Wednesdays at 6 p.m. Pacific Time / 9 p.m. Eastern Time  

The monthly prophetic word is released on the FIRST Wednesday of each month.

During the Spirit Connection episodes, Doug shares a variety of things, including: releasing a monthly prophetic word, doing prophetic teaching, interviewing guests, and much more. 

Spirit Connection airs on Doug's website, Facebook Live, YouTube, and the Doug Addison app every Wednesday at 6 p.m. Pacific Time / 9 p.m. Eastern Time.

The InLight Connection team will be available for live chat with the audience only on the first Wednesday of each month when Doug releases the Monthly Prophetic Word. (Archive videos are below.)

“Changes in the Next 50 Days” – Spirit Connection Webcast – August 2017

Doug announced we are in the final 50-day window of the 24 months of alignment and John 15 pruning time (that began during Rosh Hashanah 2015) to prepare us all for the global great revival. The 50 days start now and go through Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year), Sept. 20–21,…
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“July is a time to fly!” – Spirit Connection Webcast – July 2017

The Gate is now open for love, healing and freedom! On Father’s Day, the Lord said to Doug that He is now revealing Himself as our Father. He is exposing hidden things from our past that have been holding us back and revealing things He’s called us to that we…
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Spirit Connection Webcast – June 2017

New Things in June: Honor, Promotions and Joy! The Wind of Change angel continued to move through Passover all the way to Pentecost. Now things are in place to reap joy for those who have suffered—especially over the next 7 weeks through July 19, 2017. Honor and promotions were released…
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Spirit Connection Webcast – May 2017

“Come out of the wilderness and into your purpose!” Doug shared a prophetic word he got in January that May will be like Psalm 20:1–5—each one of the verses begins with “May” and God is going to answer your unanswered prayers and desires of your heart. The Wind of Change…
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Spirit Connection Webcast – April 2017

“No more delay between now and May!” The Wind of Change angel continues to blow into May, bringing changes from heaven to earth to help us cross over into a new time and season. God is going to position us in unusual ways through unusual people in the next 30–60…
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Spirit Connection Webcast – March 2017

The Wind of Change angel is moving over us in March through May of 2017. This “spiritual climate shifter” blows away negativity and darkness and brings realignments so you can receive greater revelation of your divine assignments. “He makes winds his messengers, flames of fire his servants” (Psalm 104:4). This…
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Spirit Connection Webcast – February 2017

The times and seasons are changing! The Lord told Doug, "It is now due time" for the Prisoners of Hope (like Joseph) to come out of hiding and enter into God's purposes.
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Spirit Connection Webcast – January 2017

Prophetic word for 2017! Psalm 117 is the verse 2017! January–March 2017 is a strategic season where you will see a backlog of blessings and unanswered prayers come to you. We are in DUE SEASON time. A heavenly gate is being opened over the San Francisco Bay Area that will…
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Spirit Connection Webcast – December 2016

Merry Christmas! New and renewed gifts coming in December! Doug honors prophet Kim Clement, who passed away on Nov. 23, and offers perspective from Psalm 116:15. He shares an encouraging word that the Lord is closing the books on the past, and new books are being opened to prepare us…
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Spirit Connection Webcast – November 2016

November is a time of restoration & revelation! Do not focus on the storm! In this prophetic word, Doug talks more about what happened in the Courts of Heaven during Rosh Hashanah through the Feast of Tabernacles in October. He gives encouragement and guidance for how to position yourself for…
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Spirit Connection Webcast – October 2016

The courts of heaven are in session right now! Doug has a special Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) message for you. We have just entered the season when God opens and reviews your personal Book of Life (Ps 139:16; Zechariah 3) to determine spiritual promotions and assignments for the year…
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Spirit Connection Webcast – September 2016

The theme song for September could be “Don’t Worry, Be Happy!” Doug offers loads of encouragement, plus strategies and fresh revelation from the Lord to get through the dark and difficult times (Isaiah 60 & Romans 8:18). He's been through it too and shares what the Lord has shown him…
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