1, 2017

      Interesting Ooesterda. Good call to keep praying those things. It’s important we bless our homes and invite God’s Spirit in them. You’re on the right track. Bless you!

    • Tara
    • April 18, 2017

    I am actually really blown away at the moment from reading this. I have been experiencing flies for about two weeks. I blamed it on letting my dogs in and out all day. Today I started watching them and I got the worst feeling. Went around the house killing them. I was in my own world. I only focused on those flies. I Then sat on my front porch. As I sat there they started landing on the front of my house. I don’t think I have ever felt such a feeling of dread, fear and hopelessness as I did at that moment. I ran in the house so afraid. Have been praying and crying for hours now. I feel they follow me. Not my children or husband. I look at my life growing up and I do believe all three of those demonic forces have tortured me. Anxiety, depression, rebellion, lack of direction, fear, low self esteem. We hear excuses our whole lives for these illnesses or behavioral problems. People would say I was shy, middle child syndrome, teenage rebellion, unfocused. I grew up in the church. Saved as a child. I never really noticed how lost I was until today. God lead me to you today after praying. First thing I opened when I googled. Thank you for this!

      • Admin Nikki
      • April 19, 2017

      Thanks for sharing Tara! That is so awesome God lead you to read this. I love when God does that.

      Bless you and your family!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

  2. Reply

    Hey Mike, quick question for you while we pray for you.

    Are they real bugs, the kind you could squash between two fingers, or is this something happening in the spiritual realm?

    Pam, InLight Connection

    • Leni
    • January 24, 2017


    I dreamed that flies in a form of demons killed a child and woman,I just stood there watching,I wasn’t afraid or anything I tried moving the bodies but I just moved to another house.any meaning to it? Another dream is me and 2 other people where sitting in front of a mirror and they whispered something in my ear and my soul left my body and it was just roaming around.

    • juliet
    • December 29, 2016

    thanks so much for this insight,had a dream that a large number of crabs where running round my house i tried to kill some of them but they were so many little ones.I am currently very stressed and angry at my husband,rage would be an understatement at this point.I feel that divorce is the only option for me and i need help cause i know its not what i really need to do to solve my marital issues.I blame him for making wrong decisions that have put us into a lot of debt and am really drained at this point.
    I would really like to receive a reply from you and ur spiritual guidance.Thanks

    • Elizabeth
    • November 17, 2016

    I dreamt last night the same dream five times. I was confronted by my superiors why I was off sick and my colleague had spread rumours about me.I went into my office and while sitting on my chair my colleague came standing next to me as I look up her face look like the devil. I was not afraid and Chase her away as I woke up I felt some evil in my room and I utter devil I’m not scared of u go away. I kept on dreaming the same dream 4 times and the demon became bigger every time. I told this demon I’m the child of God I’m not scared of him he can be big as giant I will attack him if he come near me again. I wake up and then went back to sleep just to dream the same dream again but this time the demon told me u not scared when I’m big so I will attack u by becoming a hundred flies then I see what u do. It fly into my face but i hit it before it could touch my face. I wake up and start praying i even cried. I stop praying after I wanted to speak in different language. Please pray for me.

    • Mthumeli
    • November 2, 2016

    This is great , thank you so much may God blesd you too

    • Landon Clark
    • October 31, 2016

    thank you so much for this.

    • Mthumeli
    • October 23, 2016

    Ever since i saw flies in a dream my life has totaly changed for th worst .It was 2013 when i had this dream it was more of a vision , i was in a room that was more of a ruin and it was filthy full of flies and fieces .Eversince that dream i have been stagnant like my life is at standstill, i have always been frustrated and i had eventually started blaming God for all this and i was in the verge of quiting praying because of frustrations ,misfortunes, depression .Its just now that i happened to come across this article , thank you man of God. Please pray for me that i can progress in life and be filled with the faith that i had before the dream.

  3. Reply

    I am often followed by bees. I wonder what your interpretation of it is.

  4. Reply

    As I was reading this a flie flew over to my lap top while I was reading this article. It showed up literally out of no where. I also had a fly attach itself to my ex husbands face on our wedding day. I should have heeded it’s warning because that flyc lung to my ex husband and not only ruined our lives together but almost destroyed my ex husband. My mom warned me about flies but I did not know about the crab nor the eyeball. I am still not sure about the eyeball. I’ll have to read more about that one. Thank you for this information.

    • connie
    • July 11, 2016

    I would like to add that i prayed that GOD would allow the Holy Spirit to speak for me when i am awake and when i am asleep. I cast the demon out in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I’ve been having a few dreams with sand either in clear ocean water, or moist desert sand. In the moist desert sand it was just before dawn in the west and there was a glow around me to i could see the where i was going and i saw a tiny frog trying to camouflage itself in the sand but i saw it because it hopped and i saw its movement otherwise the frog blended in almost perfectly.

    • connie
    • July 11, 2016

    I had 3 dreams. The first i was a little girl in a dark scary room, i knew there was a demon so i even though i was afraid i cast it out and in my ear i hear a real voice that sounded like it was made by a burp that said ok and i felt this rush of air leave through my mouth like it was open and i was awake then and kept checking but my mouth was closed and i think i kept trying to swallow like in a reflex sort of way. I prayed before going to sleep and i prayed again and checked the time it was around 3am. I went back to sleep and dreamed i was in a cave at the beach and i had stomach cramps and felt like i was going to have diarrhea. My mother who is dead was in the beach cave with me and did not want me to either not have a bowel movement or not have it there in the beach cave. I said something about the water will wash it away and was even trying to make a hole in the sand to use it but she was adimate i not have the bowel movement. The seawater in the cave was crystal clear and clean i felt bad that i was going to maybe polute the clear water i think and had a bowel movement either in the bucket i had or in the hole i dug. Then my mother started acting crazy and picked up the excrement which was pink and put it around her mouth sort of in a crab motion and laughed at me because i was discusted. She tried to get near me but i told her that i dont trust her right now she reminded me of the description of possessed people in the bible. then i woke up and prayed and went back to sleep for the 3rd time and this time i was at an old family fishing spot looking into the crystal clear seawater. I saw big rocks and on top of them i couldnt believe my eyes at the size of the HUGE crab i saw in the water. It shocked me and i yelled for my family to come look at it, my mother was not in this dream i dont remember, but my father was and we said it was a shame we didnt have anything even a fishing line to bait and catch it.

    I have in the past week or so also had a dream of looking into a classmate’s eyes and telling her that her eyes were fake, she was wearing very obvious brown contacts and was caked up in makeup.

    • Luna
    • July 6, 2016

    Thank you, I will try to remain calm and trust my life in gods hands. The day before yesterday I had a vision, I was awake… I saw the wall facing me and the ceiling full of flies and my first thought was “where did they come from?” my curiosity got the best of me and I googled it and saw this link. Now I know I need to change my way of living and remain calm and go get a confession.

    • Cynthia O.
    • July 2, 2016

    My husband and I just came into a bed and breakfast for 4th of July weekend.I picked up an interesting book and behind it was a big black fly. It sat there and I felt it was staring at me and I know in my spirt it was a demon. It was where I was going each room. I swated it and killed it.Then another came out same thing following and also went to a room I was going know was coming. My husband too with this. He swated and killed it. Now there’s 2 big and one small . One big and the small one are now flying around me.The other one still in the same place staring .They make sure they land in a place in mostly clear view and I know their watching . Like you said here to draw Gods anointing. We prayed and put holy oil all over this room. shortly after we arrived. One even got in the shower with me.Their dating. So I’ve prayed and followed your instructions and will continue to..Also this room, when I walked in I definitely sensed bad spirits here. And again prayed. It’s really creepy. The bed especially has /had bad feeling. WHOO!

    • Terresa
    • June 30, 2016

    I dreamed that a woman I met at church hugged me, and put a crab on my back. Then she stood back and laughed. I kept saying “get it off of me”
    She just kept laughing. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. God bless you ?

    • Lynn
    • May 29, 2016

    My God!! Thank you prophet Doug. I recently moved into a new apartment and had been displaced for over a year. The first dream I had was about a woman in all black who had a fly and was trying to get me to smell it. I woke up and could smell this awful scent and took my oil and washed out my nose and rebuked that spirit. I knew it was the devil. Then my granddaughter came over who is a young prophetess and I tell her every chance I get, came over and stayed the night and had a dream of a large fly in the house and we tried to kill it but my daughter and I were afraid of it and she woke up. I don’t like these dreams about flies and know it is the devil. I will be seeking God with fasting to reveal to me. Please pray for me in this as I desire to overcome anything in my life or anything that the devil is causing. I don’t have known sin but there are some around me who want to gossip and or want to compete with another ministry. Please pray for me.

    • Victoria
    • February 3, 2016

    Amazing! Praise God. I not only heard a fly in my semi dream sleep last night but then dreamt of a giant crab trying to attack me and others in a pool. The swimming pool was pure and clean though. I am newly annointed so I can see why I have been targeted. I just banished these demonic entities from my home in the name of Jesus!! Amen!! Thanks for this site.

    • Mai
    • January 4, 2016

    I was praying the rosary this morning and out of the blue a fly was flying frantically inky bedroom. It is winter and my apartment windows are all closed. After I finished my rosary, the fly disappeared. Lately, I feel depressed and my love life has taken a turn for the worse. I have not been to church for over several months.

    Of course, when the fly came into play this morning, I realized I need to get back on track on my prayers and repent.

      • juan
      • April 18, 2016

      Don’t pray with the rosary its demonic and opens doors into your life do the research yourself pray to the leaving God and he well respond.

    • Derrick Fugate
    • December 27, 2015

    I am a recovering hardcore introvenious drug adict and this blog has made so much sense to me I have always said I was a Christian without really knowing what it meant and I’m now realizing I’ve been fighting demons for so long and when I read this blog it brought me to tears. My pastor friend calls me a sensitive, which means I can see signs givin to me by the holy spirit and up until now everything around me has been so confusing because like you said they attack harder to those with a proffettic calling. I’m not quite sure what my calling is but I’m inn for whaterever it may be and I’m sure if I keep seeking the kingdom I will know soon enough.

    • Glory
    • December 18, 2015

    I had a dream of a huge crab in an aquarium closed in a room with water on the floor,I was in this room laying down on my stomach and I was struggling to get up it was like there was a force pushing me down I couldn’t get up.I was searching the spiritual meaning of this dream and this was so helpful.Thank you

    • egwu ufere
    • October 4, 2015

    Thanks for the insight What of if you see yourself killing so many crabs in the dream?

    • egwu ufere
    • October 4, 2015

    Thanks for the insight. What of if you see yourself in the dream killing so many crabs

    • sue
    • September 25, 2015

    I saw a water imprint on my patio table of an eye and a crab a few night ago. I don’t even know where the water came from

    • Reply

      wow. Thank you for finding this blog and commenting on it! I think it is right on with what we are seeing happen right now in the body of Christ. We know something is wrong but we can’t quite put our finger on it.

      Doug says what to do in response to this in his blog:
      These three attacks primarily are to get Christians to talk against others, be angry, stressed, and feel directionless. Most of the people under the influence of these attacks are blaming God or other people for their conditions. The way to overcome these demons is to pray and ask God to reveal to you if you have any of these conditions. Ask God to open your eyes to any sin you have that you have not repented of. It will require repenting and changing any behaviors that the demons have been inflicting.

      Father God, show us what the enemy does not want us to see about our condition and life. Help us repent and turn away from any behaviors that allow these cling-on demons to hang on us. Help us become more like Jesus 🙂


    • walter
    • July 12, 2015

    thanks on the revelation of demom fly

    • Chisom
    • July 1, 2015

    It all makes sense now.

    • mady23x
    • April 28, 2015

    Last night as I prayed for my teen, I had a vision of a fly, about 3inches big, walking in the corner of our Hallway in like a U-turn. Right away I knew God was showing me something & I knew it was not a good thing. Glad I found this website. I know my teen is not walking right and I will anoint my home and continue to pray for him.

    • Nikita
    • January 20, 2015

    I had a dream last night with a crab in it and knew it symbolised something deeper so thank you for posting this! It’s very helpful!

    • jstar
    • March 9, 2014

    hey about the demon fly he is exaactly right and what im going through spiritually I can actually see the fly in me when I sleep in a spiritual state its right up under neath my eye and it keeps rubbing under it its very annoying

    • richard allan wilder
    • November 19, 2012

    From one prophet to another – good stuff, Doug. I had a dream of a spider working out at a gym and God provided me free passage and lodging in Singapore. Wow what a revelation.

    • theodoric
    • November 23, 2009

    To follow, without halt, one aim: There’s the secret of success.

    • theodoric
    • November 23, 2009

    To follow, without halt, one aim: There’s the secret of success.

    • scott
    • September 30, 2009

    My dad had a bee dream and it meant he was allowing him self to get way to buzzzy and he was getting pushed out of his secret place with God. Hope this helps. Blessings

    • scott
    • September 30, 2009

    My dad had a bee dream and it meant he was allowing him self to get way to buzzzy and he was getting pushed out of his secret place with God. Hope this helps. Blessings

  5. Reply

    I have been dreaming about bee’s for a few months now. I dream I find safe places for them to build nests. I also dream they swarm on my arms. They do not sting me, just land on me! I have had about 4 dreams now. In another dream I saw them moving from place to place in small swarms. Any ideas? Thanks.

  6. Reply

    I have been dreaming about bee’s for a few months now. I dream I find safe places for them to build nests. I also dream they swarm on my arms. They do not sting me, just land on me! I have had about 4 dreams now. In another dream I saw them moving from place to place in small swarms. Any ideas? Thanks.

    • Tiina Wilder
    • August 31, 2009

    Good stuff, Doug.

    • Tiina Wilder
    • August 31, 2009

    Good stuff, Doug.

    • John Doe
    • August 27, 2009

    OMG it sounds like you are speaking directly to me and my situations with this message. I don’t mean to point fingers but without a shadow of doubt I know that my father is afflicted by these demons, he has so much rage in him that he is trying to blame it all on my mother, he now wants a divorce because of this foolish belief. I’m only a teenager and I can spot this so it must be noticeable to others. If your reading this please pray with me for my dads deliverance from these demons because I really love him and can’t stand to see him suffer any longer. The bible says that when two or three are gathered together in His name there He apprears in the midst. Thank you so much,and especially to he/she who revealed this stunning revelation. God bless and I love you all so much.

      • Orla
      • June 23, 2018

      💕💓💕 I hope all is well for you you sound like such a sweetheart may God bless you and your family 🌸

    • John Doe
    • August 27, 2009

    OMG it sounds like you are speaking directly to me and my situations with this message. I don’t mean to point fingers but without a shadow of doubt I know that my father is afflicted by these demons, he has so much rage in him that he is trying to blame it all on my mother, he now wants a divorce because of this foolish belief. I’m only a teenager and I can spot this so it must be noticeable to others. If your reading this please pray with me for my dads deliverance from these demons because I really love him and can’t stand to see him suffer any longer. The bible says that when two or three are gathered together in His name there He apprears in the midst. Thank you so much,and especially to he/she who revealed this stunning revelation. God bless and I love you all so much.

    • Georgia W.
    • August 22, 2009

    Helpful insight! I love it when the enemy’s schemes are exposed!
    I think the Bee (the Hebrew root is Deborah)in Wendy’s dream represents the prophetic and Doug had the prophetic revelation on how to overcome the flies and crabs and eyeball distractions.

    • Georgia W.
    • August 22, 2009

    Helpful insight! I love it when the enemy’s schemes are exposed!
    I think the Bee (the Hebrew root is Deborah)in Wendy’s dream represents the prophetic and Doug had the prophetic revelation on how to overcome the flies and crabs and eyeball distractions.

    • Wendy DeRaud
    • August 21, 2009

    Several weeks ago, I had a dream where I saw a battle going on between a fly and a bee. They were both encased inside a clear plastic case, that looked like a maze game that kids play. The fly was on one side and the bee was on the other. They were going to attack each other. I had the sense that the fly was the ‘bad guy’ and that the bee was supposed to win. As I prayed about it, I sense that the fly was indeed demonic, as in “The Lord of the Flies”, and it represented the unclean sin nature in me/us. I found it very interesting that you had this dream/night vision with the fly mentioned. It seems like God is confirming this to me through yours, so thank you. Now we can continue to pray about this. What does the bee represent? (Ideas: feminine side, royalty, productive, makes honey…etc.)

      • Craig
      • October 15, 2016

      The bee is one of a body of believers all workers bees are females and we also have to queen bee which is church leaders. Queen bee’s lays eggs both male and female. Males are drones and hatch without further fertilization. But females need to be fertilized by drones to be hatched. Bees provide a life giving ability to whole world all the world are blessed to an extent because of the bees without the bees the world likely if not surely die. So bees (females) a born again Christian through the Spirit of God (drone bee,male)

    • Wendy DeRaud
    • August 21, 2009

    Several weeks ago, I had a dream where I saw a battle going on between a fly and a bee. They were both encased inside a clear plastic case, that looked like a maze game that kids play. The fly was on one side and the bee was on the other. They were going to attack each other. I had the sense that the fly was the ‘bad guy’ and that the bee was supposed to win. As I prayed about it, I sense that the fly was indeed demonic, as in “The Lord of the Flies”, and it represented the unclean sin nature in me/us. I found it very interesting that you had this dream/night vision with the fly mentioned. It seems like God is confirming this to me through yours, so thank you. Now we can continue to pray about this. What does the bee represent? (Ideas: feminine side, royalty, productive, makes honey…etc.)

    • Betty Kennedy
    • August 21, 2009

    Thanks Doug for your insight.

    • Betty Kennedy
    • August 21, 2009

    Thanks Doug for your insight.

    • Lisa-Anne
    • August 20, 2009

    a few years ago I had a dream that an angel on my patio showed me a demon that was attacking our family and how to deal with it. We had been good at keeping it “outside” but we could get rid of it instead of fighting with it. The angel showed me that it was really a small crab instead of the large intimidating thing it looked like. He showed me how to step on it and crush it, and get rid of it. I’ve always wanted more insight into what kind of thing that was, and now I have it! Certainly stress was our major emotion back in those days when things were really rough with Jesse (life or death situations constantly.) Thanks for sharing this, Doug! 🙂

    • Lisa-Anne
    • August 20, 2009

    a few years ago I had a dream that an angel on my patio showed me a demon that was attacking our family and how to deal with it. We had been good at keeping it “outside” but we could get rid of it instead of fighting with it. The angel showed me that it was really a small crab instead of the large intimidating thing it looked like. He showed me how to step on it and crush it, and get rid of it. I’ve always wanted more insight into what kind of thing that was, and now I have it! Certainly stress was our major emotion back in those days when things were really rough with Jesse (life or death situations constantly.) Thanks for sharing this, Doug! 🙂

    • Monique A.
    • August 20, 2009

    I absolutely love this insight!!!! The clarity in describing the different demonic attacks is brilliant – read like a God thing to me. Hooray for dreams and night visions.

    • Monique A.
    • August 20, 2009

    I absolutely love this insight!!!! The clarity in describing the different demonic attacks is brilliant – read like a God thing to me. Hooray for dreams and night visions.

  7. Reply

    You’re great Doug. I’m very glad you’re on my team. You’re CIA for the Kingdom I think. Huh, and I thought I was doing good. I’ve got a few changes to make after reading this. Thanks.

  8. Reply

    You’re great Doug. I’m very glad you’re on my team. You’re CIA for the Kingdom I think. Huh, and I thought I was doing good. I’ve got a few changes to make after reading this. Thanks.

    • Tracy Russ
    • August 20, 2009

    This was so very helpful to me and provided much needed insight!


    • Tracy Russ
    • August 20, 2009

    This was so very helpful to me and provided much needed insight!


  9. Reply

    very practical and timely. Thanks for sharing

  10. Reply

    very practical and timely. Thanks for sharing

    • Janetsy Parra
    • August 20, 2009

    A very important revelation you must read and share with others

    • Janetsy Parra
    • August 20, 2009

    A very important revelation you must read and share with others

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