7 Common Spiritual Dream Meanings

Concept of reading. Man's hand holding magic book with falling letters animals and other objects from this book. Concept of dreaming.

One amazing way that God can speak to us is through our dreams at night. Unfortunately, most people do not understand their dreams. Many people are wondering, “What do they mean?”

After interpreting thousands of dreams for people, I began to notice patterns. Several dream themes seemed to be common in many of the people I came in contact with. Dreams like flying, falling, teeth coming loose, running or being chased, having a baby, showing up naked, going to the bathroom in public … recognize any of these? Chances are you have had one or more of these common dream themes.

As I give meanings to some of these common dreams, realize that I am generalizing. There may be more details to your dream, so this is only the basic meaning for most of them. The following are the most common dreams.

1. Flying

By far, flying dreams are the most common. Dreams that involve flying without the use of an airplane are usually very positive—depending on the context. They indicate you have a high degree of creativity, you have the ability to rise above circumstances, and you are possibly maturing spiritually.

2. Teeth Coming Loose or Falling Out

This type of dream reveals that you are in need of direction. Teeth chew food and make the food useful for the body. Symbolically, teeth chew the word or teaching of God, so it can be digested and made useful through application. Chewing, or thinking about something, brings deeper understanding. That is why teeth coming loose or falling out means that you are in need of direction, wisdom or advice.

3. Baby or Pregnant

Both men and women can have this type of dream. Most of the time, it is not a literal dream but symbolic. It is referring to birthing something new into your life. It could be a new job, a gift, an anointing, creativity or even a clever invention.

4. Being Chased or Running

More often than not, dreams that involve running can be frightening. This type of dream usually represents one of two situations—you are either running from something in your life, or you are being chased down by your own destiny and it is trying to catch up with you. Either situation can seem scary, because they both require major changes. This type of dream is a strong indication that there is some calling on your life that you have yet to fulfill. Why would something evil try to prevent you from this? It is because you have something great to fulfill in your life for God.

5. Falling

Dreams in which you are falling indicate that you are out of control in your life. Falling can also suggest that you may need to let go and take some risk. Most people who have falling dreams also have flying dreams. If you are having a repeated falling dream, this indicates you need peace in your life. Once the peace manifests, you can get the creative juices flowing and fly again.

6. Late

Showing up late for anything in a dream is a warning to not miss what is coming. It is just making you aware of something approaching. So, when you wake up, ask God to help you catch whatever it is.

7. Not Able to Run, Move or Speak

Whenever we are unable to run or move in a dream, it indicates that something is trying to stop us or hold us back in life. This interpretation can also be applied to dreams when we are not able to speak or cry out for help. This can indicate there are dark forces working against you. But, the good news is that there must be something great for you to fulfill, and that is why you are getting so much resistance.

Next time you have one of these common dreams, you will be much more prepared to not only understand it but also know how to respond to it.



Doug Addison

P.S. Would you like to be able to interpret your own dreams, and maybe even help other people know what God is speaking to them about in their dreams? To understand what God is saying to you through dreams, sign up today for my Dream Crash Course.

If reading books is more your style and you want to dive deeper into dream interpretation, you are going to love my book, Understand Your Dreams Now.

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerful, positively funny teaching style and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

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Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Jeff
    • November 28, 2023

    Please someone should help out. I had a dream I was lying down on the ground and I woke up I saw myself in an open land In the back of my city, And I saw some people running and shouting then I saw the fire burning on the entire land and it getting close to where I was I was feeling the hit of the fire. And I began to run as I was running the fire was also following me and the rest people very fast then it was like we were running to a river and when I reached in river bank I saw many people in the rever, that was when I get up from my sleep.

      • Brandy, InLight Connection Team
      • December 16, 2023

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though. https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.
      Doug also has quite a few blog posts on dreams that you can browse through here.
      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.
      Please let me know if you have any further questions and I’d be happy to help you.

    • Oratile
    • May 6, 2023

    Hi sir/mam you have a spiritule gift a gift were you can interpret women’s dream but you keep telling your gift to go away thank you for your time

    • Jordan adam hemingway
    • August 15, 2022

    i need help with a dream that i have had ok so in my dream i saw our pool in the front yard like always but after Jesus rised up out of the water in the middle of our pool and he was wiping water of his face and it was night when he was in our pool and i was like standing up and saw him in the pool what does that mean i need help get to me as soon as you can pls

  1. Reply

    l was in my room and all of a sudden a heavy rain fall leaking from everywhere in my room wetting my body and dresses. I cried and thought if l had money then I will immediately start building a house.
    In the same dream in the village l saw bulbs lighting in our section of our house while the other section was in total darkness.
    Shalom, help me out.

    • Me
    • April 16, 2021

    Yo7 are not dreamung your are in sleep pyralisis (spell check) it is tech. Mild demon posseion. I delt with it for 20 years. Finally they dont come back. You are in a battle. Jesus loves you

    • Evelyn
    • April 8, 2021

    I drempt that my mother in the Lord put a card in my opened purse and walked away I took it out and looked at it as I replied a gas credit card I’ve never heard of this kind of gas card she turned around and walked back to again my opened purse and placed money in my purse walked away again and I then woke up what does this dream mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 14, 2021

      We do not interpret dreams sent in. Blessings!

    • Reinaldo De La Rosa
    • March 9, 2021

    Well I have a question I am 16 I been experimenting things like have dream of a black figer on top of me are standing beside me when I see it dream thatj feel a wake and and I can’t move are talk and now there get worse I had two dream of something try to take me off my bad or choking me but I can move but in slow motion and today I had a dream about my cousin that in jail and he was cry and he call me over and said u are a ‘’bishop of deception of the devil my child’’ what dose that mean I have no idea need help

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 10, 2021

      Hey Reinaldo, can you email help@dougaddison.com so we can email you some resources there?

    • Etienne
    • December 28, 2020

    Debbie Well the dream about the demonic expression…That means that there is evil present in your life, You might not realize it but it is there…It might be holding you back, it might be influencing you, It might be planning something, Or it might be interfering with your life already! Where your mom came in and said it was you that bit your finger means that the demon is trying to deceive you, making you believe that everything is your fault or so. Did you feel guilty when she said it was you? Because then it is a sure sign that the demon is trying to make you believe everything is your fault. Maybe you feel guilty of something that you wasnt your fault?

    The realism in the dream maybe be that the demon is trying to put your guard down, because you see that you can touch it, you can see it, you can feel it, Maybe it is trying to deceive you even more by giving you a false sense of security?

  2. Reply

    I had this reoccurring Dream that started when I am around 4 yrs. old thru 6yrs In my Dream I am this Spectator, I see in the distance a vehicle is approaching, once it was near enough I noticed that the vehicle was a White Van, and on top of the van was a stark Naked adult woman, on her back, laying down on top of the van, and she had been Chained to the top of the Van. Inside the Van was an all young rowdy, loud Male clan of guys all whooping and hollering, Beer Drinking, and Driving wildly, and very fast. What is the specific meaning of this Dream? I have done some research but I havent come across anything that comes together and makes any sense! I have another dream where I guess I am dreaming this, I dream of just a head on the pillow beside me, I am curious and Investigate, I examine the head, feel,touch,a lot of Realism w/ this dream, I even could run my fingers thru its Hair!! I touch along all places on its face, and detect its mouth, I stick my pointer finger into the mouth, I suddenly realize, I can feel that there are teeth present, about then is where the Expression changes on its face,a hateful, Demonic expression takes over, and there is a Gravally growl I start to hear, at the same time the teeth are closing down around my finger, I scream and mom comes to my aid, and theres Teeth marks around my pointer finger!! Mom says I simply bit my own finger in the end. What kind of meaning is there for this dream that would also incude the realism factor? What is your take on Black shadow Clawed hand coming from under my bed,and I am in the bed at night in the dark, alone?, another childhood dream. .

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 16, 2020

      I’m sorry we do not interpret dreams. Some ministries do but we do not.

    • Hola
    • October 29, 2020

    I dreamt about a man chasing me with a knife, then I run to hide in someone’s house.

    • Nancy Perez
    • July 3, 2020

    I was at school but it was like at the end of the day everybody was already packing up an leaving an so theres this girl thats been wanting to fight me an so we saw eachother an so we through hands an so we stopped an told eachother to wait an so everyone made a big circle and me an her we were at the center so I dont know it skipped to this big ring place an so this dude started punching her so i jumped in an everybody else den it was my turn an everybody jumped in the girl was stabbing my head with a pencil an so den there was a accident of this girl i know from snapchat mind you ive never met this girl in person buh i know who she and her bf Is….so when i got jumped i dont know what happen cause it skipped to me apologizing to the the girl i fought an we had explained everything out with my bestfriend an so out the nowhere there was like a broadcast of the fight we had an den it showed the girl i know that was pregnant she was around an somebody accidentally kicked her stomach an felt down crying like twisting and everything it was so scary and den her stomach ripts and the baby come out in pieces like if it had exploded shutting up it was the most digusting and horrible ive ever seen that i woke wanting to throw up but den when i was dreaming in my sleep i woke up in the middle Of it so when i had opened my eyes there was this scary lady in front of me like she was infront of my face looking at me she was dirty had long black hair to her sides she was really pale an so i was really tired that my eyes closed up back again Itself den thats when the rest of the dream happened an right now i havent went back to sleep ive been up searching up with it means cause i know it means some cause yesterday i prayed to God to tell me something through a dream

    • Alimat
    • May 19, 2020

    I once had a dream about 2 snakes bitting me…. It started like this, someone told me he could heal a wound on my hand that i didnt even know it existence with the use use of 2 snakes and he/she promise me the snakes won’t bite, then circle the snakes around my belly few minutes later the snakes started bitting and I ask the person that circle it around my body to help me how one so I could remove the other but they didn’t answer me anymore

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 19, 2020

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though. https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/

    • Alimat
    • May 19, 2020

    I dream that me and my mom board a bike and the bikes break failed… I was terrified and couldn’t talk in dream until I woke up even in fear…. Though the bike didn’t crash in my dream but it did terrifies me 😥😥.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 19, 2020

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though. https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/

    • Donna
    • April 27, 2020

    I had dream of been at Christian service and watching and the well know international prophet Cindy Jacobs points her finger at me to come to the platform where she was preaching, so then I walk toward the stage.and I’m watching her, and she she tells to up on the platform stage, so go up the stairs, and she lays hands on me and speaks words over me, but I don’t know what they were, and the dream shifts now she laying hands on all these people and I’m right beside her. And in the middle crowd of people a little girl comes out running ,and she’s about 5 or 6 years old so I cindy Jacobs what do I do and she says pick her up. But in mind I’m thinking who loose a small child like this, and I thinking I need find her parents.And me and Cindy are just beening on the look out for the parents. And dream shifts again and now vme and Cindy Jacobs are in like play house. And there large window no glass and both of us are looking out this window at same time looking both direction we see two men and I tell her maybe those the little girls parents . And she tells me to hold on ,because they might not be the parents. And dream shifts again I’m w the little girl and I searching for some food to feed the little girl because I don’t if she eaten all day. I’m concerned about her and I found some food for her to eat and she sitting down on a chair eating. And then I woke up out my dream.vThank Yu much Donna Ramirez

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 29, 2020

      Thanks for sharing Donna!

    • Kelley
    • April 19, 2020

    Please can you help me to interpret? I have been seeking the Lord for direction. Many dreams have been coming. This is one I had recently.
    I had a dream and in this dream we had two bikes. However these bikes no longer worked for me because I had outgrown them. Even my father tried to get on one he was able to ride it but he also was too big for it , but I couldn’t. So we put them in the car, both of the bikes. My dad was driving but I was on the hood of the car. I did not fall off. I was a little nervous being on the hood hoping not to fall off.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 21, 2020

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though. https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/

    • Mcr
    • April 17, 2020

    I dreamt I had a book and passed it around to people so they could sign their name in it.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 17, 2020

      Cool thanks for sharing!

    • Epitome
    • March 8, 2020

    Great. You beat your fear n overcame the spirit of wickedness. Draw more closer to God.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 9, 2020


    • Epitome
    • March 8, 2020

    Smiles. In that dream, dam and snakes represent ancient spirits of the principalitie and powers, the mermaid spirits(waterspirits) and if you strike a deal with them, you will enjoy their power but ur soul will be theirs. In the end, it is important that you come to understand that Christ having grown in authority have power against these lower power but many souls perish because of lack of knowledge of what’s true n what seemed to be true.

    They’re seeking you out resist the devil.

    • Evelyn Stephen
    • February 19, 2020

    I am a single lady,I had a dream that I saw my school mate sitting down outside and I went to sit close to him then he shifted is seat not trying to seat close to me,then he got agitated and stood up to go and it was about to start raining.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 21, 2020

      Thanks for sharing your dream with us! Blessings!

    • Desmond Littler
    • January 4, 2020

    ive been dreaming about flying and the end of the world for the past 3 years now,same dream over and over but i never get the meaning even from church. i sometimes dream walking along a dam and seeing a very huge snake tht tries to strike a deal with me am worried

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 8, 2020

      Hey Desmond! We do not interpret dreams but on Doug’s website in his store, he has a few great dream interpretation resources. https://dougaddison.store/. God bless you!

    • Karen
    • December 15, 2019

    I was wondering what it means to find money in a dream. We receive SS checks every month, and I had a dream that I found an extra check in a white trash bag. It was a clean bag, just full of papers. In the dream I was trying to remember if I was missing one and that’s why I found an extra one in the trash.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 19, 2019

      We do not have a team in place to interpret dreams. You are welcome to look into purchasing Doug’s dream interpretation resources to grow further in understanding dreams if you’d like, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. Bless you!

    • Michael
    • December 8, 2019

    As a biological male who identifies as genderfluid, to have a dream of being pregnant (whether I’m male or female in the dream) represents an urge to express ones’ self as a woman at times, and my dreams exhibited a soul who has a female identity. I had many dreams of being pregnant with the large protruding belly, to feel an unborn child I long for to move rapidly and strongly, and to have family and friends gather around me to feel my belly to wish me and the baby best of luck. The most recent one I’ve had back in October is I was 46 weeks pregnant with a 15 pound baby girl, I looked down on my bare belly and noticed the belly button resembled a handle, so I opened the belly like it was an oven and there! a beautiful baby daughter! It was strange but a feel-good dream. +

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 9, 2019

      Thanks for sharing your dream, Michael. We believe that a baby dream is often symbolic. Praying for you to know, to feel, and to walk in God’s love!

    • Abel
    • September 5, 2019

    I had a dream that I seen a ghost/demon and I was trying to fight it using holy water. Also my grandmother was in the dream but I don’t really remember why? I just remember seeing her and then seeing the ghost. It was like a mist of air but in human form. As I threw the holy water twice I opened the door to the house and you could see the the ghost leave the room and out the door. It was weird, crazy thing is that I wasn’t scared.

    • Rosie L Lee
    • July 19, 2019

    I had a dream about a big rat hiding in a vacuum and the mice running around while I’m sweeoing and cleaning butvat the end i started to try killing the rat and than i woke up

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 22, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.
      Doug also has quite a few blog posts on dreams that you can browse through.
      Bless you!

    • Izbel
    • July 16, 2019

    The first time I had this dream was 9 years ago, I was 15 years old.
    Every year the night between 24th and 25th of December and only that night. I have had the same dream for three years.It always started the same:
    I was in a corridor on the second floor of a house I have never seen before. The corridor wasn’t very long, it had paintings on both sides and a door at the end. Then I look to my left and see a small mirror, big enoght to see the head and the shoulders. But the person in the mirror wasn’t me. It was a woman with short blood red hair, blood red eyes and pale almost white skin. She smiled, a cruel evil smile.
    At that moment I ran. I ran until I reached the door at the end. I opend the door and looked insaid. It was a dark empty room with the only thing insaid a full-length mirror in the middle right infront of the door, I could see my reflection in it.
    Then suddenly the woman I saw just moments ago flew past me and and enterd the mirror merging with my reflection. In the mirror I became older my hair became blood red as did my eyes, the skin becam so pale grey almost white. When i saw this I knew I had to run or some how make her go away, or somthig terrible would happen. But when I opend my mouth to tell her to go away my voice was gone. I trayed to yell, to turn around and run but I couldn’t! For the first time in my life I felt true terror and I couldnt breathe and fell to my nees. Then, I would wake up feeling exhausted and weak.
    It continued like this untill the third year. That night I finally managed to defeat my fear and escape first the room then the house. But when I left the house I found myself on a streat I have never seen. There were people everywhere, but they weren’t, they just looked like people. I dont kmow how but I knew they were something else somethig dangerous. So I ran and ran until I saw the end of the sity, the moment my foot stepped outside I woke up. After that the dream stoped

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 17, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.
      Doug also has quite a few blog posts on dreams that you can browse through.
      Bless you!

  3. Reply

    I had a dream and I was chasing my uncle’s son just to keep him away from his mom for a while and it happened because he was disturbing his mom, who was washing his clothes. About 7 to 9 months kid and he runs into the toilet and when I got there he saw me and was frightened mean while I wasn’t going to beat or harm him and he jumps into the shit hole and died, I wept in the toilet till I became tired but no one came to help me out… my grandma and the kid mom were just sitting outside saying that the kid fell into the pit hole and didn’t appear to help me. She was just busy washing the kid clothes. I didn’t feel good about this dream at all

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 9, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.
      Doug also has quite a few blog posts on dreams that you can browse through.
      Bless you!

    • Talaya Jackson
    • June 23, 2019

    Wow, that is some dream!!! I couldn’t help but comment because the lord spoke to me in the middle of the week and said he was lifting the spirit of poverty and vagabond off me! And to know that the only way in your dream it was able to flee due to closing doors let’s me know that the reason why I’ve always had issues with money was because I unknowingly accepted that spirit’s invitation to reap havoc in my life!!! But I shut every door that would give access to that spirit not only in my life but in my children’s lives!!! I believe that God will blow abundance into my finances and cause it to increase and give me the grace and ability, wisdom, and understanding of stewarding money today and forever more and will bless me so that I may be able to bless others! In Jesus’ mighty name! Amen

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 24, 2019

      Thanks for sharing Talaya!

    • Jonathan bice
    • June 18, 2019

    On this morning June 19 th 2019 at 2:00 am. I had a dream I was in a white church a d these creatures that looked like kids said I was Abonished from church. I kept crying for God’s help. Over and over. And this kept happening in my dream. I went to this room and it had green carpet that when a deamon or spirit had thrown me out. What does this mean?

    • Chelisse
    • June 8, 2019

    Two days ago…I woke up from “seeing” spirits at work or in particular the spirit of poverty! It was a powerful spirit in the dream. I was on a gigantic bed, neatly made but my brother for some reason was on it too….we sat on opposite sides. He was talking and then I saw it grab his hand and it wouldn’t let go. Nothing could loosen its grip. I tried prying and pulling it off but it would drag me with it. It was a heavy force. The only thing that could stop it was closing doors. So I closed the door in the dream. But before that I saw it grip someone else, I was trying to help them get free but I don’t think the person wanted to be free…I got dragged with it onto an elevator where I just let go and left.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 10, 2019

      Thanks for sharing your dream Chelisse!

    • Emmanuel Erukson
    • June 5, 2019

    Hi emmanuel siame do you have a school or a kinda place or center where you put people through some kinda of training, or you have the gift of teaching, training and if yes what is the population of your school…. if you don’t have any it could be a sign from God telling you to get yourself prepared and ready for an assignment coming your way and also he might be telling you not to worry about anything pertaining to the assignment that he God will provide everything you’ll ever need nor want to accomplish the assignment on Earth. What I can say is, it seems God wants to enlarge your coast but you have to get a sound mind and a clean heart for what he’s preparing for you and also ask him to teach you and direct you into the next face of your life, career, and ambition also tell him to help you remain focus in what he wants you nor what he has committed into your ✋ hands to do…

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 10, 2019

      Thanks for sharing :).

    • Natasha Pascua
    • May 28, 2019

    Almost four years ago, I had a dream of God , not Jesus Christ, but our one true Father. This was because I was overwhelmed about my pregnancy of my sixth child, all the while, I gave birth to my fifth child. So really, they are one year and 18 days apart. Anyway, in my dream God put me at ease, told me that my child is blessed and touched my belly. Just like in a movie, we were sitting on a bench with nature surrounding. What I remembered about that dream was that God looked sad. He mentioned that over time people have forgotten about him. Now, fast forward to a month ago, I had a dream about a parchment paper with a wax seal and I knew in my soul that it was a letter from God. When I woke up, I was bothered by it because I was unable to open the letter. Then a few weeks ago, I had a similar dream about the same letter. Exactly the same. This time, someone was trying to give me the letter, I could not see the face but my hand was reaching for it and I grab it, but I could not open it again. Now, last night, the same letter came back in my dream. This time I finally opened it because a demon was in my dream. I was trying to cast it back to hell, only to have opened the letter and God’s voice reading over the lines. He said, “My son, you have gotten stronger than me….” That was the only part that I could remember. I can also recall about a belt, that I used to hold a crack on something table-like that keeps in evil. I felt myself yelling in my sleep, then my husband woke me up, and the next thing, I have a fever. Still do, actually. So, I took off from work today to see a doctor. I live in a very small island, a population of less than two thousand. While waiting at the clinic, this Korean guy (tourist) came in and took a seat over beside me. He didn’t even get a card to check in the counter, nor was he waiting for someone. He started telling me about Christianity, how he changed his religion, and he doesn’t take any medication for flu or fever because he has faith in the Lord. We spoke for about five minutes. He even asked how many children I have and I told him seven. He looked very happy and told me that I am very rich in blessings. Then he left. Now, I am sitting on my bed with my laptop trying to figure out what am I supposed to learn or do. Is this a test? I am baffled.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 29, 2019

      Hey Natasha! Thanks for sharing your dream with us. We do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in. Doug has some great courses on interpreting dreams that you can look into here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. God bless you!

  4. Reply

    I would like to know what dose it mean when you see a black skeleton shadow thing wearing a top hat . And your falling in love with him for no reason. And you paid him 70 or 50 cent to fix something on which you can fix . What does that mean????

  5. Reply

    Am Emmanuel Siame aged 47 from Zambia Africa. I just want to the meaning of to this dream, the first one I saw myself cleaning the surroundig of the school school. Another one I saw a man giving me unmarked plot and under the plot were the minerals and the number of this plot was -1120. What is the meaning please.

    • Shobhana
    • May 25, 2019

    I slept at 11:00pm and woke up @4:00 am.. In my dream i saw a cute dog (white colour) when i sit near the dog, he move his face toward me and i full scared because it was half burned. There is only half of his face is normal and the other half is whole burned there is no bone only black coloured. What is it mean?

    • Angel Tripp
    • May 20, 2019

    I’m 16, I’m not married nor do I have kids but in my dream I did. (Fell asleep around 11:50 woke up 5:20) so in my dream I’m in the den with my two kids (a boy and a girl) and there is a washer and a dryer in the den on the wall. So I’m fixing something by the window when my husband comes in and puts the kids in a trash bag, puts them in the washer, turns it on while I’m hitting him, then says “see ya later honey” then he pushes me down runs then locks the door. I tried to open the washer but I couldn’t then it stopped and I tried again but I still couldn’t get it open.. so my husband starts talking but I can’t understand what he’s saying. I start kicking the window to get out of the house and the glass was like the glass on your car, the big one lol, so I kept kicking until I finally got out and there were a lot of windows in the house so when I finally got out I was ducking and stuff then I saw a car but my husband saw me so I started running and screaming “help he killed them” and he was chasing me still but I kept screaming so the man got out the car but my husband got a branch and hit him over the head with it. Nobody came outside of their houses. I start running down the street still screaming and asking for help and he was gaining on me, then I woke up.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 22, 2019

      Babies are often symbolic and so can marriage be in a dream. I would ask God to show you if there is anything in your life that you are partnering with that might be hurting you or stopping something God wants you to fulfill. God will show you. Bless you!

    • Brandy Wells
    • May 15, 2019

    Rooms (Fell asleep roughly around 12 – woke up at 2AM)

    The first room, a beautiful house, with lots of trees, on a hill but in a suburb. Was with someone who appeared to be Scott but it was not Scott. Seemed very real. There was a storm and I could see looking out the window a truck parked in a driveway rolling down into our yard from the winds. The spirit that was impersonating Scott ran out to move his truck. I think it was then I realized I was in a dream because the house was no longer a house but a room with wooden floors and I would run into another room that looked like a small kitchen and a door to the outside. As I ran outside there was a large brown object almost like a giant bur and it absorbed me and I could not get out of it, I would move and it would get bigger and absorb more of me. I was trapped. I started praying in the dream, only reciting “in Jesus name” and I moved to another room, cannot explain the movement. My body didn’t move I was just suddenly in a different room. There were so many, only documenting the ones I remember after waking up.

    Next room I remember, I was me but in a body I did not know, felt like me but different, the room was dirty, nothing in it, just dirt floor like a hut almost. All I had on was a white gown, dirty, filthy, animal like and I got up from the floor and went to the door. At the door I all I could see was a hallway and men all around, men that were evil. I did not know them, had no knowledge of them, like I had just woken up there. I was seized with fear and started grunting like an animal (something I have done for many years when I have demonic dreams because my body responds that way – have no idea why). In my dream I am scaring the demons away but while lying in bed Scott says it sounds like a pig snorting. They departed from me when I started acting like an animal and I woke up to a different place.

    Next room, was in a dark hallway, running, just running. Evil was all around, lashing at me, grabbing at me, mocking me, taunting me constantly. I would try to speak and could not, again I knew I was in a dream and was trying to wake up, just wake up and I could not. I was trying to speak and it was almost as if I could not, could barely speak but when I did I was trying to speak “in Jesus name” I think I barely got Jesus out and just kept repeating his name and the next room I went into I fell into.

    Next room – was not there long. I don’t remember the room, maybe it will come to me, I just know it was awful and I knew I was trapped. I wanted to wake up so bad and could not. I wanted out of the room and could not get out. Began praying but the only thing that helped was God’s actual word. Once I began trying to recite that I was moved to another room. This happened several times and each time was awful. Most important thing was no matter how hard I fought or resisted and prayed the only thing that would bring about change was reciting God’s Word.

    Next room, woke up in a bed, going to sound so unbelievable but it is dream. I woke up, two small children around me but their faces were grey while the rest of them was in color. A man who looked like John Stamos walked out of the bathroom in shorts holding a cup of coffee and climbed in bed with me. He was beautiful but like my children, his face was grey while the rest of him was in color. It was like I was trying to be tricked I wasn’t dreaming, probably makes no sense. Again, I began to pray in my head and nothing changed. I began to speak out loud and tried quoting Gods Word and the children and the man who was lying with me changed and I knew what they were. In my dream though I could not get the any scriptures right, I could not remember verses just bits and pieces of Gods Word. Nothing would get me awake and the scripture I was finally able to get out was from Romans, regarding those who are in Christ Jesus there is no condemnation. When I spoke His word I was moved to another room.

    Each room was lighter – more realistic but still horrible.

    Next room – Again, this time I thought I was possibly awake. I woke up and Scott was over me saying it was okay, to wake up. I was in a hospital bed, had been in a coma. Had tubes all in me. My niece was there, and she was in the hospital too and had just had a baby. She was laying beside me holding her baby. All of my family was there and were crying and rejoicing because I had woken up and I began crying asking what happened I knew I had been asleep for a long time if my niece had a baby. I was confused, upset and doctors and nurses came rushing in and I sensed in that moment they were not who they said they were and I did not speak but only had a thought and they knew what I was thinking as if I had said it and they responded. It was then I knew I was still sleeping. Again, I kept trying to wake up and the sensation of being held down happened again. This time it was the doctors/nurses holding me down. I again began to recite God’s word, anything, it was pieces of God’s word (for example, a portion of many scriptures jumbled together) and it was not until I could recite an actual scripture, did I move to another room.

    Next room, chaos all around, I had been shot, was being rushed into the ER via a gurney. I really believed I had finally woken up and had been unconscious for a bit. Did not take me long to realize I was still asleep. I tried to just wake up and I couldn’t. I tried to sit up and it was like something was pressing me down, I could not move because I was being held down. Not by hands I could see but I was being held down. I couldn’t move and I started to recite scripture, any scripture I knew, and my mind could not recall a certain verse, so I began quoting anything I knew from God’s word. Was finally able to quote a verse and I moved again.

    Next room – again woke up in the hospital. It was my distant cousin Josh and his daughter and son who surrounded me. They were claiming they were my immediate family. I recognized their faces and remembered Scott in my dream and knew immediately I was still asleep. Again, I tried to wake up, wanted to wake up so bad. (Interesting it was Josh and his children as they are agnostic.) Quoted scripture, only thing that would work and woke up in another room.

    Next room – another hospital room, I don’t know if something was actually happening to my heart rate while I was sleeping because in my dream I was being shocked back to life. I was dying, heart was needing to be shocked and it was not until the third time of being shocked and me quoting scripture did I wake up.

    Rose up immediately, out of breath, like I had just actually been through something physical. It woke Scott up immediately as I was sitting up and breathing hard and he asked what was wrong and my reply, “I feel like I have just been to hell.”

    I had to get up and document the dream. I am going through a spiritual battle right now – a big one, as a stronghold is being torn down that has had a tight grip on me for many years. I am constantly having to give it back to God. My flesh wants to justify what God has already convicted me of. The dream, extremely important as it revealed to me the only way to truly fight is to pray God’s Word. It is the ultimate defense. I woke up with the knowledge of how little of God’s Word I have engrafted, I know bits and pieces and can call to memory a few verses but to truly fight effectively I have got to have the Sword of the Spirit (His Word) engrafted into me.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 15, 2019

      Hey Brandy. Praying for you and for God to show you what this dream was. I am so glad that you are able to combat with the Word of God. That is super powerful.

    • Kelsey
    • May 9, 2019

    When I was little I dreamt that me and my mom where in a river and there was fire all around and we kept
    Trying to swim through holes under water but gave up and rested on wooden doors or something and then the devil would pull my mom under and she was gone and I remember waking up in a panic .

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 15, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.

      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now. https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/

      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.

    • Silvia
    • May 8, 2019

    I am in a new country in California. I start my new job today. I’ve separate from a toxic relationship. Last night I dreamt God lifting high so high in the air my stomach was upside down. It felt so real. Once in the clouds I turn my body around as to see who had pulled me and at the same moment I was let free falling al.ost to the ground as they slowed me down and I landed on my feet. Growing spiritually, trusting god and in need of peace is exactly what my heart says. Thank you for ur website. Let’s pray for the all the children in the world.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 9, 2019

      Bless you Silvia!

    • Tammie Jones
    • April 29, 2019

    I dream of a scene, almost magical, where multiple rainbows were tossed in the air. All I remember saying is, here is another one, oh wow! Another one! It was magical.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 2, 2019

      Awesome Tammie!

    • Owobu chika
    • April 24, 2019

    I dreamt that someone gave me a bunch of fresh eggplant before eating it a pastor begged me and I gave them to him

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 25, 2019

      Thanks for sharing! Bless you!

  6. Reply

    My dream was about we were going on a field trip and there was a bus in the swimming pool. We had to grab bags that include towels and stuff. I didn’t have one. Some how my elementary/primary teacher was in my dream. I kept falling and she would tell me to stay safe. A little bit later I told her I was going to tell my mum something. She decided to compare my mum with my dad, I just ignored her. When I went to my mum I saw this boy in the swimming pool his hat came off so I asked if he wanted it back he said yes. The boy in the water was someone I don’t really like in real life. Then I asked my mum if I had any swim equipment but she seemed as if she didn’t understand me, she then left the swimming pool, I then woke up, shocked.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 23, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in. Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though. Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now. Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

      Doug also has a blog post on water that you can read here.

  7. Reply

    I had a dream where I was was going on a plane for the first time and i was packing my stuff and i never had a jacket to go on the plane and my teacher gave me a rainbow looking jacket and in the dream it felt like it was church related because i was dreaming that the children choir was going and that would include me after we reached the airport and checked through we headed to the plane where i asked if i could sit beside my cousin and they said they were going in alphabetical order but i ended up sitting beside him at this point i couldn’t see the children anymore it was like they weren’t there but they were and suddenly i started to feel cool like i was in the planes A/C and after a while i started having cramps and i told my cousin that i was going to the bathroom and he said ok hurry up and when i went to the planes bathroom nothing was there so i headed to my seat and told it was a false alarm and he said ok and i was saying why we couldn’t sit in 2nd class and not 3rd and i said so we could be closer to 1st class and we would get some of the 1st class treatment and he said i don’t know .

    This kinda feels like a lucid dream but i am not sure.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 24, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.

      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.

      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.

    • maria basa
    • April 13, 2019

    I dreamed last night I was in a crowded place like I was joining sports or something I went to my room it was dark then I was holding like a glass like box with a barbie doll but seems I have to burry that doll for like a funeral or something as I was closing the glass it started moving and i remember saying its alive or it’s a ghost I tried to put it in an altar and next thing I know I saw just the head with me I wasn’t scared or anything but for me I just want to get out In that place so i drove the car passing most of the people walking like a graveyard on the right side of me it was dark road but I can see just all black shadows of all the people then my husband appeared to be driving the car now as I sat next to him theres a single flower like orange like petals going down that I stem of flower and I remember seeing the pollen flying off in front of me and I have a hard time breathing remeber telling my husband are you trying to kill me then he opened up my window side as soon as I can breath …….
    My husband in my waking life started shaking me on the bed saying he heard me choking and was trying to wake me up when I woke up ibqas really trying to catch my breath and he gave me some water that’s was so scary for my like whatever was in my dream about ot breathing was really happening to me what can my dream means
    In my experience most of my dreams comes true and I’m trying to figure out what’s this one

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 15, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.

      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams. In both those resources they talk about snakes and what snakes can mean in a dream.

      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.

    • Audrey
    • April 12, 2019

    I have had a dream five time in a roll of my having a baby girl and in a church with her in a white dress getting baptized qnd my papaaw with us then i wake up everyday at three am idk why i dream it or why i keep dreaming it im catholic i used to go to church but after my papaw died i stopped idk why i just stopped but i want to know why i keep reliving this dream everyday so please can u help

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 15, 2019

      Hey Audrey, most of the time pregnancy and baby dreams are not a literal dream but are symbolic. It’s often God talking about birthing something new into your life.
      You can read more about what Doug says about pregnancy dreams in this blog post.

      The best way to truly know the meaning of the dream is to keep track of your dreams and to ask God to speak to you about them.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation.

      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.

    • bharti
    • March 26, 2019

    in a dream saw cheetah who was caught and suddenly we saw door where we could go out, we mange some how to close the door but i saw a policeman, and many people ruining her and their but they did not listen to me and suddenly i saw lady with child i tried to help her to get out she came with me but for sudden time i saw and when i look back i could not see her than i move a head and saw under construction building co join to the building and finding way to come out, than i found way,
    and saw the staircase, but they where not in good condition , little shabby dirty, poo done on that but than also i started coming done and i saw a man helping me out to come down by staircase as it where shabby little broken but i got down then i woke up and one more dream which always occur me that i see ghost in my dreams chasing me or trying to kill me but some how i try to run and i woke up and if in dream i get hurt in actual always i see that my hand or legs are hurt in morning,
    seen many time my dear one to be turned up in ghost,

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 26, 2019

      Hey Bharti!

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.

      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.

    • bharti
    • March 26, 2019

    in a dream saw cheetah who was caught and suddenly we saw door where we could go out, we mange some how to close the door but i saw a policeman, and many people ruining her and their but they did not listen to me and suddenly i saw lady with child i tried to help her to get out she came with me but for sudden time i saw and when i look back i could not see her than i move a head and saw under construction building co join to the building and finding way to come out, than i found way,
    and saw the staircase, but they where not in good condition , little shabby dirty, poo done on that but than also i started coming done and i saw a man helping me out to come down by staircase as it where shabby little broken but i got down then i woke up

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 1, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.

      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.

      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now. Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams. God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.

    • hannah
    • March 21, 2019

    I had multiple drams last night. One was that me and my friend (who was crying over a orange clock) were running from scouse gunmen and hiding in a plastic child house. We also had to bury our phone chargers in a hole in the ground.

    The other dream was that me and my friend (the same friend ) were being framed for murder by weather forecasters.

    please tell me what this means. i feel insane for having this.
    – hannah

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 21, 2019

      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation.

      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.

    • mike
    • March 20, 2019

    I had a dream having toilet matter and not stopping fesses were just coming

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 21, 2019

      Toilet/bathroom dreams are often symbolic for cleansing.

      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.

      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.

    • Crystal Rampersad
    • March 17, 2019

    Last night I dreamt my sister and I was both naked, I was abit confused, my sister prays more powerful than I am.
    Am usually the weak one..what could this possible mean.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 19, 2019

      Being naked can represent being open, transparent, vulnerable, or represent freedom.

      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.

      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now. Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

      God bless you!

    • Taisha
    • March 12, 2019

    I dreamt of my church and an explosion of water came in and the walls of the church shattered.. the members oof the church were outside of the gate praising and worshipping.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 12, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams. God bless you!

    • LaPorscha
    • March 11, 2019

    I have a question. If a person dreams of meeting different people but they all sound the same. They all sound like someone you know. What does that mean ?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 12, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

    • Shivali
    • March 9, 2019

    Hy I had a seen a very weird dream last night this dream come in phases when it comes a year back ago that is first time i saw this dream a man is there I love him so much and he loves me and we are committed in dream I am fighting him that I wanna marry you and you don’t let your family know about me am I a just another girl for you you always let your family away from me etc. Then he get angry and said you really want to meet them so come let’s do it today he had a joint family and everyone greeted me well heartly they were too good except his grandma she saw me like a hawak what’s wrong in there family I can’t able to figure it out they saw each other’s eyes and interpenetrate I was seeing everyone’s faces and the person I love said let’s go from here and instantly his grandma See’s me and in the sky two big eyes of a cat I saw I was scared and my love gently laugh and say you have seen and I woked up I had never met these person’s in my life never ever heard of them I don’t read this type of novel I don’t even see this type of movies, neither web series not I believe in black magic, ghost, genie etc. This dream is so weird and I let it go but last night I saw the same dreams next part same people it started I met my love’s father he is a great business man their family is very rich and renowned so I gave a business idea to his as I also wanted to be a business women in real and in dream too, he liked and appreciated me for the same then suddenly I saw my love’s brother he said why don’t you be a model he is a director and wanna cast me he asked on a flirty way being possiesive my love excused us then his brother suggested that why don’t you show her our handmade embroidery collection which they are going to showcast on their next excebution and donate the money for the charity cause so I said ok let’s go both brothers See’s into each other eyes and my love said ok lets go we had seen that collection as usual I met to his family they greeted me very well and then his mom asked me to stay and have dinner with them but what happened to him suddenly I don’t know he said no we are getting late and we will have dinner at restaurant I said ok while we were leaving his mom asked me to join on god mahadev rudra abhishek I said I will be there and we left I asked him in his car that except you grandma every one is so nice and you was like a dumb but why you asked me to move out so urgently when we had decided that I will stay to your family. He said nothing just smiling. We go through restaurant and have dinner. Then I reached next day on that workship place I again met his family I saw his eldest brother child playing I played with him and then I head towards my love’s room while we were taking and having our alone romantic time we heard a voice of crying and his grandma was saying at least leave him and else everyone was saying the same his brother’s wife had taken her own baby inside the room and packed and doing something evil with the baby and just because I played with the baby I was so stressed and straight away go to Gods temple outside his house his mother said that there is many more things you don’t know and can’t able to take it I said no I can and ho to the house again his brothes wife turned the baby into green color and the baby was in pain like hell his grandma asked me to leave right now and he my love was so disheartening to see all this and I was leaving then I woke up. What’s wrong with me? Why I see this and I realized that when I wear a ring on my left hand index finger then this both dreams comees out. Else not what God wants to say me I have no clue or it’s just a Helunation.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 12, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

    • sue
    • February 25, 2019

    Hi i had a dreamlast night that was so real, i was in a plane i saw the engine be blown off ,i was inside the plane then i saw it crashing towards the ground .the plane exploded as it did my body was a electric feeling then it calmed,what could this mean

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 27, 2019

      Hey Sue! We do not have a team in place to interpret dreams. Doug has some great dream resources that will help you understand your dreams for yourself though. Here is a list of Doug’s dream interpretation resources, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. One of the best is the Dream Crash Course. God bless you!

    • Olivia Morolong
    • February 25, 2019

    I was driving and my car died and an old man appeared from and he said we must go to his house to get somethings to fix my car and we were walking in the forest with barefoot and when arrived at his home his wife was extremely angry saying I am dating and the old man instead that i sleep over at his house but I refused because his wife was angry at us. i then went to near neighbors of the old man for help with my car i met an old lady saying he will help me but when we arrived to some place we found two men who turned into snakes

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 27, 2019

      Hey Olivia! We do not have a team in place to interpret dreams. Doug has some great dream resources that will help you understand your dreams for yourself though. Here is a list of Doug’s dream interpretation resources, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. One of the best is the Dream Crash Course. God bless you!

    • Erin
    • February 18, 2019

    I dreamt I was in my Grandma’s kitchen and my mom came to me. She ask me to go to Virginia with her because she had to go there with my great grandmother. Then my mom said something about a ministry. I said okay but we have to drive up there. Because I didn’t want to go on a plane. Next to me were two bags full of bread. And I was eating some and it was really good.
    What does Virginia mean?

    • Shenequia
    • February 18, 2019

    No matter what relationship I am in, I tend to have a dream about this same ex boyfriend, now that I am married, I just had a dream about him again, this time, I was laying in the bed with him and my husband was in another bed sleep next to my niece, but were all in the same room. My ex did have his hand on my hip though.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 18, 2019

      You may want to pray to break off any soul-ties with your ex-boyfriend. You can google and find some good resources on this. God bless you!

    • Chelsea
    • February 14, 2019

    I was fishing in what seamed to be a hole in the ice and snow. I lowered my line and soon felt a strong pull. Struggling to pull up what I thought was a big fish, a lobster (of the Australian crayfish kind), came out. I was scared at first to pick it up but someone (who I am 90% sure was my husband) said I had to kill it. He took out a knife and gave it a smack which stunned it. I took the blade and hacked between its head and it’s body. I went to eat some of the meat but blood oozed out of it and I was turned off of eating it. Then I woke up………

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 18, 2019

      Hey Chelsea! I am sorry but we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in. You can learn how to interpret dreams through taking one of Doug’s dream training. You can learn more about those here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. God bless you!

    • Ambrose
    • February 8, 2019

    i had two dreams recently, firstly, i was bitten by snake in middle right finger, it coiled around it and bit but not bleeding just light bit especiall when i was trying to fling it off my hand and when people attempt to kill it. And if i remember clearly it was two headed snake.

    Then my second dream was, my newly married wife came to me that she is pregnant.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 13, 2019

      Hey Ambrose! Snakes can often mean deception. You can want to pray and decree these Bible verses over the next few weeks and see what God shows you:

      Invite the Spirt of Truth
      But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not
      speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to
      come. John 16:13 NIV1

      Show Me What Satan Does Not Want Me To See
      Then the LORD told me about the plots my enemies were making against me.
      Jeremiah 11:18 NLT

      God bless you!

    • Jessica
    • February 5, 2019

    I remember that i had a dream last night of a mother mouse or rat im not sure but she was a gray or light black color and she was putting newly born white mice in a pouch of some sort in her stomach…i then made her a container to release them into when she was ready but in the same container lay my black lab dog who was put down a few years ago …he was alive in my dream though and i wasnt scared of him hurting them or anything…oh and it was alot like between ten or fifteen baby white mice. What does this mean please

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 6, 2019

      Hello! We do not have a team in place to interpret dreams but you can look into Doug’s dream interpretation resources here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. Doug’s Dream Crash Course has a Dream Dictionary that may be helpful for you. God bless you!

    • Gwen Green
    • January 22, 2019

    my daughter had a dreamed about a very good friend of the family that passed several years ago telling her she was supposed to watch his performance at 5, in the dream she saw his wife and daughter(they are still alive) at a ranch and she was visiting them. His wife reminded her of her promise to see Bernard at 5. And then he showed up with hi famous smile of his and told her he can’t wait to see her. She saw him also in the dream. what does this mean? she said it didn’t scare her, my
    daughter has had 2 dreams of people who have passed in two weeks why does she keep dreaming of dead people? she is 45 years old, what does it mean?

    • Gwen Green
    • January 22, 2019

    my daughter dreamed she hear my deceased mother speak and tell my dad Bill it’s ok, I got this. What does that mean? my mom has been dead for 22 years and this is the 1st time my daughter who is 45 now and was in her twenty’s and pregnant when my mom passed has dreamed about her grandmother who was in her 60″s when she passed.

  8. Reply

    thanks, so now I understand the interpretation of dreams is always think about the positive outcome always…. even how chaotic it might seem because we all love to be at the end of the tunnel all the time.

    • Naiomi Chanel
    • December 4, 2018

    What is the meaning of me being in a car with a pastor and he takes you to a unknown but familiar place. Once you ask where are you he ignores you. I then say to the pastor, “Oh I know where this is, I have been here before”. The pastor responds, while giving you a look of being shocked “Oh Do you?”. I say “Yes, I was here once before for a friend but it was a while ago”. The pastor then starts driving in a rage around the neighborhood and almost drives off a cliff, then stops after the sharp turn. I am nor scared for my life as I was screaming he slow down while driving so crazy. Once the car stopped I got out and ran. He chases me. I was running until I ran into a unknown group of men for help. The men seemed friendly until the pastor caught up to me and they turned out to be servants of his and friend to take me by the pastors demands. I ran so fast from them fearing my life as they all chased me. Once of the men told them it was not right and that I was just looking for help and they should help us (this was before I ran off,while Iwas asking for help and the pastor was convincing them not to believe me). Anywho, as I was running I was so fast that I outran most of the group except one of the men who’s steps were like fast heels running behind me toe for toe almost. They guy who originally wanted to help is the only one who stood behind as I ran off and they all (including the pastor) chased me. I was screaming for help running through the neighborhood that had not a single soul around. The guy who stayed behind was my savior. He started running once he wanted to help me. By then I was about 2 blocked ahead of everyone and almost caught by the little short man who was running toe for toe behind me. Well this guy that came to help outran him in less than 5 sec,ran in front of me and pokes at me and said “Come on, this way. Hurry up”. As the short guy was still on my toes I began to follow the guys lead who had come to help. It seemed like he was there to challenge me to run faster but without holding my hand. I had to do it myself at the toughest part when I thought I was going to he caught. But I did nor get to find out because as soon as I went to follow him I heard a knock at the door and woke up out of my dream. What does this possible mean???

    • Bianca
    • December 3, 2018

    Hi, I dreamed that someone was blowing in my left ear. Then speaking loudly in the same ear. But I couldn’t make out the words they were saying. Also it was like I could feel this happening to me. It felt so real like I was awake but couldn’t move. And I was screaming to my husband telling him to wake me up cause I was so scared. But he couldn’t hear me. What does this mean??

    • Abasiubong
    • November 25, 2018

    What is the meaning of someone defecating and sometimes packing the fease in the dream?( 2) what does it mean when one leg of your shoe is found in were waste are dump?( 3) what is the meaning your hand bag being burnt in the dream?

    • onyeji rejoice
    • November 20, 2018

    in my dream were i was looking for witches i saw assemble witches one of them wanted to use her power against us the man behind me resisted her with his power. i woke up i went to bath i poured water my back was as if i injured all over what does it mean.

    • Delmi rgz
    • November 18, 2018

    I was dreaming diz big snake and he was going to attack my exhusband and i when around and jump with the sword i had, I jump and stuck it through his head and its pierced its mouth and it failed dead. I woke up with my heart pounding so fast. I was not scared. I don’t know why i got up like dat. Can you tell me what it means please.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 19, 2018

      Hey Delmi! We do not have a team to interpret dreams sent into us. We do have some great resources that will help you understand dreams that you can look into here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. One is a free ebook that is a great start if you are new to dream interpretation. God bless you!

    • Valencya Yarbrough
    • November 17, 2018

    I was in a house with my friend her husband her kids. and my daughter and i saw a big giant so i had everyone go outside quickly so i could burn up the giant. I thought it would burn up the house but it did not the giant was gone and the house had very little fire damage does anyone kmow what the dream means?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 19, 2018

      Hey Valencya! We do not have a team to interpret dreams sent into us. We do have some great resources that will help you understand dreams that you can look into here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. One is a free ebook that is a great start if you are new to dream interpretation. God bless you!

    • Lily
    • November 14, 2018

    I had a dream that someone Im in love with disappeared right in front of me and I started to look for them what does that mean

    • Fe
    • November 1, 2018

    Hi there! Please help me to interpret my dream last night. I believe God wants to speak to me because it’s been my heart’s desite to see God or hear His voice. I cannot recall completely my dream but I can remember that there was a date of November 21 and I said to the people who were there that the World will end on this date. Then I have this 7 pieces of gold which I’m not sure about the form anymore and I need to give each one to my household members. By the way, only me and my sister are saved in my family and we are 7 in all which I keep claiming Acts 16:31 for salvation of my entire household. Back to the dream, I then I prepared my Mother by pouring water in her entire body and then I gave her 1 piece of gold. As I prayed this morning, my spirit disagreed on the End of the World because as the Bible says no one knows when exactly Jesus is coming back. But I believe the date is pointing to my Mother because last night when I read the Bible, God brought me to the favorite chapter of my Mother which is Psalm 41 then the word sickbed caught my attention. Then i have this urge to call my Mother as soon as possible which I did this morning and lead her the Salvation Prayer. Please help me interpret this dream. Many thanks in advance. God bless!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 8, 2018

      Hey Fe! Sounds like God is speaking to you in your dreams. I love how you are able to look symbolically at the dream rather than literally because often as we see in the Bible, dreams are symbolic.

      We are unable to interpret dreams sent in because we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams. We do have quite a few resources on dreams that you can look into here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. One is a free ebook that is a great introduction to dream interpretation.

      God bless you and I am agreeing with you for your whole household to come to know Jesus!

    • Esther
    • October 28, 2018

    Hi, pls I need interpretation of this dream. I was bitten by a dog on my right hand with my phone on the same hand n attacked also by other dog.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 28, 2018

      Hey Esther! We do not have a team to interpret dreams sent into us. We do have some great resources that will help you understand dreams that you can look into here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. One is a free ebook that is a great start if you are new to dream interpretation. God bless you!

    • Esther
    • October 26, 2018

    I had dream last night was going with two of my colleagues in a tricycle n suddenly saw a family friend I haven’t seen for yrs n he was a driver of another tricycle. I step out of the tricycle trying to get close to him to get his contact, I saw washed clothes that where spread on the floor n blocked the walkway while still trying to get to him n also not step on the clothes I saw some group of dogs. The first one attached me and grabbed my right palm together with my phone n the others attached other part of my body. They owners of the dog were trying to shout at them and my 2 colleagues where their too. Pls what those this dream mean. Thank u

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 28, 2018

      Hey Esther, We love dreams and dream interpretation but we do not have a team to interpret dreams sent into us. We do have quite a few resources that will help you understand dreams that you can look into here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. One is a free ebook that is a great start if you are new to dream interpretation. God bless you!

    • Shireen
    • October 25, 2018

    My husband dream about a pregnant women got tortured by group of mens. They were hitting her until she got collapsed. I really want to know what is that mean. Thank you.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 29, 2018

      Hey Shireen, we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams but here are some resources that might help your husband,

      1) https://dougaddison.com/2014/07/what-do-baby-and-pregnancy-dreams-mean/
      2) https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/

      A baby is often symbolic of God birthing something. If your husband saw a woman who was pregnant being beat, it is possible that the Lord is showing your husband he is an intercessors and he is to pray for God’s promises to be “birthed” here on earth. As he presses in a little the Lord may show him what specifically he wants him to pray for.

    • Rinie Combrink
    • October 21, 2018

    I had a dream where an unknown man with a beard and dark complexion entered my room and just lay on my bed … I was sitting at my study desk … I was not scared at all and we talked but cannot remember what exactly was said

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 22, 2018

      Thanks for sharing your dream Rinie! Here is a list of Doug’s dream interpretation resources. One is a free ebook that is a great way to start if you are new to dream interpretation, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. God bless you!

    • Xolani Phori
    • October 19, 2018

    I saw a group of deity eggs and one clean in the chicken nest.

    • Hathor
    • October 13, 2018

    I had a dream that Donald Trump and my Paster Marty has visited my home. Trump was riding on a white horse Carriage and dressed in a all white suit. My pastor inside of my house talking to me. Trump was coming to talk to me, too. What does this dream mean?

    • Ayanda
    • October 10, 2018

    Hi, i woke up dreaming about having something that is stuck on my check. it was as if i have swallowed huge chucks of food that were difficult to go down the system. i then woke up to that sore pain, and went to the bath room. I still felt the pain and felt things stuck to my chest. then i went back to bed hoping it will slowly go down the system and will be fine. i then i dozed off again. And i went back to dreaming, this time around it felt like someone was tightening my west/just on my birth operation and felt very sore. i think i screamed and tried to reach for this affected area but it didnt help. then i woke up the next morning worried by this dream. then the next night i dreamt of a huge snake that captivated children in the neighborhood, then i found it and together with the other community members we killed it and we got the children back alive. i then asked that those kids be taken for a check-up regarding their health and mental being. Please interpret these dreams for me, are they related.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 12, 2018

      Hey Ayanda. We do not interpret dreams on the blog but I’d love to give you some resources to help you understand your dream and get breakthrough.

      In Doug’s blog post on nightmares he write out these steps to do when you have a nightmare. Try doing those steps.

      The second dream is great because you killed the snake!

      God bless you!

    • Charlene De Rock
    • August 30, 2018

    Good afternoon Doug
    I had a dream that i was walking out of my backdoor to take the washing off the clothes line and noticed that the yard was spotlessly clean,and as i walked around the corner the washing and the clothes line was gone, and again the yard was spotlessly clean, what puzzles me, is that where there were windows was walls , there were no windows to the house.
    can you please shed some light for me

    • Siphosethu
    • August 19, 2018

    I had a dream i was on a stationed boat with my friend. We were stargazing coming from a festival-like event. In the mist of looking at the stars, in the distance a dolphin-like fish rose from the water mid way between the sky and the water it exploded into fire then it started raining dead animals from the sky that’s when my friend and i started running to seek shelter. While running the sky turned dark and i could see thousands of witches flying around in brooms, when we got to a dorm room i suggested we start praying which we did, i remember i was wearing neon red stilettos and those stood out in my dream. The next thing i remember is a long line outside the dorm rooms full of thousands of people around the world. I’m struggling to interpret this dream.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 20, 2018

      Hey! We do not interpret dreams on the blog but you can look into Doug’s dream resources here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. One he has is a free eBook that might be a great start to understanding dreams. God bless you!

    • Kito Tha Goat
    • August 11, 2018

    I Had a Dream When I Was A Kid. I Was Being Chased By Death And Failed But Managed To Wake Up. A Few Weeks Later I Heard God And Was Struck By A Large Yellow Flash Of Lightning In My Right Arm And Resumed Running Away Then Began Falling And Had A Long Fight With Him And Won. Can You Interpret That?

    • Ronnie
    • August 5, 2018

    I had a dream I was about 4-5 months pregnant. I was happy. Families were congratulating me. My uncle asked if I was looking into buying an apartment. I told him I wasn’t looking into it. I spoke to my sister and said “I don’t know who the father is. This wasn’t planned.” I kept assuming it was my boyfriend but he wasn’t in my dream. I thought about him wondering where he was at. Instead a guy friend of mine was by me and I didn’t mind the comfort he was giving me. Just hugs and talking. I’m not pregnant in real life nor did I cheat on my boyfriend.

    • Nqobile
    • July 23, 2018

    Hi I had a dream arguing (fighting verbally) with my sister. I cried and woke up crying. We usually argue but nothing is ever serious. I am not ok did not even go to work.

    • Marie
    • July 20, 2018

    Hi! My mom said she had a very vivid dream of me wearing a beautiful red dress and being pregnant. However, I am no longer able to have children, due to surgery and would like to know what the dream could mean.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 24, 2018

      Hey Marie! Babies are often symbolic for God birthing something new in you. Here are Doug’s dreams interpretation resources you can look into to grow in dream interpretation, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. God bless you!

    • Aheid Komeh
    • July 18, 2018

    I had the same dreams twice in one night. The ground opened and swallowed me a lots of other people. In the dream, I knew I was dead because they showed me my grave and other people’s graves too. I saw that some people are living there conveniently, others are not comfortable, but everyone was suffering. They assigned me to the worse room with the #777, I opened it and was not even good for animal to live in it. My opened to a church on earth and saw a lot of things (members and bishop doings things). I saw everything happening on earth while I was there in my dreams. I knelt outside and prayed one single prayer with authority , and the earth opened when I end my prayers with the name Jesus and woke up from sleep.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 23, 2018

      Thanks for sharing your dream Aheid! We do not interpret dreams on the blog but here are Doug’s dream resources you can look into if you want to grow in dream interpretation, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. God bless you!

    • Rahina Malafa
    • July 7, 2018

    My mom dreamt that she saw me pregnant and she was beaten me in the dream what does it mean?

    • Aninda
    • June 26, 2018

    I’m Having strange dreams , in those dreams I see that I have large white wings , it looks like that I’m in a stadium and I’m fighting something or someone , I even feel the Gforce when I’m coming down from the sky. What dose it mean ?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 27, 2018

      Hey Aninda! We do not have a team in place to interpret dreams but Doug does have some awesome resources you can look into that help you grow in dream interpretation. Here is a list of those resources, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. God bless you!

    • Sylvia Wisdom
    • June 23, 2018

    What it means when you dream about receiving mails/ letters , white envelopes and on pink envelop but unable to remember what i read what is on the envelop.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 27, 2018

      Hello Sylvia! We do not have a team in place to interpret dreams but Doug does have some awesome resources you can look into that help you grow in dream interpretation. Here is a list of those resources, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. God bless you!

    • Frankie
    • June 19, 2018

    My dream was very abstract, so it is hard to describe. I was in a classroom setting (think grade school desks in rows). The person to the left of me was a former college roommate and Christian friend that I hadn’t seen in over 10 years.

    At some point, the other students in the room one by one began to transform into bizarre creatures. Their bodies peeled back at the torso to reveal the top half of giant fish and I sensed a strong evil presence. The fish creatures seemed to be enjoying themselves and happy about the out-of-control situation unfolding although they didn’t communicate with words. I remember the fish creatures started throwing bloody fish at the different people who had not transformed, including myself.

    The entire time I felt like this is crazy, but at least I haven’t lost control like everyone else. At that point I tried getting up out of my desk, but for the first time I realized I was being pinned to my chair and a force was pushing down on me to the point where I couldn’t lift my arms. Even now, I can remember the sensation in the dream of being held down by an invisible presence.

    I began to panic and it was at this point I seem to rememer crying out “help me Jesus” and then the force that was holding me quickly dissipated and I was able to literally wake up.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 27, 2018

      Hey Frankie! I love how you yelled out Jesus and the force holding you down left. You are growing stronger in the Lord! God bless you!

    • Pragati singh vishen
    • June 1, 2018

    Today when i was sleeping in the day at 3:30pm.i saw a dream ,the dream was that many women comes to my house and they are killing small fish at my door and telling me today is the fast ,and asking to me have you not did fast today ? Plz tell me the meaning of this dream about my future? Plz !

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 6, 2018

      Hello! We do not interpret dreams sent into to use via blog and email. We are able to direct you to Doug’s resources that teach you how to interpret dreams. You can look into those here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. God bless you!

    • Johan Jordaan
    • May 30, 2018

    i dreamed of 7 lions breaking through my fence and came into my property. they were aggresive but didn’t attack the poeple i wanted to protect. The people weren’t family related but guest (foreign)….. i was looking for my dogs and were terrified. I was running outside to warn the people and then went inside the house and constintantly went outside to grab people inside the house. Before they entered the property they killed a deer with much aggression

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 31, 2018

      Lions can be good or bad depending on the context. We do not have a team to interpret dreams but Doug does have some amazing dream resources you can look into. God bless you!

    • Ginni
    • May 27, 2018

    I woke up last night around 3am from a dream I did not like which goes like this…

    I was in some place foreign to me, I saw different people whom I know. Then got to the point that hit me, was that I saw my husband coming into my parents house with a woman of a different nationality both wearing white. They both came into the house, my husband walked straight to the room to change, while this woman was just prancing around sort of trying to make me look at her, which i did not really bother with…i was just watching what was happening with awe…while my husband was changing in the room, this woman then walked in to change as well…i watched on, my husband then walked out changed, and sat at the table and started eating, when i turned to look that this woman had sort of hid herself behind the door not to be seen by my husband, but i could very well see her…she was now wearing a blue dress, and gave me the most evil stare that her eyes turned orange/red. I got so angry, and i cried to my husband as i was sure by her evil looks that she MUST have something going with my husband. as i was crying to my husband, he got angry with me and walked out, as i followed him, he turned around and swung at me what it seemed like a long thin stick that had a sharp pointy end, like he would stab me with it, as i watched and tried to talk to him, he swung a larger sized stick of the same description as the previous stick but fatter. As I tried, he swung for the third time an even fatter stick, which now seems like a log. At that point i saw this friend of mine who was surprised to see what was happening, i asked her to please take me away…and I woke up, feeling shocked and confused.

    Please tell me something out of what i had explained, coz it got to me, and I know this dream has a deep spiritual meaning to it.

    Thank you.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 6, 2018

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. We do not interpret dreams sent in to our team but we do offer wonderful resources that will help you interpret your own dreams. Here is a list of Doug’s dream interpretation resources. God bless you!

    • Tracey
    • May 25, 2018

    I had a dream last night of me ((and someone else was with me but I dont know and another person (female perhaps) standing in front of a house (maybe a cabin). It was dark out with just a little hint of light. A dark shadow appeared on the porch and moved towards us real fast. I couldn’t move. Then when it was upon me, it turned into a man with no face but facial indicators.(He put me in the mind of Thomas Jefferson. Why? I have no clue). I tried to say Jesus but I couldn’t speak. So I started quoting Psalm 23 in my head and then I woke up immediately. I only got as far as “The Lord is my shepherd.” Please interepret.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 6, 2018

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. We do not interpret dreams sent in to our team but we do offer wonderful resources that will help you interpret your own dreams. Here is a list of Doug’s dream interpretation resources. God bless you!

    • Desi
    • May 15, 2018

    I keep smelling fire smoke and I’ve been in pain. I had such a realistic nightmare of being and dying in a burning building. Finally escaping to a safe spot and that happened to be a shooting spot for something and I was shot while 3 people 2 men and a women. The woman was pale. Asian and short black hair. She had on a red shirt, black leather jacket with jeans and boots.
    The men were more casual like t-shirt and jeans with boots. They both had shades on and one had a tattoo of a skull or snake on his right arm. The other had more hairy arms.
    They all smiled at us and gave us something it was in a tiny black box I was killed after so I never knew what was inside it besides when it fell.. all I remember was it was shiney and looked green or a red

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 17, 2018

      Hello Desi. Doug wrote an awesome article here on what to do when you have a nightmare. You have a destiny that is so beautiful and wonderful, and Satan does not want you to fulfill. The awesome thing is, God does want you to fulfill it and it is His pleasure and joy to help you along the way :). I am praying for you now to step into everything God has for you and for you to be filled with joy and peace. God loves you so much and is with you.

    • Andraious
    • May 15, 2018

    I dream I saw my step mom coming into the yard I was upstairs in the house when I saw her but as soon as I went to approach the door the light everywhere would go dark the ones outside would go red and blink like mad and you can see a shadow move extremely fast and my mom would be seen running towards it screaming. I would always get frighten and move away from the door and you would see her running back saying she is going back in the light not to mention it always take place in the night

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 17, 2018

      Thanks for sharing your dream Andraious. We do not have the team in place to interpret dreams sent in to us at the moment. Doug does have some awesome dream interpretation resources that would greatly assist you grow in dream interpretation.

      I can tell you it would be wonderful for you to be praying for your step-mother. You can ask the Holy Spirit what to pray and pray as you feel lead.

      God bless you!

    • Whinniline
    • May 2, 2018

    Hi. I have this dream the other night. I saw my former classmate in college. Actually, I loved him and I think I still love him until now. In my dreams, I saw him inside my room, sitting in front of the drawing table. He was writing on a pink paper a prayer for his future wife. After he’s done. I was so surprise when he gave me the paper and he said, “I have been praying for you. You’re a total package that I want for a wife.” And then I saw that he also wrote Feb. 01, 2011 on the paper. And he said, it was his happiest day. By the way, we’ve met on 2010. We were such a good friend to each other since 2010. He knew that I liked him because of our classmates. But he never avoided me. In fact, even until now, we are still good friends. But we don’t really see each other that much anymore as we are both busy in our own lives. Last year, I dreamed of him twice. To note, I wasn’t really thinking of him. I tried to forget him. But in my dreams, he said “I love you” . it seems real. The first dream, when I woke up in the middle of the night. I thought it was real. I really felt his sincerity in my heart. I don’t know what those dreams really mean. Thanking you in advance for the reply.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 10, 2018

      Whinniline, we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams at the moment. Doug has some awesome dream interpretation resources that will help you grow in dream interpretation. God bless you!

    • Simi Komo
    • April 30, 2018

    I had a dream I once had again, I saw myself trying to escape from prison.
    I saw my mouth filled with hairs covering my teeth. As I was trying to pull them out blood started gushing out. Please what does it mean. its urgent.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 30, 2018

      Hey Simi. Thank you for sharing your dream. We do not have a team in place to do specific dream interpretation at the time. I encourage you to do what Doug states to do in this article about teeth dreams. Doug says the following, “Now that you can understand what dreaming of teeth can mean, the thing that really matters is how you respond. God is trying to point out how to have a positive outcome. Responding in some way will make the dream come alive. In the case of these teeth dreams, pray and ask God to show you what He wants you to understand and pray for wisdom.

      If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5”

      I hope this helps you. Praying for you to have peace and wisdom. God loves you so much.

    • Francine
    • April 24, 2018

    At 4:30 the other morning, I heard a voice…couldn’t tell if it was a man’s or woman’s voice, but very clear and gentle. It said…”A mother who takes in as many as she has, is blessed.” I thought for a moment my husband was speaking to me so I sat up and turned to him but he was sound asleep. It was so clear…these are not words I would say or have heard but I wrote them down to see if I Googled them, were they a saying or part of a reading, but nothing. During that day, prior to going to sleep I went to the cemetery to visit my mother for her 2-year anniversary of her death and we spoke for a long time and I asked her why she had abandoned me by not coming into my dreams or allowing me to feel her spirit. I meditated and prayed all day to give me a sign that my mother was proud of me and was pleased the way I was taking care of the family and trying to do the right thing. Was this it?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 27, 2018

      Francine, what a cool experience you had. God has got you and He will speak to you. You can ask God to reveal himself more to you in your dreams. God bless you!

        • Francine
        • April 28, 2018

        Thank you for your reply. Those words are haunting me…I’m sure when God is ready, the meaning will. E revealed to me. I receive messages all the time, but the are usually delivered while I’m awake, during the day. This is such a biblical kind of message…it’s haunting and beautiful. My priest said it’s a message of great blessing. I am blessed and I feel it all the time…
        Romans 12:12 Be joyous in praise, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer.

          • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
          • May 1, 2018

          Bless you Francine <3. Praying for you now.

    • Momo
    • April 14, 2018

    Last night had a dream where some strange guy was asking me out, some how I knew he was not the one so I said no. This turned to being chased by this gentleman until I reached the road to our old home( my father’s house where I grew up) Then I woke up😱

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 16, 2018

      Hello Momo. Doug says being chased often means you are either running from something in your life, or you are being chased down by your own destiny and it is trying to catch up with you, both require major changes. This type of dream is a strong indication that there is some calling on your life that you have yet to fulfill.

      You can spend time with God asking Him to show you what the dream meant.

      You can look into more of Doug’s dream resources here. One of the most popular is the Dream Crash Course. This course show you how to take a dream and break it down to understand the meaning of it.

      Bless you Momo! Agreeing with you for you to step into your destiny and find the right guy for you!

    • IOCWN
    • April 1, 2018

    Hello, nice work there.
    Please I had a dream where I saw myself dead and my spirit was standing nd looking at my body on the ground.
    Then a man came but I didn’t see his face. He touched my stomach and shook his hand and i woke up.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 4, 2018

      Hello! We are unable to do dream interpretation on our blog. Doug has a great course that teaches about dream interpretation called Dream Crash Course. If you feel you want prayer we have a list of recommendations for prayer ministry here. Bless you!!

    • Jan
    • March 25, 2018

    I dreamt of buying 2 bowls of dessert. My aunt came along without being invited.. I intended to share the dessert with my mom and dad, but my aunt just took my bowl of dessert. I ended up blessing her with one big bowl, but she wasn’t satisfied and she ate the other bowl that was intended for my parents. My uncle came out of the blue but he didn’t stop my aunt from eating that bowl of dessert. I woke up feeling a lot of pain in my heart because they ate the desserts without asking me at all. May I know what does my dream mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 27, 2018

      Hey Jan! We are unable to interpret dreams at this time but you can learn more about dream interpretation by taking Doug’s Dream Crash Course. Bless you!

    • Laramie
    • March 22, 2018

    I had a dream of a little girl she was in my old childhood house/room. I was looking for a dress for her, I found a white dress but she already choose a two tone dress with red velvet top with white skirt (beautiful) she then went to livingroom and sat with my mother, I walked up to her to let her know her tights were dirty with pink stains, I told her needed to change because they were dirty, so she did put on white socks with shiny MJs. We ended up in the kitchen I was combing her hair, then noticded she has broken eggshells, I was then combing them out of her hair.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 27, 2018

      Hey Laramie! In Doug’s Dream Crash Course he talks about how to interpret a dream in 4 quick steps. You can find out more about Doug’s dream interpretation resources here here. Bless you!

    • Hailey
    • March 19, 2018

    I am frequently seeing healing and delivering people from demon. In each dream that I’ve seen I felt some energy even I woke up praying. Any explanation for this?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 27, 2018

      That is awesome Hailey! You are having warfare dreams. You can learn more about dream interpretation by taking Doug’s Dream Crash Course. Bless you!

    • Nadia
    • March 17, 2018

    So my dad is working away and I ddnt see his in a while I just woke up with tears rolling down my face I saw my dad he was greeting everybody he was leaving to some place because he had his suitcase and he hugs me so tight It felt real and we both were crying and I woke up with tears in my eyes.please reply I can’t get this out of my head..I feel worries for some reason

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 27, 2018

      Hey Nadia. We are unable to do dream interpretation but you can learn more about dream interpretation by taking Doug’s Dream Crash Course. Bless you!

    • donna fe sarabia
    • March 16, 2018

    what if I dream of a soul that is calling a name?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 27, 2018

      Hey Donna. We are unable to interpret dreams but you can learn more about dream interpretation by taking Doug’s Dream Crash Course. Bless you!

    • Matthew Topper
    • March 12, 2018

    what about being unable to move and being swarmed over and over by bees and flies?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 12, 2018

      Flies often represent a demonic attack. If you cannot move then something is trying to keep you from moving into your destiny and greater intimacy with God. Ask God to reveal the attack of the enemy to you and keep pressing into God. Listening to worship music and reading scripture is an awesome way to get through being “stuck”.

      In Doug’s Dream Crash Course he teaches you how to understand dreams. Doug also has other dream resources you can check out here https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/.

      God bless you Matthew!

    • Lungile
    • March 11, 2018

    I dreamt that the Lord was blessing me(us) with a glowing stick. He touched both my shoulders and the glowing stick felt hot on my shoulders.. Den I think he also blessed I think Satanists who I saw drinking blood from 3 tall wine glasses.. I then dreamt that a man who once banished Christianity in a certain land had died.. I then began to pray to God to claim his land now that the leader has died.. I am very confused

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 15, 2018

      Hey Lungile. We do not have the team in place to interpret dreams at the moment. Doug has some great dream interpretation resources here that will greatly help you understand how God speaks through dreams. Bless you!

    • LL
    • March 8, 2018

    I dreampt I was eating frozen liver

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 9, 2018

      Doug has some great resources on dream interpretation. Bless you LL!

    • Alan
    • March 6, 2018

    What does it mean when I was taught how to drain someone else’s life? Like a life steal skill. I was taught by my brother on how to do it. I was able to learn it and do it as well. I “saw” someone stealing my life, so in return, I drained him of the lives he has been stealing. Afterwards, I “released” the lives I got from the “soul eater” into the “heavens”. But then my brother mentioned that now I have connection-like chains attacged to me. I don’t know where these chains connect to tho.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 15, 2018

      Hey Alan! We do not have the team to interpret dreams at the moment. Doug has some great resources though that equip you in understanding dreams. Here is a list of Doug’s dream interpretation trainings, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. Bless you!

  9. Reply

    I awakened from a dream can’t quite remember alll of the details but what I can remember is I preparing a bed to get in and while I was doing so wondering when it would be time next thing I knew was I had feet hanging out of me as though I was giving birth and the babies feet were coming out first and I said to the woman in the room look I the feet are coming out first she said something and I replied you never checked me to make sure everything was okay.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 15, 2018

      Hey Jameka! Doug has another blog post that goes into more detail about baby dreams here. Doug has a great book that helps equip you in dream interpretation as well. You can find out more about that book here. Bless you!

    • Amber Velez
    • March 3, 2018

    Do you know what this could mean by chance? I was pinned up against a cage and these bugs (insects) and snakes were trying to get my face it was scary.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 6, 2018

      Hey Amber. We do not have the team to interpret dreams at the moment but here is an article Doug wrote on insects that may help you understand your dream more. Bless you!

    • Ashley morales
    • February 27, 2018

    On night I was sleeping and I saw a demon who was dressed up as a nun and I couldn’t move anything and where the demon was at was at my old house near a shed were a lot of weird stuff happens

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 28, 2018

      Thanks for sharing Ashley! Could be a religious spirit since it was a demon dressed up like a nun. Bless you!

  10. Reply

    i dreamet walking on air and happy and relaxed. some people were chasing me and all of a sudden i started fyling to get away from the person/people chasing me. it was my fisrt time dreaming flying/floating on air.

    usually drema being chased by guns.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 20, 2018

      Awesome dream Lungelo! You are going above your attacks. Bless you!

    • Edith
    • February 16, 2018

    Hi! I am learning how to interpret my dreams, witch are many :D, and most of the time I get a bit of it but this one has left me baffled, It seems of a fight but I need to know if it is o 3 levels or three battles. I go with my mom to church to prepare but when i get there there are so many people d doing something and kids running around. I find oana and Lucia but i avoid oana and go with Lucia to an open space where there is a dog he wants something a key or a box, something. Lucia threw or to him and he sat put but soon he started chasing us, there were 2 I think. I k know I’m supposed to fly (told to take the battle in the spirit and rise over) but i can’t fly caring her to, I tell her to hang on to a tree but the tree is not so tall so I try to fly but can’t. We go to a room somewhere and somehow the doc is defeated. Then I see a girl she has a precious little wooden box in her hand. There is light inside the box and she tries to open it and get what’s inside. All of a sudden a door opens and a red and black dragon comes out and snatches the box from her. We go away in the street but when i look again he saw me. I start flying with power but he comes after me he has one body but many necks and heads he grabs on to a light street up in the air and starts stretching his h heads to attack, while flying i am given a bone like weapon same material as the dragon i fight the dragon with it. He tries to grab my feet but i get underneath and start waving the bone in circles i get his heads all rapt up and i dunno how to kill him but the Hebrew letters came to mind and i start shouting aim, aleph, beit by the time i get to gimme i drag him down and he is deaf and defeated. Then i am on the street and i am still flying with wins like of a eagle or angel but strong wings that allow me to easily control flying. There is a guy and is playing with a silver or platinum sword. He tries to attack but playing o tell him: hey punk stop playing with that sword. And he comes to attack my for but I yell not my feet you punk. I fly higher holding on to some commercial panels but in vain he can reach me. Then i say that sword is mine i need it i know what to do with it. I get down to him and the sword is given to me. It is a shiny two edged, silvery sword, the sword of a knight. As i put the flat part twards the sky a light reflexes in it geting biger, then i wake up singing “thy Kingdom come, thy will be done as it is on heaven same be on earth.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 9, 2018

      Hey Edith! That is wonderful you want to grow in dream interpretation. Doug has some great resources on dream interpretation that will help you gain greater understanding on dreams. Bless you!

    • khomotso
    • February 15, 2018

    i had a dream i saw a man carrying a big dark cross climbing the mountain i was at the bottom of the mountain with others.but his bare feet were not touching the bushes and the thorns of the mountain.as he reached the top the big cross fell down to were we were standing it was bit dark and the cross had brown torn cloth on it.someone shouted that we need to write on the cloth this words “18 of march to 18 of april”then i woke up.what could this mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 28, 2018

      Hello Khomotso! We do not have the team to interpret dreams over the blog. Doug wrote a blog post on numbers. Doug also has some awesome dream resources that help you interpret dreams for yourself. Bless you!

    • Irish
    • February 7, 2018

    Ive had dreams before where i would be placed in a situation where i had to rebuke demons…twice i had seen the same demon in my dreams..the most recent dream i had was this man who was acting violent and and he had a sword..so i began to rebuke the demon that was manifesting in him and the man began to squirm and i was able to take the sword away from him and eventually the demon left him..but the next day in my dream someone sent me a box of pictures of my neices and nephews and other family members threatening their lives be taken away..i feel like demons that ive been dealing with in my dreams are becoming stronger or harder to dealt with..i hope you guys can help me explain to me what these dreams mean..

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 13, 2018

      Hey Irish! We do not have the team to interpret dreams at this moment. If you feel like you are in need or prayer and guidance to as to why you are having demonic dreams, we have healing resources here, https://dougaddison.com/healing-resources/. The first dream shows you do have authority and are strong in the Lord. Bless you!

    • Crissy Ingram
    • January 27, 2018

    Im not sure if you can help me or not. From time to time I have dreams that I know are from God. I have other dreams that I know are just regular dreams.

    My Dream:

    My husband and I were in our car and trying to leave the parking lot. The parking lot has 4 tiers in real life as it did in my dream. We tried to go down the last one but it was blocked with cars so we backed up and thought the next one up we could get through. There was trash everywhere piles and piles. I remember thinking this is so much work for Bryce ( another staff member) to clean up and I would help him. David (my husband) just kept backing up all of he way to the top of the parking lot and there were two tractors with scoops on the top two tiers working to clean up the garbage. I remember feeling sad and wondering how this happened and how sad it was to see it in this condition. I was happy to see it was being cleaned up.

    Next I am transported to the second level of our building. I am at one end of the hallway and there is a person standing at the other end. The person is in a heavy dark cloak with their head down. They were standing in front of a staircase that one way goes up to the top level and the other got downstairs to the third level. The sun was coming in through the large window behind the stairs almost illuminating the figure. I was TERRIFIED. (In waking life this building scares me and I know spirits are there. I hate being there alone. We are in a really rough part of town so it’s always on my mind that I hope no one broke in.) When I saw the figure, I knew I was scared, but I remember thinking “I’m tired of being scared,” so I charged the person… My head down, I ran toward them.

    I knew if it was someone I knew I would be okay, and if not hopefully I would scare them off. As I ran I gained speed and just before I got to where I would make contact the head started to raise. I only saw upper lip and chin, the figure looked to be male and had glowing or grey skin like Lord Syth from Starwars. He put his hand up and a shield of som-sort kept me from impacting him. It was like I hit a barrier that rippled with rainbow translucent color and then he was gone. But… just as fast as he was gone I saw what was like an instant replay. The figure split into two and the cloaked figure went down the stairs behind him but a second figure in pants went up the stairs. It was almost like the departure was too fast for my eyes to see so Jesus (I knew it was Him specifically) replayed in slow mo so I could see it.

    Between my sleep and waking I knew I had just charged Satan himself. I was freaking out as I realized what had just transpired. I knew that Jesus had been there with me and had not let me pass through the barrier.

    At this point I woke up body tingling and it was a good 30-45 second before I could move. I was paralyzed and still terrified. I was almost to tears. Even going to write it down I was holding back tears and it wasn’t until a good 15 minutes later could I retell it to my husband.

    Thank you for your time,
    Crissy Ingram

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 7, 2018

      Thank you for sharing that dream with us Crissy. I can only imagine how that dream would make you feel when you woke up. I am so glad you had your husband there to share it with. What I love about this dream is the warrior spirit you have and that you knew Jesus was with you. These are two amazing things to take note of in the dream. You are so strong in the Lord and God is with you.

      Doug wrote an article on nightmares here.

      If I were you, I would keep note of my dreams and remain in communication with God through all of this. You are safe and already have victory in Jesus. Bless you!

    • Jenny
    • January 27, 2018

    I googled it of course 😁 didn’t get much out of that. Happiness in the lands of God ? Hmm

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 6, 2018

      Jenny, the verse Psalm 27:13 says, “I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.” You may want to look through some Bible verses and ask God to highlight any that He wants to you focus on. Bless you!

    • Jenny
    • January 27, 2018

    It wasn’t a dream. I was laying in the bathtub playing on my phone, in my head ( yes I know) it wasn’t anyone just me thinking quietly , I don’t know if you call it talking to yourself or Whatever I guess I had said it a few times in my head before I caught it . It was just repeating ” happiness in the lands of God” it was like I was recietting it over and over and over. Just seemed odd. I do believe in God but I don’t go to church or anything . I pray sometimes, if it was something different I’d probably shrug it off . But I don’t understand why, where it came from out of everything that could if been going through my head. And actually this makes me sound kind of crazy !

    • Phenny
    • January 23, 2018

    I dreamt walking along very fertile firms but I passed them all and settled in a green firm that looked like a communication mask ground. Also my late parent giving me a cheque to cash money. Any meaning?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 26, 2018

      Hey Phenny! We offer a great dream interpretation training that you can take right now. Unfortunately, we presently do not have the staff in place to interpret dreams sent in to us.

      I can say receiving something from a passed family member could be a similar gifting or calling. You can learn more about family gifting in this blog.
      Bless you!

    • Aneta
    • January 18, 2018

    Hi ,
    I had a dream of being tortured by people I worked with in the past that I don’t see or talk with them anymore. There where people that had done wrong to me I’m awake life. Mainly I was dreaming about someone that I helped in past to get a job , but her behiaviour was unexpected at work , and because I was the one who brought her in I was in a way pushed to provoke her to leave , so my boss wouldn’t have to fired her. I felt my boss didn’t want to deal with it so it got passed onto me. One month ago I told my boss that I felt bad about this situation still until till today how it happened because it wasn’t professional how my boss handled the situation and putting this onto me just because I was the one who brought her. Since then my boss has been very strange with me. Watching my every move. Anyways I had this horrible dream about her and a lot of people that I had lost touch with. I’ve been tortured by that person I have helped and all these people that I knew as she had powers over them and they have been torturing me. It was so vivid so real . Also My boyfriend created a small argumenT before bed time and he was there too just for few sec but supporting the evil event and making hurtful comments . I woke up crying and being in pain . Went back to bed and the torture continued. I am a true believer of God , read bible go to church , I read a lot about God . The dream was so vivid , that Im it felt like a reality. My partner also has really bad dreams since we both turned to God. Just a bit scary .

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 26, 2018

      Hey Anenta! We do not have the team right now to interpret dreams. Doug does have some awesome resources that help you grow in dream interpretation though! I can say the dream may be indicating some unresolved pain or connection to them that you may want to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal and help you heal. Have you ever looked into inner healing? Here are some resources for inner healing. I have gone a few times when I needed some breakthrough and it helped me a lot!

      Doug also has a blog post on nightmares. It may help you to read through it and get some perspective on bad dreams.

      Bless you Aneta. I am so thrilled that you and your partner have turned to God. No matter what scary dreams are thrown at you, know that having God on your side is the most amazing weapon you could ever have.

      Praying for you both now! Bless you guys! <3

    • Aneta
    • January 18, 2018


      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 23, 2018

      Hey Aneta! Glad to have you with us! 🙂

    • Dyamond
    • January 14, 2018

    Before I slept I asked my angel to communicate with me, and I dreamed a bad dream ..

    At first it was good I was in this building and it had a stairs and I was facing it but beside me was a baby in a rocking chair and I was playing with the baby it was smiling and laughing and then I turned and behind me was a lady with a bunch of huge bumps and rotten skin on her body she went between her legs like she was getting something out of there, but she reached out to touch me to give me the disease and I tried to get up and run but it was like I was stuck I was just very scared, I didn’t want her to touch me but I just was standing there scared trying to tell her no but I couldn’t move or anything, please help me.. what does this mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 17, 2018

      Hey Dyamond. We encourage people to communicate with God, rather than angels. You may want to spend time with God and ask Him to give you a dream instead. He loves you so much and loves communicating with you.

      You can also learn more about how God communicates in dreams in Doug’s free e-book, https://dougaddison.com/free-ebook/.

      Bless you!

    • Adrianna Baumgartner
    • January 13, 2018

    I saw about 20, 12 inch snakes piled up together, then turned to my left and this big serpent noticed I noticed IT and bit my ankle. I stepped on his head fir him to release his bite as I said “you are under my feet!”

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 15, 2018

      Woohoo! That is awesome!

    • Kiara Shaw
    • January 9, 2018

    I had a dream where I hugged my great grandpa who died when I was 7. He was just mumbling random jumbled words I didn’t understand. Then my cousin picked me up and held me by my armpits. I was crying and looking him in the eyes. He said “I have been blessed by looking through the eyes of a believer.” Before he set me down and walked away. I wanted to move and ask what he meant but I just couldn’t.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 17, 2018

      Oh I love that dream Kiara! Bless you!

    • Ann
    • January 8, 2018

    Dreaming that God directs me a place in my garden that I should dig it..another scene it is already 10 feet below and I saw nothing but small skyblue water and soil and I don’t know..what is the meaning of this?please reply and thank you..

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 9, 2018

      Hey Ann! We offer a great dream interpretation training that you can take right now, https://dougaddison.store/product/dream-crash-course/. Unfortunately, we presently do not have the staff in place to interpret dreams sent in to us—please bear with us. Bless you!

  11. Reply

    I had a dream , when we as students moving in certain grasslands met a beast like monster preventing us from moving past a certain point
    as it was chasing some student, it turned to me and a serious fight began I fought the beast when I couldn’t fight I flew away as i tried to get away from it but it followed suite, I went for it and scared it to the ground .
    then it got annoyed and started speaking
    that “OK now I’m gonna take you to hell” and it was breathing with fire then when it arrived I hit it down and and then it also hit me then I woke up , it chased me for some good time

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 9, 2018

      Awesome dream Isah! Slaying monsters in dreams is always a good sign! Bless you!

    • Angie
    • January 7, 2018

    My son came to my room with a plate of food @11am and asked me if I wanted to eat breakfast. I said , no thank you. This is where I think, my dream started: I opened my eyes looking at the clock on my wall it said, 3:00. I then said, let me get up, I rubbed my eyes the clock then said, a little after 12pm. I was like huh??? I looked on my phone and it was after 12. Can ANYBODY out there tell me something about this, I’m confused, what is the meaning???

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 9, 2018

      Hey Angie! We offer a great dream interpretation training that you can take right now, https://dougaddison.store/product/dream-crash-course/. Unfortunately, we presently do not have the staff in place to interpret dreams sent in to us—please bear with us.

    • Rose
    • January 3, 2018

    In my dream I saw one demonic angel with huge wings holding sword, it trying to separate me and Husband or kill, often I saw black cats in my dream

    • Ven Andreyuk
    • January 2, 2018

    I had a dream today that I am flying holding to the motorcycle like rudder with the acceleration button. It was not perfect flight but it was flying. What does it mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 5, 2018

      Awesome dream Van! Flying dreams often mean you have a high degree of creativity, you have the ability to rise above circumstances, and you are possibly maturing spiritually.

    • Jenneice
    • December 28, 2017

    Hi! I had three dreams back to back last night. The first one I dreamed my boyfriend handed me his phone to look at something but I ended up going through his messages and finding messages and pictures of him and other women and that was the reason he wasn’t coming home every night. Once he figured out what I saw he got upset and then told me it’s true and he was leaving me. My second dream was I was in my bed and old house from when I was a child. Someone was trying to rape and kill me. I just remember running and trying to get away from the person and I finally got away and was able to get into a car and as soon as they was about to get me I locked the door and called my mom. The third dream was I was in the car and I was driving. There was a woman and child in the middle of the road and I tried to swerve to avoid them but so did a truck and we hit head on and I just remember everything going black and into slow motion and we went into a river and the person I was with couldn’t get out and I saved her from the water.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 2, 2018

      Hey Jenneice. We do not interpret dreams on the blog or through email here at InLight Connection, as we do not have the staff or time to do so. Here are some of Doug’s resources on dream interpretation though, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. Even the free e-book on there will greatly help you. It will help get you started on understanding dreams.

      I can say Jenneice, I’d spend some time with God this week and in worship. I know what its like to have anxiety filled dreams, and I no longer do. I am praying that God gives you insight into your dreams and into your destiny.

      You are a beautiful daughter of God. Bless you.

    • Daniel Sylvester
    • December 27, 2017

    I dreamt and in the dream i saw harvested maize gathered together and i saw my family members gathered round about it what could that signify

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 2, 2018

      Cool dream! We do not interpret dreams on the blog or through email at InLight Connection. Doug has amazing dream resources that will help equip you to understanding dreams here, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/.

      Bless you Daniel!

    • BL R
    • December 20, 2017

    My dream: I was walking somewhere on uneven ground, like a trail. My cat was scampering and running on ahead. I thought a dog was walking beside me butting his head in my hand for petting; but, when I looked it was a large dark bear calmly walking beside me wanting petting. It had large teeth and was strong. I knew hunters with mighty weapons were following and circling around us to kill the bear and I feared they would also kill me. I felt no fear of the bear, kept walking and petting it with my hand and tried to keep my emotions calm about the hunters but kept thinking about what they would do. Thinking about it, I’m not sure, but think the bear may be a part of me.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 22, 2017

      Interesting dream! Thanks so much for sharing. We do not do dream interpretation over the blog, but Doug has bears in his dream dictionary that is found in his Dream Crash Course, https://dougaddison.store/product/dream-crash-course/. He briefly addresses how different bears may carry different meanings. Bless you!

    • Rowena
    • December 15, 2017

    I dreamt of strong air gushing (or wind not sure)in my bedroom that it started to shake. And I felt a presence starting to come near me. I was not able to move for a few seconds and then I consciously said In Jesus name get away.
    Prior to that (in the same night though) I dreamt that I was together with my room mate and then suddenly there were two old women who came in the room who seems to be angry or something. I told my room mate to text the landlord and the women went away the same door they came in.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 21, 2017

      Thanks for sharing Rowena. You could bless your room and anoint it with oil if you seem the dreams still happening. Praying God fills your home with His presence. Bless you.

    • mchelle
    • December 14, 2017

    twice this week I have dreamed that I was pregnant. in the dream that I had today I was already pregnant and then I conceived another child while still pregnant with the first one. what could that mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 15, 2017

      Hey Michelle! Having a dream that you are pregnant often means a blessing is coming or you are going to “birth” something, meaning having something new come out of your life. Could be a new job, a gift, a new anointing, etc. If you get pregnant twice, what could that mean if pregnancy often means a blessing? God bless you! God has awesome things in store for you! <3

    • Amber
    • December 6, 2017

    I currently in a relationship with a prophet right and I am also called to serve the Lord as he does. I was praying one night and I think I slipped out of the physical realm and I saw myself in a white wedding gown in church and there the prophet was, waiting to finally leave his parents and cleave unto me. When I arrived at the alter, I started speaking in tongues until I felt the holy spirit descend upon me and there I fell and instead of tears, milk streamed down my cheeks. A lady who was my maid of honour just stood beside me respectfully fixed my hair and dress. What could it mean???

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 7, 2017

      Hey Amber! Super cool dream! We do not interpret dreams through email or blog at InLight Connection. Instead, we provide resources for you to grow in dream interpretation. Here is a list of Doug’s resources, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/.

    • Fred E.
    • November 27, 2017

    Please I would appreciate if u can help me shed more lightlight on this sir.
    I heard a voice said to me in the dream, kill, eat and give to others.
    What’s the meaning of this?!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 29, 2017

      Hey Fred! Thanks for sharing. We do not interpret dreams on our blog site. I encourage you to spend some time with God if you haven’t yet and ask Him to show you the meaning of the dream. You have an awesome destiny with God ahead of you :).

    • Owusu Frank
    • November 25, 2017

    Good morning
    Please I also had a dream that we went to one of the church’s who wear white cloths and red cloths, as we get there the woman of God said he want to cleans us so we brought he water and bath us in front of her church. After she has finish bathing I wanted to urinate so I was looking for a place to urinate so I move about 6 steps from where we were and I saw a fetish priest going inside the bush so I didn’t urinate again and return back and the woman of God said she want to give me something which I should let it always be with which will protect me from any bad evils. Please can you let me know what’s really the meaning of this dream.

    • Sonu
    • November 23, 2017

    I had a dream last night…. I was flying in air and a snake came from behind and wrapped me and i was happy and high flying.. what does this mean ?

    • Bree
    • November 19, 2017

    Wondering about a Dream. I have to admit I have been considering divorce. The relationship lacks reciprocity. Last night I dreamed there were three motorcycles with different years – this years correlate with years I married – I married my children’s father twice – so there were three motorcycles with each year I married and below the year there was a name. I didn’t see it at first but someone in my Dream said look they all have (blank) on them – the blank is my current married last name.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 29, 2017

      Hey Bree. I am so sorry you are going through a hard time in your marriage. We do not do dream interpretation here at InLight Connection, but we provide dream interpretation resources, such as the Dream Crash Course.

      I am praying now that you have clarity in your marriage and peace. Ask God to show you what the enemy doesn’t want you to see in your marriage, Jeremiah 11:18, and see what God shows you. Bless you.

    • Sara A Mann
    • November 17, 2017

    I had a dream about being pregnant but unable to give birth. something was wrong they baby refused to come out like it was stuck..

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 19, 2017

      Babies often mean birthing something new symbolically. I’d pray and ask God how this blessing He is wanting you to birth comes to pass.

    • Kathy Harp
    • November 10, 2017

    My dream started out as if I was waking up to the sound of my 6 year old whispering, “Mommy….Mommy.” I answered, half asleep, “Yeah?” He started telling me something very strange “He is going to be standing by the truck.” I was somewhat confused but so sleepy when I responded “What?” He didn’t say anything. So I started to doze back off when I felt Tyler start to climb over me. He was getting out of the bed and heading towards the bathroom. When he walked into the bathroom I started to sit up on the side of the bed. When I did the room got darker, darker, and darker. Each time it got darker it made a loud noise. Like the lights going out at a stadium. I tried to jump up and run after him but I was instantly pinned to the bed by an invisible force. I was trying to scream Tyler’s name but nothing would come out. It got so dark that I could not see Tyler anymore. When I lost Tyler in the darkness I woke up.

    • Dee
    • October 30, 2017

    hi Martha, I had dreamt about visiting my late mom’s home, it got late and when I was closing the windows I saw young girl I think a teen wearing torn clothes staring at me. I asked my sister to come see the girl but she told me that the girl is always on the window and staring everyone, later on we heard young kids throwing stones on our mom’s house, ironic thing is I asked my sister to call my cousin I don’t get well with to come help, on the dream I see the cousin standing in the kitchen, my self, and my sister and her friend, then the house was on fire, I was screaming for help then I woke up. what suprises me more about the dream is I recently had a fall out with my family and we not on speaking terms

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 8, 2017

      Thanks for sharing your dream Dee. Bless you!

    • Dahlia James
    • October 28, 2017

    This one has been haunting me for weeks now.

    I was in a dark house, with bodies on the floor. I was terrified, but started flying through the house. There was a room I ended up flying into. A t.v. was on. I looked into it and ended up in a beautiful landscape. It had a cobblestone castle with beautiful fields of green and gold. I flew again, feeling such a sense of joy to finally be free. But the sun was going down. I started to feel a sense of urgency, like time was running out. A deep voice boomed in my head (my thoughts never sound like that) and asked me whether I wanted to stay forever, or go home. My soul wanted to stay, but I knew I needed to return to my family, so I chose to go home. Immediately I woke up.
    Did I just choose to live?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 24, 2017

      Hello Dahlia. I’m so sorry but we do not interpret dreams here at InLight Connection. Doug has great dream resources that teach you how to understand dreams though. Here is the link to them, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. Praying now for peace in your sleep and for you to hear God clearly in your life. God loves you so much <3.

    • martha
    • October 23, 2017

    hi i dreamt i was on my way home, and as i draw closer i saw many ambulances and their lights where so bright and i said to my cousin our house is burning and she said no its the ambulance lights they realy looked like raging fire as we come closer they left but there was a coffin,and i said this people left the coffin here because the person they where suppose to take with the ambulance is now healed

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 27, 2017

      Hi Martha! Thank you for sharing. That is a very cool dream! I love healing dreams. If you want to grow further in dream interpretation, here is a link to all of Doug’d dream resources, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. Blessings!

    • Gwen Hebert
    • October 16, 2017

    I dreamed that a love one came to visit the living and stayed longer than they should have and when trued to go back fell from out of the clouds and had wings but then all of a sudden the sky open up and the angel went into the clouds then there was thunder and a dark cloud appeared then the sky became clear blue skies and the most beautiful colors in the sky appeared then I did not see the angel after the sky became dark then light again like nothing happen?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 20, 2017

      Hey Gwen! Cool dream! We do not interpret dreams here at InLight Connection, but we provide resources to help people interpret them themselves. It seems like that dream was an encounter showing you something. I would ask God what it meant. Here are Doug’s resources on dreams 🙂 https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/

    • Audrey Bwalya
    • October 12, 2017

    Hi, i had a dream in which a friend of mine come to visit, with me i had food which seemed not enough but in the dream i said its ok i will share the chicken i had, but before i could take out my food my friend bought food and told me to pack some for home, and left some money for me which i did not even ask.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 13, 2017

      Thank you for sharing Audrey. We do not interpret dreams here at InLight Connection, but we do provide resources that help you learn how to interpret them for yourself. Here are all of Doug’s dream resources, ://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. His Dream Crash Course is the most popular! Bless you!

    • Diana
    • October 7, 2017

    What if I dreamed of the world ended and god told me to plant trees and to tell people to help me plant trees?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 10, 2017

      Hey Diana. We do not interpret dreams, we provide resources to help people interpret dreams for themselves. For example, from Doug’s Dream Crash Course, he says trees can represent leaders, people, or provision. Here is the link to Doug’s dream resources, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. Bless you!

    • Gabeiella Cyrus
    • October 4, 2017

    I often have re occuring dreams probably every month where an evil spirit trys to overpower me. This usually comes in a form where i am uncontrolably levitated and pinned up against the wall and i cannot control my body in the dream. Last night i had a similar dream but this time the evil spirit broke my arm and was usuing other methods to try to help me, once my arm had healed it came back to do the same thing. When I woke up my arm, the same as in my dream, genuinley ached for some time after I woke. Any ideas what this means because I wake up feeling very distressed and can make me cry

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 9, 2017

      Hey Gabeiella, I am going to email you instead of commenting here. <3

    • Rachel
    • October 3, 2017

    I get daily in my dream for the past one week that I am doing my ministry somewhere and lot of people are there.Can you please explain me.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 5, 2017

      When we have repeated dreams God is often trying to get our attention. Do you have a heart to be in ministry? God could be showing you this is your destiny and wants to encourage you. Ask God if this is something you will do and see what He says. What an awesome dream to have! Bless you!

    • Aana
    • September 30, 2017

    I often see that my legs have no energy .i stand on knees and try harder to stand on my feet but i try super hard to stand ?what does it means?and why do i get such dream?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 3, 2017

      Legs often represent your daily walk and strength. If you often dream about not having strength in your legs, God may be wanting you to strengthen your spiritual walk with Him. To find out more about dreams, you can check out Doug’s resources that with help train you to understand your own dreams better, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/.

    • Grace
    • September 29, 2017

    I know for sure that the lord is speaking to me in dreams for sure. I only remember those dreams which is from Him others just fade away as I get up whereas those from him are like crystal clear. Off late I had an experienced of many dreams in one night. I am smelling incense sticks ,there are 4 incense sticks in my hand and the intensity of the smell of the incense stick are marked by dots. Eg. 1 dot, 2dots, 3 dots etc . Am Melling it deep through these incense sticks. Then am in a room and my old friends are there.they show me my 7 the standard poetry book…it my own book with notes written by me. They say the church has a library and they took it from there , am like 38 yrs old now. Then i see a a video game… In which a big bull with horns ..the horns are unusually big very very long and like an arc but it’s projected to the sky. It simply kills the bad guys and they are inserted in the horns. Then I see a river or a did after rain in which there are debris floating , I am in the river an trying to take some food that is floating.. end up in collecting . Land in a place where there is a small church,am sitting out with 2 or 3 men around me…see some of the food are gone bad and I throw them away… But find a small bottle with rose colored liquid, the bottle is small …like a nail polish bottle size . I open it and drink…it’s sweet and I share it with another gentleman ..he drinks it. Then see that I am preparing for some exam , I meet a guy who is my ex colleague and he little puts me down. Last is I have a good friend and we are driving bikes towards my home ,he usually is strong in routes ,directions by this time he forgets… And I guide him … suddenly he realizes that he forgets a EMI to the bank.looks many small incidents in. Dream.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 3, 2017

      Thanks for sharing your dream Grace. We do not interpret dreams but we do have resources that help you learn how to interpret them for yourself. Here is the link to his resources, https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. Bless you!

    • Annie
    • September 28, 2017

    How can I register for this group?

    • Jessica Dones
    • September 12, 2017

    I Dreamt about a thousand teeny, tiny gray furry almost see through rats ran up my wall (like roaches) and formed the map of america, (they almost glowed), they were warning me that the world was gonna end and which parts of our country was gonna get hit real bad. New York, Philadelphia, jersey, Colorado north/south Dekota, (those states that make a square I know those three but not the other) they didn’t speak but you can hear them almost in your head. Then I woke up with a dreadful feeling

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 13, 2017

      Thanks for sharing Jessica. If anything continue to pray and declare God’s goodness over American and pray for protection over those countries. If we ever have warning dreams its often to pray for the opposite to happen. Bless you <3.

    • Sandra Resendiz
    • August 29, 2017

    I have recurring dreams were the Lord’s day is coming in life I’m not perfect I’m a sinner but in my dreams I’m always saved I even saw the devil n I ve had to differ from real to who’s demonic in seemingly looking like humans why???

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 31, 2017

      Hey Sandra. You do not need to be perfect to be saved, if that were the case no one would be. But by Blood of Jesus Christ we are saved. You may be in a time of growing in discernment. As you spend time with God and reading His word, you will grow in discernment, which means in simple terms growing in your ability to tell what is good and what is bad.

    • Michelle
    • August 27, 2017

    I had a dream that I had 10 babies and all were premature except one. I was at home and my parents which are deceased were there as well as my sister and some other family members. I dreamed these babies were extremely premature. The one that wasn’t I dreamed I was feeding and I was going to have my father hold him and when I looked at him his eye was popped almost all the way out. I can’t remember most of the dream. I know my dad held the baby and I know my mom and sister were telling me how to take care of all of them. I also remember talking to people I great up around telling them I just got out of the hospital but I couldn’t remember how many babies I had and I was in tears. Next I remember the phone ringing and my cousin answered and it was a call about something happening to my aunt.

    • kuri
    • August 27, 2017

    i had a dream where i saw a lot of snakes going into rooms and attacking people in my old college dormitory. there were also baby snakes which all slithered away and i was also among others who were being chased by the snakes.
    on the same day i had a nap and dreamed my mom was leaving my dad for another guy. as they got into his car i started to protest and climbed on top of the broken window and all the way home i followed them. there i started to shout and scold the both of them and generally got angry to the point where i even wanted to hit my mom. this dream moved onto a performance on stage as a group where as it started i could not move nor breathe properly. i woke up at this point breathless and crying and with a heaviness in my chest. i am highly disturbed by the dreams i had.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 1, 2017

      Hey Kuri! Snakes often mean lies and deception. During this time you can ask God to reveal to you anything in your life that needs healing that may have been hidden. Bless you <3.

    • Roly
    • August 23, 2017

    I had a dream with my deceased son yesterday. He looked like he was 12 yrs old. I asked him why he hasn’t visited me in a while in my dreams. His response was that even though he can be in multiple places he has been busy in how to learn on how to play the trumpet in heaven. Does this dream has more meaning to it?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 24, 2017

      Aw wow Roly. What a beautiful dream. It may be a dream that is more of an encounter. What your son had said may very well be the case because in Heaven because we do continue to learn new talents. That is so wonderful.

    • Ruth
    • August 22, 2017

    I had a dream last night, I was in Labour with one of the Pastor and her Wife praying for me to be more in pain and the Pastor told me that I have to deliver in other Province not at the Province I’m staying in, but what surprises me was that the Pastor was busy playing with my private part and also I’m not pregnant

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 25, 2017

      Ruth, pregnancy dreams usually symbolize you are going to birth something new. This could be a new job, promotion, ministry opportunity, etc. Bless you!

    • Michele
    • August 22, 2017

    I had a dream where a prophetic guy I know came to visit my husband and I. The house was untidy and I apologised and he smiled with was very calming and said don’t worry. I asked him to pray for my heart because something was wrong with it. When he prayer I fell to the ground and my body slid across the room gently. When he was leaving he said I have a word for you… No man had hit you, no man has abused you but a man has hurt you and he will hurt you again.you will go to Brazil where there is alot of temptation.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 23, 2017

      Hello Michele! It seems like you are aware that you are in a growing season. The Lord could be showing you He is healing you from your past. Pray into the last part of Brazil and ask God what that means.

    • donald
    • August 14, 2017

    I had a dream that i was sitting and praying and in the dream their was a CAT just in between my legs sitting and opening her Mouth while i was praying i opened my eyes and found the CAT looking up with the mouth open wide….What can i do as i am so scared ???

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 14, 2017

      Hey, Donald. Thank you for sharing your dream. Cats can mean a couple things in dreams depending on the context. For example, a cat could mean independence, strong-willed, sly, creative. A black cat could be a possible occult spirit. The cool thing is in your dream your praying. That is so awesome! The enemy could be just trying to intimidate you and make you feel afraid. Ask God what the cat was and see what meaning sticks out. Let me know if you have any further questions.

    • xyaryel
    • August 12, 2017

    how about having some singing nuns around you with your family

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 15, 2017

      Cool dream! Seems like a dream showing you blessings over you and your family.

    • Adrena
    • August 7, 2017

    I dreamed I was facing a plane i had my hand up praying in the spirit. The next thing I knew, I was in a plane I was looking out the front window. I was falling and I had mountains all around me, before the plane hit the mountain the plane pulled up and there was blue sky’s.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 11, 2017

      Wow! Beautiful dream Adrena! I love dreams that have us praying in the spirit. I’m not sure if you already pray in the spirit often, but this dream is showing you that when you do it’s super powerful.

    • Mary Medrano
    • July 31, 2017

    Good Day to you all. I wanted to tell you about my dream because I feel their is something behind it I just cant understand. my dream was I visited some old duplex houses and in the yard by some trees we found the corps of a baby which made me very sad i cried for them and thought how could someone just forget about them. I spoke to them and told them they were wonderful and beautiful and I felt their innocence and it was such an amazing feeling, then I told them God Bless them and felt them leave to the Kingdom of Angles. it was really weird.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 1, 2017

      Thanks for sharing Mary. Babies often represent blessings or a gift. It may be a literal baby but usually it’s not. A dead baby could represent a dream/blessing that is no longer. God may be showing you He is with you during this time of thinking things you hoped for did not come through or that you may be a help to have had their dreams die. Ask God and He can show you more of what the meaning would apply to. This dream shows you have such a beautiful heart and how sweet you are. I bless that in you!

    • Oke
    • July 19, 2017

    Good evening, I always dream of taking care of my younger ones. And in that dream I will be taller while they will too small as children. What is meaning of the dream

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 24, 2017

      We do not interpret dreams, we help with symbols in context and understanding dreams. It seems you are dreaming of taking care of your kids, as you stated. And you are taller than them, showing your their protector and look out for them. If you want to learn more about dream interpretation you can check out Doug’s resources here, http://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/. Bless you!

    • Chrystine Joy
    • July 14, 2017

    Hi, Good Day! I have a dream that i was in the church with the young people. While other young people singing a worldly song, a saw a two statue of big crows infront of the church entrance. I saw them moved and teased us because of what other young people did- singing world song, i told the other 1 crow ;that was not mean that we are not christians , and we are still children of GOd. That crow didnot listen instead the crow flew beside the church building and revealed its true identity – a demon ; there I shared & preached him the GOSPEL of GOD . and yes! He recieved Jesus and free himself from Satan’s slavery. Further, the other crow have observed what i have did with crow turned demon turned to good and have recieved JEsus, this crow told their company ( the others) and chased us.
    As we, wnet home together with the other young people, we have found ourselves chased with the demons but I was only the one who saw them. We were riding in a motorcycle and two of my friends were sitting at the back as I turn around i saw that the demons were dragging them down, so what i did is i let them transfered in my place and took their place because i was only the one saw them. They tried to dragged and pulled me down so i begin to pray and ask GOd for HIS protection & right in that moment God reminded me that i have authority to command the angels.The demons didnot succeed because of the huge angels who propected us and fight back for us.

    what does this dream means?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 18, 2017

      Super cool dream Chrystine Joy! It’s showing you God is on your side and you have the authority in real life to cast out demons and preach the Gospel with power. There will be warfare but you are on the winning team. I hope this dream brings you much encouragement! You are a mighty warrior of God and a beloved daughter. Bless you!

    • Brain
    • July 9, 2017

    Pls I need a clarification on this dream dreamt by my girlfriend but about me:

    According to her Saw an elderly man talking to me, in the dream he was a police man, and yet was more or less a prophet. He gave me a Mobile number, of another policeman to call. Telling me with the help of both of them, I would be rescued. In that dream, someone gave me a work to do, I couldn’t complete it{a furniture work, cupboard to be precise} and the owner, a woman, was yelling at you, saying he knows I won’t complete it, then the man tripped in and said, cos we were upstairs, while the woman ranting was downstairs, he said “must rebuke spirit of imcompleteness in my life “. She couldn’t entirely remember all that the man said, but she was pretty sure it’s about spirit of imcompleteness as she tried her best to listen to what the man was saying, but I kept on giving her that hard look and voice then sending her away, she heard him say I have a mark inside of me, he gave you couple of Bible verses and was like if I could pray and fast fervently for 7 days with the help of him and the other prophet(police) then, he’s sure things would turn around for.

    I just dont understand all these

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 11, 2017

      Hey Brain! Often when someone dreams, the dream is about them, not the person they are dreaming about. There are cases where it may be, such as if your a parent or a husband/wife, but usually the dream is for the dreamer. So it seems in this case the dream is about your girlfriend and possibly what is going on with her.

    • Alicia
    • July 3, 2017

    Hi, I dreamt my boyfriend “ex” dancing and then saw he speaking to me while I had my nephew in y hand and he, my nephew, was smiling. I then saw my boyfriend kneeling in church before a priest. The priest was using a branch to throw holy water on him, he was soaking with with the holy water. I dreamt that I was in a mass held outdoors – this dream is very fragmented.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 5, 2017

      Cool dream Alicia. Thank you for sharing! Seems like a good dream showing you your ex boyfriend’s spiritual cleansing.

    • Kendra
    • July 2, 2017

    I had a dream that I was in the passenger seat of my sister’s car she was in the driver seat and my mom in the back. There was a rattle snake by me so I put a blanket over it so it wouldn’t see me. I eventually got out and so did my sister and mom there were standing to the side of the snake close and I in front and it locked eyes on me and lunges towards me and bit my ankle I ran and went into the garage on top on my car and I yelled to my mom and sister to call 911 they didn’t seem to conceded at first then they called. Our neighbor was moving his lawn and my sister yelled to him he got off of his lawn mover and came to our yard. That was end of dream.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 5, 2017

      In Doug’d Dream Crash Course, snakes often represent lies and deception and ankles can represent flexibility, movement, connection. I would pray for God to show you if there are any lies that are hindering your connection/movement to Him. If you spend time with Him and just talk and listen He will show you. He loves you so much Kendra.

      If your a dreamer, I encourage you to keep writing them down and seeing if God is bringing up repeating symbols or scenarios. This will also help you understand your dreams more.

      If you want to learn more about dream interpretation check out Doug’s Dream Crash Course, http://dougaddison.com/dream-crash-course/.

    • Danny Rodrigues
    • June 28, 2017

    In my dreams I get up feeling breathless. This has happened many times while I am in deep sleep. One dream I remember that I was standing below 2 huge rock and there was a gap in between and water (In form of waterfall) was coming down from that gap and hitting on my head. When It started hitting on my head, I begin to feel breathless and I got up gasping for air. What does it mean.?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • July 3, 2017

      Water often means the Spirit of God, and your head may mean mind and thinking, renewed, authority. Ask God if there is some new thinking He wants to give you. It may be a powerful change He wants to bring to your mindset.

    • Caroline Saunders
    • June 23, 2017

    Last night I dreamed there were 4-5 children at my church singing, “for he’s a jolly good fella” as they kept singing the ceiling was falling in and no one recognized it but me. I started shouting, get the children out of here.. and slowly they moved towards the door. I think I know what they means, my church has been experiencing some rough times, a faithful few have held on, we have been without a Pastor for too long… A visiting Pastor comes twice monthly, but he is not the official Pastor…. Are things falling in on us or is this renewal…. Meanwhile, currently we only have a few children in our church. Please hear from GOD, my heart aches!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • June 23, 2017

      I think this dream is for you to keep praying for your church to have order and guidance. This is awesome you are dreaming this because it shows you are a mighty woman of prayer and when you pray they are effective! So keep praying for your church to have the right pastor.

      Bless you Caroline!

    • Jessica
    • June 18, 2017

    I dreamed that a little boy was trying to pull me back by my shoes as I was walking and I was trying to pull myself away and continue walking. The day before just as I woke up from my sleep being still groggy I saw a long haired girl standing over my bed just staring down at me and it felt so real. What does this mean? Please help!

      • Admin Nikki
      • June 19, 2017

      Thanks for sharing Jessica. In Doug’s crash course he talks about how shoes are often your peace or walk with God. So something is trying to keep you from going further. I’d ask God about the girl, it might be something generational that does not want you to go further. This article might be helpful in understanding generational callings http://dougaddison.com/2015/02/finding-new-fruit-in-your-family-tree/.

      I encourage you to have confidence that if your dreaming this, this is good because God is revealing the plan of the enemy to you. You have a beautiful destiny and God’s plans for you are good! You remember that, declare it, and keep going to God.

      Bless you Jessica.

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Dennis
    • June 16, 2017

    Gud day Admin, this is my vision: when I kneel down and prayed to God near the pulpit of our church I saw an open vision as I touch the pulpit floor with my two hand the pulpit change color from it turn into purple blue…

      • Admin Nikki
      • June 19, 2017

      Wow super cool vision! Thanks for sharing.

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Edna
    • May 18, 2017

    What does it mean when you have a dream about walking up some long long stairs and seeing so many doors but none of them open?

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 19, 2017

      Hey Edna. Seems like you are on a journey and there some things in your life you are waiting on God to open the doors for. Keep praying and asking and God will guide you!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Princy singhal
    • May 15, 2017

    I have a very common dream i am in the school.and i am able to fly.there are lots of enemies (monsters) in the face of school students some younger age.and i am to fight them.I can use magic.which i am flying i am able to fight i can attack with fire which came out from my mouth.what does it mean.from starting of the dream it is always my normal school and and me and my friends all are well studies and enjoy in the school after that it happen.sometime when i wake up in the middle of fight i fell very afraid.plz help what doea it mean it happen most the the time in my dream and it is early morning dream.i think its very big dream start may be while i start sleep and end while i wake up.plz describe what it is.

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 17, 2017

      Thank you for sharing! We do not interpret dreams online but I want to encourage you this does not appear to be a dream to be afraid of. You have a power in it to fight monsters, and protect younger students, that is cool! Shows you have a kind heart to want to protect those weaker than you. Keep writing your dreams down and asking God to show you more, He will.

      Bless you!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Car
    • May 14, 2017

    2 days ago i had a dream about a united airline airplane crashing close to my backyard due to a war and then i woke up and 2 days later i had a dream about me about to catch a flight somewhere in Europe. What could this mean?

    • Evelyn Ferreira
    • May 9, 2017

    Hi, last night I dreamed I was dancing with Jesus. It was a kind of waltz and I was very happy. It’s the first time I have had this dream. What does it mean?

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 10, 2017

      That is such a cool dream! God is showing you His love for you and romancing you. I love that dream.

      Bless you!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

        • Amanda
        • May 13, 2017

        Hi I’m amanda and I had a dream about being blessed with Jesus blood and when I woke up I had so much energy that I never had before what does it mean??

          • Admin Nikki
          • May 15, 2017

          Seems like an encounter with God you experienced. That is super cool! Keep writing them down and see how God continues to reveal Himself to you.

          -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Jia Jia
    • May 8, 2017

    Hi,I have a dream that I was being chase and I have reached church.There is rows of bottle of anointing oil on the table and the people who chase me starting to throw the anointing oil on the floor.When Pastor and his wife come out, the people who chase me immediately run away.And pastor wife hug me and assure everything is going to be fine.
    May I know what it mean?

    • Rebecca Green
    • May 6, 2017

    My son had a dream while he was on a sleepover :
    In the dream he was playing a game and the character in the game showed him to put his hand up, next to his face. When he did that, his hand turned white. Next he saw what he said to be demons in our house.
    Does it mean something?

    • Reply

      Hi Rebecca, We believe that most dreams are from God, but they could also be from our soul, our body, or satan. If the dreams are from God, then He will use symbols in a way that speaks to the age and culture of the dreamer. It is hard to say what the dream means from your post. Doug has a great free dream e-book and lots of blogs on dreams & dream symbols, as well as great training resources. https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/

      God’s blessings to you, Pam, InLight Connection

    • Chaldean Go
    • April 30, 2017

    Hi please help me.
    I wanna understand about this dream I had earlier around 1-2am.

    I dreamt about my Grand mom, my Aunt and my boyfriend were killed in our house by some sort of group carrying a gun, I was crying when looking at their bodies full of blood and I left them at the house and went out to ask help. suddenly my other aunt told me not to go out. When I peak at the window, there were people blessing our home outside and other neighbors were also experiencing the same thing that their having dead bodies in their home. Then suddenly, I cant see my boyfriend’s body but I saw his phone on the floor. Then when I look outside our house, I suddenly saw a coffin and my grandmom was placed their and my aunt, then when I look back to the coffin, the coffin was closed and then I saw my aunt’s dead body holding her closed coffin where her dead body was placed and she was mocking at me.

    thats really scary i cried when I woke up and I told my boyfriend about my dream then I felt really weak because of that..

    Please tell me what was that dream all about :'(

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 1, 2017

      Hello Chaldean. I know it appears that this dream is scary, but I see some wonderful aspects of it. I believe it is showing you that you have something the enemy wants to keep you from fulfilling. Stay close to God and truth in Him and you will have nothing to fear.

      Here are some blog posts Doug did that may give you some insight into your dreams.
      1) https://dougaddison.com/2015/02/finding-new-fruit-in-your-family-tree/
      2) https://dougaddison.com/2015/01/free-dream-symbols-house/

      Bless you and all God is doing in your life!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

        • Chaldean Go
        • May 6, 2017

        thank you so much. yeah it was scary and after i dreamt of it, i was having difficulties in going to sleep.

          • Admin Nikki
          • May 8, 2017

          Yes that is understandable. Stay close to God, He will protect you.

          Bless you!

          -Nikki, InLight Connection

        • May 3, 2017

        i had a dream feeling like im this huge giant,was walking on air in a big castle,there were many strange faces,tried to see if i know some … but ive never seen them before …in the castle there was a sort of a pool(water)then we stood in a line for something like a graduation ceremony … suddenly some i felt my body coming to its normal natural size then i saw someone who i know in real life coming to close to my face … she said she was given /has my gift & she blow some bad smelling air on my face,i immediately faced the other side and said “NO” … then i woke up … what does it mean?

          • Admin Nikki
          • May 3, 2017

          Katlego, this is a cool dream! A theme here is graduation, which is some sort of promotion. And it seems like there is someone who may not be happy with you growing. It’s awesome that in the dream your able to know they are not someone to listen to by saying, “No.”. I’d pray into it a little and see what God says.

          Here is an article on dreaming about water, https://dougaddison.com/2014/11/free-dream-symbols-water-rivers-oceans-and-ice/

          Bless you and your dreams!

          -Nikki, InLight Connection

            • KATLEGO LEGWALE
            • May 4, 2017

            Thank you … pls tell me what God says after you pray about it

            • Admin Nikki
            • May 5, 2017

            Katlego, I’m sorry I meant for you to pray into and see what God says to you. He loves revealing truths to us 🙂

            -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Conn
    • April 29, 2017

    Hi, I dreamed I was inside of some big dome and I was upstairs with stairs on my left and right side. I was spreading a very big black wing from the left stair to the right stair. Behind the wing that was wide spread, there was a big person statue, not sure what statue was that. And after I spread it, I went upstairs in the middle platform and start to read outloud the bible verses that is written on the big black wings.. Could you please advise what does that means? I am really captivated with this dream

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 1, 2017

      Wow very cool dream Conn! We do not do dream interpretations over the internet but encourage you to write them down and keep asking the Holy Spirit to help you interpret them.

      Here is Doug’s course that equips you to grow in your dream interpretation gifting. https://dougaddison.com/dream-crash-course/

      Bless you!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Erika
    • April 25, 2017

    I recently had a dream my husband and I had 7 new babies! I held one and looked at the other six wondering how I was going to feed them if they all wanted to eat at the same time!

    • deeptha
    • April 23, 2017

    i saw more(all are male)waering white dress and start to praise to god,while parise one phone was ringing,then that man throw it and said its very worth,i dont care.(beacuse he wanted to praise)what is this meaning.

    • Reply

      Hi Deeptha, It sounds like your dream was of people praising God, and someone choosing to worship God rather than answer his phone. If this was your dream, it could be that God is showing you that you have a calling from God on your life to worship Him.

      Do you have Doug’s free ebook yet: https://dougaddison.store/nightdreams-free-ebook/
      God bless you, Pam, InLight Connection

    • Arlene
    • April 19, 2017

    When I was pregnant with my son I had the worst dreams ever I was never sure if it was a dream or it did happen. In my dream the devil will visit me and ask me for my soul. I never knew it was the devil because he always came to me in different forms. But I always sensed it was evil. I would then pray in tongues and it will let me go. I delivered my son early and the dreams disappeared. What bothers me my son is now 16 and he is having the exact same dreams I had. This is going on for more than 1 year. When we pray in his room and anoint him it seems to go away foe a week or 2 then starts again. I read some of his music yesterday and in his music he speaks about the devil watches him. I am not sure what to make out of it

      • Admin Nikki
      • April 19, 2017

      Hello Arlene, that’s a great question. Babies can have dreams because their spirits are alive, and moms often experience their babies dreams with them. Now that your son is having these nightmares again, Doug has a blog that speaks to this. Doug says in the blog that nightmares can reveal a calling from God on your life and a destiny that Satan did not want you to see.

      The blog post will help you and your son understand how to flip this dream into a positive prayer. https://dougaddison.com/2015/08/what-to-do-when-you-have-a-nightmare/.

      Bless you and your son!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • jyoti rai
    • April 16, 2017

    i also had a dream, i saw my self in my red wedding dress and i was driving a car very fast also a college going girl was with me in that car but i couldn’t see her face i think i know her but really i don’t know who was she ?/ then i asked my ex to sit in my car suddenly there was so dark on road the giel disappear and i said to my ex i had died 5 days before now u r going with me after that i hit my car in very bad way and he dead ,,,, my last words was …….. now your spirit is captured by my spirit for always.. pls tell me what was that

  12. Reply

    I’m so much impressed about your interpretations…God bless u

  13. Reply

    all gods love
    i am humbled


      • Admin Nikki
      • April 14, 2017

      Bless you Michael!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Daniel Shaw
    • April 13, 2017

    My house was on top of a mountain higher than any home in the neighborhood .I was showing my fiance our house at the top of a long stairway I asked her to marry me there she said yes . My thoughts were I didn’t recall my home being up so high and I told that to my fiance .What does this dream mean ?

    • Rosie
    • April 12, 2017

    A friend of mine dreamt that we had gone to a conference together and there were many people there. We were sitting together. There was a breakout session and everyone got up to go to the next class. We had to get our materials from a back table and when she looked for me, I had disappeared. She worriedly started looking for me. There were prayer booths set up outside the conference area and she found me receiving prayer from an African-American woman but I tried to hide my face from her so that she wouldn’t see me. She went to the booth right next to me. An African American woman asked if she needed prayer and she really didn’t but she was concerned with what was happening with me so she sat in the booth right next to me. As the woman held her hands to begin to pray; she was filled with the Holy Spirit and her body began trembling; she could not speak but was praying in the spirit. She saw me look in her direction and then woke up.

    • David L Knickrehm
    • April 11, 2017

    I had a dream where my bed was parked by the curb like you park a car. I was making my bed and people were watching me as they walked by. Then a lady came by and pointed out that the sheets were not tucked in on one side. Then I pointed out to her that I was aware and was just getting to it. When she was satisfied that I made the bed properly she left. The bed had a railing on each side. I had a doll that I stood up and attached to the right railing with a leash so it wouldn’t move. Then I had a small dog. I told him to sit and stay and he obeyed. Then I attached him to the left railing with a leash so he would not move. Then I had a wreath with gold rings and I attached it to the bottom of the bed with a leash. Then I was done and went to the College library to catch up on my homework.

      • Admin Nikki
      • April 11, 2017

      Thank you David for sharing! In Doug’s dream crash course a bed represents intimacy, closeness or rest. It sounds like God is giving you some insight on your ability to have intimacy with God and the ability to rest in God. Here is the link for more information on this course if you are interested: https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/.

      Blessing your dreams!

      Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Leander Young Jr.
    • April 7, 2017

    I had a dream of my father in his early 30’s or 40’s, he walked into this bright white room. And six men followed behind him, my father sat down in a big chair and the men stood behind him. My father had a flame over top of his head. I looked at him and said i know you and he said of course I’m your father. I woke up in tears. He passed on July 25th 2007. I had this dream three days after he passed.

      • Admin Nikki
      • April 7, 2017

      That sounds like you had a very cool spiritual encounter in your dream! Your father represents God in your dream and He is affirming that you are His child and He loves you.

      Do you have Doug’s free E-book on dreams? This might give you further insight about dream interpretation https://dougaddison.store/nightdreams-free-ebook/

      Nikki, InLight Connection

  14. Reply

    In a dream; i was standing in front of a man in a sit in a white table and white room. But where i was standing blood was dropping on the table
    from unknown place and i was scared that the table wil be stained and i cleaned the blood with my hand and it droped again but the man at the white sit did not look up rather he was busy writing on a something that look like a check book and paper

    • Allen Bernard
    • April 1, 2017

    I had a dream I was moved by the spirit to start dancing. I had no control on my dancing. Suddenly i felt like i was losing consciousness and I couldn’t move or talk. (Is this getting slain) My body was very heavy. Someone had to wake me up in the dream. As i stood, i woke up.

    • Tshidi Juliet
    • March 30, 2017

    In most of the dreams I am being chased by shadow
    The last one I had the shadow was in the wall telling me to stop praying because it has my heart on its Hand and it’ll kill me if I continue to pray….
    Ever since then I’ve been having heart problems and my prayer life is totally dead

    • Reply

      That sounds like a curse against you. Your relationship with Jesus is stronger than any curse. My suggestion is to pick a Psalm of David, any one that you like, and read it out loud to Jesus every night. Then take communion and recommit your life to Jesus every night and declare out loud the blood of Jesus covers you and your household. And then ask God to reveal what satan has hidden from you and for God to release you from the curse & the bondage. These are simple things but if you do them every day, you will see something shift & change over you.

      Here is one of Doug’s recent podcasts that may help also: https://dougaddison.com/2017/03/how-your-body-soul-spirit-connection-impacts-your-life-podcast/
      God bless you! Pam, InLight Connection

    • Shamar
    • March 27, 2017

    Hi i dream that I was playing hide and seek with some kids I do not know. The person that was catching was dress as a goat and their was someone who was actually a goat standing on two foot and it bit me on the back I was laughing and started to feel week when i woke up I was actually week . can you please translate

    • Kris
    • March 25, 2017

    This is someone else’s dream…can you please tell me what it means?
    Ok had a crazy dream. Fred Sanford was my daddy and I think he was killing people. We were sitting in a truck waiting on something, I don’t know what and he, my daddy-Fred Sanford would periodically leave and come back. So Dad (Fred Sanford) left and I was on the phone talking to someone while watching a guy unload things from his car, the guy would forget things and have to constantly go back over and over again. I was making fun of him to the person I was on the phone with, little did I know that this joker had super sonic hearing. Dad (Fred Sanford) scared me by knocking on the driver’s window telling me he wanted to show me something. I got out the truck and laying right there was a dead body. He asked me what should we do? I said get back in the truck. We didn’t leave. I started watching and making fun of the guy who kept forgetting things in his car again. Dad disappeared again. I’m still on the phone and I look on the back seat and it’s the head off the body Dad just showed me, no blood, just the head. I panic and took the head and put it back in the grass where the body was but the body is gone. Even more afraid, I get back in the truck, still on the phone, Dad no where to be found, the guy still forgetting stuff and I’m making fun again. I look on the back seat again and the body that belonged to the head is there wrapped in plastic. I jump out, grab the plastic the body is in, and place it where I left the head, but now the head is gone. I turn to get in the truck and the guy I was making fun of is there checking me for making fun of him. I apologize. The person on the phone thinks they know him. He leaves. I turn and look back to discover the head was back and badly reattached to the body. I panic, jump in the truck and Dad (Fred Sanford) is sitting on the passenger side. I drive off. Dad gets on the phone and calls the boys trying to school them on how to get girls. I’m driving trying to put things together and realize my fingerprints are on the plastic and I wake up. I think I know what this means…. never eat rotel with the white cheese sauce late at night.

    • ivy
    • March 19, 2017

    i often dreaming flying and also having a baby . last month i dream about going to the top of a mountain with some stranger guy that ive never know , on the top of the mountain there was a mansion , a beautiful and shiny wooden house , at the bottom of the mountain , was oceans . the colour of the water was so beautiful , blue and shiny . the owner of the house is the guy . i also dreaming meet with a group of , i dunno what to call it but it were in a human form .they where shiny , they all wearing a white cloth and have powers. they have a king that so powerfull . the king were taking care of me .can i know what is that dream means ?

    • Barbara
    • March 3, 2017

    Hello. I had a dream that I was shot in the head twice by two different men they were sitting in a truck and I could feel the warmth of the blood. I got away and begin asking for help and finally this man assited me….

    • Masana Mabasa
    • March 1, 2017

    i dreamt of myself casting a demon & my dad couldnt see anythunh when i showed him the demon

    second I dreamt of so many snakes. when one is killed many apper.. I am too scared

    3rd I had more than 3 dreams about my prophet he is always where I am but never notices me

    • Lv
    • February 18, 2017

    I had two dreams, in my first dream I was in a known place and I threw some of my things in the garbage but then I regretted so I picked up few things which was surprisingly gold and I went home and discovered three 2000 note money from my green file n later I was eating pork meat which was worth 1000 bucks
    In my second dream, I was again in a known place few walks away from the place from the first dream… I saw children walking up the road holding chocolates they were happy as they were celebrating children’s day it was November 5 these children were studying in grade 2 and from one of the children was my childhood friend. then I took a chocolate from a kid but then I returned it back suddenly I got a flashback about grade 10 it was confusing. After which on my way I meet a good friend and sold my cellphone n she gave me 10000 bucks n I went home .with the money I paid some dues. when I reached my bedroom I had around 2000 bucks with me what could it mean?

    • Reply

      HI Lv,

      We don’t interpret dreams here but we do give you help to figure it out on your own. Doug’s passion is that everyone will learn to understand God for their life.

      God uses dreams as stories with symbols to tell a parable or metaphor for you to figure out. Learning to think metaphorically is a skill that takes practice and time. Doug has great free & low cost training resources that can help you. https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/ and http://hearinggod365.com

      In general, looking at both dreams, they are about things in your past that you may have left behind or discarded are still good for you now. Ask God to show you what good beliefs or understandings you had growing up that you have let go, that God is asking you to look at again.

      blessing you! Pam, InLight Connection

    • Gernise
    • February 16, 2017

    I had a dream that both of my lungs came out of my mouth and fell right on the floor. What does that mean?

    • Reply

      The key to understanding dreams is to think of them like a metaphor or a parable. You can breath and take breaths with your lung and mouth. You would have to look at the other details for context but it sounds like God is showing you that your mouth – what you say – is causing a reaction in your ability to connect with the Holy Spirit. https://dougaddison.com/free-ebook/

      Blessing you, Pam, InLight Connection

    • Gernise
    • February 16, 2017

    I had a dream that one of my lungs came out of my mouth and fell right on the floor. What does that mean?

    • E Klopper
    • February 15, 2017

    I dreamt that I was with family and friends in a house , getting ready to go somewhere. When I was ready to leave, white flowers fell from above into my hands and as soon as I caught it, it wilted. I remember thinking to myself how strange this was and as I turned around someone stood there. It looked like the person (someone I knew, but couldn’t make out who) was possessed and started screaming when I came near. For some reason I wasn’t afraid and grabbed the person by the shoulders and walked him towards the wall, where, what looked like a prayer was written down. I started reading it and the demon inside the person went crazy and then left the person. I cast the demon out of the same person twice and both times I had to read what was on the wall to cast the demon out of the person. I also remember that “Galations 5” was written on the wall. I then woke up feeling very confused. It would be great to understand what all this means and if I should be worried. Thanking you in advance.

    • Robert Baindourov
    • February 5, 2017

    This morning I dreamed my friends and therefore I got involved with gangsters.
    Who ultimately began robbing and threatening them. So I stood up to them in my friends apartment and fought a couple of them off. Now being a target I had to fly back home, I am at home and they are after me, I shoot and turn two of them into a pile of ash with a laser rifle. A couple of more become burnt bones and nothingingness near and in my parents apartment. I do believe my grandfather got one of them. Law enforcement takes interest. Starts asking questions. So I am on my way to thailand, and I wake up again fighting with ticket scalpers at a travel agency booth.

    • Reply

      Cool dream Robert! It is showing you that your prayers are making a difference and things are stirring up in the spirit. Keep pushing forward for Jesus!

      Pam, InLight Connection

    • A. Gatling
    • February 4, 2017

    I was walking through this store that looked like a house furnishings store kind of like an ikea store, I think I had my youngest son was with me, but as I’m walking through, I started walking past this hallway on my right, and as I’m approaching this hallway, a tall man that appeared to be in Muslim garb is coming out of the hallway and because I could only see him in my peripheral view it looked like he was dragging a long plank of wood. As I cleared past him he calls out my name and I turn around and look at him it’s Jesus and he’s holding up this crucifixion cross and holding up his other hand and I step back and fall into darkness.

    • Maggie
    • February 1, 2017

    About a week ago,  I dreamed I had arrived at a friend’s home and was told he had died and the funeral would be that day. I turned to his wife in disbelief and wondering why she hadn’t said anything. She looked at me and appeared to not really care, she started telling a man to get rid of all of her husband’s things. I looked around and noticed his Bible and a notebook that he always carries around and took them before they were gone. I then left that room, past the living room and then on the porch. My Dad pulled up, I got in the car and started crying telling him my friend had died. We then arrived where the funeral was going to take place. It was sunny and green grass. There were chairs in place. I was telling a young woman (I don’t know her in real life) how I couldn’t believe how he was dead. Just then out of the corner of my eye I saw a man sitting in a chair.  I turned my head to see who it was and it was him. I asked the young woman if she could see him and she said no, she said i wasn’t making sense and then she left. No one seemed to be able to see him only me. I started walking towards him, he was looking ahead but kind of to a side like looking at someone. When I was about to reach him, I noticed an elderly man standing at his right side talking to him, but all I heard him say when i got close enough was, “just 2 more” my friend looked downward,  like accepting and agreeing. Then the elderly man vanished before my eyes. I turned back to see if anyone was watching and when I looked back at him he was gone but at that moment I smiled and I felt peace.

    This hadn’t happen to be before so im not sure what exactly it was, because I was able to see through my friend, (he was there like in a spirit form because I was able to see the chair he was sitting on and the background colors), In my dream I said I was seeing a vision and then asked myself if it was possible, or real or not, but then awoke. Could this dream mean anything? Thanks in advance

    • Kelly
    • January 31, 2017

    I dreamed I was in a big house with a pointed roof and large front porch. There were other people in the house, but I’m not sure who. I was writing in code on a huge white board that covered the wall right inside the entrance. I stepped outside with a large egg in my hands. My husband then rode up on the porch on a kids pink bicycle. He was showing off the bike and was very happy about it.

    • Reply

      HI Kelly, This blog might help you: https://dougaddison.com/2015/01/free-dream-symbols-house/

      Let’s look at the symbols and then look at the context of the dream…
      House: various aspects of your life, family, job, ministry
      Porch: community, recreation, leisure
      Egg: new growth, fertility, new idea or creation

      Code: something hidden, not revealed yet
      The house represents you and God is showing you that He has given you something new that isn’t revealed yet that will positively impact your community. It is a good dream.

      Pretty easy, huh? You can do this! Have you downloaded Doug’s free e-book on dreams yet? https://dougaddison.com/free-ebook/

      God’s blessings to you, Pam
      InLight Connection

    • Seoul
    • January 31, 2017

    What if one has a Dream of a mother cat and it’s kittens chasing a python? What does that dream mea?

    • Reply

      Seoul, It depends. Dreams are based on context so you would have to determine who the dream is about by who was in the dream and what they were doing. Doug has a great free ebppk to help get you started on understanding your dreams. https://dougaddison.com/free-ebook/

      Pythons usually represent a big lie or deceptions that can swallow a person up. Cats depend on what they mean to you as a dreamer. Keep track your dreams and you will see what God is saying to you when you dream of cats.

      God bless you,
      InLight Connection

    • Queenb
    • January 17, 2017

    I keep having these dreams that I’m I’m in my bed. I can’t move but I’m calling out for help. When I call out for help my voice starts to fade away. I can’t move on my bed and something is holding me down. I start speaking in tongues but my voice disappears. So I speak in tongues in my mind. It’s hard for me to breath and I feel hands pulling at my feet trying to pull me down.

    • gercy
    • January 14, 2017

    Good morning. Please I have a dream and I am so worried about the interpretation. I tried but have not been able to find an interpretation. My mom dreamed of seeing how Jesus christ was nailed on the cross. Three days after he rose from the death and started chasing me immediately and I was running. Then she woke up. What could this really mean? Pleas help

    • luz B Villanueva
    • January 12, 2017

    Last night i dreamed that i was on my old childhood house and i told my niece to close the back yard door as usual because it was dark but she couldn’t so i went and grabbed it to close but then something started watching me and i started praying and showing the cross with my fingers the more i prayed the more fire like person started showing and getting a little close but i woke up and i had a burning feeling sensation on my chest and desperate i saw the clock it was 6.40am and i started to pray .what does rhis mean? Please help.

    • Reply

      Luz, it means there is something in your generational line that is allowing a curse to attack you and preventing you from closing off the legal access to you. But the good news is that you have authority through Jesus and you will be able to see it and remove it.

      Here is a blog Doug wrote about generational blessings & curses that may help you understand: https://dougaddison.com/2016/04/do-you-know-whats-in-your-rooms-in-heaven/

      Blessing you to hear God clearly for your life,
      God bless you,
      InLight Connection

    • Josh
    • January 10, 2017

    Thank you for this opportunity.

    I dream mostly seeing myself in my former school,(high school ) writing a tough exam, also seeing my self in my former house

    What does this dream mean?

    • Reply

      We normally do not interpret dreams but we can point you in the right direction. Dreaming of going back to school and taking an exam means you are being tested in an area of your life right now. You need to ask God what He is trying to teach you and try to learn the lesson. Here is Doug’s free ebook on Understanding Night Dreams: https://dougaddison.store/nightdreams-free-ebook/

      God bless you!
      InLight Connection

    • Jennifer
    • January 5, 2017

    I have dreamed about evil spirits several times in the last couple of months. The 1st dream my family was moving into a beautiful old farm house that was haunted. I never saw the spirits but felt them. The 2nd I was in a similar house but it was all jumbled up. Walls, Windows and doors were missing. The entire roof was missing in some places and I had an encounter with an evil spirit. It was very confrontational and I wanted to fight it but I all I could do was scream at it. The most recent was again the prospect of moving into a new home, I was driving through a neighborhood looking at houses and in the window of one house there was a blur of a girl pointing and yelling at me and it was obviously angry with me. I wanted to go back and confront her but couldn’t and the dream progressed. What in the world?!

    • Bernadine
    • January 2, 2017

    I have had 2 dreams of being caught up with Christ like a month apart from each other. First one I felt myself rising up to the sky and i started praying to YHWH that he came back and i have been waiting for him and i started crying and praising him for his return. I was so happy. The one i had this morning, I was in my room looking up at the sky and i saw clouds but it was in a shape of hands and arms that was extending for me to come. The clouds actually turned to human form and i reached up and grabbed for the hands and saying LORD you are here and I have been waiting on this moment. I started crying and praising him then i felt myself rising and going up to meet him then i heard my sister crying and repenting but she was left behind. I also had another dream before these 2 of me driving and looking up at the sky seeing a image like the adbominal snow man pointing down to me to take cover because a storm was coming. i looked to the right of image and saw a tornado. I took cover and i was covered in snow but i didn’t feel it. Once storm was over i saw a light and freed myself. Once out of snow i saw a flood coming. Would you be able to interpret these dreams. All was right with in a month apart. Thank you

  15. Reply

    I dreamed I parked my car in the middle of the road to get to the bank to cash a check. This seems to be the only bank that was opened and while standing on the sidewalk waiting to get the check cashed, a tow truck came along and towed my car. While the man was hooking my car to the truck I ran to the car and asked him not to do it but he continued. I got into the tow truck with him and began asking for mercy and pleaded with him the entire time he was taking my car asking him for mercy. We came to a parking lot and he saw one of the administrators at the school where I teach and said, he would ask her and if she said it was alright, he would give me my car. He asked her and she said yes. I hugged her and thanked her for what she did…Can you help me with what you think…

    • Karina Marques
    • December 20, 2016

    Hi. What would it mean to dream that my husband was pregnant with a lot of mice?

    • Lusy
    • December 19, 2016

    A yellow audi car came driving towards me then I saw the man I love and we talked he wanted more than friendship. I was shy and scared at the same time and was covering myself with a blanket as if to hide myself from him then a man came from knowhere to start trouble between the man I love and myself as if he and I are in a relationship when its not true. What does this dream mean.

    • anthony
    • December 16, 2016

    hi doug, had a terrifying dream last nite seeing half human on the lower part and the upper part an animal, goat. then after making eye contact, it flew away from me vanishing

    • kabugudho anthony
    • December 16, 2016

    please help in interpreting my dream, am scared. I had a dream, where I came across a half human being on top and the lower body an animal, then after seeing me , it flew a way vanishing.

    • Steven B. Petelle
    • December 11, 2016

    Hi Doug
    10 years ago I had a dream or vision.
    I had just laid down in bed face down when I was picked straight up off of my bed and a person was standing face to face with me, not more than 12 inches away. He then with a puff of air out of his mouth breathed on me. I then fell forward back onto my bed and woke up startled. I was shocked to say the least and woke my wife to tell her about it. This has made a big impact on my life ever since.

    • Priyanka Saraf
    • December 10, 2016

    I dreamt of some random child spirit that ran while it was hiding behind the door and bumped into me ans banished when I was moving out of that room.I was so scared In my dream I was screaming.Kindly interpret this dream

    • Carol McMillan
    • November 30, 2016

    I had a dream of a lot of snakes in my home. As I am terrified of snakes all I could think of was to get out but then I woke up and said a prayer and in a little while I was able to sleep with no more dreams

    • Reply

      I love that Carol! Yes, praying helps break fear. Sometimes it takes longer than other times. but the applying the blood of Jesus to fear does help.


    • Justice Adukonu
    • November 30, 2016


    Thank you for the wonderful opportunity given us to have our dreams interpreted: I had a symbolic dream this October and was wondering if you can help: it goes like this;

    I slept off after a short prayer asking God to give me a direction for my life and the purpose for which He has sent me to this world as an ambassador – around 1am same night, I had dreams; firstly, I found myself at an open space like a park with a particular man that I do not know in my physical walk of life. Suddenly I could feel that the weather became very bright like MID-DAY sun shining but with much more brightness and heat than I have ever experienced in my physical walk of life- Then I asked the man beside me; sir why is it that the weather today is too bright and hot and it’s never been the usual day? And this man pointed his figure towards heaven and above me and said “look up” and I looked and lo and behold above is the 3 – SUN (suns) joint together and are all the same size, just above my head and the below clouds, with full brightness and heat as in a midday. I was surprise at this sight as I marvelled what this signs means – as I thought of this signs and what it might meant, I woke up from that dream – I sat on my bed digesting the meaning of what I have just saw in my dreams and went back to sleep.
    As I slept I had the second dream the same night where I saw myself with my wife and our 8month old daughter in my car (Nissan Pathfinder) on top of a mountain with the topmost part flattened; I couldn’t figure out how we got to that mountain with my car in the first place. Strangely my car was looking newer that it looks physically. As I sat at the driver’s seat and my wife on the passenger’s seat with our daughter in her laps- I observed closely where we were; this is a mountainous area and a forest zone with so many mountains not as tall as the one we stood on in exception of one bigger and higher mountain far away from where we stood. I looked and behold on our right side towards the valleys I saw Heavens (Clouds) descended (came down) and when I looked, I saw opening (hole) being created in the clouds and water gushed out from the hole into the valleys; as we looked on, the waters begin to fill all the valleys and flooding and rising and coming with full force where we stood.
    We became afraid at the rate the flood was rising and getting up to where we stood. Then my wife suggested we move to a bit higher level on the same mountain but having observed the rate at which this water is rising, I told her it’s not the best idea but rather we should move to the tallest mountain which looks a bit far off. We agree and decide to leave the car as we have no way of driving the car up to the next mountain – We moved out from the car and I looked to see what is there that we can take along from the car and I saw my black bag (ransack) and I took it with me but I felt that, that wasn’t a good idea looking the mountain we are bout climbing. With the flood, we couldn’t even have the chance to close the doors of the car as the flood was so close. When we start walking away – I woke up from that dream. I thought about this second dream and still couldn’t understand what God was showing me and I slept of again and had the third dream that same night.
    In this dream- I saw myself walking on a long corridor and I saw a room looking like a banking hall right in the middle of this corridor – As I looked I saw many people gather unto a man that looked like a pastor / teacher seating in front of them and answering questions; as I walked closer I heard a young man asking “sir what of if you dream seeing water/river etc in your dream, what does that mean?” and the pastor/teacher answered “It means blessings” so I got a bit curious and wasn’t convinced of his interpretation, so I decided to asked for the interpretation of these dreams with water flooding etc that I had just had; as I was making my way to the front , I woke up also from that dream and it was in the morning.

    • Reply

      HI Justice,

      I work as part of Doug’s team at InLight Connection and just wanted to let you know that Doug offers training so you can learn how to interpret your own dreams. He does not interpret dreams outside of a live training event. Here is the link to his website where you can look at the different resources: https://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/

      Blessing you to hear God clearly for your life, Pam

    • elizabeth
    • November 25, 2016

    hi.last night before going to sleep i asked the presence of the angels to accompany me in my dreams.Then as i was dreaming i saw two angle images.the first was an image of a beautiful and innocent angel then the second was an image of an ugly and scary angel.after we walked a while with my children as were going to fetch water we saw a green snake and we started hitting and chasing it.then it changed and started chasing us.we run and it seems we found ourselves in a church.and the snake was nailed to the wall and was burnt and turned blacked.its struggled until it died.then we started clapping our hands everyone in church though i couldnt recognise anyone apart from my husband who was in the other room.please tell me t meaning.

    • Donna West
    • November 11, 2016

    I can’t find any interpretation of my dream. I was helping other people in a school and when it was time to go I couldn’t find my shoes—someone had taken them. I am getting a new business off the ground and helping elderly people is part of that. What could this mean? Is there a blog or article that I can read? Thank you!

    • jane
    • November 9, 2016

    whats if i dream about my spiritual leader over again

    • Mark
    • November 5, 2016

    A recent dream this afternoon, a toddler looked at me and as he stood up – Telepathically, I was ordered to kneel down and bow my head in front of him. He then held my head with both his hands and said “out w/ the old and in w/ the new” “Let his old soul go and let the new one in” (something along the lines…) I then felt a sudden electrical jolt from my back that made me loose my balance – when i regained my senses the toddler left. I then woke up soon after that dream w/ the greatest and fulfilled type of feeling I have ever experienced.

    • Elaine
    • October 24, 2016

    I had a dream that I was sitting on a beach then all of a sudden a huge wave formed and inside was a lion like creature telling me to go help the people. What does this mean?

    • MikaruYuji
    • October 21, 2016

    i dream about a dark place. my grandfather is dead and we want to wake him up from the dead. one guy told us, “You must only took the body of your grandfather, only one dead must be freed or else Satan will be awaken” we are very quiet and very careful. all the dead are sleeping and we don’t want to wake them up. coz if they did wake up they might rush outside. we finally saw my grandfather. we wake him up and help him stand up. his face is scary. the dead people had woken up. they all want to be freed but i asked them a favor. i told them to be quiet and stay still coz if 2 or more dead goes out, satan will be awaken. so they did what i asked. finally we are out of that place but my sister went inside again to maybe free one dead at a time. just then a dog got out and i shouted “that dog is already dead!” then satan woke up and all the dead people got afraid and got out of the place. i went inside to save my sister after that i woke up

    • Reply

      Your dream is showing you that there are both blessings and curses in your Grandfather’s generational line. The good news is that you can repent for and clean up your blood lines to remove the curses and then ask God to release the blessings forward into yours and future generations. Read Doug’s blog: http://dougaddison.com/2015/02/finding-new-fruit-in-your-family-tree/. Blessing you 🙂 Pam

    • Cristina
    • October 19, 2016

    I dream a dream a devil put 3 white rats under the wood floor ,wen see I’m not scare he try to strangle me I was calling another devil ol lucifer to take that devil after I open my eyes I see a forest and a little market I take a little fairy box wen I open I see a mirror and a little green fairy I not know what can men this dream

    • anne kaee
    • October 17, 2016

    I dreamed that someone told me to steal an electronic device which I took afterwards about 1000 people started chasing me round town. what does that mean?

    • Reply

      Hey Anne, I think you should be aware of your choices and how they affect others around you. 🙂 Pam

    • Kim
    • October 15, 2016

    Hello, i like these teachings, i once had a dream that i was appointed as the defense boss, and my name was all over the newspapers, and about a year later i attended my first promotion interview as a young cop and was successful. Recently i left my career as a cop and secured a better paying security job. Every time i keep thinking of the past dream and feel as though it meant that i was to rise to the top level in the police. Kindly shed some light on this..

    • Lady k
    • October 1, 2016

    Hi I had a dream I was riding around in a car arresting demon that were in public places among the human race, my partner and I would recieve a phone call letting us know the place where the demons were, we would get in the car go to the spot, we could spot them instantaneously, we would use a machine a rest them, even though they were among or in the midst of people, we could sntach them out of a crowd, take them to a place where we could destroy them, they would try to escpe but couldn’t. Afterwards we would leave smiling. What does this mean?

    • Reply

      Lady K, remember that dreams are like parables and metaphors that tell a story with a meaning. Cars can represent various aspects of your life, family, personal job or ministry. In your case since your dream is about arresting demons, I would say this dream is about God giving you a new level of spiritual authority and you will enjoy it and not be afraid.

      Doug has very practical free and low cost training resources if you want to be able to do this for yourself and others. http://dougaddison.com/training/dream-interpretation/.

      Bless you, Pam

    • Richlyn
    • September 30, 2016

    Since the summer before turning 7 years old I’ve had this recurring dream, its always the same. I start out in Louisiana (with my grandparents) as a child. My grandmother takes me with her to the church and I go to class as she is helping out with whatever charitable event she could. I’m sitting in my desk quietly like all the other kids, but the teacher who is a Nun yells at me and warns me, “that is strike 2!” An overwhelming and unsettling feeling floods my little body. I apologize and try to do everything I’m asked without complaining or being rude in anyway. It wasn’t satisfactory to the 3 nuns and before I could ask what I did, I’m being jerked up by my arm as the 3 nuns laugh and cruelly say “into the closet – we have just the tools to straighten a trouble maker like you out!!” Then they shove me into a dark tiny closet and shut the door. After I heard the lock click I feel blades cutting me and then all the noise goes silent, suddenly I’m above the nuns watching them torture me and then I see my body. Mutilated, watching as a (what looks like a boat propeller) is chopping me up… I looked like ground beef. Then all of the sudden I jump up, I’m awake,l! Well I’m dreaming I’m awake, I’m safe in my bed at my grandparents house. I throw the blankets off of me, I can’t wait to tell my grandfather my terrifying dream.. I slide my feet in my house shoes and run into their room… But when I go to wake them they’re wet and my feet are suddenly wet and inside my house shoes.. I turn on their bedroom light and see so much blood. All over myself and all over my grandparents. I walk over to the bed and shake my grandparents , but they don’t feel right, I throw the covers off of them and realize they have been chopped up from the waist down. In total shock I run outside and feel a weird squishy feeling between my toes, when i take my slippers off I see chopped bloody flesh. Like ground meat. I just try to find help for my grandparents but no one is around. I have a feeling that i know I didn’t harm them, but I also feel like nobody will believe my story of the nuns doing the same thing to me. Then I wake up (for real). The first 2 or 3 times ibhad that dream it scared me to tears! It feels so real! Its been a little over 21 years since I first had that dream, not one detail has changed. Its my face my grandparents faces. Everything is so vivid. I was 6years old when this started happening- I had never seen a horror movie or even heard of anything like that. I don’t understand how I could’ve made that up so young and so innocent! To this day I have that dream 3 -4 times a year… I’ve tried to link certain life changes or patterns in my life that would maybe coincide with when the dreams take place, but I’ve come up empty. I really need a professional opinion about this dream, the older I get the more it eats at me.
    I will say that I dream every night- to the point of remembering and sharing every detail with close family.
    Thank you for your time, I truly appreciate your interest!
    Thank You Again,
    Mrs. Kell

    • Nici3h
    • September 29, 2016

    I had a dream where i walk up to my apartment and the door was opened as though I was robbed I walked in and the place was trashed like someone was looking for something but nothing was taken. I walked into my bedroom and met my spouse laying down, he got up and said suprise and I said what are you doing here because he lives out of the country and he then asked for a hug and then i woke up.

    • Nadine
    • September 19, 2016

    Hi my name is Nadine and I’m tired of seeing things dreaming of things that comes to pass. I used to believe in fortune telling but I was told its wrong… I don’t sleep at night when I wake up I see the spirits surrounding me my dreams are always Hectic but I always seem to get away…please tell me am I demon possessed that’s why I see these spirits

    • Reply

      Hi Nadine,

      You are probably a seer and you have the gift of discernment which allows you to see in the spirit realm. It sounds like the prince of darkness is trying to scare you away from using your gifts for the kingdom of God. If you are a follower of Jesus, then you can take authority over the tormenting spirits and tell them to go away in the name of Jesus. They have to obey you, but it may take some effort before they realize you are serious. Every night, ask the spirit of truth to enter into your spirit and soul and give you only holy dreams from your creator. If you are persistent in this, your sleep will be more peaceful and you will have dreams from God.

      Have you downloaded Doug’s free e-book How to Hear the Voice of God More Clearly? http://dougaddison.com/hear-god-ebook/

      God’s blessings on your gifts and your ability to see light 🙂 Pam

    • Urvashi Gupta
    • September 18, 2016

    I was sleeping suddenly I realised someone is standing behind me though my daughter must hv come but I ws surprised sm figure in white torn clothes just disappeared. I just had a glimpse of that. Plz explain

    • Reply

      Hi Urvashi,

      It depends. It could be an angel or one of your family’s familiar spirits (demons who follow your family line), or a witch or ??? Doug uses the term test the spirits in this case. If you are a follower of Jesus, before you sleep, you can command out loud that anything unholy must leave your bedroom and property now and then invite the spirit of truth to fill your bedroom with holy angels to protect you. If this happens again, you can immediately tell it to go away in the name of Jesus. If it goes away, then it isn’t holy and from God.

      Do you have Doug’s free e-book on how to hear God more clearly? http://dougaddison.com/hear-god-ebook/

      Blessing you to hear God more clearly for your life, Pam

    • Jhazmine
    • September 15, 2016

    What if you had a dream that you see yourself howling at the moon and God had spoken to you that you had a destiny greater than anyone could ever imagine? What does that mean?

      • Jhazmine
      • September 15, 2016

      I also saw myself as a wolf is what I mean

    • adri penney
    • September 13, 2016

    my dream was my pastors wife phoned me and said they cant wake him up he is just lying there with a blanket on him nobody could do anything then i saw a small cream cat also rolling and looks like he is also busy dying .please can you tell me more please thank you

    • Jesus Burgos
    • September 11, 2016

    I had dream of a famous Christian singer prophcing that Jesus was coming back in 30 years than God was going to deal with Man till I felt something drag me like a hand fast than I heard he will not be late than I was grabbed again faster than ever before was is this dream about?

    • Kiron
    • September 11, 2016

    In the dream I had my sis, aunt, mom… we were just walking… when I started coughing, at some point I couldn’t even talk to convey I need water … I literally lost my voice .. cough stopped but the voice went mute n I kept pointing to my throat… and then I woke up with a bad cough … like an itching … but within a minute the cough subsided even without drinking water in my wakened state … meaning ?

    • Nancy
    • September 8, 2016

    I dreamed that my parents and my kids we were all walking a distance. We were tired and hungry. We ended up at my friends house. I went in by myself. She was having like a fiesta or something. She asked me to help her with packing 2 slices of bread in a sandwich bag with dates on it. Not the same date on each bag. Her and her husband left to take care of issues.
    Last night I dreamed my dad again he passed almost 4 years ago. He was going to drop me off with my co-ed trip. Which was weird because he was strict and these were guys/girls going on trip. I was super excited even my ex boyfriend from school was there.
    also, dreamed that I was listening to my Christian music like I do every night and my son came and closed the door because the music was loud. I started screaming scared.

    • Mahaan
    • August 25, 2016

    yesterday night i dreamt of snakes screaming… what does it mean…there are lot of snakes im so worried pls help me

    • akello
    • August 22, 2016

    I dreamt
    my pastor called me and gave me a drum to tie up. I asked him what the drum was for, he said it was to fetch or receive rain water in order to water the plants that were below it. Yet there were no plants it was a dry ground. Later on he showed me some hidden seedlings covered with a tapeline. We started planting together and it became a beautiful garden. Is it about my calling? What does this dream mean?

    • Guillermo
    • August 15, 2016

    I’ve been having demon dreams for about as long as I can remember. In the dream I always knew I was dreaming and when it got out of control I would always yell at them with extreme confidence and strength Thai none of you can hurt me I believe Jesus Christ my savior and no matter how many evil people or demons were AG’s against me I always prevailed. I’ve always had deep spiritual dreams but this last one still has me u re questioning the meaning.. I’m in this huge Palace with what seems like thousands of people mostly Hindus and there is about 50 of them sleeping on white fluffy pillow looking sheets and I walk over them to a what looks like a courtyard an wOman and man offer me some food and as I’m about to try to eat I see a river behind the woman and say to her ohh that’s the Euphrates river and she says ohh he does know.. TTY then a crowd of children approach me also Hindu children and a little boy says to me… To find the answer of why you are here you must cover your right eye.. and I repeat to him… Cover my right eye?? And all around me everyone unison keep repeating over and over cover your right eye to find…and that’s just part of this dream…but it’s weird in the dream everyone wanted to greet me and suddenly I had thousands of people and animals following me.. and there were also demons but I didn’t slay them like usual… instead I just reached out to them and suddenly boom they were back to normal human beings. I’m always flying and helping people in my dreams and feel like it’s my God given right to… What do you think…am I just a lil crazy? Lol

    • Yatin
    • August 14, 2016

    i saw a group of dogs tied with leash individually by one man and those dogs where barking over other untied dogs,before this dream i saw i talked to my father who is still with me , talking to me and then running towards his vehicle.. Can anyone please help me in interpreting this dream..

    Will be highly oblighed!!

    • Virginia
    • August 12, 2016

    SCHOOL – I’ve taken notice that the setting of my dreams (as of late) take place in one of my old schools; from college down to elementary and I always see old schoolmates, some I interacted with and some that I didn’t. But my attention is drawn more to the setting frequenting an educational facility.

  16. Reply

    i wake up at morning and took bath and slept again at that time i had a dream that a lady with a cross in her hand coming towards me and shown the cross in front of me ..suddenly i felt something happening in me and i was not able to stand..she tells me wait i want to talk to you..what does this dream denotes ?

  17. Reply

    i wakeup at morning at took bath and slept again at that time i had a dream that a lady with a cross in her hand and coming towards me at that time i had some kind of feeling and i was not able to stand even..later she says me to wait i want to talk to you..after this suddenly i wokeup from the dream..plz tell what this dream denotes ?

  18. Reply

    I’ve been seeing the number 1111 for at least 16 years. Although I still see it regularly, lately I’ve also been seeing 777 and 222 too much to consider it a coincidence (which I do NOT believe in coincidence; I believe in Providence). *the protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power. Any suggestions.

    • Alessandra
    • August 11, 2016

    What about a dream where i was in a house with other people, then i saw a friend sitting in a sofa surrounded by a lot of smoke, looking down. Can you tell me what it means?

    • Hendrick
    • August 11, 2016

    what about dreaming about snakes…

    • Jennifer Farmer
    • August 11, 2016

    I had a very vivid dream once that my whole family was with me in my home. But it was filling up with water. I was panicking, but my husband wasn’t concerned and wouldn’t help me… so I continued to do the laundry the water level rose higher and higher… As it reached my waist, I looked in the living room and my husband and kids were watching TV as if everything was ok… So I returned to the laundry room and began crying out to God… Before I knew it the water was almost over my head and I was not really afraid but thinking it was over for me here on Earth… But then, I was still folding the laundry under the water… I was able to breathe under water. I said Lord, how is this possible? I woke up… As I pondered it that day… I came up with… That with Christ all things are possible…
    Can you tell me anything else about this dream?
    Thank you! God bless!

    • Reply

      Seems to me that you may encounter a Hebrew boys (Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego) experience soon, but God will protect you through it all.

    • Juan
    • August 8, 2016

    I had a dream of someone bending and throwing a holy cross and me running to pick up the cross, then I started praying so what does that mean

    • Reply

      Seems to me that you may encounter a Hebrew boys (Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego) experience soon, but God will protect you through it all.

      • Reply

        My apologies, that comment was for the post beneath yours. It’s a tad confusing with where the “reply” link is located. God Bless You.

    • Charles
    • August 7, 2016

    I dreamt of big snake with big teeth holding my leg but I had shoe when I tried to pull the never moved this means what….?

    • Lara
    • August 2, 2016

    I had a dream last night I can’t really remember that well but I do remember Jesus being in it. As soon as I saw him I knew it was him he had the most beautiful face. He was trying to tell me something it was like this ” keep trying to win at something”. I asked him again but he didn’t reply.

  19. Reply

    Im a born again christian,i dreamt a catholic brother he married me,with surprice marriage with a 3 piece,we married in their church,he was no my partner,i know him,i take it like my brother, after marriage we going to honey moon were there is a green grass,they say to me no more secret,nd ask me my installment to pay it was a muvelous,sweet,nd enjoying marriage nd i respect him like never before when i see a found he buy me a big touching sreen phone.

    • Ian
    • July 28, 2016

    I want to ask, what i s the meaning of dreaming of performing an exorcism woth someone, and waking up reciting the lord’s prayer? At 3:12am? It was very real, I never thought I was dreaming when suddenly I woke up, most or the times I know of I am dreaming or not, but this time it is different, it gives me chills… Right now its July 29 and im going to turn 24 in july 31, is there a particular explanation in my dream? Thank you, God bless…

    • prince
    • July 18, 2016

    what about a dream where one’s head was aimed to be attacked in different dreams like up to 5 times

    • prince
    • July 18, 2016

    what about a dream where one’s was aimed to be attacked in different dreams like up to 5 times

    • Augustina Oduro Kwarteng
    • July 15, 2016

    I dream of trying to throw away faeces but it splashed on a wall and I later cleaned it up.

    • Jan
    • July 13, 2016

    Hi Doug,

    I dreamed a lion was resting his head on my head and his paws around my waist. I moved his paws. I said The Lion of the Tribe of Judah. So I went downstairs and my sister and a friend of mine were downstairs and my lion came downstairs and my sister rubbed his head. I left the house and was riding my bike, when I ran into a childhood friend, he said your lion is following you and I called the lion big boy here I am.

    • Jan
    • July 13, 2016

    Hi Doug,

    I dreamed a lion was resting his head on my head and his paws around my waist. I moved his paws. The I said The Lion of the Tribe of Judah. So I went downstairs and my sister and a friend of mine was thereand the lion came downstairs and my sisterr his head. I left the house and was riding my bike, when I ran into a childhood friend, he said your lion is following you and I called the lion big boy here I am.

    • Awilda Gonzalez
    • July 13, 2016

    Good morning,
    I just lost my aunt yesterday. As I closed my eyes, i visioned her face, in a close up section, she was vomiting a lot, and then in the midst a snake came out, as I looked on the floor, it was a big pile of dark blood, what does this mean?

    • Eli
    • July 13, 2016

    My boyfriend has been dreaming about one same dream for three nights already! about him walking down a hall and opening a door and going in and its all black and can only just hear a girls scream and he says he also hears someone saying something but he doesn’t know what it is because it’s in another language. What does it mean ? Please help

    • I'kisha
    • July 12, 2016

    What are wedding dresses symbolic of beside marriage , or if you have more than one dream about wedding dresses ?

    • Nix
    • July 12, 2016

    Evening and greetings with Christs love in my heart.
    I woke this morning, just before I was about to get up or as we know the Lord wakes us. I had a dream that felt like a real adventure movie. Also it felt like it lasted the whole night. I can’t rem exactly but when you wake up, you know which dreams are from the Lord, I peacefully woke up. In my dream, I was been chased and I was standing a cement ledge and something was shooting at me but I was moving swiftly away from the bullets and they were also skimming past me but never touching me. There was no fear and I didn’t even know why, I turned and I ran into a church. From the church I was in a car, there were 2 people in there. I never saw them but I felt their prescene cause they were driving, one in the back behind me and one in front. I was lying down between the seats. It was the weirdest dream. I have never dreamt about a church before. I’m not sure what the Lord is showing me but I have the assurance that I am protected. Wondering why I went into the church and why they moved me in a car … Then I woke up. Any light on the above, would be much appreciated. God bless!

    • priyangku
    • July 7, 2016

    I can feel two hands mingling over my body in my dream….I can feel the fingers…even if I can hold on to the hands sometimes…basically them seemed to come out from my bed…they just mingle over my back.

    Sometimes they even drag me and I can feel the exact sensation though I am not really being drageed…but the pain that the fingers of the hands cause pains my body…even just now I wake up from such a dream..this hands are killing my sleep…can anyone tell me how to overcome it?

    • June 29, 2016

    Hi, i dream that almost half of my small square corner room is filled with frozen ice. (in that dream,my room looks so the same in my dream and in real life). Aside from that, I saw a hanging design in my door a small evil-like creature with an elf-ear.. What does supposed to mean?

    After that, I dream again a bad dream that I cant recall now.

  20. Reply

    Excellent web site you have here.. It’s hard to find quality writing like yours
    nowadays. I really appreciate people like you! Take care!!

    • Madison
    • June 21, 2016

    This dream out of all dreams stuck out to me and laying in bed this morning all I could think about was what did I just dream? I need some answers. So in my dream I had a kid, and we were running away from someone, we snuck out of the house and just started running. I never got to see who it was but I just knew I kept saying we have to get away from him. After running the streets and finding what I thought was a movie theatre we went in and it was like little apartments and I remember telling the baby that it can have the rest of my food, and that it had to go to sleep without a bottle tonight. Then I woke up.

    • Miles
    • June 20, 2016

    what does it mean when you dream you in a class with your fellow colleagues?

    • Berna
    • June 17, 2016

    What is the meaning of dreaming about making confession to a priest? After hearing my confession he prayed for me & blessed me with holy water but there’s a black shadow grabbing me. I can’t move nor speak. I pray the “Our Father” but forgot the words. I still continue to pray in my dreams, then in waking time i’m still praying.

    • Ryan hicks
    • June 16, 2016

    I had a dream i opened up a bar it was late at night and when it was closing time their was a blood moon and i wanted to go home to go to sleep when i go out front door of bar theirs a hill their where i go down to leave it has perfect view of the bloody moon and right on top of hill was a young girl black hair white dress white eyes keeping me from leaving she wouldnt talk she wasnt trying to hurt me she just kept getting in my way and when she would idk wtf but it would keep sending me back into my bar and everytime i would go back to leave shes still their and it kept on over and over sending me back into the bar idk what it means

    • Dion
    • June 14, 2016

    I had a dream that I was trying to shoot a charging wolf, I shot but the gun didn’t fire,I tried again but it still didn’t fire,the third time it fired but the wolf bit my hand as I shot it.
    What does it mean?

    • Lisa Shears
    • June 14, 2016

    I have had “prophetic” or dreams of things to come, since I was about twenty, earlier. I’m what I’d consider to be somewhat of an empath, however, my faith will not allow me to try to use this however advantageous it may be, unless I’m directly sent in that direction. I will know when it happens. I haven’t always acted, when now I know I should have, my sister was killed in a fire, trying to save herfour year old, I’d been having dreams and flashes of images for weeks prior to the actual incident. My sister told me three days before “something really big was coming” . We’ve had this happen in our family , other members. I should have acted, when I feel nagged almost by a higher power. I’m having this feeling now about a distant friend. She has a son in a wheelchair, I dreamed he was sitting in front of a hot burning ember yet couldn’t get out of his chair to move it. I dreamed of her, again, just flashes. I found out that he was recently put in a home as they no longer can care for him. I feel I should do something,I’ve asked her to look up the meaning of the dream so she can interpret it in however her situation allows, what do I do, what does this mean. I also dreamed that I was pregnant/more recently, when that is impossible, my tubes are tied and I am not in a relationship. Thank you.

    • Godfrey Gilbert
    • June 13, 2016

    What is the meaning of dreaming that I saluted a spiritua1 leader and asked him to help me improved my situation

    • Leslie
    • May 31, 2016

    I had a dream that I was in a basement and it was like a court but it was me and the person in a room and the judge was behind glass. The person was whining that something bad happened but I told her it was her own fault. Then I looked and the judge disappeared and the woman disappeared and I start walking around the halls looking for people and the lights were going out then someone grabbed me and was holding me tight but not speaking. I was thinking it was a joke and that they were hugging me and I thought it was my husband (because he likes to sneak up on me) but then I realized the person felt more like my ex husband but then I got scared because they weren’t letting go and it felt like something evil was holding me and I woke up and have felt weird all day.

    • Craig
    • May 30, 2016

    Dreamt of perhaps water leaking in through the roof or ceiling. Water was clear to my knowledge. Had a feeling of concern or had to fix. Then went right to a dream seeing the company of family members whom the relationship has been attacked and severed currently. The challenge in dreams for me is determining the relationship between the dreams if any as I go from one to another seen in dreams.

    • Finola roy
    • May 29, 2016

    Recently I had a dream I was with my grandmother in her balcony, suddenly the clouds in the sky began to part forming a beautiful lotus out of it came mother Mary she was carrying baby jesus in her arms,then a white light from above descended and travelled to the heart of jesus which light up immediately the heart was real beaming with radiance,I told my grandmother- “see jesus wants us to know he’s still alive and loves us so much”… ?.. I tried asking my pastor to interpret the dream but I wasn’t satisfied.. Can you please interpret it for me..

    • Makayla
    • May 23, 2016

    I dreamt that I was married to white man and pregnant. I’m a black woman. In this dream I was also happy, the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. Can you tell me what does this mean? Also, I’m open to dating all races but this was my first time having a dream like this.

    • Nancy
    • May 22, 2016

    Dream of trying to swim and bitten by an insect at the end, followed by an elevator were I was struggling to let it stop and went on the wrong floor but eventually got back to the floor I wanted.

    • ness
    • May 21, 2016

    how about, dreaming attending, watching a wedding? and once i was the bride but i dont recognise my partner?

    • Mercy
    • May 10, 2016

    What does it mean to have a harmless garden snake wrap around me without squeezing me, but when I try to take it from around me… it bites me in the back, but it barely hurts. Then my dream switch to having lions in my home. The lions are resting around my home and even the male comes near me and my 1 year old daughter, but does not harm us and goes back to lay down to rest. Yet I’m still afraid of their presence and began to hide upstairs, and have others hide in a room with me from one of the female lions. Still none of the lions are chasing us nor being aggressive. What can all of this mean? I am going back to nursing school to finish up what I had started from having my daughter. I do know I’ve been nervous due to everyone I knew has already graduated. Plus I had adversity even going back from the school itself, but I prayed and God made away. I’m just really trying to make sure I’m in right standings with God for my entire family, because I love God, my husband and other kids…and I don’t want to get out of God’s will for my life nor theirs.

    • Joyness
    • May 4, 2016

    seeing dry fish in a dream.

  21. Reply


    • Victoria
    • April 20, 2016

    Please translate my dream, I always has weird dreams and when i tell people about my dreams they get astonished as i don’t dream ordinary dreams. The dream I had last night was ,I was seeing a woman I know from television who in real life she is a poet and her teenage daughter ( which in real life she has a child but i dont think she has a teenage girl.) in a dream i saw them standing in a front row at a well known church named Rhema which however i dont attend to that church. It was as if i was standing on a stage because i could see them from an angle above, They were both dressed in a modest way but what bothered me was the mother pulled her top up just below her breast showing off her tummy in which I think i kept showing her that she needs to cover her tummy but she didn’t. Behind them there was a wall made of wood. The daughter was just praising not saying or reprimanding her mother as if she didn’t see anything wrong. I woke up but it bothered me.A few days ago I dreamt about my grandfather who had passed on sitting on a bench made of wood asking me to iron his pants he was wearing crease. Point is this was his favourate pants in real life they are brown in colour . This is the first time i dreamt about my grand father after so many years he had departed.I was also his favorite grandchild in real life. What does those two dreams means. I love God with all my heart and I dont want to fall into wrong interpretations and I fear the Lord so much. When I saw this website it was as if my questions are already answered.

  22. Reply

    Please translate my dream. I dream that a spirit wants to enter my body and when i look in the mirror, i saw my face in wacky form. After that, my body feels numb. I grab the ROSARY and pray. After that, the numbness i felt vanished and we transfer to another house because of that incident. What was that mean?

    • jean
    • March 29, 2016

    Hi I dreamt I was at a Holy Ghost led meeting (totally packed)and there was a powerful Prophet who was prophesying and releasing break through….he then asked for me by my full name and surname…. I remember feeling elated…expectant… surprised as I made my way to the front….my own excitement broke my dream…..just curious to know the meaning…..I have been praying a lot lately and calling on God to move in my home….

    • Serena
    • March 23, 2016

    I had a dream that I was riding a crowded train and a preacher placed his hand on my chest and said” you have cancer but you’re going to be ok. Then I woke up.

    • Racquel
    • March 17, 2016

    I dreamt much adult cousin and I who grew up together were riding in tge back seat of a car … she was completely naked … I was clothed … the driver of the car is an Un known male …. the car had my belongings (clothes ) packed up as if I was going somewhere …. and u began to think why haven’t I given my cousin something to wear to cover herself…. I then passed a peaceful waterfall and there was a couple sitting at the waterfall naked …. the driver kept stopping for us to put coolant in … not that the car was over heating but as a preventative … the car was very nice (audi) white … and I thought why did he buy such a nice car that had problems he should hv just bought a good car … also I thought he’s the man why is he not filling up the car with coolant vs. Us women ….

    • Deborah
    • March 16, 2016

    I’ve had a couple of dreams where my late-husband is angry with me. He passed away a few years ago and these dreams are not like him at all. In one dream, he was reading out loud and glaring at me. In the other, he had broken up with me; I saw him later and he did a double take and then turned away from me. Any thoughts?

    • Suzan Gurung
    • March 12, 2016

    “EARTHQUAKE will occur, I saw it in my Dream” i said to my friend and brother. They didn’t believed me. We started talking….. Suddenly, the whole area started to shake. I knew it was an earthquake then i started running screaming Run everyone. I watched the buildings and trees falling. Even the ground where i had stood started going on. I ran to save my Life. I reached to the end and there was no way to go. One of the brother said “we all are gonna die”. Everybody fell down and died but somehow i was saved and then i heard a voice saying “YOU ARE NOT TOO BAD, YOU BELIEVE IN JESUS SO YOU ARE SAVED”. Sin were increasing all over the world and Jesus is upset and hurt but he loves the people of the world so he can’t do anything worse to them so we are forced to do this. Then i realized that i am sent for a reason and i must fulfill it to make God happy.
    I just want to tell you guys that believe in LORD JESUS as your saviour and go tell the world about him. 🙂

    • Amanda
    • March 7, 2016

    Hi, last night I had a strange dream where my mother and I were running away from Satan. We then stopped running and looked back at Satan. He then pointed at me and told my mother that I was with child. The dream ends there. What could that mean? I have been worrying about my irregular menstrual cycle because of a contraceptive I am taking. Any thoughts?

    • Orunmuyi Samuel
    • March 6, 2016

    I was wearing white shirt but very rough, I also wear shoe and the shoe was worn on slippers and the lady I went to meet told me not to come to her like that again.

    • Scott
    • March 5, 2016

    I had a dream last night, where i was traveling and we decided to stop at fresh fish stand. They were cleaning the fish as we were talking all of sudden i was hit by a bolt of lightning but wasn’t hurt, or shocked but the next thing I noticed was the fish stand was now part of a church setting. The fish stand was in front then church was in back of the fish stand. All in one building. Everyone was scared of me after i was hit by the lightning. As we were trying to figure out what happened. I was hit again but it hit someone or thing first then slow motion like transferred to me hitting me i felt a slight shock but not hurt then I looked at my hands and was able to play with the electric blue static coming off my hands for second then as soon as i looked up from my hands things were speed up to regular time and lightning was gone but everyone ran from me and didn’t want to be close so i went into the church in back, then i woke up. Prior to this section of my dream, we were on frozen ocean in the artic.

    • melissa
    • February 28, 2016

    I had a dream last night with evil spirits. The basics of the dream eas i had to save a lady for it to stop. the car was rollidoedown the hill with what looked like a big tree wrpped around it i coundnt save the old lady there were six people in the car and only three survived including myself. What does this mean?

    There wasone other time aswell i was walking home and i had three shadows also ehat does this mean

    • Tracy
    • February 26, 2016

    I had a dream where i had to choose on the day of my traditional wedding a husband from three men who intend to be married to me. the three of them were all fair skinned and wealthy, but one backed out because he found out i had no interest in him. I was confused on ehom to pick till i was awakened

    • Aurelie
    • February 23, 2016

    Any time there’s someone that I normally would see on a daily basis and I haven’t seen them for awhile, they end up in my dreams. That didn’t used to happen, but in the last year and a half, it’s been really common. Usually I see them in person (in the dream, I mean), but just recently I had a dream where it wasn’t in person; instead, I was speaking to them on the phone. Any idea what either of these mean, or is this more common than I thought?

    • Agatha
    • February 22, 2016

    i dreamt that both i and my sister were pregnant and i told my sister that the person responsible for my pregnancy needs a Male child and she replied, ”You will have a male child”

    • ROZ
    • February 18, 2016

    Shalom, I had a dream, twice, first I stole/ picked up money rolled in Ashes, then I lost my money as it fell in a pit as I was picking up the one in Ashes. Second, I saw the ground moving and I run leaving my purse behind and it moved with the other piece of ground as it was moving. I felt worried as I woke up.
    Please help with interpretation

    • Cj
    • February 17, 2016

    Had 3 dreams 1.. Dream of the numbers 3 and 4 being pieced together to form a gun… 2… Dreaming of a demon or devil coming towards me but me rebuking him in the name of Jesus…3… Men chasing me

    • chris sun
    • February 15, 2016

    Had a dream where I woke uo disoriented in the dream and my phone was shattered but i was able to receive a call. Then i saw mysrlf in a car driving while still feeling sleepy and disoriented. I passed a red light and then i hit a goat which landed on the hood but i kept on driving with the goat on my hood, alive and looking unhurt. Then i saw myself on a very narrow bridge, I was feeling sleepy and tired and struggling to stay on the bridge so i don’t fall into the water below. Then I woke up.
    Don’t know what it means. Can you help?

    • Amanda
    • February 15, 2016

    hi I had a dream last night in that dream my husband bought me a new pair of shoes, size 7 black in colour and I was very excited. what does that dream mean?

    • Cece
    • February 11, 2016

    Had a dream of chasing a little girl in white but never saw her face. She was running so fast I couldn’t catch up to her. I was out door in a green hill area the little girl was running down the hill into a road and I was afraid of her getting run over by a car but I saw her afar I saw the car miss her.. then she headed back up on the right side of the hill but that area it had lots of stairs and I can see her running up and there was a huge tree with and eagle of top of it. The little girl jumped on top of the tree branch and I then flew to where she was and when she saw me coming she jumped off and at the point I saw her falling into an abyss and I flew down to get her but couldn’t catch her..then my dream changed and at this point I was in a bed laying down paralyzed with the feeling of something bad happening and I realized I was being raped(anal) by a demon but could see his face but in my dream I said I’m not scared of you and I finally was able to move my hand and push him off and I woke up.. it was so scary cause when I woke up I had the schills and it felt like something bad was in the room. I fell asleep are 12am and woke up at 12:15am. I cried all morning it felt so real

    • bella
    • February 5, 2016

    i keep seeing myself going somewhere, then later i see myself trying to locate the road to where am going nd find out dat there is no road, i can not go back cause i dont know my wayy back nd i cannot go forward cause there is no way

    • kiki
    • February 5, 2016

    Iv had a dream where I’m alone but I’m in an open field and there are wild animals every where…a mother giraffe and a baby giraffe playing. .and a water fountain where I saw gold fairys and I went up to the fountain and the fairy landed on my hand and I could feel my hand start to tingle like as if it really was on my hand…i had know fears of being alone…my first thought was that I was in “my” heaven because I am a huge animal lover..and at that moment in time I didn’t want to leave…so any kind of explanation to this would be amazing

    • J
    • February 5, 2016

    I dream that we was coming out of church service and Mexican looking people start to attack us on the church yard and we was trying to get away. What that means?

    • Varette Baldwin
    • February 4, 2016

    I had a dream that my friends were taking pictures with my fiance. The first one to take a picture with him was my best friend. And she was telling me the order of who took pictures with him.

    • Hlengiwe Mbata
    • February 4, 2016

    I had a dream I was moving in with my ex bofriend and his daughter. In our way to the room where we were moving in we passed the mother of the baby she was preparing a table but they had broken up in reality l asked his daughter in the dream why she was angry she said her father made her angry. I had this dream before we dated and when we started dating he told me his daughter that l saw in the dream died a couple of years back.

    • Bethany
    • February 3, 2016

    I had a dream a few nights ago that I was in our Children’s Ministry at night (I am a Children’s Pastor) and it was my night watch. I clearly had kids with me and was told to watch out for the bobcats and that we don’t know why or where they are coming in from. With that one entered the room. I woke up and have had this in prayer since then. Any thoughts?

    • Oliver Sierra
    • January 29, 2016

    What about dreaming that in driving in the foothills of big mountains and see white goats while driving and houses that had like folding tables stacked outside.

  23. Reply

    What of doing wedding in dream with one’s lover.what does it mean?

  24. Reply

    my love intrest had a dream where she was on a bus, it was pitch black and scary noises were playing and she got really freaked out and scared. she reached inbetween the seat and I grabbed her hand. she couldnt she me but she knew it was me. I dragged her under and I pulled her into a nice, peacful world. I have no clue what it means. am I like saving her?

    • Daryl Smith
    • January 26, 2016

    I’m my dream there was a lady voice behind a wall and she was ministering to me about “Direct DNA Blood” as it was a precious gift.
    While she was speaking I said Amen twice and the dream was over.
    You know the meaning of this dream… please share

    • debbie
    • January 24, 2016

    I dreamed jesus was showing me 3 graves that was open ready for the dead bodts which was wraped in white sheets around them they were line up beside there graves,,which was 3 graves to 3 lines of graves to be bured,,when I woke up it was 3333,,am,,can someone help me understand this

    • V
    • January 14, 2016

    I had a dream last night that I was in a living room with my boyfriends grandmother and Aunt (whom I never dream about). In the dream I was really upset that there was a tattoo on my back that I couldn’t see well but I could feel it was something bad possibly evil and it showed up suddenly. The two woman who are Christians began to pray immediately that the lord take it away. I also began praying then one of them lets me know the tattoo changed into a different version that said something about “Aunt Debbie”. At that point I could even feel the change it didn’t seem as bad but still concerning. They asked me what it meant and if they should pray it away. I said I’m not sure .. And then I woke up…. I just wonder if this means anything

    • Diana
    • January 13, 2016

    Hi, I had a dream a few nights ago and it really frightened me. I dreamed that my family and I were outside the house and out of nowhere these black clouds started rolling towards us but like in between the clouds there was sparks of fire in them, then I saw kids running towards us but just as soon as they were close they would burst into flames. It almost seemed as if there was an invisible wall between us. I’m baffled about this.

    • Kim
    • January 11, 2016

    I’ve had this dream several times or at least a couple I recently had a daughter who got brutally Murdered I don’t dream about her a lot it hasn’t been a full year since she’s been gone but almost. I dreamed today that she was still alive and I was trying to get her and take her To the hospital but every time I would catch up with her she would run

    • Lisa
    • January 11, 2016

    I dreamt I was in Church worshiping the lord and the holy spirit came inside of my body and I felt so peaceful.