Seeing 11:11 or 1:11? A Deeper Look at the Number 11

Have you been seeing the number 11 often? I am seeing 1:11 and 11:11 on the clock all the time.

Eleven is the number of transition. As it is often said, the 11th hour comes right before the start of a new day.

But the land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drinks rain from heaven. Deuteronomy 11:11 NIV

God’s promise to Israel in Deuteronomy 11:11 was that when they finally made it to the Promised Land, they would transition into a season in which they were under God’s continual blessing from the beginning of the year to the end.

Eleven is a very interesting number to study in the Bible. While we normally refer to it as a symbol of transition, 11 is also associated with revelation that will help transition us into something new and overdue.

A closer look at the number 11

The first mention of 11 in the Bible is in Genesis 32:22, when Jacob takes his wives and 11 sons on a journey to return to the land of his inheritance. He originally left because his brother Esau was angry that Jacob had stolen his birthright. Jacob began running from his destiny because of fear.

On the night mentioned in verse 22 (11 doubled), an angel visited Jacob and they wrestled until dawn. It was at this point that Jacob received the revelation that he was to change his name to Israel and transition into his destiny with much more clarity and boldness.

The 11th son

This took place when Jacob’s wife Rachel had just given birth to their 11th son, Joseph, who grew up to be a prophetic dream interpreter. It was in Genesis 30:22 that Rachel conceived Joseph (again we see 11 x 2 = 22).

Joseph’s major gifting was revelation and he was used to transition Israel into a new season of blessing during one of the biggest economic downturns on Earth.

In Genesis 31:11 Jacob is visited by an angel and is given revelation on how to prosper under his father-in-law Laban, who had been ripping him off. Jacob used this revelation to transition out of being robbed and into major prosperity and deeper maturity.

Interestingly, this took place while Rachel was pregnant with Joseph. It was Joseph who carried his father’s prophetic gifting far more than his brothers.

Transition and revelation

In Genesis 35:11 God speaks to Israel (Jacob) prior to his beloved wife Rachel dying during the birth of his 12th son, Benjamin. This was a time of both transition (losing a loved one) and also revelation: Jacob would continue to be fruitful and multiply. Benjamin carried his mother’s anointing of being loved and favored by his father.

The number 11 occurs during the transition of leadership and spiritual inheritance from Esau to Jacob. It is mentioned during a time of revelation on how to gain wealth and to expand the Kingdom of God on Earth. It is also the number of Joseph, who was instrumental in using revelation to bring both transition and prosperity.

Watch for new revelation

Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Luke 11:11 NIV

In Luke 11:11, Jesus releases new revelation that the Father is not mean or judgmental, as portrayed in the Old Testament. This is an example of transitional revelation.

Watch for God to provide deeper revelation about who He is and our calling to love the world.

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Doug Addison

P.S. I’ve been helping people for over 25 years discover an easier way to understand the deeper meanings behind their dreams. My book Understand Your Dreams Now: Spiritual Dream Interpretation will help you get to your dream’s meaning quickly with pinpoint accuracy—and also includes a Dream Dictionary of dream symbols, colors and numbers.

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerful, positively funny teaching style and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

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Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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  1. Pingback: 1111 Spiritual Meaning Bible - Divine Insights - Spiritual Center

    • Olympia
    • September 27, 2023

    I prayed with the prayer of faith for you Maria.

    • Michelle
    • February 8, 2023

    Thank you for your comment.
    I confirm all that you share here in regards to the revelation of the significance of the double 11.
    I began seeing it in May, 2019 after an alarming dream of a tidal wave hitting the East Coast (I live in NYC but was visiting my daughter in DC at the time). I had the same exact recurring dream 4 times that year. The last dream was in December, 2019, then Covid hit (or became public) and we went into lockdown in March. Didn’t have the dream after that but throughout and to this day, the recurring 11:11 every single day as well as all other double and triple numbers. It now occurs every day almost every hour.

    I am and have always been a lover and student of the Word but because of the frequency of the numbers, I began searching scripture and the journey of the revelation of His prophetic Word and the correlation to the numbers and prophetic sign of the day and hour we are in was sobering!
    We are the generation of transition.
    That dream, that number was truly a call and commission to ‘sound the alarm’ and awaken the church to Arise and Shine for the Hour of HIS GLORY has come and the church is not ready!

    Awake! Arise! Shine!

      • Brandy, InLight Connection Team
      • February 14, 2023

      Blessings, Michelle! Thanks for commenting!

    • Ade King
    • November 10, 2022

    Amen! Keep on fighting the good fight daughter of God. I have no doubt whatsoever that The Lord will use you mightily to bring transformation and reformation to the Church.
    In all things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Keep your eyes on Jesus the author and fulfiller of your faith.

    • Angel
    • December 25, 2021

    Hawks stay focused and watch they see from far away they have strategy technic dove’s sing don’t worry to me when I’m anxious overwhelmed in spiritual warfare when I’m stepping into something new they bring peace and comfort to let me know My Father in Heaven is watching over me and pleased to just keep the Faith and don’t look to my left are to my right keep my eyes on Jesus so 11:11 comes to me to let me know I’m almost there a shift is coming a transition a new level of glory don’t loose Faith because the enemy does not like it and rides my butt to no end anyway he can see a way to get to me he does it so 11:11 is letting me know hold on pay attention get ready be watchful God is about send opportunities friends and enemies to push me over into the new level don’t give up don’t fall for the enemies lies push pray praise position perceive God bless you all and thank you Doug Addison for a on time teaching !!! Hallelujah amen!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 27, 2021

      Thanks for sharing. God bless you!

    • ita
    • November 3, 2021

    im wondering if there is a connection with it in that 11 is ones name number total..and if so..

  2. Reply

    Having such an awesome time reading this passage as well as the comments. I have been seeing 1111 and triples for some time now and it’s been a marvelous Journey when I finally realize God was talkin to me. I will see this on receipt clocks at work on someone else’s phone I begin to take pictures and on and on I’m excited to see a community of people that understand

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 26, 2021

      Awesome I’m so glad you enjoyed it!

    • Tim Rodgers
    • September 13, 2021

    Me and my wife see 11:11 whenever we’re going into a period of transition and it’s like God uses it to encourage us as we step out in faith into new and scary territory. This article finally explains why it’s 11 that we see. Thank you!

    • Jason Honeywell
    • April 26, 2021

    Glad I found this site and comments. 10 years ago 33 and 333 followed me God said look it up. I was hesitant die to new age occult but he said look it up. Glad I did it was him. At start of covid I get 911,711,411,311,811,211 almost daily. I am growing in my walk at a wonderful pace and I too believe he is coming soon. He told me last year there would be an exit rescue. Not sure when but I equate that to the rapture. I am his servant until the end. Not everyone has the eyes to see these numbers, what a blessing

    • Alicia Roberts
    • April 23, 2021

    I started seeing 11’s in 2016 and then had a prophetic dream that at the time I didn’t realize was a foretelling of my fathers death all happening just 3 days apart until the events started unfolding in Nov. 2017. Then also had a vision in December of 2018 of the number 1/21 with the shadow of a bird flying overhead which then started me seeing not only 11’s but 21 as well and 121 all the time so… I now believe something either has happened that hasn’t come out yet on January 21st of 2021 or is going to happen within this year that is dealing with our nation. I’ve considered all the EO’s that were signed after the inauguration could be a possibility of setting into motion events yet to unfold.. Only God knows the truth but I feel Jesus is coming soon!!!

    • Alan Ostrowsky
    • April 23, 2021

    What year did you start seeing 11:11?

    • maria alvaro
    • April 6, 2021

    I am seeing alot of 1:11 for a very long time. I sleep during the day and I just woke up at 3am to take a shower. I saw 3:33 today and was very pleased with what you said about this number. I have not slept normally for the last 7 years. I keep asking God to heal me, it started 3 years after my divorce, and I was fired from a caregiving job. I never believed in divorce and my ex is living with the girl that I call Delilah. The man who fired mean I believe regrets it because he knew I was a Christian and would not do anything to hurt his company.

    • Vee
    • April 2, 2021

    Have been seeing 11.11 and 1.11 for the past 9month plus now and recently this 2021 I started seeing 555 1010 222 444 and have been so confused all I do is make a wish and pray and also try to be positive.. though I do see 111 or 1111 on comment section or plate number but have just been so confuse no day passing by that I don’t see all this numbers especially 11.11 and 1.11…have gone through others comment here but pls I will like to understand more about all this numbers.. thank u

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 7, 2021

      Doug refers numbers back to where they are in the Bible. You can do that too and ask God to show you. Bless you!

    • Dee berry
    • March 23, 2021

    “Fear” has also come to me! I’ve gotten the revelation that the pouring out of His spirit can’t and won’t happen until His church returns to Him with the FEAR OF THE LORD! Isaiah 11:1 and Isaiah 11:11! Also Psalm90:11, 2:11,7:11 also psalm 111:10 all these scriptures deal with the fear of the Lord! There are more but I ecourage you to seek scripture for the answers you seek. But the great outpouring is coming but it’s starts with the fear of the Lord!

    • Deana Berry
    • March 23, 2021

    I have been seeing 11:11, 1:11& 11:1 and sometimes 222. I have been very adamant about putting Christ first at the beginning of everyday and I also worship almost the entire day. And I go to sleep either listening to sermons or the Word every single night. I say all that to say this, our time is VERY short, HE IS COMING and we have to stay prepared and stay busy doing His work! I have also known from the time I was a young child and would have dreams about being a “woman warrior “ much like Deborah. Recently, I was driving down the road praying in the Holy Spirit over neighborhoods, the power of the Holy Spirit came on me so strong it was as if my car was driving itself, and I heard a voice speak to me and tell me that I was receiving an inpartation, a special anointing. I have yet to understand the full meaning of it, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was born for such a time as this! I also will mention that. I know whatever it is that the Lord has set aside for me to do is greater than anything I can ever imagine! Satan has tried to take me out so many times I have actually lost count. I continue to seek Him daily and am waiting on His command! I am a Soldier and I’m getting ready! I can’t speak on all things that have been revealed to me yet because I have not been released to do so! But I will say, don’t waist a minute, begin to seek Him with all your heart! He is looking for a church without spot or wrinkle! HE IS COMING!!!!!!

    • Carla
    • February 20, 2021

    I agree, well said!
    I will add one more thing. Just as these things were being revealed to me and I was seeing multiple numbers and researching the second coming of Christ my husband and I got a puppy. The lady that gave her to us said it is unusual to know the birthday of a rescue puppy but she knew this one September 12. Then a few days later my husband got a new license plate. It was BC 21912.
    Considering God often uses two witnesses we have put this together with the fact that it is a Jubilee year and the feast of trumpets. Come Lord Jesus

    • Michele
    • February 13, 2021

    I’ve been seeing 11:11 all the time for almost a year now. At first I didn’t think much about it until I noticed a pattern then started to see it constantly. I took pictures of when I saw it. Seeking God’s wisdom, understanding, knowledge and truth regarding what He’s saying to me. I don’t want anything that’s not from Him so I’m careful to steward what I sense He’s leading me towards. We know in part and prophesied in part so I don’t think we’re meant to know the full meaning all at once. It’s like leaving breadcrumbs on a long journey. We get to see in parts. I’m now seeing that the connection to 11 may go way back and I didn’t see it at the time. Long story short, I had 2 miscarriages. While studying Abraham and Sarah in Genesis, on 11-18-1998, I had a vision where the Lord came to me, healed me and told me I would have a son named David. On 11-22-2000, (11-(11+11=22)-2000), David was born! Just like the Lord said. Fast forward to 2020, David is now 20 and this is the year I’ve been seeing 11:11 all the time. Last night, after wrestling to fall asleep for over a hour, I picked up my phone to look at the time…you guessed it…11:11! Then immediately I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit so strongly then he said to me, “It’s time!” He said, “It’s time for the awakening. I’m pouring out my Spirit and resurrection power over all the nations.” “Wake up, it’s time.” “Get ready, I’m coming!” Lazarus was asleep but I’ve (Jesus) come to wake him up. John 11:11 Jesus used resurrection power to wake up Lazarus who was dead. Revelation 11:11 says, “But after the three and a half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them.” This is speaking of the two witnesses in end time prophecy. Read Revelation 11 to get the whole context. These two 11:11 Bible verses speak of resurrection power that raised the dead to life. This is the same resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead after 3 days. This is the same resurrection power of the Holy Spirit living in those who believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior. I believe we’re seeing 11:11 as a wake up call from God. A transition time. The 11th hour. Jesus is coming back. Wake up! Awaken! It’s related to time and that’s why we’re seeing it on clocks and dates. I’m just now starting to understand it in parts. I believe if we are in Christ as believers, then we have great hope and reason to celebrate. If you are not a follower of Christ, then I invite you to investigate for yourself. Don’t believe the cultural narrative you may be hearing. Ask God for eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to receive revelation, understanding, knowledge and wisdom of the truth. Don’t take my word for it, seek truth for yourself. I’m only an eye witness and this is my personal account of what I’ve experienced. I’m encouraging and inviting you to seek, ask and search for yourself. I did. I’m blown away and amazed. The 11:11 phenomenon is not a coincidence, it’s a call to the awakening in the nations that Jesus is coming with resurrection power. Open your heart to believe.

    • Mary
    • February 12, 2021

    Wow. Same. There has been many hawks in our area where it was not always the case, and I am constantly seeing doves. I see 1111 very often, along with 444 333 and 222, but 1111 most often. I was also recently deep in spiritual warfare, and a song started to play that said “nothings going to hurt you baby” and some other amazing songs that fit perfectly, and He was comforting me through them. He is so ever present, all glory goes to God TMH

    • Jennifer
    • February 5, 2021

    I been seeing 111 111 and 144 I am newly saved for only 3 years and I feel that this is symbolic of Jesus warning us of his return. This is very real !!!

  3. Reply

    Same!! I see 222 EVERY SINGLE DAY! It has been happening for moments. A few days ago, I have begun to see 111, that’s how I landed here. God is telling us something and I’ve been seeking the revelation.

    • Abbie L Elarde
    • January 2, 2021

    I have been seeing these numbers everywhere too. Literally everywhere on a daily basis multiple times! I think I’m going to go through the entire bible on search for the meanings.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 4, 2021

      Using the Bible for reference is always a good idea :).

    • Suzanne
    • December 30, 2020

    I have been seeing 11:11 for about 18 years now. I was told to make a wish when I would see it. Instead of a wish I would ask God to bless me with a child. I had many miscarriages and was unable to bear a child it seemed for many years. Approximately two years after seeing 11:11 on the clock daily I then gave birth to my one and only son on the date of 11-11-2004
    I also see 11:29 on the clock often and that is my birthday. But over the past year now I am seeing 3:33, 4:44, and I for some reason feel the need to take a picture of these numbers when I see them now. My phone is full of them. I know God is telling me something but I haven’t gotten The clarity I need just yet. I had also had a dream of the return of Jesus years ago before I even had A close relationship with him and knowledge of how he returns. It blew my mind when I found out that it does state in the Bible that he returns out of the eastern sky on a white horse just as he did in my dream. I believe with all my heart He is coming in my lifetime.
    God bless you and yours abundantly.

    • Britney Nicole
    • December 19, 2020

    I see 11:11 1:11 2:22 3:33 4:44 alllllllllllllllll the time and some strange things have been happening around me anybody else understand this?

  4. Reply

    That`s really interesting. I often see 11:11 and always make a wish when do. I didn`t know it has such a connection with the Bible.

    • Joshua wood
    • December 9, 2020

    I have been seeing 11 so much . What is God trying to say . I see Huge hawks when I walk and pray to God that fly literally right over me and their wings spread . I see doves all over

    • cornelius shitita
    • November 19, 2020

    It symbolizes new begginings and changes in your life

    • Kim
    • November 17, 2020

    I have been seeing 11:11,
    I’m seeing tonight 11:55, what’s the meaning of this?

    • Monique Summerlily Roy
    • November 17, 2020

    I too am going through the same exact thing since December of 2018. I think God doesn’t want me to fear even though i don’t quite understand what it all means. Every time is see the clock its the same and do not want to look anymore either. I have asked God what it means and have not heard and answer. I pray it is good and not bad.

    • Monique Summerlily Roy
    • November 17, 2020

    I too have been seeng 11 after the hour since December of 2018. Very interesting. God is doing something-lots of things🙏🏻

      • Alicia Roberts
      • November 18, 2020

      You sound like me. The 11’s started before Dec. 2018 for me, but right before Christmas that year I had a vision of either 1/21 or 1121, I wasn’t sure if the / was a / or a 1. This all happened as I was praying in bed one night. After seeing the numbers I then seen the shadow of a bird fly over. I wasn’t sure what type of bird it was because I see doves a lot and hear Owls a lot. Then of course, thought maybe it was to represent an eagle, like our national bird. So I am so mixed up as to whether it’s a date something is going to happen in the US or if it was a meaning of something more personal. I too have prayed for clarity. But then I believe sometimes God doesn’t give us clarity because that is how He builds our faith and trust in Him. This isn’t the first time something like this has happened to me. I had a premonition dream and didn’t understand it at the time but it all led up to the passing of my own father and I believe God was preparing my heart for that loss.

    • Deborah
    • November 11, 2020

    Uh hey i was born February 4 and for 2 days i have been seeing 11 a lot at first i thought it was just me being me but then i noticed something i went to a nurse and her earrings had a tree on it i knew i recognized it from somewhere but i did not where then i saw a big picture on a house with the same tree on it then a voice said to me “the tree of life” i searched it up and knew it was God trying to connected with me then i searched up about the 11 part and it said the same thing plz pray for because i am trying my best to connect with God its working a little bit but not fully God bless you and i give prayers to all😇🙏

    • Michael Isreall
    • October 28, 2020

    My name is Michael Anthony Johnson there are seven letters to my whole name I was born on November 7the 159 but As on a clock 11:59 is one minute before midnight and 7 means completion or perfection I have experience Almighty Gods speaking to me in a dream that has accured on a few occasions I believe that this whole world is going through a transision for the better now were experiencing the birth pangs to a new society of the Kingdom of God and only one third of this world population is going to survive this but the return of Jesus is soon to come!!!

    • Tish
    • October 27, 2020

    I keep seeing 111 and 1111 both numbers every day for months now. Why? What do they mean together?

    • Susan Petersen
    • October 18, 2020

    iTunes have been seeing the number 11 for three years now. There have been two things come to pass in my life that in the physical world had the number 11 connected with them. One of the things I looked up as a biblical meaning, is transition. I also found it interesting That churches were locked down for 11 weeks during this Corona pandemic.
    I also see the number 444 and 44 all the time.

    • Daniël Kemp
    • September 11, 2020

    I will pray for your son also

    • Christy Morgan
    • September 1, 2020

    I’m having same experience with 11:11 for 14 months now and this weekend 4:44 three different times. Would love to know if your prayers manifested yet.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 2, 2020

      Hey! You can ask God how He is speaking to you and see what you feel Him say.

    • Sue
    • August 16, 2020

    Iv been seeing number 11 for years and now I’m researching it more and truly believe it’s my mum trying to reach me at times of worry and stress , I find It reassuring now and it’s good to see so many people are in this very wonderful club. My granddaughter has also started seeing it

    • Sue
    • August 16, 2020

    For years I see 11.11 eleven on. Tv eleven everywhere it comforts me now like someone is saying I’m with you itl be ok

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 17, 2020

      Awesome Sue!!

    • Kristine
    • July 26, 2020

    Hey Robert,

    We have the same experience 🙂😉. I asked God’s guidance and wisdom. Been seeing 11:11 last 2018 i saw them frequently as in every day and apparently lost my job. I know God is orchestrating my life let us trust the process. Be safe!

    • Esther
    • July 25, 2020

    I dreamt tonight specifically about Num 11:11….it was so bold that I have to rush down to check Number 11:11 in the bible when I awoke…consequently I have been praying for four months now for the impossible to turn to possible…that God should restore my son life back because am having this intuition that he’s not actually dead but on transition… Something kept telling me that my son will wake up from that long sleep…and now this num 11:11 came up…am a strong believer and I pray a lot…please I need help…someone should try to explain and relieve my anxiety…thanks

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 4, 2020

      So sorry Esther. Praying for the peace of God to rule in your mind and heart.

    • Shelia
    • June 28, 2020

    It would take too long to explain everything, but… one dream/vision I had recently I saw all 1111111111111111111s like this with a message. The other night I had a vision
    With just this, 11. No meaning, no explanation attached to it. Been seeing double/triple digits for about a year as well.

    • Tammy
    • June 25, 2020

    I have been seeing 11 minutes after the hour for years. It will come and go. But the last few weeks it’s gotten really strong and almost non-stop. I can be very busy and feel a pull to look at a clock and it will be 10:11 or 9:11 (for example). Last night when praying in tongues, I started saying No fear. I will not be afraid. Over and over. Since my prayer time last night I have had 5 confirmation of the word Fear in less than 12 hours. Each one from either a Elijah List prophecy email, a pastor posted a comment on Twitter and etc. I still feel a sense or pull of the 11’s also. What is God telling me? Is something bad going to happen that God is warning me to not be afraid? It’s getting to the point that when I see a clock I don’t want to look at it because I know what the it’s going to say. It’s starting to be nerve wracking only because I don’t know why or what God is trying to tell me.
    Can you please help me?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 30, 2020

      Hey Tammy. Do not be afraid. Did you read the post above? Ask God is this number represents transition. If it does, decree the new to come forth in your life and ask God how you can partner with Him. If thats not it, see if there is a Bible verse with 11 in it that stands out to you. Don’t be afraid :).

    • Suzi
    • June 22, 2020

    Nick, don’t worry – it’s God. I have been having the same thing for years, and have undergone a massive, life-changing spiritual transformation from materialist, hedonist atheist, through various philosophies, to end finally as a devout Christian.

    We are in the 11th hour, and he is calling his children home. He has prepared a big feast for us all and this number is your personal invitation to the party. He has prepared a crown of glory for you – you just need to find your way home. You may – like me – have strayed a long way, but the good news is that the kingdom is within you. You don’t need to go anywhere physically to start your journey, just get yourself a bible, and start praying – talk to him the way you would talk to a friend.

    Not sure where you are in your journey, but if you are the way I used to be you might be eye-rolling about the Bible. Bear with me on this – the Bible is a very special book. It is not like other books. It’s God’s word, and he used his word to create the universe. When you grasp what the Bible is and does, you will discover that he has given you a great gift in this book that has world-creating, life-changing power.

    Don’t underestimate the power of thoughts and words – they have the power to change reality at a quantum level. The father is calling us to the higher vibration of love, as he is transforming the world and conforming us all to the image of his son Jesus.

    If you need help believing this, watch these videos:

    The rice experiment:
    Water experiments:
    Cymatics – science vs music:

    Now if our words are this powerful, consider the power of God’s word, which became manifest as a physical person in this world – the person of Jesus. In this world, you have no authority without a body, so Jesus had to come in the flesh in order to receive that authority over creation.

    Now watch this:

    40 Charles Capps – Life and Power of Words:

    Use your words and thoughts for love and blessings continually. Love WILL transform the world. It’s God’s will, and no-one can thwart God’s will. The one who loves knows God, because God is love. Seek him with all your heart, and you will find him.

    This is a message for you personally. Take it, run with it, and be an agent of his love and coming kingdom in the world.

    God bless you, keep you, and guide you.

    • Nick
    • June 22, 2020

    I have never even heard of this numerology stuff. I have been seeing 11:11 everywhere for the past month. Receipts, clocks, stop shows on Netflix at 11:11. It happened so much I thought this aint a coincidence. So I looked it up, and said spirit guardian could try to guide me. So I got a pen and paper to write down what I was thinking or dreaming about. Well last night went to bed at 9:30pm, woke up at exactly 11:11 to urinate. Well the last thing I saw in dream was Michelangelos painting The Creation of Adam. What does this mean? This is real I feel it. Is God calling me back to the church? I haven’t been to mass for 20yrs? It was scaring me at first because I felt a presence. Am I losing my mind? Please anyone reply if you can relate.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 22, 2020

      Hey Nick! Thanks for sharing. You are not losing your mind :). I would keep ask God what He is saying and try reading the Bible and see if anything sticks out. I pray that God continues to speak clearly to you and that you hear His voice. If you need any free resources on hearing God feel free to email us at

    • Krista
    • May 11, 2020

    I just looked at my phone and it said 11:11 with today’s date 11 under it.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 15, 2020


    • Emily
    • May 11, 2020

    I see 11:11 almost every day! As well as 1:11 for the last several weeks! In addition to 3:33, 4:44, 5:55. It’s an everyday occurence!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 13, 2020

      Thanks for sharing!

    • Rachel Goodall
    • May 11, 2020

    11:11 has increased in seeing this hourly!!!!!

    • Nita
    • May 10, 2020

    While downstairs in prayer and worship.. last night I saw 10:10, 11:11 and 12:12 … all in a row… same night … 10:10 I was watching a prayer broadcast… 11:11 and 12:12 I had to go upstairs ..

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 13, 2020

      Thanks for sharing Nita!

    • Jo
    • April 20, 2020

    Mo, I too see these number often and have lost husband in the process. Like you, I have heard God say several times to trust the process. So thanks for sharing and for the reminder of what God has said.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 21, 2020

      Amen Jo! God bless you!

    • Jackson
    • April 10, 2020

    Real guidelines of number 11:11 1:11 is a sure help

    • Jackson
    • April 10, 2020

    I keep seeing number 11 very often lately, I’ve read several articles, still confused because of different meanings.just need the real guide

    • Karen H.
    • April 6, 2020

    I am a firm believer in God. I also believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God. However, for the past year on and off, I have been seeing 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, and sometimes 3:33. I searched the scriptures, and I also was led to look further through other believers to know what these numbers mean. What is going on in my life right now is that I am being prepared to move forward, forward into something big. Therefore, these numbers are letting me know that I am okay and to get ready. Stay well, everyone.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 6, 2020

      Thanks for sharing Karen!

    • Mo
    • April 4, 2020

    I guess as the chosen we all know now why we’ve been seeing numbers. You can’t tell me as this pandemic rules the way we move that he was not and still is warning us to get right with him and that he loves us. your’e very special! you are, to get messages from God and to recognize when you do!!!! Not all see numbers it is a multitude of us but still not enough to fight this devil. When I see the numbers I Google the numbers along with the word scripture and read all that come up. I remember 11:22 haunted me for 3 years. I finally googled”11:22 scripture” and I came across Mark 11:22 “Have faith in God” Jesus answered. I wept like a baby. I lost my job and home in the mist of seeing those numbers. He was telling me ahead of time to trust the process. I’ve held on to that ever since. I knew he was speaking to me and I am so honored to see numbers I go straight to the bible to see what hes telling me!!! He speaks to me🙏🏽

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 6, 2020

      Thanks for sharing Mo! God bless you!

    • Hi
    • April 1, 2020

    The real birth of Jesus was Sep 11 and not Dec 25th. The latter is pagan. This is very positive for you. Trust in Jesus. Ask that he guide you.

    • Trina
    • March 31, 2020

    I see the numbers 11:11; 10:10 etc after my son died Jan 30, 2020. I am a firm believer and I felt called to find out what it meant biblically. I went to my Catholic roots and started to pray, I was given a rosary and I’m trying to figure out all the mysteries behind prayer the Bible verses and signs from angels.I pray for strength comfort and peace in my life even those these times are so difficult.I find some comfort in prayer and having faith in our good Lord and I know my son is in his presence.I’ve also learned to show others love, because they showed me love when I thought I was alone.God sent people to me.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 1, 2020

      Hey Trina, I am so sorry for the loss of your son. I can’t even imagine the pain you have been through. Praying comfort and joy over you right now.

    • Anne
    • March 22, 2020

    Hello everyone. I have been seeing 11:11 for over four years now. I started seeing it and 2211 about three months before my husband died of cancer. I always feel awe but like am missing something too. It’s a struggle to get by each day through lack of long term employment and resulting financial difficulties. What does it all mean??!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 24, 2020

      Hey Anne. I am so sorry about the loss of your husband. I can’t even imagine how painful that must have been to walk through. I would ask God what that number means for you. You can look up Bible verses that have 11:11 and see if any stand out.

      Praying for blessings and provision over you.

    • Kerri Kendal
    • February 6, 2020

    9:11 speaks of the house of David in the bible. Amos 9:11 says : In that day I will restore David’s fallen tent. I will repair its broken places, restore it’s ruins, and build it the way it use to be

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 7, 2020

      Thanks for sharing Kerri!

    • Jen
    • February 4, 2020

    I’d say it mans active spiritual warfare and you better pray out loud. Just my experience since 2012

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 7, 2020

      Thanks for sharing Jen!

    • Joslyn
    • January 31, 2020

    I saw 111 in a YouTube clip of Family Feud on the Tonight Show followed by 133 🤔 tonight. I did a search about 111 which led to me watching a video that talks about the secret key and searching out a matter. I also see a lot about Joseph.

    • Dan
    • January 21, 2020

    Been seeing 11:11 for a couple weeks and my suggested Hebrews. Wow! We married late and have a beautiful son named Josiah. She was 47 when he was born and then we were done, he is now 15 and is a godly young man, a reall blessing from God.

    Also I am the 11th child of 12 and we are getting ready to move into my parents home of which I was born in. My dad were very close, and he was very abstinate about leaving it to me for many unnamed reasons and this article about Joseph and Dueteronomy 11 has been written just for me. For I have felt like Joseph for the last 10 years or so.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 23, 2020

      Cool! Thanks for sharing Dan!

    • Tim Kuchnsky
    • January 13, 2020

    Hello! My foreman who, as fas I know doesn’t believe in God always sees his watch at 11:11 and shows me. I have told him it’s the Holy Spirit trying to get ahold of him. He is super prophetic but doesn’t acknowledge where this gift comes from. I want to bless him and for him to come to Christ. Pray for me and him and our crew. His name is Jason. He’s such a great guy

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 14, 2020

      Agreeing with you for Jason to know God and walk in all of his gifts!

    • Robert
    • December 27, 2019

    Thank you. And blessings.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 2, 2020

      Bless you Robert!

    • Robert
    • December 24, 2019

    This is great depth of revelatory knowledge! Much appreciated. Would see the number 11:11 on clocks, phone numbers, addresses and other things starting around 1992 for years.. I would also see a symbol (day dream or mediative like state of 11 flowing or swirling purple, burgundy, ribbon like attached or joined from the center of a diamond like shape.. not exactly sure what it is symbolic of but feel like it is pretty significant? Thank you in advance for any help you can give. God bless.🙏🇺🇸👍👍

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 27, 2019

      Hey Robert! We always suggest people ask the Lord what the number means for them! Blessings!

    • JM
    • December 19, 2019

    Hi Anna. Read John 17:20-23. Jesus is praying to God to make us one. Chapter 17 is only 26 verses long. It’s actually a beautiful prayer that shows the love that Christ has for us. He prays that the disciples are made one, then he prays the same thing for us. As I understand it, our souls at one time were both male and female (androgynous). When Adam and Eve were cast from the garden, their souls were split in two. I’ve been seeing 11’s for over a year now. In my soul searching, I’ve come across the Gospels of Thomas; it’s comprised of 114 verses of Jesus sayings. Verse 11, 22, and 106 discuss making the two one. The Gospels of Thomas was one of many writings that were found in 1945. They believe these gospels were actually older than the 1st four Gospels in the New Testament. Almost every verse in Thomas is similar to some of the verses in the New Testament. Some people are very skeptical of what’s not in the Bible, but I have to believe there were other writings out there not included. It’s not in the Bible that Peter was crucified upside down, but we know it happened. Just keep an open mind. Take care.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 23, 2019

      Thanks for sharing JM!

    • anna
    • December 18, 2019

    so im doing a thing for class and i need a meaning for 11 that comes from the bibles and i really didnt like the ones here so do you guys have any sugestions

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 19, 2019

      Ask God what 11 means for you and search the Bible for the number 11. Blessings!

    • Chas
    • December 13, 2019

    The date you made your comment is my youngest sons birthday I can relate to your situation with my two boys… but mainly with my youngest. Brought tears to my eyes because of similar situation with being parents and the date of your comment hit my core deeply. God Bless and sending you prayers.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 19, 2019

      God bless you Chas!

    • Mark Ogilvy
    • December 10, 2019

    Cool 😎 I’ve been seeing 111 and 1111 every day for about a week now before that I was seeing 444 every day for a few months and 5454 stood out a few times over the last few months. It’s so cool to study what God is telling me it’s quite a fun way of communicating he is definitely never boring hallelujah 🙌 praise God he is so cool.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 11, 2019

      Love it! Bless you Mark!

    • Debra Pepin
    • November 19, 2019

    Hello, At first I too had many uncertainties upon seeing 11:11 so very often. Then, I noticed how many times 11.11 was in so many scripture verses. One day, I had an inner sense that I was to pray for The Peace Of Jerusalem and to do so each time I saw the numbers 11:11. I have remained obedient and I pray for 1 full minute for that exact thing. It excites my heart to know that whenever I see 11:11 I am working with our heavenly Fathers will for His Purposes on earth! Maybe some would like to also do this. Thanks a bunch! Debra

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 19, 2019

      Thanks for sharing Debra! Bless you!

    • Michael Mooney
    • November 11, 2019

    Hi. Would not worry about 911 bring bad. Sept. 11th. Was when the Polish commander stopped the Invading Ottoman armies at the Gates of Vienna… Really can be a Positive

    • Sandra
    • November 11, 2019

    Happy Birthday☺

    • JF
    • November 3, 2019

    I see 1111 and all the other repeating numbers. Also 316 and 707,717 a lot. I see crosses. Think 3:16 is John 3:16 and 717 goes with Revelation 7:1-7 or 7:7. I wonder if this is a calling of 12 tribes. I’ve recently found out from 23 and me that my ancestry traces back to being a Levite. Verse 7 speaks of the tribe of Levi. Idk. I pray about it. Thought I’d share.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 4, 2019

      Thanks for sharing!

    • Amelia C
    • October 26, 2019

    Going in wrong direction 321

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 28, 2019

      Hey Amelia, we can’t say we 100% agree with that, as God could also be saying something good is coming since it is a count down. We always suggest everyone to pray over the number as one interpretation does not always apply. Bless you!

    • Kerra
    • October 17, 2019

    I keep seeing 111 or 1111 and I keep waking up at 3:21 it scares me to keep waking up at 3:21 I cried because I have been under so much lately and I’m tired but I continue to have faith what does all this mean ?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 17, 2019

      We always encourage people to ask God what that means. 321 is a countdown, so is God saying something new us coming? Or is it a Bible verse? Ask God to show you.

    • Laurie
    • October 16, 2019

    I have been seeing the number 9:11 on the clock for a while. It comes in waves. I thought it meant something bad since the attack on 9/11 and because 911 means emergency. Recently I’ve been contemplating moving out of state. I applied for a job and received the job offer through email on 9/11. I don’t know what this means. Is it good or bad? I asked God and I haven’t received an answer. I need to make a decision soon and don’t know what to do…

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 17, 2019

      Hey Laurie, I don’t think 911 always means bad. We call 911 when we need help, so we get to cal on God when we need help. One of the best Psalms on protection is also Psalm 91:1. Ask the Lord to show you! 🙂

    • Kim
    • October 13, 2019

    I have also been waking up at 3:33 a.m and seeing 3:33
    5:55 & 11:11

    • Anne
    • October 2, 2019

    On Sunday 29/09/19 Date of Jewish New Year 5780 I got prompted to look at the computer clock and said 11:11 after looking at this prophetic definition I realized that the sermon was similar. The first passage the pastor used was Jeremiah 1:11 about transition and revelation and seeing correctly. Be blessed

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 2, 2019

      Awesome Anne! God bless you!

    • Katie
    • September 17, 2019

    Great word Carla! Pray God blesses you with total healing.🙏🏻

    This was very insightful about 1111.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 18, 2019

      Bless you Katie!

    • Carla
    • September 17, 2019

    You are Longing for a love that is from Christ alone.
    Lean into Christ the more you love Him the more satisfied you will be with your Husband.
    Man cannot fulfill the love you long for, only God can.

    CS Lewis
    “A man’s physical hunger does not prove that that man will get any bread; he may die on a raft in the Atlantic. But surely a man’s hunger does prove that he comes of a race which repairs its body by eating and inhabits a world where eatable substances exist.”

    Your longing for that love does prove that it exists….but from God, not man just yet…

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 17, 2019

      Thanks for sharing Carla!

    • Carla
    • September 17, 2019

    I also have been seeing numbers. For about four years.
    It started by me waking up at 3:33 a number of times. Since then I see 4:44, 11, and 11:11, 5:55, and others less frequently.

    I think of double numbers as being paired together with Christ.
    4’s associate with Christ’s Ministry 44 months 4 days.
    5’s I associate with grace
    11 is why I found this page, I don’t know yet? I hope the above, meaning transition to season of blessing is true, I am finishing chemo and radiation now.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 17, 2019

      Agreeing with you for full healing Carla! God bless you!

    • JJ
    • September 15, 2019

    There is no question the 111 phenomenon is real. I sometimes wake up exactly when the clock says 11:11 am because I am used to a night shift. Road signs, gas station prices, receipts, video length on Youtube videos, the amount of views, likes etc. It is not just clocks, it is all over the place and at a frequency much higher than could ever be attributed to just random chance. I don’t think demons have the ability to pull this off because they do not know what we are going to do from one minute to the next, nor can they read our minds. Some of these events are so complex in the way they arise, I feel it can only be God. 111 to me, means the Rapture and Tribulation are coming, basically the end of the world is coming. I also see 222, 316 and 444 to a lesser degree but still quite noticeably.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 16, 2019

      Thanks for sharing your take on it. Bless you!

    • Selene
    • September 9, 2019

    Since a couple of years back I’ve been seeing the number 11:11 and 1:11 with frequency. It comes in waves. I don’t know what to think about this. It’s quite unsettling. I’m concerned because whoever was behind 9/11 knew well about this number.

    The day of the attack: 11
    The Date of the Attack, September 11 or 9/11 = 9 + 1 + 1 = 11
    911 is emergency number = 9 + 1 + 1 = 11
    September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11
    After September 11th we have 111 remaining for the end of the year.
    119 is the Area Code for Iran & Iraq 1 + 1+ 9 = 11
    The first plane to hit one of the buildings was Flight 11
    The State of New York was the 11th State to join the Union
    New York City = 11 letters
    Afghanistan = 11 letters
    The Pentagon = 11 letters
    Flight 11 had 92 passengers, 9 + 2 = 11
    Flight 77 had 65 passengers, 6 + 5 = 11
    Twin Towers look like an 11
    Twin Towers had 110 floors

    Another sad occurrence of the number 9 and 11 is found in the official number of people killed in the World Twin Towers: 2792.

    2 + 7 = 9
    9 + 2 = 11
    27 + 92 = 119
    92 – 27 = 65 = 6 + 5 = 11

    Also luciferian Hollywood makes horror movies like 11/11/11 and 11:11.
    I personally don’t watch that junk, but scares me thinking that these 11’s I’m seeing are deceptions from the enemy.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 12, 2019

      Hey Selene! We really do not look to the world for number meanings. We look to God and the Bible. Thanks for sharing your opinion on them!

    • Anthony-Wayne
    • September 6, 2019

    Hi to all and greetings in Yeshua Messiah (Christ)

    Me and the missus have both been seeing either 11:11 but mostly 1:11 EVERYWHERE! and recently ‘now and then’ 2:22, either on clocks, receipts, number plaits, letters, bank statements and so on! But we’ve been seeing this since the beginning of this year. It calmed down for a few months but recently starting seeing it all again, and more, in the last couple of months?!.

    I think I kinda know what the LORD is saying, hinting, and/or letting us know to get ready for, be prepared for, THOUGH there IS a few things I believe WE need to do first, beforehand, to prepare, to ready ourselves for this coming change or direction, which I was actually meant to do late last year, though have been in two minds if it was the right decision, if it was of God’s will?! And NOW We’ve been getting these Numbers thrown at us, and even more so on it’s return after the short claim down!

    Shalom, maranatha and blessings to all

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 9, 2019

      Thanks for sharing Anthony, God bless you!

    • Anthony-Wayne
    • September 6, 2019

    Hi Pam
    Firstly; our loving Heavenly Father is NOT a God of confusion, and being confusingly freaked out “Well” no loving Father would want that for Their child.
    Please Pray to the LORD about this and your feelings, while at the same time, be aware of the “numerology demon!” Which this could possibly be a trick from him to course such fearful upset and confusion! And with this possibility, you need to rebuke that demon in the authority of Christ, BUT also Pray and ask the LORD “IF” it is from Himself, for Him to make clear what He is trying to show or tell you!
    By-the-way, our LORD is not keen on His children gambling, you really need to close the door on that one dear Sister! Please checkout the below Link:

    Shalom and blessings to you

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 9, 2019

      Thanks for sharing Anthony, bless you!

    • Sheriece Christian
    • August 7, 2019

    1111 popped up when i lost my children , again a few years later when i was thrown into my wilderness season and before i became homeless. But throughout it all he allways makes sure iam fed and fed from his word. Remember he is kind, forgiving and merciful allways loving. He spoke to me the whole time giving me the energy i needed to carry on. God bless you

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 8, 2019

      Thanks so much for sharing Sheriece. God bless you!

    • Jane
    • August 5, 2019

    I’m Jane as well!!! My late husband’s birthday is June 11th after his passing I would 611 everywhere still to this day along with a number including 11

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 5, 2019

      Thank you for sharing Jane!

    • teresa
    • July 17, 2019

    wow I see 11:11 for months and recently 1:11 I was born 1:11 and i too lost 3 loved ones in 03. my husband 2 .3.03 and my only daughter the next month 3.22.03. since then i have been hit hard and gone through horrifying trials, and been seeking God for transition, to see and be his friend and walk as a son,, so this is amazing,, because i am also semi homeless and just got on welfare for some relief;

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 22, 2019

      Thanks for sharing Teresa! God bless you!

    • Shawnie
    • June 22, 2019

    Last year from start of the new year I kept seeing 11:11 and 1:11 and 10:11 everywhere, to the point I began taking pictures as a point of reference. I had lost both parents and a sibling but had also been promoted into a difficult but lucrative position professionally. Things seemed like life was getting better for me. Months went on and I kept seeing the same series of 11’s. I began to feel like something bad was coming, yet somehow also kept feeling that everything would be okay. As the frequency increased with seeing 11’s, my employment was terminated and my position was eliminated. It was a complete shock—at will employment state—and for 24 hours I was broken. When I next saw 1:11 the very next day, I went to my computer and looked up a company that I had always been curious about. They were hiring and within 11 minutes of applying, I got a call for an interview! I ended up getting the job and since then, I rarely see 11’s. Just wanted to share my story with 11. To me, it was a warning and a blessing…..

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 24, 2019

      Awesome Shawnie! Thank you for sharing with us!

    • Maria
    • June 10, 2019

    Thanks for the article. I have always seen the number 11:11, I was born 11 November and over the last 2 years see 1:11 or 11:11 all the time. I associated it with Deuteronomy 11:11 and transitionbut never looked at the context:perspective of Joseph. I have always been a dreamer and have a prophetic calling. It’s been a tough 3 years with the loss of 3 direct family members and I hope now is a time of transition from weeping to joy or wherever God is taking me

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 10, 2019

      I am so sorry about your losses Maria. I can’t even imagine how that must have been. God bless you for pushing through and keeping the faith. Your faith is so precious to the Lord!

    • pam
    • June 9, 2019

    Hi I’ve have been seeing my very first number 311 this went on for while getting up for work than it started with first number different butthe last 2 remaining w/ 11 example = 111 211 311 411 511 611 711 811 911 1011 1111 mostly 711 i have won money on 711 daily 3 lottery it’s scares me sometimes because when am driving my clock would have 511 or drive right in front i see license plate with the numbers above different one’s even my cell phone when I look pick up touch light samething and my purchase receipts at time’s as well and sometimes when i park my. vehicle an right in FRONT of one of the numbers now am seeing 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 1111 it’s making me feel wired just now.time 911 PLEASE help

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 10, 2019

      Doug goes into what the number 11 means in the above blog post. Did that help? If not, keep asking God to speak to you about what that means for you.

  5. Reply

    I have been seeing 11’s every day for over 3 years. I have lost my dad in this time and had a prophecy dream prior to his passing, of course at the time I had no idea what the dream meant but in a way I believe it was God preparing me for this loss. This is not the first time I have had things like this to occur in my life however most definitely IS the one that sticks out in my mind and will forever. I know God is in control and will take care of me but besides the 11’s I also have other things that occur on a regular basis that I precieve as signs. I don’t want to misread these “signs” if it isn’t true but at the same time I don’t want to ignore them if they are true. I also see doves and hear doves constantly and it doesn’t seem to matter the time of year. I see 7 & 9 also very frequently or numbers that add up to 11 or the numbers 7 & 9 along with 11 separately. I see rainbows all the time which I know is God reminding me of His promises. And things will come up in conversation with others that simply can’t be shrugged off as coincidence. I feel God IS working in my life and is growing me in my faith… I feel I’m in a waiting period and it is very hard to wait… but I feel the reason for it is simply God growing me. I have struggled in my marriage but we’re making it through however, I don’t see myself being able to love him like a wife should after the hurt I’ve endured. I feel this is wrong but am so afraid to open myself up again. I feel I have forgiven him but only see him as a friend and have a very hard time being intimate. My heart longs for a love that will cherish me and love me like Christ loved the church but don’t know if my husbands expression of love is from a heart of truth or just fear of losing me… we have been to counseling several times but pretty much told to keep working , praying, and God will help us through it and I suppose He is but my feelings are still the same. I’m content, but long to be truly loved… Please pray for me to understand all God is trying to say through what I believe is His signs. I’ve asked for them to cease if it wasn’t from God and they continue so I believe it is indeed God. If you have any suggestions or advice or questions about details to better help you understand please ask because you might be able to help me understand more if you need to know more. I thank you for your time in reading this message and may God Bless all who are reading.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 10, 2019

      Thanks for sharing Alicia!

    • Jane
    • June 1, 2019

    Hello! I was so excited to hear your explanation of the number 11! After caring for my mother for many years, she peacefully passed away a few days ago and my friend told me that the time and date of her service, June 11th at 11:00am, had significant meaning. I’ve also heard Cindy Jacobs say that this is a year of transition and great blessing, so this is very exciting! Thank you for your ministry!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 10, 2019

      Awesome Jane. I am sorry you lost your mother, that is so hard to have to go through. I am glad that this blog post was able to help you though.

    • Eunice
    • May 29, 2019

    WOW!!!! LOL.Am over here doing cartwheels and happy dances in my heart. i have been seeing 11:11 seeing last year and today is the first time am getting the inclination of what that means. I’ve also been seeing 10:10, 12:12, 21:21, 10:10 and others. Am excited and expectant for Him to reveal what they mean.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 29, 2019

      Woohoo! That is awesome! God bless you!

    • SappirhaJ
    • May 28, 2019

    I love your testimony I just recently just started seeing the number 11 to as well like 9:11 6:11 all in different sequences I’m like God what is it ?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 29, 2019

      Awesome I am so glad that was helpful for you!

    • Vera
    • May 22, 2019

    I’ve been seeing 11 everywhere for over 2 years. Now my husband will yell out, Hey, it’s 5:11 ECT so do I. 2 years ago I was baptized. Born again. I also believe it’s a sign that I’m on the right path. I was raised Jehovah witness. As I got older I began to disagree with the teachings. I struggled for years with what to do. As soon as I got baptized it started. Hasn’t stopped at all. Praise the Lord. Greater is he that is in me!
    Have you ever noticed in the old Testament how percise the specs are for God’s instruction on building the temple? He loves numbers. He loves colors too. Purples. Lavender! What a awesome creator we have.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 22, 2019

      That is so cool Vera! I am so glad that you were able to leave your former way of life and step into your new life! You have a powerful story that will help many! Bless you!

    • Christine
    • May 22, 2019

    Hi there, I’ve been seeing 11:11,3:11,4:11,6:11,etc and I was a bit confused before cause some said that it meant disorder in the bible. I have been praying and asking God to reveal himself and I also listen to Apostle Chuck Pierce I’m transitioning into the new year so I’m hoping it is transition and not disorder because lately there has been this overwhelming feeling at times just trying to accomplish the things I need to to move into the new but at times I feel stuck. I want to move forward with starting a business but it’s been hard especially as a single mom so I’m really trying to hold on to the promises and prophetic words spoken this year. But for sure it’s transition?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 22, 2019

      The best way to know for sure is to keep track and to be asking God for confirmation. Bless you!

    • Tanny
    • May 21, 2019

    Hey ange i want to start off by saying GOD bless you, and that you have cancer but GOD has you. It can be especially rough i know you have your days worship the Lord day and night thank him for your life sing songs to him he hears you. Are you saved? have you said the salvation prayer? If not please do. GOD has your back more than you know he will fight this fight for you just give him your life leave it in his hands. GOD bless you, sis, 💕 I’m here if you need An ear

    • Tanny
    • May 21, 2019

    GOD is speaking to you. He wants a relationship with you. You are so beautiful to him and he wants to be one with you. Give him your life to come to Christ. 1. Repent of your sins sweetie say the salvation prayer let the spirit lead you GOD bless you. Your father is so in love with you give him a chance

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 22, 2019

      Thanks for sharing Tanny <3

    • Claudia Henley
    • May 17, 2019

    Blessings to you Doug…I’ve been seeing several number patterns…mainly 3’s, 7’s and 9’s and my date of birth is 1-11.
    Can you provide some insight?

    • Lucille
    • May 16, 2019

    Oh how spot on you are. The FEAR is what has caused me not to enjoy the blessing. I will continue to pray and work on it.

    A massive Thank you!!!!!

    • Lucy
    • May 9, 2019

    Do you think im on the right track

    • Lucy
    • May 7, 2019

    Hi. So glad i phonec this page. Long story short. In 2016 I had an open vision of a guy’s face. Only the side but not the actual face. FF 2017. Heard a still small vouce say…. You are going to meet someone next week. Lo and behold I did and he was a replica of the guy i saw in the vision. I was so scared as I know the devil can also dsceive one. I took it to our pastor eho flows prophetically. I judt wanted him to pray over me as i was o scared. All he saw were the numbers 7 and 11. I thought it was a shop as we have cafe on the corner called 7.11. It was only until recently that I realized Gpd speaks through number’s. Reading the postd and answers I realise it was a positive message from God. 7 no of completion and 11 transitioning from singleness whoch is a big change ad Ive been single and waiting on the Lord for many years. Ive had other confirmations though… Through prophecy but God would always confirm it supernaturally through HIS WORD. Lots. Im not so stressed about it anymore ad God told me to BE STILL AND KBOW THAT I AM GOD!! Ill appreciate comments. Thank you

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 9, 2019

      Thanks for sharing Lucy!

    • Lucy
    • May 7, 2019

    Im so enjoying reading all the comments. Very interesting. God gave me an open vision of a certain gentleman.. Only saw the side of him not the face. A year later i heard the still small vouce telling me that Im goung to neet someone the following week. Lo an behold i met someone who was the guy in the vision i saw A year previously to a T. I got dp freaked out and scared. I took it to the eldership team and the one pastor said he saw the numbers 7 11. I thought it had something to do with a shop as we have a shop called 7 11. Lol. I only recently realized numbers are biblical. Reading the posts i think I can deduce that 7 no of completion and 11 transitioning from single life to a different status. Also someone here says its his confirmation to go more like a YES from God. I forgot about this until tonoght totally by accident I stumbled across this page. Ive had lots if other confirmations deom the WORD. Still scared though.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 15, 2019

      Hey Lucy! God doesn’t want you to have fear. I would take that to the Lord and ask Him to give you revelation on it. Bless you!

    • Nisi
    • April 16, 2019

    I am not a Christian but still I see repetitive numbers like 1111,222,333,444,555,….,999 but not regularly.Is it a coincidence because I don’t see this numbers repetitively? Btw I have just started to watch movies based on bible and I love jesus but because I am not so positive person so I afraid that how jesus will make my big dreams come true🙄.I knw these questions might not that much related to this page but I felt that may be someone will give me ans and help me out.
    Lots of love to all❣️.

    • Blessedbethegifted
    • April 11, 2019

    Don’t swear to GOD especially if you believe in him you should know that’s a sin (not that we’re perfect) but it’s a big no no to swear on GOD ALMIGHTY!

    I’ve been seeing 11:11 or 1:11 a lot since I was young I believe, So I just now decided to do some googling to see what it means and tbh it’s seems very interesting. Maybe we are the chosen ones idk, whatever it is ima pray to Yahweh to enlighten me more on it so I can start my journey on completing his mission. I LOVE YAHWEH THE HIGH ALMIGHTY SO MUCH IF NO ONE LOVED ME ILL BE JUST FINE KNOWING HES THERE WITH HIS ANGELS AND HIS SON YASHUA THE MESSIAH OUR LORD AND SAVIOR!!!! MAY YAH BLESS YOU ALL!!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 15, 2019

      Thanks for sharing, blessings!

    • Suzanne ne
    • March 29, 2019

    I seen 11 11 also on a screen on a vosion

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 1, 2019

      Thanks for sharing Suzanne!

    • Carolyn
    • March 25, 2019

    I wanted to add one thing the 1111 is always around me always. I have had clicks change to 1111 when I look at them. Alarm go off with the number 1111 on it. Total at the register everywhere grocery,fast food, playing a game everything. My family and friends freak out because when they are around me I will point it out or they will see it around me. For over 20 years this has been going on. I’m not a mentally challenged person I swear to God.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 26, 2019

      Hey Carolyn! Look up some Bible verses with 11:11 and see if the stand out to you. 🙂 Blessings!

    • KASHIE
    • March 8, 2019


    I keep seeing a 4 digit number (1804) but with different permutations. Does it mean anything? It started about 4 years ago and it has been increasingly noticeable and the numbers keep rotating within 1804 every time. I feel like God may be saying something. If you have any inside about this, pls care to share.


    • Fas
    • February 20, 2019

    The first real time i really recalled seeing 11:11 and fully understanding its meaning was when the pallbearers lifted my mom’s casket into the hearse. At that time, I had also become a devoted Christian. When they were transferring the casket, i had called upon God inside my heart asking if this was really how it was to be? And then i had an inclination to take out my phone. 11:11. It is with this that i was able to hold back my tears. I interpret 11:11 to be a sign of yes and “move forward/go ahead”. That 11:11 lifted my spirits and i knew God was by my side. Since then whenever i wasnt sure of my direction, when i see 1s in 10:10 11:11 etc etc., I feel it’s God’s way of letting me know “I AM ON THE RIGHT PATH”.

    On the other hand, i have also seen the clock display :57. i have tested more times than once, recalling what i was thinking when i saw this :57. I had an intuition to link this to the verse of peters 5:7 cast all your anxieties to Him. Everytime this has appeared was when i was stressing over a situation; seeing: 57 told me to rest in God. Everytime without fail, the situation sorted itself out. Thank God. Praise to Him.

    My cousin who also became a Christian shortly after me has also started seeing these numbers appear, as well as 222, 333 etc.

    • TGregg McClain
    • February 13, 2019

    Verse numbers were not given to each of the writers of the 66 books contained in the Bible by God. Verse numbers were not inserted into Greek manuscripts of the New Testament until the 16th century. Robert Estienne (Robert Stephanus) was the first to number the verses within each chapter, his verse numbers entering printed editions in 1551 (New Testament) and 1571 (Hebrew Bible).

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 15, 2019

      Thanks for sharing! Bless you!

    • Walid
    • January 21, 2019

    It has been 3 years for me , i hav been seiing 11:11 1:11 2:22 not just on the clock . On the streets everywhere i even have pictures like seeing it even in other country that is not my origin country i’m 21 and i’m from lebanon i believe in god and i’m a christian but this number is with me all the time and i can do nothing about it i even get angry when i see it because it’s been long time

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 22, 2019

      Hey Walid! You may also want to find Bible verses with those numbers and see how those apply to you. God does not want you angry but He will show you. God bless you!

    • Kate
    • January 15, 2019

    Good morning! I have read your book recently and just stumbled upon your website! Thank you for all the resources! I was looking over 11:11 because, not only to I see it all the time, but it seems to be a stamp on my life. I was born 11-11 and my initials, KK are the 11th number of the alphabet. There have been numerous other instances, but I remember in the book how you saw your whole life in parables, so now I’m looking into this reoccurrence in mine. My first thought is simply a reminder that this world is not my home, but heaven: my whole life is that transition. Any insight would be much appreciated!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 22, 2019

      Thanks for sharing Kate! You can ask God what that number means for you and see if any Bible verses stand out to you. God bless you!

    • Jenny
    • January 12, 2019

    Awesome article. I had an interesting dream where the devil came to tempt me with false signs and wonders. I’ve told God several times that i didn’t want to chase after signs and wonders but Him and i welcome the signs and wonders that come with being close to Him. (I grew up in a church thats weirded out by tongues and stuff).
    I feel like satan asked to test me on that and I passed. I rebuked him and immediately an angel joined me and we laughed and laughed at satan and a cup he brought to give me (filled with grey gunk and wormy bugs). We laughed at him failure and that he thought i would give in.
    I woke up and looked at my phone right at 1:11 on 1/11 and the soaking music I had playing was at 11 seconds. Later that morning i looked at my phone again at 11:11 so i decided to do some research.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 22, 2019

      Thanks for sharing your dream with us Jenny. God bless you!

    • Richard Ayers
    • December 30, 2018

    I am a Christian of 44 years. Over the last two years I have been seeing the numbers 1:11, 11:11, 123, and 1234 repeatedly. Sometimes several times a day. At first I thought God was saying to me that He was sending me forth to minister in the eleventh hour like the eleventh hour parable in Matthew chapter 20, because he is indeed sending me forth now 40 years after I finished Bible College. I viewed the 1234 as his message of putting things in perfect order in my life. But I have never had peace that I was hearing him correctly, or even at all. After searching the internet I see this experience is happening to Christians and New Agers alike. That causes me to question its origin. A large number of Christians have posted their interpretation and meaning of seeing these numbers, but it seems everyone has a different interpretation. The Bible does say in the last days men and women will see dreams and visions, but it never says they will see numbers in need of interpretation. I believe what we are actually seeing is an OMEN and to seek the interpretation of an omen is strongly condemned in the Bible. Scripture teaches the False prophet of Revelation will show signs and wonders that might even deceive the elect. So my “personal” conclusion is this a test from God to sharpen the discernment of those who today do indeed see dreams and visions. We must know the line of where the spirit is his or another’s. So, 1) God is not the author of confusion. And according to the internet everyone, both Christians and New Agers, are confused by this. 2) The scripture teaches to not believe every spirit but to test everything (I say test according to his Word). Apart from attempting to use bible verse numbers (which are not inspired) to secretly discover a “hidden” (occultic) no test is being made. 3) while interpreting omens is the norm for New Agers, it is strongly condemned for Christians. Therefore, I will resist the enemy’s deception, ignore the numbers and simply live by faith in Jesus Christ knowing he directs my steps.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 1, 2019

      Thanks for sharing your opinion. God bless you!

    • dinosar
    • December 12, 2018

    Can 11: 11 also be a good sign?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 13, 2018

      Yes, Doug says in the blog post above that 11 can be associated with revelation that will help transition us into something new and overdue. Bless you!

    • Jenniffer
    • December 5, 2018

    Jeremiah 29:11 I hear God in a dream.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 5, 2018

      Love that Bible verse! Bless you!

    • AKristina
    • November 30, 2018

    Hi, I’ve been seeing 1111 everywhere for over a year now and I know that someone is looking after us and trying to send a message. But today is the first time I’ve seen vividly in my dream on a screen was 11:11. Is there a different meaning of those numbers if it comes to you in a dream? Thanks and much love!♥️

    • E_maestro
    • November 26, 2018

    These are the numbers I see keep repeating.
    9:11 – More than any other

    8:11 – I saw this number one night and had a dream of a falling star… then lead me to revelation 8:11 – the name of the star is wormwood

    3:11 – I get up at this time for some reason, on two occasions I saw this number and then the same thing occurred I found myself in some trouble that I could have avoided

    2:11 rarely.

    1:11 – This one has to mean something special

    I have been seeing these numbers roughly after I made the decision to make some serious changes in my life.

    I believe the LORD can speak through many things, numbers, sound, light and his creations, but the numbers are the one that really have puzzled a lot.

    This is what I have learnt though. When you see these numbers, analyze what happened before and what occurs after, any dreams or scriptures that you’ve had or read.

    I remember one experience telling a friend about the recurring numbers 9:11 everyday, at first he laughed a bit, roughly less than 10 seconds after a car drove by with the number 911. That was weird yo!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 27, 2018

      Great! Thanks for sharing the numbers you are seeing. Blessings!

    • Manny Mestas
    • November 13, 2018

    Hi Doug,
    I have been seeing 11:11 for a couple of years. Thought it was just a fluke but today I saw it again this morning and just was pushed over the edge to see if there was some biblical significance and your page jumped to the top of the search.
    What you shared was spot on! and now I’m set up for the “next course of actions.”
    OK, Lord Jesus, I got it…
    Thanks, Doug!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 14, 2018

      Great Manny! I am so glad that you found this blog post too. Thanks for sharing and God bless you!

    • Claudia M
    • November 12, 2018

    I’ve seen 11:11 for so long now and as many comented I used to see 9:11 before in a very hard time of my life. I believe God is been building up my faith thru these years. However for me 11:11 brings me to Hebrews 11:11 “And by faith even Sarah, who was past childbearing age, was enabled to bear children because she[b] considered him faithful who had made the promise“ As I write this comment, I’m a 35 year old woman and I have been barren for 11 years so it gives me hope that I would become a mother and God would bless me with this Joy one day, hopefully soon!! God bless

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 19, 2018

      Hey Claudia, I am agreeing with you for you to have children! It will be powerful to find Bible verses on children and to be declaring them over yourself. God bless you

    • Bethanny A. Mast
    • November 11, 2018

    I know this is an old one, but it is useful. Today is 11/11/18 and at 11:11 today the Lord had me look at my car clock and He said the word Freedom. I have been praying about transition. The Lord has place this on my heart and I have been praying with a friend for a year about steps to take in our future. So He leads and we keep praying. THanks for the revelations.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 19, 2018

      Awesome! Thanks for sharing Bethanny!

    • Oludayo
    • November 4, 2018

    Thanks so much. I have been seeing 11 for over two years. Your post opened my eyes to what God is passing across to me. Please I need for explanation on this.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 5, 2018

      Awesome Oludayo! I am so glad to hear that. God bless you!

    • Mary
    • October 16, 2018

    Can 1.11 11.11 be a pre warning to stay clear from something or someone? went I first noticed these numbers I use to play online gaming and within me starting to notice 111 11.11 I had no were near a massive win fall but a couple of wins that helped at the time, I read instantly on these numbers and believed that they were signs of guardian’s, but at the same time all the numbers started a old friend popped back into my life very fast and relationship was started before I had time to even think, as I’m seeing numbers more often it had me thinking is the signs a warning?? A warning of blessing, meaning something is not right. ?. ( narcissistic) The relationship is over now, but not gone, my health is left poor, I see these numbers alot and not as normal clock or text size there XXL sized now,. I’m confused scared,

    • Catherine
    • September 16, 2018

    Hello, I had been seeing 9:11 from about Nov. 2017 thru March 2018. It then changed to now seeing 11:11, 11:01, 1:11 and sometimes a different number with x:11, ex. 6:11 or 2:11. It’s been coming on more and more and daily I see this without liking for it every time I look at the time on my phone or on a clock. I do have a ministry of Helps and the Lord has been showing more shifting, adjusting and transitioning myself and the ministry. But doesn’t 11 also represent some sort of judgement?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 17, 2018

      Hey Catherine. What Doug has found for the number 11 he has included in the blog post. If you feel the number has a different meaning you can ask the Holy Spirit to show you what it could mean. Bless you!

        • Eddie Hill
        • September 24, 2018

        I’ve been seeing 11:11, 1:11 for almost a year now. Before this, it was 9:11, and that started in 2011. I’m now starting to see it on Facebook, 111likes, 111 coments ect… My spiritual life has been in a transitional phase since 11:11, 1:11. Luke 11:11 speaks to me, as it mentions the Father giving his children who ask, the Holy Spirit. I believe this is what has happened to me when I was baptized almost a year ago.

          • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
          • September 24, 2018

          Awesome! Thanks for sharing Eddie! Bless you!

    • Sharon Mack
    • September 16, 2018

    For about a year and a half I saw 1234 all over the place. I talked to my sister in law, who is a Spirit filled Christian, about what she thought. She felt led to check the Strong’s Concordance. This is what she found:

    ◄ 1234. baqa ►
    Strong’s Concordance
    baqa: to cleave, break open or through
    Original Word: בָּקַע
    Part of Speech: Verb
    Transliteration: baqa
    Phonetic Spelling: (baw-kah’)
    Short Definition: split

    After she shared this with me, I didn’t see it anymore but, I started seeing 1111. I started taking pictures every time I saw it. I have dozens of pictures of 1111 and a few 111 for the last 6-8 months. The concordordance didn’t seem to apply this time but I found your page. I wanted a Biblical, not a new age, perspective and I got it here. I’ve been praying for healing for fibromyalgia because I had to quit teaching special education. I’ve also been praying about finances to help special needs adults because there is such a need after high school. If God gives you a calling, He will also provide for that calling!
    Thank you for writing this!

  6. Reply

    Was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer in feb.

    Since then I’ve started seeing 11:11 – 1:11 and 4:44.
    At first was the odd occasion. Now I see it all the time.
    On a daily basis almost.
    I’m wondering what it’s trying to tell me – I don’t quite understand yet.

    I’m embarking on a spiritual and emotional healing side of things this week and have an intense healing session coming up soon.

    I’m in the middle of fighting this and have my ups and downs – lots of tears and lots of laughter – lots of fears and lots of trying to stay positive.

    A few people have tried to take from me while I’ve been ill, and I’ve addressed things with them and spoken out which I am usually too shy to do so I bottle up my anger and disappointment and use to ask my mum to sort stuff but this time I faced them on my own which made me feel guilty but good for letting it all out.
    So, I’m wondering what’s going on? I’ve been afraid I’m not making the right decisions by my health or healing – but maybe I am making good decisions – I don’t know? I’m confused at the hidden messages?


  7. Reply

    I’ve been seeing the numbers 11:11 – 1:11 and 4:44 all the time in the past 5-6 months. At first it was now and then – now it’s ALL THE TIME! It’s freaky.
    I was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer in feb and have been on a roller coaster journey with it. To doctors surprise I’m actually doing quite well and bloods and stuff come back good. I’m up and about apart from tumours on my spine which I’ve pushed to get surgery done on. My theory is if I can fix my back then I can have a good go at dealing with the rest without the back pain.
    So, lots of treatments going on, and I’m going through the motions. Some days good some days not so, and I wonder if it’s a healing crisis sometimes as I come right the following day.
    These numbers have been crossing my path on a daily basis now almost. I dont know what it’s trying to tell me.
    I’ve also been doing a lot of spiritual and emotional healing and we are about to embark on a very intense healing next week.
    What’s your views on the whole situation?
    I don’t know whether my life depends on what’s happening right now and trying to get a message across or is it trying to prepare me for what I fear most – death

    • Carol D. Foster
    • August 30, 2018

    Hi. And thank you for your insight.
    I first learned about numerology in my teens. That is when I realize my name was a 22 for my first name and 11 for my last name. My understanding at that time was 11 should stand alone and that was a warning to be careful and fortold of unexpected problems and trouble. With that in mind , I started to use my middle Initial to balance the numbers. I have always been wary of the number eleven. And have try to avoided it when making important decision. On days that are 11 or 22, I remind myself to be extra careful. So my question is. Should I continue to gave these concerns. It should I embrace that I live by these numbers every day. Since my name is 2211. PS. This has been for Iver many years since I am over 50 years old.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 5, 2018

      Hey Carol! Some numerology out there is not rooted in Biblical interpretation. We recommend looking at numbers through a lens of Christianity. 11 is often a number correlation to transition in the Bible, which does not need to be feared. God bless you!

    • Jon
    • August 30, 2018

    I keep seeing 1:11 and 11:11 and I have been trying to overcome my past sins after being saved. I knew better than to do what I did and I can’t seem to get this off my back. Does seeing these numbers indicate God is going to restore me?

    • Janis
    • August 28, 2018

    Hi, and thank you! My question: is there often trial & tribulation/persecution during the transition? Rather than before? Thank you, and many blessings.

    • Anne Terranova
    • August 6, 2018

    I am retired and living on social security. I am
    getting help from my siblings, and am looking
    for cheaper housing, and looking for a job so
    my family don’t have to give me money. I have
    been seeing 11:11 consistently for over a year.
    A month or so just for the heck of it I looked
    at houses in the next town from my daughter.
    Ironically the house number is the same and
    is only 1 mile directly on the same road that
    leads to her house. I have been praying for a
    house, but I don’t have the money of course.
    Is it wrong for me to ask for a house. The
    town has mountains and lakes. I was born in
    the spirit, so I am hoping for blessings.
    Please answer me if possible.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 13, 2018

      Hey Anne! No, it is not wrong to ask for a house. I am agreeing with you for a beautiful home. God bless you!

    • Lori
    • July 26, 2018

    I have been seeing number 11 everywhere since late last year, and I knew it in my heart that God was using this number to speak to me. I’m glad to have found this website. Whatever Doug has written here is already happening to me. I know that God is preparing me for a bigger harvest, and to shepherd His people. God is good.I have found a part of the answers to my questions. I had been so frustrated about what God had to say about this number, but today I found an answer. I know that God wants to say something more. Actually as I am writing this I see number 11 again. It is so intense.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 31, 2018

      Wonderful Lori, I am so glad that you were able to get some clarity on the number 11. God bless you!

    • Joe V
    • July 12, 2018

    Thank you. I’ve seen 11:11 on my car clock regularly this month and also felt God speak to me about 11:12 so God spoke to me about praying 11-12 every night this week to transition into our new season. Thank you for the revelation and prophetic insight. We just moved into our miracle house in a suburb called “Acadia” which means land of plenty. I believe it is the season. Thank you for the prophetic insight

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 16, 2018

      Wonderful! God bless you Joe!

    • Pranav Wilson
    • June 18, 2018

    Hie there , I’ve been seeing number 11:11 and 1:11 fsince past few months now and to be very frank I have started to see the change in my life. It’s like my life is changing ,changing for good . I’ve been stuck in dilemma for years and things didn’t work out in my life and I always prayed to god that I be healed and that all my problems may be taken away but now that things are actually falling in place and good things have started to happen, I suddenly saw 1:11 and I knew that something is up with this number . I have started to feel that now it’s time for me to take my life to a different level and god is with me

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 21, 2018

      God bless you Pranav as you step into everything God has for you!

  8. Reply

    It’s like everytime I look at the clock it’s either one one one two two two 3 3 3 or for 4 five five five and I don’t know what that has a biblical meaning that I continue to see on the clock the same times with the same minutes and is it random I can look at my radio clock it’ll be 2 to 2 2 hours later I can look at it before 4 for just by glancing at it not sitting there staring at it please if you could help me understand this why this is happening happening I would greatly appreciate it

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 6, 2018

      Hey Teresa! Doug wrote an awesome article on numbers that you can look at here. God bless you!

    • Angela
    • May 24, 2018

    I know it’s almost a year later since you wrote this, but I am seeing 111 or 1111 ALL THE TIME for about the past 3 months. Transition is exactly what I am feeling right now. Discovering my identity and moving into my original calling (vs me forcing things in my life). Very exciting.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 28, 2018

      That is wonderful Angela. Praying for things to be more clear for you as you step into everything God has for you.

    • Ranjini
    • May 24, 2018

    OMG, this was so profound – I have been seeing 11, most of my life but since August last year it started becoming apparent that it is “something”. I am born on the 11th, and in the tribe of Joseph(so I’ve been told by my friend who is journeying with me on this).
    – I would wake up, and see it on the clock, go to the shop and see an aisle with row of prices, 11,11,11,11. I would be in a queue and the 11th cashier would call me to be serviced, I would see on my pc, in my car….
    I now have an indication of what it is – but need to awaken to what the steps are that I should take….
    Thanks, this is the start of my journey to awakening to be ready for the transition, to take it boldly!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 6, 2018

      Wonderful! I am so glad that Doug’s blog post was helpful to you in understanding the meaning of 11. God bless you!

    • mechele
    • April 21, 2018

    Hi. I have been asking God what it means for me. I see 11, 111,1:11 and 11 in other numbers. My oldest granddaughter was born 11/11 and her sister was born 1/11. I am seeing these numbers constantly. It is so frequent I have begun actively seeking God for meaning. It has been 2 years since my daughter died. I am not sure it is transition. It has been 11 years since my first husband passed away. My husband (the second ) got an estimate for dental work, $711. There’s the 11. Receipt totals with $11 or ending in11 cents. Gen. 1:11?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 27, 2018

      I am so sorry about the loss of your daughter Mechele. We are unable to offer exact interpretation of numbers in a person’s life. We always suggest asking the Holy Spirit to show you if the numbers have a specific meaning in your life. God bless you <3.

    • Celeste
    • April 12, 2018

    What about 777….I’m likethoe others….11:11or 11:1 formany years 2008…My daughter since November 28thher twins birthday is when it started…itsniw April. She still sees it almost daily…on receipts,lisence plates, phone numbers you name it! Can you give me insight on this? I know 7 is Gods number “rest”

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 16, 2018

      Very cool Celeste! Doug wrote a blog post on more numbers here. Bless you and your daughter.

    • Sherry V"
    • April 10, 2018

    My Boyfriend has been seeing 11’s on the clock for a little over 2 years. I did not know this till he started bringing it up a little over a year ago, because it bothered him so badly. I used to think he was losing it, until December of 2016 I have see on the clock right on time, I can be doing anything out of the ordinary, working, driving, anything soon as I wake up 6:11, 7:11, 8:11, 9:11, 10:11, 11:11, 12:11, 1:11 etc all day long now I see 11’s just in passing like driving or anything. I am now going to buy my first home and the homes I look at some have 11. My boyfriend was born on 7/11 and I just cannot put my finger on it. I am at work and it turned 3:11 not too long ago, it happens every hour. I just wished I could understand it more. Sometimes it scares me and sometimes I just pray that I am doing the right thing in life or my angel is trying to tell me something.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 11, 2018

      Bless you Sherry! You do not need to be afraid, 1 John 4:18 says it best, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.”

      You can try sitting with God and ask Him to show you. God adores you Sherry, you are His love.

    • Deidre Churchill
    • March 24, 2018

    I have seen 11:11 or 1:11 at least daily ever since my mom died…on 11/11/01. Six months after she passed, my husband died (He was 32 and I just turned 30.) To say that my life has been in transition ever since is an understatement! I always felt like it was a sign but wasn’t sure what it means….

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 27, 2018

      I’m so glad you got some confirmation Deidre. I am so sorry for your losses though. Bless you during this time.

    • God's child
    • March 23, 2018

    Greetings. Thank you for this helpful post. It’s been long time that i have started to observe two numbers. From the beginning I knew it was from God. When I do good the good number appears when I do wrong the other number. I have never shared this with anyone. Sometimes I get afraid of disappointing God over getting obsessed about numbers. I have also struggled to ignore it but, it didn’t stope following me. By seeing this numbers I know when my prayer is heard and when I have to pray hard and behave well. Thanks to your post. I will consider it as a blessing and listen to the Lord when he directly speaks to me in numbers. May God bless you more and more.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 9, 2018

      I’m so glad this post was helpful to you! Bless you!

  9. Reply

    Thank you for this post. I see 1:11 or 11:11 all the time everywhere. On the back of a bus, videos that last 1 min and 11 sec, or a building number it also is my date of birth I was born on January 11th. My best friend and I are 1year 1 month and 1 day apart she’s my 111. I see it all the time as I mentioned and each time I feel a sense of peace and believe God to be saying that I’m on the right track and headed in the right direction. Anytime I am praying for direction I see it. 111 is my confirmation from my heavenly Father.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 15, 2018

      That is very cool Krystal! I love when God gives us confirmations. Bless you!

    • tebby Dee
    • March 12, 2018

    as from 11th February 2018 every morning when i check time from my phone i found it as 11:11. I told some of my some people working with . It was my first time since i was born, i had a shock.

    I do believe that God will take me from where i am and take me somewhere else.
    detronomi 11:11
    Joshua 1:11
    Be positive in life. thank you

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 12, 2018

      Wonderful Tebby! I would always see the clock at 1:11 too. I love how you are declaring those Bible verses over your life. You are blessed and God adores you.

    • Lydia
    • March 11, 2018

    I left a reply the other day…where is it?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 11, 2018

      Hey Lydia! Over the weekend it may take a few days because I have to review and comment on the blog posts. I remember you posted about your grandson. I am agreeing with you for God’s purpose and destiny over your grandsons life. <3

    • Lydia
    • March 9, 2018

    had a dream that my grandson fell off 11th floor ledge and died, I never saw his body. I read yours and someone else’s article and said 11 can mean judgement,chaos and

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 11, 2018

      Hey Lydia. We are not have the team in place to interpret dreams at the moment. Doug wrote an article on nightmares here. If you feel burden by the dream, take it to the Lord and ask Him what to do. God might be wanting you to intercede for your grandson.

    • AG
    • February 20, 2018

    This was so helpful. I, also have been seeing the numbers 11:11 & 1:11 almost daily for 3 months on my clock and cell phone. Thank you for your insight and wisdom into the scriptures.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 20, 2018

      Awesome AG! I am so glad this article brought you some clarity. Bless you!

    • T.J.
    • February 16, 2018

    I’ve been battling addiction to meth and other things that have gotten a foothold on me. See my problem is deep,. Im a believer who’s asked for forgiveness and excepted Christ as my Lord and Savior, only to fall to temptation and evil whispers, knowing full well the deliberate partaking and literally running as fast and far away as i can. One thing is for certain no matter how fast or far I run I can’t outnrun His Love and Mercy and Grace! Ive lost trust from family and friends, lost the love of my life and my 3 year old daughter because of what I’ve done, just a month ago we were on the right track to a reconciliation and what I thought was sobriety, only to lose it all in one stupid decision to listen to the whisper and get into my head. Long story short, I’ve been seeing the nunber 111 and 1111 A LOT!!!! I recently just came off of a binge and have been balling my eyes out and asking for God to deliver me and to return what the evil one has took from me. This article was extremely insightful and had given me hope. Thank you for sharing.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 1, 2018

      TJ, you are right, God loves you so much! I am agreeing with you for complete freedom in your life and for you to step into everything God has for you. I am so glad you found this article and it brought you insight. We are for you! Bless you!

  10. Reply

    Okay I don’t like sharing any part of my relationships little tips with God but the double numbers are angelic confirmations of timing within as far as I learned from myself. Josuah 9:9-16 about taking provision for your journey, so when I see that code I can know that’s for my own.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 7, 2018

      Hey Atiya! Doug mentions double numbers in his blog post here. He says when you see numbers line up on the clock like 2:22, 3:33, etc tt could be the meaning of the actual number or symbolic that things are about to line up for you. The only way to know for sure is to record it, watch for it and ask God for confirmation. Bless you!

    • Shiny
    • January 13, 2018

    Oh, I have seeing yet,1:11, 11:11, 12:12

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 14, 2018

      Awesome! Bless you!

    • Matthew
    • January 12, 2018

    What does 13 mean?

    • Dolores P
    • January 12, 2018

    I’ve been seeing a lot of same numbers 111,222,333,444,555,1111,1212,1010, even paid $33.33 and $6.66 I got scared so I added another item so it won’t be the number 666 this has been going on for everyday for the last 2 or 3 years
    Right the number 1111 came out and we’re on a new transition because my grandson who we adopted decided to come back home after being gone for almost a year This is going to be a new adjustment for me and his sister who stayed home with us the whole time

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 12, 2018

      Thanks for sharing Dolores! I am so glad he came back home! How wonderful. Praying now for your family during this transition.

    • Patricia Wolff
    • January 11, 2018

    I’ve been seeing these numbers for almost 10 yrs. why so long seeing these? Am I in constant transition? I knew about most of these scriptures. Thanks for more of them. I really wish to get to a better place than I have been in.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 12, 2018

      Hey Patricia. No, it means you are hearing God for you, your family, your work, and places you’re connected to in your community. When you see the numbers that prompt your spirit to pay attention, ask the Lord who or what it’s for and just bless that area with hearing God and coming into alignment with God’s plan. Bless you Patricia. Agreeing with you to step into everything God has for you. He loves you so much.

    • Vae
    • January 11, 2018

    There’s someone I’ve been praying for and feeling in my spirit heavily as if something is burdening them. For the last few years our relationship has been extremely damaged. I’ve been praying for restoration and have had dreams of resortation as well as prophysies. This person usually doesn’t reach out to me but has started in small ways by texting. One night while covering the person in prayer for a few hours,strangely after the prayer I received a heart from the person at 11:11pm. Could this be a sign of God working and using that time as an indication?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 12, 2018

      Wow Vae, that is awesome! You can ask God what it means for you. Bless you and your relationship with this person <3.

  11. Reply

    I see 3:33 all the time,been seeing it for years. I went through a period of time I would wake up at 3:33 every morning. I always see it in my everyday goings on. I see it on my phone in my car on the digital cable box and at the grocery store.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 12, 2018

      Thanks for sharing Stacy! Bless you!

    • Tamara Solomonson
    • January 11, 2018

    Interesting revelation. I would disagree with one thing. I do not see God portraying Himself as mean or judgemental in the Old Testament. He is righteous and holy and always acting in accord with this reality which ultimately is for the good of His loved creation. His judgement of sin is actually His mercy. We never would have seen a savior without it.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 1, 2018

      Thanks for sharing Tamara! We would agree with that. What Doug meant was how some people have perceived God in the Old Testament. Bless you!

    • Damir
    • January 11, 2018

    Thanks Doug. What would it mean when there was the case with 22:22, 23:32, 21:12 or 20:20?

    • Yvonne Davie
    • January 11, 2018

    I was born on 11-11! What does that mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 15, 2018

      Hey Yvonne! We do not have birth date interpretations <3. Bless you!

    • Patricia Stauffer
    • January 11, 2018

    Thank you Doug for the word. I found it very interesting in more ways then one. For one, today is my birthday. 🙂 And I love this word for today.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 11, 2018

      Happy Birthday Patricia! May this age be one of your best yet! Bless you!

    • Michelle
    • January 11, 2018

    The numbers I regularly see on the clock are 7:11, which also happens to be my birthday. Im just not yet sure of the meaning.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 12, 2018

      Hey Michelle. Seeing your birth date on the clock often can mean God is getting your attention about giving you gifts. He wants you to know He is blessing you. So bless you Michelle! You are a beloved daughter of God.

    • Kelly W
    • January 11, 2018

    Hi Doug
    This has been quite interesting to understand what the number 11 means. For a few years now I see 10:11 all the time! Everywhere I go, I see 10:11. It is also my one son’s birthday. Can you help me decipher what God is saying in these 2 numbers?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 11, 2018

      Hey Kelly! With numbers it could be the meaning of the actual number or symbolic for something else. It could be related to your son since its his birthday or it could be something else like a Bible verse. The only way to know for sure is to record it, watch for it and ask God for confirmation. Bless you!

    • Susan Waguespavk
    • January 10, 2018

    Thank you, this was so enlightening.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 11, 2018

      Wonderful Susan. I am so glad you enjoyed it. Bless you!

    • Nora Alvarez
    • January 4, 2018

    Can transition mean good or bad?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 10, 2018

      God always intends transition to be good for us, though we most likely have to walk through trials to get us to where He wants us.

    • Yesi
    • December 28, 2017

    I have been seeing 8:17 for the past couple of years on everything like clocks, receipts, texts. My birthday happens to be 8:17 and my sons due date was 8:17 though he was born earlier . Still seeing it constantly

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 28, 2017

      How cool Yesi. I started seeing my birthday on the clock a lot about a year ago as well. This is a time God is reminding you of His blessings in your life. I started to see it during a very hard time in my life where there was lots of heart ache, but also tons of blessing. When you see it, you can think of it as God smiling at you, letting you know He’s got you and loves you so much.

    • Kerry Mischka
    • December 14, 2017

    Praise God….the Holy Spirit woke me up at 3am yesterday and would not let me go back to sleep. He specifically told me to “look up the biblical significance of the #11”. I have been asking the Lord to reveal to me what He meant and I believe that this is from Him. Thank You!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 14, 2017

      Yay! That is wonderful Kerry! Bless you!

    • Bill
    • November 11, 2017

    Excellent read. I have been seeng 11/11 and 1:11 since 2002

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 13, 2017

      Glad you enjoyed it Bill. Bless you!

    • Karen Coaxum
    • October 14, 2017

    Hi Nikki I’ve been finding pennies lately. I went to the library today and when I sit down I noticed a shiny penny that was on heads I picked it up and I looked at the year and it was the year of my boyfriend birthday within that same day I went to the store to buy a few items and the receipt had his birth month and day on it. So recently I’ve been seeing the number 11 on a piece of furniture in a book that I’m reading on a room door then after that someone calls out my boyfriend’s name yeah! I was in the hospital which the one I work at and I happened to walk by a patient room and she calls me my boyfriend’s name she said it’s so loud I thought she was talking to me. What could this possibly means

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 17, 2017

      Hey Karen, I would ask God about it and see what you feel in your heart that He is saying. It makes me think that is a strong reminder to be praying for your boyfriend. Often when I see a name a lot or something relating to someone, I think its either God guiding me to pray for them or there is something about that person God wants to tell me. It just depends. Finding pennies a lot is finding change. There could be change coming in your life. Again, keep doing what your doing which is noticing these awesome occurrences and asking God to show you. Bless you!

    • Sara
    • October 9, 2017

    It’s a blessing to find this article! I found it when I began doing research about the number 11, for the past three months I see the clock at 11:11 almost every day and often times immediately after daydreaming. Ive also found that the number 7 is quite present. My father passed 7 years ago, is 2017, I’m 27, I work on the 7th floor, and a man once told me my life would change at 27, could this be confirmation from God?

    • Hannah
    • September 18, 2017

    I have seen 9:11 for at least 18 months now. This helps with the “11;” How the “9”?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 19, 2017

      9:11 can mean a few things. It could mean its an urgent time to pray, or look up those numbers and see if a Bible verse seems to jump out at you with 9:11. Hope that helps! 🙂

  12. Reply

    Thank you for the insight and revelation on 11:11. I too have been seeing these numbers for quite some time now and felt it was from the Lord. I now will pay closer attention to all that it means for me and TRUST what God is preparing for me.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 5, 2017

      Wonderful Sherill. As you continue to pay more attention to numbers they will start to stick out to you more and it will be super fun to see God speak in a new way to you!

    • Ruth Henley
    • August 31, 2017

    So I got to DMV today at 2:30pm for a 2:45pm appt. The woman at check in desk couldn’t access the appts on computer– for some reason–so she gave me a “priority” number. The ticket # was: “1 110”.

    With in minutes my name was called to report to the open booth. Guess what the station # was? 11… ahhh!!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 1, 2017

      Love that Ruth! Favor of the Lord right there. Which is always extra wonderful at the DMV haha!

    • Wanda Claus
    • August 29, 2017

    Dear Doug & Team,
    This is where I saw this writing about the numbers 11:11. I knew this was something for me. I’ve been seeing 11:11 & 1:11 lately and have been looking into Word. What Doug says about crossing the Jordan and taking possession of the land is what I needed to hear!!
    I’m in a hard place right now, (for 11+ years) almost given up hope. God knows what I need and it is definitely on the other side of this desert I’ve been in. I’m so glad the Lord directed me to this article. Thank you! Wanda

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 31, 2017

      Bless you Wanda for still having such hope! You are loved and seen by God, He knows exactly what you need during this season of your life. 11 years is a long time, God has been with you through it all. I admire your strength of still holding on.

      Here is an article Doug wrote on difficult times,

      Bless you!

    • Cindy
    • August 26, 2017

    Hi Doug,
    Long story short, I attended one of your conferences in CO about 7 yrs ago. I had been seeing 111 for nearly 2 years by that time and in the middle of speaking, Jamie Galloway asked who there had been seeing 111. My knees nearly buckled. I had been begging God to please reveal the purpose of this ‘haunting’, or was I just going crazy! There were two of us. He said God wanted us to know that Joshua 1:11 was for us that stood up. I have prayed and asked for interpretation from God. He seems to have me on alert but nothing specific is happening. I feel that I am watching continually, waiting for the ‘timing’, the ‘green light’. Can you speak to that at all?
    Thank you!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 29, 2017

      Hey Cindy. How cool you were at one of Doug’s conferences. So if you felt that was for you, then God may want you to be praying into Joshua 1:11, which you may do doing already. I cannot give an exact answer, as this is between you and God. But looking at the the verse, it is addressing how they about to enter into the Promise Land and to get ready to leave the wilderness. Sounds like an awesome situation to get prepared for blessing. How does this apply to you? Are you made to be an encourager and help bring people out of the wilderness and into the promise land? Are you someone who has the faith in the wilderness to say, ‘Guy’s we’re so close! Get ready! Expect great things!” If so, that could be what God wants you to be doing. We need people like that during these times when many people are discharged and feel stuck in the wilderness. Bless you!

    • LaNette
    • August 25, 2017

    Several years ago, I had a pastor that preached on Deut 1:11. Saying God increased 1000 times more in 1000 ways more. I have seen this so many times recently (111 or 1111) I just thank God when I see this, for whatever that is and whatever it means to me.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 29, 2017

      I love that LaNette. That was the first reoccurring number I always saw too, and my friend told me about Deut 1:11 as well. What a beautiful verse to be reminded of often!

  13. Reply

    It is a calling out to a special breed.. a gathering of people uniquely touched by God for his purposes in earth that only communion with God will release to them. Our spiritual heritage!! Jesus calling!!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 29, 2017

      Thank you Bonnie! God is so good!

    • Pat
    • August 25, 2017

    I see 1212, 717 and 818 since last yr. Please help.

    • Catalina
    • August 25, 2017

    I have been seeing 1:11 or 11:11 almost everyday
    Since the beginning of the yr .
    Of course I have been dreaming carrying a white
    Baby boy then I saw marble falls I went into the water swam backward with the baby in my arms.
    The water was blue and beautiful.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 31, 2017

      Thanks for sharing Cathy! What a cool dream. Bless you!

    • Libby
    • August 25, 2017

    What a blessing! I’ve been seeing 11:11
    and 1:11 since around 1985. I’ve also been
    Seeing 333 and 777. But mostly and steadily
    the (11’s.) have been more prominent!
    They seem to be the gateway in my life, in fact
    I did a painting with 11:11 in it as white pillars.
    It is a very symbolic art piece that tells a story.
    And I left a message in one of my albums re:11:11.
    Anyway. I knew it had to be linked God, I’ve
    been feeling it all these years. Seeing it in Deuteronomy 11:11 NIV, just confirms it along with your article. Thank you for this! ✨💖✨

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 25, 2017

      Awesome Libby. How cool that you painted 11:11. I’m sure it is a beautiful painting. Bless you and your artistic gift.

    • Gloria
    • August 25, 2017

    I have been seeing 11:11 every time I look at the time on my phone. This has happened several times this year and it concerned me so much because I was thinking this could not be a coincidence. I looked for biblical meanings of this number and it means several things including disorder and chaos so I didn’t know what to do but deep in my heart I have been thinking it could as well be a transition happening in my life. When I saw Doug’s article today, I was so amazed because the article answered my questions, secondly somebody else was seeing same numbers! God’s ways of doing things amazes me. Lord thank you for transition and revelation happening to my life, my family and other people in your body

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 25, 2017

      Woohoo! Bless you Gloria!

    • sylvia peterson
    • August 25, 2017

    i have seen 11:11 and 1:11 for several years. i just knew it meant sonething. i bought a house and my address is 1111.
    i feel a incredible breakthrough is coming. thx 4 encouragement

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 25, 2017

      Awesome! Congratulations on the new home! That is so exciting. Praying now that God’s presence fills your new place.

    • Grant
    • August 25, 2017

    I’ve been noticing 11:11 on clocks much more frequently over the past few weeks and have been asking God about it. I have been feeling that a transition is coming and this has just boosted my faith for that. Thank you!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 25, 2017

      Woohoo! That is awesome Grant. I love that you took notice. Bless you!

    • Christine gregory
    • August 25, 2017


    I found this extremely interesting. Thank you. I have been seeing 9:11 constantly on clocks etc for years. At first I was terrified if meant a disaster like 9:11 in USA!! Someone told me it meant healing and deliverance ministry like Luke 9:11 indicates. During this time I have been having very deep spiritual ministry and deliverance from childhood trauma/issues. Would be interested in your opinion in what 9:11 indicates??

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 25, 2017

      Hey Christine! It all depends. See what happens when you see that time and keep track. The thing about some numbers if they mean other things to other people and God may be trying to tell you something that fits your situation specifically. Ask God and He will keep talking to you and make it more known :).

  14. Reply

    Hi Doug,

    I started seeing 11:11 in 2015 and it is so good to hear more about that.
    I so appreciate your insight and understanding of what is happening right now in our times. I read all your blogs and look forward to what you are hearing from the Lord.

    Thank you

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 25, 2017

      Wonderful LuAnna. Thanks for following Doug’s posts. Bless you!

    • Carole Hofmann
    • August 24, 2017

    Yes!! I keep seeing over and over and over. I’ve seen it before but never as much as now. I’ve also been seeing 2:22, 3:33… and all the numbers duplicated. It’s crazy. But not as much as 11:11 and 1:11.
    On our drive home just today I said to my husband, “I feel that it is time for us to not be challenged financially anymore. Like a shift is happening.” Then I said that we should keep our eyes open for new opportunities and options financially. Wow, this is quite an awesome confirmation. Thanks for sharing it!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 25, 2017

      Awesome Carole! Bless you and your husband as you both step into a new season of financial blessings.

    • Cameron McDonald
    • August 24, 2017

    I have been seeing 11:11 or some variation of 11 as well as 3:33 or 33…more than a dozen times a day every day for the past year and a half! Not exagerarinh to say that some days I will see these numbers 50 times or more. Recently it has been 22 and 44 added in a lot…as well as 48.

    • Dawna Heske
    • August 24, 2017

    Thanks for this confirming word. Doug bless you for your obedience to the Lord. I have been seeing 1111 as well as 211, 311, 411, 511, and so on this has been going on for a year or so. Do you have somewhere I can look these up or help me with what they mean.

    • Lisa
    • August 24, 2017

    Hi Doug I have been seeing 1111 every day for two weeks also 555 and 333. What are the meaning of the 5s and the 3s?
    Thanks so much!

    • Bionca
    • August 24, 2017

    I’ve been seeing 1:11 for most of this year! I’ve grown so much spiritually in 2017 and I continue to wait for the Lord to bring to pass things spoken over me for the last past couple of years! I thank God for showing me things that I didn’t know or believe about myself! I thank him for this transitional period. I’m being prepared for my new season! Hallelujah

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 25, 2017

      Awesome Bionca. You are a mighty woman of God. Bless you during this season of growth. I too see 1:11 often :).

    • Esther Hernandez
    • August 24, 2017

    First 3 months of this year had a wonderful time learning and attending courses to be ordained. I received my certificate and by the next night I was fighting for my life on a vacation we had just arrived to in Cozumel. I was flown home to hospital and had surgery and recovered at home. At home, I discovered immoral sexual activity husband was involved with!!! Divorce finalized in August after 21 yrs! Now my daughters and I will be looking for our new home (our promise land). A place where the Lord will be continually with us. Needless to say, I have seen 11:11 ALL YEAR LONG!!!! People of God, please pray for direction towards our new home!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 25, 2017

      Wow, Esther. Thank you for sharing your heart. I am so sorry to hear about that. Praying now for all of you to have wisdom and guidance during this time. <3

    • Leah Witherspoon
    • August 24, 2017

    I loved this article on the number 11! I have also been seeing multiple numerical sequences in time and others places a lot lately (ie. 2:22, 4:44, 555, etc) Is there a correlation between the meaning of 11:11? Does it also mean transition and revelation?

  15. Reply

    I follow you on FB, I saw this referendum just now on your wall.

    Such a profound word.

    On 1/11/2011 I was visited by our Father and ever since then my life has changed.

    I saw Jeremiah 1 : 11 about the Almond bud and the rod. Also Deut. 1:11 our Holy Spirit showed me about multiplication.
    Then about giving in Ecc.11:1.

    Thank you so much for sharing. My eyes have been opened.

    Abundant blessings to you and yours and your ministry. Fresh daily infilling of His presence.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 24, 2017

      How cool Cheryl! I love that! What an amazing experience you have had the past few years. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful testimony with us.

    • Lynn Mattina
    • August 24, 2017

    This blog was so clear and helpful. I’ve seen 11:11 and 1:11 for years and years. This number has not been my friend. Through it I’ve lost a marriage, lost my father, lost my home due to job loss and had to move out of state – away from everything I know. I’ve been incredibly devalued in the business world. I’ve recently moved to Salt Lake City. This is a land of tall mountains and beautiful valleys. There is even a Jordan River south of here! This prophesy is a literal thing for me and my hope is returning knowing that I’m supposed to be here and the Lord will raise me up with my heart’s desire for my ministry destiny. Thanks Doug!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 24, 2017

      I am sorry for your losses Lynn. You are so precious to God. I pray now that the desires of your heart for ministry come to pass. Congratulations on the new move though, I have heard Salt Lake City is beautiful. May this new season be filled with such joy and passion for all the things God is doing in your life!

  16. Reply

    Hey All of You with Doug:

    I had been seeing 11:11 frequently but was hearing something different. I have been hearing it was time. IT spoke to me a yes from the Lord, from our Abba. In digital language, 0 is no and 1 is yes. The priests, I should say High Priest (like Jesus is for us), under the old covenant had the Urim and Thumim, stones in the breastplate he wore. David would consult the Lord for a yes and no. All God’s words to us are yes and amen in Christ. When we ask God for direction, He responds with yes or no, sometimes after a conversation in which He imparts understanding of the matter. Jesus said, “Let your yes be yes , and your no be no.” Everything else can get us distracted. I am listentening while I right. Oh, the times I have waffled, but He is so gracious and patient.
    When I was seeing 11:11, I heard great encouragement to keep right on going where I was headed. Four yeses from him are better than 1. Whoops, another 1! Hahaha.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 24, 2017

      Yes! Thank you so much for sharing Mark. I love that you have already been hearing God speak to you through this number. I bless your ability to hear God!

    • Tammy Williams
    • August 24, 2017

    May the Lord Bless you Doug Addison !!! Thank you for your prophetic words.This number 11 you talk about, is one of the numbers we keep seeing,we see literally EVERYDAY,all of our computers,clocks even at work !!! WOW !!! !!!! When I read this ( thank you for the email) I cried so much,I was overwhelmed by the holy spirit as we have been waiting( and still are) for our breakthrough,this tells me so much. Can you please tell me , What does it mean when God has given you a month,day and year of a promise you expected and it hasn’t came to pass yet? ( date already passed) I hope you can give me some insight on this Thank you and God Bless.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 25, 2017

      Hey Tammy, it depends. It could be that it got delayed for some reason or you might of heard differently than what He was saying. You can go to God and ask Him what happened. It might take a little to get the answer but as you seek the answer from Him He will answer you in time. Praying now that God gives you insight on that date. Bless you <3.

        • Tammy Williams
        • August 25, 2017

        Thank you and God Bless you too.Yes I seek him everyday,many hours a day and week with him in my garden.I know God is good and it will come.Thank you so very much,Bless you

          • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
          • August 29, 2017

          Wonderful, that is amazing you do that. I love your attitude, reminds me of that song, “He’s in the waiting.” Bless you.

    • Dr. Arleezah Marrah
    • August 24, 2017

    Thank you. I have been seeing these number the summer and this just confirmed so much and the season that God has revealed that I am in. Praise God.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 24, 2017

      Awesome Dr. Areleezah! I love that you took notice of seeing them. Bless you during this season of transition, may you come out stronger than ever! 🙂

    • Kimberly Valentin
    • August 24, 2017

    Thank you do much for that!! I have been seeing this for months! I also have been going through transition as well as grieving the death of my mother.It has been 7 months.I have searched for meaning about 11:11 but this article really helped me to see clearly why and what His is wanting me to know. Amen! Praise God!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 24, 2017

      You’re welcome Kimberly. I’m so sorry about your mother. That is never an easy thing. My heart goes out to you and your family. <3

    • Karen S.
    • August 24, 2017

    Oh, wow! This is right on target for me. The Lord has shown me over the past several months the importance of the number 11 (and the number 22) in my life, and this really confirms what He has already shown me and also what He has in store! Thank you, Doug.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 24, 2017

      Love that Karen, two great numbers to see often. Bless you! <3

  17. Reply

    Thank You!!!
    Since March 24th I’ve been seeing 11:11 or 1:11. It started out once a month and has gotten more and more until now it’s daily! Even when it’s not 11:11 I see it, like last night i looked at my husbands clock and it showed 11:11, but it was really 10:45. He sets it early to get up in time. I’ve had no clue what it meant, and tried to find answers, but nothing as complete as this! We are in our early 60s and have been walking through unemployment off and on for 9 years, and are currently unemployed. I believe the provision that is coming will open a way to move forward in ministry as He has been preparing, teaching, and revealing Himself to us! I’m so excited to read this. It’s as if you wrote it specifically for Me! THANK YOU!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 25, 2017

      Aw, I love that Patty. Thank you for taking the time and reading it. Bless you and your husband, praying now that the Lord provides financial blessings for you guys.

    • Laura Hoff
    • August 24, 2017

    Hello Doug – I often see the numbers 44 or 444 and wondered if there was a spiritual meaning with these numbers as well. Blessings! Laura

    • Patricia
    • August 24, 2017

    My birthday is 1/11. 🙂

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 24, 2017

      Woohoo! Good day to be born my friend!

  18. Reply

    I have followed these words daily for 4 years and they have marked my life journey prophetically with acuracy and amazement. I have seen 11:11 so often that I have shared it with others. Today, again, I am in awe of Daddy Gods insight.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 24, 2017

      Oh wow, how cool! Thanks for being apart of InLight for so long. I love hearing stories like that. Bless you during this season of transition.

    • Jurita Burger
    • August 24, 2017

    Excellent read! I see the number before a big season usually, the first time was when my mother decided to go online with her business (I was helping with the transition) and I saw it again this year, and I absolutely love how God can have many meanings to one number 😀 I wanted to share with you the verse that was applicable for me in a previous season 🙂 It is Deuteronomy 1:11 NKJV: May the Lord God of your fathers make you a thousand times more numerous than you are, and bless you as He has promised you!
    A pastor on GodTV talked about the number and what it meant to her in that season, (saw this during the week number 111 was coming at me ) and for her it was financial increase, more than a 100fold, So I decided to sow an over and above to where God lead me, I received a 100fold return just 12 days after sowing 🙂 God is awesome ♥ and I love how he can use anything to talk to us, we just have to listen and pay attention

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 25, 2017

      Thanks for sharing that Jurita. Yes, I too have seen 1:11 often and was told about that verse. I love it as it totally applied to my situation as well. You’re right, God is so awesome how He can talk to us through so many different ways. Bless you!

    • Tina
    • August 24, 2017

    My goodness! Thank you for this. For almost a year and a half now I have not only being seeing 11:11 everywhere but a lot of double numbers. On clocks, address signs, sign posts…thank you for explaining this. I am laughing so hard right now.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 24, 2017

      Haha! Yay Tina! Yes, it is awesome to get revelation for something you’ve been wondering about for a while :).

    • Rob Filler
    • August 24, 2017

    Doug thank you for your leadership and revelation you share daily, God has spoken to me constantly since I discovered you several months ago, 2017 has been a hard year, through my obedience and even disobedience God has continued to speak to me through your ministry, What I thought was going to be my best year ever hasn’t panned out..YET! I’m still believing though that the best is yet to come, Also I’ve seen 1:11 constantly for over a year! God Bless!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 24, 2017

      Great attitude Rob! You are a mighty man of God. Keep it up :).

    • Rebecca Randolph
    • August 24, 2017

    Hi Doug, This is a very timely and encouraging word for me. It brings confirmation for so many sudden and unexpected transitions in my life this summer. It also has given me greater clarity to why I am quite often and continuously seeing both 1:11 and 11:11. It has been increasing since June as well. I had considered writing you just a few days ago to elaborate on these numbers. Thanks so much for sharing. Really appreciate it.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 24, 2017

      Ha! I love that! You are in tune with God and what He is saying. Bless you Rebecca!

    • Raya Perejogin
    • August 24, 2017

    That’s interesting as I see 11:11 all the time and recently my husband and I stayed in a hotel and we were upgraded to 11 th floor and our room was 1111.
    Thank you for explaining..

      • Kathy Geyer
      • August 24, 2017

      My son and I have been seeing 1111 for about nine months. I will get a prophetic e mail from Elijah List.
      at 1111, my grocery receipt was $11.11. I get texts at 11:11.

        • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
        • August 25, 2017

        Your son could be going through a season of transition. Bless you both!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 24, 2017

      How cool, Raya! I love when things like that happen. God is always speaking in such cool ways to us.

    • Carol
    • August 24, 2017

    I keep seeing 444 what does that mean?

  19. Reply

    Wow I’ve been wondering why I see 11:11no’clock or 1:11 and sometimes 2:22 either that much everyday
    Myself and my wife kept asking these meaning in our spiritual journey in transition. Hallelujah Praise God! This prophetic message what we are exactly asking for this season. What a awesome God! I’m so excited and grateful to this message..Thanks Doug

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 25, 2017

      I love that you are your wife were wondering about the numbers and how it related to your journey. It’s always good to take notice of these things and ask those questions. Bless you and your wife, may you both grow so much together <3.

  20. Reply

    Just what I have been seeing a pocket watch at 11:00 ! Doug pray for me it’s been such a long agonizing wait. Lord come quickly I pray we love n need You so deeply! Thank you for confirming my visions via Doug
    ! Yeshua do what only You can do my Beloved 🙏❤️

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 25, 2017

      Praying now for you, AnnMarie, that God comforts you and gives you the desires of your heart.

    • Mary Kraynik
    • August 24, 2017

    I ordered my material on dreams, over 3 weeks ago, when can i expect them? They were paid for, and the info said they were being sent.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 25, 2017

      Hey Mary! I’m sorry about that! We sent you the information back on August 9th. I have resent you the login for it. Please email me at for further questions. Bless you!

    • Latoya Prather
    • August 24, 2017

    Just wondering if I could get a prophetic word over my life. I need it.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 24, 2017

      Hello Latoya. Doug does not get prophetic words over the internet. I pray now that God gives your direction as to what to do next in this season of your life. Bless you!

    • Ekeobong D. Utibe
    • August 24, 2017

    I have been seeing the number 11 since college. I remember calling my mother asking her if God speaks through numbers and she said He can speak through anything. A few years later, I got a prophetic word confirming that God has been speaking to me through numbers and to do my research on the meaning of the number I see. I noticed that I saw the number 11 before major transitions in my life. I would start seeing it before I even knew that a transition would be coming, and it alerted me to be prepared for a shift. So I am grateful for the article. It just confirms that this is actually God and I’m not crazy and that this number does mean what I felt it meant.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 24, 2017

      Yes! You have a wise mama :). I love how you took notice of it at a younger age. Bless you and your ability to hear God.

    • Khomotso Dorcas Maja
    • August 24, 2017

    Good day Doug

    May our good God keep you and preserve you for
    greatness.May He richly and abundantly bless your
    family going in and going out.You have really helped me so much in my daily Spiritual walk with Christ.
    You are a blessing and an angel in my life.I Love your
    whole family

    kind regards

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 24, 2017

      Wow, Khomotso, thank you so much for your kind words. We appreciate your blessing and kind prayers for Doug and his family. We love you too and pray that you are greatly blessed and receive all God has for you. <3

    • Lee
    • August 24, 2017

    1:11 and 11:11 has been appearing on my multiple time watch or phone for the past 6+ months. This article has confirmed about transition. I just recently entered a tough season so Im wondering if thats also an indicator it is a sign before transition.

      • Kimberly Peoples
      • February 7, 2019

      I was born on 11/11 amd for months now ever time I look at the clock it’s 11:11 or 1:11 or I got to the store and my bill is $1:11 What’s God tell me???

        • Patsy Shannon
        • February 14, 2019

        Kimberly Peoples, I understand your feeling; there’s 3 generations born on 11-11, me, my mother and her mother; Not only is that on Armistice Day (Veterans Day), but now have just learned the Mayflower Compact was written on November 11th, add to that, I’ve been living in Delaware for nearly 7yrs now. It’s known as the 1st state because it was the first to ratify the Constitution of U.S. I can’t help but believe there’s a greater significance to all of this…but nothing very clear. I’ve looked at different scriptures and seen some commentary such as Mr. Addison’s but nothing really resonates within my spirit other than it’s Significant.

          • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
          • February 15, 2019

          Yes, the best way to know what a number means is ask God. He may not reveal it to you right away but if God wants you to know He will show you. God bless you both!

        • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
        • February 7, 2019

        Do a search in the Bible for verses with 11 and see if any stick out to you. Bless you!

      • Kim Mcclain
      • April 5, 2018

      This site is very interesting. I meditate and know some of my purpose. Today is 4/5/18, this is a interesting day for me. I have been on the computer all day. Today 3:33am, then 12:12pm, then 1:11 pm. Now I am pretty sure you would be like me and try to figure this out. I have also saw 1:11, 2 times again at the end of March. I went to other sites that were negative about this and said ppl with these numbers are going to hell. NO I DONT BELIEVE THAT. I meditate. I am a Empath. I talk to God, I talk to angels. I believe this is a positive message from our God or Angels. My intuition tells me this. God news or bad, don’t know or just looking it up now. But God has ways of letting us get them through different ways, do you agree? I just want to see what you say maybe others. Blessings to you and others on this site

        • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
        • April 6, 2018

        Hey Kim! I am so glad you found our website. That is wonderful you some of your purpose. Doug has a great podcast on clues to finding your purpose that you can listen to here. You might also be interested in Doug’s free e-book on how dreams in the night can reveal our purpose. You can read that here. I am excited for what God is doing in your life Kim. Bless you!

          • Loretta
          • January 9, 2019

          Yes I too see different numbers a lot I have realized in the last 3 to 4 months…111…222…1212…1111..333…444..I do t know what to gather from all of them… 🙁 please help me to understand why the lord is letting me see these specific numbers …they are seen at different times some I don’t see everyday. It happens sporadically…

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 24, 2017

      Yes Lee, it can be before transition, just as we can have a dream about a blessing before the blessing is here. It is often to prepare us for what is ahead and have eyes to see. You are awesome and I bless this season you are in. Doug wrote an article about using difficult times as good here,

      Bless you!

        • Timothy Lorenzo
        • August 27, 2017

        I’m wondering what 222 means? I woke up at 222am yesterday and right away I knew God was trying to say something. Has Doug written Anything on 222 or what it meaning on what God is trying to
        Tell me?



          • Chris
          • August 30, 2018

          Timonthy 2:22
          Google 2:22 bible

          • Valerie Hartman
          • June 14, 2018

          the hours between 2-4am are when the mind and consciousness are awakened and certain brainwaves are active. (like the result from meditation) Some say a higher power sending a message. Or it’s also the time that our brains store the information learned from the day and rejects what isn’t relevant. So remember the dream, pay attention to your thoughts when you wake.

            • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
            • June 17, 2018

            Thanks for sharing Valeria. God bless you!

          • Phyllis
          • January 15, 2018

          To me it has been Joel 2:22 and through the chapter.

          • I have been reading Joel 2:21-27. Wow! I started reading it after seeing a YouTube video where out was referenced after looking up the Biblical meaning of 22’s. This is great!

            • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
            • August 20, 2018

            Wonderful! Thanks for sharing!

            • Kim Mcclain
            • April 5, 2018

            I am checking that out got that today thanks i

            • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
            • April 6, 2018

            You are welcome Kim! Bless you!

        • Reply

          To me it has meant a call to enduring prayer. In particular, keep Matthew 7:7-11 in mind: Ask-receive, seek-find, knock-it will be opened.

            • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
            • January 12, 2018

            Thanks for sharing! That is a great verse to keep coming back to. Bless you!

          • Steve
          • January 11, 2018

          Daniel 2:22

          • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
          • August 28, 2017

          Hey Timothy! Doug wrote another article on numbers.

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