Prophetic Word: A Breakout Power is Coming & There’s Power in Your Tears!

Get ready to break out of the season you have been in and into something completely new. The Lord is gathering together those who have gone through difficult times and also the forerunners—those who have been set aside for this very time. “I will surely assemble all of you, O…
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A Vision of What Is Happening Now in the Spirit Realm

I want to share with you a very powerful vision I had last April, just before Passover. This is an excerpt out of my Heavenly Journal, which I don’t often share. But God told me that it is now time to release this. Vision of “The Wait” [Begin of encounter]…
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3 Things Being Released after John Paul Jackson’s Passing | Doug Addison with John Thomas [Episode 32]

God is speaking all the time—24/7. He often speaks through prophets, and right now the sons and daughters of these prophets are starting to rise up—we are taking what God has given us to the next level! The Bible calls it “moving in the spirit and power of Elijah.” I’m…
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What This Tornado Dream Means for Us Now

Posted on August 31,2017 by Doug Addison Throughout the Bible we see times of transition into new seasons. With every new season comes new leaders and new wisdom for how to operate in this new time. What used to work in the old season is not effective for the new.…
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Why is God Shaking Things Up?

I keep hearing God say, “Get ready for the countdown.” There is a turnaround coming to those who have gone through difficult times, have experienced the fire of testing or are stuck in a wilderness. God is getting us ready for the promotions that are coming at Rosh Hashanah on…
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Prophetic Word: 50 Days to Breakthrough

Watch for the next 50 days to be full of a lot of changes. Between now and the end of Rosh Hashanah (September 21–22), which is the Jewish New Year, God is aligning you for what is coming in the new year. You will see situations and circumstances suddenly turn…
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Watch for Dramatic Breakthrough in the Next 2 Months

Nearly two years ago at Rosh Hashanah—the Jewish New Year—I experienced one of the most spiritually active times I can remember. It was September 2015 and God showed me an outline for the coming 24 months. He said that starting on that day, and going through September 2017, we were…
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Prophetic Word: A New Freedom Is Released in the Spirit

I had an encounter with the Lord on Father’s Day (June 18, 2017) in which God said that He is now releasing greater revelation and details about your eternal purpose and destiny. This is going to start in the month of July and He is going to show you hidden…
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Prophetic Word: God is Answering You, But It Might Look Different

Many people who I have been meeting and interacting with are very discouraged and battle weary. When people have contacted me, asking what God is saying for them right now, I keep telling them, “Just wait until after May.” This is because the Wind of Change has been rearranging things in…
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Prophetic Word: Passover Strategies Released & Reaping from Your Weeping!

April is a time in which the Wind of Change will continue blowing. This is an angel that comes this time of year and brings changes from Heaven to Earth. This year, the Wind of Change is blowing through the end of May. It will bring major realignments and reassignments…
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Why Pruning is a Good Thing for Us Right Now

The Wind of Change is starting to blow through our lives and will continue through May. It is revealing things we will need to change and clean up to get us into the new season coming. Don’t be discouraged during this process. Been there, done that? Many people will be…
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Prophetic Word: The Wind of Change & the Glory of God Returning

March Wind of Change Each year the Wind of Change (not Winds) from Heaven begins to blow things into place. This year it is going to start in March and continue through May. I have been observing this angel from Heaven since 2012, and as this angelic Wind begins to…
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